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Libertyville Independent, 17 Feb 1927, p. 6

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«~--_-- follows: «~~------ -- HAW ----~~erly line --'~-- ment in * line "of .' Serren _( s % . Village Clerk. _-- _ ~~~ (VHLAGE SEHAL) -- _ .."-- Committee on Streets and Alleys. #4 _ RTREET from the southerly lime of «_ _ Avenue to the sou _' PARK AVENUT® --_.. Hne of the roadw; E"" to the w stet --__ Avenue; i . the J e C 4 : '-v- o Mc e 2 "Tiche ' T. 1927, and referted to _ Sor public in the Libertyvili¢ In-- ;-g" e of ' for passage at its '," alar meeting on Monday, the 7th \ * «day of March, A.._D. 1927, at '? o'clock "'é" _ President and Board of Trustess _*~. ~Of the Village of Mundelein. -- . ~the existing concrete pavement on *~:,'&=m«m.uummm ~(66) fee: westerly of the ~-- _ easteriy: line of Laurel Avenue. BRICE AVENUE from the southerly «. HMue of the existing concreta pavement _( om Maple Street to the southerly dine '-'lmsz'fl(mrmuho +' parallel to *wo eet northerly . _Of the northerly rail of the Chicago, . _-- MNorth Shore and Milwaukee Railroad ----_«*%o a Nne parallel to:-- and two (2) feet of the southerly line of said éf%a,, of Hawley Street shall in :i ore at a uniform rate to fifty--seven x C feet; from the westerly line . of _ _dames Place to a line parallel to and _ onge hundred and fifty (150) feot west _ erly of the westerly line of Prospect _ ames as «extended from the south _ the width of the roadway of Hawley = Street shall be fifty--seven (57) foet; _ From a line parallel to and one hun-- _ dred and fifty (150) feet westerly of --' the m y line of Prospect Avenue -- as ext €rom the south to & line »parallel to and two hundred (200) feet =. Westerly of the westerly line of Pros-- _ . peet Avenue as extended Mt . mouth ties width of the roadway ~ . Hine of the roadway of McKinley Ave-- 5; l!alomnmotlua . _ 'DALTON AVENUE from the south-- .. 'erly line of the:roadway of McKiniey {'--;m_uo:hmmnmou'un _ therly line of the roadway .of »-'vnmu&omnua ~_ _ ~ROUSE AVENUE from the souther-- _J,_;L_ uo to the southeriy line of Lange The widths of the roadways of the streets bereinabove described shall be ?--lmmmm of the gutter flags, and shall be as Toitlownt. . -- _ C erly line of the existing concreta pate in Maple Street to the easterly lHine 'of James--Place shall be thirty-- Seten (37) foot; Grom the ensterly Mne of James Place to the woesterly Mus of James Piace the width of the --. PROmPBCT . AVENUE from the southerly line of the existing concrete pmvement on Maple Street to the ~southerly line of Lange Street (ex-- eapt from a line paraliel to and two (2) feet northerly of the northerly rail of the Chicago, North Shore and Mil-- mesorhr *3 eet goutherly rail of said Railroad: . MCKINLEY AVENUE from the east-- erly line extended of Lot 1 of Fair-- g-'w to the werferly ne of Rouse Avenue; hk g_gg-phdlammuvmm anusa to the westeri a of Prospec! Avenu ; and rly lime of Prospect "LAUREL AVENUE the north g:i!d the m-t:vy.otthm Btreet to the northerly line of Hawley to the --westeriy uuol E Avexue ; % 3 PLACE from the northerly. m roadway of Lange Street to line of the exristing concrete pare men. on Maple Street to the northerly Mne of the roadway of Hawley Streat: .Buz:onAmuxmmm erily line of the existing concrete pave ment on Maple Street to the northerly Mne of the roadway on Hawley Street; __PARK AVENUE from the westerly Hne of the roadway of Prospect Ave-- nue to the w sterly line of Prospect Avenue; . OAK STREET from the westerly Hne of the roadway of Prospect Ave-- said Village, be improved by grading zmwmtctpob of improvement bonds therefor. