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Libertyville Independent, 20 May 1926, p. 9

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New York, Miy i%.--W,. E. D. itai mxm :tnn a"."'mml pibt 'a ved n * be-- uy h evarts, "Aied <today in ~Kie --pftvate --eaite --w»--tha ~botel ~An: somm -- Mecwps 91 years old £ bandled as much or more than 12 per on.. of the total receipts, a ecanomic path from producer to .¢ot» sumer is a lamb pool which has been conducted for two years lambe are bought and agtembled by the nationdl organization in western states and dactivered to corn belt farmets for fat-- tening. So far this year, 15000 lambe have been contracted Aby corn belt feeders for fall deliver?, according to Charles A. @tewarl, secrotary of the national organization. Last year over 70.000 lambe werse bandléd. Fer, May 19.--The P":h'""" an offensive on the'river sector early teoday.. Thn ofensive is report» ed progressing ratistactorily. 4e3 %,110 to : %5 to Cincimnati; un'ummum; %410 to Indimnapolis, 56146 to E. 8t Louis; and ©50% t Peorsts A large 'percentage of the ahipments originate from local shipping acsociations op erated by farmers. There are 40090 of these local associations in the United States, most of which arse n the Middle West liltnois bas 627; lows about 700; Minnesota about 609; Indiana, $70 afd Wiscoséia, 240. in _ ouncu inavgurated by --the National® "Livestock Producers addo ctation which effectiveiy shortens the Illinols the sbipping acoociations work closely with county Parm Bureaus h".-gnu.l nutidn of "hmfid-n farmers are uting cooperative --mar-- keting to a greater extent thas farm ara Is ady other State, 'h:l.b-m beoecon.. 13.481 trom.. with mwlon Mm -2: Missour\ fifth. & farmers «bipped #3 carloads io Producer agencies at Buflalo; 3025, more cats of livestock than any «#ther agency, and on several others 'l-b'"mu'am al though two of three which were start-- ed within the last year or two did Bot handle so much, ' > The carse bandled, and the percen-- Auge of totul receipts for each agen-- ty are as follows: Chicago, 11971 "gark; of 6 per goent;, Poorin, 2,095, or en St--Loulsy 12991 care or Pike @ * cark, or :'en&.'mum.uu.u --8§.1% per . cent; Bulraw, 1989 cars, sconsumers of meat products by elim lsating some undesirable lactuations. The total business done by all with representatiop on . 14, all un Ber the banser of the National Live Ti (oonoih Ipe forety Shoniteives. This cooperative marketing program h.w by <he Firm Bau-- reaus E y there are agencies DC the producers accively and suc-- "'i't;nx-'h"uu .tht"thl:"'commu- 6 " a group o| ing qnid i: vestera & and eouc:o ?w Cialisus selected by: _ the American Furm Bureau Federation .to study Uvestock marketing conditions, made fr&em," May: 11.--In tour 'years the £-u-_ mer o(»tp Middie. Wout, working :nnuom Farm Bureaus and the American P¥rm Bureau . Federa-- tion, have -- buflt ~up a~ cooperative Uveslock ~marketingx mechanism which did a busineéss during 1920 of 4 000, to: the prr ns .. : W ess °' * 3127.000.000 Done by Farmers of Mid-- _ SHOWS BIG PROFIT / dlewest in Four Years. Ou § of the 14 markeis, these farm-- FRENCH OPEN DORIVE. N <~WINS HIGH "PRAISE * 18 EP T PA TREPTE Ahreattatanir en C P ips Pnsl . en en e s sn t k1 d t t l P td e t e @UN" JINDEPENDENT -- Late County's Big _ Week!y~ WAUKEGAN WEEKLYSUN _ __'_ Moscow, May 19.~Fiftgen miners were électrocuted Agoday wha ma chipery which they were weroe® the rallroad track at Khaulopo-- vo came in contact with a Wigh ten slon wire overheag _ urs. Irish, Protestant; am hbighly educated,' and etperienced in houre work and . cookingk. Have $5,000.00, own real eatate and oil leases: Would like to bear frawy a man of Means; would lite most antywhere. ° ow ; have a wonderial disposition and am alwaye very cheerful People tell me that I am very nice Iooknfiun out door sports My ago is 64, hi. $%, wi. 137; have beautifal, dark brown hair, hasel eyes and a shapely fig-- Lake Forest hes a lovelo*a widow. As préof read the (ollowing interest-- Ing Aadvertisement which appéarse in the current lssne of Modern Romance, a matrimapial paper : "a Lake Forest, I1--Affectionute wid-- through our investigations." Prior to adjourament, group 4 ap proved a~rebolution urging . passage of the MceFadden branch banking bill with the Hall emendment attach *"I'He accused is entitled to a groat or number of peremptory challehges here than in most of the states or the federal courts," 'Criminal Coun-- sél Emory Smith of the asgociation sald-- in the group's offical geport. in the face of this altaoftion, ac nnomm and tightened up proective --messures #o that at-- u by gunmen n their instito havk "aomingly almost cea» t- mk:mm'n'h 1 'ont.d HMlinois," Mr. Saunderts eald._ "About thirtyt actWwe bank ro® hers have-- been.