-- _ *"The Voice Returned" _ . »sung w church. ~-- De Meyer is 'n Wisconsin this . greel , installing fountains for the Soda -- Rountain company, by which he issem-- #' Services in observance of ' Week, are be'ng held in all the «hurches of Deerfleld thi# week. ~-- _ Mrs. Clarance Huhn and little dau ghter, are now at their home on Spring wm. ¥ JSohnson family, of Half Day * guests at the Pettis home. on _-- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hamlin, of Cen-- Avenue, entertained guests from [ Forest, on Sunday. -- Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Pettis were aosts to a--party of friends on Satur-- E.. H. Sel'g will entertain the _ NMrs. C. W. Getty, Mrs. R. B. Patter-- son and Mrs. C. Becker served on the Migh school election board Saturday. _ ¥. J. O'Connor and Mrs. W. B. Metcalt will be assistant hostess. | e _ Josle Hilegrass of Fulton, and Mrs. Nellio Stevens, of , ¥isited the'r brother,--P. J. * and family on Thursday. %MMP.J.WI,M«@- , spent Sunday in Milwaukee with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stace. f Ex and Mrs. Ted Johnson are on-- Mrs. Johnson's parents from . Kenneth Wessling and David Stryk-- er taking an enforced vacation : the measles. irs. Mary Fritch, who has been ill h week, is recovering. Mrs.--E. B. Foxrworthy is convalese ing nicely from her recent operaiton BR the Highland Park hosp'tal, and is expeoted to return home this week. --~ &A roast beetft supper will be given b the Dorcas Society in the ohue&u'u the near future. t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0o 0o ©0 0 0 0 000 000000 0 The combined efforts of three fire 'wmmmnfi sible losses in the residential section of Highland Park while fire destroy-- inccdiionces. .. cepptertmindifinetrameteed e es oL ~h m m ed the home of Elisworth Mills,; 3 So. Bavine Arive sales manager of the ----COLLINS & DOANE COMPANY - MONUMENTS -- in, the little daughter of Mr: and Andrew Savage was baptized at ame by Rev. Roy Williams, of the rlm"c:mwdmfnduu&kgnnpy traffic dfl!llPlfillfl W service. 'Through the drift--piled streets of Boston groups of AaFVOUER IHC GTIIT»--DLICG STTEETS Of Loston of men and women made their way to the public tele-- (E INHIRE AT HIGHLAND PARK stance lines to New York were still in service. _ "People did not want a they wanted to ik," runs a mmmmymmdm 345 East Park Avenue The Boy Scout Committee, of Deer-- field met with Harry A. Olendort, at his home on Monday evening. Matters of inteérest to Boy Scouts were taken up at the business meeting. A camp mgtr!phplmdforlmndwm and means of ra'sing funds was cussed. It is also planned to establish an employment agency for Scouts in Olendort's store, where orders for jobs for the scouts may be left. This is to helo the Scout@gbuyequipment. F.--G. Pipenbrook, _ H. A. Olendort, Jesse Strong, Mr. Baily, C. W. Getty and W. The: regular monthly meetingn of the Wilmot P. T. A. will be held on Friday even'ng at 8 o'clock. It is the time for reports, election of officers and other important business transac tions,.. An invitation to all the people of the district to come out, is extended The men of the district are to co-- operate with members of the school board of Wilmot school in fixing up the school ground and planting trees on Saturday, Aoril 23. Chi'dren's Week will be observed in Deerfleld April 24, to May inclusive. The Presbyterian, Saint Paul's and Bungalow churches are uniting in the serv'ces, which will be appripriate for: children.-- --On April 24, the evening. service will be-- held in St. Paul's church. On May 1 the service will be in the Bungalow church and Tuesday evening, April 26, a P. T. A.meeting of Sunday schools will be at the Prés-- byterian church, at which a social bour w'll follow a good program. Out-- side speakers will be present at these services whose names will be announ-- ced later.