. jTAKE BODIES TO TCHICAGO $ No Shgped on tas When :. --Others S to WarmHim. -- aod--a truck parked alongside of the < highway on the Waukegan road, one | haf@--one--half miles north of Deerfield %m h of $wo and serious injuty .\ Lo anothe fi@ to the fear on the : part of oceti@ants of the machina that ah effort to' warn them of their dan-- --ger wis an attempt .by bandits --to ~friver of the machine in which his s z_um. Mrs. Emily Johnson--and un-- . ole, Otto Johnson,»both. of Chicago, <~met death, at the inquest held in High« 6. Park, yesterday afternoon. Vet> :A of accidental deatt was return-- . g& in both cases--and no ihlame was , inthm * *P --+The young> man. declared that cha. * Ara; a&u halt light of the dawn aying to him to stop. He formed :a _ Spd he ste a?thm.'l : beftore : him .and ?u' to m,! he -- Ewuag his car in anattempt to avoid -- hlitting the larger conveyance, but the 4e ~two fgiures wore Ernest A. C $6, of the truck and another : 'dfiver of 'anothier automobile, had stalled :alongside the road had sstopped his= truck, -- the Wirt se visfrons: DaY Machines 'Crash The Johnson mathine, a Bolck side-- Ewiped the truck. 'Otto Johnson, 60 w'ce.nd'otthdflvnm | aut on.the pavement and sus 'a'u his death z..,-l'."'.'&. hm' 8@ . & . + fi Emily Johnson, aged 54 -- years, h of the 'driver sutftered a frac-- | 30 e »'h"'g:lhlll df Otto on "is in --a serious ' '%'M!'ua --resided at 1416 Rosemont ~--The' members of the Johnson fam-- mfmm B ;& of the two victims of the tragedy were ramoved to Chicago for hen bhe noticed:that the motor pany when he noticed:that the motor in ahother -:rnm'":'mu hod him 'at a slow ot speed and then stopped opposite whers he was work-- Ing on the truck. - *% en \in~tepairing it when the John-- son machine approached. -- It--was'then s e s es of. unodtrmwtto'm f'o.'mth.m,d'otmoaeowum . This fact was disclosed in the testi-- mummm.?u'zm» Retuvaer af tha. imhahine whiakh hin Re for vigitor's day Satur-- Jwhich will end the oitisens* mills ¥ training=--camp, are daily enthrall-- 'spectators and \frien"3.of<the citl-- * 'Idiers m Fort Sheridan 18 etand. winduy of the chinp. fore. ho @4 | O To« J i i ie o o atoin ob has . on $ :;;:.'. rd nu;t:u ofthe i peatrame e sevies ut the rame phantoim $0e" aro to. be fAired. All nsmnmuwt . ~The roar' of-- howitzers*and thg in of tréach mortats will ».5 ie companies and --the staccato fire Anti-- t squads ~cavilry ' rL man!mb'm 'the fel es in com x t wich Rg':{? in atrect gular army oficers have i rand finale of Period of Train-- ing at Fort Sheridan to be $4~ > 4 aption 'has been issued. Tegtifies: That m pression "from.Him/yesterday --were ieries? shomer Rost" mt Yik o Coolidge, has 0. fthe wholé industrial mw',"'fi&'.gm'" That he had @'M L. B8 --candidacy> for t"..l. € te. i *x ' e xR in' 162 bm%& i}; -"'l'%& AS he took them beofre a magistrate. *T'll tell the motor elub about this," he continued. s sn Kelly replied that it was the man's priviledge -- to do--20.--_ P s e Two days later they followed this nmo-utho.vmw:s mucntbmsmw section, Kelly and Valenta gaye chase and overtcok the #peeder in tme. __ .. "Didn't you go pretty fast over that intersection?" was the first question "*""1:-" agyst "Say, L the law," bellowed the motorist. £.,.As* sye" * "You're tho guy I'm igoing to reé-- port to tha motor club," the niart con-- tinued.~ --~ ** . s 'They allowed 'him to drive on, O ie o oo ie sjurten: wv-mfl *k 'ea, Lnemi 10 pILK. LURL HHL it he dols 36 miles," the sheriff i':u.