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Libertyville Independent, 31 Mar 1927, p. 2

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43 Mrs. Jennie Wilso and Mr. and Mrs. | Mwmamno.wn-' 6 son home in Libertyville Sunday. \w.._ . Miss Frances Biederstadt, who is a ;» member of Columbia School of Music _ . ehorus in the second sopramo section, ~_>p in a public concert given in | te 2 g_._lml Wednesday <evening, |; 1 "SpEAT _ _ _ #on, June Nelson, Billy Clousb, Alice i church Sunday: .. _ -- _ o Mhmnmcm"gm"'m""' &5 '.""'mufln'ufl,mw vigiteqg Mr. and Mrs. s Scully, Jean Scully, Gene.| CO°OTSe Pettis ;nthy & ave Steiner and Alico Eads. 'h':'ummflnflu'sg:chwo.:i Miss --Frances Biederstadt { Monday evening a nome ts 'adlfil at a musical .':'L'd&:}!lu. Edward Selig, Mrs. L osllo Branl -- _-- «stadi mMmsw.tuelm'andms:flrcbnd *« § Chicago, Saturday. _ 'llrs. W. W,. Clark assistant chairman. : _ _ 'Mire Freq Biederstadt ; | _ Thursday afternoon, April 7, the reg-- e mmllmh' ""hr no:t&lyb.mn;:(h.mm s Rergtandson, Jacob Gibbs, of Ravinia, linn charch pariore. . _' _ . ____' ~-- E h.'l."lflhm':m-mnon he~ !b_"-MMum' wiendor? motored to Lake Como, ;...mm um-hmwuhneuhs. m Patterson and Wallace Rei-- chelt furnished part of the program in assembly -- of: DecrfieldShields high sehool last Monday morning. Russell _ Mit. and Mrs. W. B. Carr, Miss Doro-- -- _.__ i. mesdames ADaak, Steiner, Pake, o --DEERFIELD 0 revenn'ing ana Jubrend visited Lake Forest Chapter O.--E. 8; Monday eve 00 o 00000000 0000 ning. Mmmmm * --Dorcas Circle met with Mrs. .Mndwtvnynutln.aom" Coiby Tmugadiy af; S:. Pott's M"'"".,'.'.h"" """M{ Rev. Watson, pastor of the North Those to : brook Presbyterian church, was & vis-- '--'L;.m ,"--m m m' SEL_ L4 ARATLSL oc 2o _Ac_h_n-- & m-'n-l; 600000000 0000 0 0 ©8. boon as the verdict was re und this--will be argued before i _ went, were not permanent fln«mmmum face and about the neck from Aying She pictured the, driver"of the gab, in which she was a passenger, as neg MNgent. She had been driven to Green-- "&MM&.& 4 n-:*m:.o-mm io un memon ons was the time--and the impact showered ter with fAying glass. l _:A motion for a new trial was mado priced at TT Cl Pver? Jius~-- aAiONnG bad ex-- $500. As a result of the ac-- b she was loft in a decidedly ~« The injuries, as far as physical dis-- Select Spring weaves, including Worsteds, Serges and the finest t'hu sued for $10,000 claiming rat : ~toew'r.bmn lle-:'h&'.w & ac-- faae. k onl he injuries, as far as ph¥sical dis-- T wo--T rouser Suits-- i & 4ss . '-vv'--- -'-.m' S se e ied macnt ,, l"'" f Cab' company of Highland Clarence Diver was counsel for Mrs. 3..&'.;""_'! for $10,000 claimtng TAXI CAB FRM was master Jack's sizth Step Up for "Everything for Men" 'ohmmm The Bungalow church orchestra en-- Joyed a supper at the church Thursday evening. ~Plates were laig for thirty. mmm.&ammm building has been rented for hotel pur-- poses.»+ An experienced hotel--man of Highland Park is in charge. Deerfield> ladies interested in the high school P. T. A. are asked to serve "%toww R AS. + ; Miss Ann Sherman is on the sick list this week. Rev. Roy>-- Will'ams and Chester Wessling, as.delegates from the Bunga-- low <church, are attending the confer-- ence at Naperville. Alarge delegation "m:"mm'mummnn- i mmaaw- hispital, Chicago, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mis. John M. D. Lencioni is opening a rnew res-- taurant in teh brick building next door | 'flan%mm'l.m& _ular mont meet.ng of the Dorcas |Bociety will be held in the Presbyter-- 'ian church parlors. [ Mr. and Mrs. Milton Frants enter-- |tained at a dinner Sunday to celebrate itor at the evening service of Deerfield } Alfred Mitchell of