wildfire congtantly manifesting their {advancement of these communities iditure of large sums of money in ac- ~buildins more (iirotmere1re,yltht ""ee"". """""'rP'""-" i'riiii'i'"ii"GGii/ir"itsrtsat.pythb,1,yy,,to a mum places in which. to live." _ "itoset.rai.etr,ttt.t.,tiyr-, iiii'iiriLei-hkhtotrketlrirh" 's,u,e,eiehisriee.etr.e.vih""e mimic Plies-jun Which to live." - ; _ .ugmmraoowv 1he Prizes: AtrOH THE'NAME br Tuscan THIS PAGE pg THE JANUARY &.M,MIObefmndwy-wlm¢h "MNMBIMW .7 .' 'liritiyu-eti"=re-imraiir. , ia,i,diu..ueituiattuoserorrrresi-" P ' 11et.'fttirt,'fa','e,'te,"vl'l"d'rl'd'd2Tel was ri'dyMundelein Desirable (iitilt {olive-1" _", _."' t 1-: INDEPENDENT. ',.-............810.00 THmD.PRizEr--8s.00 in'On. You". Subscription to the C77ir7"'TTTrTlje-_-, 45-... Are Desirable Places in which to Trade and Do Business ll Eli-y) Editor, Libertyville Inde- and sign you: aims to the Emy. nuggtrm. mm oouomom A ------. "I'll-ll -_ mauv- cmzlmnw mmvco as»)?! MIMI. uvmo can. ocuoou or men "mono sumac IV mum con-yams. EFFICIENT SERVICE OF FINANCIAL CHARACTER _ f' a ."&.' "Ge. F RIO." ..cc, /iii'ot . ... -..._ , . Communities Are _ Desirable For Residence ML!" . ".V."Ni. -7.--.7 -_ __ AmzleVI NATURAL SURROUND!!!" vacuum To LARCI CINTIIO A Progressive State LIBERTYYllULllif fd,','l',Lt, B A N K ce-tEditornotuur traPqYAL,AKtt mam» Because the Babies Aré Pretty, "taithful I. OFFIIID " IICAUII OF 3333-05" TAX "no Co- Operation) The future of Libertyvillo and Mmdelein and our own vroevairi ity as cloudy linked together- It is out aim to give "rrviee in, .mlying'the bomb-builder with. everything needed in It May Be Because otiiia-tyvnie's and Mundeein's Splendid Schools ii Call Telephone 50 and we will be pleased to kin my inforinatioo along this line, and heh, you out with your b1tj1slirterobJerms 33,.'m Etlt1LEBRECHT _ . & RITTLER W. F. Franzen, Jr. 139 J. M. McKitrick TRUCKS . I TRACT ORS Building Material _ . . T Groperies AUTHORIZED DEALER - " 'l Libertyville, Ill. idem; Ill 'r, iczqtylvanpre than a. ssletqyttef/ ' . , - 1ashettj, aet,tyj,sei,f,,?? 't"ht T _ 1 a i";:e:1.....;Wi can'ge used or removing dust and dirt, qdiekly and thordughly, from upholstery. Mons. tufted mattresses, cumms. draperies, mouldings, radiators. pianOs. &c. and Promising or the Courtesy of Libertyvllle or Mundeleln Business Men Phone 64 Libertyville, Illinois . cc NORMAN u APEX ELECTRIC SUCTION "The Naborhooci Store" . 2hINh9 "UV" 'T"" W" Doenm Inwrunce "(my 124 Church St. Telephone508_ A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE Lu... -a2i"at'l!"""'-irvve -. as II It May Be Bécause of the Splendid Transportation Facilities of Both.' I'.- caocamss SMOKED MEATS FRUITS CANDiES , . TOBACCO AND CIGARS '. C. NORMAN "itus Brothers Oneoftheveryhestsitesforehome inthis favored section. Located in the Village of Mundelein, only two blocks from the new North Shore Line Station, to be erected this coming spring. A lot bought NOW is sure to in. cmse in value. We will be glad to show you over this Subdivision. Western Slope Subdivision Mundelein Land Association - - MADDEN BROTHERS, Agents A LOT CAN tie BOUGHT AS'LOW AS {u "9IF'CUT FLOWERS trt LAKE COUNTY - iiuvhoL.. Residine 1734; Office zoo. Libertarvi1U, "Gay It mm 3hnters" with Home" grown by Kohout Flower Growers WRITE US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION -. _ ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! Saturday, Jan. 16, 1926 at 6 P. M. A SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER WILL BE SERVED $1.50 Per Plate Shops at Libertyville WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THE VIRGINIA CAFE 19.0.91.) HOMELCQQKING. ' ' , CLEANLINESS AND GOOD SERVICE n TRIAL WILL" CONVINCE TELEPHONE 174-J _ WE WILL DO THE REST 140 s. Durham St., Chicago. 608 N. Milwaukee Ave., Collins & Dime Company M undelein, Jliltt6ls Monuments and Mausoleiims _ Building Stone CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Our Motto Will Be: J Ct r-. JANUARY, I a, 1939 and Educational. Facilities "YOU SAID somammcml' , THIII All mun vnf t-tRTatey tom I " common In "LEtrTt$" an mount. mum: . and Sycamdre,'ll.linoia 1' ". l ism iifiii"i'auGiuuiiirist: C','-.,.' state Bank ofjlismieieisi' If "rttelt'e" ONLY sue" "I'AIII. "NOON - ITAND PIMIININ'I' I" "I "IL" 0' Boehm Insurance Agency TILI'HON' m m M. I|mAUKu Atf& L'..m.LL' AID WHICH III'OND I" TN. "an" MRI! To ALL I..." "cumulus". WWI" V09 "JV-IMAM Mom w: OPEN oust mourns " max. um aw non-17mm. was w; TALK A000? um coon Town or cu... m [VIIV won w: urns u A noon to: "at, on; to an: no cannon To mucous nus" . . TALK "our can emu", nut ABOUT out mounmu. "AH' won BAttt "IITHINO'. "MundeUin is our Town: . . Lot's Boost It!" l INSURANCE AGENCY n ie ma may"? a: not can Manda!" ein, Illinois I . , T.rfea'F :C"- __ __ . -1." _ 4"" man": no "-an . I CASUALTY "new LIFE INSURANCE i347