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Libertyville Independent, 18 Mar 1926, p. 1

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> ~Jake _Bat bs m ve j wegcy:>> ,QL_-M-:O to t A 6 e io * ighdecf : sivm wihis > ® . qut it "urer t#obltpwedrmg~=~---- > * Supervisor Ed4ward Mawmas, Lake * Bluff, who backed Kirschner on the: fo+ amendmest. stated that be wu«s not ._ _ VOEUME XXXIV--NO. 11L -- $150,000 ISSUE _ |y ON ROADS TO BE || | ---- _ VOTED APRILI3|| _ boardof aupervisore late Thursday the $750,000 road bond issue, theat is to come to a yote of the people April 13, carried by a vote of 18 to 11 with .*1 kbow," he. ealig6, "thart our sec-- tion of the county has plerty of hard surfaced Poads and that the western part of the county needs them far woree. and my voue wilt be cast wit that uppermost in my minad~ . Bupervisor Goorge Bairetow, Wau kezwg. bad Jed ibe, haent jor the Issue. urging that the bour! pase T o that the people ©wld selermire whetber Lhey wodtled 'ue FoA s oT Bu He poipteg out thai «orle on'y is crease tares eixty sosen cen's on th-- on the YMunared do.lare in Waskegan _ After a week of lobbying and a 'Chort bitter Aght on tze fioor of the last _ week the road proxra bad etarted st an issue-- for $500, but from time to-- time new ~(irips were added and by Wednesday . a price of $600,000 had been. set. Th as Agure 'changed~ again Thursday and was boousted to $700,000 and ut the last minute an amendment _ from Fred Kirschner,. Barrinxzton, . asked that the ball mile connecting strip in #< bome --yvillage cause it was thousands of the road. U bre wen daas terevst -- +B non towmahip. led the Agbt against the »#+ue iromm the Soor "We oan't burden the people," be started, (and @wil)l there e a refund um ihe siate'* Peroaps,. and pe\ [here are many good pared roajs in the count) ane the comnmectin& romde coming sn in tm« bond plao are well graveled Cook courty * planning a road that _wil come thrue the rognty eand it will hit west »! the %00 line wes! o Wheeling,. con' necting with the Genevra road. This road . could pa®e> through -ngnd rillages that baven't a road. ere is Buffalo Grove with one of the big' gee! Catbolic Churches in the coun' ty that is attended daily. Fuarther North is Loug Grove with a great Lutheran thurch. and farther still is Fuirfax and then the commun. ty of Ofimer. Why, not alk roade for those pares?* e asked. _ ®~ four . supervisore: be'ng ~hbsent bape not," be s«ald i ow n question '[here are MABy & "My, people won'; stand for it the wiy it appourse to nre: "WillHene r ggih.' Park said in speaking for f "UUeuenKay ~ * * Supervisor Ed. Martin. of New port, took a different aicltade Supervisors Pass Road Bond Plan that Must Go to a Vote of the People. "There is not one foot . of pared roaike in Newport." he salid, "but 1 am certain thay i there are some, a* proposed under this bood lmesve that it will increase the price of farm land like it has in other parte of the coun-- ty where there are goodroade. "The people can't kick over this kind of taxation," me said Macther was on his feet. "I{ you were on the board of re view you would find out different We are busy from the firet to the last day hea ing people come in and register complaints because the tares are too high." » _ The aye vote was as follows Supervisor--Township. C. E. Austin. Benton. George Bairdetow, Wau) egan. Ed. Brown, Avon. Frank Burke, Waukegan. Frank Cory, Waukegan. Hans Dronen, Benton. J B. Garnett, Deerfield. Chas. Harbaugh, Deerfic 4. James Kelly: Shielde. Fred Kirechner, Cuba. E4. Martin, Newport. EFAd. Mawman, Shiel&.. B. F. Naber, Antioch James O"'Connor. W Deerfield C. H. Stratton. Lake V'lle. B. C. Thompson, Bentor . C. E. Wilcor, Libertytille. Tot&l--18. Tvexts -- w wnaback Peroaps, and p€ in amswering b LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT LAKE C m"l..c{ f a46 wa4 *'!! _ as formerly, and will be delivered by the mail carrier at the first 'Joo delivery Friday morning. There will be no extra charge to our sub-- :: scribers. The postage bill will be increased by about $75 a year on 'me | [ ~ account of free mail (_leliv,er'y. but this will be assumed b;l The In-- FE ' 'de'pende_ntL A weekly paper is' received for delivery, where car-- X(4 . riee service is maintained, at second--'class rate-- of-- postage. _ :"" Heretofore there has been no charge férfiédfi)afiqrs'anywmf ywherein -- WetlT] |"Lake eounty, except where free delivery was in force. The Inde-- be pendent subscription will remaint at $1.50 a year. and-- e . & % Agr e AKCRW 6000 (he sw _ «ewer . projec propased to s<rve avout 1600 arree o' new lerritory recently agded to the viltage of LAiberty¥llic, be £1a22. 