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Libertyville Independent, 3 Mar 1927, p. 17

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Antow ~Bitmuski a;a:2 -- #= «1Gtoceries 4. .s0«. --6;i84.00 Co--Operative Tsading:Co:_ _ Walter Pleniweicz Groceries |...... Jokn Pixlar | ~ * Gtoceries ...... John Piklar Croceries ....., C. Petkus . Groceries ...... Reardon --& Wall Grocerie . ...... F. Romanowski Groceries ...... Taylor & Guthrie Taylor® & -- Guthrie Groceries ...... * --Gtocedles ....,..... l'..nhi'fiercaiuk Co. r-- Groceri@y ......... Tony* Grobelch Waukegan--North Chicago --Co--op. ... 114.00 11150 Total ... £....>..$1981.11, 190311 wmitted. Groceries --. Ancon Petkus Joseph Kroll j mmfi.'\ se eeaeree W J. Lange Groceries |......... Lake Co. Fuel & Supply Co. Fue! etc Merchants Market John Nosal Grocerites ......... John Nocz) Groceries ...1l....¢ An:on Petkus The ~undersigned Public Service Company of Northern I!linois for it-- self, its successors and assigns, hereby accepts a 'resolution u!ost:d by your Honorable Board on p-- tember 16th, 1926, granting Public Service Company of Northern iilinois permission to lay and maintain. gas tricity to the un--incorporated village of Wadsworth, the Public ~SBervice Company--ot: Northern llinois here by petitions for permission, in ac-- cordance with the Resolation passed by the Board of Superrisors on Bep tember 16, 1926, to erect an elestric Fiznwzh Mercantile Co. Qm .. » «+ # # > Tony Grobcich COrgteries ....... Hodpick « Cepon Groceries .... --. Hodnick & Cepon * Nay 4yote Bietsch's motion was carried by the Bletsch, Dilger, Dronen, Ficke, Fuank, Lake County, County Building, Waukegan,lllinois. Gentliemen : SBupervisors Austin, Cory, Garnett Holdridge, Hutton, Harbaugh, Ho-- ban, Kelly,> Meyer, Mayman, Mc Cullough, Thompson and Vercog. 13. The following communi¢ation fii acceptance was presented and * HonoraWe, Board of¢ Supervisors of Martin, Murphy, Naber, Obee, O'Con-- nor, Potter, Stantou, Stratton, Wil-- dedicated State Aid or County (or any other--roads at such time as they may become 'dedi¢ated State Aid <or 'County Roads) in: Lake IN: TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Sait _bhas. w' tho:: ?l Hlinois ese _ presec to be signed its Vice--Presidc1t, and --attested by <its Secretary, and ':uma':p"umxn 1'3;.'" PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OoFP NORTHERN ILLINOIS. . By--J. L. Hecht, Vice--President. Attest: J. W. Kehoe,. Secretary. .. --{Corporate Seal). Supervisor Naber moved that the same be reéceived and placed on tile. Mr. Lew A. Hendes, " County Clerk, we bereby the Public grant to, the Service Company of Northern 11# nols, permission to install an electric distribution line in accordance with the attached petition and plat, . Road & Bridge Committee, IaAke County, Hlinois. % Groceries necmci" -'.\o-.o"'d' Total '>«.«..«<«««cr--G 'BRol P DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP Groceries For the purpose of suppliying elec H. M¥. DRONEN, Chairman, of which is respectfully sub FRANK T. STANTON, ANK CORY. SHIELDS TOWNSHIP vote: l."'.'.c'fl a a a 4 4 # @ @ se o 6 * ... 128.00 t '.(l"." 111.00 100.00 11200 $0.00 32.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 32.00 23.00 13.00 $4.00 40,00 51.00 111.00 12112 152.49 225.46 112.00 15.00 15.00 17.00 14.00 $3.10 16.0% 33.45 25.00 25.00 18.18 22.30 51.00 32.00 39.64 $1.05 OoF Holdridge, hitton, HKarbaugh, Hersch-- berger, Hoban, Howland, Kelly, Mey-- er, Monahan, Mawman, Imfiv phy, . McCullough, --Naber, 0+ Coxmnor, 'Potter. Stanton, Stratton, Vercoe, Wilcox. 32. Those absent were Supervisors: ~Phompson 1. Minutes of the preceding meeting #woeee _ n k. e e e c n ue C TR . a s 7 " uow ut uin on »" ced P Cc L CE WIEL t c Pinciniine D sttmgints crmerans in x Anive 4 i of Wadsworth Road, to the east line | .Clerk, presented> the follow» W, 3 +x .