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Libertyville Independent, 1 Sep 1927, p. 19

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Subscribed and sworn to-- before me this ith day of !!.!'"_ *L n above report by him eubscribed is true --and cortect to the best of his COUNTY OF LAKK Paid back--to County Treasurer by Voucher--No. 72, Merch 17, 1927. sTarn 0P IPMNOIR__ 1 . (<~ ! 1c Edrria Etm inates Bheritt's Salary for the halt year ending June 1st, 1927 Sherift's Expense and Deputy Hire for half year ending For Sheriftt's suits in Courts................ For Miscellanecous Services :.......,.......... For Support ~of Gov't Prisoners............ Old Buits# in Court® ......:::::...::05.,::%...., Balance due County for 4 year................_._._.. o oong n,.m.ri the m.-tm and relo~ Respectfully submitted » . Km q: is 'through" <the south haif of i. JO:BN.-m fin.t'ix.'..lfl'mj = kss Pesracri y on Subscribed and sworn to before me this: 3rd day of June, A. D. 1927, ""' gmut Section 27, T. 44 K. (SEAL) gitk> ; \~3. T. DINN, . * _' E 9 E. of the 3rd' P. M. and . the. ' + f ~~*~*Notary Public. .. 1! half of Section' 26, T. 44 N. R. Supervisor Obee moved~that --the report be referced to the--Committee|9 E. of the 3rd P. M. to Wauconda;. on Settlement 'with the Probate Clerk.' ~ fra*>" goc S s _' --] thence mow!&flymfmh Motion carried. ; . in ndt * s +7 6. ao~ oue a-- Anartd m . m.m' 'L, A. Doolittle, Sheriff of Lake County, submitted' the following' te--|Ratt of gecdion 2o" 4. 43 N. t 9 B Sist, 1921 i f n e e mnaanany 15 -- + nhaly &,'a' said Section .25;" thence TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERYVISORS OF LAKE®\: °_ fly folowing the general locati I,--L .A. Doolittle, Sheriff in --and for Lake County and State of IIH--]thfough the ap o. > F I,--L .A. Doolittle, Sheriff in --and for Lake County and State of HHi--] thfough tho'-hmlp} 'Center of nois, respectfylly present 'the following report Of all 'the fees a said . Section 235 | . through : "the emoluments of my office for and during the half <year ending June. 1st approximate center© of Sections ' 30 1927, inclusive, wherein~4+ state the gros® amoun}t of all the fees and|and 29, T. 44 N. R. 10 E. of the 3rd emoluments by me earned for--offictsl service~during the halt year, and *, M, to an intersection with 'an: ex-- total amount --of --receipts of whatgoever name or character: . . . istifig diagonal road in éaid Section Emoiuments * FEarned Receipts] 29; 1 northeasterly: following For Sherift's suits in Courts............................$2,700.93 / ©$2,189.:58|the general direction of said diagonal « TV 4 _( _ . RLORENCE EFINGER, Notary, Public, | Boute 67 in the north Raif of Section Supervisor Obee..moved that the 'report be --referred to the Commiitteeé 9': fiMM M on Seitiement with. the 'Couaty Cletk. ~ ... n. .. ~c= \_/"*.~*~" »frefocations through The north half of Motioh taftigd.. « ----_[--;.7.:%>:~ »:>*,:__£ /: NOC _' / (Eaid Section 27 and the forth half of _.. John R.+ Bullock, Probate Clerk, submitted the following report Section 26, T. 4i N. R. ;}p' the of earnings, receipts etc., for--thie halt year ending May 3%1, 1927: |3rd P. M. and the south halt of sec-- To the Board of Supervisors Of Lake County, Hlinols: inss [A Te tion 23, T. 44°N. R. 8 E. of the 3r4 C oR copdbn mmb rabimuet ar> ).i uied Conl Sn * y' sn cer c ind s ts ho oo cinaftegirants it A "ly'-"'. 4-"' ammw : ¢ f $9:281,08| in order that a read of ample width, Totat --Rectipt® :%............«...-- * i dan ie [ tik foems Seetonte ~areiee s ant DISBURSEMENTS: is us * J crossings may be bullt --.-- <=---- CHETHK:--HIDG : --<..<s<------xgureritonccagys +ny-- icrne §X i8 8 4.014 ' t & When final eurveye have -- been BUIMFY ... --3«.