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Libertyville Independent, 1 Sep 1927, p. 24

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Aut °_ Repairs, parts etc ...« '"W. B. Louer Co. : Repairs, parts etc ... 'W. B. Louer Co. _' Repairs parts etc ..... R. M. Lobdell .. _Bervices & Expenacs .. 'R. M. Lobdell Services & expenses .. R. M. Lobdell Bervices & expenses ... Services & expenses .... 116.20 Samuel Schar | * SBervices & Exrpenses ..« 114.43 Samue} Schar «:A ~Befvices & Exrpenses....... 12%1.2%2 Standard Oil Co. / has "' . w -'-_f._cooo--o K "Ln Standard Oil Co. P 4¥ -- i -- t O :.........«0.. 134.35 Standard Oil Co. \/<. en & C« t O--.::...i... «. 2389.88 Standard Oil Co. > x * " & m a b.a4 a 6 a a e 8 s# ® 1"'1. Standard Oil Co. € e Kss & O ............... . $00.63 Standard Oil Co. w ' m Ce w a dhe # e e t en d &# 1"" * Standard Oil Co. x . "'.on «ue a 0 moe e # w & + e % ® uou Standard Oil Co. s*¥ CGas k OB :.: ..« ... ... 165.14 Standard Oil Co. s s % . ~~ ENGINEERING FUND Heary Pepper Services ... Henry Pépper _\ _ Services ..... .finry Pepper Standard Oil Co. Gas & Oll....... «yOrvVICON s 4 + 6 tes tm 'F¥erdinand J, Knox Bcoott LeVoy Bcott LeVoy North Shore Material Co. William Laycock Co. M. Peste & Son * Henry. Pepper a wee a # # # eesscsese000 ... $20,622%.8% 24 T11,.50 $ 11.50 ~TT.00 -- _ 9.00 32.00 83.00 103.00 11.95 13.2%5 24.90 113.56 14.00 66.00 21.50 11.00 11.50 19.50 $2.15 19.11 10.00 2.43 127.03 113.80 97.50 11.50 11.00-- 10.93 91.00 85.50 T1.50 132.75 25.1% u.s:J 61.2 39.15 10.256 2.15 3$0.25 #1.86 82.50 82.50 §1.50 24.10 11.50 16.50 mee s2 194 ..............« _ 9020.70 | ber Shop, Belvidere _ Street--Gust Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Jedlicka, Ben: Dowe, Wm. Long. .~ A--cCont Green Bay R4 y WAUKEGAN 13: wmt'.:' Me-- Bec 32-- n@sz@s=s.««.« _ 150644 |\ Grain Garage, Belvidere Street--E. Lehigh r:r'&u Cement Co, *~ IW. Tobin, Victor 0. Wortz, Arthur A--c Cont Wadsworth Rd. llrgo. ; a n"n?::g'{&'"é&""' esE (hn:n Cetmipe A"-:-w o '!;w' 1 AEC. &--c h ¥e. . W y. T. Blew-- Assignee, a--c Eclipso ~+ | W. Woulouse, Wm. Magden. _ Cont Reckland Rd.' ._ '[Garage, .' Belvidere -- Street--Charles W (B:l-;.'ny ,ths_ 16; Dick Persigian's ockia k k Btreet--Richard Rinolda, Sec P--1004......;. .i . «.. " '1"." &q'"@mf i3 Sherer. s Universal Portland, Cement 1CP3 wmx% 31: Theodore. "{ Company s ~... | er's Green House, South Genesee. 