¥e of the northeast quarter of Section | ing--report: . o y P, --< * SLP, BR & Co. : > $5, Newport Township, % BSTATE OF ILLINOIS). . .. % m-(qn) #¥iirr¢e along the northerly side of = P --S--ok . «-- , |P, ¥. Pettibone &--Co. # m M m &' C'm m mwo'un + m'm' "'00000' waukee & St. Paul BR. R. >> > BOARD . OF--SU ORS . --~]| P. F. Pettibone &. Co. This line will be of thirty and i. -- DECEMBER SESSION-- -- .. Bupplies (Hendse) ... ..... thirtyfive foot poles, except® where |. December 16 A. D. 1926.3 ;) P.; F. Pettibone. & Co. trossing the railroad, and will be| Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen. of|-- Supplies (Hendee)........» , conduct the business of certain': of-- fices on the amounts as heretofore fixed, and vie would therefore rec-- ommend additional clerk hire be 4A "m . the _ following> officers, . to-- p» f Clerk of the Circuit Court,;©$1300.00 County. Clerk .............. $000.00 County Treasurer, .......... $000.00 and--the said amounts shall be paid out of the . earnings of the . offices, as provided by lar. * All --of which is respectfully sub *' y AMH6 0' CONNOR, T 4 mCRARAN, _ with the County Treasurer t« the report : of 'ex--County T: Ira E. Pearsall for the quar ing December 4th, 1926, was r beg leave t« report that in as the accounts of the Treast now being audited by> the take the matter up with the Com-- mittee. Motion carried. Supervisor Bletsch moved that the meat delivered to the --poor in excese of forty cents per pound be disal-- lowed. Motion carried. _' Supervisor Bletsch moved that con-- sidering it impracticable to adopt fix-- ed <prices of groceries, etc., for the poor because of market changes and local conditions, that the question of price be left to the discretion of the Committee which audits. the Motion carried, . Supervisor Bletsch moved that the tform used for Geliveries to the poOr be changed. to read as follows:> eh.oe. s P Clothing »~ -- Cannsd vegetables. = Dried Vegetables Granylated Sugar _ Soap Motion . carried. Supervisor Bletsch moved that & wood--cut of the Court House suitable for the Stationery and other printed matter issued by the County be or-- The following report of the Joint Committee, eM%d the Fingance Committee and and Salaries Crossing the railroad, and will be of standard 2300--volt. mfl& were the minutes stand approved as read. Supervisor Obee moved to adjourh until tenthbirty o'clock A. ¥X. De cember 16, 1926. Mr. Chairman and. Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: n Your Fees and~Salaries Committee and Finance--Committee havre jointly considered the amounts heretofore fixed for clerk hire in the various offices .nof_n.klu an investigation find that it will be impossible.to es mmw.,mnm-ocma.wm.-m. Supervisor Naber--;moved the To--|referred, beg leave to «report that| M._ :P. port be accepted <and adopted. -- ~|wo have examined mn"wmhm * Motion . carried. «--] tind . the same--correct, and Te ' 'rmn Supervisor Bletsch moved that th6| ménd that the same Be Approved, _ ¥elopes. : Committee: which , audits. the> Poor |-- Respectfully submitted, <.-- __ | M Taicott, P. -- Supervisor-- Hoban, > Chairman~> of the: Committee on Settlement --with the County Treagurer, submitted the Stare or memors) --. coUNnTY OF LAKE |]:-- Ek , BOARD OF VI8SORS °. DECEMBER SBSSION 4 = December 16th, A. D. 1926.-- -- Supervisor Murphy . moved that the report be accepted and adopted. Motion carried. -- ~ "\ %o xo Stabe A further e Boarl@ cof Supervisora;: _ .}>1--.:-- Your Committee on Settlement Mr. Supervisor Obee, Chairman of the Vinegar Brooms Rread Molaszses Potatoes Meats Butter Coftee County Tréasurer to Whom thes Waukegan, llinois December 16, 1926. _ and ©Gentlemen | of the report be accepted and adopted. Aye and Nay vote being had, Super-- wisor Holdridge's motion was 'carried by the following vote: Those voting "Aye" werse Super-- Bletsch, Cory, Dilger, Dronef, Ficke, Funk, Garnett, Holdridge, Hutton, Howland, Weilly Meyer, Monahan, Mawman, Martin, Murphy, MceCul-- lough, _Nabér, Obee, O'Conner,-- Pot-- ter, Btanton, Stratton, Vercoe and Wileox.. 