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Libertyville Independent, 11 Aug 1927, p. 2

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[ % _ + Few New C'"mw Received . _ --@ Welcome so Emphatic ns miles gallon miles hour, Thieves, _ break E:: 2rmilss pex nf ges «x 25 miles per stot mathinge "mad. taky high priced i<. 19--foot turning radius! mmmwm E; Chic, smart, up--to--the--minute body lines-- fashionable :.ag. B:,oum. is um . Ei'f : pastel colors! * * f L.m tw&hct:: entered were the § Plenty of seat--room, leg--room, head--room--a big., lux» I+ the CUSVE pace s tlof mageine : *mw s was: proken' and g;h m': w > % x & » -- Another machine f v x t & n w ' Se€ it=cttive 16.and you'll delibefase no longer. by taking hinges off and outside Bunday at. the Jim Curran .home. Win. Frost transacted business at Wm. Huson and Edward Hendee are at Wolf Lake, near Waupaca, Wis., doing carpenter contracting ,work. Mrs. Frank Flary, daughter, Fran ges, Ellen Barrett and Leonard Volk eling a week, --visiting at Falls and in Canada. Mrs. Ben Honeman and daughter Emirga, and Mrs..Neilson and son, Har-- Old, of Northbrook, spent Monday eve-- ning at the Clara Rosing bome. Miss Mary Mason of Libertyvilie is spending a few days at the Jim Cur-- ran and Jim Luby homes. Mr. and Mrs., Charles Bray, of Shar-- ::.'Wb, Mr: mn:: Jack Mason t Mary, son, Howard ¢lm. Mr.>and Mrs. Victor Dow, of Wooster Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lubyrand daughter, Klinore spent ehildren spent Sunday. at the Amann home in Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Triggs and chil-- 'trnlnmm'tocmwm. Ruth Drummond and daughter, Ruth, attended a show at the Oriental Madge and Verona Amann of McHenry spent Friday eve-- ning at the Frank Amann home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daley and chil-- dren, Mr. and Mrs. Ruzssell Daley and daughter motored to Wauconda last Mr. and Mrs. Jim Luby and daugh ter, Eleanor motored to Graysiake on lni'uflwmm Velma Fitz motored to Libertyyille Tuesday. abeth and Johnny Ward motored to Tuesday evening. Chicago, spent the week end with the latters sister, Mrs. Emma Huson. Mrs. Kelly, of Chicago, is spending a ftew days with their daughter, Mrs. William Frost. been very ill with an: infected hand the past week at the home of Mr. and ¥Frank 'Waterman. of Chicago spent the <week end at the A. J .@mith 0000000 000000060 the girl and that the --charge~js a: m-nzqdwhhm.m'cia:: Brown was on his way to Lake Villa ArPuat gy. °. . @40 W 3 ¢ frit . i#" |elapse before the HMepublican COnYeD |factors hinging on -- hei camdidacy. m'mm"mhtflorfuonummmmdmw&wmc ney A. V. Smith after a Chicago do-- 'men settled. The President may find |the pregent regime, especially if an h'l'tmmmms#nmmdnnammmdj&h"mhfi renson's charges. c * message to the people and the Party--: )ning ways and means of a graceful The Lake Villa »ostmaster has | Assuming that be means what b® |ang profitable exit. It is predioted retained Attorney ll-rd_nfll-dumndth"ehouo"unotanl&um'mmh" Hall and Hulse in his defenge SH4|cal trick, the "possibilities' of the G.|sented when doubt as to Mr. CoOF-- "'m."bw O. P. are taking cognizance of the |idge's intentions is fairly dissipated. basis for the charges. , uduzmemm- Ends Of. course, it is customary for the ah:"u':rlma:'sznm'm M.Mquhmmbm;tmm the charge Js an organized here and at strategl¢ until their retirement is forced i attempt to discredit him in the --com-- mlflml mAntarn _ tnar. tha'"' nurnumn afrt | na uiministratinn _ HLK Th rant Eraam ow' 'lA&w'émM" ain . "blackmail" ""5 "we_ o Ce" e o vike', hak m plind . P 0o o0060 00 000 0000 Justice of the Peace Hervey C. Cou won on a -- charge of --committing a thd case was continued to next Tues tectiv hWn aConing To--your" Mess 1560 -- 156 80. Geneses Street Phone 5100 WAUKEQAN ILLINOS Mrs. Mary Mitchell and --daughter, Within