__ They have his name and -- mymn.ldm'ofm t 'was only iast Siunday tha, two gpfln'wmm : Tiltany who is now chiet of police at Lake Forest, off of the road at Lake Zurich. --His family was with him and they were just out for & Sunday ride. .. . +sg" "We will let the motor club heat Reads. of motor cops, according to %Ammmm two to pick up one individual that seeme to have taken it for grant-- ed <~"at laws aren't enforcible. Bovera! days ago> Frank Valenta and * William ----Kelly,. employed : by Shields township to patrol the state highways, pulled in to the--side of the road | to _ their motors ~cool: After riding the roads for a long stretch. Then--were no more than seated when --: "Fifty," smiled Kelly. ns Suatcate: 1n berauy on hacebed 'nat not ambushing drivers?" un% N rigs emmbiged PoS e r Ni\ foige: n cmmeld vor-- i 'B.,u,n"':" Do Aye me repert. meX ope itts office where they have beond employed .for .many years. -- They &oremr:'lhll as the :r:"n oft e u woony nount retes bheve fabn ~ and -- reckless=© drivers. > ~"I'll get the motor.club after you," is <the newest insult--levelled at the heads of motor cops, according to a car <whissed by. Soon this same car .came --back--and pulled in. = The man leaped® out--and addressed Kelly, secording to the sherlit : . > <Se* . qur-- aumber?" demanded SMITH ATTACK ARE > TO -- ARREST HIM HOW: TO PATROL ON ~ ROAD SAYS SHERIEE :~ Aftgt learning that they .Wwere to Be disnilssed as motor ¢ops "within tem--.days, due to a Jack of funds, Frank Valenta_ and ~William~ Kelly Hiders in Shields -- township, --today were l(:"d that -- the nmm was in "error that ' calty denied. that the-- motbr clop in Waukegan Man Threatens two SWIELDS TOWNSHIP "KEEPS MOTORCOPS DVRKIN -- GETS NEW* sTAY §E is se * ul .. ho ns e e i m * en ) d f BY ROSENWALD 4 fl"{¢Y"- 4 Sie C ' With "Motor--club." . BECTIOX TWO . -- LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE® COUNTY, H.LENOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST #, 19%6 . to I'_'Pi:t:.b&m, Aug. © 21.--=A ~foreigner ed m.b_d?-"b':n W'm Deposit w bank" here late yesterday, 1J 'claimed two fl'o&-?.gm: on w. h 43 m m- ~u'luu»%-fi"cz'rtcr"'q'-'«ma'n:. full LTorceof .. the« blast .and c:ul* almost: bank : policeman, --who was rushing toward -- the" mar' when tm&nb exploded, died --ten-- minutes--later in a so.*A agaory ---- of : the® --homicie _ .'g. 'here fi ::Tg'- WW% hy# far _ none _has -- reco .:tl'n § Eces lracked Tenkine raam shoked i i o "af (the nitigirctrine" trpe. Had -- PURCHASES SITEF "This contern comes to us with no m" to It,". he --continued. have been rumors of plants «coming and some controversy» 'as to their location but this is one coucern of whick nothing has been said but which now can be regarded as much a part of the industrial circles of the city>as~ it it had~completed -- erection «Of its plant. here." . _ / 'Announcemient "of "the securing of %mn tflmmmm mmmvaqm iness men Of the' city freely --préedict tl.!l?flaMflim' boom M industrial conditions in Wau-- tdor "when it expladed .oans. more _ .when | explodesd ~many more persons woull "have : been .killed, po-- eonditions wHich have been found {auitliess to date. TO EMPLOY 500 PERSONS near : #uture. by an internationaily lummuMfln. concern was completed "--today ~and. . announced through the~~Waukega -- and -- North Chicago Chamber of Commerte,: _=~ Purchase® of a Jarge tract: of-- land in --Waukegan as the site of a mon-- ster plant to be erected bere n the Hundred Million Dollar Concern Closes Deal For kand; Will 'The consern, which is capitalized TRIES 1O BLQW UP NEW YORK BANK i on Hower Stat and took mortr tiguackiice 2o thte Sake comhiy iCE nndeaianr yc _ 2c V hok PS .09 f ® | Py 99. "PLANT HERE Speed: Quiz Bureau Hub, a Forest. . J.Assame>course was {followed in *po;uu'ol seven physicians . in Chicago . ag ; well as to -nmmfi a ig concernsand one drugzgist, all. of ~Chieago, : accord: 1t is .said that Dr; Rissinger. is the W'm county physician --to --logs Bis > permit. se ' or permitd' revoked l8bt, : ;'um:yu?' C" Yellgwig, Toa-- Aimgs rhdh ayoedhy a. B tork Nl'%n 'ot rth_ol; mmqu tiguor, "ras. that Jnsued w Dr. Ar: BALL PAYS $577 -- > : MSTORY LAWSUIT Barrett Alone Remains to Set-- : Commisgionér J. V. Bals--today paid $577 to Deputy, Jack.Froelich in the sherift's office as his part of the pen-- by the jury and the $77 represented costs and intérest. . -- m Deputy Froelich immediately turned the money over to L J. Wilmot, clerk FEEL ~HE _ WILL tle $2,000 on County Al Th 128 boyo n iq. ~LOSES HIS PERMIT r K+ >*> Yiikess a " & :'M Chi ' emgrts .. W'&"W 30, Waukegan ; Gladys n! ,,/" e ic 1'5}':' s ""'( R o. y -- Charles: ~1, y Allis; L. 200 n en P o. hivn t -- 022 ce 129 n c# «it a Margare* Pliger, 18, eatie, ~***. _ ... _ "ames Bele: ."ftl?ll(nulgee: Lau Seal 20, ai M imbiert. Fok 3 '2@.,'»"'",,.