+«csxpper tursrapesanbiontyr mt mauntidntpcerm ..' A2 1. BA ; s made, conveyance -- forms,. ~descrip-- EECHBOLN * scx¥es --=Sove : tr csw nntyonn fninpinennognatets 841. -- $13,591.42|tions and plats wilt: be furnished by Balance due Lake County for half year ending May 31, 1927..:%2,852%.64| take to. secure the necessary right-- i# Respectfully submitted, . wi*%..* ef--way. |<~> oo mss "ay's * enlee's, f ; M LEW.A. HENDEE, County: Clerk.|® : Desoription of --Preferred Route :: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of June A. D. 1921.] : Beginning: on 'State -- BHond~-- Isgue and Stanton, / Engineer's -- estimate Lor this work was $4,253.00.-- [ * ~ All proposals were publicly openéd aud read and referred to Engineering Department for checking and tabiudla-- "tion. Bids teceived were as> tol-- lJows:-- $ f * * Lew A. Hendee, County Clerk and Ex--Officto Clerk of duco»g C Court, submitted the following report of receipts earnings.etc., of, his| -- Offlice for the half year ending May 31st 1927;: _ % _ .. Waukegan, Illinois, June 1st, 1927.. -- >~«> |._ TO THE ROARD--OF SUPERVISORS OF LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS:«>'-- |P I, Lew A'Hendee, County Clerk and Ex--Officio Clerk of the County]|* kn > LObgo:*\,..;...<.., . <« < weeads E. L. Melabn:............. 3,839.96 Darrow and-- Barron......;. 4,182.1% : Motion was made by Stanton and geconded by Stratton that contract be awarded to L Patsz Construction: Meeting was called to order by Chairman Paddock at 2:00 o'tlock P; M., as advertised. ~Membérs~of" the Road and Bridge Committee présent were Supervisors Austin, Brown, Har-- baugh, Hoban, Howland, Mawman and Vercoe. 7. > ' + R, . M. Lodell, County Superinten-- dent of Highways, saubmitted the fo}-- lowing report: * . To: © The Honorale, The "Board of SBuperyisore 'of Lake County, Ili-- ©'Comnmor, Obee, --Potter, Paddock, Stanton, Stratton, Short, Van Patien, ors Burke, Dietsch, Cory, Dronen, Dil-- ger, Flunk, Ficke, Garnetl, Holdridgs, rrowed _from --County--~Treasurer for SBherift -- Salaty © and> #:* Deputy Hire from Decembeér 6th, 192§, to Jan. ist. 1927..___ . 47506 Deputy<~Hirefrom February 1st to March 1st 192%7... Trowed from : --County .Treasurer for Sherift Salary® 'and Deputy Hire. from.January let to January $1st, 1937............. Motton Bupervisor Obee moved that the re-- Motion carried. *--_--_-- IAW A, HENDEE, -- * R. M. LOBDELL, Co. Sup't. of Highwayse. RAY -- PADDOCK, _Chairman, FRANK-- T. STANTON, JAMES O'CONNOR, ° Road and Bridge Committee. Aue--cecanes reene ns a00 2e ahn0 0+ bo ue n ns c hn h apne on neen nenaamarc0n 0 08 an ao # se--ze@»--«=s Wilcox.. 26, Those. voting O'Connor, ~Stratton , ~Meyer, Naber, Co. .. :$3,47061 .$11,006.16° manm _ Eaivert _ WOA . I8~ DFOITORRIOE]--~At is understood the abaove r ere. that <will 'b¢]tion . oft Bond. Issue-- Route . 176, started within a week.. ----. . .------ |thet» mh-g.ah Contract for the County Aid Grad~ built. may vary:so--that easy lng-- in Cuba ' rdes;.moderate . toras, .and a mini-- ed as.--yee. and . probably-- will: not: bei : ~-- _ y~0 ?flfl. 3 antil the: high «water~--has--receded|.:~ _ ~=__~.. _' + W#Ditector, hnd -- evivent" wole o Creek, was awarded to the Jowa|STATE OF IJLLINOIS, DRPART Bridge Company and they 'are. like-- | MENT OF mlxuc WORKS AND wise makimz g¢ood progress,. .: . : BUILD DIVISION OF Contract for ' the ('paring. of Ivan;| ;. , P CH, _7 C DUIPUEAEUIOR . HURKON, hoe--Grayslake Road, Section. $7--154, | _ Th8> gtavel crusher ' was late in was awarded to the Frank C.--Feuts etarting,--due to excesgive rainfall, but as yet on this road but present in.| d0UPted!y continue until winter, : dications are that the culvert and Yvery respecttully youte, grading operations will be _xmtarted R, M. LOBDELL, . coon. s n *Ls hoz * Acting Co. Sup't. of Highways.