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Libertyville Independent, 21 Jul 1927, p. 3

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p 7 those on the river by several hun-- dred, ate standing pat on the lOca-- Mon and have enlisted 'the services ot:--Rep. William F. Welise o Wauke gan, who succeeded in getting the bills passed by the legisiature ap propriating the money neoeded to build the dam and repair the old one in McoHenry county, The lake residents claim that the river peopile faled to take care Of their dam and did uot use it to the benefit of all concerned. They: daim that the rtver people permit-- ted farmers to blow up the dam, and that when the water in Fox Lake was high, they refused to hold back any of the water, permitting it to drain off Jeaving Fox Lake aid the other lakes in the chain with a very low level. They state that had Mo propared to start work on construe tion yesterday. And thaum climax the overseer made to Aimea's meeting held in Zion at Grace Mis-- sionary chureb last--week which méet-- ings were attended by many of the mmuufi'mmumu:: asg ag rs along the lake shore. That he scems very determined along this line was shown forcefully hutflkhmwgbflo'u'm Zion Tabernacle morning --at one of the meetings being held in connection with the Feast of Taber-- nacles now in progress in Zilon. At that time Voliva delivered a vi clous attack upon Aimee McPherson, the California evangelist whose vari-- ous escapades and prominence in re-- liglous matters have attracted world-- wide attention. Not only did the Gverseer, according to "reports, call Mrs. McPherson a she--devil but he gare a lengthy description of her es-- ecapade in Mexico in the sensational ous mistake in attending Aime0's|a) the wa meeting and he served notice on heard that that all of his tollowers who attended | jiying at 1 Aimee's meetings would be given un--| ppo gay til this morning to walk<up to the| cnaries P platform in the Zion Tabern@acle, 40-- | jonce they Tef mesting and aod thet thiy wery [ _Dittuth« kept up "sorty they did so" and give addi-- m',t,,ed th: All those of his taith wno do not conform to this ultimatum according to the overseer are to be ousted from the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in Zion and there will be no Must Admit Error The overseer did not mince words when he told those of his own faith that he thought they had made a seri-- tional pledges of their allegiance to socalled kidnaping case which occu-- pled public attention months ago.--_ water in the Fox--river and the chain of lakes through the western section of Lake county. * According to local residents who own property on the chain of lakes, propose to have an outside evangelist or outside religilous -- propagandist come into his sacred confines in Zlon and try to attract any of his followers to their standard no matter whether it be a woman ifstead of a man. "YOU CAN'T SERVE TWO MASTERS--ME OR AIMEE®" SAYS YOLVA McHenry counties looms today over the location of the new state built dam to be constructed in the Fox river to regulaste the lovel of the Overseer Gives Traitorous Fol-- lowers Chance to Say They're Sorry or Out They go. Lake and -- McHenry Counties Opposed Over Location of Fox River Dam. : "One cannot serve two masters at the same time. Those who at-- tended Aimee McPherson's meet-- ings to hear what she had to say substance what Overseer Wilbur Glenn Voliva, overiord of Zion has told his people in a sensation-- awmum Overseer V a of Zion doesn't LOANS ABOUT SAME :| _ =o0= oc ragr -- _drive the || ~ as onr yEAR 160 DEMURRERLOST _ LA SAtEET |=:ksgmaxs se | . INHOLECASE McCormick Motor Sales: |}= | gages, 105. the Indlmpohs PRECIPITATES A 2 COUNTY FIGHT Pacemaker at 1 _ Total aumber of instruments Then came a tip that EHaton had fled to Aurora. Off she went on that clue and lfinally the. erring hbubby ;l:n b:hc.:ed by n:ueoneu. Now he county bearing, having been brought mu-,wu- nesday by Deputy H. A. Doolittle. 'm«ufl'm instance, it is reported that Mr. Cool-- idge is personally writing a draft of a farm bill which will be a compromise and designed to xtn the radical measures provposed certain orgart ized farm groups. ; « It is expected that the radical eit-- ment in the Senate and House will Rugene Meyer and his associates as Board, which en-- wd'thl\'i:znmm opposition is based on the fact that If the steam{fitter had not-- aroused her furies before he left homs he still might have been enjoying untram-- meled freedom with his pipes ~and «rencheos. 