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Libertyville Independent, 12 Aug 1926, p. 1

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t eiak _ * * LARE C in o9 eagt l TLAKE [ oi c arenion s i hanne sroad } 1# 'w '.'Q C al & _ ; s &2 | 8. Gridley, "insane,~ Liberty-- i ecount »cobiinged.. 10 -- Augont d 3 .. to ~August I 'and ~present -- conservator S to continue disbursements of ~ward and wite. and ---- C aF couservator filed and set for L " _' '"'.".'.".U' _ . ssd E | 8. Gridley, " insane, ©Liberty-- e :ml'x'""'. @ account . . to ~August * 'and ~present -- conservator to continue disbursements, "Tor of ~ward and ~wife. and ch of --ward in.accordancve with " s s 5 m is . 5 « -- John 8. Anderson, For Lake--In: «#izor's bond. PForest--inventory and appraisement bill} approved. | <+Jobhn. McElroy, Waukegan--Amend-- --~An audit, she fnxisted,At is learn-- od, wauld < be the proper-- thing s0 that anything that might come ap in the 'tfuture could be squarely met with-- records. ~The whHow,.~it is--up RBand. : They are sure to be there, for what is a cireus without a band? The will follow Lake street to Mf waukee avrenue and thence to Central husband that belonged to the Town of Cub# to the Pirst State Bank O% Barrington . preparatory --to the &p e We .nmmmtfhm m«cmm'hm t te bank of Barrington au-- thorizad to set aside funds in ac sount <of decedent belonging . to Plans are being perfected to make the Libertyyille Juvenile Cirous afnd Community Fair,--ot be held in Cen-- tral and Cook Parks on Saturday, A 248, one of the -- outstanding uzi events during the year in the village. Local organizations are aiding and mh:.fl?ddulbmh this a gals day. "sport and game committee of Kiwanians, consisting of BHl Franzen, chairman; Ed McCor mick, Frank Wright, Gus Krumrey and mwmw«* events to be hel din--Central in the afternoon Theso events wil start immediately after the parade. There will be running races for all ages. The feature race will} be a tun Park, where it will disband. _ 'In the evening the amusement :cdfé fi'flhmn'm&'fl Booths will line the ~street on : south side-- This will form a i midway. At T:15 a onering "'u;mdhcoolrut.". of the library. :"on?:t ' pertectly, there a street on Cook Avenue. This is under the - ,umm_lq.m . wu--u-um of _ Charles Irving Simon, alleged" to be 'distracted--Petition for appotht -- Next on the program is Hnted a roll-- ing pin contest for women, and & free gorall pie eating contest. Juicy bine Prepare for Big Time W'y' August 28 -- Fred Sackman, Waukegan--Report Of -- sale of ~personal property | and Hual account approved. Estate closed . Bertha Meyer Harmuth, Zion--In-- ¥entory appraisement bill ':a tina! ®Feport. approved. -- Estate 4 ~Fred Kischner, Barrington -- On VOLUME XXXIV Town of Cuba'and turn same jover to said town tipon the approval of Recounts and cancellation of super-- Other proceedings in the probate fot suth, --Zion--In--> bilt and finat ate diosed. rrington .---- On named in will, Barrington | au~ tunds in aso held at the Petroskius chapel Wednes | McKinley Avenue, from Milwaukee mmnz&%u Aweune west to Garfield Avenue is at Snnter onemed' _*~ "llue in io bo 20 feel Jn widih and 7 *\ * {agven fughes in thienerg. f L. T. H. S. Annual .. ..