> The Round Lake--Long Lake Road| Supervisor Ficke: moved thst the giading, _ Section ~ 36--G--15d_. was|"EPOrt be accepted and placed-- on awarded to 'the McGucken--Vander|file. _ : ¢ Heyden Company and. they are mak--| -- Motion carried. ce .t ing very satisfactory progress. m The following communication ,'d' bridge on this road. over Squaw |Dresented and read: . --> ~* .. _ On June 7th the | pavement on Green Bay Road, Section 32--1id, was completed. 'This road will be opened to traftic on @ither June 29th ng and should help~very lnhr;iy k pouumnimnniennatmntnintizaintenmeinintintricnitinntiniihmatmminnimitinbaintrmntanammncmmmmcmse s hi e _ . e n T P lilr . m t o p 4 *R M Lobdell Actiie Counts? Bu--istractars in an. L Oin 2 OE O p O i t ~fk -- mage us s e t o en o i iamannnirameamncone q mandeatizz Cmemeninindintinnm ts _ _R. M Lobdeli, Actitir County Bu [structure is now being déesisned. . It|communication 'te referred to the |a-- Dance Hall, and 'béigg first" »duly | : Motion ; Clara Patch Eutntoeme veut mar> mm *" |nes adtttatie that mant, stment es | Moga nat meiees Commiane . -- -- |Prom Cmm in mb ce ie toe | aotreriiar tnttrs. Chairme ot tha | C riet on ot mection...... o¥ \ ".TM» & Che 5 - ; *43% ® .. AP o 4 C439 . & o & '" ;n'" im# 1 e J ,,gs 3 '.'N;._A".. h 4 ~ " .' ' in ' 'n E t e- J' s in eGntlemen:-- . _ _ ; 2--./----C Pank t !flm&&" ollowing ~ communication ~was | said application: J 4 : Mm.m mortm.m"' ' 27 h Siatk B1 Htection. .. ... .00 To The Honorable, The B ngg' "-Ml.rd# ve :the | presented and --read: _' _ ; ], Name: Mary E. Stanton, address; |STATE OF ILLINOIS ;| Arthur Kelly perymors, of Lake 1 oor OO ochisned and.be ready to ad--|STATR. ASSOOIATION OF SUPER--\Inglecide, liis. Residence of 'Appli~| _ _ , o 3y ol a wo...... th4 ' whe 1N 112 |yertise for-- bide . by the time -- this | .VISORS,COUNTY --OOMMIS§ION-- |eant; Long Lake. Duration of above |_COUNTY OF LAKE Dave Vin Patten 1 day I wiso to report (hat, Sibce .YOu! |right--of--way bhas, beon se« 8. . .._|. . KRS, . COUNTY AND PROBATE " |residence, 40 years: prace of birth; |BOARPD» OF SUPERVIsORS JUNE Posting Notices of Election.. 250 last reguler meeting, the following|--~Formal notice of + of: thie § &8 £ND COUNTY AUDI-- ingleside.. .Are --you :a naturalized | -- _ SESSION 1927. . . E. A. Martin 1 day A progress bas beerf made by this o!~{following sections by the Division' of |-- _ TORS OF STATE OF ILLI-- °-- citizen?Yes. . have. you é¥er been Jupe 13,1927; | Postinz Cards of Instructions 250 i > tC } .. JMighways has been received: _ | _' ... ~.__NOIS. ; _ . Jeonvicted of 'a felony; or} & 'misd¢--|Mr. Chairman and Gentiemen of the | E. A. Martin i aay on Tune " I rement on | Rock nm,.g' Bection D--1150. : ~-- J..G. KELLERSTRASS, -- . . . | meanor, ""'"""'m i en Board of Supervisore: Returning Poil Books to Clerk €.20 On June (Tth the | pa t on | Roce Rection P--1--15d, ex~ B Recording Sec'y, of this State by a minfimum impris--| . Your committee on Elections beg|H.:E.--Church; Rosecrans Green Bay Road, Section 32--16d, was | tencion. > * t ~' June #, 1927. |onment of six months or| longer? :A ¥e to report we recommend the ) Rent of Polling Place,....... £.00 completed. 'This road will be opened| Grand Ave. Road,. Section 29--15--4. |Dear County Clerk: No. Location of the place or build~ | Election Expense bills for the Judicial L ¥. Slocum . to mc 0' lm'mn_.%_" W '._'.'N m ".w.l!' "" .N 'o mu w '"h M m"m Aannlinant'! Intanin®.%n ie LLLL L cia e c ow anak 52 12L C T i year enaing June . _ _.. _ e of{said Section 28, thence north= Gecsancconmsnnsccncsnames»-- s snimans $3020.47 : 9P :a--hathmiz:: * . w .ace $5,126.47 land : relocations &v?&-mq Bherift -- HSalaty > and: _ .. [RAalt of Section 21, T. -- N. R. 10 E. o Jun. Ist; 1927......... 475.00|of the $rd ;,..