4# . But the wite turned detective and had 'to be reckoned with.= She came all the way to Waukegan when she heard that he was working here and living at 117 Washington street, _ Sheriff Margraff, of Joliet, was ask-- ed to keep on the lookout for the man. Mrs. Eaton took a room in Chicago to direct activities . from thera. Disgruntled because, the uhsr- iff did not apprehend the man away she kept urging him on. . -- _ Mrs. Ida Eaton, of Hast St. Louis, II1., hardly comes in such a class but she is downright provoked over -- the tact that her husband, F.oyd, a steam-- titter, abandoned her and forgot about a little matter of alkmony -- In add+ tion. Floyd t --her before he left ho-o.mowmrmu'meoboo- The day before she and -- Deputy Charles Krueger reached his resi-- dence they found that he had left. Disturbed® but: patient, the woman kept up the-- search. In~time~ she learned that Eaton had gone to Jolict. She discovered this when he tele graphed back for money to a friend of his. By A. K. BOWES, Asa't. Secretary Ts o oo o Tok c on es < ag en e o of Security Title & Trust Co. Snihigttimme Business 'Of the Recorder's Office!| Attorney Geo. W. Field, who Fri-- foruowczondmzlulyu.lm. day argued 'a demurrer tm the case Number of conveyances filed, 270.--|of Arthur Holt against Clara Harcq Numbeér of Chattel Mortgages, 30. .|Jon the grounds that --the bill : for Number of Trust Deeds and Mort |accounting was not a matter -- at Some one, at sometime, wrota "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Washington, July 20.--It is gener nettions. -- 'The --raysshrdiuuhrdluuu ally conceded here that the presence ntctions, They are serving under re-- of President <Coolidge in the Middle cess appointments. R Wwest, his frequent 'conferences --with. <The Federal District Court of Phil-- those interested in the farm problem,--adeliphia has pumped > life into the may soften but never--stops the blows "slush fund" issue. The court held that critics of the administration 'will that it was without jurisdiction in the alm at his policies at the next session mmmmmmm of Congress. 'The action of the farm ate of tht States to determine Wu&mufih.-g'-bWMM demanding the enactment of the Mo Congress automatically ended. on mmmmmm w 4. 'If this court is sustained, not calculated to bring peacé and har;there will be no escape for the Reed According to reports in Zion, Jo-- seph Danks, a blind Zion man who has been a member of the Voliva church was one of those who attended Aimee's meetings and reports had it that he also attended her mesetings in Chicago sometime ago. ~According to reports it was on Friday that Mr. Danks, who has been lHving in the Bethel home in Zion was visited by one of the Apostles and told that un less he was among those who went up to Voliva's platform and asked for-- giveness this morning he would have to move out of the Home, declared Voliva. S In short the overseer felt that the u-olmleonotoraulomm his people should be given to under stand that they could have but one leader who must be the general over-- seer of the church, if it is to survive. As a result of his ultimatum de-- Uvered Friday morning a number of those of his church who 'attended Aimee's meeting were said to haye gone up to the platform this morn-- ing, acknowledge their wrong, beg: 'ging the overseer to forgive them and thus continue their membership in the Rworg bave it that Mr. Danks, al-- though he is totally blind declardée that he would not conform to the overseer's request and was making arrangements to move from RBethel Home and take quarters elsewhere. Reports are that Danks did not join Aimee's church but has been studying her ideas sn religion for sometime past, therefore his interest in attending her meetings. church. turther eo-'lmuo- of their WQMAN. NEMESIS 0F HEUSRAND, IS SEEKING ARREST Mrs. Ida Eaton of East St. Louis, Comes to Waukegan in Search of Spouse. eS sin ced' 38 Blind Man Ousted Recorder's -- Office! Attorney Geo, W. Field, who Fri-- e O t me Letter d':o';' --«In place of an annual license fee, re h"prdlouormommotml fertilizer manufacturer supplies in i --«--«--. | linois, a tag Js required for eack 8. O | package.