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Libertyville Independent, 2 Jun 1927, p. 8

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--ESCAPED SLAYER . Charles Tanner, _ _ W AmOFBuUrn, "IOr even the most logt+ t *« and truthful person to accurately 4T between the ideas obtain-- s of practical living and those e fancies coming in dreams, it * *?a more impossible is it. for css , who is most of his time, wak-- * " of his imagination, to be sure of what .. dis true--and what is false? Before we _ bring »~:fll to no::dt {or these --~ Bittle tales fancy he serlously 're-- _ 'lates to us as facts, we should inves _ ~«ligate the sources of his beliet." _ _ Mts. Winterburn stresses the fact _ .. that children dreams are-- often . Ayr *,,.""'The. miseries =oft~a child _ adtho. Ja forced to repeat in dreams," ---- abe w : -a.mnm:: shape, [A e . % OS"fl!nc. & Ill'll * ~ lnF, . re, things seidom--saken account . _ Of by--the grown people who have ai-- _ _ Oléth w among our Puritan bi bad deeds before. going to sleep, ten getting the punishment for _ them at the bedtime hour, was a de-- . plorable® misyse of authority. We z on the contrary, guard qur § 1 from trouble at night." & C almost everybody tlar: h& _ . tende toward some special type mammmim A fine program {ollowed the _ =oft from which tnstitution he |aelicions dinner. se in making his eecape July &.mlu!hfim"mu:. s ie 1ME ' Ros# Alkofer, of Libertyville were _ 'Chief of Police Thomas Kennedy |guests 6f Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Tim who made the arrest has telegraphed |merman on Sunday. ; -- to the authorities of the Georgia DPFi|~ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simms, of Chi-- _son and has informed thein that Tan-- Msited their daughter, Mre. P. mer is being held for them. a. 8r. on Tuesday. * P _« According to information red | | Mr. and Mrs. George Pettis and the by Chief+--Kennedy, Tanner was con-- t!-hiny visited the cemetery . aay, are, things : . --OL by --the grown f forgotten .t _ --©@ practice * _« of bay Ais bad. deeds be «> BULLETIN _ _ Eg' !";'-1! that -:' _ The IRinois Department of Public C soday will award contracts for ediate construction o# the-- first ,\4 the super--highway system mded uitimately to link up all Ms project is to be completed in O 2 ';'M'--' * .,n m of No: 5 pnchalf miles long and forty-- "A NE 11 BB ,, . OF E ARD ROADS WILL _ _ TINK ALL STATE _ In 192%.he succeeded in making him. A.few days ago they learned that Tenpper had located' in Wauke-- gan and --had-- assumed the name of [' thle imfsematton --which wak arrest in Waukegan Thursday &, at 576 1--2 Market street where id "his family have been living for last--year. Tannper io wanted the authorities of the state prison 4 from which tnstitution he . in making his escape July a n d Exermymds oEs g;.fl arrive tomorrow to take Tanner back to the Georgia to the local olflez He t he is Banister but po:-- that he has a scar on the foot the foot of the escaped slayer.---- um'."fl. _ _ MrSs. Winterburn, in emphasizing the of the child's dream tes, "It is from childish dreams hat the of good or--evil lives is .. s ga e Acu Nes * > -- Ancexhortation to mothers to study and .mold--the all important < dream "Of their children, which when may lead to disaster, is "rflhnm» Fiorence Winterburn. [n. 15, 1917, !ml phc:' :: , to'be laid on a 200 A on « North -- avenue 8 river to Hlm» _ twenty--foot pavement. Lake to the Wieconsin to eerve a Hentence of ten years | Elgin;>where visited with Mrs. Sarah 123 . he succeeded in making | West; who is a sister of Mrs. Pettis. and since that time the| Miss Hazel Easton is now employed tiges have been searching for |at the Deerfield Telephone exchange. L. feow -- days ago they learned| KAward Landow has purchased the