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Libertyville Independent, 18 Aug 1927, p. 4

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_|}| Here is the finest warm air furnace ever built-- the new | [f Pretnier '"'Delute". It has all the best features of other _ [J It supplies healthy, humid heat to every room -- without _ I} dust, soot or smoke. ltwillhmeventheclmpatno& [ coal and savs you money both in first cost and cost of k: > _-- TInau 1 V, un ul Ue m hoi -- eb xelt ho FekL d & L _A MR & . 13. 0. 2t cinetcftocdt 2i d ftncr oi es Bb ditve batratetinarcd e mmmmmmes besautiful young women of the city, j Rev. J. B. Foley, Pastor. ip. Tunney, world's m\ryvdm'*oun w mm u«::l At Wadsworth, Iuo'u' 8 a, m. | ghampion . boxer, will_ train in Lake|parade has tor, which | 'At Drace Lake, Mass at 10 a. m. Sounty to defend his championship according to present calculations; ; ; Both services on standard time, érawn against Jack Dempsey, former | be . nearly m#- long, and wil e on > . Champion and present challenger, at 'ognsist of military and civic organiz-- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ' _ Soldiers' field in Chicago on Septem-- ations and floats. One of the features Rev. Guy E. Smock. Pastor. 'ber: 22. : of the parade will be a living fl2E, | gunday School at 9:45 a. m W. G: 'Gibson, erstwhile manager of manching down the streets, C0MPOS@d | wore Sunt 1 es > 4 selected the site last> of beautiful young women. In anoth | morning worshiv at 11. The paStOr w after he 'found,.that DempseY¥ ";m"nh',mmw will speak on "The Seeking Savior.'" ~-- has an--option on the Lincoln Fields and scenes of foréign landsa, 901"' Young people's meeting at 6:30, p. s track which is to the south and trayed by the meople who have d6-- ' m a; the Hafemann home. Reports _ a little nearer Chicago. !mdmmwmnm;"mm""m'm _-- ~Olkson, however, stited that cd;rltOnun whole, it --will be a sight worth :. giyen. > y css F mmH-m 'Tunney |traveling mapy miles to see. 'A : e in w e rnan es : "s'ummm. s an ideal site| At beautiful Fose Park, all kinds. ~FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL "alll all the eoncvcl"neu any | of entertainment will be fflrlhhlfl-; Rev. John E. DeLong,--Pastor -- _boxer could desire. 'Crest i# including contests of various ~kinds; ~----(The Church of Good Will) | 'a» new ch':'-;rkukodvg.h-uum and dancing will ,uo-unnnl:l -mwamw.;'gl;:' ' -- e an Lake| park pavikion. committees interpreted Sunday morning gm is an imposing m,'P'!'!chmpmo sufficient D_l}',t'lfinu. _Life will be larger or smaller «i A. J. Cermak, president of the $ 'eounty board, played a major , "selling" the site to Gibson. D were arranged at the home of f . Lehman. Although Cedar Crest is -- in Lake County, President --Cermak --said ho would--deputize en _ Country Club-- Near Lake + ------ Villa For Quarters. _ Next Sunday, August 21, North Chi-- will--pioneer the experiment of y Nn# the civic celebration, in which @ business houses and civic organ-- zations of that city and vicinity will izations of that city and vicinity will| today. concerned only 35,637,943, the take part. The success of this cele-- | amount received apd disbursed since Bbration is being watched by hundreds| Decring's death. Of this $2,067,600 was of cities to see if such a celebration |paid in cash bequests, mostly to em-- will be a success. The reason for ployes, and 8200.6;;, was allowed. for out a Sunday is that North | administrative and attorney's fees. LAKE COUNTY FOR TRAINING CAMP My.Wemhmmfib:on&fiL':@" ---- Installed in Your Home on Convenie -- Terms Backed By a 5--Year Guarante Cmeinandlu\napldnthevalpctoyon&fih"hm- ous features" of construction 'an'd easy, automatic op-- eration. Look high and low and you won't find an: elephone 17 AUGUST 20--27, 1 NORTH CHIOAGO DaY own men as body guardsa to .4 ACTSB, DAY ating New Concrete and Steel Grand 200 Acres Additional Ground Races Five Nirhts; Better Babiles Conference bhwm??'lw ; XL: A v FRANK H. --EGER Bociety Horse Show, Do; Races 'dmw iy; Auto Races, Two SBaturday. $80,000-- ess and Run-- Furnace With Every Famous Feature monily * || © Kilogy's Com Flakes _ 75TH ANNIVERSARY Chicago iA an would lose a day's employment, were lel ho cpminte en Tfoak ns hn If aAs uuumfl::rfi'-"" ming for such--an event, so Ssunday was decided wpon ab a logical day on which everyone have an oppor-- tunity to attend . affair. One of the: feat of The celebra-- tion will be the selection of 'Miss North Chicago from amongst twenty Kalkle Wikey . HAKMONE . id -- 4eA PE RAERENONE .: O ME C2 0UC umt 00 C . in 90 day, revealed. _ | * Ray Butler of Chicago Drowns The value of the estate is unknown/| _ in Channel Lake; Friend altho . James Do'flnt has _ been o dead nearly two years. It is variously -- _ Saves Himself. estimated > be $10,000,000 --and imesse 1 1 a $80,000,000 A inventory of per=| Ray Butler, 40 years old of 6036 eonal property ed that the form-- . Gundérson road, Chicago, was drown-- er manufacturer bheld stocks,. bonds, ted late Saturday evening when the notes, and mortgages worlth $17.313,.