County esubmitted his resignation .to the Board of Supervisors. 'The Board "accept the resignation. "The matter of selecting the five names of DeWitt County citizens to 'take the State examination was te-- ferred to the Road and Bridge Com-- gmamm&flmbfit Committee handed me e «following list to be submitted to the "¥. G.; , _ NHL "Geo. W. Givens, Clinton. IlL. \_"W --H. Enos, Clinton, l4 "_"John Hurd, Wapellia. IIL. _ "J. W. Shields, Clinton, IIL. In «connection with sald ~comman-- 'Acation, Mr. J. M. McCoy of your de-- partment asked the following ques-- !ls thig a proper designation of mot%&&flhb uuwmw, * 'pqwer to act without having report :anawcm:-m;»-~ * _ Replying permit me to call your at-- . tention to © Section 8. -- 8. _chapter 121, page 1784 | ~Hilinois Revised Statutes 1923, of the. Stanton, 'Thompson, ~Stratton, . Ver-- coe Wilcox. 32. Those abseat were: Suvpervisor® Garnett. 1. -- s Superrisor Obee moved that the minutes of the preceding »+moeting satand approved without reading. MaWwmARL, ~qREEVE, .. HRHRRMEFA -- NU 1e whang saguiakalion J DPEPARTMENT OF woORrks _ k GicoiNgl -- _ _ _ .= County --Clerk, Waukegan, Illinois. M;l': & # ¥3 1 am today in receipt of a certitied copy of the resolution of your county board in which authority is delegated uth%dthuuty.w mt Srvostant ie mm i Select t 3 j ) ta ke m-ma- for the 'positian of County #upberintendent of highways in Lake county. ; In 1925 we had e cimilar resolution trom the county clerk of DeWitt county and at that time the question of the connty board delegating auth-- ority to a committee to act in and for the board in the appointment of a county superintendent of highways was submitted to the Attorney Gen-- eral for an opinion. . y For your information 1 am enclos-- ing a copy 'of the opinion given by the Attorney General. You will uote it holds that in 'the matter of select-- ilmotbohuavfltunto!u' Ander date fo January 20, 1985 by Mr. Harrold. H.. Morris, County Clerk, De-- MWitt County,. Clinton, . Ilinois, in which ho states as follows: + "Recently Mr. Wm. Querfeld, Coun-- ty Supt. otf Highways of DeWitt Dear Sir> ROADS AND BRIDGES: County Superintendent of Highways; 'Appointment. Delegation of Authority. Hon. Frank T. Sheets, Stice o diemenes . , Divigion of PDepartment of Public Works & Bulld-- brought ~\~"J. W. Shields, Clinton, 111. In «connection with sald -- lcation, Mr. J. M. McCoy of partment 'asked the follow "'u thig a proper design mnames of candidates to Dept. "In each and every county of the State there shal} be a county super-- intendent of bizxhways. Within nine-- ty days after 'this act shall become,mgmu vacancy ocentrs' in sald _ y the county M-Mgbunhthba- partment of Public Works and Build: ing a list of from three to five per-- sons, --residents <of ~the> county, con-- sidered desirable candidates "tor: the office ,|of county u"cuhndttnthcls: MV;". The* 0 ~upon ~determine --by ~compbetitive ex-- amination trom amoung the names sub-- mitted;--'the person or persons best fitted for said office, aud shail there-- .upon certify the same to the county mwuuu&l&'bw 'mm'fiuwml superinténdent of the highways. iof} «uch county. It on the list eubmitted there 44 found no-- person qualified for: . the : position, the~-- county board . --shall in like ; --man-- ner submit a further and: it .on this.second list no one und quali-- ted, the mg M;{ a..l\z ~*the eqnty,t:q who has passed sat-- %dhflh'flh and : No part of any mon-- eys appropriated by the State for the building and maintaining of State aid :&&Eh apportioned to ~any Ing m." uzm ' iamantane maly tlon, : provided, however. that. "such m-nt of Public m&m br to the.county board as eligible mission ~Of his. name by the county mdent: of e * Aiee dncondn Motion carried. Also, I wish to cite tor rour inftor-- DIVISION OF HOHWAYS3 VYery truly yours, +FRANK T. SHEETS. names of the candidates to iA gated by the board to a..commitiee 'or to an agent, an--employe or a--ser-- vant.