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESE wley Street -- abhall= decrease <ata Horm rate to a width of thirty--sev-- ;;" *eet; and froma line parallel of'the westerly line of Prospect me as extended 'from the south «& parallel to and sixty ©(60) weuterly of the easterly line of President of Village. Avenue; extended of Lot 1 of Fair-- to the easterty line Sshall be thirty--seven ~tlhe easteriy line of to the westeriy ine At the center line of McKinley At a point 150 ftow*t southerly of At tha southerly line of Lange At At the center_line of McKinley * VAm' demecrmmnenpecormmen on an amescomee commenpnemmene At the soutierly line of Lange __--._'"_~ DALTON AVENUE At the center 'line of MceKinley A' the~southerly line of Lange ,Mil,_a.tc line of McKinley At the boutherly line of the exist-- ing concréte pavement on Ma-- At At the southberly line of the ex-- three (33) feet; axt Sn <he _~| . --Haven' Subdivision ~----------..._._189.50 A1Q) feet on each side of the center { mtg'Amfi.n%'u"m:w & of" mm"fl&um To o is 'r!nm. DALTON _ A . A'AD At . the-- center ~line of ~James g_w (20) log.';uql ide o DLE AVENUE, PROSPECT AVENUE _ ~Avenue" _.____--_--___--_.__._._----.--?88.00 the , l::,; he roadways Tifty-- (from the southerly line of the exist: "Am center . .line -- of --Daiton 7"'$*'." T e width. h.m.¢' 2s 5 the acrthetiy tiee of the roud: At the centor line of Shaddio,.. ... ber algntcon (18) snage and shall be C t:ful';@v'!ey suoe':" :;lf t?(:n theé A'enuo"?-------m_..._._,ruw painted will asphaltum. -- Theé .a'fil wA Me c t * |southerly line of the roadway of Mo. At the conter line of Proapect_____ strip used on roadwaye seveh (7) PC AV UHEIHG * ... ..2.........0.....nnenvanncte "..E'.!. center ling of Hawley At the center line of *he--right-- of--way of the Chicago -- NortW At--the southerly Hne of the ex-- isting concrete pavement on _ Maple Avenume _____.________ At the sowtherly line of the ex-- --~Isting concrete pavement on At tie center line of the right= ' McKINLEY AVENUE At the easterly line of FairHav. At the center line of At the center line of James Te .' 100. .. 6e arromniren en inhegetniaiarmtrene A*t the center line of Dailton At At the center ling of Hawley of way of the Chicago, North s Bhore & Milwaukee Railroad.747.50 At the~center line of McKinley 2 At the southerly line of Lange At a point 250 feet easterly of the center line of James Ave Kinley <Avenie to the brly line -- A'"®Bue@ of 'Lange 'Street;. Rousea AY At the . Lange Stree: and Dean Place shall be, ~Avenite twentyfour (24) féet =-- § : . The center lines of tie straet. road-- A mmxmmmmm' « lines of the respective streets., t _ the _ The above described pavemen* shall| : Street be seven (7) inches thick, except on|At the c m.m«%m Mc.]|-- Avenue kinley Avenue and Avenuga s {between Hawley Street: and McKin-- ley Avenue) where the said pavement shall be eight (8) inches thick. =--]|At the c Where tie intersection of roadways| Avenue are noted *wice in the above descrip| At the--w tion, no duplication is intended. Avenue The top surface of the pavement at * the center line of said pavement shall be at the elevations given hereinafter| _ --_ _ At the center line of Brice Ave-- TE UIEHNG 3: scn n on yoreoncianpneitrmmamontciregt At a point 150 feet easterly of shall be straight lines, . -- _ it GRADE TABULATION HAWLEY STREET At the southerly lHne of tre ox-- isting concrets pavrement on ailt e in Tect qasieny ol & a the center line of Brice Ave At a point 300 feet westerly of the center line of Brice Arve-- At the genter line of Progpect [ AHHFIREIENIEY ----.........:--s«...caimtirrndigeaniieonramaationts At a point 66 feset westerly of At At: the center Nne of thirty--seven--(87) feet; =.--~---- ao 4. .. _ 3 _ P aav t A e ie ce o (38) reet;.: . _ *!: : M%'m BRICK AVENUB, PLACE,| At the-- center line of" Brice JAMES AVENUE,° AYB . Armne "-"_i;'*"'--* NUEB, DALTO . inter of kfip DLE AVENUE, PROSPECT AVENUE 'Amc',:___...___.....__...._____' (from: the southerly line of the exist: ~At the --center . .line -- of --Daiton in# annAro's navemant in Mania®: Ave. AYODHB ...s....~s. .. >c«al) cusi . d . m 2 Maple Avenue :..x..