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Libertyville Independent, 2 Jun 1927, p. 9

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.. PLANNED ON SKOKIE-- _ ~ ~PLANS MADE PUBLIC ~ sUPER SUBURB" IS j HER IS CHARGE feé p i Goofzco ®¥. 'Nixon & Co.,.~ from whose uea,m have \M di-- : rected some of-- the biggcst 'develop «ments in the metropolitan area, are * founders of the new town.. Right at 'the Skokie Valley station and near i,lvauton. Wilmette ' and -- Winnetks, the Nixon 'company has given to ?g:n'hnold the name. of. "super . sub-- --( lueaus that are scientific as well F Wnuique have been used in laying L t<th's new townsite, it was learn-- "#d. Embodied in its-- plan are fea-- i, res which are expected to set a | pew sstandard for : residential -- sub-- t . The experiences of other com-- numnities, their succesies as well as ir mictakes, have been studied by engineers© who have brought the '"tfor Northfield to gompletion.> The town is »laid--out-- around A tvqc centar, or.village green, which only a stone's throw from the Location ; of the new .North Shore suburb, 'about which the-- Chicago -- papers speculated last week : but svhhouwhdmdfin [ats nflnbbgb.um, has been idscovo; ("It --was learned. by the < un y Abat this ° brand new, model g ;. the first to be <estab-- ~lished ,p north shore in two «©gene _ js ~Northfield, on 'the Bokie V of 'the North S:;" l .$ e o a t e s o Geo. F. Nixon & €6. Announce * "Wonder City"--~Will be Es-- North -- Shore station.~ T'his . pUDHC mquare is flanked . by=streets>100 'feet wide and it is here and only here that the business section of--the town will be located. . Radiating from the a::c center will be wide streets, in-- perséd -- with parkways," all elab-- drately landscaped. iX and -- demands.. -- They -- <can > @n health 'and recreation only 41 m utes away from their offices. ©1It Jjust ay--iIf they could have a al At --the Evanston of pioncer: days pioneer prices." C : ao ceomt WOLUME. XXxXxV--NUMBER 22 é&n ¥antazges of scientific smly,ol'ghk Construction. > Rigid zbning Oordinances will pro-- teet builders in Nortbhfield, it was revealed. With the business section restricted to the civic center, --an other portion of the suburb has been restricted to apartments: only. . The remainder is 'given over to home sites. & \~~*This~ is the first opportunity in pqyyaut:':apbu&cmu: suburb : on . North {s Mn in ~--Evanston, Wilmette, . W , and" other towns. .Then: came the North . Shore Line's trains to <the loop and the region became so pop-- vnlar that all the land was absorbed and: prices: soared. ty a ~"vunutuuuvm§'a_,l'tu means of 90 per cent of the city's population. -- The junior executives, the young : managers -- and -- others Nixon in Statement ~George F. --Ntxon, . president --ot George F. Nizon & Co., today .ex-- plained to the Sun the _basic ides 100 FEET WIDE STREETS *"*We 'have ~profited by";ho errors | Of -- other our. en-- gineers hamm'ml to 'toaat. -- Everything -- about . ' field will be mnew. There will be nothing to tear out and rebuild, no mistakes® to remedy. : We hare set some high idéals for Northfield and we intend to live up to them. -- so thoroughly th:hmot North Shore «ommunities be proud of Abeir new civic neighbor and the kind of people who find their homes there." ment shouted at her-- in a severe cross ex-- amjuation by . W. J. Barnard, _ of Paw Bexujamin Purnoll, leader -- of --the House . of David, <first-- petted ~and kissed ber in the presence of his wite, m'mmmn today ©by -- Mrs." Eather St. Joseph, Mich., June 1.--="King" tablished at Northfield. of the new suburb's develop % Geal plan is chiefly k. of. Robert .W. . Hottman, pe architect. It was he . ~Henry Ford's beautiful es LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT -- ~Lake County's Big Weekly, ~wWaAaUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN at Lm.