er. had located' in Wauke-- | Patterson bungalow on Osterman Ave., % : assumed--the hame of|and'wil} take possesston about June _ information :which was| 'The Young Ladies Class of the Pres ed to -- Chiet Rennedy, the local , church school are sponsoring & to make a search for|a at Dam Number 2, for the | "He sucteeded in --locating |: wwamm M street and placed' on --Saturday, June 4. All a 'Ml:ht. t are'to meet at the church. m-::z ahmmmznoeh'-fi_ help in getting the that he is Banister but the po':-- | gue#ts to the picnic grounds. t that he has a scar on the foot |__ Mrs. Belle Kist and Mrs. Russell La mwm«-.vdlq«mmwm t..ucmm;m«.--hl&!'w«?hn. -:oad;y. u:'. .f':"--------'--- will!goon go to her summer home at ies Tanner, 45, allas G :mm'uuu:: Children For Good. B apuiinaopen, i sds Tt qoie unssy t BY THE POLICE miles of new nds in Michigan City, Ind., over PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'Ciplomns. _ _ . _ ~ -- [%m." mgeting of the North | _ Morhing worship at 10:18, This Sun |ootrag is aplendid. V ® ht <40, 1 'a-ymummunmummum 'l'lomno:fl: fi t was elected as a director. Sunday (Acts 2). 'The sermon will be |continued until fall. As in a good condition. : |appropriate to t ehday, ; # ' Troop 62, Boy Scouts, « .:'m..mmmu- .nhh'l'u'xht_'ut. l'mt:: ning, from 7 to 8:80. n&wmhh in Deerfleld 'eluded at this service. > .. =~>>< ;';J mdvm { Bamuel Ott and two danghters and son, of Ravenszwood, were week end guests--at the George Rockenbach res-- idence.: On Tuesday, Samuel Ott and 'umuhan'.m-:-hum ¥ : tohlplfifiel.hvh(b_ at the friends in Michigan City, Ind., over are Duried. On Monday, they drove to as Dufty: one half mile further Mr. and Mrs..Clyde Hatch have mov-- ed into the Fred Meyer flat on Deer-- fHield Avenue . visited at the Ross Sherman home on for the next year. 'Tne wWilmot school will close on Mon@ay, June 6.-- Miss Beatrice Cour-- wen 'has been retained as a teacher 'James was the lucky oneand landed a Adurge--size pickeral. Rev. F. G. Piepenbrook and family, enjoyed a fishing trip, on Monday. Mrs::George Deck, Mrs. Carl Fried-- lund--and Mrs. Dada, oOf Chicago, saw a show at the Trianger last week. Joan Avis, the eight months old lit-- tleordaughtag of Mr~ and Mrs.Andrew Sa¥age, is very seriously i1 with spin-- al mengitis.. She is at the Evanston . and Mrs. A.~E. Barnes of Blue Island, were guefts of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson, on Monday. 'The Wilmot school Progressive Cliub wil hold an afternoon Bunco party, on June--3, at the home of Mrs. A. J. Johnson, beginning at 2 p. m. and end-- ing:at 4 p. m. daylight saving time. Cards may be played, if desired. A light luncheon will be szerved and teh ln'wmbvfllhom:' ; spant the week end Mr. and Mrs. Roy MTHe woatn rie bore io e cing, Wisconsin. s ~ Mr--and Mrs. Carl Friedland attend-- ed in dinner at Ridgeview Hotel, of Rvanston, given by the proprietor, for a number of friends and relatives. One and bridge party, on Tuesday. -- Mrs. Harry 'Olendorf attended. "Mrs. Arthur Cashmofe entertained raranctared ,1 k i « luRcheon at the regular monthiy -oe: in# of the Dorcas Society. ~Fune Friedland is visiting ber aunt, Mr#. Dada, at Ravenswood, for two 'mu.. at North Chicago, on Monday tof two: weeks. o _-- Mrs.© Henry Juhrénd, Mrs. Loretta ESp, Mre. Josephine Toll and Mrs. Wm Jubnston attended a meeting of the R. m Berinece Love is spending .J few days with her mother, Mrs. 8. S. L&¥e.On next Sunday, Miss Love will | réturn to DeKalb Normal-- College, to taike u» a six weeks course at the sum--| the funeral of William Cottre!, at Mil-- rvaho.onl'luhy. !nut oflhlm:'m' n fhe _ Mr. and Mrs. Esra Fritsch moved lMst -- Thursday, to Huntley, Nlinois, where they have purenased & home. '"Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olendorf and Mr: and Mre. Jease Strong were guests of "Mr. and Mrs. Marvec Peterson, of nrlr.:l' l';.glm Obendort and . and Mrs. W. Our.l'oltm and Monday at Como Beach, Wilee. hMtWh&mw the homes of Libertyrille rela big c e3> . ho 2 23."