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Libertyville Independent, 11 Aug 1927, p. 7

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_ OPERATE ON AUTO ACCIDENT VICTIM Dreaming of the day be will re turn as an opera star, Pletro Mar chi, call--boy at Ravinia, sailed for As he waved good by from the nd"u.& tovultlyh. wa too, re -ma&nmm ing the money for his musical educa tion. A chance air tftrom "I 'Trovatore" that he sang backstage one night as he worked gave him nis chance at Twenty two years ord and weighing 255 pounds, Marchi, an Italian youth of Deertield, asked Louis Eckatein for employment at Ravinia in the hope Everything is now in readiness tor| Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eilis, Mr. the thifd annual Chicago Rodeo, the and Mrs. William Elberfield and Mr. most thrilling of al} contests held in and Mrs. Louls Maddus of Chicago America. From August 20 to August and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jubrend forthowofld'lmhow for 1927, and the $40, fprize mon-- ey offered by the Chicago Association of Commerce. s The most vicious, man--killing buck-- ing horses ever assembled for a rodeo will be~used in the contest,. They have, been gathered up from a dozen different points in the west and many of them have never been successfully ridden. Invalid, one of the most noted outlaws, has thrown 31 out of the last him. There will be more than 150 of the outlaw horses. Giant Brahma,Mexican steers will Chicago Rodeo This Year August 20 to 28 test teh skill of the best steer riders 31 ling events. In this contest the cow-- boy leaps from the back of a gatlop ing horse onto the horns of the steer and tries to wrestle him(to the ground inleuth.ntvo-hm Relay races, the spetacular and dangerous of all races, trick and fancy riding ®and roping, Indian races and many other events will be run off every afternoon and evening for the nine days of the contests and until all championships have been decided. Tex Austin, of Las Vegas, N. Mex., is azrain the roden manager for the Sundstrom, William-- Bubert, Judge Sante Sant! and Arthur J. Lueder. each will be used in the steer wrest-- Association of--Compmerce, Cap rom Hickman, of the Texas Rangers, Capt. HG. M. Jones, of New Mexico, and Ward Farmer, of Archer, Texas, are the judges this year More than 300,000 persons are prac-- tically certain to attend the contests. Ravina Youth Sails For Milan Cost Paid by Wealthy Deer-- Arbin Sailor, aged 25 years, of w over-- turned on the curve-- at Wodges Corners on Grand avenue road, two weeks ago, underwent an operation on his spine in the Victory Mem-- orial hospital yesterday in an ef-- fort to save, bhis life. It was first believed Sailor could not survive his injuries. The car turned over toen times. Walter Scheurer a compan-- Arbin Sailor, aged 25 years, of|"f® ENUC! %$7 North Gemesee street seriously | Week. injured when his automobile over--| Ira Ga turned on the curve. at Wedges|} Ira Ga Corners on Grand avenue road, two| Yacation weeks ago, underwent an operation|State Ba on his spine in the Victory Mem--{ing in i orial hospital yesterday in an ef--|absence. fort to save his life. It was Arst| Mr. 2an The Seeley Co.'s expert of Chicago, will personally be at the Racine hotel, and will remain in Racine, Wis., Mon-- day, August 15, only. Mr. Seeley says : "The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rupture per-- fectly, but contracts the opening in 10 days on the averagé case. Being a RUPTURE lon, Swn.mmm-u: atw'rs ery, injections, medical treatments . Ralph Knickerbocker pteacriptions:" * of Evanston and Mrs. Mary Keough CAUTION--AN cases should be pau--|of Waukegan.