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Libertyville Independent, 2 Jun 1927, p. 6

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iss A. W. MELLON, is o Becretary of the Treasury. 4 WnV iCE OF CcOoNTRACT _ | NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT --.-- _FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT pg > will be received b¥ -- «v *+of Local Improvements of 8 o'vdlock p, m., daylight saving se on the 14th day of June, A. D. ©13927, at the Village Hall of Liberty-- _ Hed by a responsible bank, for an ',. amoun' not less than 10% of the ag-- %;',;?'flh:-fi.mfivmu" 2_-- the of Local Improre ---- wments in open session at eight o'clock * _ ». m.. daylight saving time, on the 14th gk jé'.":"u A.wD. un: sa'd Village ts *" Board of Local Improvements re-- %T_ mt:.MtomWndm --=--bids as mayelect ' & '!h---&mfl"afcth:i& «: sStruction of said improvement &*fiuumm.um.n es s ~to 'one--third of the amvwunt oft --_ such Md. with sureties to be approved * _ by the President of the Board of Lo-- . TO ALL HOLDERS OF ~A connected system of sanitary seow '&mnmm , t Clerk of the VHilage of Hlinois, and must be ac companied by cash or check payable NOTICE OF REDEMPTION Plant which will eventaaily represcat Threstment of 1 represent be startea mt the fost uait in com plete and in operation. ; itk of--driving of_ . --of --the ite "ot the proposed mutlon 'dolar 3 on fiats -- star ym'mhs.nhd etart of construction of the ~buge "!hmfluo!unuvfllbomh- ed so. as to permit an early start in the construction --of-- the series of buildings which will form the first unit 'of the monsater industry which in being eatablished on the flats. Practically all--of the buildings of %muhmtod.thhn: rest on piling some &o-mmflnmonm crete piers, alone it is understood. Work on the plant is to be rushed to in <the hope that the Mant will be complete and ready ' _of construction of the ~buge ?mwmmhn'- so. as to permit an early start in the' construction <of-- the series of buildings--which --will form the first Mexmbers of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of NOTICE or ?,flmmnmm C Libertyville, Illinois, Special order of the Prexident of the and connections, to be ftor the Board of Local May 9, 192. shown and set forth in ;mwm shatl nsm on on mecoctet in hn fine tor 'and --materials furnished. -e.'fafm nsm":t:: to the .fl. and detailed spec!fi-- tions, and and coplete drawings, profiles and models therefor, and a6-- struetion of said knprovemont wiB bs required to enter into a bond and in a sum equal to oné--third of the amount of -l::l"&dt.hfltl m-m:.' to be ap-- prov P!'."ll! B I 'dlaadlnmudn.l:'flnm Oof Libertyville, --which bond must be filed with said Board> when contrict for the construction of said improve-- ment is entered into. Said bond shall cerding to the 7, --__ T%28, 10fF an amount not less than 10% of the aggregate proposal. mmhw»moma Local Improvements in "opsn session c-thlndayd.hnq.&v:ufl. in said Village Hall in said Vilage of Improvements ;wmmeumwmmg iatmnudmmmtt"mm payable annually and vouchers. Proposals must be made upoh blanks }mumdfiuum\nfip Clerk of the Village of Libertyville] Iilinois, and must be accompanied by cash or check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Improvements, gertified by & respon-- O > _ /R H. cormert, W, A. NICHOLAS, E. F. gul !'? PV LRA » . NOTICE OF Letrinmg contracr | <. FOR LOCAL mmum 'u,.s.]' m! proposals 'received by |the ° improvements of the Villege of «) anaigige 14e io Whok Improventents. *"29 a 8 ';' e i9 mereira * ~-K, ?'w{~u,v v'i,',.,"- "v;.;}. 'v',f n m ,: ,.;;;{2. ienss cerees eevges m«mmmgumw fications :therefor on file in the fmw- hmafiodlfldhfl»dw&m --]of said Board of Local Improvements at the Village Hall in said Village. ummmuww,mm»huuhm |Contractors are to be paid in assessment bonds which draw interost "}jassessment bonds which draw inter-- atthomeotnxnrocntmm !matthnuollhntt'.twm}o annually ~and in-- vouchers., :mm payable lnlt:&y":u hmlzu&hm:'ng):uuh' vouchers. -- Proposals mma office Villago 1i upon blanks furnished at the office ag'/,_ _/ /W Al We oT0ce of the Ville; specifications, and full and complete 'bc.mm.:uu- and e terms and --conditions of the contract, rll'lln.thtuulfll:;:;lu.