_ MORSE TO TAKE _ _ OFFICE SEPT. 13 E BOARD BELIEVES ng, formal statement and will not state definitely that he will ac E; allowed his nameo to be placed Unance committee had waited on ho would be gtven <the full sup e es io coumy bont 2ad 2196000 counly f ¥ m eollector bz'hmn emergency in-- wmmmmu.z?c of good business pointing out it would call for a 30 day accounting mg Dut two percent on iL. it wWas}|business connected wilh 1 pointed out, however, that a certain|of the office to that amount would have to be left to|He was peased 'with the meet --objections pending in county| ere and Ukewise with the court or in state of appeal. the town in which it will $87,000 iIntersst 2 Years It is understood that th I was stated to the board by Au--| poard of the farm burea ditor Simse that the interest paid the| the removal of the office 2 .-ty)trm'(::d neut:'brth gmk. Business men o county yeare informed the board ministration). But, he --added, he the use of the burear ul-i.a- one time ©. Certain interests in War was 'two in the banks been striving for years t flmhmm"ub .of the burea: ing for :&hl"mtm_vulott-m wnb-u it was dis the bureau object to t was promised it would b8\| im.~~s an tha crounds that 'Been offered. . _ .. > * taxe@ that have been paid in, those 3 ; To Make Audit not paid in and strike 'a balance. He, There yot remauins what ho would| says ho may use some of the office a satisfactory andit for kim--| force now in the treasurer's oftice lelf, to-- the --surety company, indem--| but inferred there are some employes wmm otecting} he doesn't wish to assist him. of his there and the} The matter of negotiating with in-- and .much is yet to pass. Any--] to the insurance --committee to 'act to the appointee or the| the future plan will be for these two treasurer. This had become a nec--| County farm bureau trom Libertyville wrmmwummnmum_ % longer --available. -- The goun--| in a building being prepared by the bmmmmucwammdMMnywm of good business pointing out it\ be carried out this week it became would call for a 30 day accounting| known today. with a surety bond. The abandonment of the offices in h:mm"mnxh.vwmmumontnk« $2,000 or no $1,000,000 in elared as a measure of economy. banks with the various mun Rents have increased rapidly in Lib ing for distribution; he asked E.Mhmt&uulb tributed, was promised it would be gone and the next thing ho read in fimmd&ohflmdm Becurity Bank--and the county $500,000 in the bank at the time. Bletach, Sims, County Clerk Hendce, pose of defraying the expense of here depends largely on the response surety bonds, which may exceed $4,--| of those willing to rent rooms. 'The 000 ftor this first year. officials of the Serbian organization Supervisor Arthur W. Vercoe,|have stated their preference for Lib-- Highland Park, chairman of the #>--)ertyville, provided we can house the mance committee, had proposed this|dlegates. The accommodations will means of caring for the bond and|be paid for, and it is urged that any stated ~outside of regular meeting | ane who can poszibly take care of the that some bankers had assented t0|people attending the convention, call such a boost. o e . 4 --__~{Secretary Hardin at once. Hursried survey of Waukegan banks showed that it had not been discussed formally or informally. One banker pointed --out that money of this type was obtainable in Chicago at half that interest. There is a chance for plans to go astray here. How much Uft a chance is the uncertain part.-- sald that was impossible: he said they suggested 2 1--4 per cent; there fore he felt they would accept a 2 1--2 per cent basis. He stated that his bank recently bid 3 per cent on etate funds and was willing to put up co|-- lateral to secure it. 'Prior to this the board had voted to provide a surety bond for -- the P Motse is to reotive $3,500 annusity the same as Bracher did. The board wanut an excessive cost for the bond. Bruacher, treagsurer, and appointing J. ;. *AC LAHHDnoL _ Of _ Liuilliltil{lvo ANME successor, came the prophecy M""'mm"mhfl- Morse would not take office much |4°F to care for the: visitors before Sept. 13 when the board con--| ADYone having & room to rent should vengs again. . tall the office of the secretary, leay-- wumgmgmg_hlwmmmdm will have mmmmamh.mmmum- Morse will have been qualified. their preference to accommodate men But one major matter of argument|Or women delegates. ©R remains in a state of uncertainty.| This is the first convention of this That is the demand that is to be|size ever held in Libertyville, and it made upon the banks for two and a|will require the cooperation of our halt percent interest instead of two|people to properiy house the dele-- percent on county deposits. gates and visitors. The hotel acconr Board members plugged ahead and| modations in the village are limited, passed a resolution instructing for| making it Aimperative that many be the treasurer to collect two and a|cared for in grivate homes. halt percent on deposits for the pur--| Whether: the convention is held VOLUME XXXV--NUMBER 32. Mr.