--were guests of Mr. and tionad against (the juse of any elastic| Mrs. Ira Gardier several days last or 'web truss with understraps, us | week. t 2 same rest where 'the fiump is pnd not| Mrs. John Melander has returned where the opening is, pom-- |home from It. Augustine bhospital, in maone. it Aaang bar nouments [tir overation. . She in gorting MoGR Washington, D. C., for inspection. Our| Alyvin Meyer is employed at 'the NOW FAME BECKONS EXPERT-- HERE and in |day from an outing spent with friends Amum'mmmm or of Mrs. John Wessling of Whee} ing Monday evening, when Deertield relatives gathered at her home to cel-- Stanger famillies were the self invited guests, A pleasant tima--was had. Mrs. George Ott entertained her cousin from Chicago Sunday. The Leo Seiler family is having an The 'W. M. 8. of Bungalow church enjoyed an outing at Sunset Park on Tuesday afternoon. Sixty were pres-- ent. -- A picuic supper was served. llr.'-adtld."mn&dm tor,> Wis.. "were week 'guests -- at the Ira Gardner and FPloyd fStanger Miss Luelia Plagge of Chicago visit-- ed her mother, Mrs. Sara Plagsge, and kA large delegation from Do::nomu Bungalo cluirch was present closing services of the convention of Prangelical W. M. 8. of the Northern have rented a cottage there. ; ~Mr. and Mrs. Roacose Weseling and from a visit with relatives in Virgin-- ia. Her sister, Miss Effie Kinder, ac companied her home for a vidit. -- Mr. and Mra, Edward Sohley attend ed the ball game at Long Grove last Bunday. The Long GFrove team play-- ed Libertyville. bis 5th birthday. Thursday by giving a party for a munber of his friends. Mrs. W. B. Cart entertained at a luncheon and bridge Friday in com-- pliment to Mrs. Wm. Cottrell --of Mil-- waukee, and Mrs, John Cahill, also of Milwaukee= > ~-- Mrs, John Cahill of Milwaukee was the guest of Mrs. Burr Krese last week. * ~Jra' Gardner is h vagnitaowBdaPLaoi Ira Gardner is having a two weeks vacation from his duties at Deerfiecld State Bank.. Mrs. Paul Diets is assist-- ing in the clerical work during his absence.. $ Mr. an# Mrs. Ira.Gardner and David are on a motor trip through Wiscon-- sin. They will visit Oshkosh, Green Bay and other points. * Mrs. Alex Wiliman entertained at a Cahill and Mrs. W. Cottrell o Mi} waukee were out of town guests. Mrs. August Zeiman and daughtsf, Dorothy, of Pverett, left Bunday for Tuezon, Ariz., to visit Mrs. Zieman's daughter, Cornelia, who is i}.;: "Mrs. Carl. T. Anderson was hostess to the American Legion Auxiliary <of Deerfield post Monday evening. Mrs. Cooksey, Mrs. Albert Krause and Mre. J. R. Notz attended a show-- er on Miss Mildred Landwebr of NortWbrook Satunday evening. Miss Landwehr will be married in Septem-- ber and will go to Boston to live. §A R C of. IMnols at Bar-- Leas Ifi" atre party in Chicago Thursday, with & group of Northern Illinois State Teachers-- College classmates, and was ,mmqmmmua OM"" ' dred Lyon Moore of ~Austin visited their guests Sunday their daughter and family of Chicago, and spent the u'rummm . mnd Mrs. Robert Greauslade of Highland Park and Mrs. lex Willman were guests 'of Mr. aad Mrs. iHerman Goldberg in Kenosha Sunday. Virginia Farnersentertained a aum-- ber of friends at a lawn par'y lunch eon Monday, at her homsa in Bannock-- burn-- Fields. > Mrs.--JulBlan > Smith -- and daughter, Jean, of Osterman avenue, with Dor-- othy Myers and Jean Portis, attended an out door dramatic production, giv-- en by Miss Page of Highland Park, on 'Wednesday morning.: . Jean Smith is one of Miss Page's pupilis and took mmmfimm & Mrse, R. E. Pettis had as her lunch-- eon guests Friday Mrs. Bryan O. Husted an deon, Junior, of Waukegan; Mrs .J. B.