¥$ . Beder the iaw a rallroad or: bus ' eompiny cannot chaiige its schedulp , ~Mirot getting the permissiin * Hilinols Commerce Commie "This--the company falled to do g His counsel in the bearing before Be Commission m:'dn'y lmet " theat* they peglected io # :mmruuun:-n, 4 the Commiixion paseed order the eame day ordering the company to resume the stop in on Bundaye and# réport had _ "BR that the company might on re --qurast of the Zions council We a new 'mobeadule which included the elimin t of the Bunday stop. However, ' reports had it that the bus com-- : would Therely endeavror (q ad-- -- Bere to the schedule wnich included-- °_ . Mewetrsm, the matter of jurisdic % thos ariees and the bus company : «Jn the position of efther : ¥with the Zion councit's re '% UOt detying the order of the Commerce <omm»zsion The ) @OMpkby dows no: nesitate in ac +« the in« a of the law int the operat visses _ es 1 . Ratly in April Voliva zor some un fesson decided that be did not s the busses to stop in Zlon at _1 --__ Questions Power ' Mee--court, next Friday affernodh.. It ( l# expected that" the Illinois Com-- ~merce Commiselon will be--represent-- . #d at the bearing." * » * " «> Commisston Enters fssue -- -- North Shore--line: _ _ The arréat was . by Chiel of Police Streed and 'm..&njamll Fisher. s % --Obeying Police: Order . * 'Mr. Kenry stated that following the _mrrest hbe revised his order for stop-- of all bueses in, the city until 'the fegal department of the North ;;n 'Tine could advise him as to resodution and the pos ~> ~> :>/ tiee that the bussee «> ot at ehllh-.du-,-m flml:"'.l:o b-c-.:n) r-tw matter befor m&--um'm 't':;-- drew the stop in question. And thas a critica precipitated. _ It is recalled that <the action of the Commiusion {nllowed the filing of ~pomplaints with-- the-- COommisesior the bys company bad withdrawo Abe gae stop in Zion on Sundays dat Jug. from April 4ith Reaidents o awho are not allied . with the gectared~ that ~they were inconveniencel on SQnday by ¢ fallure of the busses to stap at th street ae they net bees doing ' the Commerc«» "ommission r a certificate of ~oavenienc?t necaiilty to operate the "as Tne further action took pliace it would amunate from the Zion «ouncil and the isttet would then be thrashed ;fi. the Commission and pos <artied to the higher courts. Enstesd of that being done I ap> b'lhl the copnci! heid a epecia! ®rom Wausezan thr * p r.ll_'.ti'l tbr uzh '"Jon nd on Blow Down is Certa -- The bus company . ®=% sever starts an operition 6f a bus :in~ in this or any other county * > ~ut fitst getting a certificate from <he Winots Commerce Commission : us Shdemvore to comply with ité inte-- merce commission has 2 t oto K0. Ko®w the quee, s ,:" "n to bappen on Sunday ind any Oky in case the nuceee cudeavor the stop in compsance with which the commiacton "B to resstablish > stande, it & quite ap "J ~WIH Te car. Ahe best couree to p¥ ~ue. This re wision was made when *the officials Oof the line learned that it was the Minots Commerce Commission endermvrore to comply with ite | pretation of the jar Now eomes Tion with a rse~lation to effect that the bus company mus Bomethimg contrary o «)20 ens +4 P rm{ination o' the Zion council to enforce im order was noted last Baturday when the driver of the first 'North Shore lise--bes--due--in Ston at E:86 o'clock that morning was placed Whder arrest for b@lting--to%s car at y Seventh etreet/in-- the city. We driver. S. J I:'J of Waukegan was placed in .jail~ . later 'released .on bonde of $100 furnished by Divi-- slon Superintendent Kepry . of . the Action by the Zlon®council follows 'fillmu-. _That is, the Beil has eought to bring this .passage .of Sn order .b: the I1i; Commerce Comunission in Chi-- ) which. last week .. ordered North Shore line to resume its dule, as how on file with the -g Commission which. pro-- ® ane stop is Zilon at 27th pf which infersects Sheridan |-- * .!%« ~canter . of . the > pusigess .llo Commiseio: ~C @ver the -% that -- Indging by tho + ée of the . lllinois Com-- Commiesion which ine legisla-- dn the law passed 2 few yeare assed a lew ygare all drivers who stopped-- 4 In the city. : <;.-- _ _ theis fi"flhp'led 'as the regulatory & g in hand the operation of ¢ ompanice sirgh "bar compahios.._ # * amile¢, bus lines, etc. the Zion gouncil acting under orders of seer v°u\'|_ _p¢l.5{('d a netice in Friday afternoon to the effect the North Shore busses run-- through Zion -- will _ hereafter ) no stope with!l7 the limits of Did Not Report Action Ne neil Issues Order For-- Operation of Busses in City. " inded :ne stop within what the com BOARD;: TtGered it to . what is go A y and any aea evideavror to cition ba ve f the -- the n the __. . | declase. that thé "courts already have _ decided thet the ozr'.tlon of. bysses for--| stre:: cars, railroads, ete., lee withih Aq -- | Lhe commission's bands and one at-- °$ |torney in fighting the Zion case ar-- : *] gded that in event the Zion council is allowed to regulate the busses in Com.