?I e So--mm"'wum' o Moge > Rivcaca. CT ELA AEmuuuss BF We atimas.cmme c <~--~~ ~----"Conservacy District" Cover ve k 4* movemenis to eliminate poliution $ fionc-h. construction of sewage trea-- ie Poiintion, _ Data * complied ; 4 3 rmuhumb"m-howuut" on on increasing ~pollution ot #waters / , ~_ ~~~~* es ~aroused ~the --pubtic <to support-- 2 eem dn 20000 NCP agpages ies > .o crun . Ay ganized the distrtctwill sloct a board sz 40 " VPARIRE ol this proposed district, Brandon says, "Under the provisions "m"'l."lnu!dtk'hu»_uu of ons 'mile on each side of the Foxr river from Ottawa, II1., to the Wiscon-- sin line are orgunizing themseives in to a conservrancy district. When or-- * -'_.__A_;n_tmu_ Shows Way. mmmuseives inlto a bservancy dis Mndnlih'b-flrl:'thm of sewagke treatment plants, and gen-- eraily govern conditions contributing to increased pollution . Rodney H. Brandon of Mooseheart, one of the leaders in the movement cites the Fox river conservancy dis-- triect as an example of what can be Bas some of the most contaminated streams in the country, but not un til 1925 did the state provide a means of combating the menace. The 1925 legisiature passed a law 1nme 1920 legisiature passed a law providing for the establishment of conservancy districts. Under this law areas adjacent to streams can form If will, but buy therd and keep this really wonderful herd here to bd"ofld up the far and wide reputation they will give to our county Those desiring to buy on time can mak« arranzements for bankable mnotes (6% interesat). Six months time given on all amounts over $50.00 Herd under State and Fedorat Supervision f . Lunch Will be Served by a Society at a Nom-- inal Charge. Sale Under a Tent. A Great - Crowd is Expected. * pPFaxammily Cvery stream was now polluted.. The only definition that #ould be applied was the degree of of this berd ot 55. incivd shbould leave Lake «~~;; berdé--you know the ide the care and always my "IFrue Tyrpc" is what we a! wan production and health You are Some striking facts have beeu mnm: recently through in-- ' of national organizations | Interested in water purification. The | haas 2. 17 ,RTI--_Tn0 --OT THP . fecliveness --of the--pian and ~believe most remarkable instances of AD that under it the state can go far in t spontaneous awakemfing to im--| eliminating the obnoxious conditions minpent danger is seen by authorities | that now exist and which are increas-- in the general move" to clean up the | ing at an alarmnig ratée each year." mation's sources of drinking water. ' Last year the movement gained re-- Wtcz mercecis 4 e09® io mamr sn «; QBCERVE 6( YRC_ While health authorities for many years have been working for cleaner 0F WEDDED Lll:E sources of drinking water it was not o R ' until recently that the public became -- P L " ing Mio frea Both Sides of Is Being Planned. COMPLETE DISPERSAL! FARM SOLD! Considering BREEDING, TYPE, PRODUCTION I will sell the Best Herd (55 Head) of Pure Bred Holstein Friesians owned by one . Breeder in the Middle West. FOX RIVER DISTRICT UNDER LAW OF 1925 UBLIC _ Auction FRANK T. FOWLER ~ BUY ON CONVENIENT TIME into VILLA-- :+;> _:--;-- ILLINOIS _-- an on n omedirencmmmnommmmangecas 8 erd sires and 6 royally bred buil c ou dairymen of this co'inty kno k _ of their original purchase. and of owynership coupled with royal breeding, high getiing the idea'! foundation animais. of | | a sixtieth wedding m'zrv:mn by _ a former Waukegan couple: ¥ | _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Myron J Brown of |Osceola recently celebrated the six-- J_t'!eth anniversary obftheir wedding. )| "Much attention is being focused upon the Fox River district and if the ~| ulan proves _success, --other -- districts . ] now forming, will progress rapidly. Already, the IIlinois river, the Rock river, the Sangamon river are being copsidered for organization under the new Brandon plan. --.."We have great._hopes for the \et-- |\ _ _A dispatch from Osceola, Neb., to ; day contained . the {ollowing item ; with referencse to the observance of Oof trustees which will have power to compel cities to-- build treatment plants and to generally supervise the purity of the waters within that dis community sewage comei supervision of this board. Industrial wastes as well as my the Schanck Hdwe. Company As long es he chose jail in prefe -- ance to paying for the support of'his children and wife he will get the' tui} benefits of the county bastile. | Berz:io had been in court Thursday and was asked if he would pay the For his stand he drew sixty days in the county jail, and those sirty days wil--not be--one--round of pl-l- ire, it is hinted. f ence. J. Bez::io of Waukegan: Friday an-- nounced in the Cirouit court'that he would not pay back alimony amount 'ng to $170 to his divorced wife, Fior-- _ The Heating Men Who Satisfy JAILMAN BECAUSE HE WOULDN'T PAY | UP BACK ALIMONY: tohn' Bezzio Maintains Stub-- born. Attitude and Gets 60 Days for Contempt. 