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Libertyville Independent, 21 Jul 1927, p. 6

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" tage, has been revised upward--in pro-- -- portic wto the increased appropria E:': pr #mum'mu & Jeals will be retmbursed to the & $1,000 they will receive $750 provides $1,300 or place of 40 per cent. Of ~® in payments in excess of cent is now obtainable : § ftunds in place of 30 pé?f ' bents ts Sxls{ing laws that ut thes additional apportion-- lenry Paulson and wite to E. J. lody, WD $10. Lot 13 Felters e f Subn. a k GV'Mmdwmt%l J. , WD $10.= Lots 14, 156--and Lake Catherine Subn. ¥..Ciminello--and wile to & J ks 'Co. to E. Jj '---Vl NE gr. Sec. 12, 'ii:;¢ s, ' and ) wD $ Lotg Cathe Subn. NE T Co. to E. z> (:' w 12' P Bllek and «:: 0e. WBLE & SRURT Co. 4 H1, Waukegan. #% _ ve No. 4 % Feaa «t e e an t e e 'v""_. osing and wife to Albert ie, WD $500. _Lot 26 Blk 2. # Subn. Sec. 23, Grant. H.~ artlett to J. Posinski and k §10. Lots 2 to 11 Blk 3, Holts , Bee. 24, Libertyville. & E T Co to Peter Limper, D wX 35, Sunset Manor, Sec. 27. ¥. Raust-- and wile to Nottle E. Sec. 12%, Antioch and wite to E. J. Car-- -- _ Lots $ and 4, Felters . _ aAd@ Wile to B J -- Car-- m LOt 7 Felters Lake QCD, $10. Lot 3, Blk 40 High-- , WD $10.. Lot 1 Resibn of s and bhusband t "E ar i Kelloggs Subn. Sece. 10 and itional Bank of Waukegan . D $10.-- Blk 6, Kek-- Tower and wite to F. M "mband,wnflfi.fllkl Lot 11 Felters Lake Cath 8n*®%n 6. Corr and wite to F. C# + $2.. SE quarter SE quarter ike to :c wa.' 'g'rnnn and . 8 k and witc to Magdatona NW quarter See 8, Subn. gStraub to L. in and wife to E. J. Car-- $10. ~Lot 12%, Felters Lake L. WD $10. Lot 10 Felters «TL, .July 16.--Hlinois i jJon of, providing, _ support for county and t faics, --than ~any the-- Union. For the 1928, 1$440,000 is avail a. Sits =u@bn. Se--. 1_'. Co. to W. W. Hawker mm 9, Blk 4, Brani-- terrace, Sec. 22. lnid down by the law and @ by the state department K1 and wife to Bertha $10.. Blk. 3%, Washburn and wile to B. Wet '&uwfi. NE quarter, bking to T. B Man-- E frel hf NW frel gr. to Robert Wiebking, ;'W frel gr. Sec. 10, i to G_H Biddick, WD M%Zcmmw & and wife to _ G. $1. SE ar. Sec. » HMlinols Association of mirs. Its officers are Small, president; A. W. , vice--president, and S. en Iny one to K.J. Citmoiy, °D a and wifte to C. H QCD $1. Part"Blk 2%0 a and wife to F N. 1 wife, WD $10 Bik in Country. rt of premiums that trom state tfunds.-- STATE FAR to R --. Antioch, R. T.« Dowell, frcl halt Yec 3 Subn. wife to E. H. L Sehneider & wt to F. R.Mce-- Veity & wf WD $10. Lots 3, 4 and 5, Bik ~60, H. PK. H. L Schneider & wft to W. P. Kelly & wt WD $10.> Lots 3, 4 and 5, Bik 60, H. PK. mwr'xgz.»mn.mm & wi--wWD $10; Lot:1, Blk 26, Little N. W. Adams & wt to E. J. Car-- }}o'm 1. Howard Pk Subn, See 38, rant. E. E. Lawrence & wt to A. Koenig & wt WD $600.. Pt Sece 34 and 86, Antioch. R. H, Morrow & w# to M. L. Kirby, WD $10. _ Lot 3, Corys Addn to Wkgn. cemetery. ar I. Mileska & wt to J. Kutzsler & wt WD $1. Lot 94 Wadsworth Subn See "'n.nwu to A. Dyniewics, QCD , to : $1.. SW ar SE qr Sec 31, Fromont. P. Sroczynski & wt to H. A. Dynie wicz QCD $1.. SW ar SK_ ar Sec 31, Fremont. 3 * Barah Cohn & husb,, to T. Jensen, WD. $10.