- !--rmivuflhfllcoteumi in the prosecution of such work, in J. A. TREBPTOW, Members of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Improvements of said Village of Lib ertyville, which bond must be filed with said Board when contract for the eooasastruction of ail in provement <--is entered into. SBald bond shall provide that said contractor shall well and perform and execute said work in respects ad ecording to the complete and detailed -"----"lflwul--"'m'_bmd Ful BsA e the Village Clerk of the Village of linois, t«::::fl w.mach.nd-tuhn-:..,, wb' Mied by companied by cash or. check paysble the Presigent or (hu" po,lut U 4 to the order of the President of the t of the Board of Local 'Board of Local Improvements certified gipie pang." 45, un 20007 s ron by a responsible bank, for an AMOUDt than 1006 of the agrrosnes Au not less than 10% of the aggregate mide win e cuenntinonle Lr090sal proposal. Bids will be opened by the poca) mupropomnco PX the Board of MdWWhmfl"Wm d.';uzlm"fl- mm"sfholc&d:"a.rm,fl'"m"" "'""""'-"-n% , on $ < i * # 1927, in said VHlage Hall in said VH. |", 520 Village Hall in said Village--of lage of Libertyville. mmu,""'m'-""m' The Board of .Local Local Improvements reserves the ements resenves the right to mntom-v-ummumn'",;"*'g'"'""""mm B"'"""M"w ' The successtul bidder for the con-- for struction of said wt':meti.mtmmd of said improvement wilt be required to enter into a bond in a sum to enter into a bond and in a equal to one--third of the amount of 57 °, S4°%, (° ont "eird Of the amount such bid, with sureties to be approved proveq pr cp," pu ontes i0 D8 3P by the President of the Board of Local s"..",_."._"_'_;.'?_'.'_'.'!!i'.'!'..i'fl_i upon blanks furnished at the office Of Clerk the Village Clerk of the Village Of Tiling; Libertyvilie, Illinois, and must be 20 cas» . companied by cash or. check payable t),., r and alt bids us are to be paid in snecial aaid terms and of . £7, 4 3 --" | 1H10O!S, and n N:dugmhorehoek mdcs o1 |the 'President % llhhhak.t: respon-- > 10('0""1.%;{' "oposal. |Dids wil C card 0f |ELocal Improve session eight o'cloc § time,. on the 14th A B.n"-"w'"ol---w-om Attorney for the Board of Local %mm!ymnn"uhm@h L bidder or contractor in the pros-- ecution of such work, including those for Iabor and materials furnished. All bids or porposals shall contain an offer to furnish such bond upon the acceptance of such bid or pro «uit ts filed with said Board when contract for the construction of said imprtove-- ment is entered into. Baid bond shall provide that said contractor shall well and faithfully perform: and execute said work in all respects according 'to the complete and detailed specifi-- profiles and models therefor. and ao cording to';hoo:hc ant tu:ci, ~The suocessful bidder for the com: struction of said improvement wil be ;mtouurinbnhulng'hl sum equal to one--third of the amount ef such 'bid, with sureties to be ap proved by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of said Village of Libertyville, which bond must be nunob,mmbew.u" cash or check payable to the oraer of the 'President of the Board of Local Improvements, cortified by a reapon-- dbk"ig*nk.'fo&nmnatnoth- than 0| aggregate proposal. Bids-- wil be opened by the Board Of Local Improvements in open session '"\dlfldeh&.um-mg, on the 14th day of June, A. D. 1937, in said Village Hall in said Viliage of 'mh"' Dflfl;lh.ol L.?: Improvements |reserves right to mmummumm] may elect, R 8SOUTH H%WAUK- AVENUE, in aumnm Assessrgent No. h_thonnmrlh-wn.:d,ntm'h' mmwmm of said Village of Libertyville on the lfihydhn-qi: na. Said accordance with the plans ndcnog fications th'xfiotonflemthoomu; At the vigs watt in So oaat a M.Mh_uumm' assessment bonds which draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable annually and in vouchers. Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished at the offte of the Vilage uFmisn@ed at the offse of the Clerk of the Village of Libertyvitie (the Village , NOTICE OF Ll"l:'luo ConTRrRAcT rFQ8 LOcaL IMPRovEmeENnT Sealed proposals will be receivred by the-- Board of Local Improvements of Dated this 2nd day of June, A. D. Inue, on the t the i4th day of June, :fllo.ml oi Mm&lldu)-tr; M'a lll-mteod:t.' .ua. M . A connected !""."!'m.r-m-.' W, A. NICHOLAS, t i 7 - n.w.-%v; $ > . R. 0. KA ~ Mameirengiie . _ Libertyville, Lake Co., Miimois. "A't'i-'nufcm--no.nduua Improventents. 82 3t filed with said Board when contract hmmdnflm ment is entered into.© Said bond _provide that said contractor shall woll to the complete and detailed specifi-- tions, and full and coplete drawings; profiles and models therefor, and at cording h;hfi:llntuu::l_.fl conditions . contract, |Muehmuma promptly pay all debts incurred by such Bidder or contractor in the pros ecution of such work, including those for Iwbor and materials furnished. All bids or: porposals shail contain an offer to furnish such bond upon the acceptance of such bid or pro-- GBRORORB J. A. TREPTOW, Members of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of of such bid, will wureties to be ap Pproved by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of said Village Dated this 2nd day of June, A. D. on the l4th day of F. SWAN, . which bond must be Oof idbertyville, which. bond must be tiled with said Board when' contract for the construction of said iimprote-- ment is entered into. Said bond shall provide that sail contractor shall woll at eight o'clock, dm?Tn saving time, i8 eald Village Hall in aid vimene ot Libertyville. The Board of Local t ts reserves the right to ",?» ammmmeq- required to enter a twa:lfi!: ~'l-l.dt'o:'l&-&md&;eno;x proved by the maufih' of Local Improvements of said Village than 10% of the 'ngereaate propeeat Bide wilt be opened by the Board of Local Improvements in open session payabie. annually and in vouchers. | Mnuthmw : matthodr'aottum Clerk of the Vllhadl&ortrvma.' lilinois, and must be accompazied by 3"'"""5%'"'"""'""' w-.-unuu.."..._' f s & .._._J. A. TREPTOW, um«mmam Improvements of the Village of llwflb.hhco..m Aftorney for the Board of Local C d ""----'vku-'"-.l WM"M-M.,'» to the 'time and terms and ns of the ~and a'*o, | promptly pay all debts incurred by . such bidder or contractor it the pros-- ! ecution of such work, including those for iwbor and materials furnished. | All b'ds or porposals shall contain an offer to furnish such bond upon the acceptance ot_mchbuorpro-'- posala, _ _ Pated this 2nd day of June, A. D. NOTICE OF LETTING conTRract Fégm".g ' Mémbets 0f The Hoknd of Local Ientre on oine't reJect any and all bids as the Board 10 ut:a:;l bidder for th'oflea.: struction improvement required to enter into a bond and in a T cCc iky 'mhhtb Prm'ot"t: Board of --Libertyville, which bond must be filed with said Board when contract malus commnnttin *Laa't ons R § n-m--;l."n&nm not jess than aggregate pyoposal. fmmum»mma Local Improvements in open session at eight o'clock. daylight saving time, on the 14th day of June, A. D. 1927, in said Village Hall in said Village of payable annually and "in vouchers. Proposals must be made upon bianks mummamm Clerk of the Village of Libertyville, Iilinois, and must be accompanied by eash or check payable to the order of the 'President of the Board of Local w.munuvysm sible 'bank, for an amount not less improvement shall be constructed in Recordance 'with the plans and speci-- fications therefor on file in the office :lt?:\mhadmn in said Village. Contractors are to be paid in special assessment bonds which draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, ens, together-- with manholes, "Y" lw and :: connections 'to be con-- and laid in ~SRCOND 3?'- Manor Bouth, in said 'vm?n Special Assessment No. 73, f= $ in the manner Mn&d bat !ort:é; "OME passed and approre 3.-:!' vm..'gmmy:'m the e on 18th day of January, A. D. J927. Said A connected system of sanitary sew-- 44. @ W., BVLBLIGY, R. G. KAPING, of an the of said work in all respects according to the eoufifito and --detailed -- specifi-- tions, and and coplete drawings, profillzs and modeis therefor,; and a¢ tor the--construction of said improve-- ment is entered into. Said bond skhall mvllothtmdoontmtwuunwdl d faithfully perform and execute Improvemen SBealed proposals will be received by fwesow""~~" s@ ||| _ . .