--senat to prison turite ago when sentences of death zes' 220 'That " AilGoin 'puriicainaty Chs@®; is "conmspivuohely UWberal in giving to the defendant every possible oppor-- -Ryrhmufuld.m LAKE FOREST HAS LOVELORN WIDOW polling by Alfred K. Foreman, vice president 'of the Foraman National bank of--Chicago, for this honget. _ 3 t with those ol seven counties mum-mm aree b[ Chitago in the Stock Yards lon in a meeting sponsored by ""the Iliinots Baukers® association, Monday evening One of the fegtures of the meeting was the condemnation of the present Winots ¢ode of criminal laws as be-- ing urchais and operating for the benefit of wrongdoers, . Of mepecial fnterest to the banking Institutions of this county 'all of which were represented in she mest :c."mmh?u:.;d;rup gramted "lto J. Appel, prest-- dent of Highiland Park National bank ftor the office of viceprealdent of the Appel had been mentioned for the noufingtion for president of the state _ Bankors --of --Lake 7 Aunt .Melisia--Ruth Johnson. .. ," Jouldh Tiszard=Allen ~Flood. -- * Tfl.& Wayne--lda kdwards, '-- Harold Vineent~--Emil Martens. { . Martin -- Wina--Gordon Gillings. . 3 TLindy Jane--Dorothy Flood, . APPEL S GIVEN.. HONOR H&MWW ._ _ Jnails in State.= -- _ LAKE CO. BANKERS i GUESTS AT MEET ~ /« HELD INCHICAGO The Benioc class of 1926,. Warren Township High school, will present "mome. Tles" -- as their commence-- ment week play, on Friday evening, Miy #1, at the Auditorinnf® The cast is as follows: _ eLonard Evereit--Avery _ Noue. . , Ruth 'Winao«--Ruth Swanson. -- ~-- Mrs, Popitn--Martha Sawokiu. 1§ ARE ELECTROCUTED PRESENT A PLAY eapacity of €,000,000 feat com; mfi with the &r.fl of thg Angeloa. The airship will castain sccom modations © for 100. paas+ngers and have a crulsing #24ime of 5,000 w * n00 ~mites --ant « "spoed "of #0 mile* Akron, O, . 19.--Dr. Karl Arnstein of '.Mr Zeppeiia corporation, today ampounced the completion ot ftor the com pany's 8§0040t air Lerk athan. V on designing the craftt bych more to that engient ideal of mental alertness. supported by physi-- 1 stgmina." $ (b) Students in the upper 3 per cent of the sophomore, junior and sapplor Classcs are entitled to wear a echoistship emblem. 'These ate distinguished es "Bup !.hpuuuuu. -- (e) Those eto whio have stood In the upper 3 per cent of thein.Clare in beth their jenior and senior yeare earn' the right to bavre their names inseribed on the bromze tablet which was unvelled during the codvocation. _.Dr. B. 8: Hopkins, professor of chemistry and the recent discoverer oL. the anknown chemical . element Minium,-- was thy speaket of the occa-- slion.and paid his respects not only to those students who were so hon-- At--tbe convocation the names of thoke bonored was .made pyblic for the first time. The university offi-- claily KHomors on this occasion three different groupe 0_ mru.-a in the uppet per cenat each class are o-uglu have their names printed in the con-- vocation program and are distingaish-- ed as "High Scholarship Students." COMPLETE PLANS FOR GIANT BLIMP oted at this event, but also his re specta"® to the' intellectual | sphere which makese for lHile and continued At a general convocation yerterday morning, for which all claeses were diemissed there was given an hour of .derotion to :--, achisvments. of the intellect. *"The students .do event of its kind," "our allegiance UrbanaChatnpaign, ID, May 17-- Homor to whom Honos is 4ys" was' pald yesterday by University of 1i Unots facuity and --students. And those reselving this tribute were the students who had exoglled in scholar Hold Convention to Give Honor to Winpis Honor Stu-- EXCELLENT GRADE _ STUDENTS RECEIVE HONORS ATU; OF L P* y # y® > Mraat a Lovely Hiiwching Post Tt Ts Guing i * agone A "The bill recentliy passed the house by a unanimous vote, thas @iving recognition to the moral ob ligation of the federal government to keep