--Eger and daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Ella Schwaegler of Chicag», dAaughter of Mrs. Chris Kooblin, of this tillage underwent a major operation for goitre recently. She is recovering nicely. Her mother visited her last part in the performance. Mr. and~ Mro." Ferdinpand Sallach # Chicago ere Deerfield visitors© Mon-- day. --Their new home is being built on W. Osterman avenue. T Mr. and Mrs. Whn. Kgeblin and son, bhome at Batavia. 'The Tatapoochin Camp Fire Girls hiked to the Grove Woods Thursday. They roasted weiners and marshmal} lows. -- After=--lunch they held ameet-- ing, at which parts in a play were Mr. and Mrs, Paul Hunter and fas y are spndning a few weeks at Ragle m,u;hmmw they sold, candy at the band concert and cleared $1650. Mrs. Carl Mau entertained her 8. 8. olass. KFirst vear Junior girls, at a Crystal Lake relatives this week. Miss Irene Rockeobach of Lansiag, Mich., is expected home this week Mrs. Carl Friedlund, Mrs. <George Mr. and Mrs. Almon Rockenbach of Crystal Lake called on friends here Monday evening.> Friday Mr. and Mrs. Rockenbach and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs Sam Rockenbach leave on a m*» tor trip to Niagara Falls. August 1st, at St. Francis hospital in Wednesday afterncoon. : The summer sale of the Dorcas So-- Mr. and Mra. Danforth of Spring-- field avemie, barvre a little son, born at a party Monday in honor of Mrs. Oscar Beacham and het mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Piper and family leave Friday for Ludington, Mich., to be gone two weeks. F Mts. --C. W. Boyle and daughter, Jean, leavée Sunday for Marionetie, Wis., where they erpect to remain for Heights, nas been visiting hber aunt, Mro. Gearge Pettis. * The Doreas Soctety will have a pio-- nic at the home of Mrs. A. Montavon at Everett on Thursday, August 25, trom 10 to 4. All of the Dorcas ladios R. A. meeting Thursday .eveniag. m&omummn'c-m. Oracle: of 'Nort® ChMceago Cam» and District ~Deputy Mrs: Kampshulte were honored guests. nmmmmn.;flm Juhrend visited Waukegan R. N. A. Canmp Monday evening. The initla tory work was well-- done. <~Arrange ments for the county convention were r,u;mnmmhum ple. Refreshments and dancing fol-- lowed the meeting. * oUTING BY S3T.~POUL'S CHURCH 6t. Paul's church outing at Sunset Wood Sunday was attended by over mmm,m.:#:_MI affair, An out door was heid and Rev. F'. G. Piepenbrok spoke on "The Church and *Recreation." . The singinig was accompanied by Russell Patterson op the cornet. 'An after dinner concert was given by Deerfield municipal band, under the able leadership of Frank Russo. The concert was one of the most en-- joyable features of the day and was received ith appreciation and enthu-- slasm. A well planned program of rames weas carrled 'out with great blowing contests, fish ponds, etc were a part --of the fun:: A base ball game between single and married men clos ed the day. The single men won the game by a--score of 14 to 11. * 19M 160 ~--members -- and friends of the church.. The beautiful grounds arean ideal place for a picnic of that sort. The children bad a happy time with the swings, sand pile, slides, merry-- mmmww A horseshoe °. t contest at-- 54 'lote 'of ial and all the youngstars Sound -- enough peanuts: to fill their Mrs. J. A. Relichelt.Jr., had as hor Mr. SBeveral visitors were préesent at the | ~LERY 1IS RAIDED ity of fifty gallons a day was discor ered by the 'police in a raid made at 1 o'clock Sunday morning on the home of Frank Granduk, 39, of 1530 Laure! avenue.