se * A+i~ m }> .. _ _ . oofnarim td l a5 n t T. tein a * t . 4ns " & _ _ S mt l -- eA C PAE .. S M stt e t\ $A Weame th y e ns > £0., 7 c "~ at. o. Je Ausivl.! x > .: Coras."_. LOOoK-- ~~ uM€ Ab 4 Thembet o. the League of Mations,--Genmaily hopes to|i _\ .~< C %_> Oo0 ctill s olsn Ie C o0 ~ 7. [. | is be Mikwee county tremssrer or| sraphic records. // _ 1. * _ . wae" ho € ' 1 _ oC ts ""s%"."#% 3" Sugeme : op mox'st "" , j p-- %# * ',,\" y w :")':;s;' "",'%7'} ..'v'-':;"'vi""'.' ns * a% Ek .' % * 44 k : eg 4 t ;,, E 'W'." € UE recovee muth of ia ltst m o the Av it fearld this will contribute | °_7A ~ " 5fone, appane LTEPLE AFTER ALL * _ "/* |fpe shiroreg the Wign tor Peymcets| : The county Sliih, smy ot probece | 16 "'w m"' ,- '"to t ' %, 1 m { > >> _ es na':f $ & . og'f-**,';..."*'s' ' oourtl:ll' officials will hbold tories recog pg qutgide . sare C "Tor £n Lone +Goa ADQ e o n . C --ftion law. -- Ho deciated : Awo 'There are Sovers wmon % would ura Qfi""»'m l" eand 4) i& Chijcago Tribun flfiq}@fi? ews on the nominayo 'g ints would be. allowed, : interest| and -- affiiistion is ~based . yipon® sim!l-- -->. '~gervices appeared: _ About thie. only places loft are Russia smdi@otonel Frank I, Smits for U. 8. Seriator, the more one feels| SolQ it mo S houla be adomen| _ :"" "** 3999 > ~ _: )c . s § w * 6. «sA € * . es _1 s >A ons L chag a > ts m ¥hag -- 2 5 % DQ I 1t ~ maat all thea eant anitt * # > * CurGrrmmmmmmenrneenpmennenmenmmerng. 4 Ching» > ; es \e io se ts w nqficuifi*flwm'fi "i'""" e & #. h T + . ho es 2 oi o _ in $ * " 3 4i is ."i *% Toa.s :;"' s ',.,,.:a' adw "';N""' b P94 +7 z.r' Fe pa. > | en o es e n (inn se maoee mt ce nadt darion is ie Seaate might c | ns "t, ons 35 ui ut | * . Eeriy Telephoning . ' ut 28. e isn larimas'" ahik Rs ang' c ag%4e, | toe recent. eb o o K: LKE AELEENE i t U To ue 1 ooo o o ieh e . r t es t ESEA oflice of townahiy~ treas-- | -- In the early days of' the telephons c lonf -- Renti s ¥ 0o . <~at V 5 } bessi. s en § % *J i¥ s us § * * . T " a _ _ _-- sldo this work, .' we t * 3 M naCe were . made evrer. why a lotyof sentimental women %fim Valentino's were almost a unit in the support of Colonel for Senatc %* 5g4 | What were known as "extra territorial casket IN ORDER TO KISS HIS DEAD--BODY(--©Doe#. a09--| " ~ oo oole i5 talk so much about a "slush. fund* in filinoig | County Recorders of Deeds ang cerke | btlephones® The majority of seb >- thing seem |more repugnant and illustrative . mhudlin senti um"-dqmufigmflum,hl"dww_, |ter to be disouased .by his Szanciation | Retted with long distance, went to the: ment that some women possess. I!-ym*"bdolo""v" enied D 0 00 0 o o0 oc y _ oc < o+ . PwrBl G6:the making of photographic| 10¢al telephone office to have the call ment °H eré not) w presume they'd ther tey to get into |and 'the Gowprnot are-- concernied. .' : ... . _zX " _ -- rocordé of legal instruments in bot ;'m 4 ' Xwhich they were not) we presume. they'd them Hy _ P .\ Even the 'in a special asticle on Sunday admitted that|omces. The officials claim that some| ~_ _ _ _ # vaudeville--gto exhibit themseives 34 "the,. woman who kissed | _' . c"at Calana® "m -" her . candidates . in the -- THingis | ®Titings. and--signatures n'fill'fl- yrar se . > ~~*~ ie vpearite A airdithe «o . ith ------ %m"mfi.'" ,,,,..,.4.., on ns n en ~ : WRA F . [ 4 $ 4 % *3«4 KS . T s primar'y : Geciare yial tu ,',I,'""Pu n en tinlui ns es »2tGh 'f'".; ¥*"@"'* a#> ' '/. '%&_: 9. C ns yemsear c vep . " ie _--..