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Libertyville Independent, 12 Aug 1926, p. 6

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*\ / (8:4§ .o'clock this morning when he \le tat -tothqik'}t a. Nash car; owned «> by Joe Karasek mcmtin::ave- f m proceeding north in Mot,; a¥venne: . _ =~-- _ Machine Hits Curb. _ 1 :. A Ford sedan owned by Carl Chil -- Atrom of 406 Helmholz avenue was s C ed this-- morning in an accident. J3 Sn ' was*> found standing €, g ac mu MceAlister avenue °. --® m-: dere street <'And the . police _ Bad it towed to a garage. It appeared _ "to Bave been damaged. when it hit . the curb, but the owner of the car 3&; '~mot present to explain to police o how it bhappened. | * i B necores *'% iblice that "'-.«I-" x ;" & [d s e .. M sttathed int '~{&. Fas ~ dfl"hl ',:{ 7 He -- -- sign and ra _ + ma w _' + It 'mppeared ;f? Of a physician but it was found _ he wes unhurt. -- _ =~ i. Street Car Hits Auto. *' A North Shore limited 'train in _ _ ®harge of Conductor L --P. Scheurer «_ Of 126 Juniper street, hit--a Nash road-- * ?'"r at Genesee and -- Washington streets Tuesday night at 9:45 o'clock. . The automobile was owned and driv-- _ "en by E. Carleon of 608 Jensen court. . The accident hwm; as the etreet --_ ear was rounding 3"""[ 'from _ the eouth. § l A collision ~Bbetween two automo-- > OC K. _ gton a Mireots. E. HR. Klemola of Ottawa, L, necording to the police, was driv-- Ing his Chevrolet coupe south in But-- Wick street. Witnosses informed Wolice that he failed to stop for the aBp sign at Washington --street and * erashed into the car of R. G. Wil . ~Mams, 4 South County street, who (Wwas ~ driving east in Washington .. street. He also crashed into & setop _ wign and ran over the parkway. Both -- mae were damaged considerably. '-- It red at first that Klemola had @L and he was taken to the ;5§, k Two Cars Collide, *C. A. Lamm of Milwaukee was driv-- ing his Ford coupe eadt in Ninth street and was erossing Mott avenue at __E. R. Fresher of Escanaba, Mich., was driving hiz Dodge coach east in Water street late Tuesday: afternoor when he ran into the truck of John Doetech, 618 First street.= The truck was parked &3 ecurb in Witer street. Congiderable damage was done to the side of the coach. _ _EA TA TH parents, --are to dttend the e z: +; F ]| 3 in the Forest Preserve, on August Mb e c h S 0 penetees ~| 18th: All are to congregate on the ports Obtained By Police|church lawn promptly at 9:30,a. m., Te m of the standard time, where all are to buy ie & x 'H" expect M .Im. As iss hm wee '"D,ama no money is --to be handled by us at fln o .. + y e Open Sunday For Your --__-- Inspection Auto Hits Trugsk. _/An attic room 12x24 is entered by the use of a Presto -- . ' A large cement basement contains hot water heating _ plant, American Boiler Equipment} stationary laundry -- . Standard ehuipment used in ""fi?'""" includes -- > Moran sash and doors throughout, Illinois brick, Crane _ plumbing, General Electric wiring and Arkansas Per-- ~ fection Select Red oak flooring, @'&ffl*flddom' Cie REMEBER wr 10:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M., The dining room 13x13 feet faces the boulevard with windows north and east. -- ! ' $ ©_The kitchen is 9 x 13 in size, with a built--in breakfast Amook and panel cupboards. No space is required in the kitchen for refrigeration, this being taken care of by a mcedm' d gnookclaeef,,"'tofl)erear'_' rentrance. _ °> > f '~ Three large médhodrooms and tile bath occupy the second floor. Each bed room has ample closet space. . Stepping into the front entrance, one finds a conven-- ient cloak closet for guests. The living room is of ideal proportion 13x26 feet, with an open fire place on the outside wall. The large outswinging casement windows in the living room are typical of those used throughout the building. * = -- ' s c o Located on the south side of Rockland Boulevard with lofty elms extending from Milwaukee Avenue to the . River. This home commands one of the finest views to be found in the village of Libertyville. 