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Libertyville Independent, 18 Aug 1927, p. 6

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i;g;fl-u%'cnm. Lots 113, 114,| Sunset Terrace, See 22, Deerfleld. ~*115, 148, 1149, 150 and 151, Pleasant| _R. C. Wittenburg and wife to L. E. _ View Sub. Sec 24, Grant. Frisen and wite Jt .tens. WD $10. E_ k M. Runyard and wife to --R. H.|Lot 30. Gurnee Highlands, See 15, e W. D. $10-- Lots 5 #nd=~7,| Warren. ~ F'-_'z".l'.l'l.mwfih. C_T & T--C to A. W. Piske and _ Chgo Tr Co to 0. Leib Martin deed | wife jt teng. Deed $10. Lot 16, blk _ . §$10. mt&mt.U&NaL%?.M'mW,MhndMnb _ lumbian Gardens, Sec 35, Vernon. Seo 29, Deertield. "~~ _ _N. 8. Tr. Co. to Irma B. Coale, deed T.I.Hh-qd'flotofl.c. $s Pt of lot 70, Everts & Jefferys |Sorenson and T. 'Borenson jt tens. s Secea 14 and. 15, Deertield. WD $10. Pt of lot 5, blk 6, Smith af C. Stags and husband et al|and Adams N. Addn to Wkgo. .. to Irma B. Coale Q C D $10. Pt of lot| wW. ¥. Griffin and wite to G. E. / T0, Everts & Jeffterys Divn. Secs.| Thomas and wife Jt tens. WD $10. . 14 and 15, Deertield. t 26 and pt of lot 27 bik 7, Wikgn A. J. Felter and wite to V. Felter Secse 17 and 20, _ _ W. D. $10. Lot 148, Felters South Lr.m-nmumn. E. H. Bartlett to F. Oechslin. Deed --to. North Shore Highlands, Sec Ejugmtow:' mufir -- -- SAYSFARM REPORT COT & T C to W,. Poelkonen and wife it tens, deed $750. Lot 40. J. 8. Hor w.mwwm Evangelical Lutheran --Church Orphan Home to W. B. In-- P. E. to J G. Stocklin et al w.n.,nm 11, first addn to Deer-- field Villa, Sec. 27, Deertield. . H. W. Shielde and wife to A. L. Beck. Wd $10.--Lot 28, blk 1, Powell E, AAG 3. A/ALIL LE voung . TV <-- AFC * i hf of lot 12. Blk 3, Shady Nook|Deed $1. Lot 121, Petite Lake High sub Sec 14, Antioch 3 woods sub, See 30, Lake Villa. " T. --A. Emanuelson and 'wife to|__C-- W. Davis to H. 8. Davis. QCD '_mw,&g Pt of| $10. Lot 216, J. L. Shaws sub, See , (mut'fia h'm"b.':.m"'htoa.ho' % Wkgn. N,aa-bi pez. mnmmwu-mm Lots 19 anda 20, blk 28, , deed $10. Lot 3 Blk 7, Bartlietts] Washburn Pul-: m Beach ;Rds Sub, See-- 34,]| Mary C. i1 and hus to Elst« Benton. Joyner. WD $10. Pt of W hf of ¥ wzu'nmm'u grmmwn t and _%:'uuw.'nm. Lot 10, Bik 2, De Monte Gardens, Sec. 20, Lake . A. Dunas and wife et al to Florence § W. D. $10. Lot 53, Village of the Woods, W hf of SE ar of Sec 35, wite i tohs deed gi5a" Lot on 108 Hovlands Second Addn to Highland # . Telephone No. 4. > #% U U# 4 & 4 & * t 4 & 4 4 4 4 a 4 en en ces . snan m l'. l'fl wwean . mmam -----. A. H. Steele and wite to R. D. Pavriik Q. C. D. $10. 8 40 ft. of N 525 #ft. of W 1144 it. of lot 10 in Bentley's ~Sub, Sec 15, Deerfleld. ~H. Bwanson to A. H. Swanson and wife it tens W. D. $10. 