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Libertyville Independent, 12 Aug 1926, p. 8

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PC * % * * h * s > P > se wighey t " 4 y a * % *z * q 4 ' t d £ > a t E* I' ts # * < . >' k P y s # > hee K * e L e s oo e p e eA ®e 3 ty * c se : ol gans a + <A WR s S drnds J | € # i &4 $ -- @3 d w # **%s., 3 4 Ke--r * < $ 8 "Te4e e . es c of the /. ; ~--'s.:;; ; ,' t a 4 gue hA # "} F C » pre s ; 3 ;' * . ; & % § : S 4 € 3 A*A To * © TA ® : m * '{"'; <«@ * L & Q R h. l l o s\ P tw y t a t ; * 1 4 t -- > v cA *LZ . k#8 « 6 lad K ; aS m * 7 . on PoR i ts #C S u c 3 A 7 F v 7 ?] Saturday, August 14 -- _ Et ~From 1;:00 to 5:00 and 6:00 to 9:00 p. m. B# 105 j -- f e 3 ,"":"f"to aapnls 4 her's AUfi. w in w 20 bein markeUk . _"Our work in checking up élevators that something must be done at nce -- . smany, declared Wicker. day _\ drt us new 'evidence that the old w4 uk business needs to be placed on z ire sound basis.'" & s ~_ _R -- The. Horton Home Ironer is designed '{Dr all domestic duty, and faith-- [ fully serves every .....amu-g Ite operation is so «imple * B 1 hn-luottbhl!-& it to do his or her personal ----_ K and thus every member of k-hu is assured of always 5' »having freshly ironed linens and neatly pressed clothing. '-- . ments, and have them &pil;c:t;%uw Whote "Ilacd Reds, for moit f s fi}%mannerqadaee how eas-- : %m'lm e y the pok e gne o ie -- [ es e e S nlZ 5 : iNQ.. n mflfl ostm ; By An Expert Operator, will be Given o, HL, August 111--The plan ederation of farmers' elevat-- br one management proposed up of seven such companies Mz county recently was hailed > ; o m hundreds -- of % slevatQq t Wmm y * Vicker, director of co-- gricultural association in an .inter w today. n the grain marketing : en in Nlimoie. ... 0. . * ;"V ::ot:uu up elevators that ng must be done at once _\ to s ,mm-w" %" declared Wicker. day _' brings us new 'evidence that the olet * wator businees needs to be placed on A% * as which contributed largely to the, total loss. Another speciye cause of loss was revealed in the analyseis of Es&;&; wasia direct result of jack of -- information, on the part of :: manager' nd&l: mevig tofh:"' : concerning the results of their; 65 farmers* elevatore--subject to the mncw.mnumn :'vmhdcloufim'ma".i ©089.85, or 55 cents on each $100 turn-- !nu-m of <this condition 16d the L. A. A. :pullr. Wicker to make a study of smaller.and more c-mm.,'fgtmwmm mine the causes' of, losses incurred Av ~nnsucceasful> companies and to / An invetigation' into the causes of lbsses revealed speculation in options Trean loos of $4005.50. . The greater loss ).. The--greater pay closer-- attention to its hedging operations,"© Wicker said, "but> look fih result Simillar to last year. this is only one of many ex-- amined recently thet are in the same 'In a recently completed_ eurvey of wmore AIDan »@10,VV0 ~ Ddrougatl about : through hom "We dowentaly 'clerator fust 'compltien, ; elevator, 1 i liIr.«Wicker pointed to. & net .loss more than $10,000 largely : brought arned that el 4 o rurar . C + . Apane r o x 42 4 3c in Memorial ball, in the, rt Rouse. -- Books for registration i1 be opened at 9:00 a. m.; business, reting at 10:30 a..m.; short parade noon; dinner:at 12:30; exercises At: us seover w rallew.. A. T. Look €4:30; su % . Look: fsresident and S. F. Greenleat is sec, i e o e ic me sA the o. mAernin ane faprntaine hor hdgne or the Ioed solh and the teay Lake "cm' unty Soldiers and Sailors elation, war. will be held on raday, Aug. 19, at Waukegan, with 'ub'nu Aug. 11. Th aigtorie eabin at. the M county r is in good m for the Cal old settlers' WHTH JOY here. Thbursday, See .. Relief Troublés. in : S : BROTHERS Te se m o _ ~'Pourth Mass fi*itc.,t. 