%.,mmu.h'mmw gmtmuvhcmrfimnmu "the examinations held for the_ Of | pepunnimane o adona _ Board May Not be in a Position E:\ "to Mww atter in Yune _ ;E.; L+ '3& € ._: " _ Although Lew A.--Hendee, 'county l Two Days | Shnoes _ | Friday, ~|-- for Children up SETTLE --~DOCTOR'S --PAY ?m,,.flfi.:m ?.!i.;.. se 312 3 114 to 2. Aucfth » a?"g' QL.I.L'!.VC;..:...I...} nfi j ,' \'ng?'?""v i'."*---u'tvj.:"" v(?::: such an appointment and the finance committee is to report .back on théir recommendations. = _ ~=_----~ --* + to' the hospifal committee. Some of | -- JA the supervisors took the position that | . ARfRI the: county' physicianshould--abandon | ."-- > ay any private practice and give full time to the county.. . * * k i : Anotheéer certain action. js the 'prob-- .|_-- .. <>. Iem of employing --Aa W!J'.wm- «'FYT*~'i=> MUCHSTOCK IS _ _-- | °.. "OMEMOR S Onles 4 " # » x " A § . N 4 _'~ s # 4 ' f 2¥ @ -- s m 3 > * C ol <. * t o 3 hests o ~" ym P -- o Saly _Co e o . Ne tige e 2 9t e * ns e ; % 3 W *h C t wmemack e a rea s w s n P 21e 1 uty c ay ho o 3 _ aiioa g o »Pt," To: is kar dache "a on 090 taly J Mn( in c n' P Pnd C :+ 'ef X" % Footwear For W "coast 'which* cannot bo ~ reached-- by ie renfueaat e w "'.&':A"Rn.. .m --_ The ¢ and two officers of the mig' t oosmanes °=--.J of doctors to go to the scene of --_~ This Big Basement Store Guarantees The c __--.__. _ Lowest Prices In Waukegan -- -- and the difference in price will be cheerfully refunded if you can buy the same article at a lower price elsewhere in Waukegan on the same day., YT 4 +. ;'. z6 .;'M?; V'n'fi" aP _'.*O s p CX & a tit stt o t'r. * ... . +~~ $ Hlle 1 i1 EW t > s iey lggink it -- 4d h o e hoi aaiih on e q""f'"*""" e *4 n mss ds J lone, N, Wimnam ~RACJ @RBILEEOONS IM ie s o 4 ols t in a. Tun fu s 14e AINGU DALLUUIT y No. £--Martis ts Loftm a Typhoon. ~~ j > in' x nGirepaair td ad .. 4 362 4--2/miles from T hive, _' t { l femeatereee. ol +3 E;:3?'¥*;-"i ; + EPm Bis en ribmier tre Every Pair of Shoes\in this sale is a well known "Arch Support" brand, ro aboce: "-:'m the :country over. as.Jeaders in comfort and .m?.qz.:'m. as ; price 'are. semsational --values. : There 'are hundreds of pairs of regular $5. shoes and they're _ | ~sreatest abblary 2254 . (oo02f satth on the Alford: road near Green-- megns iBbrs». "g:l eod #' 'Biddeford, Me;, to-- to t:' mu.ot :tx_ t lo':'h'h 'ahsad 'the piHot C whes # $5.00 Arch Suppo Shoes At About y¥ . the Negron was ping in the tifor:| -- The other ten Which wore agcount 4( & C o. > Ca o : * P TsX 4z on s + Yae se e Pat uo NAnd irade,.. Cauzht is the vortex of |~ed for and the point where they land fl%m&;.: C e Th +. ?M'fm jed, m': #<> k & ( M CE CO DA0E e MAE IELOL Y 4 +. s a '!'-"'Nn % . Prunm Tuavie K LC * C sr *Eo Values UpL to $5, at a C lt s 1 is e t s Whi n ie n y ty . / n 4 PPE Cag ie oc Je oi ks * 5 Atche a h Ned *3 a x f $ event -- we've bad is many a day ne--Strlifat . © _ Rydet Ticg! @ 49904 : ie * C Full. 2o C Ai niie s 0 o1 eC h sc ts CR lz e 2 500 on mt' l eiiet e on VCs AOMEW > A4L C id OSEA i6 AMNLC D RLOONS se m ts Cmtiae n * +.( ron oo antnenr ht tert n sOVNO . 