6¥ t . _Mr, L. H. Akers, the contractor, has introduced a complete but compact six:room house without loss of ©. space or any irregular dimensions. -- . | --~ _ i On Sunday, August 15, we will hold open house at Copeland Manor and invite the public to inspect the "Old English Cottage" type, six room home just being completed. . s ; F called the police to the front of her home at 522 Edwards street where Mrs. Harcq and a man who gave the name of Patrick Follett were having--trouble and Mrse. Harcq was using a golf club. with consider-- able results on Follett's head. . Just what started 'the fight is not known but both Mys. Harcq and Follett were to be arraifgned in the Townhall Court this morning on the charge of disor derly conduct. _ This is about the fifth sénsational incident in which Mrs. Harcq has been : the principal since she was acquitted | in Waukegan. | 'From aStory--Por at least 1 minutes she lavt «*«**»@ for houre dren, and keep them busy. <Transpor-- zm'&hmmmm bhave no way of going. All such should report to the general committee: -- C. J. Herschberger, Mrs. C. H. Kruger and Mre. Lydia Schroeder. l Rev. Tonne's father and mother of New York will be with us for a few {hntho'uloul. Rev. Toune, Sr., will pregch for us next Sunday eve ning. Let us see how large an audi-- ence we tan have for him. The. Adult Bible class met at the home of Mrs. Mamie Holst Monday evening. The next meeting will be at g&mnmmu. * * The Ladies Aid met Thursday {to-- day) with Mrs. Strube, near Everett. * Bunday school mt 10 a. m., standard time. Church service at 8 p. m.-- -- _ ---- will keep a watchful eye on the chil-- murder of her mother and a frequent guest uf' the ~Chicago police depart ment on mingled charges of speeding and hilarious conduct, got into a new mixup Saturday night and was finally M Clara who was acquit-- M:wwmmq!m our stand. Wovm:nflatyot m«n"mm jack, all nickel : Lmunch will beé taken by each family and served on tables all . A NEW SQUABBLE m&a picnic at Dam No. 3 in the Forest Preserve, on August We've Done This Often m¥ BLZ C cfi Hera¥ ty nforpis : Spvmar y * wi it higke ElA y A 'little son was born --to Mr. and Mrs. George Meyer on Thursday, Aug. 5th. Mrs. Meyer is being cared for by Miss Josie Woodman at her home. The f{amilies of Emil Frederick, Har old Plagge,Earl Frost and Wm. Seiler attended the M. W.--A. pienic at Round Lake last Saturday. & as M i 'The five Deerfield boys, Wallace Reichelt, Wallace Newcomb, Wesley Stryker, Russell Patterson and Gordon 3 ® tractors "m' were shown . 1 Missouri, Dy automobilie. 0000000000000 00| Mrs. Hayg Olendorf and" children Cers of the Presbyterian church school , lu.A.R.Wmornd'u-tm: 'a by 'the Young Matrons' Becker Tuesday evening. s Jm.mfldflngnhuvu!n&n-m'fim,m > _« ~.+|_ Mr .and Mrs. Henry Hansen of Ban-- ducky, Oho. » e «4* Wike Hanson, who is living nockburn, are at Minocqua, Wisconsin, _ Fred Kersten -- of mmmmuwm,mmm;mmmmuw Deerfileld relatives Sunday. ~--~' | this summer, spent Wednesday in the summer at Pr. Sprague's p. Misses Clarice Juhrend and Clara |Deerfield. She was the luncheon guest| _ The lMdies' club championship tour-- Anhnmtflnfiyum&hdmm'mmmg,mtm_mndunmmteaou bog, Mich. They made the trip to that guest of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. E. Pettis, | cours last. week. *y city by boat. 5 Mr. and Mrs. C R,Otto have rented| _ Mrs. C.--W. Boyle and little daughter Mre. Fred Haget visited relatives at usleum.l)ooou ut Jean sperit Monday afternoon in (Hen-- Portage Park over the week end. 