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Libertyville Independent, 11 Feb 1926, p. 20

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tS 0"( 18 ehthe old 4 Mew York, Feb. 10.--William Mit-- Cl Chell, suspended army colonel, will > open -- his public campaign tonight .+ »-- Rot un aviation service uncontrolied n t MITCHELL OPENS CAMPAIGN TONIGHT refer to are $P1 turni cauliflower, peas and auu. T?e' ~ Arst night_serve them plain with .. Dbutter, sat= and. pepper and on the second night cream the re-- Immerse the silverware until tarnish is removed. Then rinse in clean, warm water and rub dry with a cleas soft cloth. Be ~sure cloth is free from dust, ---- Rub windows with cloth dipped in _ alcohol. ill?t)lisla with _ dry cloth. They will shine brilliantly and be practically frost proof. I'!' is most convenient and prac-- tical to cook again as many of certainvegetables as can 'be used in one meal The vegetables I the second night, cream maining vegetables. Mousse is an ideal dessert for every class and occasion. It is also good and_easy to make. It is esgecially~hige for:she winter months: < : > 1O f6e--0--f-- Method: Just whip yqur cream stiff. Add sweetening and fiavor-- ing. The flavor can be of the bottled or canned variety. . When pineapple or any fruit is usec the y'atter or ~dish. should be gar-- pished with the fruit used with pessibly the addition of a cherry. ~_* Tess Wiagous . AVE your in a S nameg A?'m'. o€ course, useful for the service it is made for But why not make it more useful? Here ase few added uses for your tea cart _ Here is a simple cleaning method recommended by spme of the best jewelers: -- C : ~ J den. When kept up it is cer-- tainly a dressy addiuoh,to any buffet, ~ ;?hble service or th:t":ln' room. e only &hma e-- tracts tpu, silver is the job of keeping It viean. ©=*««~----«--------* To Clean Windows It is diféicult to clean windows in the winter time as water freezes so quickly. A way out of this difficulty is to dip a clath in keroscne and rub on windows. SH(\ES are a most important .part 6f a person's attire. Ia fact, 1 have heard it said many tmes that "onme can always tell i gemlemtan by his shoes." Be that as it may. Lere are a few 1. Use cart to carry things to and from kitchen in prepar-- 1 t & When washing windows on inssde, place necessities on tea.cart and wheel from _ ¥indow 19 window. 3. Use#t for 4 mending table. Stack clothes on tes -"dl that "::"m n .; the we & been n:onM«! in room or onto --porck or 16 any convenient spot is# ts HOUSEHOLD HINT& HOVUVSEHOLD HINTS Maple Cocoanut Creams HOUSEHOLD HINTS Frost Proof Windows can of cogoanut (Southern style). COOKING HINTS wh The work of cleaning days can be lightened by using tea cart to hold supplies Keep shoes clean. Always wipe light colored shoes clean with a clean cloth after each wearing. Place on trees and put away care-- fully covered a% to To gJea. Tan shoes: Wash tin sho--« with warm water and castile soap. Let them dry ang then polish in usual way. To _ remove g}uu from suede shoes. his works especially well with candle :{ruk spots _ Place niece of brown wrapping paper over grease spot -- Hold warm iron Oovrer the patr. The spot will be absorbed in this way. COOKING HINTS How To Cook Rice the care of shoes to _-- RATIFY BELGIUVM DEBT. Brusseia, Feb. 10.--The chamber of depuoties today ratified (he debt agree a ledure to be Gelivered in Car negie hall. Col. Mitchell said today he plann-- ed to tell the "inside story" of American -- aviation in a #ertes of «peeches which will carry him 'to Roston and the New England States. through the middle west and then to the Pacific coast. . syrup and cream 'until it forms .a seft ball in cold_ water. ~_Let stand :'xlmil.;:ol. Then bc:; and gradually add gocoanut and cut up marshmallows (if "desired). Beat until candy becomes cream'y and foo thick to stir. Eit'.er pour on --buttered pan or with a tea-- spoon drop preces on ciled paper or buttered platter. A pretty platter laden with spaghetti cooked with tomato, cheese, and mushrooms and sur-- l'mm_dg with juicy ,r.o_un*steak meat bails is most attracti¥e and appetizing. _ * Mcthod: -- Cook :pa!hflti in boiling salt water, and a little oniom -- When done drain off water. Mix tomato soup well with spaghetti_ also pieces of green pepper. Use double boiler and keep warm until ready to serve. g':ithtt mix mushrooms with spaghetti or use as garnish. ARiter spaghetti is on platter sprinkle hiberally with grated American cheese. Surround with meat ballss which have been quickly cooked in butter. Method: -- Cream butter and sugar together,~ ~Add yoiks of eggs well beaten. Add the flavor-- ing and last add the egg whites beaten stiff. -- Date And Orange Salad This makes a nice combination for a winter salad.. Arrange Bflti{y and serve with --French ressing. . .