__: point 350 {feet easterly of PROSPECT AVENUE JAMES AVENUE BRICE AVENUE 161.50 A144.00 1387.30 14950 169.30 137.00 140.00 746.10 443.00 140.00 146.00 140.00 1$41.80 T43.00 164.00 15350 or . gravel, mixed with ~sufficient V Dranverse . Joints: ahail / be ' plased e aaanmist un ho out m es . That upon the subgrade of the road-- way, prepared and-- graded as above specified between gut'iers hereinafter described, shall be laid a Portland ce ment ~concréete <pavement as «specified awhove, the surface of which shall con-- form--to the grade hereinabove estab-- lished. ~--Baid@ pavement waall consist of cancrete made of one (1) part Port-- land cement, two '(2) mml sand and three (3) parts crushed stone which are.above grade shall be exca-- vated and so much and such of the material excavated as in suitable and necessary shal be filled <into those portions which are below grade." > Burvlus material shall be removed: Those : portions of the --roadway of said streets as hereinabove described which are above subgrade shall be ex-- eavated and so much and such of the excavated material as is suitable and mry"uhnbotm.dhtotluq portions are below subgrade. mnnmmamm mentioned roadways (exrcept the road-- ways 'of >Hawley Street, (McKinley Avenue and Prospect Avenue between mvmsmmmny.qu) @fter being thoroughly . compacted shall have a surfacé conforming to a circular are which passes .& face of, tie finished pavement at the center line of said pavement and sev-- en (7) inclhes below the flow line oft the finizhed gutter At the side lines of the roadway. M The finished subgrade of the road-- way of Hawley Stree:, McKinley Ave-- shall have a surface conforming to & ciroular are which passes through & point eigit (8) inches below the sur mss ns Soithel, Mremmet® s center -- ' eight (8) inches below the flow line of the finished gutter at the side lines --Tho portions of the parkways of The grade of the top surfice Of the mum~wu-um~u-z:, fifty--seven (57) feet in width shall be two (2) Inczes above the grade here inabove established for the top sur-- Tace of the pavement at the center line of the roadway. The grade of the top aurtace of the flow line of the gutters shall be five (5) inche® below the grade herein es-- tablished for the top surface of the curb. _ The flow dline of --tie gutters aball be at a line paraliel to and nine (9) inches from the back of the curb. ; mmammwcml pavement and gutters ' shalB at all points coincide with the are of a cirole vonvezt upwards, which shal pass through the grades {iereinabove spec-- ified for the center line of the pare ment and the flow line of the gutters along the side <lines <of said pave-- ment. . The grade of the parkways of the streets, whichk is that portion of the said streets lying between> the side walk and the curb on eaci side of the roadway, shall be a straight line be tween the top surface of the sidewalk and the top surface of the curb. . The figures in the above $abulation represent in feet and decimals of feet the elevations at the grade points specified of the top syrfack ~of the ::;ah:u"t:.vm. Plane, ;mh;uumom»uu below the top of the southeast corner of the square concrete foundation for the standpipe located: directly under the © Viligge ~water --tower about --two hundred (200) feet north of the north line of Hauwley Street and one bhun-- 2'&:')¢Mv--w'w_¢tbm '"The grade of the top surftsace of the curib--at the side lines of trea roadways twenty{our (24) feet in width shall be aone (1) inch above the grads here inabove ~established {for the top sur face of the pavement at the center line of the roadway. The grade of the top surface of the cub;ttboiidolhuolthum thirty--tiree (33) feet in width on&hbalt (%) inch above the grade hereinabove established for the top surface of the pavement at the center line of the roadway. The grade of the top surface of the eurb at the side lines of the roadways thirty--zeven (37) feet in width #aall be the same as the gradé hereinabove established for. the top surface of the pavement at the center line of the At "he northerly line of Hawley At'tb Westerly un. o Pnno% At "the 'eenter line of Lange -- At thes--westerly line of Prospect At the center line of Prospect . 