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Libertyville Independent, 4 Nov 1926, p. 4

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Lo womenwho'are _ sick of washing dishes _ the ~next . * was aequi «-- veteran. _ _ O@ Highla _ bim. _ SUurors , W & quxod/' _ Phe first vote had been 10 to 2, termed th@@a failing 'children as "re-- * the next ll'oto 1 and the 'third. veaters' 'and -un when the _ was acquitted for the World war mouths of Chfidren had been examined vweteran. . Attornéey (m:m in; {ad rared of dissase, re-- _ of Highland Park, had d ipeaters had biten been cured and had ts 16 W students. _ He cited _ _ _ Jurors were impressed by the i--Fovest as being one of the mod-- _ eharge of the defense that the, dry ,l%mm.vom Witr the child-- ~---- aleut Hilliam Alder, <Ju--"ren in the cities now having the many _ toricat Patrolman Carter, High-- benefits of this work, it is now desired _ wood, brought this testimony out that the same bonfits be extended to _ by stating that he had brought country school children. In ordgr to E" » man in for questioning. No do this, a special bill, known as the _ eMarges were placed against him.. ;"Glackin Bill" will have to come be:-- / admitted. that he had fore the voters in this county, in or-- _ goene into Cook county in the com-- ger to oBtain money to finance this _ pany with . the detective :to get work. As it would cost eac.i tax payer _ booge. -- He denied, however, that but from thirty to sixty cents a year x§:1 sold it or that he was a on the average, to give this service to _ BOBteEEOP®. =-- _ ;. _ _ _ 0 _ _ 00 0| 'our pre--school and school children. Dr. -- ut y vYOLeL 1I0F I[HJS Dill, iL i Ccaimo 0 a YULD ;;.!gnm'a Clubs Meet . |in Lake County. * f"'w *"""~~a@ '~."~ | 'This closed the afternoon session, a Waukegan Monday ns a1 adjourned to the M. E. Church ¢* Monday of week Iake . In tie evening at the Armory, Mrs. '&mflaa':( Wone:"rcmbs J. Paul Goode gave an address on meot in Waukegan as guests of the (LCt Women Mind Their Business. ;,Wc.n'- Club, Th3 pur. Mrs. Goode, who was recently re--elect-- _ pose of meeting, which is held @4 48 an Illinois Legislator, gave a s :Q* of Lake County, in to women to interest themselves in P that they may better co--operate Government, Industry and Politics, in with the State and general Federations 4* Much as many of the vital home Mrs. Perry L. Persons, president of inGustries had now. gone.out from: the the Waukegan Woman's Club, opaned "OM¢ into these various fields. the meeting and was followed by Mrs. Guests from Libartyville, were, Mrs. Waliter W. Seymour, President of the C' Carroll Gridley, Mrs. W. A. Brewer-- IMinois Federation of Woman's Clubs. to?. Miss Carrie Chard, Mrs. Frank Mrs. Seymour reviéwed the several Wallis and Mrs. Max Kohner, purposes of the various devartments # which include work t;' be done in ' American Citizenship, Me Welfare, e f & Health, Conservation and several oth-- # h AJ°. er departments whic1 make up a pro--| . SICB! w'm gram of work with interests broad : * mene og e ~ Peper -- td enough to give every member of a' -- Woman's Club some work to do along: Several Libertyville youths have her particular line of interest. . been questioned this wesk by police By incorporating these several works concerning depredations in the village into a urit--of organitation, something last Saturday and Sunday nights re-- of importanc»s may be accomplished, sulting in damage to property. For the «was the message of Mrs. Seymcqur. most part the property damaged con-- She reminded her hearers that there sisted of street signs and also signs are now 70,000 women organized und>r of real estate brokers. No particular her department in Illinois, and appeal--. district was singled out by the prank-- ed to each one to work for a commen sters, but the Broadway district~"and "I%ried to prove tha s [ t he sold this Mrs. William F. Farrell, President of the tentai District, follow=ad and further % the value of the organization and necessity of loyalty of each member to her organization. toricat Patrolman Carter, High-- wood, brought