} 3 2l ycz i ue Tree Cake _This can be made in one long piece or, when cut, it can be as small tree cakes. -- 4 egg yolks. -- . --3 tablespoons of cold water. . 1 teaspoon of --vanilia. 1 cup of sugar. ~1}, tabtespoons of carn starch,. j '%_m's of, flodr. ° heaping teaspoon ol baking & . Wwder. sfo_ :,'x&:_ :salt. --4 egg whites 1 envelope of gelatin. 4 cup of cold water. * 34 cups of cauned tomatocs. Little onion. * * ~~Little celéery. iC C & . "" * _ --Faw gritns db--enyennt z> 3 1ablespoons of vgegar. : Method: Soak gelamun in cold water a few minutes Mix all :bar ingredients CIC?\I vinegar. 15 minutes . Add vinegar and Cissoived gelatin. _ _ 1 traspoon of vanilla. . Wfl of baking powder. «> > Men-- buttcr--and --sugas. Aad beaten ¢gg%t.~"Aat noar and baking powder, _then milk and favoring. Last add <the raisins drédged with flour. Pour in in-- dividual molds and steam for 1 hour. Serve warm with foamy sauce. P al Tarh inté hrg: mold or indi-- videal molids« rve on lettuce kaves Garnish with egg and green pepper. Cider is a good substitute for brandy and wine in cooking. Ci-- der is nice to serve for sefresh-- ments. Cider is a healthky drink. It can be bought in cans and opened when needed. Eggx Substitute In the winter months when egegs are high, try adding a table ~F Xup . Areesem 00 ~ 1 cup of maple syrup. _ ... Methst * ToAE ther «dgir. This is a danmdy winter salad: 2 cups of shreddet cabbage. 1 small green pepper (cut up) 1 cup of chopped pranut« . Mix lightly. Biend with French dressing. . Foamy Sauce 4 cup of butter. ' _ 4--eup of powdered> sugar. 3 eggs. Vll'lfill. BAKING HINTS Cinnamon Rolis ° Handiul of sugar. Level teaspoon of salt, 3 Ta--«sid it mds COOKING HINTS Peanut and Cabbage Salsd A Good Luncheon Dish To prevent new shoes from pinching. Lay a cioth moistened in bot water across place presture is fekt. When cloth becomes cool change it In this way the leather shapes itself to the A heip10o keep shoes water proof. Rub bees--war or mutton suet around boots and shoes. To prtserve kid shoes. Rub patent leather shoes with a 11ttle petroleum jelly at nig) In the mo 'nmuz, wipe off shoes and poli gently. Tomato Aspic Jelly BAKING HINTS A Cider Hint vall aiscran . '[Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes ond other Household Hittsr you would '| like to ask 'Betty W ebster--adgress luv.'oalw'gj-l'uf paper.y < .: (q»'-fiu. 192% by The Bounct--Brown a--~. 14 exegacp: o+ <naal s -- <=z~ [Resders, Note: 1f *n huve m questions comt ecipes other . Houscho'd flm you moaid tike to ask Betty W ebster--address her in caore of this paper.] 'COM"M br The lo;-o-'u- Core desired number of apples Ful each cavity with brown sugar. Place a piece of butter on top of each apple. Alace apple inotah ma pes. Surround apples with water to i4 inch depth _ Add¢ more wfiar in water to make i syrup. ake in moderate oven. Serve cither plain or witk whipped cr+am. _ _ Method: 'Peel onions or par-- 'Ia'll. v:. slightly _ saited "l:t; e x Butitred haking dish. _ Bake _ _ spoon eof vinegar with a level teaspoon of soda dissolved in it Method: <~Mix dry ingredients as for bigcuits Moistn with sour miilk Roll out about one fourth of an inch thick _Spread with melted butter. _ Sprinkle well waoth sugar and cinnamon. Roll and eut in slices 4{ of an inch thick _ Lay down on. flat side and sprinkle with some more melted butter, sugar and cinna-- mon. Bake in a hot oven for 20 to 30 minutes Makes about 1i rolls Put on tog'of bottom o roasting pan to bake. with melted butter Ruy "animal" crackers Melt sxect chocolate in a double boiler. By use of dipping forks dip "animal" crackers into choco-- late. The children will love these ch.colate "animals." 