\ can be evened to traftte.: Contractor § .: %. .T * * y j Qloohnhfi-mdltm e :>Party at Lake Geneva | 1nd has been making good time on the 3 m""' Mm!uflmmm:h"sm" : & school are to enjoy their annual picni¢c| gupdivision will be opened at a meet-- """"muamm of local improve are in w":"'"m A movement is being fostered 'by P on Hinerlyrihe womanmt || property gwners to--start proceadinge secretary--treasurer preeurery 204| to have : "mm" secretary--tr . respectively, Of| oe Milwaukee avenue paved wifh.con-- aend the fatMer of siz children, was found | dead_ on the platform of" the | Fourteenth Street station of the Northi Shore 'line in North Chicago ar 12:45 | Saturday night by Capt. Joseph Po-- | tpbo:yot'thoxormcmeuopoueena-'l tion. * s morhing at the Joseph Petroshius fun .eral home, the jury came to a decision that Lipbert. came to his death from acute alcoholism. Coroner Taylor was unable to learn the source of Lisbert's liquor supply on the fateful evening when he drank his death potion.. Funeral services for Licbert: were held at the Petroshius chapel Wednes CHILDREN DEAD ON "STATION PLATEORM-- Liebert, a carpenter at the Johns> Manville company, lived with his ftam-- 1y on tln Florw avenue in Wauie gan. eeoflxm to Mrs. Liebert, hs was in the h of --drinking rathor beavily, and bad liquor is believed to have been the chuse of his death. Liate:t rectetved his war compen'a tion check for $12 from tge: govers-- ment. o3 Saturday, ~~Seteorday ~ere ning, with his wile, bhe went doxg town, and after cashing the <check, he gave Mrs. Licbert $%5 and kept $7 for himself, He left his wife at about 1:30, at the corner +of-- County cand Washington ~streets. mfl; bhe went direct to North , as a calored man by. the name of Brown testified that he azw Liebert in the testified that he saazw Liebert in the National park in Nerth Chicago at about 8 o'clock. * 4x <«~Mis movements after 8 o'clock are unaccounted for, but :he had ap-- parently gone to the PRourteeath cta tion to--take the street car home. His body was found --by the police, ly-- Ing on the bench on the eas,; slde ot Fred : Liebert, Spanish War Veteran, Dies While Waiting found, proves that he was not the vic Those who can drive their cars t0 | poard a Lake Geneva that day are urged to 40| naye al so. Anaumbm.\atmm o'dnkhm,m»thtnnenw" J boat bes been chartered to sake |72€. > me -- m'h e Li 4* boat trip will last three hours, and the|~ _ DC Bs Oh, :Ng) Not it\ Dog: Days victory by copping when the judges chmlt'Me best our streets have been pf and a be-- A movement is being fostered 'by | 'Two Ford coupes collidtd. at School property OWners to start --proceedings | street and Milwaukee avenue at nitie to have ail the remaining streets east | o'clock dlast Friday morning, without of Milwaukee avenue with.con-- | serious damage to either machine. W. grete. \ it is No have the | F. Gerber, of Garfield avenue, Liber-- board act on the this--fail, and | tyville, coming from the south, at-- have all the legal techn com:-- | tempted to turn "at: the intersection, pleted, ready for the. work of | when the other : car, also traveling paving next spring. <If this is north, erashed into him. --~= j ried out, the original uu-:; 'm'crlurnm by a wom-- ville will have its streets paved 100 | an, who refused to give her name. put on display in the window of the Boehm Insurance Agencey, at 420 Ne. 'Milwaukee Avenue, where it was view-- ed by many interested youngsaters. : Big Crowd Witnésses © vmoAvduvuttoR:uho of Lakeside cemetery. width of the road is 28 feet and is geven inches hmn-n Avenge was finished:--on Aug-- ust 10, it being 30 feet wide and eight inches in thickness. It extends from manager, had charge of the race. GI@D| penalty equal to that Of Wright and Otto Boohm acted as the ! into justice court where he car, Messrs. Bochm and Wright, J. B:| ma«h nad several hatties of Robert Nelson and-- Robert Hank. mmxtmwrfio&hfl prize in the best built ear contest. ?wommlh.a"vl}?