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Libertyville Independent, 8 Apr 1926, p. 13

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* esuses those who are fawiliar with -- > *%he Tacts to unhesitatingly express a Arm beliet that McKinley is repeating ~ that which he did before, only on a much larger scale. _. "McKinley's _ wholoe campaign has ----_ been one of deceit and trickery, He -- has tried to deceive organizet labor, the farmers and war veterans and bas been exposed in e=~~y attempt be has * * "Ik a signed story sent--out --b* the :+ International News Service, Wise "The real beadquarters, however, are in the New York life Building, where, unhéarlded and unsung sare as to what International Labor News Bervice has said of him, Andrew Jack-- som Ruys*tel,. campaign manager of _MeKinley, has _bog:_'_'nlggy at work To mary weeks Aving Wis Mfi epider web. 1t is there where Artful front at the Great Northern hotel. That is the place where ouf oftowa vieitors are giten the glad hand and imapressed with the respectability and dignity of the campaign. "Another big (ake in : McKinley's campaign is his headquarters in Chi cago. He has been maintaining a faise "McKinley does not adveriise his seunections witk the 'wets' but abways manages to have the newspapers teD of his bepefactions to bis favorite church. At that he is only spending 'chicken feed' out of his fortuse of $25,000,000. . elements downstate, He has been very generous in --his donations to Presby-- terian church since--he opened his * .*The unearthing of a gigantic elec-- tien. conspiracy in Chicago causes a finger of suspicion to be peinted at "Not only that, but he seems 'o have been successful in-- bhoodwinking a date for United States Renator, Mo Kinley is the only enndidate in the Reld able to fAnance such wholesale trands, and the record he made in the use of money when he was up for nemination and electionssix years ago I feel fully competent to fill the office to which 1 _ aspire because of the aciuual experience in _ _ _"..'.. the exacting work of th.e"Sh'erigs office _ _ Chicago, April 1.---:0..5'._'100. stait correspondent of the Internation al Labor News Service, picks Frank Is Bmith to carry the down state pri-- mary, hnd he adds: 'It it were not for wholesale corruption Smith would mptloahtobyscum:votn-n- * jority Of a quarter of a --million votes SMITH samnen sm,m'm_ m: ul0 s Sn 50s 6+ s 1 AAAME Up 400000 Med (Whedege Ry at Labor Correspondent Says the Principal Assets Senator Has are. "Money and Deceit.'" egi m# ation as the RepubMcan cand+ TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1926 Lester Tiffany § HERIFF Your Vote and Support Will--Be Appreciated --Republican Candidate For-- A hbeot contest in Harrisburg towns-- ahip resulted in the entire Republjcan tWeket winging. ** G. 0. P. REGAINS HARRISBURG Marrisbury; 1}1., Apr. 7.--Republt+ cams regained control of the county board which had been Democratio for the past clx years, a comy of the vote in yestérday's election c&v.' today . Pasis, . April 17.--1f Mr. and Mre. Irving Berlin are about to become resomcied} with Clarence Mackay, fatker of Mra. Berlin, they are »not ready to ammounce it to the world _ Des oMines, Ja, April 71-- ie ner AH * '4t"~ 3 -'-':% E?.""%jé}:":m.m'&r He got a milk botlle instead. Then} be got another and another, Her-- riman armed with filled _ botties, jumped from the wagon ang chased the pair a block, beaving a quart every 'few paces was brought to them by nigbht, and there will be until they return. Barbara To-)lotoi. 3 years old, a little rich girt was crushed to death USES MILK BOTTLES _ OVER ROBBERS' HEADS A LAKE FOREST _ CHILD KILLED IN © CHICAGO EEY ATOR least 60,000, it is claimed. MceKinley kuows be is beaten downstate, but will use unlimited mowey to pult thru in Cook county. . twin that he gets what he pays for' in Cbicago. _nbm:iudyvhun 'that be won't pay of until the day after tho primary clettion, and 'he Will only pay those who have deliv= ared. There is ue mecret about this. 'Everybody in Chicago knows it. 'It is a plain case of barter and sale. J it were not for the wholeaale cor-- ruption mh sertain to oecur, ¥Freuk L. MeKiniley's opponent, who has been indorsed by oergunized imbor, would sweep the state bf a ma-- "MeKinley is going to be déad cer-- be Bo funere} | ARE FACING REAL -- |NAYY OrFicERs' / > | ~ DILEMNA ONMAK| --; SON RE--APPEAR All county agents in charge of cat-- tle inspection in IMinois were instruct ed as follows by Mr. Stannard's ord-- #r; ."