two 2:&: the,first public showing orders JHVOL J LANXA LRMRLVy Mile--a--minute performance at this unheard--of price is m CY one striking reasson--and here are a few of the others: lintr e Mnes From 0 to 25 miles an hour through in less than Break Vending Mach Tseconds! _ _ _ es : and Help Selves to Expen-- As Dodge Brothers expected, this brilliant new Four :nhnft.bmamndent:;'du&m_ JAMES MORROW & SON 4 éecured |U° ADDouncement eliminating himself | his distinguished patfon,; that the d mluswmmmmmummwama» 16, mm,mnmm.m.mww Mr, Butler . over-- ng befor® |Hiope is manifested among those Wwho \board. The antagoniem developed by y C. Coul |are considered by themselves or their \his methods at the last. convention mitting 4 |rriends as logical contenders for the 'in Cleveland has been suppressed out ' .m.'MhmmM-'"mmmm'ug» up to th@ !t speculation with the result that the servers here know that politica) hates when hg"mmhohhulyhuu-lwmnuuuqluhumm ity . Fréd {settled condition. A complete recwmnization if tyh two m'"'" It is foregone conclusion that the major political is due. rc on . the "disputes as to Mr. Coolidge's -- real, While this Cooliige matter is uper-- n of Lake |meaning of the cryotic message will{most in the minds of the Yoting pub-- tacked Ris rage for months.-- Ten months must|te, it might be well to note a fOW A--Door Sedan (Not a Coach) Waukegan Tuesday evening. Eliza-- beth was taken to the Victory Memor-- ial hospital for observation and treat-- ment for goitre. s The Camp Fire Girls returned home Wednesday, after spending ten days at the Saron Cottage at Long Lake. Mary Graham of Long Lake was a Round Lake caller Monday. Carl Milier of Milwaukee is spend-- ing hi svacation at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Ann Luby. & ~--Otto Tegtmeyer, Walter -- Engle party conventions are ordinarily se lected from the ranks of the local organizations and their identity is fairly ell established before the cau-- [eu. You will undonbtedly note in-- creased activity in your own bailawick no#, as teh county chairman talks it over=with the henchmen from the var-- ilous towns. _ --While nothing has been mentloned, it is apparent that if Mr. CooMdge is really stepping down after this term, Mrs. Leslice Ulirich and children of Mundelein, called on her sister, Mrs. Clara Rosing, Tuesday. | Mrs, Pearl Wambaungh, Louise Rich ardson and Velma Fitz motored to Mrs. Leo Hendes is spending a cou ple of days with her daughter, Mrs. Mildred Dixon, in Waukegan. _ . :gmmmmu.nonmnu rald of Libertyville, were visitors in stound Lake Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Al Dixon of Wauke gan, called on the latter's mother, Mrs. Leo Hendee, Sunday. Mrs, L A. Fitz and daughter, Vel-- ma, motored to Libertyville and also to Grayslake Friday. % Evelyn Rosing and Gordon Gilbert have returned to Chicago, atter a va-- cation of two weeks, spent at the Clara Rosing home. Mrs. John Weich _ and daughter, Genevieve, of Long Lake, called at the Floyd Renehan heme Friday. George Renehan was a Chicago bus-- iness caller Friday. . Madolyn and 'T.mna Gould and Helen Wikon, of Waukegan, spent Wednes-- day at the home of Velma Fitzs, ;ehuemmu % s _ Already. publicity bureaus are be-- ing organized here and at strategic political centers for the" purpose of putting the many caniddates beyond the talking stage and into the public eye. In other words, the managers and well--wishers of various "hopes" of the party are going abroad in the land attempting to corral the votes Washington, -- August 10. --BSkebtt cizgm and hope go band in hand in by taking hinges off and outside window and taking the --window out. At : the ~Smith--Jolly place adoot was bashed in and $16 in cash--taken. In addition a slot machine: was bat-- The two places entered were the L Carvis and the Smith--Jolly stores. At the Carvis place a--slot machine