| arider the Mm Ti in in ome men uhefho OF . SEEKS TAE . |§ _.. CLARKE Anr & The Turks have executed, four_more men who tried to '0ver--| affective catipaign. In seating Colc ;"m "';2 p. Athk t i) HKe ; U N 4 UG en ! K o on ons uw We oo matde mon o Uracnd it Woakied a, aftume "~ W"""'z} NCHuURrCK Fext'e °TT * CT** i old $ * & -- 'i M l' & wu w.:u' wor +A (:' :',,_ -- S "v" p « _ ction 4:56 3 §x t $ 99 ,"3 , «* ,.fl!*" se | J h 4 % f nigy on m 4 matths" Nonk dost "in Greece, they got away with| : . Astcording to the Triknine's apecial article ."the amount/ exe| |. | _: '--=--=s--4 . _ /[_ 9| c c rg L w'nahfify-_!'-.*.- tw""' 1: Sn S reiga as 2«&. o PW . o ce 5 . )0 64 5s : .'um'_m"p s > § 124 owr» . * it, the dictator WAS kicked 'out and those who 'did it are now ""'"'"'edr-t miel Smoith arid iMt. Vare of Pennaylvania Wetiy: and | ._wibe Pus Canp. i. ¥, bor t errrmens y E acclaimed heroes and saviors _of the nation. ; It all . just .depends | greatly in excess --Of the surhs figured 'in .the Newberry 'and|__Thile Fins Coan. oo "o Sext C100 0 ~~~~~~CA § «> °_ weether you save youe ded¥ ae not) (| ) >\ ~ > ©\/( > (!{complderation, Nowsat the amoint upeat ie ¥htea in Mhiibia and |a zm stion Auedsss mmensens @ |: vork's' | -- » i o wl ed s( Fmmmmie en ns L )0 0 1i 3 S ipiaoooooata calest | Mige fact weill be ased no doubt by Colohicl|lots ons sracey boios Peai@ | 2s |. m o * + ie _ T e e s s ie ic i ie oo o l mratrer _ s k o . .] anmoa wC ym .u" -u" ue m l e d * Y TL D Hm' C 900000 03 + AM 1. KFevrecial | _ hases E~ . Thrée conquests of the English Channel within : the 1| (y on t io ie t Aarinamiare on i yle pactink 1 haconcecamaing se n GEate 424 _ twd of them by! waihed, ofie by a mian. That's quite a recordt|"""_ "'?h* «.mm that there is 'no 4 Svhni-:'hewmwhnmh'm.hhw'h::"?m'*w&'wflgfl ' an attempt tp-- swim the Atlantic Ocean. To date it has not been der to get their messages 'over to the people. because of the tried. We are surprised it Has not and with ummm""""""'?'g"'""""""' ommfiandkmnxhnamm'uhwfl#hhm"~" "m " », roith . primary' campaign ' feat in a disinterested manner'as time goes an. You can recall §$300,082--and the --Vare-- primary: carhpaign $800,000;---- Of the: four ; not bother to Wive it a glance. So it'is with the channel--when| _ . Smith y ag Awas: is Imindred thousand 'votes and his . which must _be wé«wnw\y&u BR omeren nos t on ¢ most active participation in 'politics would tike-- the Torm of SeNti-- | Syanstom, Wa kopem enorks se woh f mental appeals: for place, 'bated 'on bergavement 'or 'an 'alleged | na the mrroundile. towne aud. xt T ; w. -- ,~ * ko * hA & d f . mCt 2s o# tantex ce mage, «> raadatih is " f? is Chs M"*fi peculiar '!' "'!. 'broken | atin i}{ rits * in CUhicago. over<la¥ish l"'!a!.; ;.g...! ~:£!;.§£' m o i E '.r a l is also true 'of H. 8. Wiltter, Wis. _ :cents" per day»--the federal »fellows 'better not:ahow stheir 'badges| in maiby cases never to do a srinute's wor l Ei 3 it Fahra yaay oc ... o t . PE : V N eir : J4 T % ¢ 'r, L nant >R "..,,'w_:c, k s M e is e 3 W eP3 ¢M or : ask co mfi by 9"' s limg SB. > ft is ty' Sap moeprrin 4 * P m;?': o sfij':: d : 1/ uo h -- ral C + +# i jae, Cm * arz 4 L 4 9 . woake uis s 0.