**~~ "Effective April 1, you will arrange your program in sych a fashion that your activities will be confned to re-- testing -- and semiannual testing work." s c ---- This--meant none of the 100,060 un-- tested cattle, hundreds being from eal farmers who have been await-- ing teats so that they could resume shipments of milk to Chicago say the erder wAl! work a real hardship. A number of the Lake county farm-- mwhoog':l'l.k'hu been barred in Ohblcago the tuberculin test requirements bave not been met, have endesvrored to find a new outlet for Lmke county, would be given the test and their owners would be deprived of opportunity to market milk. Many county Are in the worst dilemua of their lives, What to do with the milk from their cows is a problem that will not be easy for them to molve, Ip the Arst place a ruling has been given by 8. J. Stannard, state di-- recior of agriculture in which be rules that dairymen in Hlinots whose cattle were mot --giren--tabercutin tests "prior to April 1 will not be anie to obtain state ald in bringing their herds into sahape to meet the requirements of the new milk ordinance of Chicago. Scores of deiry herd ownere in MWILWAUKEE Unable uberculi Cambridge, x Findwfl?lr :amd w ;n"I his father 'L':l:'""'m ::'l: "'With a GASIGNAL NAL on four Car." You Will Never Run Out of Gas Thowssnds of satished weers the world ovrer Better have CAZICMAL than wish you had U your dealer cannot eupyly you, we will R. C. VALENTIN 2339 Merth Calitermia Ave. Chricago, 11. Sole Distrtates Marthern Wiinats Price $3, 50 for cither one recejved by members of the Mexican solony hkere toduy. * NUNS ESCAPE CONVENT BLAZEF Nogales, Ariz., April 7.--Aan an-- alysis of the stomach of Gen. Amge} Flores, formre governor of Sinaloa, Mexico, and recent presidential can didate, who died suddenly last week, has revealed indications of the pres 10Uuns NODinson, a [fresimas ai Marvard, explained that he had trow &mmh'?mmu-m_ to New York eonsult a surgeon. He did not advise his father or ezusmum. he said, fearing to alarm Douglas Robinson, son of the assist .t_pocrmry of the nary returned they haye found that a bar Bas been|tion church was destroyeé by firt|tily clad. Damage was estimated Mmm hlm}u. f 'h{c today. wan Mesgroyti by mss ;";:.l:" "** ," -- _ CHIEF POISONED Rimouski, Que., April 7.--Despite 'The Perfect Reserve Valve, also Primer gives pep and power to motas Young in alding local firemen to the flames, the Convent of of the Immaculate Concep-- Rarvard university * HEighteen nuns, on the eve of Jeay--| _ Nes pmmmesmememne y eemme " ing for mission work in China and BRYAN'S DAUGHTER in POLrTics ~ .| Japan, escaped to the street scarn-- Minus!, Fia, Apr. 7.--Mrs, Ruth rpgpin® 3 * crixs . We 'stances are a f dy «y «> *-Az'"'? ""fi» % "M_ ¢9'.w1e mation or superior service."" confir-- _ > __~___ -- sService.*" Te prronatae is . = n . 7¢4 y +9 4 fi:."':V _:"k" ':_._ " m t in ts ol rcke a * yer-- e ons A Lake County Business Man ----FKoy Lake County's Sheriff-- Lawrence Doolittle to 5:00 P. M. You have an opportunity to support such a man. His many friends know him to be capable and desirous of planning and maintaining an efficient administration of the office. 7 | --_ Believing your confidence will not be misplaced you are solicited to vote for . .. THE duties of the sheriff of a county as extensive in population, industry and wealth as Lake county re-- quire a man of unquestionable character and exécu-- tive ability. He should be possessed of; a knqyled'ge of civic affairs, and willing to do his best in return for the great trust placed in him. | T RITIATPO somaew ooocz-};bi'ntial ® ._--_--_--.~_"_or--'3 TOB ChM§8H8 4--+«««+«--r++++7++$1,017.00 T uesday, April | 13th SOLD BY DODGE uomn' + koA »EAifRr5 EVERYWHERE | More commercial firms took deliver-- - \ieo of Graham Brothers Trucks in {March than in any month in the Com-- . 'pany's history. ie $ |January set a record, February 'brought another--and March sur-- -- -- passed them both; -- .e * . | Mac 65 &® #% -- ' 1 R j JAS. MORROW & SON [(When you realize that Graham Brothers are the largest exclusive'; truck manufacturers in the world this statement becomes a business mes-- sage of genuine importance. _ -- _ Record sales under such circum-- 1/ Toif XThassis: . .. MBM Low Chassis . LAKE & GENESEE STREETS -- +i s e...+. . 1,291.50 w.......... 1,342.00 Club Phones: 4582 ~ _ and 4581 Headquarters nounced today.: .. *p

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