| Zion it also could proceed under the risla. | same plan to fix rates and matters eare | Of operation for the telephone com-- tory | PABY, the Public Service company, n of |the. North Shore Electric and u't:g Northwestern ralirpad and Othezr . % flg}t'finmy operate within the--city Zion | 0f. Zion. * xz 0 ~ s of| .__ State Wide in Importance e in The situation in :Zion therefore, ffec; | assumes more than a local aspect. It runp. |assumee the character of a state--wide after | propositon, namely, the determina-- s of |tion as to the jurisdiction of a city % council as compared to the state unci] |commiesion. . The argument is ad-- last | vanced by utility companies that in first | case a municlpality takes precedence y ut | over--the--state commriesion that chaos aced | would prevail in the etate in the op-- r--at feratton of --utility. _ _ x the _ The action in Zion at this time seeme to indicate a desire to force the matter into the higher courts in the endearor to prove to the world that Zion can even regulate uttiitice within its borders according to the desires of the powers that be there and regurdless of the ~convenience of 'the other portion of the public Agssordingiy in view of the atute ali-- uation that has developed in : Zion city it will --be interesting to waich what the finale will be, in deciding the eract status of a city council and the Commerce Commission in the mattér of rogulation of utilities ARREST SAILORS * . ON CHARGE OF 'The total fimne of the four boye came to $30.30,. whigh they were un-- able to meet at the time. Friends (@me To their rescue late oMunday and paid their fines. . The boys. so the polite charge. were annoying the girlse by racing past their mxrhine and then stop ping: and also by trying to crowd the rirlke' marhine off the road. tomobile . late Saturday night used somewhat. more violent tactics im lovemaking than the state laws per-- mit in the opinion of Zion police who arreated the group. _ & The four men, Raymont Coyne, William Murdock, Eimer Green and John Brand are charged with bar-- ing used their antomobile in fore-- Ing a car containing several Ke nosha girls off of the road several timies before they were apprehended. --Pour romantic saftors Lakes Naval _ training North @heridan road in The Commisgion bas no personal interest in the operation of the hus« es through Zion but according to re port Lke bus company bas on (ile a petition signed. by about three hun-- dred persons lMving in or near Zion who have compleifed agairst the busses not stopping on Sundays when the bue company endeasvored to com ply with the Zion council's secant resolution. -- 7. _' They potnt out that one city 'could. order trains and bueses not to stop and that if & neighboring eity or two o-- three neighboring cities could do the eame thing the publig would be. aly lnconwnien%d' by being us n!g to '¥@tT on or bff busses that might be foreed to run through a. cqmmunity without stopping. It was-- because of this bare possibility.'it is declared, that the state legislature enacted a law which placed the jur isdiction of ev--h operations of util-- ities within the hands of a state commission who's -- viewpoint wou'd have to be broad and consider the public as a whole rather than to con-- sider the desires of some emall com-- munity. tnsls * -- It is felt by those 'in Zien flty who are not allied with the Voliva or not. The council for bus compan-- les in other places declared that the Bperation --of busses lie entirely with in the juriediction of the Commerce Commies'or _ Zton apparently 'thipke otherwise. The courts meay bave to Training Station are Appre-- hended in Zion Saturday. CONTRACT HAS BEEN AWARDED FOR SEWER IN COPELAND MANOR! - 21 ANNOYVING GIRLS Actual work on the Big $100,000.00 Sewer Project will be started as soon as his equ'pment on -- the ground, m'nh big im provement be com: pleted this summer. GET vYOUR PICK OF THE CHOICt LOTS NOW. i. drdanal" rtiieinint o+ . ete., les withis | Extreme Coldness of Month in navigating of the Village Clerk of the Village*of Libertyville, TMinois, and must be ac eo-mldkyeuluebodmh to the order.Of_the President of the nm.:n"awm-nu.hm nr-ng-hal. an amount not less 10% of the ag-- gregate proposal. Bids will be opened by the Board of Looal Improvements in open session at 7:30 o'clock P. M., standard time, June lst. 1926, in said Village Hall in said Village of Liber tyville. The Board of Local imorore mants reserves the right to reject The successful bidder for the con struction of said improvement will be required to enter into & bond in & sum edual to one--third of the amount of such bid, with surities to be approvr-- ed by the President of the Boarg of Local