+# s * Wee a s * 4 & figubeach sc rrans d n cleabcad sng ind on Unaaigin in o < Sanitery board's expose will be the most startling of | ue * * wer waket m a Cmteage Rotel Mirhs Whdnt pet hal moch tor| thing ons fad thec bask peen io The Mate becaiss heotrd #|Sike . would aimost spit 'in your face. * ~;** ; o oi ie o c o en n o iile aidient as fadeh "or fiore ounty @ ty mt -- 4st pager 38 mdm itary :spengs alimost as mc *or" faoge |aiperviso f k ¥ at i: h * 4 _ pg A h um & rirlis, 1+ in orrmmg: pest M .',:.\.353_;;.;-: a 2"'#--' & sil Ar --------LL----"---*- omm e on .0. .. 5. .. en knb in ait ol ie n f its business ' does the entire state of | acheduled oA . s & e -- 1e t Ne PB te Lae o. my"l ""A" 2s AAimone .'fl ' ""»va' 'fl,""'- PX s2 * x '-t W' }r ; ,+*.* ym oo e --@% EL t | Wtes -- E $ --» v" Bs : .t + l L 8 I a% * am > la cents per day>--the federal »fellows better nc why a Totyof sentimental m%" ts w" caaket. In OrDEr To Kiss Hs DiA m +Doek 0y NValentino. !" . € on oo sn -- ix'>siy > x im Apmne rppommauatts in quite oo ies it Anaimay sotere in «uie Rpaions ) <* «> bp rmmgat ag..-- P Sae ind * age evile t un 9 Cig! ; _ seen ano us arguou 11a, 6 Auunng Wuie 16 Unal and other tepdencies to a let.down in industrics, but this has 86t | por of votes cast is so large that it naturally couts money in ordér employing"as many persons in July as they were in June. . A¢| _ ' w@orts are now being made by the opponents of Coloncl cording to Reuben D. Cahn, chief of the state bureau of industrial u&:« auumumpm in accident und labor research, the working people of the 'state have | ;/ g,, ?ww--imw:b expression"'of. the Nor have factory workers been alone in experiencing ible} ~ _ Phat they will not get very far is the" general belief over [ conilitions. 'The mining situation in this state is vastly improved|tny srate and just now 'by the constant propaganda, followers 'of over what it was, Mr. Cahn asserts. -- During the-- month_report | ~_ ; .. 'z"um are Hising in theit\anger to refute |] _ came to the Illinois: department of labor. of the fe--OpEMING Of| mme entice --organs which are trying to defeat 'Colonel Smith and Mincs already in Operation 'were. reported "to: be" working mofe] :.:. " .. . _ . elcr i ccoulcal ol i ing 0 ocll Ve um'. lnd: &. m B the U"'m m dé*(' ©336e 4 + RS }\,y.t: * se s :' h'\ f . ." 4 . ,_: *o ; r _\Ee.' cording to Reul accident und 12 the 'best . outloo! Nor have f: ennditinn« Th the mines of the state, the output being ahead of last year Or|f _ : _ [ mm *"""""°" °* the year before. mmm"»wfl" ; **~***"Namlo1" ---- > mammmmmmmfih:fim. it %, the '@5th Hcrhhtothiiflcctththrdu&stflnoh'@fl*_ wfiu&lfl?--" steadily, and the-- reports of the United--States bureau of minesi. 4 C' x & 4z s Sslsn o o o e s o 2 n Ek Ts c i 7 Three womnen now sit"in the House 'of Representatives. . All| S95 as well as thowe of Frere modera. gress the daughter of a deceased Senator was seated. It is :im--| Nb ?"{?&,"% possible to gecape the conclusion that their clections were rather trated by old thne quadriies the outcome Of 'sympathy than of delibetate political. jw ;.'my&,wp"""."""'w,,_; Pok : ~{\ In 'a southern atate if 'a wonian elected Governor 'in. chatiged) > bhort rimms were atvon.. 