-- Vercoo, however, stated that debate \Y: z3 sz {gfi?'*"i'f B Ezsg 3 ek ue 14-- 2 C o of the bureau object to its location there on the grounds that the distance is too great from the western part of the county where agriculiture is more extensively followed. P chief d&puty for 17 years. Aithough he understands the new work as well as any treasurer who ever held office he would be assuming a far greater burden fraught with 'danger-- Bracher is to remain until his suc cessor qualifties. During--that time he will have the assistance of Sims and the finance committes. Oft wmm-- m.cm-um- funds existing from tax money is the provision of the board that the $1, Mnhflhbbc:m" them --w' . save much dealing in'anticipation warrants and borrowing;' expensive at the best. with Secretary Hardin at once, in or-- der to properiy care for the® visitors Anyone having & room to rent should eall the office of the secretary, leay-- LAKE CO. FARM BU-- REAU OFFICE IS MOY-- ED TO GRAYSLAKE each 30 days as the jaw-- 10» stead of being held for #@year. or so as. has been the However, the interest if the bankse pay 3 1--2 mor caont will nractieally may the "prfkn Vm?" is ty Officially county treas urer until Morse qualifies." «x Libertyville Loses Headquart-- ers of Bureau When Rents _ Auditor Sims will check over the hu:iast have been paid in, those not in and strike 'a balance. He, Libertyville to Have National Convention Removal of the offices of the 0 mfi To lli i nrgete him doing it 9. abg M % Cork e e i sates 'E @ : ol in s oo are eS O ie n NY be made whatever.© If we could get, say for example, $200,000 and have it left in ocrinhtudxa&_ months we could use it to but where it --goes out every thirty days ez merely act as a depository--or a : lector for the county tunds and hold it merely as a matter of convenience that does not bring any returng to us "I!!:.h'.bgfiult«da guarantese bond on deposi-- nmmuuw'a'm m mm-nhnbmmh- past on county funds, it mean that we would have to pay less, be-- cause we are forced to stand the ex-- pense of this guarantee bond. Peo-- August," said Mr. Burnett, "we can not do. much with it in that short time excepting to put it in Chicago banks where we got 1%% for:it," he con-- as in the past. Continuing My. Burnett said: "The money is no good to --us,.if it is col-- lected during the month and paid out on the tenth of the following month. ltn&lbl*i. 'This is due to the fact that thg money was not left on :om"wwmmmhw 4 'lt'to'hlmmn. We sort. that the surety turns around and requires a bank also to mghw tonl@ov« the E:'Jaumn must Udigsperse the money as it comes in to him every thirty days rather than holding it for several months twv:tgym tee bond on the de-- . Staley wound up 1 ho oould not diocuse the atier turth. interesting data relative to the new orm;vhu he referred 4o the <fdet that the bankers had cut the interest on county funds on May Gfitmvmumm bond for the '"With this ad-- ditionnal oznu which is brought on through operation of the surety bond, it makes the situation one where we will be able to make less on handling county funds than before when Peoples' bank, "if we Wave to furnish lmnltnb'?dtofi::.ntyoo?. y which coun mmr. that mw ex'- pense to us just Hke it is an expense nutybonltotllutuun?rnther thay have him go out and get his friends to Iurnish a pérsgonal bond is that the banks, themsoives, when a mtybfll:'mmlom mm 6 company to furnish theméélves 'with -rf- antee bond to the county's money a® in *the bank by the county I % Therefore, according:to President Burnett of the Waukéikan National adopted in M."%' on Thurs-- "'. . l\ .J:"{"' /'It becme known Saturday also that beginning May 1, Waulégan banks cut "If the bulk of the county money mes in in June and goes out in LIBERTYYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY,. AUGUST 11, 1927. vhere a surety y© FIuro-- .mmnm'am- * PLANOF COUNTY Of Little Value m 3+ to_ pay iL of to Entered at the Postoffice at Libertyrikie, Ilitnols, as Second Class Mail Matter. probate, leaving the entire estate of tate to the widow, Mrs.-- Thoresa --C. Sheahen. Her bond was fixed at O.i&mm»mwmnppomt- The other work of the court for the day included the following: . Julius Peterson, Highland FPark, fi-- mma-lhlnhr Mnm 4 & on petition-- for probate of: will con-- thudh;Atc-tu.w T. Matti Jenstrom, Waukegan, hear-- Iing on motion for order to close es tate continued to August 15. C'aeho-luumdnn:u Volo and 'auconds, Sunday. was return-- ing to his home in Chicago when he lost control of the machine. His in-- juries were attended by Dr. J. A. -- Rolling pin throwing tournament. 