Improvements of said VMage of Libertyville, which bond must be filed with said Board when contract for the construction of said improvement is entered into Said bond shall provide that said contractor shall wel and faithfully perform and execute said work in all respects according to the complete and detailed specifications. and full and complete drawings, pro-- files and models therefor and accord-- Ing to the tirgé" and terms and condi tions of the contract, and also, that such bidder or contractor shall prompt Iy pay all debts incurred by such bidder or contractor in the prosecu-- tion of such work, including those for labor and material furnished. All bide or proposals shall contain an offer to furnish such bond uporn the acceptance of such bid or proposal. _ -- _ ed ~6y --the Board of Loca} im provemen'ts of the Villege. of Lib ertyville. lilinoig,. until 7:30 o'ciock P M., Standard time, on the 1st day of June, A. D. 1926 at the Village Mall t libertyviNe, litineis, Yor'the con-- struction as--a whote of an. improve-- ment eouhuh of A connected system of water mains. together with hydrants, hydrant con-- nections valves, valve boxes and con nections shall be furnished, construct e4 and ixid in LINCOLN--AvENUE and other streets in the Village of Lib ertyville, Lake County, Tilinois, in the manner shown and set forth in an Ordinance pareed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of said ViMage of libertyville on the 6th day of April, A. D. 1926 Said improvement shall be constructed in accbrdance with the terms of_ said Ordinansce and with the plans and apecifications therefor on file in the office of sald Board of Local Imorove ments at the Village Hall in said Vil} Inge. Contractors are to ne paid in special asseasment bonds which draw Intarest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. payable annmually and in Members of the Board of Local Im-- provements of the Village of LAberty-- ville, Lake County, IMinois: NOTICE OF LETTING crtnm FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT _ _ Dated this 20th day of May, A. D 19%. > ature --occurred over a large portion of the stete on a number of days, and @s late as the twentyGiith, but owtng to the lateéeness of the season there was probeably little damage. O# the twenty--second ha:, over a lim-- dted area in the Cairo drainage dis trieé;, caused -- damage .estimated at $100 to truck @nd to notbed and win:-- dow panes. . Minowr scattered wind damage" occurred to outbuildin»s, wiree, poles and trees during the passaZge of a marked low . pressure lrea on the twenty--fourlh whica wus accompabied _ by . gepesal . (hugder storm conditione. . No loca! -- storm damage was reported in Ilinvis from February 24 to Apili 23. a per.od ol iwo months. . ~ & NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT FORK LOCAL IMPROVEMENT -- *'This last month, Mr. Feldwish continued, was unique also in the Tre corded enowf@ll; which at numerous stations as :well as m the average fall for the state exceeded" all ?ro-: vious records. Trafiic was delayed over. a large azed by the heavy etorm with which theé month opened. and bishways were practically blocked by drifts at many points until the ®hird or later. In some Places the drifte did _ not* disappear until after the middle of --the mrontn. "With temperature during the firet two decades of April far below. nor-- mal, following an _ unusually . cold Mareh, veulhutiun *remained almost dormant until late in the. month. While ground was too wet for field work the--first:--week or 10 days, fairly good progress was made later, tho temporary m_tegruptionHMtlnued. At the end of the mo®% ome outs remained to be sown, very little corn had been planted, tho plowing was making good progress, hnd fruit trees were. coming, into 'bloom-- well north-- ward into the central division. APRIL COOLEST, _ EXCEPT TWICE, Only twice in the 48 years siifce ftate wide weather records were in-- gugurated has Illinols had a cooler April, 'according to the weather eum-- mary for the--last month issued Tues-- day . by _W. .F. Feldwi--». ypetearolo-- gist of ~the ~Thited 'States weather bureau. s 200 T * This extreme coolness was in di-- rect contrast 'to this month a year ago, when it was unusually warm, he said. Thé average temperature for the state this year was the --lowest for April since 1907. . a Semled proposals wHL be. receiv Direct Contrast With Year Ago----Had Snowfall: proposals will be received JESSE 8. HYATT, W. W. GRUMMITT L. JOHNSON . HART We tions be constmacted and laid in in Village of 1ibertyville, Lake A connected system of water mains together with hydrants, hydrant con-- nections, vralves, valve bores and con nections to be furnished, constructed and laid in LINCOLN AYENUE and other streets in the Village of Liber-- Notite is hereby given to all per-- sons interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of IAbertyrilla County of Lake and Btste & Illinois. having ordered the co«ntractim of a local pablic im Notice is horeby given to al} per-- soms Interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Iibertyville County of lake and State of Nlinols, having ordereg the eonsatrauction of a local public im A gonnected system of water mains together with hydrants, hydrant con mnections, valvea vaive boxes and con-- nections to be furnished, constructed and laid in McKINLEY AVENTUE and other streets in the vnm; of 1Jbar-- tyville, Lake Counw, Ili{nots, the Ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said Vilage having &ppHed to the County Court of Lake Conuty, Hlinois, for an assess-- ment of the costs of said improve ment, acbording to benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made apté returned to sald Gourt, tx final hearing théreon will be had on the sessment in ten annual installments with annual interest at the rate of aix per cent per annum. _ O tyville, Lake County, Hlinots, the Ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the ViNage Clerk of said. Village, and the said Villag» having applied to the County Court of 29th day of May, A. D. 1926, at 10 o'clock a m., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit All persons desiring may file objér tions in sald Court before said day and. may appear at the hearing and make their defense Baig Ordinance provides for the collection of sald as-- Iake Conuty; Minots, for an assess ment of the costs of said improve ment, according to benefits, and an assesament therefor having been made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereon will be had on the 209th day of May, A. D. 1926, at 10 o'clock a m., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit All persons destring may file objec-- thine in eaid Court before said day and may appear at the hearing and make their defense. Baia Orfnance provides for the collection of «aid as-- sessment in ten annual installments witW annual interest at the rate of six ner cent per annum. Dated TIAbertyville, IMlinots, May 13th A. D. 1926. GBORGE B FOLLETT The person appolnted to make _ _ A connected system -- of aanitary sew-- era together' with manholes, "Y" branches, bbuse drains and connec-- nections déhall be furnished, construct ed and laid in "McKINLEY AVENUE and other streets in the Village of Lib ertyville, Lake Cqunty, lilinois, ~ in the manner,.shown and set forth in ! an Ordinance passeq and approved by | the President and Board of Trustees of said Village of Libertyville, on the 6th day of April, A. D. 1926. Said itmprovement shall be constructed in Members of the Board of l.:!;c"ul Im 'i provements of the Villag® ol Liberty-- m' ville, Lake County, I!linois. _ l . Notice is« hereby given to all per-- sons Interested that the President and Board o Prustees of the Village of Libertyyille County of Lake and Siate of lllimols. having ordered th«e construction of w jocal public im provement consisting of Dated this 20th day of May 1926. The successful bidder for the con-- struction of said improvement will be required to enter into a bond in a sum equal to one--thirq 'of the amount of such bid, with sureties to be approved by the President of the Board of Loca} Improvements of said Village of Lib-- ertyville, which bond must be filed with said Board when contract for the construction <of said improvement is entered into. Said bond shall provide that said contractor shall well and faithfully perform and .execute _ said work in all respects according to the wl:lte and doullled specifications, 4 full and « lete drawings, pro-- mto the time and terms and cond[-- of the contract. and also, that such bidder and contractior shball promptly pay all debts incurred by such bidd6r or contractor in the pros-- ecution of such work. including.phose for labor and materials furnished. . All--bids or proposals shall contain an offer to furnish such bond ypon the . acceptance of such Tid or proposal. --. $o * posal. Bids will be opened by the Board of Local Improvements in open mession at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. standard time, 'June 1st, 1926 in said Vilage Hall in said mue of-- Libertyville. The Board.of al Improvements re-- serves the right to reject any and all bids as the Board fmay elect. s sccordance with the term» of said Ordinance and with the plans and apecifications therefor on file in ments at the Village Hall in said Vil-- lage. Contractors are to be paid in special 'assessment bonds which draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable annually and in vouch-- ers. Proposals must be madge upon blanks furnished at the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Liber-- tyville, Illinois, and must be u:coun.