© It was probably the nedy and his squad of officers com sinting of Lieut. Henry Wallenwein and Patrolmen Stewart and Waller» One -- doubl stngle> still, fifty gallons of alcohol and complete and was locked up in the city Jail He was given a hearing Sunday morn-- ing before Police Magistrate Walter Taylor and was fined $420 on charges of mannufacture and possession of in-- A police officer was left in charge of the still} after: the raid was made. Bunday afternoon Asst. Chief -- Ken ndyud.q'dumr to the Granduk home. three hundred gallons of mash were dump ed into the sewer and the aloohol, to-- gether with the stills and other equip-- ment, including: a score or more of five gallon jugs and . bottles, were carted to the police stations where they will be destroyed. <The seven 50 mwmmmm and the mash were destroyed on the premises. ul P It was a marvel to the officers how Granduk ever accumulated all his equipment without attracting suspic jon. Just how long he has been op-- final stages of fermentation and was bubbling violently with the loud hiss had retired when the officers: sur-- rounded his little four room cottage. He finally was ~awakened DJ ue officers and opened the rear door. There was nothing in either of the For the last few days the susplc lons of Asst. Chief Kennedy had been aroused. Saturday afternoon he ob tained a search warrant from Police two rooms on the lower floor to in-- dicate the presence of the still" --It was in the two upper rooms that all the equipment was kept.. In the front room was stored the fifty gallon barrel of pure grain alco-- hol that 'had been . distilled.. Here also was a force pump, a small copper still that was not in operation and numerous five gallon bottles and jugs used am containers. Here also were sacks of sugar, a five gallon bottle--of In an opposite. sorner ~was .. the immense double copper still, all set up and ready for instant operation. Along side of it was an.immense ga} vanized fron garbage can that had been improvised into a vat in which the double colls were placed for the purpose "of condensing the alcoholic vapors into liquor. -- Pipes--to provide running water for this condenser and gas for the stove which supplied heat for the. still had been extended up from the first floor. Because of the tremendous weight on the floor, Granduk had put in sup porting braces which extended from Two Stills, 50 is of Alco-- hoi and 300 Gatlons o | ~ Mash Are Seized. laden, At dark the picknickers wend-- ed their way home, feeling that they lhad had a very good time. The Royal Neighbor Camp of Deer-- fleld had a most enjoyable outing at Lake Zurich Friday, Awg. 5. A North Bhore bus was --chartered for the day and forty members availed themselves of this mode of tranzsportation, while mm.mmmgg At 10 o'dlock the picknickers Deer-- noumm-z'u.mmm&n,: & Joyous one. arriving at , nic grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Orman Rockenbach, the crowd amused them-- selves by a game of basebaljl. In tihd strenuous> game the ladies showoed dexterity and aptitude. .. > unof%mmmmum mittee set & table at which a pot luck dinner was served.., Fiftytive hungry peoplé sat down to the sump-- tno"v' ea armfi 7--"*&' tm '---'o o!unuznm.-'rh lendid hos-- pitality of .Mr._ and lmhfl':m greatly appreciated ~Aay F. G. Piepenbrok, Pastor. is Church school at 9:16-- a m.; Eng lish s#rvice at 10:15 *a. m.; > German service at 11:15. 8. m.-- °---- s E:. Everybody iss cordially invited to attend our services. : Send your child to the St. Paul's achool of religious education,. _School is in session every Bunday 9;:15 --to 10:15 a. m. Church School at 9:30 a, m. . Wor ship and sermon at --10:45 a., m ~No -- ~Troop 52 Boy SBceouts will hike to noon. loudmmmiordhny hmmumtmg m% "tzn':-nhq be held in A miniature distillery with a capac ROYAL NEIGHBORS BNJIOY BY THE POLICE ty mis to alt tmne{ll ~* Wauke-- it 'g"'g C servative value on the grain alcohol seised. Wux'mnmo: the Lifty seized by the police That the lquor was taken away in five gallon jugs, rather htan in small-- er 'bottles is indicated <by the fact the. moonshine liqnor also must have had been a sort of mystery house to ly--was anyone seen--:to enter,. or leave the place, :Police are of thé" opinjon that all supplies were taken in under the 'floor 'to the ceiling of the lower Booked for Big Fair| :# . Mthinke, me satme * e ; had worrled her. She had Night Show t 0oi snn n [ o on To ut ols of (tC 4P Exposition . dren. f ¢ $, Mrs: Schoenenberger told the doo-- Exwopean Acts Are | s that sie has quarreted with her on o o taie e es ep. o. C husband,. William, who left to take The greatest night show and free] . ____. ._» . Lits ia ton aweet." sha acts i l"."um'doon'tpqg.uhhtooumm America have been arranged for the! "Look what I hare gone through," Rxposition at Aurora, August 12 to 19,| '"What have you gone «»through?" Clifford R&. Trimble, secretary--manager | Dr. Branyan asked. announces, © As the fair is the fAirst big "*Those five weeks at the hospital ba i with all of the old ladies telling me outdoor of the season in the Middle '¢~mm'motmmu and ~the wound when it was Aressed. . Life is too has. been able to pick the best ACtS | weet" she answered without men-- which are going to the lllinois, IOWA | tioning her children.. © * and other state fairs, with the result| ~Twice, the husband testified, she that the great crowds in the Aurora ) asked for her older child who sur grand stand will be provided a show | vived the wound. made up of 12 of the greatest acts Her lifte prior to her seeond marri-- that money can secure. age, which was to Schoenenberger, One of the outstanding features will | Was one of trouble. She was mis-- be the ¥iying Ltevan, tor yeare w bi€ | Eoo s uies hut Momeetie abes nerial act with the Ringling Brothers Wrhila soha annaars nnemal -- sho Swan Ringen and her diving girls, direct ~from London, who will be seen for the first time in this country at the Aurora fair. --They do hair-- raising plunges from a laddér in the air into a small! tank directly in front of the grand stand. Kach of the girls is a prize winning swimmer, The Atenos, in another of the spbe tacular acts high in the air, have also been secured. 'These dare devils work In steel towers 90 feet high, beauti-- shows. On rigging 40 feet in the air, In plain sight of every person in the huge grand stand and blieachers they will do double, triple and twisting somersaults and other aweinspiring feats that set a new record in sensa-- Dare Devil Reynolds, sky riding sen-- ufludfi.mwm-fihn:x distinct parachute drops from a loon every afternoon after a suctes sion of breath taking stunts performed on a sichder steel bar. The fair management has been for-- tunate in again being able to book Roy Smith's famous Scotch Highlander band, which will furnish music at the grand stand afternoon and night. Among the other acts are Art Adair and hbis troupe of clowns, Horl Japs, world's greatest equilibrists ; the Lon-- girls, in their act just over WRITE FOR A AREF COPY OF OUR."t00 PICIORIAL GUIDE MAP OF WASHINGTON Bigger Than Ever. LET US SERVE YOU with Lumber and you'll get only the good, permanent, well seasoned sort that builds for permanency rather than increased carpentry costs that accrue when buildings have to be gone over when the structure settles. so it is believed --he had Save Next Year's tHinnal act is that of . _FRANZEN, Jr. T COOK AVENUE ; mm hr '." * - -----'.'.'