-- LIDBEE : o bake f_v-------:-'dl-v'----n--ul the pearg of 1 o T ho received by J. A. TREPTOW, -- Attorney for the Board of Locai Members of the Board of Local Improvements. 22 2t Libertyville t'1.::'.""' im"nu" °'. NOTICE OF LETring conmcr B. H. MILLER, > Lo« e _FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT 'Attorney for the Board of Locart | Sealed proposals will be received b nons, and full and cop:e¢te JIrawings,|Promptly pay all debts incurred by 'mmummm.mw such bidder or contractor in the pros-- ,mam&.mmmw;m'flmm conditions of the contract, and aiso, |{O" and materials furnished. that such bidder and contractor shalil| All b'%Is or porposals shall contain promptly pay all debts incurred by |AD offer to furnish such bond upon such bidder or tor in the pros--|the acceptance of such bid or pro-- mam%umm for labor and materials furnished. -- ~Dated this 2nd day. of June,; A. D. All bids or porpogals shall contain | 1927. 4 &dfoblird'nmbrtfia %Hi% pro-- ' s -- Nemptomdlen o. ¥1 .m 1927.-- .. _ ; ; ~-- R. G. KAPING, %B.A.M t 3 J. A. TREPTOW, | E. F. SWAN, ¢ Members of the Board of Local 1 R. W. BULKLEY. -- Imnrovemantsa f the Tilacs af NOTICE OF LETTING CcONTRAcT filed with said Board when contract |821d work in all respects according for the construction of said improve--|!0 the complete and detailed snecifi-- ment is entered into. Said bond shal:|tons, and full and coplete drawings, provide that said contractor sha}l weil|Prdliles and models therefor, and a>-- and faithfully perform and execute|©0rding to the time and terms and vhmmmMMdmqudm. to mummmmu&:flmm-h& tions, and cop:e¢te Jrawings, |Dpromptly pay debts incurred profiles and models therefor, and ac |8u4¢h bidder or contractor in the pros-- 4A fmBerow. Members of the Board of Local dibertwrille. 'The Board of Local |struction of said improvement wil be Wmmnmtommmm.mwm. reject any and all--bids as the Board|sum equal to onethird of the amount may elect. . -- of such bid, with sureties to be ap-- The suocessful bidder for the con--|Proved by the President of the Board struction of said improvement will be |Of LOcal Improvements of said Village required to enter into a bond and in a |Of Libertyvilie, which bond must be sum equal to one--third of the amounc|filed with said Board when contract of such bid, with sureties to be ap-- |{0r the construction of said improve-- proved by the Président of the Board |DCnt is entered into. Baid bond shall of Local Improvements of said Village | ProVide that said contractor sh«1l well of Libertyville, which bond must be |2004 faithfully perform and execute ols, and must be accomparied by |than 10% of the aggregate proposal. or check payable.to the order of |Pids wilt be opened by the Board of the President of the Board of Local|Local Improvements in open session Improvements, certified by a respon--|At eight o'clock, daylight saving time, 'm:mu%wmh':&mfi:huh%wn reve'ryren egan j of Bids wift be opened by the Board of [Libergrilic." Ti . Boord of Focel wmhmm'mwm~wtw at eight o'clock. daylight saving time, |reJect any and all bids as the Board on the 14th day of June, A. D. 1927, may elect. in siid Village Hall in said Village of| 'The successful bidder for the con-- A connected system of sanitary sew-- of Local Improvements of IMPROVYVEMENT L FOR LIGHT CARS FOR OTHER CARS | '||f ~<30x3 1--2 Pathfinder Cl,. . . $7 32x4 -- All--Weather Cords S.S. $19.35 \|[p / 30x3 1--2 Pathfinc cc'*g?. ; ufi 331412 " * * * 2735 <«][} ~~30%3 1--2 All--Weather Cord Cl...16.65 -- 31x5.25 All--Weather Balloon . . 25.65 'ed by | unt{ time, on the 14th day of June, A. D. 1925, at the Village Hall of: Liberty-- vmq.mhdn.tortbmmunu 7¢ JA . ©l@gHL O CIOCK, Gayiigh't saving of |time, on the 14th day of June, A. D. "-.'im.".