was broken and $5 in change re woved. Another slot machine had 'Benators --have returned to town in lmwpmomMMm ments for inceased appropriations to the Budget Bureau. The estimates are being whipped into shape for the consideration of the House Appropri-- ation Committee this fall and it be-- hooves the Senators to play their best mumm«:.mumn': covered -- adequately recommen tiosns of the budget officers. There is a marked advantage in having pro-- posals for Federal expenditures incor-- porated in departmental estimates as compared with special bills introduc ed after Congress convenes. Quite significantly, it is the Senators whiose terms expire next year that are on the job fo rtheir constituents during these and Mrs. Warren' EHdwards . Mrse.. L E. Gillings and daughter left last week for a visit ith the former's sizter in Oregon. I Miss Ruble Gillings is visiting her sister, Mrs. Maud Hollembeck, in Chi-- cago. -- 3 W. M. Bonner and family apd Clar-- ence Bonner and family motored to Long Lake Sunday to visit their aunt, Mrs. Laura Corriss. i Mr. and Mrs. Fuller entertainwed . The tailure of the naval armament conference at Geneva has scotched plans--for a wholesale reduction in taxes on the eve of the Presidential year. Larger appropriations must be made for naval expanzion ard the tax TWO DRUCE LAKE SHOPS ENTERED: ; _ §21CASH TAKEN but the break down of negotiations toward smaller navies io generally disappointing. | Congress will be called upon to ex-- tOWZTIA PInRNet . d&VIOA _ #¥ _ gq--uccald 1 [Io _ Rear Lake ~county's side of Jthe disappointing. | case; Supervisors Barney Nabor, An-- mwmbounm"'& tioch, Ray Paddock, Wauconda, Harry »end more money for: int0 | Stratton, Lake Villa, and Ed Brown, problems. The various organisa-- | Avon. , s mdmmnmhm On a motion of Supervisor William on thi spoint. M'c?ot:hm J.Oh;:.huhn&.hn. the board m "m _N» voted m u".m" ized farmers, and sometimes their | placé the dam on the site selected by proposals carry considerable weight|then., which is at Pistikee bay. The with Congress. -- Some form of legi# | resolution was that it was the con-- lative reliet for. teh farmers may be|sensus of opinion of the board that expected with an election approach--|the dat should be constructed there. ing next year. untit their retirement is forced by a ng administration. But the real cream of the patronage are sufficiently wise to watch t ehwriting on the wall. Outside of the fact that everybody agrees that the next session will be heotic and legisiation will be of a topsy--turvey order, the pnrogram of Congress has not excited much Inter-- est. A President retiring to private life obviously has not the prestige with the legisiative branch that would be accorded to a candidate for re Treasury.:© War alarms are not seri-- ously considered in 'official circles, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 O0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 occupant of a high office, are begin-- i@aders are patiently awaiting an op-- portunity to shove Mr, Butler . over-- board. The antagoniam developed by his <methods <at the last-- convention in Cleveland has been suppressed out of respect to the President, "but ob servers here know that political hates will} flame anew within a few woeoeks. A complete reovganization if tihh two hiw friend, iWHiam M. Butler will find his position as chairman of the Repub-- Hcar NatJonal Comumittee .