-} oted Edwin Holmes, Clarence mh"fl.&h."&q respectively, were eliminated ~from the prizes by the close_ competition of the other contestants,. / *Js Mr. Krieger, --nc?ufio" Associfation anager, had charge of the race. Glen The winning car in both events was Pushmob'leé Races LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12. 1926. Jr. P 4 » oJ o ) M e 44 g n dn 4 Entered at the Postoffice at LibertyrilH6, $s w M .w; F z * ' * S :| -- On January 9, 1923, he was arrested h in css romm eA on a Charge of turgiary, being held in bonds of $4;000, but was fom #* e ie to c nooao . * * |gullty. a A\ l On. March :3, 1924, ae was arrested TWO BOOTLEGGERS . |: xpsufsssmars e e /' '}ing held im $10,000'tail. He was at K : --] quitted for lack of evidence. ; ) At 1:10 ~'clock Sunday morning the § o B .0 0 --~ ~_@~~] police received a call from a woman & . living in Utic. street opposite the ; postoffice, 'reporting that twe men had $ emex s a% a% lboen l:):;tluvntonl:i!oru bour and f t ~*""'"'"*: > % .' were ng suspiciousi;y. _ Commie-- Judge Persons Sentences Wy-- sioser 3. v. coccs s fhe?" ap V **", . 'Bpearman responded. ; ap nes to 60 Days; "TWO WTrONGS : proacned the two men separated, one T wo Fords Figure in Minor Wreck Friday tempted to turn "at the intersection,|-- Votes in the Beauty Contest, bein€ |' mpo, 1. ins: rood ; wBth the other_ oar, also traveling |conducted uy the Ray Pumnitore and |_ TRA in the Bvod word and kindly north, crashed into him. ~..] Ruint Store, continue to roll in. < The | ,'»b,'w Rdwin .. M. Skinuer, The scond car was driven by a wom-- mw&mudmm» Eigher in charee of the Gorgas io. an, who refused to give her name.| veale the int thore is strONE COM | muithte's mosquito Abatement inves-- Nefther oar was demaged much. owing | potit! wwmwmw; to spatement invs>. were going. . Both machines were w | corresponding votes as Bsted: today nttk. 'Roaguice --tites: 'Puthen,. Moc. o en inarine ie ns m | Ho m es ares un | e o ies anait o we 3 m'"'_ hads i uh ;;¢'r.\' u..'.;.. s '7 ;.,.."." U + 1 sn cooacta s M;--.h-" srill: s m# l Don't Make m." [ 'Ic&m north and the othe south. "3f smm ::' 18-- . ~. ; The man who-- walked porth was ar-- Two bootleggers, Paul Wynes, who| rested and gave his name as ~James .',,,, yokt d ut Betvigere | He tok a oogxy::ory of having ;::;'V::Wm:m m"'huo here from Chicago to collect were sentenced. funds to buy a floral wreath for a to serve jall sentences hy Judge P.] funeral, saying that the mother of a L. Persons--in the eour'y <ourt 'trfindnaolmnedyh;ddied.' o Ks o _ e ow K ue vi% Alftae e wos lactkod un the afirers court on writ of error. He proposes | Tevolver and eight extre cartridges to fight to the last court. m _ --| bidden under n'?umoni A chrz: of © _ _.~s was even more fortunste.} carrying concealed weapons wase then Judge Persons ordered a stay of mit. made against Nolan. a timus until Oct. 1. Back of that lies a| -- The attempted robbery df the post-- r*~v-- woen W ~nées was found guilty j office was not discovered,until morn-- and brought before the court last' ing. Nolan was grilled at length but week the jadge held M)thq, denies all knowledze of the gun and the bootlegger from whom he had pur-- ; also denies any attempt to rob the chased the booze, should have paid a | postoffice. Deputies had robk An unsuccesefol artempt was ma«« late Setu:rday night Dr early Sunda; morning to break ABito ile ./aui.