'PaARK AVENUE «> At the center line of Prospect Avenue lthoa-ml!lcuh'fiio't' _~ LAUREL AVENUE >« 766.50 T40.00 146.15 141. % ho r on oi k ters (%) of an inch on mm MeKinley Avenue and Proapect Avenue between Hawley Street and McKinley 'Avenue where the height of tie ecurb shall be thirteen (13) inches The face of the curb shall stope down-- ward toward the center of the ' at a rate of one (1) inch horizontai three (3) inches vertical. ~The curb shall ayerage six. (6) inches in widta and the+upper roadway edge shall be ufin.':t't:omiri:nhu.l':: t« & gu m&mudfloam)mh _and shall be: seven (7) inches height on all strests except Hawley B:reet, <McKinley Avenue and Pros-- peot Avemue between Hawléy Strb6ot and ~MeKintey <«Avenue, where -- the helgait shall be eight (8) inches. The top surface shall conform to the grade hereinabove established for the top m?ammumaog: that it shall slope uwpards from flow line fifteen (15) inches from the roadway edge) to meet the face of the curb, the upper surface conforming to-- the are of a circle. having a rad'us of Ciree (8) inches tangent to the up !mmmdmmmstth' , line and to the roadway face of | 'the . ourb. m ; ' Curb and gutter shall consist of con-- . two 12) : . torpede sand L ,mmfi: hed stone or ton mt he ; -- 'A Conéenled:--motal --joint sGiall: be | of :t :' plaged in the--center of cack roadway.| ialt ~»Baid jJoint ahail also be-- piaced ten |cept A Portland cement concréte com-- cusb and gutter shall be con-- nM@o&tonwé except across roadways Of all intersecting streets. At the intersection of curb Hnoes (the ourb line being the line of the roadway face of the curb) within the Mmits of the isaprovement the curbs and roadways shall be rounded to con-- form to the are 6f a circle tangent to said curb lfines and having a radtus of reventeen (17) feet. : The back of the curb shall be verti cal and «hall be twelve (12) inches in Iy ' mixred shall be deposited rapidly lmummmm 'ters. lchNu'wm n of intermediate m: use , }nm.«mmmwm face shall conform to the grade here-- inabove -- . established. 'The concrete T'hflhlfim:mhrm one (1) 2 per: lineal: inch. > It sliall be finished by belting not less auhl::'ntl-t"t:omm be crue even shall conform to the grade hereinabove established. ~The edges of the concrete pavement At the. end 'of all roadways shall be | "'"mm i armen s nsae inn Inch and #aall be provided with shear memibers which provide rigid anchor-- age to the concrete.: The upper edge of 'the plate shalt coincide with the top surface of the pavéement. * 'The finished pavement shall be pro-- teoted from sun and wind, and wthin mFinq ahat "be: motnioned 200 Eeit "MNMMMM) shall be 'lapped two (2) f land of onequarter (%) inch steel pins | °C!HM driven-- through matched holes in the | * splice. mwfmmu.o-h: curately staked to line and grade by means of .steel ping left in place 4nd wi.l driven. vertically through hotes. pro-- | #UT! vided for that purpose in the metal | *"* at: not to exceed tiree (3) feet four | {t0" (4) inch:centers. mmmmm be of mild g:eel one--fourth (%) of an inch in diameter and not l6ss than fif-- | *°#=! teen (15) inches in--length. Punched | th¢ u«nhohtfianvbomh'fiu': Joint at not to exceed five .(5) foot | ceniters to receive the ongéhaif )%) 4 Inch round deformed tie bars. 'The| , joint shall \ not be displaced. during tie operations of laying and finishing ® the pavement. And One--halt (%) inch round, geformed | ,, ) perpendicular to the center joint. ther These bars shall be four (4) feet in | C' length, shall be spaced five (5) feet | . / center' to center and shall be placed three and ong--hall (3%) inches below |-- the top surface of the seven (7) incan|l * pavement, and four {(4) inches below p thupl-hudflomu)mm pavement. Bars shall ma)"' feet on each side of the Joint. | Sy, The concrete pavement lnn--m inforced with a steel bar fabric having a seotional area of 0.110 square inches ,"2 measured longitudinaUy and 0.:955 | aday square inches ~measured tnnnndy.w Reinforcing fabric shall be placed *wo "W"Q%)bhybdovmwm top surface of the pavement. \It shall gree be laid with bare perpendicular to and | °. , paralled to the center line of the-- pave-- what