~--Parents should make a special effort to be present, ---- . 1 gave a farewell party for Rev, Roy Williams and family, in the church pariorg on Friday evening. A nite program of music, sing ng and talks uwdghuum"nv- en. Refreshments were served.. --;--_ W3 w in d » 48 . Ct NB is h C The Woman's Missionary Society of DEERFIELD :v"'n-"l x c ui , ; Of Me:" the churoh amnfiagm Church School at 9:30 s. m. _ ~--_ * He was eracified: 40 . disciples, The subject study will be "Africa" and--Raster service at 10:45. Mbm'i partook with: them of--the '"n'(r day ummmh at T:30. e of Ne w"gmfi: f ifi'h 'the dis-- spending her vacation week with her mmmuvflumdnznd th &lfl* parents in Deerfleld. and. --B'ble ~study, : on -- Wednesday, At memorating the Qw* a Mr. and Mrs, John Schaack and s0n | 7:45 p. m. * And ~so to us comes th t of Chicago,: were guests at 'the J. P.] junior choir reheajsal Thursday, at "This do in remembrance of Me." Ey-- Ender home on Sunday,. -- $:46 p. m.o 3 ery a:mn . come. to. the Miss Ruth Moldal, of Evanston WA®) "At the morning service of April 24, Lord's ~' Holy Communion will the guest© of Mrs. Frank Russo, on mmmm.m-m:w u.%flom'ww Sunday: # 'vfllbo ordained and installed.-- % ice on Gand evening. and on JIra _ 'Jr., of Glen Eilyn, is vis Miss Laura Muhike, of River Forest visited her brother, A. H; Muhike on Miss Virginia Easton is ill with the uid a 195 at 10:15 a. m. s Easter is a day of joy..-- May it, above all, be a day oft spiritual Jjoy.-- Let everybody go to church Sunday and-- hear -- «sn insp'ring' Easter message. Church schoolat 8:15 a. m. e Confirmaklion service at 10:15 a. m. QGood Friday, German service and Holy EKaster Sunday, Church School at 9: 15 a&. m. ServiceandHoly Communion Waukegan Commandery. -- Music by the Imperial Quartette added much to the auspicious occasion and thruout the evening rendered, enjoyable vocal selections, Remarks by Mrs. lia Ward, Instal-- ling--officer, Mrs. Edith Panowski, re tmuw«%mnmm Ida Knaak, Worthy High Priestess and others, gave the guests an idea &:o.m' ty and dignity of the Whité of the evening program. people were interested, was the instal lation of officers of Emanuell Shrine, Nusober 50, White Shrine of Jerusa-- lem, at Lake Forest Friday evening. 'The ceremonies were very imwpressive and beautiful,. The hall was a bower Of flowers that made a lovely setting for the efticient work of the installa-- tion, by Past Worthy High Priestesses of the order. Miss Ida Knaak, Worthy High Priest-- ese for this year, was escorted to her ts Ruth Prase: Miss Rmilie Ansak: Mrs. Ruth Frase, Miss Emilie Mre. Gertrude Wolf and Mrs. Annice Wilman. Mwmvmtnmw-nm G r a y U#) a k o. .IAbertyville, land Park, Lake Forest and Pberfield. Refreshments were served at the close director for a terms of three years. ~ W.B. Carr the retiring director, has served. the public--in the capacity of d'rector for six--years, during which time, many improvements have been M-mu.mu,ulu_fiu'm building. refurnishing, employing Nor-- mal' graduates as teachers, thus rais-- ing the rating of the echool!l and ;estab-- lishing up to dat methods in teaching. The Board has earnestly endeavored and suceeded in placing the Deerfiel4 school among the foremost of its kind in the county. The incoming-- director, Mr. Boyle, is well qualified for thb position --to which he has deen elected. ~He is an energetic buiness man, 'Interested in educational matters and will undobut-- ediy. strive to maintain the high stand-- ard of the school. 'The personnel of the echool board is William J. Galloway, William Geary % th~ grades, in the-- Deerfleld and sage that has ever -""-"w imed, is iL P Wtreos Ferson ie prie toars on Cns ie Mss _ _ -- ------_| _ VLOOED M be road at the Me Day exercises |~"Jesus lives and. so shail I, ~ mo eseanoties cesasteniee: |~._-- N mmwwflr Lives the bands of death to sever; N Fesri ning at the Wilmot «< house. ' un;n:'mm.::lth_gnu. Kmf; Estate ons c Jesus is my hope and trust." -- _ i Ove ... Mark --J; Andrews, Minister'~ --~~Thus m::.o Jeaus on t»_mh:' b:o.r'v P .m ...'