faith with the states in improv-- Ing the system of roads agreed upon. There are some senators who are today opposed to the extenmsion of federal ald on roads beyond the au-- thorigations now previded fae and would" gladly see the whole program scrapped. There are others whose minds are étill open on the aubject. I behooves svery'adrocat® of good raads, therefore, to got behind t:w{ bill and pusch it vigeronsly." | _wn and 192% of $55.000,000 for state roads on the Fed-- eral ° Aid Highway eyeiem, and $7,-- 500,000 for federal forest roads. By doing so it¥ wil} continue for enother two year period the work the feder-- "Is that report authentic?" asked a skeptical memibet, . ~ _ > The Low Down The village gossip was impartifg her latost bit of information at the meeting of the Tuesday Afternoo®h Hewing circle. t#w _ 78 al u'o'm has 24 under wey tor ten yeart--the improve-- ment d'?hm 200,000 _ miles . of through post roada. , This system is now two--thirds improved, and the ap propr'ations authorized by the bill, added to the authorizarions siready made, will go a long way toward im-- proving the retmalning one--third. Charles M. Hayes, premident of the ('lk\a-.lotor'*ub. eays that it is unthinkable that the good roads pro gram of the jederal gqrernmen: should te allowed to lapse, and ur ges the Hlinois senators to use erer ettort to passige of t*~ Federal mfll which is e pected to come to vote within next ftew days. Charles M. Hayes Regrets to Good Roads Program tes of U S. Dropped SEEKS PASSAGE -- OF THE FEDERAL x« -- AIDROADBILL This date was stt Monday evening by the city council at its regular meeting, after it bhad giented the petition for the recall election siga-- ed by 2441 electors of the cily as representing ten pet cent of the vot ers, required by law to call such an election. , tor -- the gtgm election which is to be beld" Kenosha to determine be hbeld" in Kenosha to determine whether Kenoshe will contisiue under the city manager forin of government KENOSHA TO VOTE _ ON MANAGER PLAN "No, " was the emphafl¢ re §, )dz;w gooda."----Colli0r'® Thursday, June 17th, is the date saye Mr. Hayee, "au BILL -- PRAISED wnatvey e of ~their state commander will oc-- cupy the attem;lqn joday o%f \'oé- erans of '61, here for the state con-- vention of the G. A. R. and this afternoon the raily will come to a close. » P *4 Three candidatée--C. B. Johnson Champaign; ~John Andrew,> Quincy and Ivery Pike. of Oak Park ar, |1 the race for state commander. National Adjutapt Davidson of this city, has been elected seaior vice mmander; -- H. M. . Stodebaketr, gmwr. jugior vice commander. W..J. Libberton, Chicago, chaplain, and Dr. E. L. Emmetson, New Wind-- sor, medigal director, Fire affifiated organizations, meo! ing in comfunction wth the G. A. R also will close their sessgions to The abore facts emanated trom Chicago, and so far as tan be leatned Bo. action. has been takenm bire to wpprelbend the ymu('t. Sheriff Ablsfrom stated that the matter bad not been called to bis attention Sheriff Abistrom sent Peter Criet lar to ClBichgo with a warrant for Leomard's arrest. The Lomazes are reputed wealthy and it is lo'nb:& Wilson boy, whose home is in k» ville, IIL, and who was spending a two weeks' vacation at. the re sort, Bas been kidnaped. + a nice wway with your children. . Mrs. Smith--Yes, but, of course, abe buas never been their spother : _' T oo Polite * Burke--How did Banks |aze his seat Om the stook exchange? a .. Kirke--Too polite Gare, it to an ai the big summ:_ Jesort Ol#"l Tak®, ' near Wauconda, condiuctéd" by Charles Lomaxr and his son, Leroy. With William Wilsor, a 10 year old nephew of Leray Lomaxr, Leos crd disappeared _ yesterday. 'After e left it was found-- that $300° in cash and $150 worth of clothes were missing. 