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Libertyville Independent, 21 Jul 1927, p. 8

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_ .. Mirs. Jane Vasey is spending a few _3 '&m, Mrs. Frank 2 --~~-- Hrs. C. f'm of Liberty-- . _ vile spent Wednesday with her sis _ ter, Mrs.: 0. A. Howard. #f _ . Mre. Agnes Hayes has returned to . whe bome of her daughter; Mra/Dell > kor so with relatives in Peoria. Brown and daughter, Le B motored to Waukegan Friday. § Mrs. Al Dizon of. Waukegan spent _ . sB behal -- _ _ on the re« --~'_ WilHamson aes evening |p v 5 rep 3 district, , Wels ; : N _' . Alnols Prc '_ . JB behalf of the I:tnols Press As-- Soclation the editor or the Sun acting _ on the r t of Secretary Hiram . Williams of Springtfield Friday . even ~presented to-- Wikiam . F. § 8. P e. ftrom this the _ Mb district, a very fine Gesk met sent eR Weiss by the Press Association ¥as Mr. Weiss, who, when. the ~~der the law in took them up in _ Wiinois Press Assn. S e nd s ©0e00 0 o o e 0o e 0o 0o o o e00000 0 0 0o o 0o e o o o Hlinois were keenly interested in 'outcome of these bits and Mr. W g'll:'th handling or them 4 the to finishk. «t was only t 3 to Springtfield and caw 1 . _Mr. Weiss had--on his h: -- 4 whoare able to the efforts as put forth Priends over the state. #4 Mrs. Russell Daley spent Friday (ike m rags. : ys this--week with Alico Pfan at Neshkoro, Wis. .'O,.T Howard and Tlizabeth motbred to Rockford last Wed-- near Grayslake., Myer sspent Friday at the mner Bauer at Grays has returned to his Playing memberships for the season at Coun-- tryside Golf Club are now available. The cost is $30.00. 'This membership entitles two members of the family to play at the same time without any other charge. . Remember, too, that in the spacious club-- house, light refreshments are pleasantly serv-- edoutgitlhfllewidevmgé" o. * The Countryside Golf Club announces a spe-- clal rate of fifty cents after 5 p. m. (daylight saving time) on week days. s 7ifie,. ~ COUNTRYSIDE COME AND PLAY Season Membership $30 # .+ 2 C¥ C «w §.~ * his l Pa!orfliwonwuhonhdh' July 21, 1885. At the age of 14 he, with his parents, came to live at Halft Day, later moving to the farm at Apt-- Mrs. C. T. Mason, who underwent a major operation at the Victory Me morial hospital about a week ago, is reported doing well. Last Tuesday afternoon Peter Siev-- ers was buried at the Diamond Lake cemetery, the. Masonic funeral cere-- mony being used. 'The body was brought direct from the undertaking establishment -- in ~Waukegan to the Congregational church at Half Day, where the services were conducted by the Rev. Mr, Walker, of Chicago, The church was filled to capacity with rel-- atives and friends of the deceased, and a large crowd was compelled to Last Tuesday afternoon Pete , PA oo And. one _1 mmmnmmwmmm cemetery, the Masonic funeral cere-- °* * w'm mony being used. 'The body was | S ADU*-- brought direct from the undertaking | °4 Mrs. Dora . 1 establishment -- in --Waukegan to the | ""'»%O2sin, beside Congregational church at Half Day, 229 Other relativ .. Mrse. Jack Cashmore and son, AJbert and daughter, Mrs. Pearl Wambaugh, motored to Waukegan Monday. Velma Fitz and Elizabeth Richard-- son were Grayslake callers Thursday 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0o 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0o 0 o 0o o , nx.mnn.mmzlg ertyville were Sunday visitors Jack Coshmore home. tained friends from Chicago Tuesday. been abandoned by the thieft. Eion|* H4r4ing. They motored here from Mrs,\Walter Franch and Mrs. Frank mumhm:;t Montaria to attend 'the Ivranhoe Re-- m"mwm-mmm.uumummmmug nion. which is to be held Thursday. Cella Rosing motored to Libertyville | Bahling boy Thursday. : i forget the Ladies Aid Bakery Saturday. Bahling, in his confession to the |@&I@ at Englebrecht's Store next Sat-- Mrs. Robert Bracher wa san Anti--| Waukegan police, said he had 4 Afternoon. och caller Monday. at the Zion address for the last Emima Rouse, Bgrt and : Mr. Evelyn Rosing, Gordon Gilbert aha | month and a half. Prior to that time|428 'Mts. Raiph Rouse and family, Bob Lemker of Chicago, spent the{be said he had served nineteen C Muummmm;matm&mwu' . f Mrs. Taube. of Mmbmuschmflm"tm K ~ 8 e t "bma 27. 