~z.5 posto e. The pt =~~>,.*--cov ered Sunday morn:iog when it was found thiat the rolvere hau tried to pry off the Jock on tae basement door on the west side of the building Ae copding to police it appeared as if * . »i.:leon wrench w&s ugsed. Muftk» en <therdoor indicute aiso that whei Lals failed w'r used a jimmy, but were «o gain ent;rance. --~James Nolan, 29, of 2424 West Erie strzset, Chicago, aaid by the police to ATIEMPT MADE TO mined by the Waukegen police as a wuér: #, ams| he (bhad ~peen: loftering zbhout tbe postofice: for--~anx hour and bave 8' .erent ael¥ases. is --be ng de Postmaster© Mancel Talcott: has in formed the federal authorities of the robbery attempt and it wase expected that postoffice insepc:ars would arrive to wurk onu the case, . * © W E. Clark aof Waukegan iden t. *lomp bureau took fingerpirnts d'j Nolan to the idengification bureau of! ta> Chica ~» police department, where' it wee Cigrovered tbhat noader :34 p~~~~-- of Bernard McComb ( and also FRo#tnard McCone the fellow. bad quité a palice recotd. * C385 also {ound a screy gatvefand a busi-- they had the screw driver and. chisel for the purpose --of ~removing, the spesdometer 'from the truck, as they | ~borrowed the track. Bahbling is mnttunid an Asdusiec. in nnerreino m in tel mow the dapee 0 "o * m-::m took both men to Wauw On June 2, 1.2" he was arreeted ah t robbery charge and was fined f ® 1 cogiw on a charge ot disorderly conduct.' > *<] He served ten days in the 'ma kosce ard vas fined 525 on a charge . 'After be was locked up the officers searched the police car in which No-- lan ha" béen 'brought to the police Many Grils Competing -- 'In Ray Beauty Contest ' & B 0B POSTOFFICE; ~SUSPECT IS HELD by"the state's attorney. diecovered a 38 calibre 14 d ah '#ender and a damaged front $2004 No ane in this car was hurt. derly }/ /A seems to be pursued by A 4 _'o:helenhhnbblt'ttootinthe work/} Stte of the tall--corn. It was only last rarge| W&ék that he fell from a window of ~ ~ A tm KFoulds Milling Co. plant, where he cstes 2 «employed, while scuffling with a hofi iw . workman. . He struck= on his 7 | Bead and was in a how come you so P t 7A .4: lg.. . v., ?;' 'her, C *%,s eing | Ee 199C and [ ';*" ";i:t1 'The | SSA e re-- -:';"h com | SS . The v." § W y resrath . Kens Mooney, 17 years old, and R 19 years> old,-- whose homes Sre in Osceola, lowa, but who have been employed. in -- Libertyville since ch, were severéely shaken up: when Griffin's Ford roadster figured in a bad crash one mile east of Gurnés on Grand Avenue Ssturday night. Mooney suffered the most serious injury, while Griffin escaper Hte fiporethuatqwmm to Mooney, he and tin,. with the latter at the wheel, were tra¥ east on Grand Avenue, and attempted to pass a Chevrolet touring car, also Mooney suffered the most serious injury, while Griffin escaper Ht-- &porothuatqwmm 4 to Mooney, he and tin, with the latter at the wheel, were tra¥ east on Grand Avenue, and attempted to pass a Chevrolet touring car, also going east.© In order to accomplish mfio Won't Hurt going east.: In order to accomplish this, Griffin speeded up to &About 35 miles an hour and pulled.over to the ldthwthoutho!abtv&vcm car traveling west at about same® rate of speed. As he was going.too fast to drop back behind the car he was trying to pass, Griffin, seeing that & crash was inevitable, headed his Ford for the ditch,.on the north side of the road. He did not clear the path of the west bound car, however, and it struck the Ford a glancin? blow amidshivs. As a result of this crash, Griffin's