'wmmuvom'»% j MNMhlmmuMmm They are!_ and Mrs. R. M. Clausen, of Brier weeks at Escanaba, Mich., with & PAF--|now living there: The Dietz family. Hill Road, have returned from Mon-- ty of friends. * a : to Wilmette. Mrs. Woods and tana, where they visited for a month. The Royal Neighbors held a busi-- wm Yohn,-- two of Deerfield's|-- Miss Margaret Kress entertained a ness meeting in their lodge rooms I28t | crammar school teachers, will live 2 PAFtY Of friends Sunday, _ . Thureday :nnl&t Theflctlf"?ou'm with the Otto family. ~%, --| ~Mr.and m&tm irlm have planning for conven which 4 C ined returned to home + will be held in Deerfleld in the near|. ""lP® Irene Cashmore entertained 12 returned to their home in Des Moines, Mre. Fred Haget visited relatives at Portage Park over the week end. * Theodore Knaak is spending two woehatmmch..wflhcn;: ty of friends. Nes . 5 n e 0 0000000000000 0 Kirschner, who died duly 8. --> 4 mmmtlovlndm place July 14 w the justices of the township named the 'successor to the late popular political --leader of the county's southwest township. Supervisor . Howland is by. ano means an untried -- man. . He . has served in public office in Cuba town ship for a number of years and has left a record of service to the people to be looked back upon. He will have twb years to: serve as the deceased came into 'uffice at the spring elections, Howland's first-- board | meeting will come in September at the reg-- lsnd. 9t Hermmagion ogy snard n his resignation as justice to County Clerk <Lew A. Hendes: Acceptance 'The acti t was taken. by 801&3 so that. he could qualify to e}_' uin merfccas. ols o e tm L 090 t s Ba"mm jmgfim SuCc= . ~Turns in Mm" wedt Teg) for y oiF meeting | Beelman at their new. country estate | the reg "&o-nn&ur."mumn.' KFriday evening. . Mrs, Beelman had ; , . | anran mepree oi biities o) 2 0 i ho nds P ies ie **% ommmmmam' ~© _ 9 the guests Friday evening., _ * | day--afternoon. -- Aithough the damage |.--The Young People's Missionary Cir-- '"ja not great, it will be some time be-- cle of the Bungalow church met at the 'Fore the plane will be in ship shape. _ |church Thursday evening. --~ 'The Albert Hagi home was tntond|, Miss Miriam Stryker visited her par-- by sneak thieves last week, and an at ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stryker, last temipt was made to enter the Fred Thursday. Haggie home, the maurauders were| 'The Women's Missionary Society of frightened away by Mr. Haggi turning | the Bungalow church will hold a bak-- on the porch light. ery sale at the Milton Frantsz store on Mrs. George Pettis will be hostess | Wednesday, Aug. 18, from 2:30 to 5. wmrm&.m-mm Mr.] and Mrs. Fred Horenberger and ty Thursday .afternoon, 19th. ' Railph Horenberger and Mr. and Mrs. hur.ua mx:-rmnt unmuun:' Noh cnmg'.mst:f g':'flb""fl&fln&myqnm.u ind & mmggdw Paul's Sewing Circle last Thursday of her guest, Miss mP-rryflg home Sunday were Mrs. Moser ant M&d ':;h:uln mou' ir-- to'h?eago sn My Wolks, all. from supe k y'flu-. mnPo:'rymmrmfl Mrs.< Roscoe MWessling is suffering Miss Meyer Thorn wnship with a sprained ankle.' ; High School. '~~~--") ~Milton Frantz and family and John A number of W people spent Vetter and family attended the camp Bunday at the » Aid . Field west of meeting at Naperville Sunday. :b:'hs. and also attended the dance edTi': m W;unnx family motor-- evening. e Sunday. % Delbert . Meyer and Miss ~Eleanor, A joint picnic was held by the Mis-- Meyer spent th:'mkehdat m&u :i::u;l:ngootth'; Bungalow Suh:dx:g Coursen home at Brownstown, ' rthfield Band at ~© Frank Russo returned home Monday Road Forest Preserve Thursday. evening from a business trip to Pueblo *. Be sure to attend the lawn social on Colorado. 