8 50 ft of E wamam&m . A. H. Swanson and wife to E. Sba iro and S. Shapiro it tens W. D. $10. 100 it of lot 29, Everts & Jefferys Bec 15, Deertield. < --J. Stuchlik and wife to J. Levy W. BPRINGFIELD, ILL, AVG. 12--With m large increase in native lambs and kmmoc less lamb feeding 4n Corn Beit--and increased feeding in the West, prices ot-- slaughter lambs arée expected to be lower while winter # '¥urnished by the # & LAKE CO. TRIA & TaAuUuuT co. i 320 Waskington 6t., Waukegan. % * REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS * last , the report issued today by hxfium:mmumtot agricuiture state. : -- Average prices for the year however, are expected to be about the same as last year, the report states. . The de-- mand for feeding lambs as indicated by present conditions will probably be somewhat rednced. # « Wool prices are expected to show a rising tendency during the next six months and should be maintained through 1928 unless there is a marked racession in business activity, the re Chicken Dinner at Lots 35 and 36, Blk the Present. 5 : 10 Bentleys Subn SE q &?é':m to A Ohnq Qcb : Lot 9 Blik 38 H PK HL .. _ _ $ h. A. Jarger and wile to L F. Gottlieb. WD $1. Lot 5, Blocks sub So Highland addn to Highland Park. -- C, E. Daniels and wife to O. Soder-- wxuxgu}xnanm:m m"" A vOou. 4 o "nazfiiuw Wt to E M Ste-- mtwm NW frcl--ar See 4, C T & T C€o to J Stastuy &--wt WD 10.00. ~Lot 6 Bilk 24 NW aor Sec:-- 84 Thomas and wife Jt tens. WD $10. z;.fl,ndpt%l:tflfl:k'l.mn Lr.mmmum WD $10. Lot 48. Washington: Ma-- nor sub, Sec-- 20, Wkgn. & _ E. E. Shannon to Mrs. Viola Lay. WD --$10. gtwot;-)oit..l. Shannouns A.'J.M:A.lomm wife Jt tens. WD $10.-- Lot 14,. bik $%, Bartletts Northwoods First addn wonle wh $i6. "hots t asd s Sik 'g';': re;nzmww' D $10. ~Blk 14 Stone & Co's . For-- est Addn Sees 8 and 9 Deertie|d. --E A Davide& wf to L A Fits & wt WD $10. Pt of lot 5, bik 6, Smith | ~ n.,, W. V. Griffin and wite to G.~F. ren, * Thomas and wife Jt tens. WD $10. A R z;.fl'ndptollotfl.ut'l.m'wn' 16, Wikgn. a * CT &--T C to 9: B. Beedell. D. $10. : Lot 1. blk 3, Branigar Bros. Sunset Terrace, See 22, Deerfleld. _R. C. Wittenbursg and wife to L. E. Frisen and wite J# .tens. WD $10. 'rroject for a number of years, will find it difficult to dodge the lssue at the next session.: The Constitution requires apportionment based on pop ulation in the regpective states and hf-- of Sec 9, N. S. Blumberg wife to E. De-- Lano. WD $10. t 9, blk 9, Blum-- bergs sub, Sec 16, Wkgn.-- ----B. Jensen<to V. L. Jenzen. WD $10. byw-w_:r'-m. may have alarmed staid citizens of the republic, but government agents whose business it is to watch the subversive elements are not greatly concerned over the flurry.