1927. at 11:30 o'clock, he drove| . 3 } _ _Mr .and Mre. 1 Wise returned on |4way in the Ford touring car that he| -- @JL,UMIMU-- | Her Record," Wednesday night, July 27, at the grammar school, and at the Lake will give a pley, "Corney Breaks Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis are driv-- ing a new Cleveland sedan. Dorothy Daley empent a few days this week--with relatives in Wauconda. Mrs. Dell Richardson and Mre. Ray Ripoberger attended an aluminum demonstration at --the Tromblee home in Grayslake Thursday. 'lumnnootm:tou- cago and son, Indiana, spent Tues-- day at the A. J. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merritt and lr-wtnd Mrs. Milford Smith motored to Waukegan Tuesday evening. Miss EKllen Barrett has returned home, after spending sgix weeks -- in summer school at DeKalb.] | to her home at m;" d Park, after spending a couple Of weeks with Miss Valoise Smith, ftew weeks with his uncle and aun! yA nc .: * o HALF DAY high school on Friday night, X4 KRX o Es e id «' Public Fee Course *X C ks peachable character of Mrs. Jaros. .|Of a grand jury Monday night. It goes in spession Wednesday morning at 10 meneeenntonsmmencommeedenenmmemmmeme s o+ d*ql:'mhflay&ommto Kinley road, who swore out a warrant| When the amount is raised Brach against the men charging them with|or will then tender his resignation Wumma&m , the defertse counsel ex-- ter witnesses testifled to the unim| The sheriff completed nies selection John Sirmone, John Foleson, both of Lake Forest, were fined $50 and costs in Lake Forest Monday morn ing on the charges or Mike laros, Me-- Kinley road, who swore out a warrant Harold MMNMAM w""'""m in the otty. -- Charge; Convicted 'TWo ..\ Haevey, let? inst Phurdes is on 'er" rue; Convicted TWo . ) Hhan?. ist n amenming, io an on OF WAUKEGAN Al t by . a fellow -uh"l'. 4M.RG 9L. AU,, & ml.xol west Of 1J4DOTTY-- I msm that <the man m"_._______________' hi ons Bhadl intierton moone 27_u a° | would recover but that he would be |FOR SALE--Cable piano, like new: | !ll:'twllu reasonable: Phone 538--J. x j NMI&?mmtmmk SALE--Royar .wrlte and £ f y ue. C typewriter * oo smail Crosley radio; priced reason-- ifT]:; .;:; 4; s a=seamamas able for quick sale. Phone 538%--J. _ x :t lu ambu i Lt wHe .ls T 1Pole®, who ruahed Dr. mosaite: ane : | SAVE UNCONSCIOUS | MA N FROM FUMES | : --OF FLOOR PAINT volunteered and not asked by Roy," $52,000; EXPECT REMAINDER SOON Twenty--six Friends t His Support m_uo'g' of 9 police explained that the in-- employed by Brand brothers, according to 1 , VNCONSCIOUS 4U om Poison Fumes. nch, Highland P ark ', Unconscious 40 Min. to death Thursday when he sclous from the fumes of John Gosswiller 4s entertaining o little grandsons of Highland by acaree s on on e s W feuin: Snd TR oo n ols ol 'covering a Lioor in | new system, 2 burners; 1 oven; .i . ¥. Templeton, High-- jroaster; 2 wash tubs and other furni-- ¢ ture. Call at stand corne rof Lake unconscious. for forty |and Maple Ave. _ _ --~ _ _" '_' 3@ 4% MILLIE lfim bu. good wheat at mar-- '-- _ ket price, and 2.gray teams, weight veneer folding opera chairs, in good condition. Auditorium Theatre, Liber-- tyville, Illinois. £ 28 4t SHBATS FOR SALE--Several hundred FOR SALE--Standing alfalfa and tim-- othy hay. Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St. Rd., 2 miles west of Liberty-- WOR SALE--York saxaphone, E flat baritone, satin silver finish, with case; 'excellent condition. Address ASW, care Independent. 28 2t acres timothy and alfalfs. -- Louis Ruschewski, Lake Villa, I!I, Box 108. Phone Lake Villa. 148--/W--1. 28 2t FOR SALE--Or will cut on shares, 15 woss Park on August 17. The dance hall will also be used and an enter taining program is planned. At the meeting of the County Coun-- cil of the American Legion in North Chicago last night, plans for the an-- nual meeting of the council were tak-- en up. 