=-- NW ar SW ar See 20, ~M. McAuley, to H. F. Brown, WD $10. NE ar SW ar Sec 18, Avon. . A. E. Philyaw & wt to C. E. Robin-- son, WD $10. NE ar NE ar Sec 20, of Lake Forest, to H. Miller :% Lot 1, Blk 5, Lake Forest son WD $10. Lot 127, nw-aumt Addn Lakeside Subn, Sec 19, Fre First Add to Lakeside Subn, See 19,, * Bee 30 x.wono. numun,mm §. M. Tilly widow, to E. Olski, WD tens. : 0. "Lot 11 Resuba Bik 12 Third Add | Philemon Cad mt it M t and that HabNity of Smaill in this cause is solely for interest re-- eetred by other defendants in the suits. of the state. ing to the political enemies of Governor SmaJll h*d"h'z conviction at any eost, victory with Governor SBmall > Not content with the court verdict county. This suit was carried to the state supreme court and an accounting in chancery was ordered. In this it was necessary to make an examination of books of several hundred-- banks scattered over the state in which state tunds were deposited. Five Yeirs of Ruthicas Political Perse-- sutlion Ended by Sacrifice of Poer-- time to time this sum was scaled down by those active in the prosecution of the suits. It became appareht to the rvoters of the state the action was persecution rather than prosecution. Despite of all of the animus possible voters of the state were not deceived. cution Ended by Sacrifice of Po sonal Fortune for Protection Claims of more than s STATEMENT OF ATTORNEY GENERAL CARLESTRONM "No one aas ever contendec that there was any evidence is the record that Len Smaill per sonally recei ed any part of the interest earnings on the o--calle¢ packers' notes and n state tha: tact and give it formal expres recogrition of the state of th« reeor< as made by the evidence that consti.uted a sliiople act tairness that one should not lack *ha «ourage to do." ~ intrigue Unequalled in State nds Te rister; Political erucifizion of was the aimn o both RLReIGILTTETE-- K4 «4 Wt low T. Riordan and wife et al to Anna| --Union bank of Chgo to F*. M. Schule-- Riordan. QCD $1, Lot 488, J. L mann.am-mnm-nud Shaws Third sub on Fox Lake. $10.~ Lot 11, (A, -- Lake -- Forest 6. .T. Hints and hus to F. Miller| Heights, Sec 8, Deerfleld. . and wife it tens: WD $10. Lot 4,]| E. H. Luby & wf to B. Threde WD Villa Parr sub, Sec 32, Lake Villa. = Pt of NW ar of NE ar of Sec xc. urnwnDt:u:.mudmg:m es t Wt tens. X8 Villa Park |~ Gray % Bradley. Bub, Sec 32, Lake ViHla. _ . |$10. Lots 15 and 18, bik 38. 'Wash-- -c.mmmm.wamynm.um;%m & :ghunntuél. WD $10. >Lot 1 Jlkr'grgwht:m t addn to--C. Larkins Duck Lake Deed $10. .. a._ :'rk."lo%fl.mm S s ¥. H. Bartiett to E. Barker and . 88, -- wife # tens. Deed $10. . Lot 3,| :P. A. Poterson and wife to J. bik 53. Bartietts North Shore Ke--| Mackey and wife Jt tons. WD $10. H. Frank and wife to Sadie Frank WD $10. Lot 148, J. & Shawsa sub, NW ar of Sec--18, Avon. Stripes sub, Wkgn. | -- . _--=_--, _ Mary Lunt to Catherine Fitzgeraid QCD $10. Wly 100 ft of lot 3, blik ncé%cfi&n'm. QCD $1. ar Wign. J. J. Burke & wt to E. B. Scheidler & wt WD $10.. Lots 51 and 52%, Corys Addn Little Ft. + R. P. Stupey and wife to P. Rog glani. WD $10. Sundry lots in bik 2, in Comptons addn to Highland C. A. 'Crawford and wile to L WD $10. NE ar SE ar See 7, Fre any sum or sums of money whatsoover as in public funds for Bs tTn & oo s Wfifl----m"u-f'flunm s oo ae o is in on Pol in it Snt uitionm tore Sapmiet mad mss t twice the amount any other state Treasurer acoounted for. The therefore, into the treasury is $1,100,000. _ This is at rate of about fve nfl?flu&%""nh,d"cfiu'.'