15 yerd free for all. & 4 p. m. Ball game. Cup winners vs. picked team from the members of other league teams. . 5 p. m. EStreet tair, opens on Cook avenue., ye * 7 p. m. Band concert by Allendale band at Cook park. 8 p. m.-- Second annual juvenile cir-- cus. 100 juvenile performers from the ringmaster to the animal trainers and clowns--all boys and girls. 9:15 p. m Presentation of best all around boy and girl medals. Presen-- tation of Libertyville Trust and Sar-- ings Bank Trophy to winners of Com-- munity Playground Ball League, Pres entation of Field Dmay Prizes. (All donated by local merchants.) 9:30 p. m. Street fair resumed. Joseph -- Greenwald, 2044 --West Kostner avenue, received two frac-- tured ribs, and severe cuts on his nose, and right hand and arm when a machine he was driving skidded into. the ditch north of Lake Zurich on the Rand. road, Saturday evening. Greenwald --with his son, George, aged 11 years, was on his way to Fox River Grove from his home in Chi-- coach. <He was taken to the office of Dr. J. A. Ross in Wanconda® for George Miller of 4332 McLean ave-- nue, Chicago, received a fracture of the right ankle and other injuries BOCK ESTATE IS LEFT TO WIDOW AND SON HARRY Two were injured in ~automobile accidents on Rand road in the vi TWO INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENTS NEAR WAUCONDA Highland Park 'Estate Valued at 000; Probate Court wfi'sm Session. second annual Juvenile, cireus and field day "contesats, zsponsored by the Libertyville Recreation Association: 1:80 »p. m.. Parade. Line of march on Milwaukee avenue ¢from Lake St. to Central Park. . Headed by the Allen dale Boys' Band. The ftield day program will be held at Central.Park, commencing at 2 a'clock p. m. 0. J. Boehm is the ast-- nouncer, with G. G. Hoskins as the starter. . The judges are Wesley Har-- afl;mmm-,mr.r.m act as clerk. program : Bonu-dor'l---flmm s Girls under 7,--35 yerd dash, -- Boys 12 years and under--45 yard Rand Road Scene of Several Serious Accidents Over the Program for the Second Annual Juvenile Circus Girls 12 and under--75 yard dash. Three legged race. Backward running, 85 yards. Boys 16 and under--100 yard dash. Three legged race. -- «Girls 16-- and under--75 yard dash. Three legged race. ¥Fat men's race. ;. ©100 yard free for all. Fat women's race. for handled 'all the Chicago papers . as well as magazines and other periodi-- Indications are that the groom was treating a horse in the seventh stall in the barn when he received his fa-- tal injuries. = His cap and a partly filled bottle of horse liniment was found in the bedding 0f that stall. Horse Regarded as Gentle ,, According to A. L. Brumund, own er of the North Shore Dairy company, and the <employer of Setterlund for many years, the horse which kitcked and trampled the man has always been regarded A&s gentle. :o ied He is of the opinion that whes, Mr. Setterlund applied the liniment . the Hquid burned the horse and ani-- The horse then in planging ing about the stall trampled on the prone body of the man. h In the inquest held at Wetzel and Petersen funeral home Friday mormn Iing a verdict of accidental death was Thexe. where io was ciabioyte 27 tho where he was em by the Washburn--Moen company which lat-- er-- became the American Steel cand . Thirty--six years ago, still in the Mr.-- Setterlund entered <his employ, remaining with--the concern when it was sold to A. L Brumund twenty-- was similar to that obtained by the police in their investigations of the tragedy. A coniplete examination of what is sow the North Shore Dairy, ty street, heard screams coming from the neighborhood.--of the Dairy com-- pany barn at about 3 o'clock, but neither soughf out their source. . It is believed. that Setterlund wis. first struck in the jaw which sturned him momentarily and prevented him from escaping from the hoofs of the animal. -- How long he lay in.the stail is a matter of conjectnre. 'FEC after a short examination he announo ed that the man was dead. A dead wagon was then summoned from the Wetsel and Peterson Funeral Home :tnl"t:bodymmttothmm establishment. Having been married since June 1 more than two months, Mr. and Mrs. John Humer of Highwood, met. each other and started life together for the tirst 'time Saturday evening.