'The meeting will be in the form of a basket picnic to be held at lcudlmn'etuuotthoflzht arm when she fell in a boat at Im, M'.' Sflcflloon. She was standing in a row boat when it was pushed from the shore. She was brought to the Victory memo-- rial hospital where che was given attention by Dr. L. G. Brackett. COUNTY LEGION TO ~~PICNIC AUG. 17 Although thousands» of pleasure-- seckers disported in tme waters of the lakes in Lake county no drownings were reported over the week--end, ac eording to Dr. J. L. Taylor, county coroner. % The coroner also reported that with the exception of one geath in Wauke-- gan there were no tragedies due to Lnu:mnano accidents in the county, another fact unusual over the week-- end in Lake county. -- o Due to the warm weather over the week--end many thousands of persons from Chicago and other communities zflhmflmmummm to the lakes in this --county and traffic on the highwaye was unusually "u is the greatest work,1 know of io: | Fon mpepp reerempsr e mm ' 3 y 'or | FOR one business man to carry on." 8. --Milwaukee: Ave. Pm.:"'-'d' Saturday, July %8, the Ladies Aid 29 1t Engelbrecht store. These sales help FOR RENT--Modern flat, corner of to make housekeeping easy. G:fil'lnntuln.ndmrm.;m- mmmdun'woa. gfl_m:mm:wm'&neu Mrs. +~Nellie Patterson, aged 50 service. The principal address wil be given by Fred H. Seger, of Waterloo, lowa, on "My Work Witg Boys." _ First church at 11:15 £. m. Addres "'Wn-n'fimm"olm at Ivanhoe.* Mr. Seger is a former Ivanhoe '%,:nd has had unusual success in work. He has gath-- ered hundreds of boys of his city into PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH (Ivanhoe Church and First Church of ! . Mundeléin) . -- C, Arthur Jevne, Minister. Bunday School: First Church at 10:00 a. m.; Ivanhoe at 11 a. m. Worship services: Ivanhoe at 10 a m. It is .expected that several for-- mer pastors will be present at this Classified ie L o ts kn ¥ille. with the famous BOAT: BREAKS ARM mssn NO DROWNINGS IN COUNTY IN WEEK rea io Buriington, on . Monday :& Mr, R. Rouse was to zo to sell fire, tornado, auto and casu-- insurance in reliabie companies, > Lloyd C. Ray. Mss leag septaia y -- Over Week 'End. . Mont.,. sut-- 1 ~oil stove, HeniCde BE UR .. A connected -- system of sanitary sewers, manholés and connéections to be constructed and laid in -- SAYRE AVENUE and other streets in the Vil-- Notice is hereby given to all per-- soné interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Libertyville, County of Lake and State of IHlinois, having ordered the con-- m | 7J . USuURALUOU.__ AAIIWET LIBAL, Db TOOMS and bath; rent $60 a month. Sellers .. |& Petersen, Libertyville, II1. 28 tf struction | of ~a -- local'>improvement Dated at Mundelein, Illinois, this 1l4th day of July, A.% THOMAS J. McBRIDE, The person appointed to make said and may appear at hearing and make their defense. Ordinance provides for the o:-l:mq.ot said as-- sessment in ten ual --installments, with interest at the.rate of six per cent per annum. % 5,.'&;"*58 f M ce whe 8 of Lake County, lilinois, for an as-- sessment of the costs of said improve-- ment, according to 'benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to eaid Court, the final hearing thereon will be had on the 80th day of July, A."'D." 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m., or as soon thereafter as the business of the CGourt will permit. All persons desiring --.may file objec-- tions in said Court before said day ment except living expenses to you. If you are interested in making an extra thousand or two this year, you should write at once;: or better --still, come and see us and let us show you how Homer Furnaces are made and why they are so easily sold. We teach you and furnish~the experience SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE ment warm Air Heating --Appliances and Fireplace Equipment 'Ten families in one hundred are going to buy heating equipment of 'some kind this year, and ,our wonderful New Merchandis-- ing Plan makes a successful sales man out of the ordinarily intelligent man.. Our most liberal Time Payment FOR SALE--New T--room house in teh best part of Mundelein; hot air heat, oak floors, every modern convenience. Lot 50 by 150; street to be paved this gummer. Can be bought on reasonable terms. R. F. Rouse, Mundelein, 111. tyville TS6R. FOR SALE--6 room new house with _ esunparior and bath, in Oakwood Ter-- lot 50 by 150. Street is to be pavred with concrete this saunmer.; Reason-- able terms.