-:.' nsk¥y, $1, Racine; Rathel In marks . ,:_'72» '}V eX f .', / No#mand argo.. 26. Milwaukee: .. John Auftrin®s~ 2B,-- Chicago; --Lil-- fan nueyran aamgle . _1 _2 is Rorth; "'Chiceso" mnrortisnior in . the % A P § C Mellett _ murder, . ifi%m '"w. Poulson, . attorney> for Mrs. : Meliett, mt Aibatiien, 8. on Pacries 4 < JOe i, AR ~Charged in Three Matters 0f _ ~~ _ ~Domestic Strife. _ *}g&sr&, _nE fi&" n | fi.« Cek ,w[ I JR i'.a"g e * OTHERS ARE BEGUN ~~ The discopraging task of cleaning up the circuit court: docket became even more discouruging today when Judge Edwards heard one pair alf their matrimonial woes, only to dis eover. that two divorces had : been filed wHile he --was hearing the testt Raony in the pther. ©$"*--1, > } > .. Mys~Irone Macari, of --Highwood, who was married. to Louis. Macari in was 'habitaally: drunk. -- The:divore where:with it gso it was set for Octo-- Fm are two children, Minnie, $2, and Mary, 10. W huumum joined' by the two other bills mmmw D. "': ' '. f | .. ' % ( :\ OX B ~ -- 3 '_._____4__.____.4"-:. 7 3%4 ' C it ic BX Suu: gait, * a *% $ ; B yX s * g ;'( t ced s % Siles »0 e dpilaerthioP JOSEPH .. . STOFFEL .: SUES and , 29,+Manitowas: m'r 'have 'gained a" clean :fi: verse publicity< :Ha-lgal' his 'books so "that all : the "victims" could _ be reached . by . questionnaires,-- _ . . A statement: was made today that it the motor club w settle with the: Victory : Memorial:hospita} first befors launching.any extens ve--invea tigations agains, otherk it would look Euresmndnnt io ramer of a munbee correspondent the names of a num of persons whoum%o reunion, uie intrannet Tt on ed from: the article on the eyent Additional mu"d1M'mttLl&- By or Chitago; Waiter, Work id fam: .of Chicago; t Work digd ts ily of Chicago; Phitip Stuber wits ily of .Chicago; g:g aube g mon . wake Tiies, pne m drige . ans two others 'are.Jn critical condition: in a hospital here as the result of an tims, all local men, are: _ --. 3 ; Leonard Mainiero, died in hospital. _ '~Carlo Mantari, died in Ambulance. -- FTony Rick, died in ambulance.~_ > > Bobe, 'iktu?i. point of 'death . with m Pekar, fractured skull and: Aloal se' ~®tanley Alechnowiez, fractured «kull and internal injuries; The car crash-- He, Policeman and Atty. Jo-- LX S SEN WILLINGLY : AT QULZ -- OF MOTORCLUB ~~#1.50 PER YEAR, *' 'The clond moved to a point ovér forces 'that ~resulted in the forma 'tion of the tornado seemed to spend their m the, funnel cloud before~ i# ; could settle to the earth in its. twisting and --whirling were watched. by many in the vicinity of that community between 11:30 and --1%2--0'¢lJ:--k Tuesday morning. . _ Antics of: & tornado cloud which before noon yesterday and 'dissipated ROADS ARE NOW : SAFER The records kept by 'the touring bureau. of the--Chicago Motor Club 'coupled with an investigation conduct-- "ed amotorists, point to the fact mm'm emerging from the m s and is entering in-- to 'an era %# 'year round activity. ~ Beveral reasons for this condition 'are pointed out in a bulletin issued "by the touring bureaw. of the club. "Many persons 'believe that all year touring is the--result of the--increased 'production of closed cars, This, jot ~course, is mistaking effect 4or cause. Closed 'mars are the result of a very definite demand. ~The demand came --.~ ~ -- But Dissipates. s i SEVERAL SEE PHENOMENAN * alles 's L % o. wl lee y api" * C Tukk . *# > % "' P C DP ¥ ® . o 3 .. A 32-- PPA f The records ke; W5 Of the--Ci coupled with an in " c that toubig i8 Fap to an era of all 7 Motor Club Says All Year Tour-- + ing is Rapidly Gaining in * Popularity.: -- * "TDESDAY, CLAIM s 1#