'Cnlrl; iHuinge_ LIBERTYVILLE We Also Specialize in Sheet -- -- Metal Work gineering Service, which l;npl;e--o no ob-- ligation. save you money every year you oberlte it, 0_ =~ Having bought a quantity of Rudy Fur-- naces at a low point in the market, we can quete you the finest furnace job on the market at a very reasonable price. The Rudy ha's the smoothest, best fitting castings, and is excelled by none in point of fuel economy. A Rudy will A.vail yom:elf _of the Rudy Heating En-- ON IMPROVED FARMS 5 and 5 1--2 per cent FIRST NATIONAL BANK MONEY TO LOAN C .;Qqught to Your | Acvantage ! attitudo; Adentity." at Fox Lake. i l k. 'are Baliff J. D. Doyle rapped thée man to ellence, and a moment later a} most jumped the--rail-- to take kim to jail. 2 -- In Argentina there is a -- mational Anger--printing luw, and as a result the 10,000.000 or more Inbabitants areall recorded by this aystem.. It is this regulstion which makes Argentina the ane cJuntry in the worlu, it is said, Bezz:io would listen to no propo.i- tion on . payment, apparently 'having his mind well fAxed. -- * n0 Decame morte determined snd toid that his doughter had been --to a party at Fox Lake. _ that be put little stock in his wite's faithfulness, but was out short by the court in his address, . Thursday he was released and told to appear next morning. He was giv-- en the 'Axtra day to think things over, and probably get a lawyer so at to receive . some . good.advice.....Instead would go to jail before he gave money to his wife and children. 'He added ige of Rudy Fur-- he market, we irnace job on onable price. st, best fitting . by none in A Rudy will r you operate y Heating En-- j mplies no ob-- | ~ | + = mrs }| e in Sheet | rk | ho Satisfy l #0000eresane00000000000000000, All Are may not ione his or her ILLINONS 3y V Wikt «/4 * hk The Matterborn, the famous moun-- tain in Switzeriand, is slowly wasting awary. On an average day in thawing weather, bundreds of tons of fme dirt, clay and rocks silde down the moun-- + "Think how low the recent re-- f * brings the cost of a fully f L what for Chev-- . t caome -- 2. R s any other car in the world. Coupe 645 2 e o s l Coach -- -- -- 64G§: _ Remember that Chevrolet s w "e _ e _ & m ¢ 4 qnm 'M' & M P 4 Ton Truck 395 /' "loon tires on closed models, "1Ton Truck g5a / _ Duco--finish, Alemite lubrica .d'krhorn Wasting Away im ~ en x " * Touring -- --sS§10@ y Roadster -- -- 510 * ~Coups <--~/-- bask .>* fCoach -- -- -- 644 o U A L I T Y Telephone 628--M--1 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. T es Watch This Ad Change Weeakly AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Smile At Fate? Why Not? _ I Carry American Motor Underwriters Serial No Sa 1 ie y' Make qf Car Address My Insurafhce expires W. M. Mason, DMst. Mgr . M + American Motor Underwriter, Prairie View. IN LDear Sir Therefore, is it not to ym Auto Insurance now, rat} such incidents as are me type--no second thought ASK ANY OF OUR POLICY HOLDERS. GET IN C TOUVCH wWiTH US NOW A cold day, sleet, ic gres a wheel. Or-- with another car. Fire or loss of vyo L a b Plint, Mich. . M. MASON, Dist Mer. not to ynur advantage Mr Motorist to invrest a few dollars i ye y Libertyville Garage yL wgzyavum., Pnp.z car by theft a V e Phoae 154--M is nce Date ments Y f Inswrance of al kinds Chas. D. Proctor han in risk the loss bf hundreds of doliars through d above* Indeed, if you're of the foresighied s«Ary in answering that questfon. D. Year onr car skids. Hits the curb. Cra«h' There ito the same fix trying to avo'id a coili¢ion i of Fate might be added the possibilily of »Type of Car Jor ZEcenemiceal Transportetion Now more than ever before, other features essential on a modern motor car. L O W CO0O § T Motor No 192 riy t 2#oriiRe"~ m