20 VETS OP'OL TO ~-- ELECT COMMANDER Search was being made in Chi cago early this mhorning for John Leomard, 32 years old, who gave his address as 49§9 North Keystone avenu4, when he took employment MAY _ KNOW _ OF BOoY Pant to Oicag Eaiing for rant to alling for . Arrest of Man FEAR KIDNAPING OF BOY, 13, FROM Best Sport . Bob--What 4o you comsider the RICH KIN'S HOME x~--MHardiy hands--no matter blnl cards or mak-- y MPek: 20q JiQ _ +sl WWe $1.50 PER YEAR, 1N'ADVANCE1 axe ~ ~[RNLITED NERP <~ PVE MATE SACKS® 1 -- inte. [ 5oc AT AGE 0F,IENI STOLEN AT DEPOT: | > e | . .m--.l2 . petecrives Busy) The chase extended south on Sher,. ian road to Wasiyaxton and then west on Washington to Gentsee atreet where Policeman John RBab-- ling joined him in the abise. Rab-- ling célled to Haertele to stop. The fegitive jold the ofticer to shoot. Rahiing ~did. Haertgle (ell with a builet in bis left leg -- .After Being removed to Lake Coum . W bhospital, Haertole refused: to bare his identity, Latert be was induced to falk:. A police afficer from Mik waykee came to investigate, infor im-- ed (ie joca\ police of the cm1 'pendilu agalnst the man if the brew-- 'fl"r city ang was allowed to osc.m' ithe prieoner back --to that city for The wrecked plane .was not dis rovered until B--o'clipck last night, but The clock on the control board had «topped at 5:45, mdtoating the acci dent had occurred at that time. The fiyer is believred--to bave died inatant-- Kiypatrick Had won fame in the artmy by his darihg attem to break the nonstop !litht reeor:. His out standing-- achievemen}t-- was -- £ MNight from Mitchel Field, L. 1, t« KNome, Aleck®, --=+* N 6 --~*. i bour. (Chitago proper escaped tM'. Urbapa, IIL, May 19 --Five of the atrone winds, but bhandreds of cellats | sofl expériment flelds which the co}-- were reported flooded. One man '-s}lop of agriculture, U. of 1. main-- knocked unconscions by the large hail | tains in the eouthern part of ths stoues. * | state, will bold «pring fleld meet-- The towns of Harvey and Argo ings, it is announced by F. C. Bager, sufiered most. In Harvey more thap |chie? of the fteid& The purpose of :n houses were unrosfed and other i the meetimts will be to give farmera damage was done., f 1| the 12 results from the Tieldse and Kirkpatrick, a former army avia-- | show E em the merits o( the seil im-- tor, was emroute from Detroit to CRi | provement aystem advocated by th» cago with a cargo of mail when his |agricuitural college ' To this , en#, plane was caught in the vortex 0f the |the program at each of the meetinas storm. He was withis 15 minutes |will include a comparison of _ t'\e of the landipg Tield at Maywood, now growing undet different when be crashed into a sw#mp, two :;3:" of seil treatment and tal'~ miles west of Argo. © by members of the co'lege agonomy The wrecked plane .was not di+ | gepartment. . PR . *n m v--«tern euburte of Chicago. The storm was Accompanied by heavy rain and hafl, more than en liech of water falling withis a ball bour. (Chitago proper escaped the atrone winds, but handreds of cellats were reported flooded. One man was knocked unconscions by the large hail BCOA Chicagco, May 19 --Roes Kirkpat rick. an eair mail .pilot, is dead ° several hundred families ate '." less today as the result q&: sma tornado wh#*ch ewept ovet. aouth l Proceeding on that theory he found the machine of Policomas Harry Quindt parked--in front of the police headquarters on Madison fln«.ut:z got into it and stepped on the s ':-. He erperienced some trouble in rting the motor. Quandt inside of the station recognised the whirt ol the etarting apparatus on his car and decided to Investigate. . Whea the officer emerged from the station Haertele fed. C AIRMAIL PILOT IS KILLED IN STORM NEAR HARVEY, ILL. Usually careful in the selection of--machipes_--Haeerteis on this partid ulas day ccemed to have thrown cau tiom or care to the winds. He reac» ¢4 a poini on North Shéeridan .in Waukegan when the '.mrlu appar-- atus of the machine, was drtring. broke. He was foreed to abandon the car, probably without mitgtvrings for he feit that all that was néces sarty tI"obtain another machine was to step into ons that suited bis fan-- cye and drive away. The accomplishments of Arthur Hacricle, aged 20 years, as a super automobile thief, and who was shot down by a Waukegan politeman after e n':'-m-m,m eteal a car here last week, are due to be interrupted by a sentence of from one tb five 'years. which was meter out to the youth in distrlet court in Miiwaukee. Bentencing of Haertle closes a ca-- reer of crime exfending over a per-- tod of months. When Haertele »etyp ped into a machine which be found parked along a street in Milweukee and started ou. his lli--starsed trip to Waukegen on the mprolog of May 13 he had five indictments bhanging over his bead all tor theft of automobiles. °* Actidn om the case o! Rupert Gar-- ipy, <{ Duluth, Mins,; who