E_- A . °* M arrakh uts OAfAT mo ceah BC Th\ £ s Fmradw, tands and »: K\ T --+--.' ':",.. : E'f».". s*+u NOH i ;>a2w:: 'g'z:--:;.j t % _ OPENINGBIDS ON A¢; * favorable nm'nfla fact that a' bous led by Cook County --me 11 to 7 to report it for _ action. d * -- SOO0N WILL BE I N HOPE TO SAVE _ PADA vmmy Wighways, R. M. Lobdell, are opening bids this afternoon o."m'!-wow ments for the county includes perting on the IvanhoeGrayslake road mittees in both houses voted to rec-- ommend its passage, ~Senator Dun-- ate. ~it passed the Senate two years: ago, but met deféat in the bouse; : A -- new -- statewido primary -- act, aimed to meet legal defects in the' mnthvhbhm'?lbflt near> future,, according-- to > Senator Hicks, of Rocktord. Theo bill is --un, derstood to have the support of Gov-- ernor Small and probablywil} be held olotnb_"l'hlb-hmz til the State Supreme: Court ' the status of the present .law:>> The next regular term of the--court. will conveme in June, and <a> decision: at that time is anticipated by many,. : two jobs and a ng project and mmmmamu $243,392. X Complete date on each project is as follows: Arit *3 <a$ a 4 Round Lake--Long Lake Road In towns of Avon and Grant. Length, 1.5127 miles: 30 ftoot earth * 'The pill, patterned aiong the iines' wuo:l .?.L."::}'.'.'.:.': ¥e & the Senate, but its opponents in the house are confident it will not get through : the tjo;'.o.f-.:.-. EseE ';-y. K.. SR _A...a..4 .'--' an income tax law will be fought out STATE FIGHTING _ OVER INCOME TAX : _ --OUESTION TODAY Road and --Bridge Committee a n d County Road Chief _-- Ready For New Paving. tion of Waliter L. Boothe, 18, who has been kept alive through artificial res-- piration since April 21, wts reported today a&s. ldz;h:t about the same." Aithough. performed an op eration yesterday. in an effort to ret lieve paralysis of & nerves ~of the lungs, the »4% > unable to breéatho e%eept by ent respiration. :It is thought : it . At 'the special May session MceCul lough learned from his colleagues that they> believed that the be-- called in u,:;'gmoa it the falled to. . with the law ithout pushinge ... l _.*--, _. owners of dance m and* roadside stands have pald their\annual 'tax to the county superyvisor George: m * loughb. -- of Warren, and his commit: ~The payment ot she. tex mas due Jan.1, according C Clerk. Lew, ingle dance ewner. as come 41 to the office to offer payment:for a ' C ® at 0 > 4.'4' 4 l' aratorn ons ann * k are not inside of cities and..yillzges. It was done not as~&" Matter to get nn;w';u' for the purpose Last year ~ounly --four dance halls paid but the board will not counten-- ance such procedure again. .~ --~*-- Mr. Grading and culverts. ; Enginger's Estimate, $15,238. Springfield, IIL, May 4.--The ques Bridge in Town of Grant One forty--foot. span. _: -- F Engineer's estimate, $6,128. Ivanhoe--Graysiake Road In --towns of Avon: and Fremont. > Engineer's estimate, $90,880. * ~~ 0| e lt Ciish L2 i Pue to the "hh M L :/ oo dooen S Ni4 ~ AKB 4 M¥ ie > . ~V2a.,. May 4----The condi U be h ; decision at | :./ es eil S e h o £fs : . Winter Quarters 'plantation,' five" (|jory. . Thousands--of exiles Are 8¢&t--|hours treat the {ferritory as if the r miles above '@Saint= Joseph and tering" over the, fertile countryside | raging ~ wire" Riready upon |-- at Clare," five -- miles below f Tor: | the and villages. _ Toens: of s Aps the terrents are rapidiy _ | *PPrOXimately $,000 square ;nilles ofh. ) wmf:' ud-l'lgm | Tffibe oo ie maint Tesese / |ihe Uienent ntrionturnl lacd in the [tn propecte Aumage have wven adled i. rellgt rark, m..fi,m.,.': 'Houses . are : beinkg swopt away, :fiwm Saturday. . : -- all available. boats--to--proceed to |!ivestocks "".?" devoured, and| _ Vickaburs, 20 -- nlies due. east::0f ! Saint Joseph to rescue hundreds : |hundreds=of towas and villages are sgn.;, is ~the . clearing house,: for | Amperilled by the > rising flood <| being .evacuated. with --new hordes t work . in muflymm: . waters. # taking to--the roads~ southeast --and | area.' State headquarters at » I ¢ p e S hP c j ¢ west as the waters l"h..flm:y _:A Rouge sent emergency shipments to i lyNLA:RINGI SULLIVAN w:;.:n tro:.'m" 1 "-l-u Vicksburg last-- night .by nm;:'d 1. N. 8. Staff® Correspondent . overtiow reach e . of Talu}--| rail --and early this --morn sta <~ Internatipnal News Service Staff :\ lah, the parish séat ot.zihu .Par-- | additional: boats -- and .ll',rfluu AO . Tallulah, La., May,4.--The Missis--!ish, before daybreak. Six to twenty |the Vicksburg reliet sone. ; The en-- 'sipp!t today won northeastern--Louig--{féet of water was anticipated ove! flopded . territory: in . Louisians Jana from its herofc defenders. De--| rast argas of Madison's ©650. square|is along the west bank of the river feated in a ¢two--weeks' struggle with | miles before noon. To the north,|north of Baton~Rouge. . Levees: on ;the raging flood, residents of the|back waters wrom Arkaness swept'the Misaissippl site below Vicksburg us ~ > o o en WOVE _--_ _ co o 5 20 3 C > BULLETIN M um ogu. May~ 4.