-.. and through Section" Sheriff ' Salary= 'and ------ _ --. .ET NR 10 l;w 3rd-- P 7 3ist, 1937........... . 2206.00|M. to 1 z the halt sof SBheritt Salary ~ and: 7os w 23, T. 4 N;: 10 E. of the 1st 1927.........--.s»..----.. 1,190;00 P. M.. thence: easteriy and south> --4$1,750.00 . 1,2%00.00 $2,950.18 rressm«k ' UyUTUAA0 "¥§ $14,868.50 : 4,872.40 .2,619.40 | road> and trelocations ~in <tha north h kds T34.50| halt : of Section . 29° to 'the east . 23.81|line of s@kd Section29; thence fiorth-- knz _ «--------------leastoriy relocation in the north $1,573.38> -- ~$5,567.24}haif of Section 28, T.--44 N.'R..10 E. Jof'the 3rd P. M. to an intérsection $0,261.06 Recely /. ©$2.950.78 $7,183.00 $9,261.08 Section 19 and Bection 20, T. 44 N. R&. 9 E.--of the 3rd P. M. to an inter-- ; . HIGHWAYS,. -- ._____ _ [your district at once. It would be s Springfield, Illinois. .' ©:|a great help too, it the officers \uf .. BOND A488UE --ROUTE 176 i| your -- county, including ~your ~euper-- .-- Bond Jesue Route 61--Arca '| visors, would make anearnest appeal --"MHaving investigated all of the pro--| gither personally or by letter to your posed 'locations for Bond Issue Route | le&islature. members at once. 116 'between Bond Issue . Route ¢1]) Hopipg you will see 'the value of: and having held a final meeting, the|thus co--operating with us in our. ef-- Department . of Public-- Works --and |fort to .get{inancial> relief for . the-- Buildinge announces a preference for|©0oUntics of this State, 1: am y the location described below. This| -- -- _ ---- Sincerely yours, | location will be fixed as final for|. ... -- J. G. KELLERSTRASS, Route 176 betwen the points named,| : Chairman Legislative Committee of only on condition that the Jlocat in--|the Association of County and . Pro-- the location described below.: This| -- . .-- _ Sincerely yours, location will be fixed as final for|. ... _ -- J. G. KELLERSTRASS, Route 176 betwen the points named,| : Chairman Léegislative Committee of only on condition that the Jocat in--|the Association of County and . Pro-- terests arrange to furnish --without | bate Clerks, County, Auditors, Cotyi-- cost to <the: State ~such ~additional trco'hnum and Supervisors.© right--of--way as. may prove netessary | --P. 8. The legislature will adjourn in order that a road of ample width, | Within ten days, so to be effective we easy -- turns.> moderate . arades must have immediate action. ©-- of <Highways.>= > ~~: l TW "th, o~ + "The County grading outfite>arg" in eonstant use by the townships and present <indications are that the d#¢-- mand 'for these 'outfits 'will continue throughout "the construétion season. "The-- gravel ~crusher was late : in etarting,--due to @xcesgive rainfall; but is 'now in <operation and. will ,un-- doubtedty -- continue until' winter, > Very respecttully youts, R. M. LOBDELL, . -- *__ Acting Co. Sup't. of Highways."| whicn provride for a twenty--five fent Supervisor Ficke moved that the | yaie amended in read forty cente. _ ::ort'be accepted and placed= on| 'This would give counties needing * _ d e . .. |mork | aAn opporturity --t % $ . Motion carried. f ¢ Topnm over we need y&::gm The. following communication wes| wg, you present the enclosed resolu-- presented and read: 4 <|tion before your County Board next lmg 0(;.!