48 Bs . j oblgion thtt trh new eewer projec® is ,, ome of teb moast tmportan' des #lop< \, tfhents that has confroated IAbertyyville ; fot a long time A sewer _ of this Kind ; ., is naturally expensive but it is a n#Hce (~ "I salncerely bhope" said Mr-- Jones, "That Che éltFrens of TIberyrille w1 maintain their reputaiion of being fat sighted and progreasive. by makin« every effort to havre this sewer project pushed to campleation without unnec It may appear to some land owners thit they are tared without receiving any immediate benefit. but a stqdy of the assessment rol.. and a k nowledge pf bow this improvemest will be han dled should convince everyone that each plece of property affected will greatly benefit by a substaptial in crease in value of land. is naturally expensive. but it is a t essary improvement i the villag» to progress as it should. ° tyyile--Mund+!«in and General Sal« lake County l essary delay." WiMam J. "Bill" Stratton. for 18 years a supervisor from Ingleside in Grant township. Thurs declared that be had held that office long encough and will pot run for officke agani He ie now a candidate fer state treasurer and hbis race is showing great strides. STRATTON DROPS ; Frank T. Stanton, also of Ingleside, a Democrat with a following that ri-- vals that of Stratton is rumning for «upervisor from Grant township and his opponent is Geofge Koeth Sy Wnn J. Obee, Deerfleld. The W M A Q piayers are nausnai Harald Potier, Waukegan. ly known for their radio productions Toteal-- 11 of the very best plays each Wednesday Absent and not voting were: wi}. Dight from 9 to 10 over the® radio sta llam Stratton. Grant: George MeCu) tion of the Chicago Daily News, oper loueh. Warren: Edward Monahan. Ating om a wave eingth of 448 meters Shields: Arthur E. Vercoe, Deerfieli This is the second season for this The meeting was adjourned ;, Woup of players, and they have s#ur-- March 19 when the report will be Ct@sfully broadcasted suen plays as made from the state highway je "The Rivals", "The School for Scan-- partment as to whether it will be . Ga1", Abraham lincoin", "Kempy", K.--the bond iesne gning to a vote. t "J1ll Leave It To You," ete. is almoet certain that the state wil} _ The four camedies to be given at "The rands blannad for Laring are: LdterltyyiHe sre o The roads planned for paving are: 5 1--2 miles--Wedges corners to Ro# rrans --$160,000.06 -- 2 34 milee--Milwaukee Ave. Route No. 21 to Belvidere road $75,000 0. 5 1--4 milee--Green Bay road to Statea 'ine $155.000 00. 1 1--2 milee--End of Round Take road $40,. 000 00. + 1 3--4 miles--Deerfleld weet to corners €50,000.00. e 1 14 Jnflo.l*flny.fllako noth 3235 oh. (vh 2 3%--4 miles-- Wadsworth road $:5 o) 0. *4 'mna Sheridan at Lake $3s0.0n6 00. *:~* Total-- $750 000 milese ~AIvanhoe--Grayelake $110 SUPERV'&'R RACE W M A Q Players to _ _ --Be Here Monday Eve An Since the inauguration of the free mail delivery in the Village, The Independent has been asked many times whether the paper would be--delivered through the postoffice, as heretofore. . The paper will be delivered to the postoffice each Thursday afternoon, There Will Be No.Charge for Delivery NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS . Mants& A a« ow $750,000 .00 LIRERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1926. Bloff +ertyct oat The lLiberyyiBle Musical Society is bringing the W M A Q players to thi« village for a "visual" production of four delightfu! comedies en Monday. March 22. at % 15 p m. under the di rection of William Ziegler Nourse di rector of dramatics at radio station W M A Q (Chicago Daily News). 1t was originally intended to present only three plays on this program, but by starting promptly on time it has been found that another can be added GRACE ESTATEIS _ CLOSED, SQUABBLE . BROUGHT TO END Woliiam Grace Barington Obie~ tions _ to Ana'l _ report _ withdrewn Ameades. Finai report and --accohnt approved | ¥itate cloaed f The W M A Q players are national ly known for their radio productions of the very best plays each Wednesday night from 9 to 10 over the~radio sta tion of the Chicago Daily News, oper ating om a wave eingth of 448 meters This is the second season fopr this ¥rther White. Hihland Park Hearing on petition for probate of will coputinned to Apr. 15 . Judge Persons Hears Probate Work Due to liiness of Judge Decker. Lorenz Janz.