'The above on standard time each A numbar of business men and 'citi-- busi d 'citi-- tens of Highwood held s';.m and of 'thatcity Tuesday,; Anfig o ~gafdized : the Highwood . Im-- provement association, -- electi the Mc i";_'m-n&.nn.xu'{: next tw mt-, a Thile the Rev. Mr. * > T evening service will be at the Methodist church.: A John--~M Simpson;>secretary, . Edgar C. Benson ; treasurer, Harry Olander. **Sunday School at 9:45 mflqulzlfi.:: ladies gre--requested to be at the Mun-- delein station at 1 o'clock, and froim th@e transportation will be provided. BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION .. *~J8 ~FORMED IN HIGHWOC following sofficers ~for the +Number of m::nmo tiled 290. Number of c lm':: 91. Number of trust deeds -- mort Total number® of instruments filed '.w f E ? . Total amount of loans $374.147.50. 'ni:ohl' number of instruments filed ~ Total amount' of loans $364,650.$2. * "BY aA K. BowEs _ c Asst. Secretary of Security .Title & a suBe Patdct's Churell a ::lnfltl'ltflct'g' at 8 a..m.. Sunday. 5 Mass, at Druce Lake, 10 a. m. Bun-- day. mfimumu-- for the week ending August h. 1926: Number of conveyances filed,>279 Number of chattel. mortgages, 50 Number of trust deeds and mort LOANS ARE LOWER -- "THAN LAST YEAR ST. JOHN'6 EVANG: LUTHERAN Presgident, Ray Roth: vice--president, ale meye roll-- and the enasy so that the oper-- ' Purgbred White . > English Strain '" :luh-m Baby c=lch. $8: T5 per 8 Brown Leghorns, $10 hund | ye shall not fulfil the lust of the fesh" (Galatians 5:1, 18, 14, 18). _ 8 *' The --Sermon also included *the follo pasimmge from the .Christian Science textbook, "Sci-- wence and Health with Key to the : ~Beriptures," by Mary Baker Hddy: w i in molo. UauUuou, ERBVuuo i11°0.., 3 , *4 >3 uen e b R CHANCE --TO BUY. A ; * Ri it, for little money: ts a ible--set, all in a nite bis f ::'Wm m" to »m rate; will demonstrate. Call at the 4 e s »Auie 4 e"m' +/* 9 C _¥ «. in A--1>--ondition. -- Phone 411--J., --<} have been run.about 500:miles. Best|being at the it is« npoion gervice. -- Evening sub--! atook Ject,: ' Liberty 'in Mexico." f'w ie FOR SALE--Apples. _ Inquire Sin Roppelt, Mundelein, 111 Phone 661 FOR; SALE~--Thgbe 30x3 tires': .Of Annivergary will be heki on Wednes-- day, Sept. 1 will 'be a supper and a program, the former pa# t working in Wan*ecan. . «> Momm to~> the I. .D. Lane Construct!on somrar¥. nos* Clen Flora avenve."swung about.. breaking a private telephone line into the Pub lic Service'plart and . throwing ~it acrass_the hich power--line causing* a short cireuit. --=. 53 taors present. \= .. .8 . . . * Tugk sohne} age Upiare innlied i wms y-:um«lmm parsonage for . on the evening an%':o Itmbosg nowwhnm ed "Tor 'the Aid Society. women :to do . For two minutes m athanti$:40 last niebt. all the light and--power between Waukegarn and Chicago was cfit off while bers of¢the Public Service mz-vffy crevrepaired th;vdi'?go dore to a ; 33.000 volt cable by a steam (the 11th Sunday after Trinity) are: ~Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11. d;mnn. W. H. Willard--Jones will te at the services. s' rected, they are simply the manit-- LTested beliefs of mortal mind, which affirm that life, substance, and intel-- Mgence are material, instead of spir-- itual. These false beliefzs and their products constitute the fiesh, and ALL LIGHTSOUT ';;":-,-','u:,'»'-'ivé'é * "FOR 2 MINUTES x2# «. #--= CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES FIRST-- METHODIST. BPISCOPAL John K. DeLong, Pastor > --= O LemonSorman in ail Oburchis |=omeeegeaet=== lsuuetion of oald Enprovement will be . W¥ Lesson--Hermon C e en | . t of Ohrist, Sceientist, Buraday, Ru' required to enter into a bond in a August 8. . 6 _MWFOI' " & sum equal to one--third of the amount 'The Golden Text was from Gala-- RE tiful Turnished 12 |(of such bid, with gurities to be approy-- tians 6:8, "He that soweth to bhis mm:zum'm.zun-,:bymwamma fiesh shall of the fiesh reap places;*grand piano, radio, Victrola, Improvements of said Village of tion ; 'but: he that .soweth: to : electric washer, ironer, refrigerator; l'.:zrtyflnc.ybhbbcu must be filed Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life |near lake and trains; attractive said Board when contract for the everlasting." & 5-".' 