© In some casee the legialature The following: communication | was m[knmormmc wWORKS AND BUILDINGS DIVISION-- OF HiGHwAYs -- BPRINGFIELD CONSTRUCTION 8. A. Route 6, * Section W--154 & Ext without --Pomstitational . Ferrant .. to without -- w#arrant clothe ona or-- two . supervisors with authority to name a tribunal to per-- From the 't'ovuzuu:t thohiwu quoted above, opinion the board dn.:itflm,ot DpeWitt County would not have authority to refoer this matter to the Road= and Bridge Committee of the board with power to act but that same must be adopted: by the board as a whole.: . -- upervisor Dilger movred the muntcation be : received and M: cate that on July 14th, 192%4, there was a_ conference between the County Board, our District Engineer, Mr..G. N. Lamb, and the contractor, in regard to numerous extras. At this. mseting. certain extras . were w-n-byth(&mgau_ol_t engineer, but the bills a W: $1,256.38 were not approved by Mr. Lamb, as he. did not feel that the contractor was justly --entitled to that amount. s : < A * After anal Poke, 2 A i your i mea cate of Coiphw a, I " recom-- Board -- mended approvral to uu":;oiu of } County "'Roa 390,027.34 for the cost of construc--| in securing feel;that I must concus. with Mr, cate --of tlon, I have .recom-- mended to the amount of 390,027.34 for the cost of construc-- tion of this gection, .. 4 I understand that this matter has already been discussed with Mr. Lob-- dell, your County Supertatendent of Highways, and that --the change as Jjust <suggested by me is thoroughly communication be ~referred to the Road & Bridge Committee. _ Motion carried. > y *A s The following communication was m: «t 4 % "% . s J. M¥., CLAMINSHAW® CO, -- +«CLEYVELAND, OHIO. Board of County Assessors, Lake County,: Waukegan, Hlinok. s : . Attention: Chairman In-- the --recent Ohio general re--ap pra'sal we were employed by foptr-- teen counties to appraizse 'major prop-- Gentlemen: were ftiled which were: amicably ad: justed betause property owners real ized that all property . was disinter estedly appraiged on the same sound basis. The x] eost: of "these--re-- appraisals considerably -- less misston of . ----An average of leas than l.m%d minor complaints These appraisais were found to be thoroughly ~satisfactory (to owners, County . Officials and the Tax: Com than <the -- re--appraisal expense of countles of a aimilar ~sizse tbat om-- PI?I local itrelp throughout. + 8 e 'fully 'realizse that-- costs and values »are Gifferent -- in Severy= com-- munity --and therefore make a scien-- tific investigation and ~analysis -- of conditiqns in ,every claxing district before -- applying® values. 6 Our --. valuations-- are .recorded -- in "h:::u"' a iD to date, in App iD 1o ma luthccootr:taunum-hfi If it mhl::dl b«:n to have mtmbeal«' agseasor: e all ~of the~ e can --~install a simple peou.lzj eystem for the accurate and equitable; appraisal of all property by the lay-- man. . The cost: of© this service, is merely nominal.>~ Our <copyrighted prospectus . will be sent: to respon-- sible county and city officials upon w..-;:x'l;my glad t:'mu and all of our county clients for ref a figure for any class of appraisal service .required, no obligations ot R. M.' Lobdell, Acting County 82-- perintendent . of Highways, --submit~ mittese purpodge --ot" opening St--W--16d and BeWi164. _ * | Motion carried. (Signed)-- OSCAR E. CARLSTROYX C,. ¥, HATHAWAY, --~-- Engineer of Counstruction. Bupervriadr Ficke moved »thatthe micatian 'amiged on the same sound ce of $17, xl eost: 'of ~"these--re-- w:ntun considerably -- less | that Kapach re--appraisal expense ol | be accepted a aimilar size that om=|] seotions be 1 relp ~throughout. ~| pany, Motton ¥ealise that-- costs and | and-- carried poiy ministeriMlt 1no . cheoked tabuistion ' of . bids ol sv es cee| 19¢ : chacked tabulntion, of "bids of 1. D. Tain, Sec. 34--W--154, $5023.00. 52 Hacs Ne oo beek 8. "J. Groves & Song Co., See $4B-- hC a ' "J. Groves & Hons Co., Bec.' 34-- W 15d, $5056.82.."--~ , 46 --_B. J. Groves & Sons Co. Bec. 3+-- W2--150,-- $17,2140.29. * mumm Sec. 34--15D, $19; Kapschuli--Davis, Bec."