'l"rldu evening August 13, given by _ Miss Virginia Farner entertained at, young ladies of the Presbyteri#n a birthday party Thursday afternoon, church. Games, music and Aunt Je l: ugust 12 (today), in Bannockburn mima's,Pocket for fun, and ice cream, f * 'm cones, pop and home made can-- dumaged when umkine a landing Sur |to 10 ociock. --*. "_.'***~.*'** ; whe & ® 10 o'¢ t 4 m Aithough 'the m' <The Young People's Missionary Cir-- mm a&mhh'.n. time be-- cle of the Bungalow c::umh met at the 3 the plane w " ship shape. _ | church Thursday evening. --~'The Albert Hagi home was !mu!ll -- Miss Miriam Stryker visited her par-- Haggle home, the maurauders were frightened away by Mr. Haggi turning uumomfitanvmum Mre. bmme g'?:"""-""mh""'l"l ' teresting program is arranged. --Mr, and Mrs. Fred Meyer visited at the William Mueller home at Ariing-- " m . o6 5 e +¥ s inflw«m Canada, were Auncheon guests of Miss iliness came on very suddenly after home Sunday.. Mr. Garrick occupied mmu&mm : the Bungalow church pulpit during the Miss Eleanor Meyer entertained dt absence of the Rev. Mr. Williams. bridge 'Thursday afternoon, in honor{: Dinner guests at the Floyd Stanger William Schlie, of Chicago, an old AOon. 'The children celebrated the time resident of Deerfield, visited mid--summer Christmas. Little red m::-sm'. S _« stockings were brought with an offer-- Miss Reichelt attended the ing for the children of China and hung funeral Of --Miss Alice Manstield of El-- on a tree. Appropriate exercises were gin Monday." Miss W Hél-- hetd. 4 n'lmmm at ::K;:l : Mr. and Mrs: Garrick of -- Chicago Teachers' College rmitory, a 'rmdhnertnom;tthelexyr Uliness came on very suddenly after home Sunday.. Mr; Garrick occunied couples at a dancing party Friday lowa, after a visit with Deerfleld rei-- evening at --her home in SunsetiCourt. atives. %, . ~lr.nfl'n.n.n:.lhtati_ncmim'!n-' Mrs. E. S. Plagge and 'daughter, ed Mr. a Robert Aken and Mrs.. Grace, of Rogers Park, visited . Mrs. Aken's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. J.. B. George Stanger Friday. m.otlnfln'%:unm. Miss' . Mrs. Edna Orsborne and Miss Eu-- Nancy Eger, of | mwmnh!'o-m returned home-- Monday last Bunday. "'l'thdlyvmuCtrunvflle.» Roy Haskins ~of Wilmette was a' ~ Mrs. Merner and 'Mrs. Beckman guest at the Biederstadt home Wed: were hostesses to the Mission Band of ner left Menday for a week's outing 8t :m ¥ire Girls' Camp in I"N-' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hulin and Mr. :l':u,mm-um sun-i mm;hwm in {the Moel-- mmmmmwwl Mam Kreh and will be operated by guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olep. ~ C' Pusbama diea 10 years ago ana w"mm&,{ _ j her son, Fred, who was mayor for 4 Mr. and Mre. wnm-,mmlrm died in 1914. f were week end guests of Mr..and Mrs.| . She is survived .by two other chil-- Sam Alkofer at Libertyville. dren, Mre. Albert G. Mang 'and George Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Myr. A. Busse, _ . < . ter, Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holt \ _ f s ul ' j m-fl'tu?m;mm m"" s gmmmm A new. | wm.*waml"mmm A picnic sup-- Friday evening. . mmuiurmmod._mfim taken moving pictures 0f the con: 'in charge of Mrs. W. C.--Kooblin. tion: and progress of the ot| ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Muhike and Mrs. tractors, and the pictures were shown trip to Missouri, by automobile. mmwdwmdhhfimm-&ofl attended a picnic at Druce Lake last Was held at the home of Mrs..Caroline Wilmot School -- Progressive ' Club %wmwm Bherman visited Mre. Adams .nmuum RE : L EOE L al is taken--to the Highiand Park hospital nat g.ltudlu. e Mr. and Mre. C n at 6t. Luke's hospital in sedan given away on Dee : s r laturday, August 21. | e No. 1 will meet at the _ George Pettis Monday ng Aibout 10: 30 at the Deer uit on Prtioiccaith e iprnbreniret Ew baes. 4 BSmith of Chicago and w th «t underwent by _R .