-- It is gen-- erailly conceded that the Sacco-- Van zett! case will provide plenty o ma laws. uuw.mc drastic proposals ; be submitted partment of Labor, which Has charge of immigration .ehvmu. feels that tar--payers | that they shoud put a it the" stepoctnt Tite and coomly of their state and county governments, for it is reeognized that state taxes are the real burden on the citizens.: | Washington offic-- hhelmumcpuu-homdo sevetal reductions in the Federal--tax rate by reason of in oper-- ating cost, while and--:local taxes have increased P e The demonstration by radical ele electrocutions have revived the de-- mndtotmnltmt-tm isting laws, the of alliens may be ~halted. m%:mumc has indicated --be will demand increased € for re-- m-nnut along the Mex-- Ican Border, where it. is alleged that altens are samuggled into this country. :'Saq'fmao m}-cmagh-" P ing notootvndutflm o& & mmmmm-u::na Washington, August 17-- It is obvi-- ous that the Administration 'wants to W A Benson & wtto R Olson WD --K& wf to A H few months :C T & T Co to 0 Werher & w , Behm & wft to R Springen w8 $10,. --Lot 65 Washington Manor. August '3, 1927 _ -- 5 ied ~re Bec 22 Deerfield. _ a °% . i", '*a850v0l0s8tad & wfi to G C|% Partch & wfi WD 300, Lot 226 Pieas. N n!t"gmhh:u"u.:"- ' & wt WD $10. W t SW ar dee §§| U cnmu.mi of Chgo to J Te-- kampe & hrs, D 18. ~Lot 3, bik 5 Sec 1 St. Marys Catholic Cemetery. W H Jentzsch to EB Jentzsch & wf WD $10. W ht frel Sec 4 Grant. _-- w T Duhlay to P W Petersen WD $10. Blk 19 McKays Second Add to us Bs ow noiiile a o WD $10. Webb and Jensen N 9 Addn. W J Obee to L Warton D 10,500. NE ar Sec 11 Grant. 'a 2 L« Warton to C J Wrobel WD $1. NE ar Sec 11 Grant. ; J Y¥ Stahl & wt to P J Borre" & wit _QCD $10. SE ar SW ar Sec 19, aem awn N wiee . W ooo 000 CCC O m@@ -- Asinrd ~aAuun-- to e + --R--O;l'l'--lh @10, A0L 10 MAIIUZNS PITSL AQGNB L0 | $1V, wmwwm" WM * 3 "%% m:"'i:tbs'e.mkn. w.'x. Lakeside Subn SE qr Sec 24 Wau--| 21, Avon. & J. W. Farnsworth and husb.:to L |pur» py conda. _ ¢ _|J, C T & 7°C to J. Pnelan & wt it | C. Yariey WD $10. _ Lot 3 "Bangs A. M. Stevenson and wife to 0. F Jentssch & wt to W H Jentssch| tems Deed $19. Lot 11, Blk 4, H. O. Lake Third Addn to Wauconda, SE | Atborts and wife WD NE gr NB ar WD $10. Lot 65 Nifpersink Terrace *&m-'mmmzug.".,wm c > Sec 14, Antioch. * W hf frel Sec 4 Grant. Deertleld. | A.--L. Kimball and wife to J. Belch H. G. Williams and wife to A. M. A Rasch & wt to J Karlovits & !M-.Bulotctphm'muo. w"-"'"WHMbh.WDno.swcrsxu&c Hams Pk Subn Secs 23 and 3$8, Wau o q::»'wm_""a. #_~ e ate 1. J ".""