&' Village Hall of Liberty: Sealed proposals will be received e Board of Local Improvements '3 . _ ine :grading 'and <paving of <~GAR-- FIELD AVENUE and other streets in ,',': *vm-n. Special " Assessment llltgflnnnor lhovn&d set torth:; an Ordinance pagsed approved the President and Board of Trusties ;flfnfl Village of uargvmfi on the g'im_ounmyhk . 1937. sul: improvement s constructed accordance with the plans and speci-- fications therefor on file in the office 0: la:l eotrd dmlfil:'p'mmu a iMage Village Contractors are to be paid in snecial assessment bonds which draw interest. at the rate of gix.--per--cent per annum, payable annually and in vouchers. Because we sell you fresh New _ Service is no advertising slogan &?We:lrn%:ll%'og Supertwist With us. The best way to find year Tires. It is giving motorists _ 18 to 40 what many Libertyville everywhere greater mileage Motorists have done--try us and fi gl'ggater geedom fmntl tl'gm. fmucge out wha}:lt- it 'mgzns to have ble, It costs you no more to buy -- a man who can be depended Goodyears, made with Super-- upon and who makes tn?ee trou-- Improvements of the Village of sepanie . tss AK 5 ieke. Eo 10is, for the construction as Oof --an 'Improvement consist-- Vuicanizing and Road Service WELL GIVE YOU Mileage _ Yome"s of Libertyville, which bond must be filed with said Board when contract for the construction of said improve-- ment is entered into. Said bond shall provide that said contractor shall well to the complete and detailed specifi-- 1440ertyVille. The Board of Local }menu resenves the right to reject any and all bids as he Board may elect. The successful bidder for the con-- struction of said improvement wil be required to enter into a bond and in a sum equal to onethird of the amount of such bid, with suréeties to be ap-- proved by the President of the Board at the rate of six per cont por annum. he rate x per cent per annum, payable annually and in couchers, Proposals must be made upon blanks furnished at the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Libertyville, Rlinois, and must be accompanied by eash or check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local !mu,,cemnedbyam, lfib"il;k.dto&nw not less® aggregate proposal. !gvflbeopenedbythel!onm'ot Local Improvements in open session at eight o'Olock, daylight saving time, flthelithdnydllno.A.D.lm.v in said Village Hall in said Village of 'hm-h!hwgn JleththophmndM fluflouthontcontlehtheofllea of said Board of Local Improvements at the Village Hall in said Village. Ooatmtot';'m_topg'uamm . Concrete sidggralks in FAIRVIEW WIMMM!;% * w 0. "?%zmn«xg an Ordinance passed and approved the President and Board of Trustees of said Village® of Libertyville on the 18th day of January, A. D. 1927. Said L SERVICE 8448--108 The e _ W Like a splendid exploration through one of comfort and at low cost! Over the transcontinental line of mmmm»mmyww" thobluhdm-ddmr Here spiendid new Gallatin Gate-- you to newest, most e entrance mm ten woss, most pictureage Awwbym-flw-eud:fionm.omm opens a panorama of scenic wonders. Smoothly--and refreshed you are brought into Yellowstone Park--Old Faeithful Geyser, the Paint Pots and myriad famous attractions. mmdmmm_umwm.a.mw hensive than the old routes, costs no more. t C Ask any Ticket for full information about .~m~ drm.!hm . Gallatin Gateway % to Yellowstone Park find out what it' means to have a tire man who can be depended upon and who makes tire trou-- bles a thing of the past: ts of said Village MILWAUKEE B ROAD flww % esb l Hree Service _ Members of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of némvflh.ldha..mhda Attorney for the Board of Local tions, and full and coplete drawings, profiles and models therefor, and ac our(ing to the :ime and terms and o.fiuu-dtbutnct.udlln. F%b"lfl%lhflrn'b such bidder or contractor in the pros-- ecution of such work, including those for labor and materials furnished. All bids or porposals shall coniain an offer to furnrish such bond upon organs. Three sizes. All druggists, Ensist on the original genuine Goin Mapas wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions haarlem oil has been a world: y_lhdthhhddayotlne,t.n Tad Py --M .s yfifig ~'$!;,;.93,'fai

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