-- R. F. Rowse, Mundelein, IIL --Phone 1. xa" 10 +f FOR SALE--Nine room house in Mun-- _ delein, brand new; hot water heat. mul. ASSESSMENT NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all pe MWh'umm Acres river "amn G. C. Gridley, Libertywille, IIL _ 37 tf assessment. l!:a.j'nm--a.wam'm on Bunnyside Ave.; will 2."-47.:"_" August ist. Call Liberty-- .. We 20 ~ BME e Sn mser s aua i busindintnamen. AiBG --ccre> _A m MONEY TO LOAM--Wse have a eon-- :rud"u"mu on is feam or prop 1 E'y--"-fia Ou y SITe ME ACCEEE y LA by umu at tent in FOUND--Boys' coat at fair * ODOEW TT CAmIV, AvPWurd, miIs, A. BLLL* ehan, Finstad Fiat Shoppe. 28 «t Care HOMER FURNACE CO., LO8T--Tuesday, police--puppy, ten months old; female;: black with tan legs. -- Reward. Phone OS:J-llt brown and white; ears cut; 'an-- swers to name of Peggy. Reward. W. A. White, Leonard's Subdivision, Lake Zurich, III _ 29 It horne; in m!&mtm Telephone 616--W--1" . 29 1t Male Help Wanted DST--Wednesday nite,; pearl neck-- lace at or near Ray Bros Pavilion, the retail business in Liberty-- with the famous line of Homer Money Te Loan Lost and Found ag to all} per no invest-- P ga . | ~ZCRWCavIL, vouniy ol lLAke and Sstate the subsc ""*"'l-'otlllm, having ordered the con--|estate of tent mlu'neflon«ot & local improvement con-- vcvioll atten e unty at **~***! 'The construction of water mains, en'MBthe M _ etc, in IDLEWILD AVENUE -- and in said co b'""-ddd:,uuwudmmloélm on _A & + , Special |all person: funds to | Assessment No. 23, estate are Noueehhcnbynventonnper. sons interested that the President and aoudor'rmmogtthovmueor undelein, County Lake and State of lHilinois, having ordered the con-- struction of a local improvement con-- sisting of The construction of water mains, etc, in IDLEWILD AVENUE -- and othorumulnmdflnuoo;ln:l- delein, Lake County, Illinois, Speci Assessment No. 23, lh'Otheetort.hombflngon tile in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said Village having applied to the County Court of Lake County, lllinois, for an as We have the light weight suit for you and cool comfortable shirts and underwear. _ Snappy styles in hats and ties. For your CLOTHES come to us But you cah change the WEIGHT of your clothes and KEEP COOL. | 14th day of July, A. 8 7° faJ OlL duWly, A. D. 1927, at-- 1 to : ): fingd [Mt-..aruu-m- thereon will be had on the :mamom-g."'muz:'«uy..un.dnn.gu persons desiring may objec--! o'clock or as soon thereafter as Hions in said €ourt before said day the buziness of the Court will permil mny'mu'mmndwm«-mum,m.b,,, make their defense. haomunnohnuc@nbefon\m", mmmunmu-u»mmm"mmm" mnthmwmumhmdrdetqm. Said Ordinance with annual interest at the rate of provides for the collection of said six per cent per annum, Immnt in ten annual install 11!?" at Ubeflm mm- this | ments with annugal intorost a+ en Let the sun shine just as warmly as it will. You cannot change it.anyway. Harry MadillBartlett !fl!m«--wf?'fiz Terms $100 Cash, balance per month and interest. AT THE 1925 PRICE! Four choice lots in Libertyville. Allimprovements in and paid for. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Purchaser May Build After First Payment Be Comfortable in Our; Comfort CLOTHES 150 -- 156 So. Genesee Stree! Phone 5100 _ WAUKEGAN ILLINOIS Commissioners -- appointed make said assessment. 1'/~Ton JAMES MORROW & sON . . 0. CARLSON REALTOR . HYATT, 172 W. Lincoln A Public notice is hereby given that the subscriber, Administrator of the estate of Charles A. Ray, deceased, will attend the Probate Court of Lake Oonntyat.wmthemottobehnld- en 1']the court house in Waukegan in said county, on the first Monday of October next, 1927, when and where all persons having claimg against said estate are notified and requested to present the same to said Court for adjudication. * Waukegan, IIL., July 18 Lyell H. Morris, Attorn ADJUDICATION NOoTicE uly 18, 1927. :flx' 21, 28 aug &

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