this testimony out y stating that he had brought the man in for questioning. No iarges were placed against him.. x | admitted. that he had f ) into Cook county in the com-- $ with : the < detective' : to get _ He denied, however, that e sold it or that he was a The state, through Attorney Mi-- Now serence has perfected something that will, at the n of a button, wash, tinse, and drf the bfic minutes--and give you both that sunset hour tq be with one another, if only to read the paper together and Mrs. Clarence Goodwin gave an ex-- is the Conover Elec-- tric Dish Washer., It will protect your -- hands from the hot sudsy water in the dish --pan, so they will not lose their original softness. It will wash the dain-- tiest dishes so easi-- Iy, carefully and Efuickly that it will nc ss ~> _ [ C 0_ _ . g3-- ... O| would_ not have known of. tie Play-- M i o0 tm 0 ,.gnd work in Libertyvyille, had it not a Found Not: written up in this magazine. a Thend m' it# .<Mre. Maude Swalm Evans, talked oui eket . CC eHE ME ME C 'Cm m s }'(?\; f # m * -; * Dl'. L b M..Do D- s-' wMOd; We We l ts pmecignnee **$ »to the club' womemto supbort the With three ballots a county jury movement for. dental clinics for, T found > John on, country schgool children. -- Dr. Morey | ' Park, not .stold of the savings to the tax payers _Of violating the ' that were made when failures in sc.100l «... ' Children &fi') ented.© Dr. Morey, f@rst vote had been 10 to %, termed thosa failing 'children as "re-- 430 €€, 's becauseof is foa pes-- ventilating "" and "no," now <» JURY --and this wonderful Conover Electric Dish Washer is yours. Then small convenient you'll hardly miss x1GHT -- other features which make it 'the one reéal electric dish wash-- 'er you should have in your home today.= _ a' Tt is beautifully finished -- built to stand years of servite. Several Libertyville youths have been questioned this wesk by police concerning depredations in the village last Saturday and Sunday nights re-- sulting in damage to property. For the most part the property damaged con-- gisted of street signs and also signs of real estate brokers. No particular district was singled out by the prank-- sters, but the Broadway district~and the southwest side appz>ar to '1mave suf-- fered the most. Both Saturday and Sunday nights several gangs of boys were sighted at different places, but few pranks were played, considering the number of boys out for the Hal-- lowe'en frolic. 5 & Paint Store _ Glides--on, its rubber tited ° wheels as easily as a tea cart. _ S.f'm.ple,a child can operate it.. Takes up little space. b mpohudout'mt the value re > woulg be a great benefit for so small a cost. He closed with a special appeal to Women's Club members to votet for this bill, if it came to a vote in Lake County. k This closed the afternoon session, cellent talk on ~the financing of the m and the general and State tions, .. _ Mrse. Earl Graham, of Lake Forest, taiked On the benefits received _ in taking the-- club magazine, "The Hli-- nois Club Woman's World." In cloging Nlcar nt _ for.. den school; @hild: the savings t« e " d€ M | n ! i Dreve I Think of it, man, . is thegreatest gift you canm her for her kitchen. We will gladly give her a FREE demonstra-- tion at any time convenient to her. No obligation. You will thank, us for doing it. If youare too busy, phone us. hours of her time when you want her near you, even if only to lopk up and remark about the weather. and Thus> the talk, but it all resolved itselft down to the origingl propost-- tion: lenilency was up to the police man, if he would recommend----*" Now Miss Chase and Mrs. Bowen | _ .Miss Elizabeth Chase, daughter of Mr.:--and Mrs. Samue) T. Chase, of Lake Forest, known in society as a , superb horsewoman fnd winner. of ribbons at the horse shows,. was ar-- rested for speeding while driving to the hunt at the exclusive Onwentsia club yesterday. :::'db& "Lfor dt:.vlnc,a horse with culgflu ** . ,"----and O, 'chief, it's daumut you know; not only for me but for : him; he might break a leg and he's | such a good fellow and so n.m* Policeman John Dunn