31. _ Those voting --.Nay, none. Those absent and not voting. were Supervisors Brown and Thomp CoUNTY OF LAKE j BOARD OF SUPERVISORS € DECPMBER -- TERM _December 16 A. D. 1926. ~Mr~ Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisore: ~.Your committee on Printing, Sta-- tionery & Supply Claims would beg leave to' report that they have ex-- B..P. Thacket Blueprint maps .... Waukegan Daily News Election expense . Joseph M. Stancz:ak ery and Supply Claims, s#ubmitted the following report: STATE OF ILLINOISY, . Qilt-- Htove .......,...+. Iilinois Office Supply Co. Mm.. Zoetler have . eramined all claims presented before them, and recommend the p4y-- ment of the following, ard that the» Clerk be directed® to issue orders for the several amounts to the sey-- éral claimants, to--wit: » Name For What Amt. Waukegan Daily Sun . Bupervis~r Stratton,. Chairman of the Committee on Printing, Station: them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clork be directed to lmsue otrers for the sev-- Tig ts rome .clak i phont| it Amewt. T. report be accepted and adoptéd. : Motion carried. ,.. & Supervisor Howland, Chairman of the KElection' Committee, --submitted the following ~report: a-- STATE OF ILLINO!IS) . : Antioch News the Board of Supervigers:. ...,. + ~|Thompson Supply Co. > /' Geo. D. Barnard Stationery Co., 'Supplies (Hendee) .«....... 117.71 dtb-, D. Barnard Stationery Co., 'Supplies <Recorder) --.----.. -- 303.39 Geo. D. Barnard Stationery Co., sm (W") # * w m# # +# 1"'" Geo. D. Barnard Stationéry Cd.; 'Bupplies (Hendeg) ...~.....-- © 2726 Geo. D. Barnard--Stationery C6., (Recorder} :..... '* 75.17 ighs ~Adding _ Machine: -- ' Co., ig ' Machine . ... 4990.00 Burdett J. Smith & Co., -- ='> 5--__ snyh" a~(Hendse) . . ... ... . Geo. I¥. Barnard Stationery Co., co LAKE * a m'fio' or suri;. vary ons Bupervigor ~Ficke moved that the rour . voImImIilloo __ OU~ . POLUCIOEEL aoe o a e 59 u.6 0 e 6A e 6 4 a 0 e eP C . ies on mnilics was M. Teleott, P. M. in o 9 '"m oft J" .'. Bujllo« g ¢ um » &k on e 6e as c 44248 "o" 'h" AP ;m'm .¢",m 9 e e tw e t M n dct tAAA# 00 3'." d .the same--correct, and Te Nh. ~P., M. 5 i0 & uu*m"w',' m ""-'rorcoooot " W «.. "--. |M Tailcott, P. M._ , i "°,'° 0 M. < m + 9 pp s 6 e uts h e e e e a 8 4480 .FERANK BURKE, _ : M. Taleott, P.. M. iz Comtnittee on ement with | _ Envelopes .}.........~..5« , 38.58 t $s epuss %cug. West Publishing 'Co. + hm' m'.w" M @ m a.a{....-.u-n.-ofic.v '7¢" ort be accepted and adoptéd. : mm 11648 Motian carried. _ e Sm 42 oo ie .ifl-'_";'.'_.'_'.'"""' has4dd ts -- to the several claim-- Herschberger, .. Hoban, lly -- Meyer, --Monahan, artin, Murphy, MceCul-- % OM' o:c"m. m' Stratton, Vercoe and Those voting . Nay, Hdwe Co. on ement 1950.20 110.98 147.30 18.20 $4.00 €0.15 10.00 €5.179 18.24 $.16 and for Lake County, Illinois, here mwz:umflummq: all Fees and received by me for and d@uring the half year end-- ing November 30th, A. D. 1926. yeéar ending November 30, 1926: STATE OF ILLINOIS }- CDUNTY OF LAKE § ; To the Board of. Supervisors of Take County, Iilinois: * I. Lew A. Hendee, County Clerk quarterly report, as follows: f Summary From September 1 to ---- December 1, 1926 No. of Families, not including C No: of Dersons, net fsinding * emergency. orders ........ 350 Amount expended for milk ..$ 401.37 Amount expended for books . 30.45 Amount expended for shoes . 11583 Amount expended for clothing . $3.:96 Amount expended for grocer-- 4 " "-O..'O":..nl'...l'.l m.n" Amount expended for coal .. 551.61 Amount expended for rent .. 630.00 Amount expended for emer---- <--=-- €. H. STRATTON, Chairman . ~ FRANK CORY y Slpoflht:: g'ick ved the r':ou H e mo be accepted and adopted, Aye and Nay vote being had Supervisor Ficke's motion was carried by the following vote : Those voting Aye were Supervisors Austin, ~Bairstow,;. Burke, Bletsch, Expended 1925 for quarter > . -- ending Dec. 1st ......... . 