-' lLLlNO!:. D:P'Ag- Monday, ask them to pass D!:: or tll:' ; F PUBLIC WORKS AND :| similar ang then send 'co to the BUILDINGS, DIVISION OF members of the Legislature from 7%.4 --. HIGHWAYS8, > _--. . |your 'district at once. It would. be. Springfield, Illinois. ja great help too, if the officers uf. ... -- BOND 488UE--ROUTE 176 . -- || your-- county, including 'your ~euper-- . ----Bond Jesue Route 61--Arca '] visors, would make an earnest appeal ~Having investigated all of the pro--| gither personally or by letter to your. poged 'locations for Bond Issue Route |le&islature. members at once. .. _ 4 176 'between Bond Issue . Route ¢1) Hopipsg you will see 'the value of The two trucks, which you Author-- ized your Maintenance Committee: to purchase, have .been déelirered~ and paid for and the last two State trucks R--réal--credit: to our Maintenancte De-- Roads was started on April first. Due | be done at once to bring relief., The | that she is a person: of 'good mioral to the: great amount ofrain in Apri1 | Lifty® cent .rate 'for general county |character; and that the place . or and .May, it has been--aimost inipos--| PUTPoses, together with the twenty--{building where the Dance Hall is to sible to keep these --roadse--in=first|five cent rate for. County Highway | be ~operated> or> maintained," reason-- class .condition. --However, now 'that | B#ke a .rate_that "le tne --limit the |ably conforms to all laws and health we have had some--warm dry weath-- |Cons on »permits. ~With this sit-- l and fire regulations appolivable there-- Crend Ave. hoad, Séction 29--W--1id| -- You are no doubt familiar <with| ing> where~the Applicant' intends to Rockland Road, Section 31--15d, the {inancial : distress of the counties }{operate or miintain' the Dance Hall. Maintenance : -- _ . j Of 'this. State. .We. think you 'will| A. <Long Lake, His: / Regular patrolling of the State Aid |AGree with us that--sombething should|-- : The. applicant further -- establishes returned to the»Division &Mm Potter.~ "Paddock, Sitantomn, Stratton, Short, Van Patten, Communication be--received and filed| © <:~ AND BUILDINGG ;(fi' i :: u:;umc&wmxgam « By: . >.---- ~ 1G, R»Miler, . 'm "m.' on M % r in 2 d U $h48 ;"Ma: m-unr tor the dues of Lake Coun-- | Attest:. FRANK.T. SHERETS, .. . -- ty :to the 'State &lvc:t.i:l and that |< Ohunbkmog-du« i o tne eyp ~ole nelne han 5o. || Supory aqp--Ficko.--inqrod that N. M: ; Those counties that have been rep-- resented . heretofore we know will come againand. those counties that have not been represented we hope will be represented at this meeting. You <nor ;your county, can afftord to migs this opportunity to get better acquainted with --the problems : we all haye. to meet. <So kindly instruct your Clerk to --séend. the fee . to. 'the Treagurer: and appoint 'your delegates effort wil} be made to 'bring in or *shoot" an ofl well diring the period of the convention. 4tm & . * f 'J-pg::t subjects-- now before most ty Boards and the new laws passed by the Legislature this year will bo--thoroughly discussed , by Imwrenceville and Lawrence Coun-- ty are preparing a hearty reception for us. and a very good program is being prepared.. Several speakers of natiopal; reputation will be <present. At the time of the convention the weather. in the southern part of Iili-- Bois is ideal. > AAm The local committee have ° artang-- ed for all delegates to visit every branch of theoil refinery industry as well as the great ofl fields .and an direction pf the Agsociation, 1 urgent-- Jy request: you to appoint --delegates to attend this Convention. . ',< Dues from which the expenses of the Assoclation are ";M are Twenty Doliars ($20.00) im each county, Please instruct your Clerk to fssue a warrant for that amount . payable to Lew, Hendee, m-g':r with . the request that bhe will n the warrant to Mr,. Hendee at Waukegan, Ilinois, Supervisox Obee moved that the|_ LEW A. HENDEE, communication <be referred to the : * County Clefk, Finance Committee. Supervisor Obe moved that . the Motion carried, ._ ... _ | Applications" be referred to: the 14-- The following communication from |cenee Committee. | ~=">>~~«. : * J. G. Kellerstrase, Secretary of State| . Motion carried. ¥ ./ Wiree Anoenlbu of --Supervisors, -- County| --Supervisor Paddock, Chairman -- of Commicsioners, etc, was