- reprieved until-- Friday by 'which time: it is expected the question of who is duty--bound to act as execu-- tioner will be settled. * W.--M. Canon of Putnam county, re fused to act' as executioners, declar-- duty.--. J.: S. Blitch, superintendent of ed to the sherift of the--county from which the negro was sentenced. The eleventh--hour psotponement of the electrocution then was : brdered to determine who is duty--bourd to act as executioner, after the negro. had been strapped in the chair and all was ooofi mt uts oree same~ I the mm.}"::z Friday since. it calls for the elecrtocution to be held at any time during the current week. Raiford, Fla.. June 1.--Strapped in the electric chair at the state prison here for fully ten minutes, -- staring The negro, according to authorities, is; probably the only slayer in ~the United States who ascaped death by NOBODY--WOULD PRESS BUTTON, $0 DOOMED MAN LIVES First Instance in hi Whe ,Reorievcisefim Such Circumstances,-- $1,093,006 for: state normal at .Nor-- row. cum:" $989,389 for w?z-' at ton ; . f ?:.f Ts &'hou m:in k r or © ern * s De 'hlbm.zw for <Southern Il-- nois at Carbondale and $900,000 pay-- able © for normal ~school revolving Springfield, 111.,>June 1.--Represon-- tatives of.the Chamber of Commerce of the five normal school districts in Len : Small relative to the opria-- before both houses in al form. following amounts to * of registration and ed MUST DECIDE WHOSE DUTY TAX RELIEF SOUGHIT --Washington, : June 1.----Fidod -- con-- trol and tax--reliet--legisliation wili 'be given the_right of way in the new congress, < Speaker Longworth -- de-- clared today after a conference at the ----The tax--out wil} be substantial but It is impossible at this time to esti-- mate the amount that will be lopped off, 'Longworth said. hn Beveriy Hills, 'Cal., June 1.« ;;'n--m"fiudw""' Nee e g i oo o o ' othorro-'necotilo'mha~~" sommememmmomnnimenmnmenmmemenie 1100100 tive screen satar, admitted she Chad| Philadelphia, Juow~1.--Throe atmed mmn%m bandits held: up William --C»-- Smithy (Lefty) Flynn, former Yale football! paymzster for:the buresu of city hos-- hero, Sho denied a--divoree--was 4m--, piials here today, robbing him of two vw ngwo 7'}11 attend the <flood control conferenice called in Chicago by » Mayor : William ~Hale Thompson. mild press the switch. -- t Sherift's deputies W. I. Minton and $ . 2 . *A NK ....ctrcatrane. Msm se iiiaciin it Ne PE O 4 i: a hello gir! and branched out into real estate, in which she made rmp%hflflrdm She is jug= gling the plugs (above) to show she still knows how. ago. ¥rg ' * < T . $BWMY ng 2. ic um age, o n n mm ut e iC i i0 STATE NORMALS From Switchboard to Millions n e e e o s e ie o i o t e i o e es o o wess 2 22-- .. CUMMINGS, who started her business carter mm-é'. Ees o% s on / mocinis A oo S As > Aas nc h, ols io o enna c merely would : appropriate the sECTION TWO _ ~--LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE--COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JUNE 2; 1927 \ m e *4 s i ;_-Asush' chapters . 'O. E. 8.' chorus sang at Kenosha chapter . Thursday Hight ~when 'several grand 'ofticers" of 'nswcfi being past matrons and patrons 4 Adoliph Pesaat, Sr.. salled -- from New .--York --~Wednoesday for a two months trip in Europe. Mr.\ and Mrs. Pesaat had only returned ten days ago from Florida, where they spend their winters. Mrs. Pesaat will 'Mrs. Chanuncey Barber of Cheteck, Wis.."is spending--some time with her mother, Mrs. Thresse Mitteador{ft of Mrs. Carl Milier and Mru. Mortimer Cannon of Lake 'Villa, were<Ardtioch Miss Bertha Vernier has been en-- Mfif:u week's vacation and be-- nwmmcm -?.m T. at HL, fi'fi'rfit ¥vacation Arms; <at" their © home on Channel reside at their summer home at Grass .Hepry Messake, --who. met with quite a serious auto accident ~Tues-- day, is now in a hospital in Racine, Wis. Mr. Message 'had --one of his knee caps broken and -- face . and hands ~badly tut. x w 'Mrs. Clara Felter entertaired her 500 club Friday. + t Mrs." Adolph Pesaat, Jr., entertain: ed twelvre guests over the »week--end trom Chicago. o. _~.Thomas Colo of Leon Liake, leaves ie it n miny io9 t n mee 0 + ied by Wim. Kelley of Antlioch. " They grot.;t,o'm until the." carly Mr. and Mrs. McBride of Chicago, will --reside in Thomas Cole's.home at «. Mrs. Lola Stewart, a former . real dent, called on Antioch Ariends Fri day--after an absence of ten years. 