-' nied by cash or check certified by tUi7:80 o'clock P. M., standard time, on the 1st day of June, A. D. 1924 at the Village Hall of Libert#ville, H!li-- noig for the consfruction as a whole of uMcmenr'oommfu of =©> A ed system of water mains. responsible bank, for an amount not less than --10%--of the --aggregate pro-- SPECIAL A8BSESSMENT NOTICE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE A co aaid assogement. GPORGE BR FOLLETT Tha person appointed to make said @mecasament . 19 2t Libertyvillie. IHlinois, May aftice of the JESSE 8. HYATT. R. W._BULKLEY: E. F; SWAN w. ow. GRUMMITT w. A. NICHOLAS, A. L JOHNSON _ J ow HART -- may 2 bud 1 Ti ard 19 2t D weukee Road 244.86 feet northwesterly from the intersestion of the ctenter line of said road and the south line of section'9, township 44 north range 11 East of the 3rd P. M., thence running northwesteriy along the cénter of said road a distance of 776 feet, thence north 64 degrees east 147906 feet to the center ol the Desplaines River, {(ho-nce along the center of safd river to |a point south 54 degrees east $50.74 feet, thence south 64 degrees west '2079 feet to the center of the above named Chicago and Mt!waukse Road, ;the same being the point of beginning. ;md parcet of land being situated in | section 9 aforesaid. Terms of Sale --, | Gash. FRANK CATER. ; Guardian for John Paten Cat«r, Minor | 41----may 6 13 20 27 the sovtheast corner thereot, thegte v® -- Freqd W. Churchill, Mary C. Krans, George H. Periolat. kv_td Etuig, Mary Sturm, Frederick ke!l murth. rmf erick ~W ' SBophte Wanket muth, WKbelmine i'nmormn. Ex bert B Van Vlack, Mayinda Van Viaek William Peacock, Peter Gottem, Anna Mary Gotten, Frederick Ablvers, Ca: ollne _ Ahivers. . Frederick Hogreye, Dorothe Hogreve, Henry Hogreve. James Wi}son, Bophia Wilson Louise Meyer, Chriat Meyer, Phillip C Laseks» Clara Menuching. Henry Laseke Alice Heuer, Verna Meyers, Emma Minnick, Albert Laseke Christ Laseke, Elsie Russell, Grace A. Hogan, J W. Hogan, Amanda lLoomis, 8. Maton Meek, 8 Mason Meek, Edwin F. Miller, Godlio bin,. Welflin: _ Anna M. Armbruster Charles A. Armbruster Benjamin W. Porter. Hiram Perry, Charles W. Wi-- son. "Unknown heirs or devisees re apectively of the following persons towit: Mary C. Kranz, David Sturm Frederick Wankelmurth, Frederick Wankeimuth, Egbert B. Van Viack, William Peacock, Peter Gotten. Fred-- erick -- Ahivers, Frederick . Hogreve, James Wilson, J. W. Hogan, Amanda Loomis, 8. 'Maton Meek, 8. Mason Meek, FdAwin F. Milier, Godiobin Wel fiin, Anna M. Armbruster, Charles A. Armbrusten Benjamin W. Portér, Hi+ ram Perty, and Charles Wilson, de-- ceased." 5/ "Unknown owners of or 'persons in-- terested in that part of the southwest quarter 'of section ' 38, township 43 north range 11 mm 8r4 P. M. in Lake County, , described as degrees 15 minutes east 7.36 chains, thence south 1 degree 45 minutes east §.92 chaing, thence south 88 degrees 16 minutes west 736 chains, thence north 1 degree 45 minutes west 692 chains to the place of beginning" and 'Untmmdor':rmflm'r ested in that part of southwest quarter of section 36, Twp. 43 north mange 11 East of the $rd P. M. in Iake County, MiHnois, described as follows: Commencink at a point on the east -dfifln&rflud-fl snction 36 which in €88.1 teet north of follows: Commencing at the south-- east corper of --a 40 acre |ot formerly owned by Duncan McNabb as shown by plat recorded in Book K of Deeds page 3$25, thence north 1 drgree 45 minutes west fl,.x'gd-m'm a point which is the piace beginning of this description, thente north 88 degrees 16 minutes east 736 chains, thence 15 minutes -tJu chains, thence «ath 1 degree minutes east 658 chains. thence squth 88# degeres 15 minutes weet 7.36 chaine, thence north 1 dégree 45 minutes weet 658 chains to the place of beginning", "Unknown owners of or persons interested in that part of the soutihwest quarter of see-- tion 36, township 43 north range 11 East of the 3rd P. M. in Lake County, I!linois, described as follows: Com-- mencing at the southeast corner of a 40 acre lot formerly owned by Duncan McNabb as shown on plat recorded in Book K of Deeds page 325, thence north + degree 45 minutes west 13.67 chains to a point which is the place of beginning of this description. thence north 88 degrees 15 minutes east 7 36 chains, thence north 1 degree persons interested in that nart of the southwest quarter of section 34, town-- ship 43 north range 11 Eakt of the 3rd P. M. in Lake County, Hilinois, de, scribed as toblows: Commencing at aoutheast corner of a 40 acre lot t-u'yo'nd by Duncan McNabb, as shown on plat recorded in Book K of Deeds page 3%%, thence north 1 de-- gree 45 minutes west 13.67 chains to a point wkich is the place of beginning of this description, thence north 88 45 minutes west 692 chains, thence wouth 88 degrees 15 minutes weet 7.36 chains, thence sotuth 1 degree 45 min-- utes east $.92 chains to the place of beginning". "Unknown owners of or COUXTY OF LAKE STATE OF ILLNOIS) In the Circuk Court of said County Special June Term, A. D. 1926 David W. Willtams ® 09 » _ _An undivided one--fourth interest in the 'lollowln'_ "described real tate, 4O wit: _ l at a j sovi . Sengaing 30 a som: [ j Public notice is hereby given that. by ;virtue of an order--of the Probate Court of the County of Lake and State --of lllinois, made and entered of record at the February A. D. 1926 term thereof, the undersigned, Frank Cater, Guardian of John Paton Cater, minor devisee of William Cater, deceaset .will sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder therefor, on the 5th day of June, A. D. 1926, be-- tween the hours of 10 o'clock in the Torenoon and> 5 o'clock in the after-- noon of said day, to wit, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. at the East front door of the Court House in the City of Waukegan, County of Lake and State of lliinols, the. following © described real estate belonging to the uld'xnn Paton Cater, minor devisee --as re-- sald, to--wit:-- © <" County-- of Lake ) & -- In the matter of the estate of John Paton"Cater,, minor, ; Guardian's Sale of Real Estate State of LMinols) Alt persons desiring may fle objec-- tions in 'gaid Court before said day and may appemr at the hearing and make their defenge. Saiq Ordinance provides for the collection of sald as-- sessment in ten annual installments with annual interest at the rate of six »er cent per annum. 2 Dated Libertyyille. lllinois, May 13th. A. D. 1926. _ C E+ of said VH and said Village ..-.c.,..'.'.i' to The County Court of Lake Conuty; lilinois, for an assess-- ment of the costs of said improve-- ment, according to benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made 29th day of May, A. D. 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., or. as soohn thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. GuaARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE 5 The person appointed to make said assessment. > 19 2t ):ss. In the Probate Court of said County )ms WE WILL BUY YOUR FARM or land anywhere in ILa4ké county, if you have'a bargain and do business quick. Bubmit best price and terms and legal @escription and get quick action. Sel-- lers & Poetersen, LibertyrHle l1 _ 3tf Notice is therefore hereby given (6 the above nampd defendants that the above named complainant filed his BIH of Complaint in said Court on the Chancery side thereof and that a sum-- maoms thereupon lasued out of said court against the above named defend-- ants returnabie on the first day of the FOR SALE--Titan 10--20 tractor, w plow and disc. N. Redmond, ] erett, 111 *nm:.onfl'f.v.m&a the Circuit Court of County, HH-- nois, to be held at the Court House in the Chy of Waukegan. in said County of Lake, on the first Monday of June, A. D. 1926, as is by lew required and which suit is still periding. 1. J WILMOT, Clerk. Waukegan, I!l., May 5, 1926 PAUT MacGUFPFIN-- +0 at 606 North Second 8t.; 2 car gar-- age; garden and small fruit. Phone Antioch No. 9. 20 2t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--Me-- Henry county farms; $100 per acre and up; easy terms. John F. O'Brien, Harvard. NL . 19 5t ton, call phone 141--R, after 5:30 p)m. of beginning of this descriptfon. thence north 88 degrees 15 minutes east 7 36 chains, thence north 1 degree 45 minutes west 692 chains, thence south 88 degrees 15 minytes west 736 chains. thence south 1 degree 45 min utes east 692 chains to the place of beginning", "Unkmown owners of or persons interested in that part of the southwest quarter of section 36. town ship 43 north range 11 East of the 3rd . M. In Take County lilinois, de scribed as {ollows Commencing at The southeast corner of a 40 acre jot former!ly owned by Duncan McNabb. a« shown on plat recorded in Book °K of Deeds page 325. thence north 1 de gree 45 minutes west 13 67 chains to a point which is the place,of beginning of this description, thence north ®*% degrees 15 minutes east 736 chains, thence south 1 degree 45 minutes east 692 chains, thence scuth %% dgegrees 15 minutes Woest T736 chatss. thence north 1 degree 45 minutes west 882 chain« to the place of beginning" and "U'nknown owners of or persons inter-- ested in that rt of the squthwest quarter of u-dcn 36-- Twyp 43 north mange 11 East of the 3rd P. M. in Lake County, lllinols, deseribed as follows Commencing #% a poift on the east line of the southwest quarter of «aid section 36 which is 68131 feet north of the southeast corner thereof, thence north 89 degrees 57 minutes wes! 616 93 fret. thence north 2 degrees 11 minutes west 380 6 feet, thence cam-- erty 631.16 feet to a point in tBe it Hne of said quafter secétion which is 194102 feet north of the place of be ginning,' thepce south to the place of beginning." j cannot be