-d,h"d the rate usually received on public funds. % k ""i';.;;':;';;::a'z" to treasucy the sam of $960,0008 in wecordanse with ths domes af the Circuit Court of Sangamon § s K In the words of the on which the Gecree this 5e eelved by others" ---S':"u«-u- Sails to the .fi # any wam or sums of money whatepover ss in en 4j ® Excseds 90 Yoar Porled. --_ ; 'Taking into consideration today's payment, I have Iinto the treasury more interest than all state mu&dnfimmw'mrhhw.mhm.fi beginnping of my term in 1917. mxmwmmmmpm-u--uuncummm available for deposit an average balance more than twice as great as which existed during my term. treasurers is that mine has been the on!r case in which the courts have held the treasurer personally Hable for profits made by the banks in which money was deposited. 'The rule thus originated in my case, will not, in my opinion, because 0o: its manifest injustice, ever be appliecd again. .reasury, and it never beloriged to the state; none of it has--ever been received by moas 'nterest on public funds. # Although the burden of this payment has fallen heavily on me, 1 reallse it could not have been me had it not been for the loyal, consistent support given to me by those who favored an honest, efficient administration of state affairs in the interest of the people; and I wish also, at this time, to thank the many thousands who by voluntary contributions have aided in part in lightening the burden sand in ~aking pos#ible this payment. ¢ wilo . e s .. This sum of $650,000 is not being "paid back" into the state treasury, it has nover been in the state 0 THE PEOPLE OF IL interest Received by Others : ; nt to State Made Possible by Assistance of Loyal Friends The Peoples Tr & 8 Bank to B. Mayer & wt jt tens Deed $10. Lot 61, Hields Lake Forest Ravine Park um'nm&'acwmiu.mscm.. wite s Deed $10. wu.&& Lake -- Forest Heights, Sec 8, Deerflield. .. B. H. Luby & wt to B. Threde WD $10. --Pt of NW ar of NE ar of Sec of SW ar of Se ar of Sec 20, Wkgn. lan. 'Dm.x.st's.ukl.'u» shore Park sub, ar of Sec 29, _ '~WD $10. Lot 133%, Mc P efay. Wgk+ E': $ m" ul m. " W. A. Ray and wife to 'A. E. Dyer and wife it tens. WD $10. Pt of flhtorllgumul'unon. C -- 4. &T to O. Ritchis. Doed _ ;e. Gold and wife to A. F. :1 bien. WD $10. Lot 5, bik 57 --_¥. Wilkinsoh and wife to M. 1 ley.. WD $10. Lot 127. De Gages Lake sub, Sec 30° Warr Wvé.'l"--& T Covt;-}"ir x. .unkamkyP and wife jt tens. Deed $72%5. Lot 25, blk 14, resub of --pt of Wken High-- _A --Czsub and wife to P. M. Czer-- niak. WD $10.. Lot 15, and N hf of lot 16, blk 3, Winslows addn to Ham mond, . Ind. «J. F. Goldschmidt to J. Gold-- nh%u and wife Jt tens. QCD $10. ?_!'