-..W."zcm'u&(l«&-inn couds. -- Gold Ad J. G. , to J. J. Daiy "s, e MBE 1G A. M.; M _A Crane--& wt to F 'T Merger| it tens WD $10. Lot 39, Wadsworth | wif, ) $10.. ~Pt NE ar NE ar Sec meagapntnepengeeecuinnaas rnemnceemnenccmname ces & wt WD $1. W hf NW ar Sec 31, nt-!,ofll-'"g-" ao _ ----; [14, Nowpott. .:. .. y ?." ThA s yPe Libertyville. , * C T & T C to Roseraon COOk| _ C. T. & T Co to B. M. Coivin' o | §M# M reslifonmas C & T Co to H G Winter & wt D| Desd $10. Pt of Lot 24 and all of| 5959. fot 6 Hoviands First Addm to| § ¢" . f nso.mu.mnnmmal.mkhmzm-nmm V ar NW qr Sec $2,--Deer--| $y " -- t m Sater wo sn bn o ae| 0C B beaie oi Roase voles oeet oc ceys 1. DEA T 1 f y P e , 1 $ 3 ty :4 «2s 3 / Puek: e 18, Ayou """ D 3000 SB ar--See| _M. 5. Renatich to M. Egnatich WD|rrey wD $10. Lot 20 Bik i Chansei| %_ . lef N M D $250, NE ar NE ar Sec 7 Warren. Catherine Yocum to T R Gibbons QCD _ $10. NE gr NE gr Sec 7 War-- ren. A R Kanney & wtf to A F Schaefetr WD $10. Lot 14 Blk 8 Wikgen <Gar-- dens Bec Secs 17 and 20, 'Wkgn. E D Link & busb to C I-rl-% rbno. lh!lmll'llnwflne-i von. § . _ H E Maiman & wf to F Beelow WD $10. ~Lot 78 Maimans First Addn to Lakeside SBubn SE qr Sec 24 War R Jentssch & wt to W O H Jentzsch WD $10. Lot 65 Nifpersink Terrace W B frcl Sec 4 Grant. White House are being rushed in an effort to have the place habitable by early next month. The President and Mrs. Coolidge are expected back in town around Labor Day and will 6c cupy the temporary White House at DuPont Circle, unless the contractors complete their work in the meantime. reaching a point of price{ixring. L6g-- islators from the farm districts make no secret of their concern over the vote,. while another representative 'm;wwmth.mm and residents has an equal yoice in the alffairs of the nation. 'This is highly controversial and a long drawn out battle is expected. n » Bpeculation is now turning to the chanees of guggeated candidates for the Preskdency, -- --and their <relative standing'in various states, -- Especial attention : is given --states having a largh --electoral college vote, such as New York, Pennsyivania, 'Illinois. for intheend.thuaMmbh'z the balance in power. The on : Coolidge has not been sufficient to have him change his decision and become an active candidate for the republican nomination. Some of those who have openly advocated a recon L l Sratnds mt t c dR _ Avci tien im Arctwirt ces M prvhcs., drreyh t 44 in the manner of revolving loan fufds to offtset the losses ono farm products prospects of farm legislation. ~H is too often, the football of politics. : -- motives, fora few realize that their own political fate is wrapped up in While the Secretary of Agriculture bas advaocated something new in the farm rellef legisiation, there are pow-- erful groups insisting that the Mc Washburn Pk. E G Patros & wt to=L-- A<Wineske wWD --10. Lot 47 Glenwood Heights. under present conditions, in one of the denzely populated sections, a con-- 8 Y--WLL LIPAM. DALEY N. E. A. Correspondent Augustadt & to J L Rhoesiner s 12%, 123 and 14, e tbimeni in o w e 3 homgun C orternen 4 t C es P h\w'.A"'n; 6 : *et Nakde _ 1X * 2 ~JiOF and wile--to A. J.