244 l!({r';h Ave., Lake ?'nf'ft m of said hw::nenent is 0 tions which: com-- 'Telephone 113 en o. Baid bond s provide Dtifed the LessonSermon was the |=--L==----=====--=--------=--------|that said contractor shall well and following from the Bible: "Stand fast therefore in the liberty where-- with Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.. For, brethren, ye bhave been called unto liberty ; only mm%firnmu other. For all the law is fulfilled in one .word, even'in this; Thou shalt love thy nelghbour as thyself. This L tay thon Waik io tme Spict, «se | Sellers and Petersen . CLASSIFIED ADS $ All Atter4.-- . .. >f Sunday morning worship at 11. nwfi f Rocks, $11.50 hundréed ~ Al good strong healithy . guaranteed live delivery. Talk a statement from your ter if any dead. The Fulghum For > nuy 4 acee [ttishs seshune mom M afrever i | mpAbOW " Ganthe mwom ns estety miaie amtayy A iGQORT 300 Weree, from $100.00 up to $250.00 |line of the Roadwaly of Seconid Street H in a nite--bis ? --~." ¥. C. HORNING & CO. the northerly line of Sunnyside iennsioae yefar ts | Phoss aser. . 200 Teabington Street| Tok o ntirhn io we ouveny iss onetrate. it at the | .. i m oaiaa +d 9 =\ > )t Aut:':"&' '% Mablé gas stove. Call ~mmmyb'z dow Lane; ne of the roadway of ----= |toi"mss. weiitines, Miractivs 'pfiees | Eutnarnite (Areane "to ahe romnentg e e k :un-. --~Write for particulars. / | line of Sunnyside 4"!"'@, } aes C Ge J L wm t wugm Street E. > e p en nfi t o 'line of Second Stréet:; 4 . [JP To zonn Rean, Tme Unknown--Heits | improved! by. srading an0 P97 5 iae r Chicks, 48: 15 96 Di iey $ohn Eigan, Deceased, and His Un--| other streots in said Village. is at 7:80, ..a and : from _ pure Evening 'sub ! atook. VWW ship: every Ififteen . MONEY TO--LOAN--We 'have a con : > shlerfble: amount of special furds to loan on hm' fearm --or--gity prop erty. ; We in your inquiry.. First Natlonal Bank, Libertyville, 11.3 _ 10t! ~'Grainage, pipe lines, etc., by machine or hand, telephone 674--J4.~~-- _ 26 8t ~~Well located building lots on McKin-- ley Ave,, 50x200 ft; shade trees. Price $1400.00. t _ Park Aye. home, 5 rooms and bath. » ~Price $13,000.00. Terms. phone 320--W. * _ % _' : .l es J , Dlinois, until $:00 o'clock P. gase: ..:,_.;"z: s "__.~~] M, Standard on t;- wu dn teareain mm mametaiit nageatedionbtieiap mm .. m' "m k Hall V ' JJ--Azhain WIth ' ey8, onU | of -- L * 'tmm con-- o" m"\m'.u 16 »,' l ll ". 'I. " at. office. *]| That Broadway from the easterly ------ mnlovment -- _ . parallel to and ten (10) feet easterly ienss "4'!"'"' sm--=liof the westeriy line of Fourth Street; [ANAGER--For Libertyville Brapch|and the INTERSDCTING STREETS C 0e .. trapy e . required; way to th : thereo{: u.:.fib Manufacturex,: 1266 _ -- | all in the Village of Libertyville, Coun-- partation Blidg, Chieago.© 32 11| ty 6f Lake and State of Illinois, ba--im-- OFFICE GIRL. WiANTED--Experience | streets. Special Assessment No. 57. Rot necessary; age 231 to 30. Coun--| in the manner shown and set forth' in try Side. Family Laundry, Newberry|an Ordinancepassed and approved by Ave and First St. 4 32 11| the President and Board of Trustees Copprienermmampmmenammenmmmminmmmupemmmme«s | Of BAiC VIDAGC Of LADETTYYille OD the WANTEIY--Men to -- drive , laundry | 6th <day of Jua.uA. D. 192%6. Said trucks; experience not necessar}; |improvement s be constructed in must be 25 or older. The Countryside|accordance with the terms of said whudn. 32 t| Ordinance and-- with tboglhn:na&: - _ '| apecifications therefor" on file | STPUATION WANTED--StenograpPbe? | office of said Board of Local Imorove-- --\Becretary desires 'position, P&Tt 0T | ments at the Village Hall in said Vil-- whole day; 7 years experience; kn0#W!--| 1mee Contractors are to be paid in !!!!fi!.!:,'"'" offtice work. ATel®| special assessment bonds which draw. WANTED----Girl or elderly woman for . general: housework; references re quired.: (flm Mrs.: M. J. McKeown, 'u', N. esee St., "W-ukean.' 