of the Lake Forest force ran 'her into the curb 'on 'Western avenue. ~He said she |\ was doing 38 miles an hour. She do!" on the the bunt. The-- Love of HMorses . Late in the afternoon she walked into the Lake Forest police statipn. Bhe hbhad Mris. Joseph T. Bowen, Jt. with ber. She asked Chief Lester Tiffany what could, be--done about the arrest. The chief said it was up to the policeman. "If he-- wants to recommend leniency----*" mC?nuwnflctnnotu > o::. t':o. chief's desk. _ "O, "you love horses? I "O! Then | (know you'll under-- stand. + Chief, 1 don't want to be fined. I'm buying a new horse and it's taking all my allowance. You see, my jumper has only ofne said she was late. for the hbunt and couldn't help that. : He rejoined he couldn't 'help that, either. And he gave her a ticket to appear in the afternoon before Justice of the PWhce Edwin Burgess. i Baid Miss Chase: "I think you ark meaan and horrid!" And drove TIFFANY WEAKENS | ANN TFTS SOCIETY GRT OVT OF JAH Miss Elizabeth Chase of Lake Forest, Melts Heart of Police Chief. One Headlight on -- Horse "A horse ob you," said the 'chiet "Yes, ma'am,' said the chief. "Sure so 1 need my money for a $ y ~. "The Exide Battery Station" Telephone 121 3 ~LIBERTY which is covered in the Exide. ~~-- In fact, it is because of these char-- acteristics that Byrd, Amundsen, Mac-- Millan, and other explorers take Exide Radio . Batteries with them on their ._Be sure you are buying a battery of FULL capacity. If you buy.an--Exide you can shut your eyes and--mot .go wrong. Exide Battcna'atc guaranteed up to full rated capacity. Upkeep counts for something. Ex-- ides are notéd for their long life and ability to give faithful service withou; Merle's Battery and Radio Co. < 3 s. Dependability is another poin I cad n 10e The regular meeting of the board of | local improvements and the villag» trustees was held Tuesday night, The ' principal matter before teh former was the honhnfiuxhfiu system pm' ; ed for save streets in the nllue. tae plblicJeuiu'ot which was con-- tinued two'weeks ago. Petitions were read from property owners on Broad-- way, East Maple avenue, Stewart Ave., c C L1 __ @.___._ : j g@,._._ _ | Womep's Lay in the Six Weeks Go to £% h'llt. Sevmi sm 8 Chu'::@mmlsn. . ~The women ar» on ce "w;;ni@/mke this the largest servy-- wA /.( dce in the six. -- The regular meeting of the boara or! *The CBHristian Faiti and the Mys-- Object to Boulevard . only one headlight. , SBo there they w'ci'o'int,ho% l«xughing and chatting.. It was no to say* the -- least--until_ Fireman George Larson wandered round from Dunon ~recommendéd -- leniency -- and that Justice Burgess let ber off with a warning,, and she took back the In the midst of the screams that followed, of 'the attempts= to-- climb the bars, to stand in the middle of the --cell .l;'u" from all contact, :'o-', licemaun an . sayntered. stopped _ and . looked .ggt'l';udod. and then almost <wept, he: said the plight of M:iss Chase and Mrs. Bowen certainly aroused his sym-- "mean and horrid," and everybody shook hands and was bappy. Even, it is said, the jumper with arouse B8Y na. 3 | 4 v e 3 'f f ds a*thenre ks |-- DIDAIIPVIIIE CDiitcbe ns enier io. pt modeate oo Mn || ~ BADCTIVVILILC GDUFCDES a cell.> You know, "Perhaps, if the ' + weeamneen officer sees us in that: Azx----«" k 14 o i n n o g i. > lb rgen A y in c in conceived 'a new. scheme. the "Dont'--~you know that cell is liter: ally flled: from top to bottom »--with dictionaries -- call : '"a: ~cosmopolitan, winglegs, depressed bug of a reddish brown Color." % ~LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. ¥ 6 Well, the upshot of--=it: was He mentlioned an insect that the enue, and uin in d .m ase and Mre. | "***® ed h Y [ aun ""At~ was that The Libertyville. Lumber Co. asked for permission to connect wit:'isewer in the neighborhood of th company's plant.. This will necessitate laying a tery of Fear"' is the evening subject. Kipling's "If" and Honley's "Invictus" will be used and interpreted. This is We' have 140 members in the church. Last>~Sunday morning 104 attended. L'g.'sudu, evening 