| G.--C. Hield and wite to J. W. u."" WD $10; Lot 24, 8 T S Sec ammmwnu%\wiws.cozg H. J. Leckrit® and wife to J. L.|_ C T & TCo to E. W. Todd D $10. MQODOL Pt SW ar 3E ar aam&- Sheridan :Rd Subn & h-'- Durgin and wife to J. J.|_ G. D. Thomas to C. Jonés, $15. Lot Rosen. QCD $1. Lots 15 and 16,|32, Sec H Mount Olivet cometery, \d. 3. lmm wile to M. Kavy--| ¥> J. Jirks and wite to F. J, Nojdi anaugh. QCOD $1. Lots 6, 7. s,. 9 |and wile WD $10. Lot 4, Blk 6, M. 8. Egnatich to M. Egnatich WD ;10.- Pt of NE gr of SE qr of Sec ~P. Madura & wt to J. Kenar & wt i madtaa Fun in 19e a nomantah s un Lot 8, Washington Heights Acs Bub, M".-Wk'.'g > s esc d H. Yellen & wft to R. Schiff WD $1. z{ml.m Sandstroms Cike Wan o n x £ 8 #; Co. c LOt 22 BIC I Talmgn 222 m.*e_ NE o 'é:c"".m::' o e ce Lm'a'nunxmu.mnmnmmmw K.u-.llilhfldmww- Stukus & wt j tens WD $10. ~Pt Of LOt "B" | T inoolnshire NW gr See 21, NE ar. See 'mg'mdzflummm,m"" D:Dm-&-m y At NE 4+ throp Harbor. > , 1C T Co to W. E. Oaerberg, 7 nderson to C. W. Bu r, s s s s s carclon0de Lof o Hik D ramman hnd i w tho BR Ien & heel See 2 KZ WD $10. Pt of of E hr of tres| $1.00 WD $10. _Pt of W hf ¢ : | Thields Lincolnshire Subn, NW @r {yoop. Bec --4, Antioch. . i . 3 P o 4| BSec 21, Libertyville. § C T & T Co to A. W. Rice and wf A.ll-lm*'f"'-'f,',";,'"vw;nomg'mamu.wn D $10. SW ar SW ar Sec 27, pt NW wt it tens WD $10. Pt of $1. Lot 33 Bik D Talman and Thiels |qr See 34, Autioch. ® M is t in Lincoinshire Subn NW ar See 31| R. Reckling and wife to R. J. Bor-- i Es o a# e oi | Liberiyrine. ; regard and wife WD $10. Lot 97 G. "'r"fi-""o"'fl;""'. ""&'i'a'u'.':é'.'i" C,. A. Newcomb to R A. Davis D|R. Lyons Third Subn Fair Grounds, . G. B. Rilis to B. Corrado & wf/$500. Lots 20 and 21 Blk 25, Wash-- F. H. Bartlett to J. J. Lane and wf i# tens WD $10; mummm;-r& Lud io x: D $10. Lot 4, Blk 31, Bartlett's N 3 Grove No oo Ab Deorflell.._ ____ |_ Cr. Smith _ wD, 318. _ Lot ¥e| Woods. Sec & Shicite._. _ _' _ * ___C. A. B Anderson & wt to J. Fran-- |tensen and : wife + F. H. Bartlett to J. J. Lane and wf s io. t it AeL E* mfiX and wife to F. Lane WD| D $10. Lot 8, Blk*31, Bartlett's Shore 'Mm"?:mfipg&mswfihmu} 7 A. Simon to J. nonuiat Wo 30 m."un.wm""-""_ i. .: >:; * x Lots $2 and 33, Bik 9, lots 66 and 67, $1, Avon. y ""A ' Li.M'hLC.Y'!h' "mn"'m"m ! 2 to W. A. Law WD ' Lot 18 s Third Addn to f g and g?fuc'&""munm Bec g;.i"a' -h":-:' i l Cxl 'mc' % N.m.