'nmmachmoxmn. is spending> Decoration day in Chica--. go with friends. . prineipal ot the . Bardoipn rmm" 'high school at Bardolph, Iil., rethraed Mr. and Mrs. T W' Boylan of Chi-- eago, and son Donald, were week--end visitors at the Hs H. Grimm home. Mr. and Mrs. Rodelius of Evanston, Taincd »reintives ons --friguds . from ves m lcuw over. the 'waekend. ~-- > George Bacon spent Tuesday n&m' with home folks. .. . : _ Mr. and Mrs.--Leonard Case hbave returned from Florida and--are stay-- ing with Mrs.-- Case's parents, Mr. ley, left for a=vigit with home folks in Mexico, Missouri, today. . . _ Miss Myrtle Peterson ~of, Wauke-- rc spent Friday with her parents, r. and. Mrs. Peter Peterson. \ m_fnfiun.umcu;& state "contest month, played at Grays Lake commencement exercises with her parents at their-- Channel LAke summer home. Mr. w Ray 'Thompson and son of Chicago, spent Decoration day --'The Aptioch Daughters of© the G. poppies the American 'l;u'&onnfil:tnrdu ;3ra goodly sum rs. ~J.-- Wilson McGee. and three ANTIOCH News Items of~Oklahoma visitor ~Licuor must be consumed in the home«. Unader the rullng by the Gov-- erament, however, a botel room or, cmawulfantbs"bu"m lic driaking is prohibited. Official prices of liquor at govern-- ment stores follow: gooe _ _ Beer, case of 12% quarts, $3.25. Brandies, quart $3 to $5. > Champazgne, quart $3 to $5. f FELT INEAST OUT OF NEW YORK But here's good news. There is no réstri¢ction on the number--of visits a emu":'ruw or the ot!o_g'otun ores during 3 Yay. tarlo cost §$2 a year. Toutlists permita Mnan&. The limit is two cases of beer at a time 40 regidepts and one case to a tourist, with cic quarts at a time as the limit® on all whiszxiles and other Bt Louis,--June 1.--If there is any-- thing Carl Sheliton doeen't want just now, it's more trouble, and Art New-- man may rest assured that none g. S¥eiton's -zl are on their way California to, "get" "him. --. . That, in effect. was the message conveyed by Shelton-- to Chiet: of P6-- lice Kaizer when the «gcangster . was arrested here last night. on --"general principles" . and taken to beadquar-- tere, where he spent the night. -- .. His belligerent spirit -- had . becn tamed down, Shelton said, by --hisre-- cent -- sojourn in the Leavenworth ack 1e n _ he -- und t re > m weak for n while; ~He"is in no mood at present ~for further feuds and bloodshed, he assured the police Toronton, Ont., June 1----Ontarig foll off the water "wagon" today," > Beer and .ale;, assorted whickies. champagnes, brandies, gins and other Hquors, went auoa%:nun righout lt providence at store« conducted 'by th The liquor is 'being (dispensed: to the thirsty.--who have a; permit (fi: . New> York, June 1.--Houses -- were rocked in Brooklyn, Long Island and all salong the Jersey coast as far as Tom's river today during three earth radius of more than five miles. News-- paper offices were beseiged with tele phone calls "asking information con-- SEEKING TROUBLE-- > NEWMAN IS SAFE It .. is expected the <~gangster> will be released some timé' today and in structed to deave the tity immedi-- ately. . Carl and his two brothers Kart and Bernie, are at--liberty on $25,000 bond ' each. ~@waiting: their new trial for the Collinsyilie mail mbbmupodm'\ " nahov '."s'h"rt "get x to elton, out of St. Louis and stay out," au-- thoriti¢s tmordmd'un escorted to "flrn ice station in the city and --shown to every "officer on the force.», An order instructing every cording to--Father Tondort, head of the Georgetown University obséerva-- tory., The quake failed to register on the seismograph here. * Asbury Park, N. J., June 1--A sharp tremor, of undetermined origin, shook buildings tor a period of ten seconds Thae shock occurred at 8:31 a. m. n.vutel:g persons. Work-- ers in a %_h,mmm of Asbury Park felt the full force of _Bimilar reports came from polunts New York and New . Jersey shores today, was of a l0tal character, a¢ cerning the origin of the mysterious panied by a radio= Operator selected, . who,'--however, will Ottawa, Ont., June 1.----Capt.'E. L. Janney, the first Canadian to volup teer for active air. service in _ the great war,> today confirmed reports that che is to attempt .A ~non--stop flight--from Ottaws to Londony, start: nig June 30.; Janney will be accom-- panied by a radio-- Operator already member of the force to arrest him each time --he fs seen bere was then issucd. k w s ©Waues and ampounts Prc: CHAMPAGNE : IS CHEAP selected, . who, however, wil} f Fart in the Speration of the piade. READ AND WEEP YF THIRSTY: WHISKEV Bcotch, TRY FLIGHT-- TO LONDON AT $3 PER--QUART 26 ounce quart "Mary murmure but Mabel mumbles '"*Bye and Bye, baby boy, we'lt be by . "Wiljam ard Wyman will work when Walter won't.. s "How many happy. hippopotamuses hobbled into the hippodrome? . *"While these p, b.. m, and w gounds are 'usually as potent as taby vamps: in ensnaring the inn6cent tongue of: the average bystander, 1 have know of exceptional cases where persons with major speech defects have glibly re-- peated these pbrases. Stutterers do. not all stutter on the same eounde. --_ ~*An . individual's emotional state may clarifty or halt his epeech. Stut-- when talking. to themselives or to old friends. At such times t3ey are less conscious of their vocal handicap." ~ Chicago--How do. you o:mnd P. B. It© your tonguie. falters--beware. "A stutterer reveals himself as soon as he opens his: mouth," Béenjamin N. only two-- of the ten rounds here last night in his--bout with Spug Myers of Idaho at Cubs' Park. y Two Judges and a referee decided> Callahan was the victor despite_the opinion of many fans. Callahan others going to the challenger with --A asmall crowd of 7,000-- fans loudly: ©Handicapped~by--an eye which the : champlon--opened in the third round,. Mxyers tore into Callashan and continu-- aliy. drove him about 'the ring, ham-- out almost the entire-- fight. The ----to repeat: Chicago, June '1--Mushy Callatish of Los Angeles still weare h's world's junior,. welterweight : title today, 'al-- though sport writens declared he won Wwarh tor "mhe "tow "romidh," counter ard for s r counter punching only occagionally, % *-- Myens landed many hard lefts and rkhuutbo),hpdwuqomw Callahan about the kidmeys,. ---- ~ : STVTTERERS STUT ON SOUNDING P, B, "The Idaho boxer excelled in both appeared as mod;m;lnhllmnneh frecsher than the champilon. IS Here Are Some --of tttn:.?ast Stutterer Sentences to Try Out on Friends.© * * ---- BOXING CROWN REFUSES UNWED |__. ~ MOTHER HER CHILD lock and left in the care of Mrs. fi& lpym when only a few days ./ ~After a moment's silence Mrs. Mey: today 'denied --the petition of Miss Irma Forbes, --Terre EHaute, Ind., _.to regain custody of her-- three--year--0ld daughter Jacqueline, born out of wed-- Chicago, Jung 1.--Judge Hugo Pam SENORITA ERNESTINA CALLES® (above), daughter of the President of Mexico, who was married to 'Thomas-- Arnold=Robinson, younz American, in Nogales, Ariz., will live in the Uni'ed Statcs. ,~----<-- She's a Yankee Now M--AND W--TRY T TEST H. K. Coale Jr. and wife to P. A. Populorum. ~WD $10.-- 8: ht of :t&blk:.c.hwnmuyb Wkgn: Natl. Bank and Firet . Bank--to C. Jacobs Deed $121,000. W mtlt'ot,lot 6, bik--18, Orgl Town 'T. R. Stephenson and hus to O. F. Schmidt.and.O. --L.