| -- Mrs. Newcomb's, beautiful garden, _ |grith . its arbor seats, lent itself most «]|readily to the comfort of the ladies 7 I to be regretted that it was too ¥ I .]late 'to go down Waukegan Road to £ f r "'. m'ul'. m'n'.o u!'! *4 > | Metcaif's and Mrs. O'Connor's gardens. {% \1 --|~ Clinton, HIL, Aug. 11.--Mis Aimire L» Chong pastor of. St. Paul's Uni-- - versaliet church here, has resigned her uk alw garden, the club proceed-- -- to Miss Insull's farm, on the Ridge Road.. Though it is quite new, there --The naturdl beauty in Brierhill adds Pnckntguad (of a"enarfal border: "At g 0 golf club, the border is ,pn:r'uuly' # ful this year. 4 | wonl'te We tioone Folte home Shs is always most successful with both DEERFIELID GARDEN CLUB -- Wednesday, August 4, the Garden Club, as a wholo, inspected the gar-- gensg of most. o fthe mentbers. The meeting place was at the home of Miss Sadie Galloway. Her garden |'",.10'Nl'. and hber carnation poppies deserve special mention, ... The next garden to be visited was Mrs. A. R. Warner's. Among other finp.thophhxyuupoewlybem- . Around the er, Mrs. E. Williams' Mll&uwrynnmnmy "Mrs. Brackett has a gorgeous formal garden, where the. whole efect isf most dmm'mpm A.nn:u,m 'Tuesday in urbm at T558 Yates, avenue, 'Chicago. She was 79 years 'old and the widow of the late Capt. Gustave A. Busse. * '~ The elder Busses, when their son, 'then mayor owned the big farm at Fox Lake Lake® county, lived 'there much of the time and had a wide circle of friends in western Lake County. ; .. She married.Capt: Busse in 1865 aft-- wmvmmmocimmm y everything they owned. ~was destroyed in 'the Chicago fire 'of 1871. .x Her husband died 18 years ago and her son, Fred, who was mayor for 4 years, died in 1914. § . Mre. Busse was of a family of Chi-- cago ploneers.~ Her parents came to Chicago from Germany in 18387 and met and married ~here a fow years THE LATFE MAYOR church Tuesday after-- § ol C l s k: on " 0 d w fl * ONBIL HARDWARE CO, _ .. . MAYTAG CO. Highland Park & 4 IAke Forest. Phone 500 . 641% Central Avenue C onaF onl ol l .0 oC 'AREmeeng s . AEAMGIRADNE : dutle ho advadd when the class was graduated, Jesse L. Laskey, first vice president of the Playets-- Lasky Corporation in of production, announced that Their first pay day came a week later --and no one was absent. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Bauer have purchased the . residence of the late Mrs. Gardner. ras $ x W. Evans of Chicago was a caller here Saturday. Mr. Evans is the choir-- master at Christ church, Waukegan. -- 0 0 0 in the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. White. _ Mrs. MceNamara and Kenneth spent Sunday with friends at Petite Lake. : Mr.. and M mmum.h:; parents, CA re. Tuesday. From there they returned to their. home in Pittsburgh, Mre. Nellie Benduhn of Chicago and Fred Benduhn of Detroit, Mich: were guests in the home of Mrs. McGrath joying a motor trip through Iowa and . Mr. and Mrs. T.--P. Walish and chil-- dren several days recently with at New London, Wis. * Fanny Walt of Des Plaines vis-- .Mr. and Mrs. Asa B. Groves and son of Port Arthur, Texas., are guests in the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. White. _ Mrs. McNamara and Kenneth snent 'Miss N. ugnn of Chicago called u"m re Tuésday. . -- 0 O -- ¥MP. rolling, the students were not remun-- erated while Director Sam Wood sent Smthmmthethmnmhs'work making their screen debut in "Fas-- cinating Youth", which arrives at the contracts, 'faced the cashier's window During the tive months of the schol first term, they received no salary. Under terms of an agreement on en-- ~Bight months in the movies and not « cent of salary! 