found and that upon dil}+ gept inquiry made for that purpose their places of residence cannot be as certaine; so that process herein can Business Opportunities FOR RENT--Five room modern house FOR SBALE--175 white oak fence phats. N. Redmond, Everett, IIL FOR SALE--Combination: gas and coal range. Phone 546--R. 20 1t FOR SBALE--Choice inke frontage on not be served upon them gfimor them having been fil«4 in the office the Clerk of said Court tion 36, township 43 n range 11 East of the 3rd--P. M. in 'Lake County, Hlinois, described as follows: Com-- mencing at the southeast corner of a 40 acre lot formerly owned by Duncan McNabb as shoyn on plat recorded in Book K of Deeds page 32%5, thence north 1 degree 45 minutes west 13. 67 chains to a polht which is the place "Unknown ownérs of or persons in-- terested in that part of the southwest quarter ~qf section 36, township 43 north range 11 East of the 3rd P. M-- in Lake County, lMlinols, described as follows: _ Commencing at the south-- east--corner of a ~40 acrée lot Tormenly owned by Duncan M¢Nabb as shown by plat recorded in Book K of Deeds page 325, thence north 1 degree 45 minutes west 27.17 chains to a --point which is the place of beginning of this description, thence north 88-- deéegrees 15 minytes east 7.36 chains,' thence south 1 degree 45 minutes east 6.58 chains, thence south 88 degeres 15 minutes west 7.36 chains, thence north 1 degree 45 minutes west 658 chains to the place of beginning", "Unkno#n owners of ar persons intérested in that. IA Chancery. General No; 16466. Satisfactory affidavit tha; upon due inquiry the defendants MaryC. Kranz, David Sturm, Mary Sturm, FreCerick Wankeimurth, Frederick Wankeimuth, Bophie Wankelmuth, Egbert B. Van Vilack, Marinda Van Vliack, 'Willlam Peacock, Peter Gotten, Anga Mary Gotten, Frederick Ablvers Caroline Anlvers, Fregerick flo.ruv% Dorothe Hogreve, James W1 7 & Wil-- son, J. W. Hogan, Amanda Loomis, 8. deceased, M * 8. Mason Meek, Ex P sA a siooln wettin: Kang. M Armbruster, Charles: A. Armbruster, Benjamin: 'W. Porter. Hiram Perry, Charles W. Wilson, "Unknown héirs ing »ersons, towit: Mary C. Krans, David Sturm, Frederick Wankelmurth, Frederick Wankeimuth, Egbert B. Van or devisees respectively of the follow-- Vlack, William Peacock, Peter Gotten, Frederick Ahlvers, Frederick Hogreve, James Wilson, J. W. Hogan, Amanda Loo?a. . Maton Meek, 8. Mason MeeK, Edwitr F.-- Mtiler, Godiobin Wel-- flin, Anna M. Armbruster,Charles A. Armbruster, Benjamin W. Porter Hi-- ram Perry, andeCharles W.. Wilson, mort®" . 89 67 minutes west FOR BaiE--Two lots on W. C« cmtfl.'mo"!-m Ave, 50 by 140 each; five big tre minutes west 380.6 feet, thence east--|sewer, gas, water, electri¢ity.-- 1 erly 631.16 feet to a point in the east only two lots left on the south side line 'of said quarter section which is \the street Call or wrile ATX," c 394.02 feet north of the place of be--|Independent. 12 CLASSIFIED A D S Complainant's Soficitor FOR RENT For Sale f y I®qWUrmC S"C| _ property known as the Robbins periding. Woodworking plant _ Main building !"_ll:l('):l;.(',lort. Or1l1l0 feet; 3 lots, railroad frontage.> 42 may 6 13 20 27 20 2t of ' Church street, east of Milwaukee 'Avo,; lot 501110; _ centrally located \near park and present business dis | Or Maybe you would like to Have a | Lot; If So "l have a number that are price«* right tand wiltogtve term»s ar tow as H10 io t'w month t costs nothing to find [ out about them. Why not come in now * FOR ABALE -- Business . vacam on OR SALE--Apartment site, the best location in town; ceptraily located, ear park and business; odd shaped cormer }ot about 181 feet fromfage; a bargain for cash. _2 'OR SALE --Nearly new 5 room mod erp bungalow on East Park Ave.; paved street; has breakfast room, fire place, builtin book _ cases, shower bath, furnace heat; }6t 501150 feet; rult trees and strawb#tries $2500 00 ash will handle, balance mortgage. ZLomed for business. © siderable amount of snecial funds to loan on improved farm or city prop eRy. . We invite your inquity. First National Bank, Libertyville, L1! 10tf Phone © 260--J 614 N. Milwaukese Ave Hare homes of 4, 5, 6, T'and 11 rooms in nice localities and worth th« price asked. Some are modern and, others partly so. If you would save man»--y BTRAYED--One black horse and ont If you are thinking of buying a home Help W anted--FPemate:~ 19y 5t Jo sesure what »e Prices a First and Park Ave; lot £0x150 feet; oned for business, sqrrel bhorse with white face and white feet. L. Astrop. Phope Lake Forest 791--Y¥--1, after 8 o'clock p. m. Reward for information. * 20 1t WANTED '-- Girl for general work. Phone 209 J. * MONEY TO LOAN--W2 have a ORDER YOUR CONCRETE BLOCK® _NOW. All blocks approved by the Cement Products Allodl_tjg&v Quality counts and costs no more. Build-- ing Industry. Phone 500, Zion,I!l. tf Assorted, $8.50. . Specia}l