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Libertyville Independent, 18 Mar 1926, p. 12

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ft ril'ifi, i.iiitriarrcy - _ Pj?/atet.!P.it_., his _mter'es?rututie it'lgQ1%1't1'2ttt y "i" m;,3§*a~mW4WW¢m - '2'i'2i'itiu'li Blt,f, . . attacking the two high school girls is containing new for a Lake I 'tii'iy LTP, L"-'-""" T"" Cotmtpsg'ie-w Memento: two mandating auclLtxhargeuh tut: ; f a , heard of here. I Cdming as it dots after that Michigan case yehere. . [fi;,'-',"',""-"':"') - W. 49.1.29"! my)??? lift for . turmiinr offeree, M new Ir, r'r's':icttl _ - pmon it"tiabrg to gym Lakeioiiiity jury "iiiii"iiinirdrd {at}: _ try _iiii'C . . yin". Suchis not the case for .rhen' the Michigan verdict came 'tlit',! t ' . Out the local jury was under guard and did not get a chance-to' ti u, {a ', ' _ read the Michigan verdict. Therefore they acted solely oy the evi- 'rr), . ' deuce and-"on their own judgment. So it's that much mor"e to their !s'aitriis"y' w",;.'" ' ' credit, that they were hot infhterteed by the result in some other 4,!,6 _ ' . case-they did it themselves. without outside knowledge or in- al, i,r.: _ .rr fluence.'l't was a pretty stiff sentence-hut the crirne was a mighty r"', re" '. ' , _ atrocious one also. Perhaps a few stiff verdicts in these terrible tar. . -' \ 'Wcrimca here and elsewhere aar hav, a tendency 30, persuade-ot-i 5'9"» T a, : iuadeiwiirseiiir"e careful for hardy! new freedom may may TT'. '" 7 i be terminated when 'real, red-blooded' men get on.a jury. I ., . '~~~~ -9mrBrmiaiittigtrigrApri1, Wheat?" state itrehe mt _ / ' ' not: to give' a popular expression on this vital issue. It is evident that the people of Illinois are overwhelmingly Aainst the wo,rld court or any other foreign entangling alliance. _ - lf they vote in the smith-tmt-r Senatorial primary as they feel . . on the great American issue, Col. Smith will he nominated for Un- , I . _ -ited States Senator in April bra tremendous majority. He should be because of his stand on this vital question and in addition he . has high quaiitirattoo for the office of United States Senator.-. . . Chicago American. . , An " L - . "lumen you" nic'fot dam" is laying whkhluated about eonsiderattly I in! - "o-the atogan new seem-$0 be , in Nathan and MW just now "Make the town safe for yoGk women: make conditions guch that they can go out on the 'After a year's study the National Industrial Conference Board has issued, the statement that for every dollar of national income received by persons in 933251; activities the farmer. sairs the report. receives lens than so cents. V l . Sixty per cent of the (when mcome depehds on world condi- tions of supply. demand and costs. which are out of his control. Overhaul capital con: including all taxes and interest charges of {The hang it den: United States Senna: William B, Me. Kinky voted for thttorid court of the league of nations; Colonel _ >The litipmiRepubiican Senatorial primary " 'trt' h world court reure"dtyn/ute.. result of which will be received with deep interest Wm}: America. ' C . ' ', _ . 'tmet and be m: m brutal attack: and the culprit get any trso--give the npist'LIFE TERMS and then the country may be we "on them." T L)tirhiiitiiie Independent use County Independent d Waukegan Weekly Sun (MO-bi" l-'Llhlldh Nathan-Prion UALI'I'Y THE ILLINOIS PEOPLE WILL HAVE ' 'I '. "rrrEnt SAY. FACTS FOR THE FARMER LIlBERTYvllL1,E GARAGE . Whine-month" mam-Am with balloo- that. 'Jld'au1'fd.t= more body. Duo huh. o-uce W whsdotueu, Ale-kc 1"!»ch and oet-tiuutomoaemt-am.i - 9taei-tteuu-qiatevtue-r-aeeea-,'d. Caeehget check the quality aim olered In the tfll,T,'QI Chevrolet Cocch! Check It new guy fire. w cloud cat lat the wet"! Know what in new low price rally "on! 