-- Waukegan for probate of wiil filed an hearing April 5 Woliiam (Grace Barington "'The Charming Leandre" by Theo-- dors de Benville; "Fourteen" by Alice Gur:tenberg; "The Constant Lover" by At. John Tarkin; "The Flattering Word" by (Feorge Kelly.' All are comedies af the highest or-- der with four absolutery different sit-- uations and settings that give the players a splendid range of parts. The names. of the authors speak wéll for the treat in store for those who at-- tend this entertainment. -- Tickets for this entertainment can be procured from memners of the Lib-- ertyville Musical Society or at Lovell's or Decker & Neville's drug stores in Libertyvile. All seats are reserved and reoserrations are being made at the stores named the _ promte --oofrt tor «rvers} t a J Nes /. w MQ in¥ e pres«erent bil} approred -- pEo Comper® Waukegran -- M 12-- Cares Entered at the Postoffice at LibertyvyiHe, IHinoils. as SBecond Class Mail Matter.. -- apyproval o with wil} K._ Eketra x aproved "kegan-- 2t low s award set tit « Circulation Greater than other Weeklies Lake County's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ~Village Board Had Busy Session Last . I Tuesday Night impose & license on all Miik Gdealets, so as to give the baard of health of the village supecyision o( the premises where the milk is produced. The pres +ent law provide«e that the products of 'a farmer may be «old by him withou: '. licene«e but it ha« been beld by the appellate court tha: milk is a commeod ity that aifects teh public bealth, and therefore is subjeci :o regulation. The abject pof the ligense is not to raise hmenr. and it is sugrested that 'the wemse (ee be made as low a= $ | A check will be kept on the herds 'and premisea so as to mainlain a cet |tain standard, not neceesarily the max-- Imum, but rather the minimum. The percentage of butterfat required -- at present is only 3 per cent, while prac tically all milk marketed contains at least four per cefn'. ' ' 'The maiter was referred to the vil-- lage of healith and a report will fi'nuu'y % Made a" id Parly mz208% «f ihe. village board. There does not seem ot"be any opposition to «uch as ordinance. _ Several .. dairymen . were '"present at the mesrting * Arthur H. Jones asked for permis sion to connect with the present wat-- er mains temporarily, so as to pro-- vide water service for the new reai-- dences in Lfbertyville Highlands. The request was granted. As zoon as the 'new system of water is installed this connection wil be discontinued. but It is uncertain juet when the new main will be laid. A test weil now being sunk on the new subdivision is down about 150 feet. ' 0. A. Newsom, regresenting the But-- ler estate asked permission to install about 193 feet o fsewer on Brainerd avenue, by private contract. under the leupervision of the village engineer 'His petition was granted. The prop-- erty owners effected are to pay all _expenses, including engineering costs. ~ The plumbing ordinance, which reg-- utates the installation of all plumbing in the vilage, was read and adopted The new street lighting contract was read and the president was au-- thorized to sign the same for the vil lage Ordinance 403 was amended. impos-- ing a license fee of $50 on sewer dig-- gers. It also provides for teh giving of a bond of $3,000. _ A retolution was adopted providing for a water syste mfor McKinley ave. and other streets in Libertyville High-- lands. ' The public iHearing is set for April 6th. A like resolution providin« for the same improvement in Copeéland Manor North wn adopted and the pub-- lic hearing will also be on April 6.° mocked ; thq,hlt'z'tle heart of the worshipper which-- regards. We are never safe till we love Him with our whole heart whom we pretend to wor-- ahip--Bishop Henshaws. Remember -- taht God wil not IT rpted in ate. wilh a 0 yoru rme d mo;se tha.. a popudati x ardinanc« #1QM DA 06e woul k dealers w6 in mosit branchee, over--that period. Non high echool funds for the two yearse balanced at $126,904; and Treasuper. Ira Prarsall's tax recelpt and the 1923 tax was shown at $3082,-- 6867 and on 1977 at $3.597.104. The cointy @uperintendent l schools, 'I. A. Simp--on,. from Decem-- ber 1, 1922 to December 1. 