------ take vio ied her mie m | 0| TICKETS Shirley, and-- then tried to take her| To and From All Parts Of The World own life Saturday was found insane | Information Furnished and Passage by a commission in the county court. Arranged ,Dr.nmmmnr.nn. y : Lemery sit with Judge P. L. Por. Harry C. Meyer Stated that it Appeared that the was| _ __-- irst National Bank _ _ suffering from mejancholia. f ~--Of the night of the shooting, July of the cottage. Mt's office Tuesday and gave a long list of sllver and--linen that had been stolen. -- No clues as to identity of gives no thought to the children and seemed: to worry only about small things, like a little bijl which she mentioned, and to minor matters. To clear her talk the impression would be gained that her sole worry was her wound. Her mental condition is blamed for this attitude. the burglars could be found. The thieves had broken in a rear window Find Her Depressed But Has FOUND INSANE BY . --SANITY COMM"SSTON Returning to his summer cottage on No Memory of Shooting Her ?Child'en:' Had Quarrel. haarlem oil has been a world: wide remedy for kidney, liver and bindder disorders, rheumatism, lumbeago and uric acid conditions FOR OVER up l Me uc o e d ; F "l Libertyville Chapter || with fancy belts 1 . h6 4 No. 272 R. A. M. AGES 2 TO 6 YEARS & it Information Furnished and Passage Amw Harry C. Meyer . First National Bank LIIBERTYVVIILE,. -- . --I1IIINOIS Harry Madill Bartlett 172 W. Lincoin-- Ave., LIBERTYVILLE 7 Telephone %88 one gallon cans, full of. moon, ~one 1 gallon jug and one quart -- bottle partly filled and 48 quarts of home brew made up the evidence 'geized. and one--quart 'at the place operated quantity of moonshine at the place operated by John Dvorak at Fox Lake Dvorak place one five gallon can, two Moets First and Third Monday Nights ... of Each month at Masonic Hall. Visiting Companions Cordglally Invited J. A. TREPTOW. H. P. -- W, NAGEL, . A. 8. DOUGHERTY Office in First National Bank Building Mours: 1<to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLiNOos -- 3 Meets First and Third CE Prtey mights of Exon Month In Gridiey Hall, First National Bank Building. Visiting Neighbors Welcome. Res. Phone 97. > Office Phone 18 T A I L O RI N G :~-- 410 N. Milwaukee Avenue _ --~ Telephone 551 LIBERTYVILLE is Our Specialty. We Have a Large Assortment of Material for You to Belect From. Come in and ase Us. Cichy's Tailoring Shop FRED ~GRAB B E Farm and Stock Sales A ts done right at Cichy's Talloring Shop REVERSE CHARQES ON BUSINESS Tetephane §61 . _ / LIBERTYvCKIR -- -- oy noun on son Pressing and Cleaning| & ATTORNEY--ATALAW Office at Home on W. Cook Avenue EETS FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT THE--TOWN HALL C. C. HOSKINS, Commander Libertyville Post 329 By U. 8. Government Veterinarian D. C, Grinnell, Inspector in Charge CATTLE TESTED FREE OF CHARGE DR. J. L. TAYLOR STEAMSHIP TICKET S CREDIT RATOR REALTOR _ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 666 J. CICHY, Prop. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Office With Farm Bureau ATTORNEY--AT--LAW Grippe, Flu, Dengue ; Fever and Malaria. 912 N. County Stree _ ||| Day and Night Service | it Kilis the Germe, Stried led State's 'Attorney J. B. WETMORE, Secretary Telephone 345.J Acme Camp M. W. of A. No. 176 x~* SNOW'S -- '|lROOFING PHONE 306 o_ * Estimates Furnished Free TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFING READY ROOFING OVER OLB SHINGLES # FLAT ROOFS RE -- COVERED WITH TAR AND PITCH -- P. 0. Box 848 Phone 614--R.2 LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOI8 flpmm AQRAYSLAKE ILL WAUKEGAN,: labor and materia! on your h complete, for a set figure, se be, before stacting. R. L. GONSAL Telephone 568, LIBERTY Going to We Do All Kinds Of Roofing Smith's Taxil | ARLING T O N S. J. GROVES & Day Phone $5; Night Phone 497 11 _ LIBERTYVILLE, iLLimoms -- 1| _ Work Guaranteed R. B. GODFREY AT LOW COST :« GEORGE H. SMITH, Prop. Call, Phone or Write to SPECIAL AT $1.00-- WASH West Lake Streot * «* t Te i ~ w oh. 42

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