'v-- - -- - my , I'M I m Itmthrm--expeeuaee the 'arr"i12U1"i' ttees-re---." then Von will will" how much have it [has for 9645 than my otherjvopamdaed at on the market today. r "Economical Transportation Ask'fo; a Demons" Lit-iii-r." LUCE & EARL ountry may be I Actual earniligs of the farmer in 1934 'in p.turn Ur his'lubor are, computed at $730 on the average, as against snug: earnings s','aeta2rtaaci; W' ttt pyrht Vm t, . _ atatri18ti _* ttate hee-e-tttet) tyBMttiNt . 't"Trms"' one mommg batto tho "U The paper currbd that day the nary ot a mu. irttttrwreeked "any ---0 tuner and mother, who went;- one you": - Mame Mounted trom each other and from'thezr two little children}? Oder. In th. one" L2,! Pt mggsmper. weJuUc me ol its lump. were hula; a rather tuttteattt mu to. (stub-c The father iotbd. Tho-mother to! the home. Scimitar they mam. Then misfortune an". The tuber teil m. The mother went out to work. Tho children Vere um lo an orphan; In The lube: and moan: beam. lamp-tn! 'Ne fortune. of eoctt men- "I. Sewn", "her from to the orphanaav to than their (hadron Thr rthwu had dmpmarwl. There ltd I 'lmrend,ot (Mir. bonny been udmtod, a! dilel'v-m law. by dltter. on peoplv Thu rorurdhsert, hm. T'ort Nun the lone with. The Ilur'hl'l' in ml n mm" with . yam in "gilmG=rWrd"a"Gi"ir"ri7G"CTili7 'op, at t g poet, proved tttre tho our itrroAfimi-ier.' mm in. -AtrdrTrqr Wandeweu had been .earrhittt for so may not. - 7 . ot a little foreign (a!!!) str_s m . strange Ind. the. Knuth; ttt. One evening about 1 month ago; the 17th of rem-n, to bojuct-Q mm" oit it hr! Sheridan sat rend- ing team ot I China: paper. .Hu- lug tittimhed it, be tossed ft across the table to a coqttmde. _ STILL _ HUNT DAUGHTER Newspaper Clipping lie-unites Family Long Segmted in _ Chicago tés.terday., P, The food fuel and housing supplied Vile km: id apprdwd " '63e.,rmtar, kayjphthe farmer a but hung: at "Luna'jgg his labor" during 1914' . SON, MISSING 21 " YEARS, LOCATED During the five Mink?" agad the a invested we: only 4 per cent, and the het erators' investment only a per cent. finals}; increased. M gittt pct (out from 1960 mailer-ad and, Goo per cent petition x900 and x920. . _ "A A Operating Coqtq coating all material. and produtm of ottier industries purchuod by the farmer Atee :16 per cent between 1900 and "Mt.., Combined can: petunit pf product me over 309 per sin! in dike twenty: _ V __ _r', it' , £1qu Mum time wholesale prices of farm prddughr li pnly twpitcént." ' _ During the five fa _ E: 1926 the a4erar return on capital Just A "a". M It" Jill I simple nonf~ao no" 47....--" -- If! o AT FT. SHERIDAN '9 Libeitrvifhs, Illinois my: 1:11.11" .weg: rauenned. . "we NEXT WEEK q I . __ - K o,,',':,',,',,",',:,,',',':,,',',',,',,:::,,::,',',',':':,.'.',':.: .. th ""/ I:,',,':',?:,,'.',,':,.: . Bqbire*tg$tendarthtirt" (L"ii,4;,,lhlv,P,,iPis FRED "RA BE ,:'itt,'lt2rit,'i-il'/', A '-"",",,Whe,5, (Luna. . _ I'". - .. ts,.." ' "'.ra ' . .4-.-» 's. _ 1+4. "/e.'fl'ft: ;' gfi-mfibfifiglgxfi '33 c,attiit h.» :- ff" "Titorri'o"'.1tigrre:ae.ft. Fh1tlirNt0lrr _ ' "e"'"'"" ' s""-""""'-'-"-""""-'"""'-"'"'"""""'"""-'" A. , ' ..; , ',.. , _ F" .. i . 3;. V ASPECIAIT! mm' 0:30- 1;D" 2at'cPetgfiud "pl . _ . _ , IS ""tllt2h'tg tft'"" I gunning": ly'?". Res. Pune 204. Offiee phone I') _ . -- Reverse Charge; on Business all "I Itthtit m" m A {no iron: the but". "mtlio, stumr." she said. The man look, ed at her gravely. I'm not a unmet. "Rate," he um. "Tm yotwtuatmnd." Rocwnlul Plants F . Together the mother and but" tune)» the one!» ot tho pox-ct nod and tor help in tuutuur their cull; dun. .. . _ . . . 