192% balan ced at §20%.3289-- and States A&to:me:. & cV Smith «howed an Income . nf $30..015 and expensess $3.2.1,083)¢. _ The general find wae thé only oth er--showinz an overdrait asd that was for $§,400.12 for the period 'of *No veruber 30, 1923 tot November 20, 1924. Receipts were 3i,22923% eand expenditures $1,237,635.. This covere the opeérating expense for the county, More than 500 teachers in achao'le in the county attended the annvei mid--year teachece conteraf¢e he}d in lh'?fl'#hhl@ wigh school at Highland rk Monday. The event trom stand point of attendances * and Interested manifeeted by the instruct-- ore im the prog@® was one of the mast snuccvsaftel ever held iu the Guy C. Caldwall. naturaliss and au-- thority or bird and mountain life agr peared in lectures in the morning and afternoon In the morning n spoke on benutiee of the frocky Moun tain natione} park and in the after-- noom eeseion gave an extended lec ture on Nirds, bird songe and wild fRowers Both lecture«s were fliystra ted by a eeries of sferopticon alides which highy colored showed both the Circult Cierk.L. J. Wilmot_showe $11.671 turned tp the treasurer, and was prakied for the mannuer in which he kept his books, and the eberif, Ed4. Abletrom, turned $2.662 to the treas urer . most succesefal ever held ewamty O CCC «»Free delivery of mail was estab-- Hshed in Libertyvilie for the ( 1st time Tuesday Two carfters be@an distribution of the mail The ser> lce was not extended to al} par's o the city, it being thought bes: to develop the service graduna'ly and as the new carriers become better im'm with _ their duties and their foutes. Thnirp receiving their lmfl ht <carrfer ~~re much pleased 500 INSTRUCTORS ATTEND MID--YEAR MEET M _ AY Hear Interesting Address and Lecture; Held in Hightand tion. The addrese towching ceijved by the instructore. During the morning seesion the It perial quartette. a wellknown CY cago organization presebted a eeri of muasical numbere. . All #resion« . the conferemce were prasided ov by T. Arthur Simpson euperinten ent of the schoole. . MAIL DELIVERY _ _ IN LIBERTYVILLE with the service mail was estatb .3to9. le for the {orst | _ ¥o earn $1 «e aeT)er 1k 0 MUNDELEIN JOYOUS AS SOD IS TURNED Jobhn J. Moran, advertising and com merrial manager of the North Shore lines. prestded as. chairman of the event. Foliowing the turning of the firet spadeful of earth in the site at Prospect and McKinley streets, A. W. Gerber,. architect who drew the plans for the builkting and W. J. Simmons, superintendent of .transportation on the NaH® Shire Tinas #1v86 KAOra®nada in which they predicted vast develop went d!h'ddn «nd thi section of City--and "Railroad Officials looked.qvér by the yeterinaties. Be. -- a 1d sufferi distince personal -- Take Part in Cel@DFAtiON --_ foss trom what might be termed their Thursda only source of revenue Lake county % . Y.-- mrechants are due to suffer from the and-- wikn preominent in real estate cArles of l'.ak* county and Chicago The Aar wn#onr nf the--greatest in the Mistory of Mundeto--tmtarcdt was re karded aw tho beginning of a peri¢4 oi development that will continue un ti! the community is one of the lare e--t and finest festdentialcenters in horthern 'llinois. in the opinion o("q:v- Ic leader« oT the inner &oUpiy t n While the Nortbh Shore line will rush construction of the station «c that it will be ready for the great thromgs that will visit Mundelein dur-- ing the Eucheristte congress which will convene the latter part of June., the building .of the station is to be earried out in anticipation of great growth of the commubity which it wil} serve _ While hundreds Robert F Rouse {f tha county ~~A apacial --trats wilh itz passenger list made up of real estate men head-- ed by Arthur H. Jones, general man-- ager of the lake County [and associa-- tion and president of the Libertyville and Mundetein real estate, made the trip over the North Shore lines from Chicagno (n Mundelein. A community banquet was held in Community ball in Mundeleih in the By A. K. BOWES Assistant Secretary of Security Title & Tmt Company. Rusiness of the Recorder's office for the week ending March 13. 