1"th Hee'ts for price and terms. electric washer, ironer, refrigerator; near lake and trains; attractive F' 244 North Ave., L,ke Biluff, *Telephone 1136. 92 2t FOR S&ALE--$35 000 buys 6--acre resort _,mmonmemn.m:zooa. on 1 ':!,trlehoule:oonddonble& niture included, if taken before 15., clear title. Wfluomuu#n ZEurich, II1., Box 185, or phone 71--M. ols ... e ' ~K. P. SWAN. .Sellers and Peten i R. W. BULKLEY rs and Petersen | _ Members of the Boarg of Local idptnates was o Wire or un * e 'or EMMMHB Un-- own Heirs or Devisees,.and the Un own Owners and parties interested the following lands in Lake County, inois, "known and described as fol-- cepting . 19.10 acres off the t as conveyed of record; Also ;'h.fiommm Of Section Sixteen; also the it quarter of section Reven rete ' street;"> ~gat 'Case No. 16754, E "*o Quiet Title of O : NC . sho A C or ied ieb in nnt s 'Bern: . \ > ,{_&uflt.not' ,uhhc':gty 1Or CKS _FOR. SALE--Large m:' returnable to the Octo: mmm 'ber Térm 7 said Court, at n-:caun tor $500.00, cash or Real Estate No »ite Pophe n 2y | Seto, Hlinois; To Loan trom this ad. 1!2( || 'Dated at Waukegan, Iilinois; this 6th orla, II1,.. $1 12t hnudl'tinuf_ A ~Ar 1086 of 1as, $11:75 PO" | grouse in Waukegan in ealid County, on P aet x']'%".,.m e rin tn $11.176 ~per . m _ it wm"u-. and place orF 32 if rtlub furnished at the office the Village Clerk of the Village of Libertyville, Hlinois, and must be ac-- companiled by cash or check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Improvaments, certi fied by a responsible hnktor an amount not less than 10% the ag-- gregate proposal Bids will be opened in open session at 8:00 o'clock P. M., standard time, August 24, 1926, in said VMage Pall in sard> Village of Liber-- tyville. 'Tae Board of Local Im»arove-- w. ssme No.". M in the manner m.;;amm;:::n an. passed and approved. by mmmmam of saild Villége of LAbertyvilie, on the 13th day of July, A. D. 1926." 'Said improvement shall be constructed in accordance with 'the terms of said on enc ho Hmdannas sns' Contr s are-- m p ' ensment bornds which draw » -m'\ 'L' *M mke Curnished at the office of the interest at the rate +8 6 per cent any and all bids as the Board may faithfully perform <and exeeute said work in all respects according to the complete and detailed specifications. files and models therefor and accord-- ing to the time and terms and condi tions of the contract, and also, that such bidder or contractor shall prompt Iy pay all debts incurred by guch bidder or contractor in the prosecu-- tion of such work, including those for labor and material furnished. j All --bidse or proposals shall contain an 'offer to furnish such bond upon Dated this 12th day of August, A. D. e s oc roTt, JHSSE 8. HYATT, W. W. GBRUMMITT, a'g:'l! 19 26 _"u 2 to Quiet Title--of j nied by cash or --check ed: by'a m ns rreans nnes w&ama mfih will --be auened bym:f e. County for | B dfiwmwmom1 m.'blflldcnm session at $:00 "Pi--M.q standard able to the Octo-- |time, August 24, 1926, ht baid Village urt, at the Court | Hall in said Villago Of Idbertyville. aid Cot 0n | The Board of Local Improvements re-- f \_m" I mq:.mumnmamm.n h time and placej --'The successful bidder for the con-- ompianades Irncuon of anld fproxement «141 be i e o flw"t:wu&kim&'" 'u:'fo:n?:' * #o l o $ , Hilinois, this '"']_mn'bm. with sureties to be approved of Local 'Im-- e.of Liberty-- entitled as ' &n or ment in ten annual instaUments with %fi'? m .Hlinois, At-- Members of theLBoqrfia Local Im-- provements of the Village of. Liberty-- ville, Lake cmtlyl.ung:.. BENJAMIN H. Attorney for the Board of Local improvements. itc ic B4 B assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court. the final hearing thereon will be had on the 21st day of August, A. D. 