© This is intended to enabl¢ "':r more thoro enforcement of the 300 ) the! rions of the act that provides fo1 area of forests needtd as a part flood prevention and control. and was lying on the ground, is ... | formation, three planes in each two now in Victory Memoria} > hospital. TWO cmmo cm i" cm Ms 'hulzz the other al: His condition is considered favorable at Green Bay Road and --| vianes, also in the same formation. and Dr. Frederic Besley has stated T ¥ It was an inspiring dight as the that the wounds will not leave the wenty--second St. . ;lg:n mntla':u. fiying about 1,000 to constable lame. & mss height, passed over Wau-- He wa® employed by the Channel|. TWO men were badly cut and bruis| kegan. uk.m.em.mudmummm'mm It was reported after the planes body has Gontributed $175 to date. | H¢ally wrecked at about 8 o'clock this|flew over Waukegan that one plane They have seen but few of the res--| MOrning in Green~ Bay road near|of the escort, a De Havilland, had idents of the community. Tha An--| Twenty--second .street, No. Chicago.|}made a forced landing just souhtwest tioch Businessmen have $150 and&| When Wendell DeMuth, 956 North|of North Chicago in a field near the have just started on their campaign,.| Massoit avenue, Chicago, and W. T. | Telegraph road. Russell Swift, Daliy In all there is $32%5 for the consta | Winn, 3026 Franklin boulevard, Chi-- aucutatorm Lakes, -- stated ble who refused to be cowed by the m.al"hqw that he was informed that the engine gunman and-- his party. Winn wae taken to Dr. Bu office | went dead and the pilot made a neat The jackpot is being taken up to | fOr treatment 'and DeMuth and his |forced landing. -- No one was injured. defray his hospital bills, doctor's ser--| datughter were taken to the VICtOFY | _ [ _ --------a--f omm s ; DEMURRERR LOST >\ aRa ts stt s ~ _ WiTWLARCN \ LV was hit head on by the DeMuth car | TB LARCE IN HOLT CASE ='=za «mt ow s ous| ie | MA wimei nogside down with him pinned undere| Otto Kranz, of Halt--Day, who was is dominant, is bound to hbhavre an ef-- In addition to 'the voluminous date now being -- prepared -- by Secretary Hoover's committee for presentation to Congress next session, will be a survey by the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture. This sur-- ¥ey will bring together all available BITD 1 T _4 ' P .l ® ' ':uumu&a:'ma -., WO' M.""" The approach of the Presidentila elec-- tion, in which fiomu: it domminant. is bound to hbave an Lake are bent on raising --&a sum for Constable Stanley Thompson, of An-- tloch, who shot it out with Raiph Barnett, ~Chicago ~ gunman, ~Sunday, July 10th, putting six shots through the gunman's hbheart. -- through the gunmans heart. Thompson;; who did not shoot un-- til he was wounded in each aunkile, "slush fund RAISE JACK POT FOR CONSTABLE This law replaces the former reE-- ulation -- regarding 'the.. <guaranteed analysis of commercial fertilizer and the licensing of the articles eold as such, chiefly in this one particular: In place of an annual license fee, re gardless of the volume of trade a fertilizer manufacturer supplies in 1i linois, a tag Js required for eack package.© This is intended to enable more thoro enforcement of the 200 tions of the act that -- provides fot proper representation Aand the pre vention of the sale of fraudulent Antioch Has $150 and Channel Lake $175 Thus Far; May terest -- in the ~announcement -- Lhat commercial fenrtilizers must bear & tag obtained by the manufacturer or dealer from the state department of agriculture before they can be sold legally in IMlinois. This pro vision Wwas contained in a bill signed fertilizers. Incidentally it is expect ed to create addiional revenue to NEW LAW WILL _ RESULATE SATF OF FERTT [ZER by --Governor Replaces Former Regulation Regarding Guaranteed An-- alysis of Product. Residenits of" Antloch InY WLOL L TA M D A L E Y N. E. A. Corcespondent Lake county farmers are much in ubh J Au "" torneys to gbandon the plea for cle| . Lieuts. Lester J. Maitland and A!-- g * mency. _ ~.;| > bert Hegenberger, heroes of the first Barrett 'was ohnce questioned in| non--stop flight from . California _ to CON wmmmwu-.mmmvmmmflm ynd s ward J, Slaughter, who was trict of Waukegan at 11;:30 o'clock by four men and seriously w today. Thonsands of local residents § ; by revolver bullets, -- _ saw a formation of eleven planes pase-- That leaves iptouuum ing over the city but at the time did enniluae inss . _1 Barrett and that is Ih federal | not know it was the Pacific flyers. -- be Large Amount. ) Channel | . Awo men were badly cut and bruis-- | kegan. i and this| °4 and two automobiles were prac| It w _ to date. | lically wrecked at about 8 o'clock this| flew o f the res.| morning in Green~ Bay road near | of the The An.| Twenty--second .street,. No. Chicago.