« unstable. Hverybody knows he hokz his> job solely by the grace and good 'will of Mrs. emfwyp cmfwyp miwyp wyDpDp The Millburn road is open only to Inquiry shows that a number B Y W IL L LA MCD AL E6 Y N. E. A. Cortespondent ¢yp:% tw Mr Blow up a railroad bridge and the doncoming ~train will . plunge into stream below, preventing the pas-- sengers from reaching their desti-- if _ we keep electricity traveling along --wires a little at a time its speed provides =us:--with a wonderful and useful wource of energy. Like« wise sunlight taken a> little at of-- healgh. it "butide ap ths pagy xq t builds up .. lhkflh disease germs if lu:g It prevents rickets <and tuberculosis < of--=other habits of life arereasonably good. -- If we take too--much at a --time it blisters how fast lights must travel when. § 1 ' t y . [ C § & p it spans the distance from the sun-- % '"anmil 4 % . fi Ei to the world in less than 10 see-- : , 4 f P g '% [ 4s s onds.-- Speed always produces power [ :' E 6 fse k & § * y --dangerous power--and that® is f f R e i M g fl p < one..reason why light is such an [K %" % . s K B o - important factor in health. t ' s 8 R ' If we keep electricity traveling ; 4 ' * ° ' along --wires a little at a time its now . Last lights must travel <--when it spans the distance from the sun to the world in less than 10 sece-- onds. Speed always produces power were _long . enough --to ilet -- him| mmmnnomuf the sun would mvoldn'dlo----f«' f his life woere of average length-- before the sensation of pain could travel to his brain. This suggesta> how fast 'lights must traval whan values, on the pleasure and health of thousands who daily enjoy the dis trict. For that reason it is important beyond speculation," he stated. As it stands now the level of the lake goes down 18, 20 and 24 inches at times leaving swampy, muddy and unsanitary banks. ~ McHenry is organized. Outsiders, not Weiss, stated that the boat--com-- panies were backing this organization so as to prevent locks being provided above them which they think would cut in on their revenue. This, Welss told the board, would flood 'points mmue» tain times of the Johne-- : burg cry for the dam to be opened." This would leave dry the important ; chain of lakes above Johnsburg. } After going into it thoroughly, he stated, the-- engineers told him that ; the Pistakes site would leave the upper lakes at a desirous level ~the year around and the repaired McHen-- ry dam would keep the river at the right height. Frankly he cannot see the reason for--an objection to this. "I do not own any property west of the city limits of Waukegan. It is of no benéfit to me. I had a chance to get $185,000 for my county and my district and I took it. It is in the IMPORTANT FAC-- -- |&8== TOR IN HEALTH S oait, #.,. Supervisor Bert C. Thompson, Zion, chairman of the board, at the action of the body named the ~following committee to press Gov. Len Small State Health Department Pre-- soribes Plenty of Sunlight '_ to Keep Healthy. ment. -- _ ] The note of warning was sounded by Rep. William F. Welss who fos-- | tered--the proposal for a dam before_ ed this last by getting two mmum"ujn' pair of the one at McHenry, put in a number of years ago by pubjic spirit-- : ed individuals who no longer find it possible to continue their expense. The proposition, Welss= stated, improvemeht. "moqhurln:n: ummxmumul the point where"the waters flow from Pistakee bay. | A dam built there, they pointed out to him, would maintain an even n.mmmm:mmmm.' It would flood no community. Me the Fox Lake Aistrict loosing its $175,-- 000 state dam to keep a sanitary level of water <in Fox River, ~For, Channel, Ilrblnd-"wm board: of supervicors last w laid plans for an extensive plan--to' wage a fight started --by certain individuals in McHenry county who are urging Weiss Urges Action or District Will Lose $175000 Valu-- -- able improvement. OFFERS ; A THREE ~YEAR COURSE: LEADNG To DE GREE R. N. NEXT CLASS En-- "It does have a a bearing It is said that a baby whose . ~the creatures. ---- at physical <and mental J --THAT WHEN YOU BUY A GOOD. ~ [ YEAR.TIRE FROMUS. _ & > We put it on--pump it up--inspect your 1 --:-- wheels and. rims----make it 'our business K. to see that it delivers maximum mileage apd trouble--free service for you. > _ _ 'Our t're sare All "firsts"----from