-- }rowboat in which he was fishing with 878 at the time of hHis death. | his friend F. Ricgert of 2913 Warshaw ---- Illinois will receive as state inherit-- : avenue Chicago was upset in Channel ance tax $233,041. is leveled on |lake by the waves from a passing Chicago holdings. The report filed | speed launch, E today. concerned 23,637,943, the Although witnesses iallod to state amount received apd disbursed since : whether the speed launch stopped Deering's death. Of this $2,067,600 was -- after--the rowboat was upset, or not, paid in cash bequests, mostly to em-- . a coroners' jury junder Deputy Cor-- ployes, and szoo.e:; was allowed for ; oner Penny, returned a verdict of ac-- administrative and attorney's feoes. lddenul drowning when the case was # | beard Sunday afternoon at the Stranz e q= -- ------------__------ }nngemk_lng rooms in Antioch.-- * Tunney. * x Uncle Sam has collected $2,425,00° of the James.Deering millions as iu-- heritance tax, mim of the exe-- entor. filed in te court here to-- ecutor, t fl | PEETS VEGETABLE OIL f ------NMHardwater SOAP 927 oon and eve drén, Mrs. Mazie Aylward, of Hebron, Lucille, of Round Lake Mrs. Nora --Gorman, of St. Paul, Mrs. Rena Brach-- |er and Mrs. R. C; Rosing, of Round ; Lake, Evelyn of Chicago and Celia Russell and Robert,.--of Round Lake. <She also leaves six grandchildren as ell as several brothers and sisters, Mrs. Mary Mosher, of Chicago, Mrs. Dora Ohirich, of Mundelein, Carl Dorf-- ler, of North Dakota, Anthony --and ! Joseph, of Mundelein Rudoiph, of Iv-- anhoe, with -- one :sister Mre. . Anna Wells of Mundelein, who passed away two months age. Mrs. Rosing had lived in <Round TLake since 1905, and leaves a great many'friendg to mourn her d She passed away at the age of ler), was born on _ 'er 18, 1878, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. The body was removed to Chicaze late Sunday evening for burial. Butler is survived by a wife in Chicago There were no children. + According to witnesses, Butler and Riccert came out from Chicago about a week ago oh a fishing: and: outing trip and were staying at Channel lake They started fishing Saturday after-- noon, and were rowing in after an :' afternoon on the lake when the [ngh" powered speed boat pulled by, churn-- ing up the waters and gnuln' consid-- erable waves. The men in the row | boat apparently did not see the speed boat and the waves caught <~them broadside, turning the rowboat bottom side up and dropping toth men into the water. Riccort was ab'e to swim' and caught hold of the upturned boat | while Butler went down immediately. calls from Rice@rt brought assistance from the near by Sshore and a search was started for the body of Butler. It was not until two hours later that the tody was recovered. & MAN DROWNS WHEN ROWBOAT IS UPSET BY POWER LAUNCH '--Rev. M, J. Nealis, Pastor First Mass at 6:30 a. m. Second Mass at 8 a. m. -- Third Mass at 9 a. m. \ Fourth Mass at 10 a m. 8T. PATRICK'8, WADSWORTH Soap By The We 3 Small Packages for.... ......... 9R , (1 Pkg. Kelloga's Pep FREE) 25('. 2 Large Packages forzs (1 Pkg. Kellogg's Pep FREE) 4JC OBITUARY * _4 Bars In A Carton For 23¢ CONTAleno animal fats or fillers. It lathers profusely in hard, soft, hot or cold water. Quickly removes grease _ and dirt, rinses hedi.fi;mthehmlnd j skin. Ideal for toilet, and shampoo. * Made From Pure Coconut evening. August 31. -- This is the an-- nual Church business meeting. Sw-- per will be served and the Fourth Quarterly Conference will be held. .A and. youug people are invited to. at-- Sunday school is held at 9:45 old We wil Ihave a meeting of all mem 'Old Hurts Cause Death 21, at 10 o'clock. c .o?nmu 11 a.. m. < This will the pastor's last German ser-- mon, before leaving. English service at 8 p. m. 8T. LA WRENCHNS EPISCOPAL -- The services on Sunday, Aug. 218t (the 10 Sunday after Trinity) aro: Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11 am. . Church Scho#¥, 10 a. m. > Rev. A. E. Selcer, officiating. Daylight saving time. employer. Edward Livingston, 43 years old, 413 Popuar St., Warkegan, died last tained April 27, when the was thrown from a horse he