67 <Mary would 4. revenled. . Thak s now h n t it U in forth in Chicago showing the expenditures made by the j the 6 4 % f 6. wite is L , >> aAP it oat 5*% ' a lot,of sentimental women %fim Valentino's st IN ORDER TO KISS HIS DEAD--BODY1-- »Doek. any-- g seem|more repugnant and illustrative of the maudlin senti-- it that some women possess. I!'-yquf#fibdolo serving. a tm in (jail for complicity 'in liquor frauds has -"'Ff"_'"?' * it ~" y Mess on .;h h + d ILI INOIS. WORKING SCANDAL, BASED ON FACTS IN POLITICS ;:to ~succeed atiple, in the Stevenson case the atspunt 'espended was $107.70%, "mgbray 'meds a_caretal ditine in the Newbdrty case. $195,000, i# the Smith pritmary' campaign | tion betwees "interrention §$300,882--and --the Vare M?M _Of the: four ) «--5':.'.'..*'..::..';'":: it is 'interesting at this time to note=that THE SMITH EX.|lact be said the order desired aon ~--'Me Seith recvived bsnt iz Taindend thousend Yotes and M | M vrst ons m n mm one expenditures average Afty cents pervote." Mr. Vare with a vote|ton wbedhoned all m'@y <ight, Spent an average of $1.34 per vots: . Mr. Newberry with only | =---------------------------- jl-l is seen and 'thus argued that in Illinois whete the total P of votes cast is so large that it naturally costs money in order j to reach the voters and carry 'the candidates' message. _» aJh | Kforts atre now : being made by the opponents of Coloncl | | w& m& 'all the Défmocrats and s0--called progressives in . e * 'H'. a P ';a':fl '_~. wh w ' " uie dmee s ut _ oo [ T "The woeather was all that could .be ies ated on Iraked. by sid thee quedriies and % f £ tiny boy who was loudly applaud: ;'B,n tails were given_ by 'Mary Ritiist To hi Gay Ipumes hhat My tinther Was a Wondael tuautt® copmt ic uc d Te W _' fl\&,'_ .' f:t T' A ..E'w eW C o 68 _ t CH1 J Tay By-- > 2 -- ».-'1)!:!": neo ;?"' "*#p@-- ql:m, v.:'ikq e x __,"" 3_ CE *E e to 1# o 18 is "'Pfi!mwfltw '",m F43 M le PHALOY _ WHEBH i }( C J 'we'll gath. "y dof hx en c | C 4 ) "are . Yory sawmart --they -- CC "*2 4 nejer S@uit _Ais listoners into Oint | But mel sathet . 'the sthoot u.." e' 11 ~Broz m__'m fart--they 'come in .. .._ _ | » Ugni« ;&'r':'}'r' '.'«-, fi' W'--A '*"'.g*'" soupIon Gi : "Gt mp. ""f" ww is »Ha m '_'"'v h :'.,"m. 'm :- % --» f ; mer _ -- ondertul | -- im one friends that : used tg know |1 --. are trimms rith c Amhnrninoey in a f i mA o s e c ' xA .,a'v' k« 3 '.s 50s kh a rrantis 8. lare : > Tv 9+; heC adione t 'The -- ; pupils + p i n i af mok l ol o ol t ie t h k :1\ ©* 3 tiins" -- Col0L9e _ OE .AE """""'-K."lh'ifi" o Hirti "{"'« ELCOA _ 4. x-.-i& '.' irs cliti fiQ ; _ .. " fic euilg----a} 'are " most cominx : strles ° --> BPBFL ABL . CAKG _ AF * i 10e Ant ts 125 o T aeky o M ; moun-- ~ a WhNne: 9 tA o aimkie * 2;.'(- "A.,.-fiv'.vr ._.TM eCR .,',.,,,,.s h 'F"f:'i&?"' "}:'.';'g}':'g'?fij' '.""r; _- + o '--' " j " "w w '- k g' ' j"" * *3 iss h. W eU -- BH * Rmmerson a -;:_'---':-..,;':{\' I to woult . * w M . .',' m e 2 20 W O C .. emmeteme innomere T e 2 inA § NtA ,.__,:.( Adgders de | 9 "aa . ue 'g *' ca»m; ¥ yea w ¥2 * mest 4+' Te T s o . io hsny e ieR 6. ¢ 4, + 8 | Se . '-)':-:'. um , .. £ i':A-" in mha qy of N 2 o. leg C--A8~ ~.' % B .