_ lot 18, 8 Trs sub,. Sec 16, man Lumber Co. WD $10. Lot 1, bik 2, Meakins sub, Sec 16. Wkgn. O. Sandstrom to W. Topel and A. Rosknfeldt. WD $10. Lot 1% Tr Lumber Co. WD $10. Lot 16, E. M. Governor aof Hlinols LEKN SMALIJ, ILY¥.:21, 1927 Y . ano IACL 18 thal in nine Cases | $10. s of ten an afterhour call is not | gan. urgent," declared Dr. B. N. Par--| A. menter, of Lake Forest "It may | cek be a case of some chronic complaint Lots M-hu:"mnunmt:n: . Aaext * or e some trifling m't'l'.." poe 'm LIBERTYYILLE TICKET OFFICE instead to discourage the m ice of calling physicians in unimportant m:fiqhw:l:;a--ou """The fact is that in nine Canés W. B. Ingroldstad and wife to R. O. Skoog and wife jt tens. WD $350. Lot 104, Pleasant View sub, Sec 24, Grant. a W. B. Ingvroldetad and wife to E. Feichtmeir and -- wife jt tens. WD $10. Lots 56 and 57, Pleasant View Bub. Sec 24, Grant. ~-- M. Krupnick and wife to R. Krup nick. QCD®$1. Lot 30, Hill and Btones Ravine View sub, Sec 31. Deerfield. = G.' E. Bellock to J. W. Baar and wife. WD $10. Lot 33, Petite Lake Park sub, Sec 30, Lake Villa. C_--T. & T. C to F. J. Shelon and wite jt tens. Deed $10. Pt of lot 2. Hamiltons addn to Highland Pk. Nora F. Wiard & hus to H. Porett WD $10. -- Pt Lot 19,, Cory's Addn to Little Fort, now" Waukegan. N. Diamond and hus to E. R. Tai-- ley and wife it tens, WD $10. Pt K. Laund. WD $10. Lot 1, Long Lake eub, Sec 24, Grant. ~ C. D. M. Anderson to J. M. Clem-- ensen. -- WD $10. Lots 79, 80 and menter, of Lake Forest "It maylicek & J. R. Waschek QCD $1 Pt h.nem«mmmhumcuv.mmmum haxt day: of olno ao rimeg mt & C 4 ho Go., 'IF to E. S. Jotfer ; or else some R .. Co., disposition." 4: * |m¢-t.au-noum. Lot 14, Grant. $ W. B. Ingvoldetad and wife Feichtmeir and -- wife jt tens. $10. . Lots 56 and 57, Pleasan Bub. Sec 24, Grant. M. Krupnick and wife to R. nick. QCD®$1. Lot 30, Hi es several years, preceding 1919, g«-_uwmm landsc Highland Park Acre sub, Sec nW.IM wite to #.1 M moo Ip Werren A e to sec 3$0, Warren. K. Land. WD'".%LW Union Bank of C Lake eub, Sec 24, Grant. W. James Deed $10 C. D. M. Anderson to J. M. Clem-- | Sunset Hills Estate r;..wbno.m{loun.lo'mm C vau 18. Isabelle e * imant Bsb 85¢ (I+ | ortee GQCBD #1. -- L Chicago charged $4 for a day call and North Chicago physicians, mem-- bere of this profession in Lake For-- Follow lead of Waukegan Phy-- sicians in Establishment of f New Rates. e Following 'the lead of Waukegan Your Vacation'! DOUBLE FEES FOR -- CALLS IN EVENING Chicago North Shore & WAUKESHA --BEACH «---- omm S NAGAWICKA LAKE a Ay 5 PEWAUKEE_LAKE lR o. > NASHOTAH LAKES SILVER LAKE FOX LAKE DISTRICT L6 M on % %% 2 WHERE TO GO AND HOW TO GET THERE "25"323@':'6','5::., Ne tanmnos!"" ,:"." I\INAUKEGAN vYOLO 1 iTA eam in «such as Sunday Schools, Fraternal Organizations, Conventions or Clubs. The m&'mmumfinwuaffifiwfiawmm&h jaunt. Call upon the Outing and Recreation Bureau, 72 W. Adams St., Chicago. Without charge, they will giadly help you plan your tri% They will tell you where to go, what to do, what to see, how to go, what it costs. Special arrangements can be made for Don't puzzle about Wwhere and how to go for an outing, picni ion or sight--seeimg jaunt. Call upon the Outing and Recreation Bureau, 72 d Mamsgf Chicago. Without ARTLIAIIRARaRIIerX)| KENOSHA LAKE C. A. Newcomb, Jr.. Tr to E. A. Block 107, So. l * * * T ake County . BC Balk to # A. North Deed $10. Lot 16, Block 107, Bo Waukegan. M. A. Behm & wf to Olive E. Nel-- son QCD $10. Pt SE ar of the SW ar of Sec 4, Fremont. Alice E. Nelson to M. A. Behm & wt, jt tens Deed PC SE ar of the SW ar of See C T & Tr Co., to 0. B. Cleve-- land Deed $300. 6, Block 1, But-- ler, Fett & Co.'s Lake Oaks, pt Sec $4, Antioch. $10. Lot 18, Block 74, So Wauke _A Waschek & wf to R. A. Wasa-- sek & J. R Waschek QCD $1. Pt --_ Chicago Tr Co. Tr to The Columbi-- an Country 'Club Deed $10. Pt 8 E gr of See 34 & pt SW ar of Sec 85, Vernon.