'After such an exper-- ience, imagine the delight of drawing your first pay, Kight men and eight girls, who have just ended 'this period, declare that signing receipts for the first payment--of a regular salary was actually a "grand iand glorious feel-- ing." The 16 payees were the Para-- A tub like the MAXTAGS -- '" 5-mbemaab0.flly | --@ of cast aluminum || Mr. and Mrs. Gould and son are en-- ying a motor trip through Iowa and Mr. and Mrs. T.--P. Waish and chil-- en t several days recently with at New London, Wis. Fanny Walit of Des Plaines vis-- ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o GRAYSLAKE o Paraiies eTo «c¥ Maytag desaler will gladly send a May-- / TITUS BROTHERS | -- PHONE 64 _ UBERTYYILLE, HLL. 2HONE Easy Deferred Payments You'lIl Néever Miss D wonthHs ihic 3 ®" "getn the ] N other design, no. other ods could be employed to mold a tub so scientifically shaped, so light in weight, as the Maytag's life--lasting, sel{--cleaning, cast--aluminum cast--aluminum -- Maytag can perform such> washday wonders --big-- tubfuls washed delightfully clean in 3 to 7 minutes,; Whole washings -- 50 pounds of Only a washer like the OUR WANT ADS GET SURE RESULTS New equipment ..________ 114.26 81.49 272.65 39687 Other township treasurers + Bal. on hand June 30, 1926....$2032.27 $1037458 $211253 $ 693.43 $ 231165 Total___._.._______________$1639.07 Total | TOWNSHIP FUND ; Receipts TOT. Cash on hand July 1, 1925.___$" 36. 44 Real estate notes on hand -- Cash on . July 1, 1925._______________ 150000 2"*°,/ °°_ Bonds on hand July 1, 1925 _ 2850.00 Increase in value of investments ____________... 13.56 Bubscribed and sworn adou me this 10th da® of August, 1926. > G. CARROLL GRIDLEY, Notary Public. Receipts * Expenditures Balance July 1, 192%5....._._._.___$ 3.44 Incidental expenses of trustees Income of township fund--.__. 203.77 (2 yekrs) _i _.____ From county superintendents 1431.86 For publishing annual state-- WAUKEGAN MAYTAG COMPANY Grounds, Buildings and Fuel, light, power water : and supplies..__..__ Repairs, replacements, _ insurance _________ 4 ; DISTRICT FUND--Receipts & DIBTRICT NO. . '. 103 100 101 ©° '102 104 105 Balance July Llst, 1925...--..$2768.27 $2138.10 $2710.14 $1351.37 $1412.28 $65.91 Distribution of trustees..._. 523.47 211.40 19197 18484 215.04 From district taxes ... 1862.20 . 809.55 788.60 79681 106017 nerSgers and «tath Interest on teac * DISTRICT FUND--Expenditures . DISTRICT°NO.: . . 108 100 101 102 104 School board and business Tewnship Treasurer for Publication. Township 43, ibaing County, Hlincis, from July 1, 1925, to Juhe $0, TOTAL of ' pension fund CLH Ax Eo ...........$5153.94 $3169.05 $38690.71 $2333.02 $2687.49 $65.91 * DISTRIBUTIVE FUND . FINANCIAL STATEMENT $5153.94 $3159.05 $3690.71 $2332.02 $2687.49 $65.91 $4400.00 clothes (dry weight) washed in one short hour. Every-- thing washed without hand--rubbing -- even grimy play--clothes washed clean as new in 10 minutes. Only a wringer like the Maytag's can instantly ad-- just itself to a handkerchief or a blanket--and wring both dry:-- The wringer that has instantaneous tension release--that has a self-- reversing drainboard to keep Greasy 1652.97 Expenditures Cash on hand June 30, 1926----.$ 50.00 Real estate notes on hand June 30, 192%6........______..._ 4000.00 Bonds on hand June 30, 1926__ 350.00 (% years)< ________________ 280.00 Distributed to districts_______. 1326.72 1150 ment (2 years) TOTAL TOTAL Township 43, 11 in Lake I,hJuhoao.w. 140.70 131.49 tion of treasurer E. J. GISS8, Treasurer 120.98 147.50 14.00 and *44 169.17 205.35 10. $4400.00 $4400.00 $ 1175 $1639.07 20.60

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