12 Log Cabin Sandwiches Butter slices of dark brown bread. Place :::recb« as sand-- wiches. Cut sandwiches in strips. Pile nr'?t on plate criss--cross in folm:l of logs and serve: with sala « [Readers, Nete: If you have any qumoz: concermmng Recipes and other Houschold« Hints yow would hke to ask Betty Webster--address her in care of this paper.] [Readers, Note: If you have any questsions concernng Recapes and other Houschoid Himts you would hhe to ask Berty W oebster--address her in care of this paper.] (Copyright, ®®, by The BosasaBrown Cor porstion, &up) .-- "nf: . 1 tablespoon oéf warm strong coffee. * . 1 egg white. -- . Mcthod: -- Cream butter and part of sugar. Add coffee slowly and mix continually.: Belit egg white sniff..-- Add remaining sugar. Mix altogether thoroughly. If necessary add more sugar. custard over all Bake 30 utes. 3 eggs. * 1 scant cup of sugar. 2 cups of milk. Mcthod: Butter baking dish. Put layer bread broken up, in baking dish then layer of apples Alternate bread anz apples until dish is nearly full. 'Fgcn pour custard over all Bake 30 min-- oven and lay on cheese cloth. Remove paper and spread cake with a butter frosting. Roll cake up.. Wrap cheese cloth around it to hold it in shape. When cool frost with remamin:k frostini. Decorate or run fork throug trosting to resemble a log. Method: Beat egg yolks and watet {ugether umd wery light, batt {Copright. 1P2%, by The Boansd--Brown *« _ Lorporsion, Chicago) 14 cup of unsaited butter. 1%4 cups of sifted confectioners ment between Belgiam and the Unit-- ed States by a rote of 115 to 6. "Wild" Indians Passing There ars not today in North Amer lca any wild tribes of Indians. In parts of South Americs, notably the forest reglons of the Amnmzon, there are tribes of Indians whichk have not yet reached any degres of civilizatioh Scant cup of sour y hnd . n 203 mds N + Ton it 2 WPPE T ie ¥ Arraptr g ) o~aig v ies # 4w n «*. Bread, 6 slices Apples, 4. Custard. -- your cake batter instead of vder COOxXING HINTS BAKING HINTS Chocolate Animals Bread Pudding sprinkled Custard af sriF * ce hom td Ad. __Church Gets Old Bell -- 'The famous old bell brought around Cape Horn in the rarly '00s and used as a fire bell in seneral Allen's time at Vancouver barracks at Vancouver, Wash., has been converted into a church bell to eall worshipers fo the tNorweglidn Lutherans church in "Yar |couver. The bell being of careful | casting is more musical than the or-- j dinary ringer used in fire stations, is believed.. ad the. The name "Triangular Trade route" was applied to the route from the Unit-- ed Stites to the West Indfes ; from The West Indies to Europe; and from Europe to the United States The mainland shipped food and Inmber to the West Indies; the West Indies shigped --sugar «products to Europe; Made by the flnlnnm of Murano, where the art has descended from fa-- ther to son for several hundred years, are beautiful. glass beads almost like Jeweis in their delicacy and coloring. These form necklaces which are worn by the woman of {@shion, 5 Cold--blooded animais are those (mostly of the vertebrates of classes below birds) whose body temperatures f they ~Tive. --Warn--bidoded --ant-- mals are thosg, such as birds and martmmais, which have a relatively high . and constant body temperature, usu4-- ally considerably above that of the surroundinz med'cm. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 10.--Caught under a falling wall, five fremen were hurt when fire early today completely destroyed the Calvary Baptist church, near the state capi-- tol. . The loss is estimated between $250,000 and #$00,000. : s An explosion 'caused by soft coa!l been done since the automobile. was Inveated than in any previous--périod of similar duration in the world's hiz tory.