~-- 34--B--150, $6.262.92.: Kapsctiull--Davis, | ~S8e. ~~ 34--W--154, &l-wmmvl-.' Sec. »ws:m. '3!4'"'- ae . ce k .# /5 was arranged" to take place at 8:00 in 192%6. Motlion<to adjourn this meet-- ing until 8:00 o'clock--P. M., .Oc¢tober %6th, 1926, and at that time fevon> vene at the Mazsoni¢ Hall in the Vil-- lage of Deerfield, was made by O'Connor,< seconded 'by Stratton, and Meeting called to order at 8:00 o'clock P. M. in the-- Mazsonic Hal in "Village of Deerticld by 'James J. Hood, President of the Village, Mr. Ocom"l.:l'ntov elected -- chairman of : com meeting. Members of Deerfield Board ~of ~Local Improve-- ments present: Hood, Segert, Eng-- strom, Seliz and Geary. --.Members of Lake County Road, & Bridgoe Cotm mittee present:. . Bairstow, O'Connor, BStratton © and Etanton.. -- Bupervisor & Tosbden y presont of ~_ighways Also present. Motion was made by Stanton that action -- on award djg?.m' for F "" (' # i Hamennie es To in securing the necessary right.of-- had. Ayobpe Heat. o »Biate' Sang Route 21. <Motion was ooem by --Stratton -- and e::rlod on "ui Meeting adjourned to »reconvene a same hour and place on Monda3, November ist, 1986. =--> _+» Monday, ~November 1st, 192%6. Meeting®: called <to corder at>8:00 ao'clock P. M., by Chairman Bairstow Members of Deerfleld Board of Local Committee »present: Bairstow, Strat ton, O'Connor and Stanton. Improvements present; Hood, Segert, Engstrom, Selig and Geary, Members of Lake . County Road~ and Bridge Chairman Bairstow called for re port.. on status ef --right--ol--way ~for continuation~ of > Deerfield -- Avenue Road. -- O'Connor : reported-- that all rightof--way had been donated with exception ~of 'property-- owned by . H. Goldberg. ©Presidént Hood 'requested the Village 'Attorngy,© Judge --Decker, Judge Decker consented. © Conférencte ters for Towus of Vetrnon®and West Deerfleld in opeuing--this road under the -- Township "Commiséioners Act aud also > handle ~condemnation <pro-- was r heid with Kapschuil--Davis Co. -- and L. Patz. Kapschull--Davis Company agreed to take Sec. 34--B-- 15d at price submitted by Patz and accept -- contract for . Sec. 34--15d at Rcc of $17,394.140, it given contracts all Tour sectibns. Stanton moved that Kapachull--Davie Company offer be accepted and contracts for all seotions beawarded to that com-- pany, Motion seconded by "O'Connor and -- carried. § lt % s péented and read: \_Superyisor=Obee moved the report be acceptéd and that the action of the--Road & Bridgo Committee be eaid> Village of Mundelein from its| be completed this© , 1 requested intersection :--with Maple Avenue|the F.--C. Foutt ".;-'::gonum (which is now paved with 'concrete) | work on Wadsworth :Road,<my idea southeriy ~to the mz&-lh of |'being ~that it would be very disad-- 'nuvlnu_nnu'fl" KC rly: on | vantageous to the residents of the uuunm:uu uvhtm-motflwrowr ~ls" known as Dianiond : Lake: Corners | ship < to : have: this <forn _ up ith Roure She 'bé'hm°~$¢www ' 1 w 4 ad| very _ my ~re-- 'wmmuo;%mm quest: and-- therefore, ~work. on Wads-- that said-- Lake: Avenue so proposed yox-- {aam o. + gaa + to be pared is on the Town Line | _ Proposh \ have : been : received ers, 'owning property Rlong the high--| the F.=C.. Feut@z .Compauy: asd am way hereinafter described, represent | confiderit "that, 'had the season been to the 'Board that --they are desirous |a normai: one, theywould have com--: of-- constructing a 'forty> (40) foot } pleted: the: paving on this. contract. reinforced ~cement: pavement with| Whex it,wo evident that 'the curb and gutter on Lake Avenue in | Green--Bay Roadpavement ;could --not said> Village of Mundelein from its | be completed 'thig> , 1 requested intersection :--with Maple Avenue|the F.:C. Foutt 'mw not étart (which is now paved with 'concrete) | work on Wadsworth :Road,<my idea Ting teee aho thouge Absthonly: on |Tautagrons 16 The --residents of 'the < then : on | van 'the nacuhmmu to what |eastern -- portion of N::rn Town« is" known as Dianiond : Lake: Corners | ship ~ to -- have this <<ora _ up where said Lake 'Avenue . intersects | over | the -- winter. -- The -- contractor with Route 592 which is to be ¥ery kindly -- complied : --with my --re-- *PETITION > of W as peceally during the summer time,. as it --runs on the easterly: side of Dia-- mond Lake, and that it--would be of great benefit to the people of Lake County to have a--connected. paved highway connocting the coment road at . Maple Avenue with Route 594. to pass & resolution providing that the 'County of Lake shall join with the waid Village of Mundelein in the construction. of said forty. foot parve ment and to pave the County's share thereof but of such moneys as= might be --available for--said purpose. either foot highway 'on account of the pub-- lc benelit that would be received sented and read: -- . RESOLIUTION -- PASSED WEDNES WHEREAS, ~the COUNTY OF LAKE in the STATE OF ILLINOIS, sometimes ago passed a bond. issue providing for the paving of certain highways through the county which would be of great benefit and com venlenceée to: the regidents --of "the districts -- through © which -- the----szaid pared highway would be laid, and =~ WHEREAS, it--now appears that an effort might be made to discontinue the-- building program as outlined in the said bond issue and misappro of © years. --before the "said umlch-] ways are constructed during which, time the -- residents of the districts, which ~were 'to be improved with paved roads, would suffer a great in-- convenience as a result of 'the de-- layed h";:gnu. * x*: NOW -- EFORE,. BE 1T RE SOLNYED 'by the *Abertyville--Munds lein Real Estate Board THAT the Lake --County Board of Supervisore be petitioned: and they are hereby. petitioned to: complete the road improvement ~program as outlinec : aud provided .Yor . in <the County : wu'rsu, for -- the paving of County bways before any mo-- ney is approprated for the widening THAT coples of this resolution be given to the press and <be forwarded to the chairman of the County Board and the County Clerk with the re-- quest -- that ~it --be. presented to the Board of: Superrisors at their néxt + Supervisor Obée moved that the recommendations in said Resolution be -- adopted. R. M. Lobdell, Acting:County Su-- perihtendent of Highways, submitted ------, December®1l4th, -- 1926. To .the Homorable, . _ The «Board of Superyisors, Lake County, Iilinois. . Gentlemen: -- _1 beg to report that since your last meeting the following <progress has been made by this office: ~# quarter milés <of.. paving < on 'Greeh Bay road (have~ been . laid,' leaving two 'miles of paving uncompleted «on zm_.-'%._ These 'three and--One-- qrsrter were paved--:under most adverse -- wohther® conditions -- and-- in spite of the fict that. twonty--{dur working -- days ~were> completely lost Wherefore, your petitioners --re-- .' However, the change--has been w' the* plauns have <been --for-- for approval and rightot--way is being iseouted.: . ~... *~ yaea j . Due 16 a slight misunderstanding 'on 'the part of the ?'lfl&h of ll?: ways, preparation : of . plans the Ivanhoe Road were slightly de-- Aayed; -- however, 1.' received them yeuterdiy > and rightof--way ease ments 'are now being prepdred. As soon as we' have prepared these sase-- ments the process of securing the Tright--of:way will start and the plans will at onte be> formally ~presented to the~ ~Divigion of~Highways for 'approval. > * _ Plans*for Milburn Road havre been completed, . right--of--way ~easements for approval of the Division of High-- standpolnt, is the . Volo--Fox> Lake road. This is in no wise due to the patrolman --As the characteristics of the road itself make it a particularly difficult problem from the viewpoint of.proper and adequate maintenance. Eventually the road will likely de-- mand further improvement, but, until this unusually trying --season has, I feel, reflected much credit upon the the location of State Bond Route 59 has been definitely established, the <type. of" improvement advisable could not be equitably determined. 