1926. Number of conveyances filed 239 Number of chattel mortgages 71. _ Number of trmst deeds and mort-- rages 69 I evening under the auspices of the Ki wanis club and the real estate bo.rd.' Amonse the speakers At this event were Mavor Robert F. RO\I.Q and Mavor J. Hyatt of _ Libertyville, Charles Thompson, vice president of the North Shore lines, Arthur H. Jones and Richard Lyons. LOANS FOR WEEK ARE MUCH LOWER *f Total--amount of Tota) amount of Corregponding period week ending | aroh 14. 1925 -- --| Nnmber o' comvevamces fMed 192. ; nmher of chatte! mortrages 76 Number of tryst deeds and mn-l ~~a 61. To'a\ amount of Instrutments filed | Tota! amount of loans $§53,031 FOR NEW STATION the gro of dirt evt at the event beside< *Mndetein and t4) ffictals of the Chicags d Milwaukee railroa« nent in real estat« cheered _ Mayor M¥undelein sank a ? and turned over n the excasation loaths $316,242.55 Instrumanmts filed 0080 ralilroa ndinx -- _ jhe annexation plans > --| general procedure of the pre#@ 197 . lage admin'stration to '_, a 7g | tify and jmprove the entir@e fer mort.| under tha village | state bank is being filed | those interested in--the villa@e / Lmnt advances for it i 1 or two. w Pres. Edward Mauman.of Vil--.« |_lage Board Names Commit-- _ l-hhwn{o&mafih testing *-->**'. tor bovine tubercalbsis far abead ot ~*~----~~ other counties in the state with the .* ' result that the county herds are bet-- | . ter than ary in the state. There are > still hunidreds of herds to be tested, and one week ago -- there were 650 -- --.~--~ farmers-- on the waiting list with no. . . > prospect of getting immediate. atter : > tion from the two veterinariaps who are working day and night. _ & This simply meanss that all 0f these farmers will have to feed their milk to the hogs or find an equally profit, able digposa! unt!l the berds can be stdes guffering a distince personal loss {frosm what might be termed their only source of revenue Lake county mrechants are due to suffter from the shurp cuto'f in income, becanuse what the fsrmer does not get he will not bha. ablé : t Wpetu} ----tee it tetisncyice a~« Wisconsin will be able to supply Ahenvcestary mIilk to Cheago. YFor soveral years tha Badger state bas been testinx in the north end a2d tha herds there were in fair sahape when I)r. Bundeson broke forth with his April 1 edict 'Tha reswlt was~that Wisconsin sent all its veterinariaos into countlies along the Mitnoij#s bor-- derline testing the herds that bad not been reached. Thus Wisconsin wil} be in a position to take the bus+ noss thet righttully belongs to--the lilinois farmer. Governor len Smail did what he could to assist these counties in the northern part of the state, and be sent an additional veferinarian to Lake county, There are only fi¥e on the Springfield staff, it is under atood. so Lake county got 20 per cent of the testers. > McHenry and other countles are in pitiful shape. Less and 10 per cent ot their herds are tested, and--¥# tarmers here suffer the b:n-:" boring counties will be # doub 'ly ie ancomemon rrocls ommmronmenin LAKE BLUFF WILL > Preas Masman has appotated ia committee hn&od by Harry Muir and composeq of William Coiclasure, A. H. Smith and R M. Plaister, who are. working with the Lake Bluif Planning committee under the chair ma®rship of W. H. Foster. A plat of the proopsed annexation was re-- ceived by Pres. Mauman this mort ing and it takes in the area u:: the present south village !Umits the north limits of Lake Forest com-- tinued west to the township lins. on north along the towuship line to Downey road west of Northb CB+ dago and thence east to Lake Mich+ gan, avoiding, bhowever, and not im ¢lnding any of the government prop erty at Great Lakes or the véterans' hospital. eR _ The corporite !imits of the villkge of Lake Bluft will inclose an area more than three times the present area of the village if the plans of President Ed Mauman, of the village board, the counci! asd the Lake Bluff Plans commtttee matefializes. Every indication pdints to: #hctess for the enlargement program. _ Much of the property !s now beld for subdividing purposes by Bartliett realty people and a'so includes some of the largest estares |ying -- of Lake Binf". The owners Of large estates hhve always themse}ives a part of Lake Blaff the village plans to make " to Annex Wide Area. $1.50 A YEAR _ FF WIIL © 1¥ 8¥ m

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