% V en Poe-- * Cl nc j m B c 4 of the Dorcas Circle No. 4, %Wm-m .. iss -- C. Simons of Lake Forest, h. e guest of Mrs, W. J.. Hgmlin, oi hn tiin' Rioliand Poltorson m&wm'mm house, on Avenue. . Migs Idia Knaak was the guest of Mr. and Mra James Cain, of Lake For-- * J "haihs..?> --1GMAUCISLLQY UI @iDR r, of Wmfiflttlh week on Thur is Elfrieda Knaak |2). Next week the , and then on to cluded on Monday and > Children's day wilt be observed June 12th _A apécial service to interest the children and adults is being planned. Bome of the children will participate in the program, The. choir will make its last appearance until fal, when they will resume their work with re newed interest. Church schoo! at 9:15 a. m.; service at 10:45 a. m.; choir Friday, 8 p. m. sothBtaiity the ie in Th aprentee cost o {fthe Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus. In connection with this spe-- clal service, we will observe the Lords who were prevented from coming to the Lord's table Raster Sunday. Tuésday, June 7th, the teachers and ofticers of the 8. 8. will meet for their af Mre. Louls Sootker.. We wil gather of Mre. Louis r.. We will gather at the thurch at 7:45 p. m. and from there leave as a group for the place ~Members of the Legion also detco-- rated the graves of soldiers in the cem eteries of North Northfield and on the Dud.\onnqd. % w m nmene. .'aln' t:tho mm" parti w mmmzhm ;u.lw.d PMM best essays in grades were: Ruth Frants, 8th grade; Joseoh Andrews, Tth grade; Kenneth Vetter, 6th grade. The winning eszay will be printed next :xm"' nm:u:-ns:mfi to participh observance, and especially do we fnvite all those at ::t: now lm!omh led the parade to cemetery, where' fitting ceremon-- les were held and the graves decorat-- Girl# and school children assembled at the sehool house. Mu;r.. essa yon Patriotism 'was read the prizes awarded. Deerfleld band in fine now unWorms led tha narada in f"'-. "eerfand sho anorthentte. ns un % and i dnu."OnSflnmRnh.'byc: lain Garrison of Fort Sheridan long be remembered. It was forceful and fFitting. : enjoyed by the audience.> * ~>* * MEMORIAL DAY _ _ Memorial day was observed with day, A splendid union service was held at the Bungalow church Sunday ence Huhs and Blaine were on the committee. lowed the business meeting. ; : -- Children's day will be observed at the various churches Sunday, June 12. -- Mrs. Ann Willman, Mrs. John WiH} man and Mrs .Aivin Knaak were the ofticers at Glenview Chapter O. E. 8. on Friends 'Night last Friday. Mrs. Charles Steiner and Mrs. Geo. Deck also attended. s Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zimmerman and Mr. and Mrs .Chas. Steiner Monday. Over $100 was taken in at the gale of pooples Isst Friday by the ladies of children and Jean Pettis were week end guests of the Robbins Tam{ly at Madison, Wis., Sunday. Miss Helen Reichelt, who graduated week, is t.thoh-nctlnr)u.:?, & Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reichelt, Jr. She will spend the summer in Deerfield. Mr. an dMrs. F. W. Russo . were M'inhhonodlhu Ardelie Sunday and Monday at Twin -- Lakes, 'The Evangelical League of Christian "mnm_ummm! Monday ;'H CuirAc:d ; and lHittle & . Mrs, nderson ter, were guests of Miss.Bernicp Thek, Of.offlllfl%hrk,m Ly. Mr. and Edwin F. Weigle and daughter, Lorraine, who> have been ed Thursday to their home here. calling on old friends and --neighbors hwmmhfi&:flflt end with Miss mu_dnr.ofm c't'om j A 4 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Meyer visited friends at Delevan, Wis., oh Monday. Mr.--and Mrs.