'The grading outfits have continued to be of <service to the townships up to December first when it was no longer possible for thewm to func-- tion ~advantageousiy and at which time they wers movred 'to the shop cuble yards of material for use on township--roads. _ Considering the ad-- verse® woeather conditions this was a yery: satisfactory .production rec-- ord. This outfit, together with the truck 'equipment, is now --undergoing a thorough mmammlr Township &4 Bridges: ¥Fina+ acceptance of and> payment for the Krisbel Bridge in <Antioch Townghip has been made. prepared for the <bridge over Squaw Creek in Section<14 of Grant Town ship in --the near: future. . Surveys will be made~ and plans prepared for the 'bridge over Squaw Creek in Section 14 of Gtant Towna-- ag;nm-mm ur"l is _ l'bfllpfltflrh me to devote as --m time -- to ~township road construction and maintenance as --I wished but, jJudging from the inspection trips 1 have found it pos-- sible to make, 1 feel that the Town-- ship Highway --Commissioners are generaily to be congratulated on the 'condition in which they have kept their roads during -- a ~most® trying ¢ m&.r Obee moved . that the re of the dangerous cond+ tion of the Volo-lnfl%l",nuh be referred to the Road & Bridgo Com-- mittee ~and the. Road Maintenance Committese: for investigation and re-- Very respectfully yours, -- ~--~'R. M. LOBDEAIL ~--~--.. Reting --Co. Supt. of Highways. : Supervisor _ Obee -- moved that the Report be _ accepted, : approved -- ani County . Clerk, Mr.--Chairman and Gentliemen of Waukegan, Iilinois. . s the ~Board ~of -- Supervisors : ' Dear &ir: : vad . _--* |. "Your Finance Committee, together -- it has come to.our attention that | with the --Chairman of the Board, beg tentative resolutions relating to the|leave to report that we met on De-- question of s gasoline tax have been|cémber 4th, 1926, and fixed and ap-- forwarded by certain interests ' for| proved the following bonds, te--wit: :mu_t_loa ~ before : your : county | (Lew A. Hendes," County Clerk, in .. These _ resolutions,. -- state | the sum: of Fifteen : Thousand '(§$15,-- a morg other things, that there are | 000) Dollars. ; : ample . funrds-- on hiand to satisfy the | -- Roy -- W.. Bracher, County.: Treas-- ens:n:fiol"'uofi of 'the ~Depart--| ffter,_ in the asum of Five Hundred men 0 M" »ULGINES | -.M~ 4 x e * for the l'.! few years and to com-- wl§ ;m{am of clare Aiuins * mioiine k to Beland wisk to Rave the attlon of the Mr. Motion . cartied. _: f The following communication --was --STATE OF ILLINOIS-- C becdato.uta ce mtR oR gos OFFICE :OF ~THE GOVERNOR '~-- POARD ors%vgsou' * SPRINGFIELD -- > DBCEMBER 'Lew A. Hendee, + __~>~~:----" December 14th( 1926. inty . Clerk, . - . Mr. Chairman and Gentiemen of r kBipr: on . 0 ..~ . _* ] Your Finance Committee, together' géi instyy f zy o h MeK o nor Small --recommended to the Gen-- Srai Assembly s boud-- issue of $100,-- oou{o l'o be paid, M"'t in-- terest, by. automobile <ligense {foon, 'and 'to be used 'for the completion :d"t.o'&,ot.;.::w 2500 to i ¥ milles, or aufficient roads--to -- bring the| total> State ~road ~system. up to-- ture, 'upon ther 'a total of $45,800,000 required to complete ?' $60,0000,000 bond -- is-- sue as required by law. Acarefully prepared budget 6f our future road program shows that all Of the bonds of the $100,000,000 is-- sue: will be sold by the end of the year 192%9, and approximately ©2500 miles of the $1090,000,000 bond issue by Chiet Highway Engineer, Frank 'T. Sheets, revealse the fact that there has already been used approximately $29,000,000 of the bonds of the $100, 000,000 issue for the completion of the $50,000,000 bond issue system, and that it will take approximately $16,300,000 more for this purpose, or mately > 2800 miles by the end of 1929 and the remainder of the $100,-- 000,000-- bond fssue system by 1983, or ten years earlier than would oth-- erwige 'be possible. ~ We feel that the people of Illinois are entitled td the early completion of the road system for which they veted, and also that it wou'd be un-- fair to the motorist to jeopardize this completion by diverting revenues