--Ohlo State Journal. FIREMEN RURT IN COLLAPSE OF WALL _ Our progress, remarkable as it is is unfortupatel# along scientific and mechanical rather than moral lines, 2 u. commibinetie w wmnatn'" -- m Warm and Cold--Blooded Where_Progress Limps These Beads Like Jewels Triangular Trade Route / Oak, Walnut and Maple, priced as low as $14.95 Upholistered Seat and back. Loose Spring Cushions, Gray color Fibre all for Buffet, Table and 6 Chairs, Gen« vnine Walnut Veneers, American or French Walnut flpish. -- lar value $135. _A cash purch#@se of 12 of these Suitts make this prite pbssible. Begins Tomorrow. Immense Purchases Just Received Which We Bought For Cash Together With Items From Regular Stocks Means A Great Saving To You. * + in Arfiolga Held For Future Delivery SBensation of Dining Room Values 8--Piece Suite dn y D 7. o +AMRRK ... mnongnncnmraticfie / Odd Chiffoniers Sun Parlor Suites 25 Different Suites % 38--Piece Tapestry $49.50 $79.50 Aunt Sargh, where's Katy? and Auat Sarah said. 'Why, Katie 'I&#n't borned yet.' "--Boston Swat 'Em! Fifes® are the carriers of at least 30 different disease organisms and pare-- sites. . Nature's Inexorable Law Friend after friend departs; who hath not lost a friend? There is no unlor hbere of bearts that fAnds not here an end. --Montzomery. In Gréece there are still remngnots | 'The oldest l;i;::tyl'n the New of a city that was a famogs wateting ,'.Vom.]m &m 3 _ Ban Mar« fih%. l?nf Wi'n"tfo'muu era. | cos of . ui'%ru.vh%nsm It is the town of Odipos and the em--| in the year 1551, and is still one of the perors of Iome went there to take| most famous schools in South Amer-- suiphur baths ~and --rests. The. bolilt-- | lca. © s 5. mendAe Prbrs r:': u.::'c z. ',.,,,4,,.,, ' the crevices @-- and-- M +' the buildings are still apparent. : TDQ@] . )n uo work is ..:'MWT.":u true streets of the little village are bor-- _ n dered on each side. with strenm®# 0) There 1, something of arvinences. Ja" hot 'u'pb-' _'""' w *I har wids am tha anrth has Ito annmmls Honey a V egetable ._ 'The' Department of Agriculture says that honey is a vegetable product. 'The fiuld Is taken directiy from the flowers. The bee adds epzymes which hbave an effect upon the sugar content of the honey, but the fAnal result is still a vegetable. it pay.-- a wrong motive, nor sensible of do-- ing one without intending to make Unfortunate Man The most unhappy man on earth is the human that is neither capable of receiving a favor without suspecting The origin of the game of whist is very obscure, but under its old name of trlumph It was so generally under-- court that he had shot at the wrong person. Bubsequenty he wus re leased snd will now be able to put the matter right --Tondon Opinion. To Correct a Mistake . Awnmmhonfid Beautiful Three Piece Over--Stuffed Suite $129.50 Choice of Jacquard and Cut Velours Loose Springfiled Cushions Guaranteed construction. Regular $175.00 value. Mdhbfllflhfltflhfl]' with every Suite. -- _ 50 Different Suites Priced to $495.00 Old W atering Place Ancient Lard Game W $18.00 $15.75 $11.25 Seamless Axminster Rugs, 9x12 Bize, choice of pat-- §' terns for only ... $ 9'85 Brussels Ru%zs, 9x12 Silé, Seam-- less, all wool, * . e $ 4'95 Defy water and wear, Waxed back --They lie flat. _ nnocmmnrra¥itay seiemecsir vevomean i n ntediernnanimemby 2030 Kn w --spulee Lake County's Largest Rug Stock . Bird's Neponset Rugs Or18 . ..... Ox10%¢.. bo Sacredness of Work -- _ ~ *1 = an true work is sacred; in all true ; work, were it but true hand4abor, "*] there is something of divineness, -- La-- *] bor, wide as the earth, bas its summit QUVU ALITY --AT> LO W <CosTt America's Uidest University $14.95 Libertyville Garage LUCE & EARL,. Props. .. for Economical Transportation Genuine Walput, Hugenot fin-- ish, Full size Vanity, Bow Foot Bed and Dresser. This is a reg-- flar $140.00 value, _ -- P w on mt uty uies Bedroom Suite Value 4 The farm population includes 80 pet > J cent of the total population of tha" United States, has 22 per cent of the total natfonal wultb.udnmm_& * | gent or k RiOioyal _ IMromk . ~ ... g _ .=0 1 Dentist's daughter (anzions to ex-- © plain --presence-- of~young-- man)--"Ob,---- Robert, darling, here's father coming, j Quick! You'll just have to say | you've come to have a tooth out,"--s .. Boston Transcript. ; [ [ Elevated ovénAlcazrar Ranges on Sate at-- §$39.85 If you will need a new range look over our selection. Com-- bination coal. and Gas, also Gas Ranges reduced for this All sizes,. ro for this sale to 100 Cotton and Pelt Mattresses $99.50 Farmer's High Position -- > Every Item Guaranteed Libertyville, roll edge, reduced and Universal rur F 3c y T5 srdats $6.95

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