~ the fact that two women, Mrs. J. E. Johnson, 217 South County street and Mrs. Rose Anderson, 213 South Coun barn. . He saw the body of \Setterlund apparently immovable in its position on the barrel and noted the peculiar ity of its position. Calling Joseph Bolden of 219 South County street, he entered the barn. 4 Finding that the body was cold in death, Fratus notified -- the police. Lieut. Henry Wallenwein and Patro} man True Whittier were sent to the his body was found, it is believed. Discovery of tha body was made by by the Merchant Coal company, who had driven his team into a barn across MARRIED JUNE 1; MEET ON SATURDAY With the chest and ribs crushed on the right side, jaw fractured . and contusions and lacerations about the % ur:lnd legs, the body of N. J. .4 . aged--69 years 'of 33 N. County St., Waukegan, was found pitting upright"in death on a barrel in the stables of the North Shore Dairy company, located in the rear of 213 South County street at ~5:20 o'clock Thursday aftern . Indications are that 'he kicked and trampled to death by a mad-- dened horse which he had been. treat N. J. SETTERLUND IS TRAMPLED T0 DEATH BY HORSE Resident of City For Many Years Found Dead in North Shore Dairy Barns. avenue, and hurtled on, crashing into . Three-- people escaped serious in-- Jjury at 7:35 o'clock Saturday morning when the car in which they were riding skidded from Milwaukee road near AAbertyville and ran through a ditch into 'a telephone poll. Louis Maroney, 241% 53rd street, Kenokha, crashed into the"car driven by Carl Malmquist of Waukegan on Green Bay road just south of the Stute line. Whilo Deputy Sheriftt George Heckinger was going to call & tow car, the Kenosha man-- had his car towed back © to ~Kenosha and Malmquist found a jug of wine cover-- ed by a board and dirt, apparently taken from the Kenosha car. Stanley Danjelson, 544 Archer ave-- nue, Waukegan, was driving along route 21 near Lake Villa when three men, in a car parked at the side of the road, backed into the highway, 'Amhom : of barberry bush-- es should report them to the U. S. p. A. Fiellmen, Box 344, Libertyville, injury to others, innumerable minor accidents were reported through the sheriftf's office, all of them due large-- ly to the wet pavement that follow-- ed u:? rain of last night and Saturday Walter Packalen, 22%5 May street, Waukegan, was going north on Route 42A near the Wadsworth road when he crashed into the car driven by Richard Langford of 145 South Park ries. Birds carry these berries or One barberry bush was found grow-- Ing alongside the highway--near Round Lake.-- The fieldmen are going to place & sign near this bush calling attention of the public to the common barberry. < Barberry bushes are being destroy-- ed in Illinois and telve neighboring states because they apread the deovas-- tating black stem rust to wheat, oats, barley an drye. The stem rust causes a loss of thousands upon thousands of dollars to IMincis farmers every year. All of the bushes found in Lake coun-- ty last week were infected with the of Des. Plaines....No one was ' um,mu»mvm.mm damaged. * Two men, unidentified, were slight-- ly injured with.cuts and bruises when their cars and that belonging to Mar-- tin Dashell of Chicago collided in Grand ~avenue. Ben Henridks of Milwaukee took the injured men bhome in his car. CAR. SKIDS INTO POLE, 2 SLIGRTLY HURT IN ACCIDENT Department +of! Agricuiture, working }u\ Lake county on the banberrry erad-- ijcation campaign, report u:z many 'of the destructive bushes being found in the communities where the survey is now in progress,. The field agents are working out of Libertyyille in the region around Graysizke and Round Lake and other parts of Avon and Fremont townshipg. .. Last week the inspectors found one of the largest bushes ever discovered in Lake :county. It was on the Mary H. Hudson estate near Round Lake. This bush, which was about fifteen feet high, was, growing on the bank of a stream and scores of seedlings from the old bush were found nearby. Four other large bushes were found growing in an osage orange hedge in Avon township. Barberry bushes have been found in Lake county in almost exyery place that bushes can grow. Some large bushes were discovered last week along lake bluffs, in hedge rows, sub-- divisions, timbers and almost every-- were producing airge number of ber-- 0. V. Odell of 5735 Mango avenue, Chicago, was the driver of the car, A Willye--Knight and with him was The driver was uninjured but the wife receive a deep cut on the leg and the son was badly shaken up. S@ho was taked to Liebrtyville® where -- Deputy Charles Krueger, who made & report on the accident, stated that the --car" came through just at the time the rain had made the road aMppery. ~It 'started to-- (skid and While accidents of a serious na ture took the lives @f one, and caused WET ROADS CAUSE MANY ACCIDENTS IN WEEK END RUSH Two Men Are Slightly Injured and Many Cars Damaged in Numerous Crashes. Find Barberries f Near Round Lake Control of Machine on Wet -- Pavement and Hits Pole. Representatives of the United was unable to keep it in the | yvite From the highway it -llwodlup ie ditch