fresh, new ---- Backed by our money saving Goodyear the fuse is blown. Most folks start ~out in life as <perfectly normal 'WMMudmmhwfli that besets us in middle age is the ; result of a gradual process that has | Through yvaccination the body can be made a <burning terminal for _ the germs of smalipox, typhoid fe-- | ver, . diphtheria, tetanus, ~acarlet fever,' certain types of pneumonis _and other disease. ter--in--law, Mr. and Mrs. George Schmitt, Jr., of the same address, re-- body, while their two children, Geor-- geanne aged --6 and Eugene aged 9 years, were also cut and about the body. Six persons were injured, two seri-- ously, when an automobile in which they were riding skidded on the wet pavement and overturned on Wauke gun road near Rockland road, at 4 30 "'Mr. and Mrs. George Schmitt, Sr., 4928 Fairmount avenue, Chicago, re-- c-lvc'_t;-------' Ainjuries ':;d cuts about body; their son daugh-- terinlaw, Mr. and Mrs. CGeorge #Hiuise today was i'nv::g"u-.'m case of five children a mother, who claimed they were deserted a week ago by the husband and father, There is little possibility of this step being taken until an effort is made to locate the father. Dilger, township supervisor, who would have to authorize --a mother's pension. SIX INJURED WHEN . AUTOMOBILE TURNS OVER ON HIGHW AY Car Skids on Pavement During Rainstorm on Waukegan flaming rallway 'station and the passengers < are at once consumed or forced 'to flee the place. That's how 'vaceination --protects: the body against some kinds of : #germs SEEK FATHER OF 5 WHO LEFT WEEK AGO: AID IS SOUGHT William Young, Out of Work, /T --Cord B ' wWT Balloon $21.25 ;\ 29%4.40 AWT Cord Balloon $15.65 _ 30x5.25 AWT Cord {\ ' e » A' C3 Ee PR is t --aag Telephone 202. ever --night nor 'within three would get a mighty good|investment in 66 If we just jpassed a Goodyear Tire over the 'counter, took . your cmoney, sa'd: Help From County. -- rdon,, state highway po-- Matt Atkinson, road . arrived at the scene of States Attorney Minard were members of one 99 . E8 the car turned around and then skid-- have been spending a vacation. In explaining the accident, Geouge Schmitt, Jr., dcelared that he was driving at a fair rate of speed when one wheel of the car slipped from the pavement. ~He tried to bring the car back on the pavement turning the overnight so their injuries could be given proper attention. «--The group were on their--way home The elderly Mr. and Mrs. Schmitt were 'sent to their home in Chicago, in company with the children at their own request, while the younger couple were kept at the Auditorium hotel the accident within a short time after it occurred. They placed the injurec in automobiles and hurried them to the office of Dr. James L. Miller, of North Chicago, where they were given 1 46 Telephone 202 ~ ; U ALIAI CY *T L The COACH 0 '5095 n3 ,;fi:{ g:g 2 ¥ea" abertyville Garage LUCE & EARL, YOU GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH WHEN YOU SUBSCECRIBE FOR THE INDEPENDENT! TW--W&MMM in history--the result of 14 years of £ In carrying out this policy, the Chevrolet Motor Com-- pany has profited immeasurably from its close associa tion with the General Motors Corporation. The General Motors Research Laboratories-- ----the General Motors Proving Ground-- ----the General Motors enginecring staff-- ---clh'.v.cbonwuflhdhnkhuanv» let the world's finest low--priced automobile! Come to our showroom and see today's Chevrolet! Kankakee ®*=* Faigp $100,000 Premiums, Races and Attractions --. LEN SMALL, Secretary, KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS WORLD'S GREATEST OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT August 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1927 5,500 MILES OF CONCRETE PAVED ROADS Lead to the Kankakee Fair o ne ob ho & LIBERTYVILLE EF'fi 3 #

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