ma-- chite turned "'o?:}' three Smes and piled up about 18 feet from the pave ment, on the side of the road. When the: cars. came together, the impact l':-ul Mooney to be hurled through a newly formed organization for the playing of playground ball, will start to function Monday, August 16, when the first game of the 'league will be Muw'm To --date, a : have 'entered the League, , more in Arospect. in now are the Foulds Milling, *as 'the Rewer Rats and the WARRANT CHARGES AOVE NEST WIFE AMONG ACCUSED ' The original trouble dates back to early Sunday morning when Sheriff Ed Ahistrom made . a raid at the re quest of Burcbill, a railroad man, on a sottage at Graes Lake. There the sherif found Mrs. Elba Burchill, the wife, and Galloway. She--injects an acid into her human victim to dilute the blood which is M'l:i:hhr:&t. it you :do .not of this %m hbite will then ~His wife, according to Burchill, had gone on a vacation. She was sup-- posed to be in Wisconsin. From a vil-- lage 'in Wisconsin ne kept receiving mail from the wife, until he noticed that one of the souyenir cardse bore a Chicago: postmark, Then he woent Charging that his best friend al> became the 'best "friend" of his wife. R. Burchill, Chicago, today obt&ined a& warrant charging Nathan Galoway. «aleeman for the General qlloctr!c in Chicago, with beingitoo familiar with his wife, and oné for bhis wife accus: ing ber 'of being unfaithful. B. Rurchi!'. Chicago, Claims He _Trapped Wife at Grass Lake --~-- With His Friend. 266. _ ; mung Men Hurt in rash Saturday Night zing -- mosquito. : Let-- him. or her, bite to her heart's oontent \ you let bor finish Her. meal, Teeve no sting. f & mflhm word and uw'g Lasded--out gmatu'tous.y 2 #+ Auxiliary Has Picni __ At Gages Lake Wed: The Wonien's Autiliary of the Amer-- mmwflfl&:'mm at Gages Lake Wednesday, the affair Nr"?;'mhAfM'E dist in-- T.4 a * Fred H. Smith, :s.-:hmh;, Mrs, F. F. Owen and Mrs. Burt Steir. > ummmlrclltnmm going to the lake by auto, where & + te a noon was spent in: games and swim-- ing.~ FThey returned home late i+ the in Wednesday 1'oo on W , August 18, at 7: s MMccmm an * wap members who have not been initiated will: be taken in at this time. Follow-- ing the business session, a social gath-- ering will be held and refreshments TbeAnaflhrymhomt.ht it vfllamhu the New Govern-- ment in 'North Chicago the Tirst Tuesday Odf aech month.-- Wife Says Husband _ JAS. CONNOLLY HAS $15,000 PERSONAL PROPERTY ESTATE as instruments o't'"fi&-i'inq' elty NMrs.Wesbel!'s 'bill tor separate tenance,. filed in Circuit Court by torney Judd H. Matthews. Onley Probate Court Scene of Ten Hearings in Estates Monday; Close Wagstaff Estate. James Connolly, father of Mark Redlein, leaves personal erty valued at $15,000, it w vealed before Judge Martin C. it E:l.m ol'(llifr.".lmrbfllb.---&u- ooe ht Shasing aegen o0 oo .cc' : Theodore H. Durst, Waukegan-- Just and-- true account approved. Petition for sale of rg estate filed. <-- Charles --E.-- Howe, ¥ ecutor allowed to sell certain assets. Final report and account approved and distribution ordered. | Howard B. Melvile et al. minors-- | William B. Stewart, Waukegan-- Final report approved, estate closed. | James Connolly, Waukegan--Will admitted to probate. :After bequests to miece, nephews and grandchildren are paid, amounting to $7,000, bal-- ance of estate to daughter, Mary C. Redlein. ($500 to .be given to building fund 'of Immaculate Jon-- ception . church,-- Waukegan), Let-- ters %" issued to Mary C. Redicin, 'of $30.000 Estatn val. Final report as to Howard B. Me}-- yille approved and his guardian dis-- charged. * T Ray Andrews Says: Knives, . torke and hisky,> all alleged John H. Wells, Mundele:n--loven-- ""~m~ wC TE 'Tous \iidéxer @ Sany, om 1. y ooes us Erc Arrer uereilig < s @rc APrer ustEiiig © AND THE MERCHANTE Auo e ALD ME GOYER:ZAENT it JuSr NATVURALLY KMAAKES GOOStERS OF THE REST OFf uS\ # ,.