| made : campatign. | Massoit avenue, Chicago, and W. T. | Telegr 20, upside down with him pinned undere|. Otto Kranz,sof Halt:Day, --who was neath it.--He was held under the car |DPicked up last week in Graye Lake for . about 15 minutes before help |by State Policeman -- Lyle . Litweiler came and released him. --__~=~ ----\_Jand Jack.Daley, was charged with lar Chief of Police Frank Tiffany de-- |ceny on a warrant issued before Jus: clared that (indications 'muWMwn; Lit« Two men were badly cut and bruis | kegan. ed. and two automobiles were prac--| It was reported after the planes tically wrecked at about 8 o'clock this flew over Waukegan that one plane morning in Green~ Bay road near|of the escort, a De Havilland, had Twenty--second street,. No. Chicago.} made a forced landing just souhtwest when Wendell DeMuth, 956 North|of North Chicago in a field near the Massoit avenue, Chicago, and W. T. | Telegraph road.-- Russell Swift, Daliy Winn, 3026 Franklin boulevard, Chi-- |Sun agent at Great Lakes, _ stated m.m"hq%mmhmmm_ that the engine Winn wase taken to Dr. office | went dead and the pilot made a neat for treatment 'and DeMuth and his |forced landing. No one was injured. Speculation is rife as to who will be the sdccesser of the treasurer. The board has the power under the law to appoint a successor in such a case until the fiext county or next precint »election. While the states attorney is f'lgn'tnybntltvfllh:hm "Wil} the George --Bairstow or the Bracher case be tried first?" . "I can't say to that.. it is a matter that wili have to be met when the time comes," he deciared. «He will not wait until Oct. 1, he W"u p "I that <the jaw allows us calling a jury to hear the case prior to the next regular panel in October," he stated. + "We are going to make sure of our ground and then go anead," bhe con-- ground and then go anead," he COD--| peyond the entertaining power--of his cluded. attraction, we must admit, is a real mwflmmm ard observed, after having a"real, live, ing him 'for action. -- .. ... |theatrica} bookingagency representsa "They are sore; pretty sore," B€|tiyg actuaily decline to contract with sttled. state fair for the presentation of "They are being jumped by peopl®|pig act. "These showmen," Stanard through the county and in turn are|rinds, "are seldom 'shrinking vio-- coming to me to demand action," the | j§},»» 0 -- prosecutor deciared. *"This theatrical friend of mine There is little question in the COUD--| went with me out to the fairgrounds, ty building but what Bracher's vact:|and looked over the gigantic grand-- tion started 'the trouble. There had |atand, now nearing completion. En-- been murmur's prior to that but it i# vyisioning the immense audience that beli ed that these would have died |;; wij; seat .this agent sadly declined out had the treasurer remained at bils im imb "Stanard" he said. "vou'd wmu&nd that is in m""hfl ore Commissioner Glass. he and two others are 'charged % attempts to intimidate two girls who are witnesses in government cases. TWO HURT AS CARS CRASH HEAD ON IN GREEN BAY ROAD not certain he believes that as ap pointment might run until the--next regular eflnuy election, aimost three and a half years from now, or until the state election next fall. p With Bracher there were fra Pear-- sall, Harold Martin, Caleb Busick and Clark Nye charged with conspiracy to embezzle. Chicago, July 190. --Benjamin . J. Barrett, of Chicago, one time pal of "Big Tim" Murphy and who served a BARRETT WINNER Judge Wm. Fetzer, of Chicago, Dismisses Promoter of the Police History. Asks 30 Days to Clean u Shortage and Then Will be Ready to Resign. CHER IS TO TIME TO SETTLE SEEMS LACKING €5. for he went with me out to the fairgrounds, and looked over the gigantic grand-- stand, now nekring completion. En-- visioning the immense. audience that it will seat .this agent sadly declined the job. "Stanard," he said, "you'd better book Ernie Young's revue-- ;:"tet just len't big enough for the With this frank advice, from a com, petitive firm, the fair. management contracted for the Young revue, fo! the week, August 20--27. ~It is acknow-- ledged as the biggest outdoor "gi:l 1d, NL, July 9.