ment. NWM'MNM Munu;':h-w::'urm N than twelve (12) inthes--center to cen-- llet ter. . Reisforcement shall extend to | _ _, within two (2) inches of the edges of j cross joints. Adjacent widths. fabric shall be lapped no: less than | for one (1) Toot. A s 4) onelialt (1%) inches below the top |-- Twenty--two (22) --vaive man'ioles length. The metal '-.gum.: ,hc-bvwruhm_nmmb: m".m_'"A fi'fihmtnmmcm.:'fnm laced + ' . N '.Mm.nh 8 ex-- a . metal strip shall have a pr -wusmam(c)mw tion of tiree quarters (%) of an inch | !9" the bell of the valye. Said man-- on one 'side which may be either a || : ghail be--circular in~shape with curve or an angle. . Said projeo inside. diameter of {four (4) feet, ex-- whall"begin ¢two (2) inches the m that tae.top two and onehailf top edge and shall be three inches in. ) feet shall conform :o a frustum tength: . ~. *_-- S C" of a cone with a diameter of two (2) The, metai strip shall be placed so | {¢9t at the top Of the masonry. Waills that the top shall be one--half (%) | 204 foundations shall be six (6) inch-- of 'an Ainci below the top surface of| @2 in.thickness and shall consiv; of W'wwm concrele made of one (1) part Port: shall lapped (2) Mm Momt,nm one--half (2%) securely. fastened together by parts torpedo and four (4) parts may be 'either--a ourve or an onefiall! (1%) inches below the top edge and-- shall --be threa (3) inches in length. The metal strip used on road-- ways eight (8) hchorl"'hhk shai}t" be 4 #° 'free from grease, dint and rust. . WATER, . Where --the term. "suffi-- clent water" is used herein, it shall be u&u&:mntoffiterthatthooono m r being thoroughly mixed in 4 mixer will show a slump of not more: than one (1) inch nor less than oene--half (%) inch when subjected to the following test:. A slump can con-- forming to a frustum of a cone having & top diameter of four(4) inches, a base diameter of eight (8) inches and a 'height of twelve (12)> inches, shall be placed on its base and filled with 'concreté, which shall be tamped until 'all voids are filled and a t'im |:Of water appears on the surface. The "slowly and the ~vertical: settlement or Lines and gradeg--Oof the work shall: begiven 'by means of stakes during "'t' 'to a size that will be retain-- ed bh a steve Giaving four (4)-- meshes *o the inch, . 3 f B@TBEEL. All steel used for reinfore-- Ing in this improvement --shall be hard billet steel and shall have an uitimate atrength of.not leas than 60,000 pounds per square inch. <~All gtee! shall be TORPEDO SAND.-- Torpedo sand used in this improvement shall be bhard, tough and durable, graded from &bm%hmufifi finpua'mm«) meshes to the inch; not more than m;h"v& m((so) )me-hu to the Inch, and not more tian five per cent (5%) shall pams a sieve having one hundred (100) meshes to the inch. Torpedo sand ghall contain no vege-- table matter and not more than three per cent (3%) by weight of clay or loam. Torpedo sand shall be of such gllvmmeonponddona. s pants forpedq shad phen made in \ 4 ' #Strengti at seven (7) and twenty--eight L(&&"oflflhwmm.&m@ h 'of briquettes made in the same praportions of the same cement All crushed limegtone or gravel 'used Tor *he--concrete aggregate in this im-- provenient shall be clean, hard, tough and durable, free from vegetable mat-- ter and shall contain no soft or flat particles. It shall be 'uniformly grad-- ed from a.size that will pago a screen having two and one--balf (%2%) inch must develop hard set in not less than one (1) hour, nor more than ten (10) T days (1 day in molst air, € days in water)......_..._1 'll-"(lflhmub 27 days in water)....__2 27 'ln in water)._..600 poum oi? (1) PART CBMEXNTN THRE® --($) PARTS STANDARD OTTAWA 24 Giours in molst air.........] T days (1 day in moist air, 6 days in water)....__£6 28 days (1 day in moist air, cement used in this improvement shall mr_mm»ufi ent fusion of an intimate 'mixture of zmm to which no ~greater than three (3) per cent has been made subsequent to tal-- cination. 'Its specific gravity, thor oug3ly.