~ the & ~demfliohn of M | _ The #8th annual reunion of Lake is y : . myohemfi%; us 915. m eomer =milchn of fihn""w e e <m 1 °O /n' . * : : bhave been | > 9:00 a. m--<Books open for registra prop Aboot o'clogk this rai by«>>< at about 2 0'c or . Drok into and robbed three Aif f;;,"" , ings in the 'town flr ,_';. caping with about "in . cash d postage stamps. . _ *~~ . t The first burglary reported to Shor iff Edwin Ahistrom this morning was the Chicago, St. Paul and MAwaukes railway depot, but when U E,,.,,, reached the town for an in' ation. he found that the drug St0 ".f:' d ce cream parlor belonging to Ben To kort had been rifled as had the Braie ard general store and post offive t * At the railway depot the DurBISES had jimmied a window and pried OM the safe. They got about $150 in ' and gome--minor aritcles. * A mai Bs ready to be put on the frain the thing this morning, had Bsk t but the robbers apparently foum F ing of value. It was TO@ . Laad Agent Henry Hineman a recelived $7,000. in bonds iast night after the bank had closed, and rather than take a chance on the depot safe, be BAd taken them home for safe keeping. The Central ~Park playground bal team out at the short end of a team of : when : the latter gg'_mmgtotm.dixo! ht at Evanston. e 4 e Central beats 8 to 2 at . The G Beéen Peterkort got out better than . anyone else. In his store, it W&i "; second time the place had t ugfiéag' bed, the burglars had >roken the mMR _ ey bex off the electric piano. . :,4;5 believed that after they had picked up:--the change, the burgiars had been _ frightened away as some of the day's= * receipts had been left in the store for _ early morning trade, but the | e {}"' was not touched. Their h in the -- drug store was apparently very Bae | ried, but in the other two es, they _ had looked well and their : wias rewarded with considerable The é bandits had broken in the drug store . through a rear window. -- .= _ «. _ _ . Sheriff Ahistrom made his investt ( | Hineman denied _ reports ~ _ _ _ _ _ At the Brainard store, about $800 in stamps had been stoien and some cash . and other articles were missing. The . front door of the place had k4 ce ." Ppaopeiom fbe shvor and the 2 ' e Central beats the Greys $ to 2 at . The Greys ove® ea the maiter at Libertyville ist 5, by winning from the locals 3 to Monday's game decided the sericos in Reunion of Veterams > ~ © In Waukegan Aug. 19-- _ Foulds Team B By Evanston Foulds Milling Company by a score of 8 to 1 in a seven inning playground baseball game held at 7 o'clock last last--to close, and appa y--was the last place victimized by the burgla The grocery store and '--off closed early in the evening, and it we not until about 8:30 at t Aba« Agent Hineman had left his desk & the depot. "A < 44 e S _ ings. Railroad detectives, wOf the $t. Paul line. were on p ncon and started an htonx Clues are meagre As nO e f about any of the buildings the night. The ice cream pj was th Lntte trn lencam ccmre Th c Evanston Brickies triumphed --ovrer $1.50 A YEAR _ ts concernings the day's> °* cn Tnthe . < rery hur-- arch was | bot. 'The . --_ rug store ad Hiwe «E +

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