6572.86 Supervisor Bairstow -- moved © the same be agcepted and adopted. Motion ¢arried. -- w Lew A. Hendee, County Clerk, sub mitted the: following report: of Re-- Ceipts and Expenditures for the half C oA EERLAMEEG . _# yot 4 6 o6 6 a n n n s Waukegan DOaily News wm'm m' ¥om4 a *n e e soe'n ¥ e Waukegan Daily Sun & ® MR UAMEEY .. a e + + y ao* + Waukegan Daily Sun Waukegan Daily Sun Waukegan Daily Sun _ Subscribed and sworn to before m¢ this Ist day>of December, 1926 ) So *<,_ . \y. . _ PLORENCE EPINCER _ (Seal) ' Notary, Public 'Ms" FuGP. FICKC E0100 4O "HHOK | remmnnor efi in nhr in ie emmguiereonigemie same to Committee onflegl-lfit'"i"tm-h the Heed ind Sr "SF@(WP'.M *x'* E>A Pammitinn Inr! i# raonnrt hnfi lt' Mothérsa's Pensions : [(louhb ac-- count approved 'and with County VuUICG -- LApPCNSCE ooro.oo.-oon-f.-- Rm (M* M' c'u.-oo!'na'- Balance due County muwg $ ending November 3$0th, 1926.:....; Total® .. .......«,. .. .'. . . .+ $00648.28 All of which is respectfully. sab 4 a on W nb moe h4 e ae h e n n 60 w06 0 a 6 0 & Industr®s a a.e #ie # 0 e e e 6 un a #0 6 6 8 a 6b a h# # .. uce O [ ;.c'..n-n.no'...'{,'....' v * e ae kn t 4 6 6+ 4 8 90# a uie e w0 en 6 6 6 6 pon 4# n# # 4 a 0t av en t B t3 %% a a #a e 6 4 s 6 +0 o 6 # # '.l.l.lI;. 11' to -- Proba-- (Gu a 6 o % a o # 5 & -oo.-.l".'. .« * 116.90 e a o e 4# ## a * a # #4 100.00 22.25 11.60 15.03 10.00 11.00 86.00 71.60 5700 10.50 6516 Harbaygh, -- Herschberger, . Hoban, Howland, Kelly, Meyer, Monahan, Mawman, Murphy, McCullough, Na ber, _ O'Connor,-- Potter, . Stanton, Etratton, Vercoe, Wilcox. 29. Those Supervisor Ficke moved that the report be,. 'accepted and adopted. Aye and Nay vote being had, Super-- visor Ficke's motion was carried by . Bupervisor Vercose moved that th@ report/be accebted and placed on tile. _ --Bupervicor Bairstow, Chairman of KErroncous . Assessment Committee, submitted the following report: a HA';I-OI' ILLINOTIS '" : COUNTY OF LAKE ? BOARD OF SUPERVISQRS | * DECEMBER SESSION j Your Erroneous Assessment Com-- mittee, to whom was referred the Petition of Jennie Brown for rebate of tares, beg leave to recommend that the said Petitioner: be rebated the county tax in the amount of $4.29, State tax in the amount of $2.80, and that the other ~taxing bodies be reé-- quired to rebate to said Petitioner taxes in like proportion. -- 1 Thoe Voting "Aye". were Buper-- Mr.--Chairman and GentJemen of the is the Committee on Poor for Wauke gan, -- Shields and +~Deerfield, sub-- mitted the following report; STATE OF ILILINOIS) °© + county or Lare }" BOARD OFP SUPERVI8ORS ED, that copies of this resolution be forwarded to our State Senator and to our Representatives id the General Assembly. 'Dec,. 16, 1926. Supervisor Bairstow moved that the -- Resolution be accepted and whereby the various counties that Have expended money for the paving of State Aid Roads may receive from the State, the amounts due them in accordance with the prese WHEREAS, it has been reported that there is a balance of $14,000,; 000.00 in the Ztate Treasury, and WHEREAS, it is provided by law various counties for Etate Aid Roads paved by them, NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RE SOLVED, By this County Board of Bupervisors, that we are in favor Motion Dec. 16, A. D. 1926 Mr. Chai.»man and (Gentlemen of RESOLV-- 62.00 E. R. Reid Walter Pleniewicz Groceries ..2............ Amount allowed ........ Anton Petkus Frank Romanowski Grocerieg ....... Frank Romanowski Geo. Olson ' Groceries .,............. Andro Pucin Amount allowed ....... John Mosal Groceries John Mosal Gust Nordeen Groceries .., ... Gust Nordeen Groceries ...... G? 'Nordeen roceries ...... Mary Naudts Money advanced . Max Cohn o Groceries ........ H. H. Hussey & Co. Groceries ........ Groceries *teiy P :25 ... * @8 .:'**'..rfé'."i-fi"'.'.'z 2 use h e s a e 6 t# a 6 6 # a o ¢ v e e e#¢ 223.30 200.15 225.00 104.41 $2.00 23.00 38.25 20.00 54.00 53.59 15.00 €8.25 15.00 20.00 20.00 15.050 20.00 19.T9 149.74 15.56 24.00 15,00 45.99

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