123 attended. $ have 171 in Sunday $chool mem-- bership. Last Sunday 140 attended. year to engable children to get to the ds --4., "PRESSYTERIAN one of the ten benefits of the Christian _ m E. Emook. Pastor faith,. We believe you will enjoy this Sunday~school. at 9:45. . Will you sarvice, and that it will help you in the help us reach the goal of 1997 battles of life. p Morning worship at 11. In our Loy--' Sunday, Nov. 14, will be Visitors' day alty Campaign we'\are going strong in the Six Weeks Go to Church cam-- with this week's object--Family Day. paign. Evryone i8 requested to bring The family sitting together. Who will a visitor. Let us fill the churci with have the greatast number?. . friends of the church. ° In the evning, young peoples night at 7:30. They have secured t12e Allen-- dale Farm boys' band of 16 pieces, so come sarly for a -st. A special speak-- er for young people and other musital , FIRST MW&rHODST BPISCOPAL John K. DalLong, Pastor .*~ The Churca of Good Will "A Permanent. Armisgtice" is the theme fo?f Sunday morning at 11. This will be a special Armistice Day sery-- ice, L Alexrander Ming, a tenor of nnusual abillity, will sing two selec-- tions. It will be a 'patriotic servica with a religious emphasis. ~At the morning service, we observe Dog Finds Gold * A boy was playing with a dog neat the OJd Hill End field at Sydney, when the dog scratched~up a «ample of gold. Investigation showed a .reef cartying tbhree ounrces of ¢ol! to the ton, and & battery war vr" t'y . in=talled. DECKER & N 865 ia, E_L( | . Among the citations which com-- ! prised the Tesson--Hermon was the . following from the Bfici "Love not ' the world, neither things that are in the world, If any man love the workd, theloveotthetathnll * not in him. For all that in the world, the lust of .the fiesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world, And the world mfi away, and the lust thereof: but that doeth the will of God abideth forever" (I John 2:15--17). The Les#onBHermon also in-- | cuded the following passages from | the Christlian Science textbook, ! _ "Bcience and Health with Key to the Bcriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Meekly our Master met the mock-- 'ery of his unrecognized grandeur . . . He won eternal honors. He overcame the world, the fiesh, and all error, thus "proving their nothing-- ness. He wrought a full salvation Bunday, Nov. 14, will be Visitors' day in the Six Weeks Go to Church cam-- paign. Evryone i8 requested to bring a visitor. Let us fill the churca with friends of the church. ° Epworth and Junior Leagues mset at 6:30. Miss Millie Wrench and Miss 1 Jean Thorngren are superintending the Junior League, and we expect it to be a fina success as it has been before, . Report on Church Attendance: | Total present at morning service, 117; those over 25, 88; under 25, 29; Total present at evening service, 50; thos> over 25, 41; under 25, 9. SR VERLASTING PUNISHMENT' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES *4 was the subject of the Lesson-- Sermon, in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, October 31, 1926. The Golden Text was from Psaims 130 :23, 24, "Search me, O God, and know my beart: try me, and know my thoughts : and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Holy Communion, 7.30 a. m. Holy Eucharist ang Sermon, 10:30. Church School, 9:30 a: m. All are cordially invited. > The services on Sunday, Nov. 7, are: ST. L&AWRENCHE'S EPISCOPAL 4+ ":(p. E3 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Third Fioor First National Rank Bldg Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Services at 10 :45 a. m. BT. JOHN'S HVANGELICAL Rev. Elmer C. Kiessling, Pastor Hunday School at 9:30 a. m. German service at 10:30 a. m. English--service at 7:80 p. m. Subject, "Adam and Fallen Man" EVILLE LIBERTYVILLE Rev. W. C. Payfer, Pastor Bunday Behool 'at 10 a. m. Rvening Bervice at 7:45 p. m. DIAMONw LAKE COMMUNITY First Mass--at 6:30 a. m. Second Mass &t 8 a m.. 'Third Mass at 9 a m. Fourth Mass at 10 a m. 4

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