-- dried at one Rundred (100) de-- grees Coentigrade, shall not --be less than three and onetenth (3.1). It .n'llhuwby«rfittamfluolnm' more than eight per cent (8%) on the more than twenty--five per cent (25%) on the number two bundred (200) sleve. --~It shall develop initial set in ROt less than tairty (30) minutes, but treet . MeéKiniey <Avenue,-- where the heightof the back of. the curb 'shall <be nin W (9%) inca-- %e, and the shall slope in maastoe tos af drado,:"" * * iA 3. 'The trankverse:--joints hereinabove specified --for "payement > shall extend verticaly through said--curb and gut-- ter.© Bald Joints in the curb and gut-- ter shall be filled with orepared strips of ~asphait "felt -- <ais> "apecified= under shall be provided with a tight the combined weight of cover and lid fiummmm IJ A § *' _ ADJUSTING MANHOLES AND sufficient water. A cast fron cover shall be provided wih top flush with tie top surface of the pavement. Said covers shall be similar and equal to thecast-- by the T. A. Cummings Company of VALVE MANHOLRHS _ . stone or gravel mixzed with (P0) :and 'not 150 pounds 160 pounds all be con-- Aerial shall be inspected 'to | Son Maek we of--ptoper material and cost 'of furnishing all labor and ma-- terialsand sonstructing in place a local improvément in the Village of :zmaoln.gmam&m State AVENUE AND OTHER STREETS by grading tha said streets and iaying up-- bmmaueummmu und the President and Board of mate and recommend 'the pasmage of improvement therein. Dated this Tth day of February, A. nml:m ' R. F. ROUSE, é ; GOoRDoON RAY, * y¥ EDWIN E. RODER, -- f 'fM of Local Improvements of 'the Village of . Mundelelein, ' € § T IM A.T E the extent thi we think necessary wd\lytlan(.byfln'muutot | Board of Local Improvements> on l .: 7 '*u Y & '--r.'g,- B p'"v: 'a 3 a C weu c i in :4 ; & % # Boardof Locai--Improvements of the [ **-- L1LXX S §) -- ~American Legion W"Mfl.ln'm'ofifio pae +. sot s .i . xc ~HR|MEETE FIRST TUESDAY OF Eacr soe Aone dn a go0d and" workmaniike® Made in Ireland. -- § ~ wonth at emsoucey nauc 'wafl materials 'Used to be M -- o _-- _ ~C. C."HOSKINS, Commanaer _ the best quality.© --*~ . / . _ _ .. M Telephone 345.J . +« Oof the cost of said improvement, men-- tioned in said Ordinance, itemized *to NP° _ 1o6 eara aeemials TebbkE tik . BP . ~ .__ _~. 4 eprescription for . J OGRV V Land K _. m & Newany Avews. ||Golds,Grippe, Fin, Dengue, | _ SONS CO. _ LEY STREET and other streets in -flmhwwm paving, and providing for the mak-- ing 'of Haid improvement wholly by To the Presidenm and Board of Trus-- tees of the VHiage--of Mundelein, in Athe' County of Lake --and State of --_. We hereby submit an Ordinante entitled© _ "An Ordinance providing for tie making of a local improvement County, Hlinols, desgcribed as follows: tested by the Village Clerk under the | § ~:aper: and ~material on your || \Bulldt, corporate seal of said Village. mmma:fi.-un w . SBCTION 5.. That R. F. Rouse, the | 1| so you will know just what the President of.the said Village be and cost will be before starting. ;-g.mmmm.anzthnh wrnmmmmmmand ' Circait or County Court Lake Connty. Minois. in the name of the R. L GONSALVES |||T 2 +<--may be taken to. levy a .special '(TM'UW"'" !-- our accordance with the provisions of this | |L. selec _ SECTIONn This Ordinance shall ' | be in force from and atter its sase|i TY AL AAL PT AT #"4 Fatantk bonds shall be issued payable out of said installments, bearing interest at 'the Trate of six per centum per annum, payable annually. Said bonds shall be lssued in accordance with, and shall in all redpects conform to the waid Act of the General Assembly of the State of Hlinols, as now in force and shall amount assessed for this fmprovement mm& on account of mtyovudbynidvmuemtor r benefits, it any, shall be divid-- ed into ten installments, the first of which installments shall include all fractional amount> and the aggregate amount .of each of the remaining in-- #':aillments w1all be equal in amount and multiple of one hundred dolars, Baid : installments> shall be due and payable in the manner, at the times m'ummeormmvm