was riding from Great Lakes to Waukegan for his ping Livingston's leg just below the knee. Livingston _ was taken> first to the Lake County General hospital and then taken home. As his injury did not heal, he. was taken to +the Victory Memorial hospital and since the time of the accident, 'he had --al ternated at the two hospitals, spend-- ing from two--to Yve weeks in the hospital each: time. His 'health con-- tinued to fail and death ended his The man had gone to Great Lakes| up two North Chicago girls --heeling to get the horse, and as no one was|and toeing it between Lake Villa and about when he arrived at Great Lakes|Grayslake. They were on their way :'&"'"Mmlfw?m"""fi"'h::m& * o 4 s back to Waukegan. He --While they gave Hamlin their mohtanhatdmmmmhmwngpmmmt horse started to buck, stumbled @ndj ypey told him that they had gone for rolled over on top of the man, sBBDP--|.. _ia~ with twa Antioch vouths nameées the annual outing of the state ag-- ricultural society-- at . Mooseheart, I!1.. by 125 members of the lake County farm bureau. -- Zgfieg::ré;égfi."filwommmm'> ll mm omm es ce us © | LyfQ NEAR SUMMER [ SUGAR CURED BACON, whole or half, Ib. 26 1--2¢ The event was & big success as to attendante and the class of the program. 'Principal speakers at the aftair were James J. Davis, secretary of labo?t; Senatog McKellar of Ten-- nessée and C. V. Gregory, editor of Prairie Farmer and an outstanding figure in agricultural and Chamber of Commerce circles in the state. The Lake® county: delegation was not successful in competition at the event howevéer, the horseshoe team from this county failng to place, while none of 'the exhibits in the poultry department took honors. Organized play dm arranged for children in atten e and many awards were distributed among the youngsters. * 125 FROM COUNTY ATTEND BIG STATE Lake County Fails, However, ----to Capture Any --of Awards ----at Big Gathering. _ _ The human body is a water--cooled machine; therefore, use water exter-- nally, internally and eternaily.----Dr. F, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Sunday 'School at 9:80 a am. ?flfi M&u'n 10:46 a. m. ednesdays p. m. : The subject for next Sunday, Aug. tw 24-- And Water So Handy i: 4+ o) ky "Ge aliare + Pomu 54 0 at Insp From Dept.<Takes + m in Sherwood Case; Mother's Club Attend. The postal department Tuesday took a hand in the arraignment of Claire Sherwood, 30, Lake Villa postmaster, when he went to trail before Justice Hervey Coulson on a charge of crimin-- ally attacking Laura Sorensen, 15, of Lake Villa, in his home a week ago. -- Inspector A. E.. Germer of Chicago, was sent out by the--department io 'gather the facts for the government x5 37 nothinpg in the ride to excite her. They saw her suddenly slump down in the seat and when they atom the car'to--examine her, they 4 that"death had come. : ° ----~The body was taken to Chicago im-- mediately after the inquest and fu-- neral services were held Monday. ' At the inquest it was brought out that Miss White had been visiting with Mrs. Christina Lemke in their summer cottage --at Lake Catherine. With Members of the Lemke family, Miss White 'had gone over to ~Camp Lake, and complained some there of not feeling well.-- It was--on the way from Gung' Lake to they were to consult a ~While they gave Hamlin their names he close to keep them secret They told him that they had gone for a ride with two Antioch youths, umx unknown and had caused them to come vindictive some place between North Chicago and Waukegan road Just to get even these shieks drove out to Lake Villa and bounced the girls out. Hamlin took them home. He is trying to locate the sheiks. The night before he aided two other girls in reaching their homes and the night before he went : through the same process. "This is beginning to get my goat. If T ever get any of these fellows it wili be all night with them," he said with Miss Adeline White, 39 years old, a resident of 2832 South ~Komenesky street, Chicago, died suddenly Satur-- day night while she was riding in an sutomobile with friends, on her way to a physician in Antioch. . . ' Death was due to a cerebral hem-- orrhage, ~ according to the ~autopsy performed by~Dr. Penny at the in quest held Sunday --morning at . the Strang undertaking rooms in Antioch. Friends of Miss White testified that she had been treating for heart trouble and high blood pressure. 'They also testified that Miss : White seemed in fair health and there 1 Miss White died. She had jus a happy two weeks with her at their lake cottage. 