%fiemM-L Oe C TT o 1 D TROERCY 0e >A AoP-- A4, . Ahe : EMEK* WD $10. Lot 38 S TS Sec 16, Wkgn--|dall D $700. SW ar NZ ar Sec 30, A F' Beaublen & wf to C P Austin | Warren. 2 c x WD $10. ngkulqr!-ca\m', N. 8. Blumberg--and wife to C. S. wu.nx.':,w_ to J M Mutrray &) Hanford and wife WD $10. Lot 17 Bik wit D $1. ar See 30, Antloch. 10 Blumberg's Subn Sec 16, Wkgn. G Prasinos & wt to C Alexopoulos e.&wm'floto& E. WD $10. NE ar Sec 7 Hla. -- lyaw WD $10, Lot 17 Bik 10 J W Stringwell & wf to T H Car-- hinflocl'.bmdd.« nahan WD $1. Lot:8 Blk 26 Z C 5) --~R. H. Edwards and to--C, Bec 28 Benton. Rosengren and wife W $10. Lots 9 T H Carnahan & wf to J W String--| and 0 Blk 3 Marion Terrace Subn well & wf WD $1. Lot 8 Bik 26 C|)xw NE ar Sec 20, Wkgn. 8 Sec--28 Benton. & e c n> H. E. Maiman and wife to R. E. J'm&fih'r!lcln-ma-l wife WD $10. Lot 30 mqmn-wcmumumumsm.anrszqr Benton: (¥ Bec 24, Waunconda. T H Carnahan & wf to J W String-- Union Bk of Chicago to A. Norstrom well . & :LQODQL gmcmtu.-u-mnm. Lot 67 E Sh--ré Gar-- £4 C B8 28 ° Benton. A "Qxlgh.htctbcl.mnt.f G AndersonTr to Elias G Patros| _ J. M. Bronstad to O. J. Bronstad WD . $19. < Lot--61 o,-moan-mwbm. Lot 3% Glenwood Heights, Sec 17 Wkgn. e cT&TOotoW.:l.Okcrbou'D A G Schwerman & wf to A T Lung|$1,000. Lot 32 Bik D Taliman and *0 Grongroat & wt to & Bmitk wb|gee po cepeccuthit® -- Subl NW ur C , e € "' ""7" "um '.- arane mss o e N HH -- Smd he farm business as & whole.. -- -- ~|43, 18. ns o5 it en 2 4 (gr ..( oc P .0 .0 004 fi:.a.nmb::humu O.I.nhnm'tbto.!.i prices justify, in those months when|{Crosse and wife. WD $24,000. NE ar um&-flm"&:m BE ar Sec 35. NW ar SE ar See %, u:'uwumu-z C"T & T Co to 'Albert Olson. D to the relationship between corn and|$10..~ SE ar SW qr SE frcl qr Sec hog prices. 31, 48, 18. 8 l l e uit uie wo qi oo & nG * * yareington Beighte Seos 30 and 3.( or See 20. Wmuconte. / . "" / + se¥ $ I » x* md stein WD $10. SW ar Sec 18, Grant--| rorg --~_-- d lm"'"&mumocn ¥. H. Bartiett to E. Bergstrasser, 400. SW gr SW ar Sec 13 Grant in g10 29. Lot 13 Blk 6% F. H. Bart. A BATT & w i; EHICZOL & WL W RLZ um 91 and 99) TL mws 00 $10. . St §0. Lot 1 SW ar See 30, Lib.| '*'2" RP ob Sece 31 sud 32, Wken. . nB it maaie & ue ie 1 mste w yet in Aeteiient mabe Ww Bel 55. s ar gqr : us f L A Crabtree & wf to H Hoyt QCD ut'{,,'fi":.':;'..'m%'i?fi' $10. l_au:ud:m:w'nulm} i ,.n.mhu'm'"@,'f-".-hWT.JmD".Lot'j $10. Lots 1 and 2 Bik 3 Lyon and|Lite wort __" * "MCAA* Addn to atchius Subn. f f _ A. M. Durst to T. Jensen QCD $1. B H Waits & wf to G D Watts WD D'Q' $10. W ht frcl Seo--4 Grant. ,',',"u',&",:: 6.Bik 5, McKays Addn -h.I"IA luo'cn"m"fl'-:..nst:b:' ,-_!-'-"!.-- er St Bk to L. A. Ran-- Adjust Hog Production ic We bomandy" {d C C &'I'OOtoWul.OhrEu"nw Dnln.n}. Lot 32 Blk D Talman and|Co to H. F. Prussing WD $414. Lot -- Ela.