by law.. > And for the of an-- ticipating the collec:ion of the second and succeeding instalilments of sa'd gEBCTION 2. * the recommenda-- M tion of. the Board of Local Improve-- [ ments of~the Village of Mundelein, [ . providing for the said improvement, M-- _ thereof, made by *he President--of said [ Board. of: Local . Improvements, both M hereto attached, be and the same are [ herein, as estimated by 'the President Ne bo phid "mor by apoin mmoeee be paid for bqu:l'nuu- ment, in accordance with Act of the General Assemblyp of the State of Hilinois, entitled, "An Act Concerning 14,,1897, in Lorce July 1, 1897; together flthdlmdnflflmflo.uidtuti of the amount of said--assessment to | be callected as aforesaid, the sum of | g}m.".wflchn-dqunotm per centum of the amount of said Absessment, shall be applied as far as may be required to the payment ofall lawful expense attending the proceed-- and the cost of making and collecting the assessment t2erefor, in accordance with the provision of'zaid Ac: and the BECTION 3. --That the sa'd im-- provement shall be ~made and the Spectore during" the moproms o e m stt .9 * . %¥ . ~All Of q;e_m;&nmfimw I heroby submit an estimate of the Phone 186:M L1 WEAVING i: td tm . oo tat ho o mw). : President. '"m'nu-r,s.nown.- -- Carpets and Rugs (Continued on :Page Seven) 36 reky, oc ie t n approved. TOV "$6r-- the pun and providing for &z " approved June Mundée and at-- Tere d THE INDEPENDENT IS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR ONLY $1.50 A YEAR. NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY [ROOFING 7.% '""'".""'. '."'l ""'. .' o l"'"""" ATTORNEY A TLAW _ ks o Office at Home on Cook Avenue J. CICHY. Prevrietor Telephone 163J s North Milwaukee Avenue. LIBERTYVILLE ILLINO! Telephone 551 €100000, 3 / L C : is 55.3 WAUKEGAN, LL Smith's Taxi : > C. H. SMITHL Prop. Night Ph. 497 Day Ph. 51 LIBERTYVILLE PHONE 67 Office 939 N. Milwaukee Avenue Over Walirond's Store Good Meals 50c is done right at Cichy's Talloring Shop. Prompt Service. J. CICHY. Prevnrietor ;~_.--_ -- West Lake Street LIBERTYVYILLE ILLINOIS P. 0, Box 843 Phone 614--R--2 TAR and GRAVEL ROOFING Ready roofing over old Shingies WILL CONTRACT to furnish iaber~ and »~material on your house complete for.a set fig--ure so you will know just what the sost will be before starting. TOWELING| ' Going to Build? ARLING TON # HOTEL # LINCOLN LUSK Auctioneer The Man With a Word Every Second Phone 392R 218 Park Place We Do All Kinds of Roofing Work Guaranteed R. B. GODFREY AT LOW COST WITH TARAND PITCH on 9, o 2 f"i.'%fii' :";},,.n: Pss e e mea . op lets *TA iteke weo -- ;.:':'.!g:'_a seailt e To d( .4 l Ti us a i+ . 4 inch Warranted All [' or Write to -- Wl Phone 217--M LIBERTYYviLLS SNO W'S PHONE 306 M'y.m Meets First ond Third of Each Month at Masonic Hall Visiting Companions Cordially invited _J. A. TREPTOW, K. P. J. B. WETMORE, Secretary. LORA STURM EDITH LaAYCOcK« ' LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINONS Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of Each Month at Gridiey riall Reverse Charges on Business Calls :.b First and Thire & riday Nights of Ench o "~"2> In Gridiey Hall, First Nationa! Bank Bullding. Visiting Neignbors Welicome W. NAEEL _ A. 8. DOVUVGHERTY TA I L QOREENG Columbia Lodve ---- No. 131 o Mystic Workers omuumm.mmiufiim. _ Hhours: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone $29 LIBERTYVILLLE *--Office With Farm Bureau North Milwaukee Avenue Felephone §51 LIBERTYVYILLE ATTORNEY --A T LA W LIBERTYVILLE ILLINO!S LUCE BuiLDOING Res Phone 136--M Office Phone 15 .-- By Hour Or Job -- Basements a SM $..J. GROVES & assortment of material for you to select from. Come in zand see us. FRED GRABBE Libertyville Chapter No. 272 R. A. M. Dr. O. F. INSUR A NCE A. A. Grandy CICHY's TAILORING SHOP Auctioneering FARM AND STOCK SALES Libertyville Post 329 3 CATTLE TESTED FREF OF CH argGs Teams for Hire LIBERTYVILLE HLLINOS Telephone 66 912 No. County 8. °* ACME CAMP N. 176 .L H. MORRIS . COLBY

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