--"A job of uMfloufl&Mhufll that a booking--agency representative declines to accept It, realising it' is Lieut. Snyder's flying cireus will be the aerial feature of~ the-- program. This season, the plucky flyer who thrilled Illinois state fair--crowds last year, has a new fiying companion-- a lady performer who makes a para-- chute leap at 3,000 feet, changes froin a speeding motorcycle to the plane, and does all manner of bréath--taking, stunts on the wings of the plane. -- Bome seem to think that Snyder, in mwwmméme.. is endeavoring to© bring -- about the abrupt dissolution of the combination, by 'the sudden and 'messy demise of pened to pang shorlly aites the neer }m Winn had .m&m his 'ed about the eyes and forehead. His car' m'%'mu wreck. ---- . Six Hurt in Wreck -- ... Bix were injured»today when : two cars crashed on .Green.Bay road in front of the P. D. Armour estate at Lake Forest. 'Joe Verdnoch had four teoth knocked out and . Harry Ver-- donck suffered injuries to his chest. They <were attended by . Dr. T. =S. Proxmire, Lake Forest.. Mike, D., and : Mrs. Irman Verdonck, all in: the same car, were slightly injured. They live at 2735 Thalman avenue, Chica-- g'cdu. A;w rw:hb' g;kafi + te. machines, the. sheriff reported, : were x hwlo Sideswiped: B.--W. Franopton; Chicago, and-- R. K. Plerce, Zion, had an accident to-- ;hvnwg'rqnmm"tho;suu line. © Pierce car was sideswiped and $5 in damage doge to a tire, The show' in the business. From the new stage, with its modern equipment, this feature attraction will be ab'le to pre-- sent a performance in keeping with the occasion--the inauguration of the greatest grandstand in North Amer ica, at the lilinois state fair. It will be one of the outstanding acts of the augmented free attraction program in-- creased this year by additional ap propriation to twite its former size. having any such> intentions. led by ten army planes which wore to fly with them all the way to Mil-- waukee. 'The planes were in wedge * They remalaed in Chicago out . * & Aago & few hours and then changing their small plane at the municipal air field for a glant tri--motored plane, similar to the one in which they made the flight over the Pacific they started the return trip--to Milwaukee along the north shore. ' -- The Pacific flyers were accompan-- PACIFIC FLYERS, WITH ESCORT OF lilinois State Fair Boss Books Young's Revue as a Fea--«-- Maitland and Hoegenberger arrived SHOW AT THE FAR| R n/~ 7--Passenger Phacton $1600 LAKCEN Brougham ... . . 1575 TV A A AF RWVWALAV 7--Passenger Sedan . . 1850 w Y¥,»~JULY 21, 1927. denies $ se in o t mt . 0. )8 The level of Lakes Michigan and Huron rose .29 foot from May 31 to June 30, acording to the government report. --~This increase is 25 per cent Figures based on the monthly re-- port of the United States lake survey bureau g' last week thow that during Lake Michigan gained 135,461,368.627,200 gallons. Higher Than it --Was a Year Ago Survey Made by Gov-- ernment Discloses. Dopoe Brotners.In t . Te utatia i LEVEL RISES IN . JWUNE, U. S. FINDS All prices f. o. b. Detreit, mfi:fl"&. % IUDSON excels _ _ 1 _--_-- HUDSON itself _ JAMES MORROW & SON <' .. IMIP 150 . *~6 So. Genesee Street Phone 5100 :"; a duu, it l.licnw & £ NNR ZJ LA wvv&;'-"u "--a'i-' & Pis m. '~***_ efficiency wer, smoothness and long motor s mmeflp:l&h" our knowledge. iA a2 * % iss ean pinen C This'newc&mpmio invention adds a further in efficiency byattu:ily ::nv;flnz l.xitherto :-'u heat into useful power.. With the Super--Six Principle, which converts to use-- ful power, éneg'ythat in other typenislo:?nvibn- tion, the new Hudson invention combines the highest should enter the lake from rainfall ; or streame during that period." | -- Reports from the other lakes show that Lake Superior gained-- .37 f3ot Lake KErie .25 foot and Lake Ontario .16 foot d@uring June. | Effect on Sewage Canal "The Chicago sanitary -- district takes 8,500 cubic feet of water per gecond from the lake to carry its sewage down the drainage canal--At that rate it would take--eight months for the canal to exhaust the June "The area of Lake Michigan is €624,476.160,000 square feet," said Mr. Ramey, after covering two. large sheets of paper with figures. A rise of .29 foot in the lake level means an increase in yrolume of 181,098,086,-- 400 cubic feet. There are 748 gal-- reau's report, H. P. Ramey, aesistant chief engineer for the Chicago sant tary district, yesterday drew a few conclusions. «& ¥First Critic----Whst 10--you think of rauy= i4r Adorirg t » Devii * but is «"ng of Satan. @if% WAUKEGAN ILLINOIS W:fi- He o and appear 1 afternoon in Zion _ "She, apparently, it was motor O6fl as 4 her," ~Brune E4 Rosch told the . Conrad A. Brune, : two pints of HUquor. *"What's in-- that?" he asl ing the question at Rosch's MOTOR OIL | TO BF of . it k it tacle <% *k J!'.?"!- s**

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