-- Peterson. . WD §$10, Lots 2 and 3, bik 3,0rgl Town ~P. Juskewicz to Alice Piktel WD $1. Lot 6, blk 19, Washburn Springs Sec 28. Waukegan. # ' --Alice Piktel to Helen Juskewicz. Wt $1. ~Lot 6, bik 19, Washbura Springs, Sec 28, Waukegan. i --F. H. Bartiett to Viola E. Martin. Deed $10. W bhf of lot 16, bik 48, McTigue, who formerly held the title are expected to sign articles today for their fifteen round bout at the Yankese stadium here on July 7. _ -- _ _' -- less and hus jt tens. WD $10. Lot: 11, J.--~L. Tweeds Pistakee Inke sub. DELANEY SIGNS TO ~~~~FIGHT OLD MIKE Paulino Uzcudun,> Spanish heayy. weight, was givy n permission by the New York boxring commigsion to fight Harry Willy at the Polo --grounds--on June 29 under the management of promoter© Humbert Fugazy nsovided his suspeneion by the Massacnusetts commission is lifted. Promoter Tex Rickard, Fugazy's rivel, 't:l:udiho' ever that he has a pre _contract on Paulino's services and planned to the Spaniard from fighting until he New York commission turned dowan: Rickard's request for & Delaney--Paul" ino fight on June 22 but advised Rick. ard to seek legal rodress. A#«2%, t 'tens. ' WD $10." Lot $9, Webb and "'m m' h' m' k. ztr* *# New York, June 1--Jack Delaney, $1.50 PER YEAR. IN ADV ANCE s t T ie mm aone SEEK THREE MEN .. Chicago,-- June 1. --'The United States -- should< sign arbitration trea-- ties with --all the world powers as m means-- Of 'preventing war, the Northern Baptict convention held to-- day in adopting resolutions offered by the Rev.. Charles W. Gilkey, Chicago. --*Th harmony with its historic ideals and policies, the United States should seek peaceful settlement of every, Alspute in 3& it is involved," the resolntion > --~"As a means to this to the cottage, where.the. girle were held against their will, they 'said. -- . *_"No claim hus erer deen made that amocquitoes® have been partially elim-- Inated 'in this territory," Maj. Skinner .said, .. "though -- various ~ enthusiasts have assumed such because of recent gutters, cisterns, open rain barrels, and discarded tin cans are all places to be watched as breeding nuisances. México: and regretted the failure of the United States to enter the world --Tampa, Fla.. June 1.----Threo killed and 19 injured was the toll attrib» uted by police today to pitched ba;» tles: during: the night between !::.- tlonal ' Guard troops _ county ail} and nobsw»euy B. F. Levins, 35, alleged con-- slayer <of five persons. 'Two of the dead were said by aue» thofities to "have been killed by machine--gun fire while the third was struck by a 'stray bullet fired by someone in the mob. pesied °W n officials ~will take Mit'om handle the situation. -- Great :elo" s of hungry mosquitoes, @ccording to Major Skinner, are in mspept _owing to | the :uny spring ind . ~consequent standing . water, which supply breeding places for the THREE DEAD, 19 _ ~-- AORT NFIGHT phis, Henty Kollert of St. Charles, Til., and Norman Ballen of Nom'mt * City, three 'drivers injured in the in--' ' simproved, but not out of danger," Tas the report_of phraicians at -- the _ Waukegan last year enlisted the aid of the Gorgas Institute and repress _: tatives were sent here to make a sur-- vey _end to© ~recommend the best courcge to be pursued in waging the fight, but no definite action was tak-- en at that time. This year it is ex-- W. together with other cit. ies along the North Shore, bas been «alled Hipon to open a warfare against mosguitoes.: --The appeal, directed to thidnz' of the various cities and towuns, was made by Major Edwin M. Skinner, diréctor of mosquito control for the Gorgas Memorial Institute of Gornas Memoria! Institute saft * This is the Time to Take FUEL -- OllL RECOMMENDED WAUKEGAN ASKED TO PARTICIPATE ; TN MOSQUITO WAK HACERS STILL SERIOUS *Tz yC% W ¢ # 0

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