accompan-- led --Haertele to Waukegan in another stolen car, on tke morning that the latter .was captured bere; "has been deferted. One of the most 'picturesque cive} war 'véterans who is atterding the GAR. meet 'at Springfield, . I!L, Is L D. Howé, of Streator, II!:. but formerly of Waukegan. At the age of 10 years, 9 ma«wnths and. $ days, Mr. . Howe enlisted in the Union Army at -- Warkegen,-- asa -- drummer-- boy. After serving in several campaigus he was discharged, and when 14 re yesterdas @0 il * i & P Cl mustered '0ut. Man Arrested as Alleged Ac-- complice Obtains a Con-- RAERTELE, WOUND-- -- ED AUTO ROBBER, GETS SENTENCE sted as a private and setved until The eeries of -- meetings wili open en the field near Newton on. May 24 «hd be conmtinued at Odin May 25; Sparta, May 26; Nebanon, May #7; and Cariinville May i% At esch field the mecting will start at 1:30 o'clock with the excoption of the Odin meetimz, which will be started at TG o'clock in the morning and be contis-- wed at 1:30 o'clock im the ait on Poortand farm of the mflzz Hopkins & i 3 % > Farmers Will Be Able to Get the Latest Results on Crop Matters. Police® arrested four bums in bot care in the yardl.i% the couree of their search but questipging oaly proved that iheae men were. bebos, Ther were kicked out of tows. Postmaster Prysbvorski re porte d that feur of the --eacks, were from North Chicago and thar the bulk of the lsot consirted of factory mail. He has notified a¥% of the factories and they are being told that if any checks 'mnthomntoulm-l_s:_}'_ eil bankers :o #top paymest on chec ks. * y *A f T * It was his optfion that the bazs held no great value, J --» WILL . OPEN _ MAY _ 25 FIVE SOIL EXPER-- _ This car is Weing eought out. and the driver, i( found, will be submit-- ted to a police quizting. hk Local.police saig that *by m{iFl4tant a-m-. Robéert Thompeos,, had it the sacks to load a nprth bounf train. He was--on'the other side ot the tracks about 2# misutes Ths man who brought the "mail down hbad gone ihito the baggage ruvom. to sleep, they said. , The baggrageman, J. W. Stephermon,. reported the theft to palice. -- -- s -- The tracks were hunted to a polut sorth. of Manville and hobo-- camps and %hu. were looked inte m t The agents wetked w pause. until 4 c'clock this motaing. > No clues of apy Yalue were uncov-- erderd during the night, it was said. The {(reight yaris were searched, the agents believing that 1w6 _ thfeves miight cut open the sacke, make .2 division of the contents, ang cast the eacka away. Tlicyfll'o'i o find any emipt'y pouches. . the Waukegan and-- North &'n police and the sheriff's office that a man, in & Ford coupe with «_ bor. truck in the rear was posted at the end of the depot at the time the mail delivery wagon brought the sacks to the depot -- Thomas. got in touch. with Posi-- master Talcott. who ~ reported -- the. matter to the federai authorities. He thes advised Postmaster Prymoreki ol the loss. Three special agents of the Northwestern railway polics were hurried to Waukegan and then con ducted -- an invesiigaiog: r f lieve 'that it was sothing more ihan average run of mail .Neither had an idea. as to the value. ' : ' f + North Chicago bad. delivéred its sacks to Waukegin Mo aad lhg mail of the two mies was <hey takes' to the NorthWestern depot. There were five sacke and it arrivet ibere abortly after.9 v'cior« iy © the evering. . . % + -- Abou: 9:30 o'clock when it was on the truck of Baggageman Thomas, it was learned, be was called away for a few moments. in that space of time the pouches were removed. * The mail was the last out from tha city and includged -- Waukegan" and North Chica®o postoffice deliveries. €ontrary to tife. initial report that it was all régistered mail and incom-- The {first report was that most 'of it was to go to Abbott Laboratories aod that valyable dragy were ton» tained in the peckeges. Both Post. ing, Postmaster linéei;:l'tvlgo-tl :&:l:d that it was first class and Ay _out~ going. £ 00 Five mail pouches were stoleum from a baggage--t#uckcat tha Norin. western depsot Tuesday night that was to b6 taken to Chicago on the 104y o'clock grain for distribution. I$ _ CFIRST--CLASSs ---- mA Baggageman Leaves Truck a ~Few Moments and Sacks --, . _ are Taken Away, . TO HOLD M Mave Siefiter Cive from

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