~Jack Holt, of Beel-- monar, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pett's. _ lnvmuoumonttorthovoddu of Miss Eva Ender to Dr. Lawrence Dondapwville, of Moline, I!I., on Wed-- nesday, June 15, at 10 a. m. at the Cll..uvhml'u&:':.ugdw An uncle, Fred Siryker. of Pasadena," is also a guest.-- Mrs, Forbes has not 8T. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL . Jack Meyers and two . _ _A wocial time fol-- LE Nee § Pe course is aplendid. V ikitora welcome The mid--week meetings will be dis-- contisiued until fall. se «s engrossment:.in the Senate today, 16 to 4. The Caldwell--b!l} provides for abolition of the present graduated lc Qlobobru_to'nqocor%n;ww_dzht and a return to a flat $C€ a year ftee four cents a gallon, with a correspond-- ing=drop in auto license ftees. went to burn school were held Friday-- even-- % in u&mn. J'm with the Jean 'Bonner, Ruth Rdwards, Jack The new law embraces two see tions, one covering the theft of cars the second dealing with pertsons who "shall buy, receive, or aid in conteal ing any etolen motor vehicle, or any motor vehicle obtained by robbery 02 burglary, knowing the same to be so mobile thefts now, there would have ooo neramnans autp thief is the basic criminal of the I vote aye." and then uses it as a vehicle to mur-- der and rob and terrorize the citizens. 1 ---- HL, Way 26--By un-- m:».mmmomu act providing punishment of from three to twenty years for automobile stealing has been piissed by the IHii-- nois -- Senate. The measure introduces by Senator Roy C. Woods, ot Hyde Park was made a special order of business, be-- ing consideréd by Senate leaders one of the important pending bills© with reference to crime leg#slation at the pregent cession. ~~The bill, which now goes to the mmccuounpmuotpm to crush the menace of auto thjevery as one of the chief instrn mentalities of crime. 5t The fact that the biil passed> the Senate without opposition is regarded as indicating that the legisiators have 'uroused to the need for drasti¢ . Motor car thefts were branded as a far graver menace today than the i-'unuu:'o ..m.'&'i:.'.'."' , 8 t p ed: out --borsee thievery.-- Down state ' of the Senate joined with h County members in voting the "Automobile stealing," eaid Senator Martin Carilson of Moline, "is a hun-- ng which aroused the y Ago, ' "Moh to ewift and sum-- THEYVRE TO GEI _ 4C GAS TAX IN WIS. Bill Rrovides Penalty of From '3?20 Years For Mere tal yield. Meanwhile, the prospects for spring wheat are not regarded as being: especially favorable. }rmmlnnndormm of last year.: This rurecast is con Tirmed so far as--wheat is concerned. which--shows:a drop of nearly 35,000,-- 000 bushels <-- from last <year, based upon --conditions ohtaining May 1. The estimate of the department is predie ated upon the assumption that hence-- Torth conditions of growth ~will be SENATF PASSES A BILL MAKING AUTO THEFT REAL OFEENSE Unfavorable weather throughout a large section of the winter wheat belt will, it is belleved. further reduce tw Graduation exercises for the Mill It was predicted several woeeks ago by the department of agriculture that harvested crops this year would in al}. There are, it is stated by the de partment about 2,160,000 acres of land bearing wheat in the state, while 5 per gent of the--acreage planted lasi year hag been abandoned. The condition of wheat in Illinois is salid by the department to be better Ne mpone mare -- matke Tok were 1 some unforeseen «isaster intervenes. kb:gummmm Conditons generally is slightly bet-- ter than a year ago, but it 4s below ::&uiyhll'hnho bout l;};:o . verage i y bushels® below the production for the lnast 10 years,. f * Washington, D.C.