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., or as soon thepeafter as the business of the Court, will, permit. All persons desiring may file objec-- tions in said Court before said day and may appear at the hearing and make their defense. ~Baig Ordinance provides for the collection of said as-- sessment in ten annual installments sIx Per cent per annum. Dated at Libertyville, gust 5th, 192%6., 4 on io on en molela Public notice is herebyo given that the Subsctiber, Adminisifutor. of the Estate of John Austin, desssged, will attend ~the w Court 'of Lake County, at a thereofito be holden at the Court House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first:Monday of > io Inaswitnme ; Wiste are sogltee and mgoannd uo nresant <the sams to saild Court for PRAIRIE AVENUE from the souther-- ly 'line of "the\roadway of Sunnyside Avenue to the \youtherly line of Sun-- nyside Avenue;} and SOUTH STREET from the westerly line of the roadway of Second Street to the westerly line of --Second Street. -- All in the Village otupartyvnh.cohmy,otuke.id State of Iilinois: : Be improved by grading and paving, and.constructing storm water sewers. -- Special Assess-- ment No. 56, the Ordinance for the, same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said Village having applied to the County Court of Lake County, Illinois, for. an assess-- ment of the costs of said improve gust 5th, 1926. : mmw ed tomuke said assessment. Nes wmoas: . $1 2t bids as the Board may ele. _ _ |[ Unustial home, just completed; hot water. struction "%%?. heat,; every modeérn convenience; built by [ seulied o enter into ©bove. Lo .0,0 0t fprowner, who is leaving town ; lot T5x150 feet, . Nrag be sBb 44y 13(73 horrn s p in d g tty surroundings; just the home for somes . tmprovements ar-mm of 1i» "one who likes the P98 e fracopl" s*o~ »ae t conatruction of '.'::';'F-m 3 THIS WIL4. BE SOLD AT CaST, entered into. Said shalil provide " ht *' * that said contractor shall well und TO MAKE QUICK DEAL. work in 'al) respects according to the PRICED RIGHT. Improvements of said Village of Lib-- with Board when or eonstruction of nfl% is : entered into. Said bond shall provide faithfully perform and execute said work in :all respects to the complete : and : detailed -- ; mm::«ummma'm?i ing to the time and terims.and condi-- tons of the contract, and also, that SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Notice is hereby givenits all persons 'gu this 12th mé,"'hcw. A. D 0 _ wpesr ¥ g¥arr, ADJUDICATION: NOTICE °W EeAMONT.-- | ELSIE M. HUSS, ; Fuly. 3T, 1988. _ 45--juty ; aug 5, 13 J. --W. HART, C. F. SWAN, yeet 121 11° Ea@fliflinders and Twine | : of bid -- or YOU GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH WHEN YOU SUBSCRIBE FOR THE INDEPENDENT! es e t ie oys S o Bb 2L ky tegi * & E+. )x3 *A % " h e . 4 * :"' * -' f [ SALE | In order to 1 THE ONE BEST BINDER IT IS POSSIBLE TO PRODUCE, the Har-- vester Company has combined the populatr McQormmlfiD_befing grain binders into Thmof_ both--will be found in this new McCormick Deelgl'fi binder. Y ou certainly want to get t?icrasm.mted with the hmiq'provements in er con-- ho eW MeCormick Dosting." sBE TP Eo e new MceCormick--Deering; FORE HARVEST SEA SON ofens" * Will it go into the harvest this season, tie all of the bundles mo grain or--time? mnmmfipmznfi 6 cq I «Tammmmmmwmr If it will do these things, you don't néed a new binder: If its per= 10e is doubtful, it is well to remember that the new, improved Hittle, considering the many years it will serve you. 6 Beautiful New Home in Mundelein Phone 154--M one m 'Telephone 283 FARM AND STOCK SALES A SPECIALTT Phone 41 B Lake Zurich, Mlinois. AUG. _ FR OE L4 C H Chas. D. Proctor W. F. Franzen, Jr. Telephone 15':) T4 MLIAB?RTYVH.LE IT'S DEPENDABLE because is has stood the set of time. : Under every conceivable condition has our Lum-- ber been used and in every instance has the report been a favorable one. For that reason, builders everywhere come to W. F. Franzen, Jr., for their »ormickK anda eering grain Di improved, perfected machine. LYONS & RC Insurance of all kinds LIBERTYYVIL E

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