.'l..' 8T. PAUL'S BOARD OF DIRECTORS of. Public heg deciared "tho requing """'Wm"" dividend of $1.50 share on Com-- pady'sG%PrefeneIeSrwck.SlJS share mthe?%l're&tredchk,mdr{tOO '2:i°l927»toowckho|dm' of . record, at the se of business, April 15, 1927. . < _ * _~ GBORGE R. JONES; Treasurer Dividend Notice Common and Preferred Stocks of Public Service Company of Fiortharn Ilimats ane Buzed on The Ciicags Sock Exchangs For * aw en Enit 26. y s %M X% We are installing another mammoth incubator to produce the highest qua}-- ity chicks that are so in demand these days; also will be able to take custom hatching hereafter, any time eggs are delivered to the hatchery. Colored Ducklings Phone 5 > Palatine, lll.l Hatches Every Day White Wyandottes Wh'ite Orpingtons . Custom Hatching 4¢ per White Leghorns Buff Leghorns _ KX I. Reods ... April Prices for Quality ----Until It Is Fully Insured INDEPENDENT --Classified ads get the results you are looking for. Theodore H. Durst.. Decree enter-- ed to execute deed for real estate under contract with Michael Recten-- Bix ~estates ~werse closed ~today <by g:" Martin C. Decker in the pro-- heard by --him ~was ~the J. Franklin mwmhmh-n.ooq was be-- queathed to thé public --schools. , The proceedings were as follows : & * Horace : H. Martin, Lake -- Forest. Final report approved, estate closed. Turned Over to City Schools y : property damage and collision insurance? At the worst, fire or damage the car can do to human life or property may easily Don't Drivé It ~IN PROBATE CT. as Provided. hhmwvhhhmmhouam C C Youcnnonfiudtodtbu unless you can afford insurance afford to take the consequenc 49 arising out 'of a legal action, or for hospital bills and expenses growing out of liability for injury to another person. , 'This form of insutance protects the insured against expense caused by damage done to the car or other property of another person. se h 460. 2e little Easter eggs in fascinating pastel tints and fill-- ed them with luscious marshmallow centers. Little k:3 chicks WLth fluffy yellow backs perch on these eggs, * while a fat little chocolate bunny stands protectively s by. *Also a fine display of boxed chocolates for the grown--ups, with a suggestion: of Easter in their s boxes. -- . For the whole family _ _ on Easter Day PHONE 448 A Stock Company's _ . The Following Agencies Sell Sound Stock Compa 1y Insurance: Phone, Waukegan 342. Chas. A. Worack Agy. Phone, Waukegan 491. Phone, Waukegan 129. 9. JWixhtn&g & Sons R. S. Sherman, 1645 Sheridan Road, Phone, North Chicago 2925 Emil W. Lindvah], 124 Belvidere Street, Phone, Waukegan 2272. Waukegan National Bank Phone, Waukegan 132. -- ~ F. M. Opeka, 130 N. Genesee Street, Pho.? Waukegan 1775. Kaiser and Hall, First State Bank Building, Phone, Zion 62. 201 8. Milwaukee Avenue, Phone, Libertyville 469. John J. Kelley, Waukegan National Bank Building, Phone, Waukegan 4070 Waukegan National Bank Building, Phone, Waukegan 3031. H. W. Judd and Co. R: G. Kaping, Waukegan National Bank Building, Phone, Waukegan 132. M. J. Cosover, Waukegan National Bank Building Phone,' Waukegan 4500. . Administration Nathan Fisher, Hodge and Pearsall, A. E. Enerson, QO. W. Farley, 405 8. Genesee Street, Phone, Waukegan 2340. Boehm Insurance Agy., 420 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Phone, Libertyville 440. John C. Burt, Waukegan National Bank Building Phone, Wauk--gan 619. Waukegan National Bank Buillding & Phone, Waukegan 872. Waukegan National Bank Building Phone, Waukegan 2400. Richard Barnum, C. S. Alshuler, Philip Brand, g(" aukegan 994. ey and Hoyt, =1