de-- poses. The use of this completed system ten years earlier than would vtherwise be possible will _be of in-- calcufable benefit, both from an eco-- nomic and--social standpoint to the people of the State. ' We therefore feel that a gasoline tax of two cents per--gallon< is ad-- visable, but it should be devoted, complished, Iilinois will have an ade-- quate State highway system, and any surplus ~revenues from ~motor ve-- hicles, after the principal and inter-- est payments on bonds and an ade-- used under etateo > supervision -- for the stimulation of the improvement of our secondary road system, We arse not urging that. . your board 'take action upon this matter, feeling that the forthcoming general asszembly -- will-- undoubtedly go into the ~entire ~subject -- open--mindediy and determine & solution that will be for the best interest of the people of the State, but in case the reso-- lutions herein referred to should be presented to-- your board for consider-- ation, wa feel that in all fairness, our position as outlined in this com-- State Highway syetem completed. I. R. MILLER, Director Dept. Pub-- lUe Works & Bldgs, . ---- _ -- <--=-- the Finance Committee, submitted the following report: *# STATE OF ILLINOIS }_ x CcoUNTY or Lak®e. |} . °. =© NCc stt Bupervisor Howland, Chairman of the -- Election and Jury Committee, submittéd the following report: , STATE .OF xu.mou}. DBECEMBER SESSION f --~-- December 14th, . A. D. 1926 <~ Mr. Chairman --and Gentliemen of the Board of_ Supervisors: . . Your Electioa Committee to whom the. Election Expense bills for the General Election held November 2nd, J ~ Chairman : of --County 'Board. man «be ratified' and confirmed. . For Constable services . Respectfully submitted, expenses incurred at the Election held on Norvember 2, 1926: s +« BENTON 1 H. M. Dronen, for 2 dayse as -- Judge of Election at $6.00..$ 12.00 Paul Kuechler for 2 days as Judge .of KElection at $6.00..$% 12.00 M. A. Raper for 2 days as * Judge of Election at $6.00..$ 12.00 W. O. Ruby for 2 dayse as Clerk 'of Election at $6.00.. 12.00 H. .Green for 2 days as a Clerk of Election at $6.00.. 1200 J. A. Hacker for 2 days as Clerk of Flection at $6.00.. 12.00 B. C. Thompson for 1 day Posting Notices of Election 250 H. M.>--Dronen, 1 day posting . cards of instruction & spec-- . _ F Klection Committee. Supervisor Ficke moved the report be accepted and adopted. Aye and H. M. Dronen for one day re-- turning poli book to Clerk Wilbur Glenn-- Voliva for rent . > © H. M. Dronen, putting up and B. C. Thompson, for 2 days as Judge of Election at $6.00..$ 12.00 Wm. Chas. Dun» for 2 days as Judge of Kiection at $6.00..$% 12.00 MA.AWMQ?- Judge of Election at $6.00..$ 12.00 H. 8. Osakes for 2 daye as Clerk of Election at $6.00..% 12.00 Florence Phil} for 2 days as Clerk of Election at $6.00.. 12.00 J. W. Innes, for 2 daye as --~--Clerk of Election at $6.00.. 12.00 B. C. Thompson for 1 day . Posting Notices of Election 2.50 B. C. Thompson for 1 day post _ ing cards of instruction and .. ~~. BENTON 3 *' John D. Thomas for 2 dayse as Judge of Election at $6.00..$ 12.00 J. D. Bird, for 2 days as Judge of Election at $6.00..% 12.00 Wm. Sutton for 2 days as Judge --Of Election at $6.00.:% 12.00 Susie Barton Smith, 2 days as % --~Clerk <of Election at $6.00. . 12.00 Mabel L. Bird, 2 days as: r Clerk of Election at $6.00.. : 12,00 Blanche Kesier for 2 days as Mdm""'.. n." B. C.--Thompson for 1 day Posting Notices of Klection 2.50 John D: Thomas for 1-- day posting cards 'of instruction and 'specimen ballots ...... ©2.50 Ji::n%:-un 4 A 3. D. Bird for _ : '2 days for Registration .... ©9.00 % days for Registration .... . ~9.00 John D. Thomas for 1 day re-- -- turning poli book to clérk, . .. Wibur Glenn Voliva, for ren : !" * m a ¥¥ +# *4 w4 % * # "-" 4. D. Bird, puttug up--and tak-- ~_ -- ~~ BENTON 4 E. L. Brown for 2 days as ~Judge of Klection at $8. D. A. HUTTON, a a # s m# i# a 4 0 B 80 66 a c.0% 6 a a we a e a e 44 6 a n 44 aonce w a h# a a 6 6 6 aos 6 e e e s a # # a a o o a 0 a e ® 'l"S' ll." $136.19