7 _ "nut but}. In kWh-Nu For: Show". sunny-1' Joe WWII. no new that Walsh is: not his to.) --ett.tut m Just the noun- ing to! 1 Ion: cud ditriettit Pun-h nuns tttthad one. bornet-"at he he! bun am out at In animate and "tpted many "r.arB-Mo, road the story. lit conga-knot! with the tamper; Tho mother ya in waned .ttotn Damn. and todpr, the little family wage "mum. f'nly," aim the mu. mother, "mt the windows of the'mtle, house in West Huron St., where they had all been so happy; so united. '4 nun came down Aha "rqet. She did not observe bun copechuy. He passed. She slanted up. . Toasted RauinSmdwiches te-et-desist" in: mai-tnt-tf. i',tiih',ii?'i'iei'i'li"iith,. "att'r'rdtat2tf'"e "and" Hun-"Ind ih"d'g'g',"gtgg'ttg - alum and pm. 8:09th and mmrmyouhm -hn-t-he. at Tia-ac v,'t,',g,.trp2 are . . l [Intimates tho Runny. In! lepréuenutiie Phone lu-w Libertyville. m. OF NORTH!" ILLINOIS 8So. Ge'nesee Bt., Waukegan dti individual op- Some New Toast Sandwiches suggested by the Home Service Department 77%| "A "T"YWNII "---ke-rre.e.pt.ueetcter1e, -4wrherm ' _ Tainted Pyramid Sandwich When I common; Grd, Magted on: My or-riot-ttte "the. u . "new: you in "managing- nu. Judge ordteed it brand: to an bench. whom. be Wed it and pro- cw it opium. ' _ "isn't Idol A" m. We in". hop on In"!!! tte Ann." Eyes" _-Ul\. J. L. [All-UR '"a Wd'g J,',',','.'!', i1mm In First National Bank landing " qse op'., .Hourr. tI03;30|nd7ulp.m.' ular NUMDOI' Laurrruaacaamou ' . rtiterqtiiiiiiiiiFirl ff] Crisp, golden toastrfreshfy made on an electric toaster-is the most wholesome kind of food for growing (youngsters; also perks up the alipetites o grown-ups; makes a dainty treat for entertaining. T.ry.the. newand taptysilndw.ichts,pade with electnc toaster, described below. Served with a hot drink, one of them is a mun itself. T Just the thing. for a sehooMay lgncheon or for serving to afternoon bridge players. Theaeand other tempting recipes for attnthriches and creamed bod on tenet may he obtained without charge layman!- ind the attached coupon. WE? NOW PLAYING CM M 0". m 'ee, "arr_aG. Nrirair "Rwy-IA); T :"m-n _ 'A _ V,»" x: v...».. 7 " .41.; _ ' n LTi "tters. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - , has» at tytrtt, as can Ate'u'q ' 1mm». 1m" LIIERTYVILLC ILLINOIU Uhnvae Want Phone leonyvmo "lb-R-tst" WILL CONTRACT to "will: 1&0! _aetcatqh.rii-atgt you but. 90mph" for a m Ito-mg no you will know jun what the out will In bolero starting. DR. J. L. TAYLOR Going to Build? R. L GONSALVES mm HI. 497 Day N. M Ltrerirvilie,M. Smith's Taxi Illl _ mummm. udal0t9rra1eo' . ' . .. Harman Day and Night Serviee .~ mm m. 497 Day N. Sl R EA L VOW": .irrWoii - - --_ LIIIITYVILLI tLLINO'II I - Telethon. " . _ E. W. COLBY has In. so- _:,':.',,',),':,',;,,:,:',))")!,','))');!),', k "i':r't,",i',r'.'i?,'_ PIE-"PER SE N" ' In ttate, mu, nut Mom - was; we" '0eqtthe" '.e..t- we "agar; u. await.» Mrsiie Workert LIIIRTYVILLI. ILLINOII than M and do. Tutu-y- of an loom- n arm" run VICKI». Member. Cordon", hunt" LOIA OTURM E'DOTH LAYCOCK Colds, Grippe and Flu PHONE 306 " U. 8. 00!!"an Veterinarian o.c. Grimm", humor in can" Tetephooe up LlulTYVOLLE We. wan. hm "my SNOW'S n n "a and woody "modr In knew Meets Kn! ood Third More" I: a' u " new Mgrrttt n Maul: HI" Won-n. Conny-Mons Commly law!" '23,". ("'1le I. H r ARLINGTON; ".1. Immune? WAUKE6AN, ILL. Good MealsSh Libertyville Chapter -No. 272 R. A. M. CATTLE TESTED FREE OF CHARGE William P. Whitney Human "" "on. I". . LIIIITYVILLI Mt tto.. 'hiwasvoe Avenue .IBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS _ TELEPHONE m INSURANCE 666 wr.TMrtrtt a a 'nocnptvon tor ) up". In: am a. m _ I'm-MM """'l="""' Architect "Nei. 131 Pneumonia Lam-mum

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