read: the Road and Bridge Committee sub-- STATE ASSOCIATION OF SUPER--|mitted the following reésolution: + V¥ISORS, COUNTY --COMMISSION--|-- ""-- ~ gEsOLUTION: x 4 wvm . AND . PROBATE| BE IT RESOLNED by the Board of 4 P _ _ COUNTY"-- AUDI* j Supervisors of Lake: County; Minols, _ TORS OF JLLINOIS. _ -m'mht,a'mu- 'ways, To the E and MeMi-- | Department of _' Works -- and _ bers of the County: Board: _ . |Buildings, be requested to rei 'the ~.The Forty--first Annual Convention |following described portion of State of the State Association of Supervis» | Aid Route No. §o from 'the State Aid ors, County . Commissioners, Codnty | Road System of Lake County:---- : and Probate Clerks and County Audi--| "Be at the' Interesection of tors will be held at Lawrenceville,|State Aid Road No. 10 "with State Lawrence County, on September 27th, | Bond Routé No 22 near the center of &mm 1927,.. Each county is en-- |the east line of Section 19 in-- Ela titled. to four delegates, viz: ThreejTownship; 'thence 'morthwest to the Supervisors or: Commissioners . &nd |center of the north lHine of eaid #ec-- the County Clerk.and in thosee coun-- uonh'n; thence west one mile; thente ties having a Probate Clerk or Coun-- |south one--half mile to an intersection mt&::mtoh"idod. By | with State Bond Route No. 22. ~ } Aéesociation, I urgent-- RAY FPADDOCK, '." >' -- ly request: you to appoint --delegates. FRANK T. STANTON, to attend this 'f;-m i% ~~C. H. STRATTON, -- 3 -- Dues from which the expenses of JAMES O'CONNOR, ~ ~~ uation exicting: and county expenses Increasing .through new and increased obligations ~Jmposed by the legisla> , It has been impossible for coun-- ties to keep their expenses, down : to the existing--revenue, yet the legisia-- ture has been--unable to increase the ounty .rate because of the Constitu» " bars * t -- There is a bil} now before the leg-- lelature to change the<assessed value from one--half to full value. This bill has pased, the State Senate and. has a.chance of passing the House. Along avith this--bill .are other bills. cutting the tax reate of each, taxing body one: half, .The county rate would then be cut: to 25.cents for general purpoces, Now our program for relief if the asseased-- value is placed at full yvaine aitt esA l Z yours Dronen, Dilger, Furky of lilinois, the name of Mr. R. M:|-- 'Rent of Polling Place........' oo Pn wl aan! | Snd beaw ......... . wuum#& m&r en ie en n es SDated this.dist »day>of--May .A.. D.|'=Totkl ....................--:.$ !mo Je pxee 4 $ """fuw at w it : § % pai'le.. ; x BENTON 6. ' PEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS)|Jas. A. Fossland -- _ . . '~~~/, AND BUILDINO®.(Seal) . -- . [' 1day Judge of Election......"* '-- Pursuant to the provigions of Arti-- ¢le 3, Section 8 of the 'Road .and Bridge --Laws of Illinois,.an examina-- tion to fill the position. of county superintendent --of highwaye in Lake County wlunenm by the--Department of Public Works and Buildings to be held _ at . Springfield4,. "Illinois, -- on March 11, 1927. . x?dn of such ex-- 'amination 'w::lm t:'eog of t)t; ecandidates eelected (by Count Board and a copy of each notice for-- ©Supervisor Obe moved that> the Applitations® be referred to: the 14-- cense Committee,. ; ¢: !>~~>4} c_ ./: > . Motion carried. § :f*~ ... Supervisor --Paddock, Chairman -- of the Road and Bridge Committee sub-- mitted the following resolution: Supe 'Subscribed and sworn to before m this 3rd day .of June, 1927. _ ... ts LEW A. HENDEE, that he is 'a person .ot: good morallJohn W. Innes i q Character; ~and 'that. the place. or} .1 day Clerk of Election ...... building where the--Dance Hall is to | B. C. Thompson 1 day be operated or maintained, reason--|_ Posting Notices of Election.. ably conforms to all laws, and heaith |B. C. Thompson 1 day _ > and fire regulations applicable.there-- | . Posting Cards of Instruction.. to, and is properiy ventilated and|B. C. Thompeon 1 day $ eupplied with &eperate fi sufficient] _ Returhing Poll Book to Clerk toilet arrangements for each sex, and|City of Zion y h..'e"dquhnflm & mumm'c..