'Iniles 'from: A @12 : "Ritis) .o+ rvifsen a <the > e e * h re at 11 a. a. 4 . & 'm} ~Navy No.. 1--Pope Mills, N. Y., 400] "Awo of the ~entries are still urac-- 2 mtlns Prminn Atemmgca se oo d o n n1 e _2 wo of ,"n' t & _ q1 9 milee feom Avron: _ _ <__ |Mewmrts 2 _0 C 099C """ | Tok t on the diameter ul n circle »Navy' No. 3--Mottyille, N. Y. 35| Rcuford ¥t, and fears wore coms ies Sh onl flemeter of n cirdle (wit o atgen on 0 * * |REvints es ane danre inss none, | Paoat D Ti chonr n may mes ie . Dhttrear 'Avron--Bar:Harbor, Me., "%"ut'f'w..;""' might ~bare1Regued as a motion to which the pie-- ~x00-- aailes from Akron. : _' -- '| ~fThe latest entries heard in1, | ton rod i¢: ic Hle-- pHesonys n s o , from this | . of a steam "engine a O ATHnOnAl Ont;, ing. were the Detroiter No. --2] lwates f 'dogidonr ".' yecinarpregih tarke nt. i : No. 2 when it turns a erack unhk [ 185 willes trom Arrop. .. * ~ [R 3. eBb aaiies trow. akies gad ie | . =~ ~yille, N. Y., 350 miles trom. Akron.' :/ 8@ EtPher, reported down at Bidde-- ... Had to Have That Soap .. 30 miles from tille Station, , Maine, 690 miles from . Akron,| _ M* Newirwe@-- e 4 % Je (€ a M w 1 fon «< 'mt '."m".., fere / byg yor S . %.nglm c'.c.lo:; .;g:: got to g::'u;um Run ."; to the DeuvIne No: $ 6. & Resmiunnoe, | Pererning a distance ot 100 miles. .. | gressive urecer, _ _ ___ _ .. '"", !u e .No. 3--Bqward~3.-- um, CHuRcH--_oPPposes R. 0. T. c. T t . ~* aArimy &e. #--Capt. E. W; Ke ymer, Omaha,-- Neb., hlu 1.<Jhe _ Na--| < 'V":_ of Prudence C Preer Atis Khrikt Eotanes ;A _m. Of:lefl of . Congregational lldhmuk not go behind nature _ paver Tree Kxper! Company--R._P| befo oo .ls seation here today BAG | laws whence it is. It takes the c AiiMpheretae t E. Bextther oT is reaubttzons commnten" mumeh laws of the world whereby men's be-- Wipe 2 manpla t Boettner, }ing compt committee attuck | iD¢ is conditioned as they are, end Pb co a omlhnsr,. _ /: -- W training in 1 fote fhee im S A * enjo 7 cecktien, t "s" u9m 4 > < wm M- ' 405 miles tfrom Akrow' -- -- -- -- _| The latest entries heard {from this| I°2 *94 0/ * steam engine approx-- M iepAmerican:Brotkviile, Ont, 'wd,mmm'i"'pof'% Amates when !t--turns a erank unk hoi s eseaere o / _ ie o t es o ns s | Tam Kammer, repo t Tur | °. _ Had to Have That Soap . Awimy.No. 1--Cranberry Lake, N. Y. 400 zniles from Akron. . > -- 1 . w# s F M frgn Te ~wite. o4 i 5 & E& s . rective features as M [ > > > . E~ " t and at: this: special y L +: 5. shoes and they're -- tX 5 x 6 C EC P T --"~ aall e *L > agmind «~** f hy M *n meg SS > ' * » 3 m s _>>< > m > . ® a $~§ t *.9 > & <~ , i %._% ® ' $ " oY VC :1 %-- bas e* * s lndtk® > -- y ; U '~da , % , a» R. hi~ 3 y fes . . iz *4 -- _ 2#i C . *.: * L N . me i. " q * : 4 21 n J < *¥ f [ . -- x k sn +* s & + 3 " e > Ks t A K . m _fi? C far > i E \ w 'i"' ~., '?'} % #d oi . / -- P ht !'_5_',» & e * f E* atl e +A P se -- 7¥ j t g: > . 5 Jap " * * V ~) M 4 :A o > $ \\ $ h ' " # a 4 " a " : ® & j " "k' h C j «m ualy -- :s C' i" j > / d feke * x I" * i 4 C ++ * l . >s * P _ * ~* s > Sasate wecd oL > * 5> <ham 4{ se t > * l e :: eeeee o * & saker or daeptnoable ~~ 2--Malone, N. --¥., 450 loons of the fifteen entered in 'the for Men 1.----Thirteen -- bai-- T'( 'Prudence does not go behind nature and ask whence it is. It takes the laws of the ~world whereby men's be-- Ing is conditioned as they sgre, end takes these laws that it --may enjoy their proper good.--Emerson. _ sented by the foot of a perpendiculast 'let fal}l on the diameter of a circle from a particle moving with uniform whmtwfla It may also be 'as a motion to which the pis« well, had a deaf datughter. Thnomag Hopkins Galigudet, with the coliabo-- Tation of the Frenchman, Clerc, inaug nrated 'the system of teaching. United States was a small school start-- ed in Hartford, Conn,, in 1817. uva: fnanced through the generosity of few men,. one, of whom, Doctor Coge® The Lowest Prices In : Waukegan Distinctive Motion C427 o Oe s *%