Matings, 3¢ & chick higher. D. T. Farrow Chicker-- jes, Peoria, I!l. > 11 prP on oudien o) romuperqaqemane ademmmmqnene f ORDER YOUR CONCRETE BLOCK®#3 WANTED--All around cook; .small restaurant;; easy work" good pay for | right party. Purity Restaurapy Grays Lake, I11. --<B 20 2t lots: _ Barred Rocks, Single Reds Anconas, $12.50; White Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Rose Reds, $13.50; Wyan-- dottes, Minorcas, $1440; -- Leghorns, $10.50; Heavy Assorted, $9.50; Light FOR SALE--Good buillding lot, at a _--_@Pzain; has geragko 22% by 16 $o6t. Call at Independent office. urmmmmmmmmmummmmpmmmmmmmmmmmm--m----=---- | _ ROB! EStite, LO808 ANC |NSUFANCO FOR SALE----5 acres close to town. "A Good Office To Do Business With" ldeal for country home.> See Fred 201 South Milwaukee Avenue H. Smith, Libertyville, HL. 17 11 Telephone 469 LIBERTYVILLE 00; 8 and 9 years old. 24 head of » ra=iesx & sheep. 400 full blooded White Leg--| m o R T G a G E s horn hens. Cultivator, Dize, Hay Rack, We have special ds _ available ,* hay mower and low wagon. Inquire for small loans of $2,000 or less. at Indepedent Office. _ 1Mat} > «* * _ im FARROW CHIX, May delivery,. 100 ready for service; herd under Fed-- eral supervision. Walter H. Branden-- burg, Ingles{de, I!1. Telephone McHen-- ry 682%2J--1. 17 t homesites in Sunnyside Park Sub FRED H. SMITH Telephone 220--M LIBERTYVILLE J T Bargains in good houses wilt become more scarce as the season advances. Better _ not wait too long. ° + CT*C% T° "Buy A Home And You Buy A Bank" § Have several good buys both in Liberty-- ville and in Mundelein. Some new houses, some not new. Prices right. Home Seekers _ Notice! Money To Loan .SEE. SMITH Miscellaneous . Real Estate 8EE ME NOW terms to LLOYD C. RAY MJj. your purse ' 7 and 11 rooms-- store 20 It 12 U and location--vacant, improved, farms 8OMEBODY B L'CK -- Here is an attractive buailding lot. located on Homewood Avenue. Oak Terrace, that has just been lsted with us for immediate sale . Stze of lot. 501140 Compare values in this vicin Ity,. then see us * IMMEDIATE POSSERSION © New 5--room bungalow, strietly mod ern, tasteful interior, nrrangement #nd decoration _ TLocated on pavred street; very desirable section: small down payment. Move right in APARTMENT 8ITE Bumbyrslde Place, all improvements:; roped for three--flat bui}ding. We will prove to you That this is an opportun-- y for iInvestment. ~ A SPACIOUS BUILDING LOT let us show you this beautiful 901 240 ft lnt on Lincoin Ave. Improve ments all in ang pald for It will Day you to investiga(e -- © DUTCH COLONIAL *1 room house, located on Harding Court, Grayslake. _ Finished thruout ance less than rent. -- The aboye are only a ftow atiected from a complete listing of Libertyville and Lake County properties We can in hardwood; hot water beat; lot is 501153. This new and highly desirable bhome can be purchased at a secrifice your gwn selection of lighting 4ixtureg and room decorations CLIP THIS AD, §0 YOU WwILL NOT FORGET TO INVESTIGATE Two new MeKinley Ave 5 & 7 reom brick bunszalows -- each with beated garage . See them.at once and make rounded by permanent homes and sub stantial estates. assuring plenty of open space and continued beauty, nev-- ertheleas contenleat go. schools. busi-- ness district and ideal tradsportation We are fortunate in beir'g able to offer this proposition and suggest that in terested parties see us without delay testefully decerated;: oak floors throughout; full cemknt basement ; lot 110x367; beautifu! grounds; plenty ef shade trees. berry bushe®s grape vines and other fruits.> This country home ia located on a main highway, just at the edge of Libertyvilie It is suyr-- yerenpei@inai h in flnb tds +o Davint lt sdsc iscc Ti 4102 store serving. %50 families, located there during summer season, and 10,000 peopjle. during. conferefice. Lot 18 50x150._Price alzo inoludes lot 50x150 across the street to the south' The store building is equipped with large refrigerator, meat block, grocery section, refreshment booths, fce crekm containgrs and tobaceo counters. & small 'qdhntity of ~mierchandise on hand. 'The second floor has 7 rooms---- plenty of ground for gas statbn; no competition. _ Price $7,600.00. Terms: $3,500 dowif" balance first mortgage, or can be arranged. « A MOUERN HOME, 5 rooms and bath POR SBALE--Lot in Dymond & Aus: _ tin's Sub., quarter block from Liber-- CHICAGO PEOPLE Increasing . Numbers are teaving thy congest-- These are the Sellers and Poterson SUMMER RESORT STORE, located Northwest of Round Lake at Long Lake Bible Conference grounds. Only Sellers and Petersen Sellers and Petersen Sellers and Petersen-- Sellers and Petersen A--REAL CHANCE * 661 lu.w'fi:m AVE. I1BERTYVYHALE, HAAJNOIIS TELEPHONE 451 551 MILWAUKEF AVEK IIBERTYYILIE. IIMANOI8 TELEPHONE «mM -- LIBERTYVILLE, ILIJNOIS8 TELEPHONE 451