| Thields Lincolnshire BlbnNWum.lchhlBOomm.&n. i WD| Sec $1, Libertyville. -uv'.l%'?:am-gmw& W.) E. Okerberg to J. Seybold WD S ng Lake ':E:.&vmumnmuamw nw ar fee 24, Grant. i Subn, NW ar See 231,| _ H Jahnke and wife to W. Stukus WIt | Libertyville. xnm. St. 50c. W hf NE qr. See 5* | Phichis Iincolmatire suon, Tw "al | TD. $10 SW frol ar frel Sec 27, An: 4 « » 4" f tioch. es 4| 50c 21, Libertyville. : C T & T Co to A. W. Rice and wf hf oftl. W. E. Okerberg to J; Se¥bho:d WD|T Kih oW 22. cu; .; _ PiZ hnd _ WiH 1« |] _ G. A. Benson and wife to G. J. Mc yi--| Crane. WD $10.© Lot 23. Co Clks is Grand View Subn. See 1, Antioch, *X > :vfium Jt * * -- K. J. Sirks and wife to F. J. Nojdi | and wife WD $10. Frol See 1, An'&, 'A. ¥. Builivan and husb., to C. F. Olsen and wife.QCD $1. : Lot 808|' Shaws Second Subn., Secs 38 and $4, husb, QCD $10. Lot 20, Blk 1 Chan-- mmm&m&um E. M. Runyard and wife to F. Us-- m:t;mwn-uo. Lot $ Bik 1 'd's Second Subn NW qr Sec 29, Wkgun. f K.T.G:oaolndwmtos.hglwg. Genesea Depot WD $10. SW ar ar_Sec 24, Libertyville. H..T. Greene and wife to Sol Engle Genesee Depot QCD $10. SW ar SW Blumberg Subn Sec 16, Deerfield. -- R. H. Edwards and wile to C. Rosengren and wife W $10. Lots 9 and 10 Blk 3 Marion Terrace Subn NW ar NE gr Sec 20, Wkgn. -- F. H. Bartlett to H:=Irvine & wife D $10. Lot 11, blk 6, Bartiectts N S properties, Sec <13, . Libertyvillie. -- Bt Bk of Chgo to M. C. Schults. D $10.. NB ar SE ar Sec 36, Deerfleld. J.--Root and 'wife to E. Martinez and 'wife. 'WD $'9.. SW qr SE ar BHee 20, Wkgn. -- weetes ie n 1 oo ar SBec 36. Deerficld. j -- Fannis Worthington to P. E. Reed. WD $10. NE ar SE gr Sec 36, Deer-- rokr "coe te| I] comn.r.\mwnxu Lot 71; Sec B N S Cemetery, _ W. B. Ingoldstad and wife to H. Reval D $10. Lot $3, Long Lake and NE ar Sec 24, Grant. H. Jahnke and wife to W. Stukus WD $10. °St. 50c W hf NE qr. See & :; WJ&i. 1 *nresrsil TanU¥inakr at TD PP in * L6 THE NORTH SHORE WISCONSIN "Lake Geneva . T win Lakes "Powers Lake ERTYVILLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION --_ . AUTHORIZED CAPTTAL--$1,000,000.00 SHARES SOLD ON MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN .___ _ 50c -- $1.00 ------ $2.00 Per Month lnterentAccumuhtea af Appfoximately 7 Per Cent. Wbym'hudlmmpu Operated Under the Supervision of the s tz State Auditor ofPublic Accounts. } ENe Joed LOANS ARE MADE TO MEMBERS ONLY Lowest Rates on Loans For Home Building Kennedy Block--Milwaukes Avenue at Chuch iStreet _ . With Good Interest Rates J. Anderson and wife to V. Lob--| Thorsch, D $10. Lot 40 Ravine Gar-- man and wife WD $10. SW qr Sec|dens Subn NE gr Sec 16, Wkgen. 