Connecticut, vis-- ited at the home of his brother, Albert Mitchell. last week. ' ___Mr. and. Mrs. Cassius Easton and Albert Mitchell attended the goif con-- ference at Hotel Sherman in Caicago last week. Mrs Juck McArthur, who has been quile it the past week, is reported as MM' se C# 4 Detro't, first prize in the fox terrier class at the Coliszeum. Mr. MitchéMl will com fox terrier is an exhibitor in the dog show circuit, which has been showing in 'Toledo,Co-- lumbus Indianapolis, C:ncinnati, and last week in Chicago at the Coliseum. He has--been a winner of many tro phies on the dogs he has in charge---- guest of liu Christ Willman ":'&'. Mitchell mml m"'"m f Olson, : son--Oof Mr. and Mrs. o.m-mm---u, _ ~Mr. and Mrs. R. .D. Supple, {ormerty of Buppleéedale Furm, County Line Rd., now of Chapel, N. C., announce the mdmum.v?.g of--the class of '28 University Al+ nois, to ~J. R..Stewart, of -- Battle Ground, Ind., also h student at Illinois. The engagement of Graeme Supple to 34 aunt, Miss L. Willman, in Chicago last _ Mrs. Coffin, mother of Mrs. J&se ~-- |Strong. and her guest, visited Mrs. Du ] tertained at a luncheon in --compliment 'du.n?' mr Wodnnsday to colcprate .' Constance . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mm is 11 with u;. Frank Jelavo af Lake Forest was a guest at the William Tennerman home. to Mrs. Coftin. Mrs. William and Mrs, soon move into the Dr. Bailey resi-- lgm«n-mam,mmh s now being completed. Theodore J. Knaak, Mrs. T. L. Mmuma-m..m..mn. frieda ~Kn#ak visited . relatives in Highland Park Chapter 0. E. S. plan .'lm'mmm-mu ur.nd_xxi.rmwmmuen:r- tained at cards Monday evening. Mr. L;'MlmA.x-um.ur.uaun.i f mmnchmdlr.udlu.m Frey were guests. O Olson, son of Mr. and Mra. C-?!"g-ggmmm measles. % ie Nn er e .t +« «C wng .. s 4 113 FOBe taurant is An and wn:?.u"mu . orery, eapect Mrs, Poeter Peterson entertained At a Sunday, in honor of her siswr, . _Mary' Lee, of Summitt, IIL, who _ _Philip-- Seully, Jr., and family will to the Deerfleld Pharmacy 405 8. Genesee mi' Phone, Watukegan 2340. :I?l.ln_ C' Bul't, Waukegan National Bank Building Phone, Waukegan §19. zee %.". .'f "--w'--".i:_ 4 Richard Barnum Waukegan National Bank Building C. S. Alshuler, Boehm Insura m National 1 BankeBuilding. m mm-n. Ave Pralin Brand, _ . MJ Costecr Gaughter of _ Mr; Uilman, visited her spent -- -- This res-- 8 T O C K C OM PA N Y¥'*s Hole -- im & ks ' mi_nd wite, t':yo"iaT; n'a, left the west for their home here guests were present. _ . -- ~-- ~-- -- Miss Eugenia Watier was the week end guest of Mrs. Edmund Chicage ts : Hart, of Mr. and Mra CR M Tant n¥ 221 _ 2 Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Vant will attend the--wedding of George Vant and Mrs. umgwm.em was the guest of her sister, Miss Jos-- ephing Woodman, Sunday. ; Mrs. R. H. Nelson was hostess at a card party-- Friday eve@'ng. Sixteen Denver, Puéblo and Canyon City, Col. Phot: Wannegen 103. "° mo"cme . pirot State Bank Bullding, 0. W. Farley, R. G. Kaping, _-- A; E. Enerson, 4 A O l '!I'"EE * m be-- lm' er, f JOthd Kelley E j f » Phone, Libertyville 440. j "'% »W. al Bank ding .' 130 N. Genesee Street, 225 8. Genesee S * Y oyt, Ar T 6 o 2. 11 ODhma Wankegen MML . _ ". _ --Phose WaukegtsIT6. . . _ Phone Waukegensiset * . PB ontpinbton Shoct Following Agencies Sell Sound Stock Company Insurance: #04, , © Next Friday, April 1, the Public Ser vice.Company of Northern Hilinois will give a< lecture to the -- pupils .of the gchool on --First Aid. 'Thig is something }m:r&hlld ghould know and eb--pre-- pared to meet any emergency that may arise.~ 'The subject deals with treat-- E :!':WM ::og:; talked on fafety First and, the: ttlk &"M&w it."