and then rammed into 'or 7 O | prgsent THIS AT-- THEATRE . | valley Jowlanid® is Infestedwith cay-- * * otes, minks and other types of ant ~_Mr. and Mre. P. G. Osborne are in | mals with chicken killing tendencies. vited to witmess Broadway Nights at| The coyotes by far outnumber the plete reversal of previous office man agement, with the surety company practically running the office, is the opinion of H. C. Burnett, president of the Waukegan National bank. "From former cases," he said, "I am of the opinion that the eurety company will name the place of de posit of all county funds and will de mand that the monthly balance be kept as low as possible to limit their responsibility. That will mean thai there will be no money to be made by. the banks on the county funds, and will mean that the bank becomes merely a collection agency and a con venience to the county treasurer's office. "It is true that we pay 3 percent on state funds, but state funds are sometimes not touched for a year at a time, and anytime there is to be a withdrawal of state funds, the banks are notified the previous month. At other times they have the money there and know it can be used by the bank at any time. "The only solution to the interest question on county funds that I can see, is that the banks agree to pay A& certain interest amount on the minimum balance from. month to month. The county balance --will} be cleared shortly after the first of each month, and will gradually increase to wum month, then drop back and the only way for banks to THE INDEPENDENT IS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR ONLY $1.50 If the surety company does take overtholetul-nu-a, of the office, it is believed that will name the places of deposit for the and glancing out of the window in time to see two carse drive out of the driveway, Frank Gripton's mo ces thieree who -- thighes .. the en ves . w e Gripton poultry farm m of 200 young chickens. > Sheriff L. A. Doolittle was called and made a rush trip to Gurnee, but could find no trace Of the thieves. Marks in the road showed where the two cars had turned around, passing not three, feet from the house, yet the folks in bed did not hear them until it was too late. A watch dog failed to give an alarm. SURETY COMPANY TO RUN OFFICE OF TREASURER? Banker Says Deposits Will be Kept as Low as Possible by Company. . Hearing a noise late Saturday night OUR ~INVITATION That a surety bond for the county OwsawmAmm GETS OFF A ue Gaeap WIT AT ThE EXxPeRSE or ie coummey vowus, But exeu MILMOH AMERICAKIS Live ui ee Emau Toun OR ie Couutry. MOST OF THEM STAY Marriep, VERY FEW CreA,Oof Murber Lew Schanck Says: NONE STARNE, WHWAILCH 13 MoORE mMA Caly BE uD For C FoxS / BURRIS ESTATE . * | _ ~NEAR $10,000 .. «; -- --»\ _ BOND INDICATES sale of real estate approved. _ _ Tinnie L. Mohen, incompetent, Wan-- kegan--Decree tor stlé of real thtate Widow's selection approved. Hold Inquest Today & The body of Mre. Burchett was re-- moved to the White and Tobin fure ral home where the inquest was held at 10 o'clock Monday morning with Dr. Maurice Penney of Libertyville. dep lances, the firms of White and To bin, Holland funeral bhome and W For two coyotes have come ontotmmo!thunqb to the Lake Forest police by W Ham Snedden, superintendent of the accidental denth was returned. COYOTERUNTIN . | . SKOKIE DISTRECT _ zel Burchett and his wife came to Waukegan from Kentucky about four years ago. He is in the employ of the botioms of skokie valley as a maofeunlut!um'h are belived to be responsible for the killing of 150 chickens on the estate of, Louis F. Swift of Lake Forest is being considered by members 'of the society farm colony in the west-- ern part of that community, --_ center' of the vounty. They were The 'couple 'had attended the picnie held by Anchor sand Ark lodge at Gages lake during the day but had returned home early in the evening Mrs. Bessie Burchett, aged 244 years, 121 8. Washington Park Ave., Waukegan, was instantly killed and her husband, Estill Burchet tage 20, years, was injured when their aweo mobile turned over in the diteh alongside of Belvidere road about 650 feet east of the Desplaines river bridge at 8 a'clock Sunday night. Man W t Life in Purd l?'l'ath: Lgihr Estate The accid@nt occurred when Mrs. Burchett, who was driving the auto mobile ,a Nash roadster, equipped with a winter top, turned her car to pass another machine The road-- ster skidded on the wet pavement and after turning around several times it turned over in the ditch. wWOMAN DIES IN AUTO ACCIDENT; HUSBAND INJURED Mrs. Estill Burchett 121 Wash-- ington Park Avenue; Killed Sunday Night. Calls were sent to three local un Brought up in Court. of a from Libertyville also re was thrown clear of the $1.50 A YEAR a% s# for bunt is #