--Illinois farmers will --harvest this year 28,150,000 bue hels of winter wheat, if the condition of the growing crop May 1 is main-- tained until it is out, acording to the United Statés department of agricul This is a decrease.of practically 35 per 'cent from last 'year's ylield, esti-- mated at slightly more than 40,000, That is Estimate if Condition of Growing Crop May 1 is nan%. * §% Caldwel!'s bil! to increase Wis Stealing of Car. your 7a4 r:dute 5. oak floors, all rn :conveni lot 50 by: 150. msmuton with concrete this aiummer. E TIl. Phone 251. PVR BALE--6 room new house with mmu&.mmm' race. ~W, A. Nicholas. ~Phone Liber-- tyville 736R. 20 tt| M FOR SALE--Nine room house in Mun--| rooms); kitchen and bath on first floor, 4 rooms and bath on second © M:mwnau.mly' decorated ~walls; cmuldoctrlonx-z tures; big screened in porch; beautiful grounds and shade trees; 100 ft. front-- Hight price or rent to the right partice. | or es. Libertyville--Mundelein district. All oth-- 'chtmmtbndng-atmmam view only. Sellers & Petersen, | tyville, II1. 22 tf . roues 450 uns mt 999 nanerd _ **" * stalle for Refre house of 11 rooms; 5 big living rooms | and sun parlor (make lovely private FOR SALE--Wheat, baled straw, baled _ tmothy hay, baled aMaHa. Bergeron ant ol m"nmmuo-""' ation; | grown in Lake county. per bush-- -- el at tlie farm. Eim Farm. Deerfleld. Phone Lake Forest 69#}--Y¥--3. 21 tf FOR SALE--Genuine reed baby carri-- age. Phone 1%4R.. --_-- _ 2s it FOR SALE--A 1923 Ford touring car, in good condition~~J. E. Bond, 533 North First St. E. Bond, 533 THE INDEPENDENT, Don't forget the dance given by the oc on o thatat® (Lapnry rice on eve-- ning. Ladies 25¢, Gentlemen 75¢. ( Reed. "These relatives are hard at erican--minded citizen who believes in restriction is strangely silent." L obigntt wer cont of the fmmigrant l,»neu'z for admission have mlat before the Chicago Association of Commerce today by Senator David A. oighge m tw ied t 3 age u. * be 2C e ; Chicago, June 1.--A plea for reten-- tion of present immigration restric-- tions in federal statutes was made The same situstion presents itself on Wadsworth road, a three fiile strip that Feuts is contracted to complete. While he has been able to grade the highway up ready for paving he has not been able to get on it with his mixers. * Wh-v(lncnmiroul.u opened it will present a continuous strip of con-- crete all the way between Chicago and Milwaukee. n.m-m-om1 A&s a relieft for Sheridan road which IMMIGRATION LAW SHOULD BE KEPT lowed. -- Providing good-- weather con-- r"brs few weeks he hopes to #ush the matter of pouring concrete so that the road can be opened by any large amount of concrete due to | WADt to buy something, try our classi-- the rains and muddy roads that mi'fl!' ads. Once tried, -m;:'-u tractors on the job in the county this | *n mmz spring he has been unable to w"..}!.?.'_"'!_""'!.lm to sell, or Forced by heary raims to abandon | WANTED--Neat appearing represen-- the completion of paving Green Bay | _ tative in Libertyville to show "PIC-- road last fall, F.--C. Feutz, the con--| WIC" Frocks and children's hand--em-- tractor, has beenfaced by the same|Dr0idered dresses. 'Work all or part ult that.. he : is again behind his |Dusiness of your scheduie. $ l'flto today. P . While he was one of the first con--| Wayne, Ind. Contractor Who Faced: B a d|--_------ m;"y..f.a! _Sfi" , work: WiX34 weok end and charged with violating \ BE the . prohibitory Jlaw at his place, 10 $150 A YEAR, DELIVERED -- Classified COMPLETION OF: ~GREENBAY ROAD <~Ads : > Chased by Hoodoo. -- Tt Aglaiaivyd oerty. _ We invite youryinguiry. First rar n ,. **| National Bank, tivorgtine ar "itt on I e 1927. ; Every Wednesday and-- Saturday Night || II *_ Throughtout the Season MONEY TO"LOAN--We have a con-- M:l""rdmdi&"fua-u loan on improved farm 'or prop erty.