-o', for a public Dance Hail. / -- -- _ E. W. Casperson ; sette : Are you a Naturalized citizgen? BENTON 2. Yées.. ~Have you ever. been convicted|B. C. Thomrson of a felony, or a. misdemeanor, pan--|_ 1 day Judge of Election ishable under"the Iaws. of this State| W. J. Armstrong 'by a minimum' imprisonment .of--~six| _1 day Judge of Election months or longer? A.No. Lecation| Geo, A. Mitchell -- nel Lake Pavilion,«Inc.. --and, bejng | H. --M. Dronen 1 day Posting first--duly 'sworn, deposes {in< answer|. Cards of Instruction etc * us to the following: interrogatories: con< | H. M. Dronen 1 day HKeturning cerning: said < application := ~--. ; Poll Book to Clerk .......... 'Name: .. W, .O. Winch, -- Address; | Wilur Glenn Volvia, Rent of Po'}-- Antioch, Hlinots; i~ .¥ | * w' Ap ~ MK : PMRGOB ..........., . s 2 is inss ~'Residence of Applicant: --Antioch: |H. M. Dronen Erecting Booths.. Duration of above address;: Twelre Herrediqugy IAVH ¢> KV . _ HSEYG nfl_{r-m Jupée 13,1927 eonvicted of 'a Aelony; or' a misd¢--| Mr. Chairman and Gentiemen of the meangdr, M\m'm laws Board of Supervisors: of this State by a m impris--| . .Your committee on Elections beg onment 'of six months or longer? > A |leave to report we recommend the No. * Location of the place op build< Rlection Expense bills for the Judicial ing: wherethe -- Aapplicant) intends to pemm June 6, 1927, be &liowed Operate or muintain' the Dance Hall.|as-- , to--wit: ¢ A. <Long 'Lake, Hls.: '~ . > For Judges of Election, 1 day ..$6.00 m?.mueut further -- establishes |For Clerks of Election, 1 day.. 6.00, that she-- is a pereon:of »good moral |For Posting notitces of election ... 2.30 'tharacter; and that 'the| 'place -- or |For Posting Specimen Ballots etc 2.50 building where 'the Dance Hall is to Rent: of Polling Places .... £.00, be ~operated> or maintained," reasob-- |For Erecting Booths ...._.. ... 3.00 ably conforms to all laws and"health |For--Returning Booke to Clerk.. 5.09 and fire regulations applicable there-- and ~Mileage , to, cand is ~--property ventilated and | Respecifully esubmitted .. _: supplied with separate and-- sufficient | . M. P. DILGER -- .. : : toiletarrangements for each sex, and .. CHAS. J. HERSCHEZRGER Iis. a safe and proper. glace: or Build-- H.-- L. --POTTER>:..:.;-- ;4 | ing for a public Dance Hall; '--~ k | Election Committee MARY E. STANTON. . | _ ELECTION EXPENSE BILLS . > Subscribed and swornt6 beftore me, | 64 BEN1ON 1. s 4 this 13th 'day of June,©1927." > ==-- ; |H. M. Dronen, 1 day judge......$6.00 resiqence, 40 Yyears; piace of birth; | BOARP» Ingleside. --Are --you >a naturaliged | -- _ citizen?>Yes. have fi_éflr been convicted of 'a Aelony; or' a 'misde-- | Mr. Chair meangdr, mmkm the -- laws Board of this State by a minimum impris-- | Your co onment 'of six months or| longer? > A |leave to -- No. Lo¢ation of the place op build< Rlection E ing: wheére~the -- Aapplicant! intends to m operate or muintain' the Dance Hail.|as | asodinssaiad Countt fize: [AllGe B ~'~_ jwW,. 0-- WINCH, i Anfialt® _ *AlHact. _-- «x IC. E. Austin \ 7 ~pA y<.«»a° > Guay--cCieTk Ofl<~I.€CLION...... , e md' S2| 1 day Judge of Election;...., -- €.00 ?"_"""'" yeXe o ' "to / "o? & J. H. DePew . E)' tves wlhy&frk-ot Flection...... M".:a 00';2 ;;.lmfl pisction....