7 "Sometimes postmacsters are drop ped without a trial but that only comes in extreme cases. Often the procedure is to wait for a trial and its result," he stated. With Germer was Mancel Teleott, Waukegan postmaster They were there as impartial pec-- Lake® Villa. last night was like the night before. And to him night before last was like the night before night before last Last night for instance, or it was this morning at 2 o'ciock, he picked up two North Chicago girls --heeling and tocing it between Lake Villa and Gets Third Pair in a Row Near Lake Villa Last Night; Lived in North Chicago. ' HAMLIN TIRES OF PICKING UP GIRLS WHO HAVE TO W ALK Miss Adeline White Victim 0 Cerebral Hemorrhage on To Constable Bernard Hamlin, of * ATTACK TRIAL INCuHIE SUGAR d Scohoo!l ill open for classes Tuesday,. Bept. 6th. ~--I=~ shall be in the offite of the school, both day and evening, of Saturday, August 27, for the pur-- pose of registering all Freshmen and all othe retudents who ar eenrolling to rthe first time. If any 'student who enrolled last April, desires to make a change in his or her program ulhouldbadonouthhdn..':l'h- mirbm Music, P':;Ihll Training, either Latin or Spanish and General Science or Home Boonomics. glish, Algebra, Music, Physical Train-- ing, either Latin or Spanish and Gen: eral Science or Manual Training. In order for students to enter, they must whow evidence of having completed the eight grade, or having been marke conditional by the County Sup-- erintendent of Schools. In sgchools where the regular county examina tion is not taken the recommendation of the principal in charge will govern. For satudents .living o u t s 1 d e LIBERTYVILLE A riot call was sent for the polics and Night. Policeman Richard Willer responded. The officer drove the 'bat-- tlers into the street, grabbing ~one whom he took tc the police station. Instead of locking the fellow in a coll he put him in the "bull pen." Ther bhe went back to the restaurant but the other fighters had disappeared Officer Willer then returned to the jail only to find that his prisoner had escaped by opening the jail door and taking leg bail. § Marshal Depnis Limberry started out in a car to look for the escaped prisoner but could not find a trace for the locker key or for a combina-- tion padlock. All or most all of the 'deposit ~will be returned when the key or padlock is turned in. / : The bookstore has a large number The Virginia cafte at Libertyvilie was nearly wrecked Sunday night at 11:30 o'clock when a free--for--all fight occurred. . A crowd of Chicago mo-- torists stopped at the cafe and some of them got into an argument vwith some of the Liberytville men who were in the place. The result was that a battleroyal occurred. Tables and chairs were broken. 4 One Man is Arrested But Suc-- ceeds in Escaping From _ Libertyville Jail. Palace Cash Meat Market Co. LAMB SHOULDER 19ic lb. Specials For oc wonee " _\ 1UEOOTFALL _ LEG OF LAMB thest Grade Meats at the Lowest Prices id m | MAYLPROVE--FATAL Corneline "Con" Dugan. 57, of 315 Ravine avenue, was perhaps fatally injured --Friday night at 9 o'clock when he fell 12 feet from the third floor of a building at 328 Helmholz avenue, landing on his head on the . _ Mrs. Helen Cohn, who was given the choice of either paying the $36 she owed toward the support of her mother or going to jail, tearfully paid over $36 to county clerk 'Saturday morning and avoided a stay in Sher-- iff Doolittle's hotel. Her brother, Sidney Sherman, who owes a* like amount had not paid up to noon Sat-- urday, and he may be ordered to serve it out in the county bastile. being committed and he stepped to & telephone and called the police. When Patroimes Ray McManaman and Roy Edwards entered the hall-- way a few minutes later they found Dugan lying in a crumpled heap at the foot of the stairs on the second PAYS $36 AND AVOIDS LOCK--UP are of the opinion, howeve he wander@d into the wrong by mistake. °* Pioneer Minister Rev. Samuel Shelton was the first minister of the colony of Sajem, Mass. He was born in the purish ~f Coningsby, _ Lincolnshire, _ Engam1 February 28. 102 ar 1 °03 Have Suffered a Fracture : «: of Skull. ~--whole or half, Ib. 23 1-- BOILING BEEF 10iclb. _ , August 20th LAMB STEW 10c lb. Best in the Land HA M S c THE INDEPENDENT is DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR ONLY $1.50 |"North| Chicago -- | Day" | . Sunday Aug.21 Free Entertainment at Foss Park ContestsofallKinds DANCING FR EE Bathing Beauty : Contest : The Year's Biggest Event! "MISS NORTH CHICAGO" FOSS PARK North Chicago Band -- Floats Parade . at 12 o'clock noon Pontiac GIVEN AWAY 2 t ve

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