-- We lnovite yourrinauiry. Wirst umue nosyy 8 ers, fresh cows M,'wm*wm%m: from clean district; large herd to select from at all times;: one or a car load. Reasonable prices. . Come and make %floctbn. One mile north of Lake, on the-- Meade Farm. Gilsky Brothers. 18 tf FOR SALE--Team of black horses, wt. 3200, and team of mules, wt. 2400. E. A. Eilis, on Belvidere Road at Female Help Wmted Testimonials of hundreds of old and new patrons who attended the success-- ful Oopening last week. * J DAN CING o :". e e , v S ' t . ' with Frank Wallin and His Kings of Harmony EVERY : 29 L(Fotm;tly the Dean Barn) : MUSIC BY PAUL'S ENTETAINERS «"Better than ever" _ "Best music in Lake County" "More for your money" 'Work by day o rhour, man. Phone 220R RAY BROS. PAVILION 27 eekly and have for #:40 by 110 Feet Dancing Space 40 by 80 «_ Stalls for Refmhnonh.ofAllKinds ' ;ACCOMODATIONS FOR 1,000 PEOPLE DOOR PRIZES ON SATURDAY NIGHTS 33 w* :# 2 miles west of Mundelein g S yV C _ AVANHOE, ILLINOIS 28 It 22 2t procure a pure registered Ayr-- lllkoblllfl!fu':'dmmfl high producing Damg See them at and Milwaukee Awe. -- _ 233 1t mnaoomvayn.n?'wz Egage notes in $500.00 and $1000.00 denominations. Well secured on Lib-- ertyville business property. Also North Chicago Water Bonds for sale at 90. 'This offer for a short time only. P. O. Box 567, Libertyvilie, 111 22 if waukee Ave., W:N'I;rm--nm class dAry hand milk-- M'hrn. Belridera nnfl' .M' mL' men and women to take orders for guaranteed nursery stock. Experience unnecessary. . Outfit free. Write the Hawks Nursery Co.. Wauwatosa, Wis. subdivision; houses now being built; €as, electricity, sewer, water and con-- crete streets all in now. A beautiful property, easy to sell.Liberal commis-- sions. Sales force now organizing. Sellers & Petersen, Libertyvillie, IlL. w P ' l Wfiw pony : s must E _ smitable to be handled by small chil-- aren; also cart or buggy {or same, Telephone Deerfleld 235--M--1. _ 22 1t Diamond Lake, Hlinois Don't forget the dance given by the merican Legion, at the Libertywille >wn Hall, on Thursday (tonite) eve id 46 _ WANVED--Highest . . @ waid weekly, with part M DIETZS Male Help Wanted IS YOUR AY AND SUNDAY NIGHT DAY AFTERNOON WANTED--Highest at , TAbertyville's choicest at to sell Cope-- 22 1t 21 2t 2000002 0 OSE C CCC C00, TEard, in returning, leaving Milwaukee Ave-- nue southbound at Glen View and east-- erly on Glen View Road to and into Glen View to the intersection of Wau-- kegan Road, thence southerly on Wau-- kegan Road to Dempster Street, in-- Stead of continuing on Dempster Street and Milwaukee Avenue beyond their intersection with said Waukegan Road and Gilen View Road respectively. aoieg mey whis's inromuntion' ar ts ceeding may ormation as tite time and place of hearing on said application by addressing the Secre J Sn HI'mnols mission, Springfield, . * CHICAGO NORTH SHORE AND MIIWAUKTE RAJILROAD COMPANY. soad, thence northerly on Waukegan Road to its intersection with Glenview Road, thence westeriy on said Glen View Road to Milwaukee Avenue, thence northwesterly on Milwaukee 'Awenne to and through Wheeling, and, to reroute petitioner's motor coaches between the Niles Center Terminal on Dempster Street, Niles Center, west-- :rlyfln Dempster Street to Waukegan i NOTICE OF APPLIGCATION TO PATRONS.. OF. THE CHICAGO NORTH SHORE aNp® MILWAU. KEE RAILROAD COMPANY: The Chicago North Shore and Mii-- waukee Railzoad Company hereby nvecnoueethulthsfiledwmntho Illinois Commerce Commission of the State of Illinois apmplication for a cer-- tification of convenience and necessity [vmmm.m Mt!:o bottom we"ll" ':; saine. _2: ily Spinney Eun Farm. Bel-- videre Road and MH#waukee Are. 1t By BRITTON I. BUDD, Presider Chicago, IMinois, May 25, 1927. Attorneys for Applicant. 1143, The Rookery, Chicago, L

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