~" .3 Bon's Wife, by Dorothy Cantfield: Young <Anarchy, by Phillip ~Gibbs; Chevrons;, by Leonard Nash;-- Bellarion by Sabatini; Show Boat, Edna Ferber: Harmer John, by Hugh Walpoel; : In-- troduction to Sally, by Elizabeth; Her Bon's Wile.: by DoFPothsv: Canflcla® Under the Tonto by Zane Grey; The Plutocrat, by%uutn: The Bat, by Mary Robert Reinechart; The Missing Chancellor, by J. 8. Fletcher: ernoon, 2 to 5; Wednésday --evenings, T to 9; Saturday. afternoon, 2 to 5. E Twelve new rental books have been received. . A charge of ten 'cents a week is made on these books. The list m'l: o u: slight change has blnn "illndo bu:' public Hbrary hours. It not open on Satunday evenings, as hereto fore. The hours are: Wednesday aft: 'he Kays, by Margaret Deland. Other new books received: Lad, a og, ~by Albert Payson Terhune: hnum,umuomlqthoatox Inbs, Camps and Scouts, by Charles Smith; The Butterick DressmaAker. Hodge and Pearsall, _-- Kaiser and Hall LIBRARY NOTES F'.\@-g. :3 ns 1 N . Next Friday evening we '"5t iplay the Wayconda team here at 3:30. "e9: Iner of nwt-.vmq.'"l:fi ported ® K L. ab> report PHC|that most 0 fthe pupils out of school hep: |D&YO® measles. --Several pupils at the A eA o e § he ome are H°" [Kept out of school for a week. _ _ 3. A. to attend their next meeting on Wu::aop;m.. was read ; ns s have phates of the muon work tThat day, -- ..=-- ; =>~*=. .( > "tb?.g'A. meeting an invitation from the Deerfield grammar school P. wxmo'rscm L NOTES The new sidewalks at the school are memplmd,mm_ planting present a splendid appearance, . "ffi last regular meeting of the P. T. A. EHimer Clavey, presideat of our school board, Asked teh cooperation of the men of the district to help fix up the echool grounds and plant trees. The date was set for next Saturday, m_ in date, and--respond for Py Vn EPmd °P mn P CHTmy TCt W ulvuurv.r L UE chosen captain.. Two teams have been | school board. selected and have ibeen playing for| The meeting of the nominating com practice. --Monday the Northbrook club | mittee of the P. T. A. was to have came down and the first game of the | been held Saturday, April 2, but has season was played. The score was 5| been postponed, to meet at the call :,Cht:motl!orth:trook.wm of the chairman. night we play UnA game at The next regular meeting of the ex-- No . Next Hridey ereuing we | en . m.wwq;mnmat R*4 bntankhs ffee will. he hold-- Mon At present there are a great num-- M ber of pupils. It is 'reported that most o m:«um school A have measles. --Several pupils at the . home have fhem, and conse-- E tly the children of the home are ,; kept out of school for a week. _ -- Bll C ~ Theseighth grade made $5 at the y eme second grade, went e dentist twice last week. She now have mmmuwflnm 1 ~ *T 6t Seiks ; Lake County Ins. Agy., R. S. Sherman, Chas. A. -Worack Agy. Pais Hiant ooo paxnens rotene} rank Buildin® .. sor washingtos Street RKaiser and Hall, Burnett S. Love, Waukegan National Bank Blydg. 323 N. Genesee Street. P'h-p. Waukegan 132. Phone, Waukegan 2115. At-- a recent meeting of the school|will turn out and vote for the best Yote. Segetr was |eandidate posible for a member of our P.T.A. L Buy Cement Blocks SA : io. . Cboes w LIBERTYVILLE PHONE. 748 M C tm c reand ies oo caie' on en No ol c Gei 4 T s . y f-"!;*: 74. +. K -;,92:;*'- er iA z. se in w ',j,g s s uen e es > ie Jt ~ . < Siatogs, ie ie wl ce : Wt o * ue h ag -- n o+ Cement Blocks and Other I ~< -- Cement Products for P. T. A .will be held on Friday eve-- ning, April 15, at 8. This is the time for final reports and election of the Phone, Waukegan 342. licers. A good attendance will be preciated. The annual convention of the Illinois (Continued on Page THREE) LE

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