--The two more levees in Northern Lou-- Xime A t 29 Beauty and KENNEDY hbertyw!le ness thruout the full range of speed and power. --~-- Colorfully finished in exquisite blue lacquer, .~. with the lighter body shade contrasting smartly and_ . communication© is <{alling : rap-- ldiy. . Thousandsof exiles are sS¢&t-- tering over the, fertilé : countryside in a wild dash for high sround aid approximately ~8,000 square ;milles : of the richest --agricultural land in the state is laid waste.> €.%:--% * feet of water was anticipated over vast argas of Madison's ©650. square miles .before noon. To the north, back waters wrom Arkaneas swept northeast quarter of the state gave their figbt : with --the> devourivg Tikes 'toany to flee_for. thoir Iiven: -- KFrom a point 80 :miles north of Along with its notable beauty and classic body craftsmanship it has the vital superiority of a 7-- Th&glvuiougmpulgfivé,odmhge,ovuthe standard 3 or 4--bearing motor in the way of By long odds the most distinguished motor car ever introduced into the $1000 field, this Nash De Luxe Light Six is also the most remarkable ty and Luxury without an Eqi _ in the whole $1000 Field -- _ . ishes to join with the Milliken Bend _ ~dGeads the World in Motor Car Value . parish _ the +third inflow w" Glasscock_break which has augments the back ~levos river in Ite sweep south to the Red. Along the Red crumbling levees threaten io extend : the--aueéa into ©Avoyelles Rapides and. 8t. Landry parishes. t headquarters: at Lu 'Af\;-'--twl;." and Bai --famous <as. the centre. of --selebrated Ky\ Klux Klan--trial four .--years . ago, / are threatened today by the waters of the flood. "All service has been halted on the T ny O Aureranart " & Pociiit railway : wh 'penetrates the heart Oof the newly inundated country. ~At breach occurred, is one of the richest in the state. ._Cotton is | n o wore coman ds ts rinsiont normaily . productive land. -- There are 18 eotton gins in <the parish, which ton . parishes : nor : Producing Shore chan "25.000 Shink -- Tonr Th has a genuine wood frame body. And the roof is rounded at the rear with con-- ; , mmwmm added evidence of . in the bullet design. The steering wheel is of Ing the flood out of eastern Louis-- refugees 'in--camp at daybreak with erous river (im;w th':'m l: h v t rowboatse, : others ° trekked..over the finds Saike In" 100. eC of reatue boats . which _ was tun:l**!uui' ..'.filxmfimm after 'the> MS-- HWken Band ; break; ;resterday,; afict: BDam: [ i cS 1. | +1 iddled ietsest s boats | whici r a population ~of approximately 2,000..~ Taluliah has a..population wheels are also included as standard equipment .banky have succoeded in the flood out of eastern| + otf will find its way to--the gult=by-- way of the, Atchafalaya«river and the rte mainder will be returned to the Mis-- sigsipp! or lost through absorption and eyaporation --behind . the crest of the flood which now courses south ward from Vicksburg. * . Five days dynamiting at Poydras crevasse has opened a spillway 1,600 feet wide into St. Bernard ani .Pla-- mhdl: ':u::.lu aflodluflg' tll.:rd Cchannel to ; gull. -- The river hbhas Tallen almost hbalf" a 'Toot at New Orleans in the last three days. of the telegraph--poles. ~'The lines of the Texas and Pacific. are' under water in parts of Concordia parish but a desperate effort is being made to maintain relief train;service.. The main line of the Ilinois Central system is three to six inches undetf water for : two atretches . of more than a mile between Vickeburg, and Baton --Rouge. : Regular service i# g_g'n_ more'.probable Abafi :Neo'w . Or: Seans » will -- disaster in the view fi;fipomd river :u&un. Much of the --water ;ol;uod {from the main ~channe!l above the Red river _' Bashfuiness that kant be overcome iz modesty.--Josh Billings. Little of It These Days Equal Ahibition agents secured murder ervt dGence against the pair they said. ~Chicago, -- May -- 4.--William Owens and George Hnojsik +*0day. were turned over to police "on a murder tharge in' cofnnection with the death night 200 feet.from the Hill Inn lunch. When it was raided, last night, pro-- HOLD PIGGERS IN : DEATH OF BOOZER _ Norfolk, Va., May 4.--A b.ard of is-- quiry started today en investigation Into the fatal crash of a naval sea plane in which Commander Hardy 8. j s R ® % . FW0 L _ t conihigs mo"'v':ffi years old, and was & native of Emporia, Kans. Poliard was 32 and came from Nova Scoti¢, Both left wives and children. )BE DEATH OF TWO NAVY FL federal x$ w o