81, Wken. . |__O. E. Taylor and wife to I. A. P. Meh! and wife to J. Buick and|Windle, WD $10. W bhf NE gr SW wife WD $10. Lot 8, Channel Lake|ar E hf NW agr SW qr of Sec 29, Bluff's Subn Sec 11, Antioch. Deerfleld. ( G C. L Milton to J. Ginsburg -- WD| ®F. Walezak and wife to H. A. Stew-- $10.-- SE ar NW ar Sec 34, Benton. |art and wife WD $10. Blk 13%, Drey-- ..J. 8. Solomon and wife to D. Gold--|ers Subn NW gr Sec 3$3, Wkgu. berg WD $10. Lots 3 and 4, Blk 1%,|} C. Conteas and P. Conteas and wife Wikgn. > ' to L. Rrickson WD $10. SE gqr SE gr _--_C T & T Co to J. W. Carroli & al,| Sec 17, NE qr NE qr Sec 20, Wkgn. 'wun SE qar NE gr Sec 14. W. D. Rockafeller and wife et al G: ; to R. Scharft, WD $10. Lot 12%, Blk c.u..m%wmw-w.:.useeu.m Mud-m $10. Lot 15, Blk| G. M. Gollwitzer and wifte to M. 2, Warrens to Wkgn. Navigato WD $10. NE qr See 24, C. E. Jenks to F. G. Wrags, WD| Antioch. $100.. Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Oaks| F.--F.--Hoeft and wife to Vilg. of Subn. <>>4 f Lake Zurich WD $3,000. Pts Secs 17 B.--I Groth and husb to H. B. Holim--| and 18, Kla. gren and wife WD $10.. Niy hf loi| Lake Co. Natl Bk of Libertyville to 2, Blk 80, Highland Park. 1r.mmmwnm Lot J. A. Simon to O. Mathisen, WD|45, Lake Shore Addn. Williams Pk, $250. NE ar Sec 34, NW ar Sec %5,| Sec 28 and 33, Wauconda. " ml.xmm-. ' J.vg;hh%fludvflnto IJ. ~¥F. _ K. C. and wifle to A. J.!Spencer, §10. SW qgr NE ar Sec m,%m WD $10. <Lots 11, 86. Deertield. £ } G. H. Sylvester, to A. Jensen QCD $2,000. NE frcl gr Sec 9, Cuba. J. Anderson and wife to V. Loh-- man and wife WD $10. SW qr See 31, Wkgn. s b P. Meh! and wife to J. Buick and wife WD $10. Lot 8, Channel Lake Bluff's Subn Sec 11, Antioch. C. L Milton to J. Ginsburg < WD $10.-- SE ar NW ar Sec 34, Benton. .~J. 8. Solomon and wife to D. Gold-- berg WD $10. Lots 3 and 4, Blk 1%, Wikgn. > C T & T Co to J. W. Carroll & al, D $275 St. 50c. SE gr NE gr Sec 14, and wife WD $10. Lot 8, Blk 2, Lin-- denhurst Second Subn., NE gr NE ar Sec 14, Grant. CT & T Co to O. Albertz and wf D _ $550. NE ar NE ar Sec. 14, Grant. M. B. Gilbert to Town of Avon QCD $10. NE qr SE ar Sec 19, Avon. oY l t iC _ ITILLIN OT $s Lake Villa > Fox Lake District Loon Lake _--Mundelein ILLI N O1 s .&--Ivv ie senrcnts * wandtet "'vatsre us a~4 mmmd&bm side and the home of the Li es into T M.LE'..L"& L. ®~ » traing '.'Lz;z?'.'!'.' Milwaukee terminal, Thorsch, D $10. dens Subn NE gr $0,..Warren. Union Bk of Chicago to R. L Thorsch, D®$10. Lot 36, Ravine Gar-- dens Suon NE gqr Sec 16, Whkgn. WISCONSIN Waukesha Beach Nagawicka Lake Nashotah Lakes Nehmabin Lakes Oconomowoc Silver Lake Lot 37, Ravine Gar-- Sec. 16, Wkgn. t |f H *4

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