+ Fler cS ont Ap% t * r. Nev Te o loe oo m us mo rsall . --_._. * . * lt helgara s "Wille Faocdy as y and -- iantly taken care~° i's a little Browes achool house, ' __*'&-4&&:1111 % helpers, the "Wells Family" as Where we passed mary happy hours : d&.m&,dflfl Arid often. in my memory I am roam-- well as those of mos w" * ing 'round it still, _: $ O s Oi t T esw i. C . " > | Wher. we sang : *"My Dariing Nollic ; on the payroll of oC president, Mar} D have the ' mittes--Emma Heydegker, F. G. Dist: 1 __The : singing <of . "Home -- Sweet |Homa" closed the' and 'with « to h é.u mll:; i. * hA%.nm.z m 4 i's a little Brows school house, _ Ata on a lonely ' hill < «=~> _/ < was electad to that office for the on 1e malta the en poay, -- _ _ _ l_\;"vw » da w m . : *~ 5. 444@ _ in !fl". oA P s _ # N * ' m¥ t ">.>>*>;~ c . y C# ! if m o *2.! P e > + > # & . those happy dayy in. school, _ 15-- we learned--the Galden Rule, j %m%'"toumx ; Bilt weT gather at the schoot nouss |[. 00 thingleh reanice asy. _ _ _' II t e Peage HRD TN c 520040000 P cige ";'qf uts sn B0 § ."1.". s TYR S * *) nmith | ter to be discupaed .by his Axsociatioh | Retted with long distance, went to the' . 1 MBE se mane be piagrattte | lanal tooprone oitce to hare the cal >' .. +|recordd of legal inst in both | put through, . | accompani¢d by all of the supremée of-- fAcers, made the 'requost.:" Heé did not undertake to suggest what form these toun 'ly condemned the Callos regime se * > ma > Q\&it S# B _ Lo# SA LZ TB J © & % l «;',."'?,»-:'t;, w " * M "%: !'. c e.g* J ' We Are All Go k to 'L ' «9 ies i '5.: W. *. es .? o C " ol :;W.: } e e e ; 3 +# s . @ M t Pedina se ty *n ¥i s Sreeggs a 4 ' hi EE o !a'i i > + * 4 ';'v m aii ols ae o sifttnts. ols o¥ + #> E" ; v;;';isl | .i;.,;»wi,,i * * as * se n l i n o e n e * The Bost Stove ~On the Novth Shové held Are unseduther OOaee Copre ic deciphdred and e t e B 5 oo '_Jfi_!"' OR -- 5 Pn 's. a te . of | happen. The.iaw law '"' mt 6 +8 *z ILM"" E: m"h' Trecords, hnsl snoclation wih_ "«fi'fi ibit. 'The as ge00aHon will ask the' legisiature: to con:Imiptioi 40 make * Photographic rec-- i n 3 _ mt +pRic records would 11be usedy it would thean saying of ia-- aime 'and money, and accurate torda~ Cobk county= uses photo-- '* BUECROF VEVQWA--V! BEA +. ul M i t e o t o e en snn aianice* Alkt Th :f:;"u.our;noy_'a Department,-- : The iprice, .too, is "surprisingly | li¢tle. *Boys' Knickers, pr., $1.30° to $4.50--Boys' Lougies, pair, $1.98 to $4.95 § --~ "raF GIRL FRoM CHILDS® their 2i tliondé. bre at the f arity of work don@g. * :. ;;, w seng ." t ts ts r--w-r---?__'_-?--'------'--"'f*i** *" ; ki zk -- "--,'.. & /.. -- Perhaps Your Boy or: Girl Need New Shoos =. I t o e i t i o he4 a + s oA sns en BM ie Y¥ .t'!-'ffl'}- ar tss . { By James Oullen and Lewis Allen Brownse t ; A Rip Roaring Laugh From Start To Finish [ -- You Can't Afford To Miss This Show ;""'"""6""' (ake s 1. 3 um c ine ces se mang's o eenleme Een Laen c dE +o. ~~'CLARKE AND O'SHEA's --~**--' NOW PLAYING Married" says madder, > e s 'ors... We once heard of an ifite gons _ Mleman--who went to bx4 in a room -- Thos. -- Tyrrell, 'ex--thiet of polle®) . . is laid=--pp iat --home on ClARK -- avenue after boing kicked in leg b¥ _ ::rlo w'kih, h:' Calk-- @ . rse's shoe cut Into . just above . aukie. His grandson, Joseph ":5_' ran, 9, was kicked at same time, _ Dr., F. C. Knight is attending w& Pooms should be painted in restful col-- _ C# 9€ _i4