<. . $.00 \*%day Clerk of Blection...... c . oi "w <~1 day Judge of Election...,', "--8.09 | C. H. Stratton w Jlerk 'of said Benj. Seeney C . "~]! ~Posting Notices of Klection.. i . k s ol A ----~--~-- gop |C. H. Stratton . fuflm (an s ','id'mk of RilectidKs . . ++ m + Posting Cards of Instructions lel1, the only candidate | /4 'qay Clerk of Rlection... .;, " 6.00 |C . Stratton A ninatiqn, made & pass-- | . w (Croft 19 tH" =>"' sli 'Returnifg Poll--Books to Clerk lank t --Aématia, m | . 1 day Clerk of Klection..., .. 6.00|I' J Barastable %3 .' eAE UA % 8.0. Wu 1 m 3 6. ® td uoLPoflln; Place...,.... 3 g & ',! 7- M /' Of . * due Fer . lm*""" ' § g, 'fl?' C.%E. A'.ugof?i.y * "<""4, Erecting Booths .........7.-- ith the provisions Of |__ posting Cardé of Instructions 250"}. =~. >~ * _ ' 1 day Judge of Eection. M. A. Johnson a * _ 1 day Judge of Election. B. A, Zietler -- °_ _ _ R +1 day Clerk of Kiection. > Returning Poll Books to Clerk Wilbur Glenn Voliva o * 'Rent of Polling Place........ B. C. Thompeon x ¥Wm. Sutton 00-- 00=c 00 *>~i] +Lday/Clerk:o! Election...... $.00 Wm. Sutton c im RrankValacts a:.'a';"'l': of Election....»--$ 600| . 3 goy Glerk of Election.;..;. €.00 zon UV. Resier & T. Stanton -- _1 day Clerk of Election ...... 13.60 m&' Notices of Eiection,. 250 Mabel L. Bird ieg Frank: T----Stanton _ . V fay Clerk of Election ..«««+~ 899 | 'Posting Cards of Instructions 250 w m KAs Mk'-'r. 's'.m % | t 1 day Clerk of Election .,.... £.00 »'Retnrning--PoH Books to Clerk 6.80 B. C. Thompson 1 day . | _ ~_ _' Town<of Grant . ; 'fl%"m 0} fi;"'m}- 2.50 ;.M,dang Plare........ £:00 _ Posting Cards of Instruction,. . 250 i ATiE Nee . cennis s cce uol snn e 2t --BHf 26 John D. Thompson 1 day £ ah= > CRANT 2 _ 'Returning P%u"lzok to Clerk, ©0 |r v1 white 6e :m um ° * 1"':" ot mecm.ooo-- 2 'Rent of Poling Place........ 800x P 'Groutep _ 'I day Judge of Election......$ 609 J. D. Bird it _'1:day Judge of Election..... .$ 6.00 John Thomas 1 day Clerk of Election. 1 day Judge of Election.... "' 1 day Clerk of Election ,... Florence E. Pib] _ 1 day Clerk of Election ..... John W. Innes , '~1 day Clerk of Election .... @ tant 0 6 ¢ ons t hes n t »=% mem@® M# 6# *' ~BENTON 5 .. NEWPORT BENTON 3. # @200 alme o # 60 % ve a 0 a e #l% e ® w % pae® a #is #% * a e #,0 @ v*» *g* $ .; * she POUR # : :: l deay ..$6.00 | . Totap--.......... 1 day.. 6.00,]., . ANTI ection ... 2.50 |J. C. James llots etc 250| 1 day Judge of i m « a #'@ 'm, M' m'er e rie5 . .« + . 8200 1 day Judge of Clerk.. 5.00 r"unk Hunt and Mileage 1 day Judge of P £.00 | : ~Erecting 'Booths ... 3.00 £.10 €.90 oo £**i <«Erecting. Booths ............. 300 £.90 8.10 ' ~1 day Judge of Election L. R. Sherwood k 'Blnny Naber t--dey ~»#Posting Notices 0 KFrapk Dunn 1 day Frank T Stanton: ~1. day Judge of Election...... Hto sat's v m' m'd'fl.-..-. Ernest Rasing® > 1"! Jn'"'d E'»Qctm-coono Thontas Keefe _1 day Clerk of Election...... r. 1 day Judge of Election...... Tharlotte Neashous A x' Ak--day. Clork of Klection...... A. B. :dohnson--> 1A day----Clerk. of Election...... H., Gelstrup. > : . 14 day Cletk of Election...... « Posting --Carde of Instructions Frank DPunn 1--day . . * Returning Po'll Pook to Clerk Village of Antioch . --<'Rent of Polling Place........ . Rent :of Polling Place.... B.. F. XNaber Frank Dunn l S 1 day Judge of Election Eva Kaye 1 day Jndge of Election Ethel Radatz : A day Clerk of Election . ... .. 1 day Clerk of Election...... Iaura James --~L1 Oay Clerk of Klection...... B..F. Naber 1 day .. Posting NXotices of Election .. J.C.:James 1 day «Posting Cards of Instructions 4; C. James 1 day Returninge Poll Book to Cierk Jda. Osmond Total .._.. »Erecting Bocths .. Ad w 1 day. Judge of Election 1 day Judge of Election resie Trieger f 1 day Judge of Election "he «it + 2 AVON 2. Booths Antioth 2. ANTIOCH 1 #L, of Election . 1> s s + *« +> ~YBPPW nstructions 2.50 ks to Clerk €.20 ans ce., ... ... -- 800 \300 * * * *n e . $58 .20 $59.50° . . $59.00 £.00 €A0Z 2.50 ¥% ¥%

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