© ; ' -- Anna Wood, to W. McNutt & wt, Jt tens WD $10. ~Pt Lot 14, Block 12, 1st Addn to Port Clinton, Highland Park, W. Field & wt to E. L. Bergoer & wi, jt tens WD $10. Lot 16, Petitle Lake Park, pt Sec 30, Antioch. N. Brandonisio & wfi to L Bran donisio QCD. -- Lot 16, Hawkins Sub, pt Sec 15, Deertield. E. H. Gray & wt to F. E. Wileon & wfi t tens WD $10. Lots 23 & A. B. Wideen & wf to G. S. Fridley WD $10. Lot 14, 2nd Addn to Selters Sub, pt See 26, Antioch. race, pt Sec 22%, Deerfield. n:.m&vt.mmu al WD $10. Lot 29, Farm Sub, pt sec 30, Warren. a Union Bank of Chgo, Tr to Hattie W,. James Deed $10. Lot 17, Block 7, Bunset Hills Estates, pt Sec 9, Deer-- A. B. Wideen & wf to L Wolff & wif, jt tens $10. Lot 13, 2nd Addn to Selters Sub, pt Sec 26, Antioch. Merchants St Bank QCD $10. Lot 244 Bonnie Brook, pt Sec 5, Wauke gan. C T & Tr Co., Tr to E. Martinez & wi, jt tens Deed $950. Lot 2, Block 12, Marequette Hlands, pt Sec 16, Waukegan. A. J. Hoeft & wf to A. H. Dawson WD $10. Pt NE ar of the SW ar of Sec 35, pt SW qr of Sec 35, Ela. | Isabelle E. Westlake to Pearl Ries Horton QCD $1. Lot 4, Block 3, Mer-- rywood Point, Antioch. E. L Suttie & wf to Ruth Gates WD $10. Pt Lot A. Nirons Sub, pt M. E. Hulse to J. Finchum WD $10. Pt SW ar of Sec 28, Waukegan. T. W. Towler & wf to J. D. Man-- || . . mamoaes . ubyre )J'g"'.:'«"'?,{'z" I| ZION RACINE PORTAGE LAKE L" \"" rwithouavidtbh.fl- St. Mary of the Lake at Mundelein.) Best reached by North Shore line trains. 10 mesepornre P inprontohers to Waukegan or Libertyville; Lake Ti orays """'Lfl \aie: e Fox Lake Resorts, T TfieNorthShan Line trains 4 LakeGeneva, Twin Lakes, * Powers Lake: Take North Shore Line trains to Kenosha; comfortable North Shore Line Motor Coaches operate from there, on regular schedule, to Shore Line to Milwaukee--step into T. M. E. R. & L. trains at door of our Milwaukee ter-- 2* Lakes, Nehmabin Lakes, g'ver Lake, 'l')elfidd. Wauke-- Pevum'ke. Take North i#* ton, Manistee, Hamlin 'Take North Shore Line to Mil-- waukee; Pere Marquette night steamer from there; arrive Michigan next morning. A+* Crystal Lake, Sheboygan, Port Washington: Take North Shore Line to Milwaukee; con-- nections at door of our Mil-- waukee terminal with Milwau-- WD $1. 6 hf SW ar Sec 36, field. J. J. Mililstgne to C. Greer QCD $10. NE gr NE qr Sec 10, 5, Hubers--Resubdn, Highland Park. -- _R W. Watkinse & hus to G. D. Full-- er--~k wt, jt tens WD $10.% Lot 24. Block 3, lst Addn to Ravinia Hiands, pt sec 25, Deerfleld. D.'f.'"&'(otdtow..!. Boott WD $10; Lots 97 & 98, Webb & Jensen Resub, Waukegan. . CB. K.'Ioeh'tldhrtoW. D. Rock-- aftéllar & Luln Bn.rnu,jtteml)eed .lfltu,Bbcku,ZCS.ptza.Ben- « Clara Iverson to A. G. Johnson & wi, it tens WD $10. Lot 38, Shaws Sub, pt Sec 18, Avon. H. L Olesen & wf to Elién C. Bremmer WD $10. Pt Lot 7, Block $9, Highland Park Line ticket office, or at 79 We Monres Streek Armmiin 408 Son (Don't let the summer McCormick Motor Sales drive the LA SALLE Cadillac stand-- ards of service after you buy Company 804 So. Genesee Street this week W# UKEGAN, ILL. it 'tens WD $26,000.00, Lot . A. Lach and wife ¥¥efl.

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