'Deerfleld _: Ave . Bridge~ =<_ / / [ Theo Meyetr, Janies Frahet,-- Mation * RridS® .. s o o ce 3000 %g iitieg: _ ---- pecthn . #99" [ youn Hisdnik Jr: -- _ Est 2--A ....._..._._._._.._..... -- 8,4%7.39| nelia Aveénue--Ira Holdridge, Charles Mc Gucken--Van 'Der HeyJon Const'| Stake, Matt Hoff. o +~Co. & / _ WAUKEGAN 9; kmm Grays-- L ake-- R d ~| Street--Frank Cory,;> Leé Bec 35--154 .c::-l.... 14,295.01 ont'§.UW.. J'.Hllggl. Coutt' Alpha--Portland Cement Co * * KEG , 10; . Court House, . Aso cont Grays Lake tmuAM entrance--Dave Q. Hart, .. Ra Sec--35--1504--......... 3797.84 | Charles Kitridge, Ernest Bidinger. 'Alpha Portland Cement Co WAUKEGAN > 11;. reig _: A--e.scont Grays Lake Printer's~Office, 921 West = Rd See 32--15d .......... . 3906.88 | ton' Street--Frank .Worack, Peter Lehigh Portland Cement Co. . ] McDermott, Thomas G. Sexton. '.A'° 'C.o!g Green Bay Rd --~--.----~] "WAUKBGAN12; Jedlicka's> Bar-- Frank C. Feut: Co. :-'e Cont Green Bay . Bec 32--15d Est 8--A.... Frank C. Feuts: Co. See 3%--15d Est T--A..... Frank C. Feutt=--Co. Bec 32%--15d Est 9--4A.... Frank C. Feutz Co. :-'e Cont Wadsworth Deerfleld -- Ave Bridge~ =~<;/ _ \ Bee 34 B--L5d .......... . . ©T30.00 Universal : Portland Cement miak Deertleld See 34--W--2--15d _ 441000 Names For What 'Amount of Claim 19%6 Lake County Bond Issue Fund COUNTY AID BRIPGE PUNO :>] Trieger, Frank ] Frederick H. Bartliett Realty Co. oo3 ANTIOCH <2#; Constructing ~culvert... .$ 99.00 | tioch;, ~H1.--EF'ran Frederick H. Bartleit Realty Co. -- A Ralph Miller. Constructing eulvert .... 198.00 | ---- LAKE VILLA Frederick H. Bartiett Realty Co. Emaline -- Hall, Constructing culvert .... 396.00 | Willliam Bradiey. John Pincomb NHe m Soennnncercessesssensenst "'. Jean M. Pillifant 4 ; Notary Public .........~.. 5.0 Sheridan Road Tire & Battery Co. . Bec 32--15d Est 8--A.... _ 9,242.93 |Lake, IlL--John Nelberg ~Harry Frank C. Feut: Co. +.' ... | Wheelock, Tom Lyons. 6: See 32--15d Est T--A...... 661.05|-- AYON 2: Village: Hall, Round *'See $1--190 15.464.34] minglon, Archis Ruseg __* Bec 32%--15d Est 9--A.... 13.468. ngton, Arc es Frank C. Feutz Co. _-- "'_WARREN; Woodman Hall, Gur-- :-'e Cont Wadsworth ;fl. lll.--cG.: '!" r:c'(i'lloui. Mary See 33--15d Est 4--A... 1447 47} WAUKEGAN 1; A. C,. Berry's Frank C. Feuts Co. . . ] Gardge, at corner North and Doug-- Bec 33%--15d Est 3--A.... -- 603.062% | las Avnnu--r:o(«l Funk, Al Berry, Frank C. Feutz Co. Wm. Steward. ¢ Sec %3--15d Est 2--A.... 881.1%]} WAUKEGAN 2%; Alden's Piano Frank C. Feutz Co. 818 Glen Flora Ave.--Jack Hoban, Sec 33--15d Est 1--A.... 2,008.31)|Thomas McGreal, lfllqtlohtfl. 8. J. Groves & Son Co. --.-- ~JWAUKEGAN'3; £. Ried Filling A--c Cont Milburn Rdé ' : | Station, 1404 Grand Avre.--E~R. Reid, ---- Bec--39--15d Est l--A--_.. 1.2%31.130)|Robert Schwarm. Alexr Knor K Kapschull--Davis Co. Bridge . See . 34B--15d EUE BA To nen c ninne nevninanens Kapschuill--Davis Co. Blue Printing ... Waukegan Tire Market . --H. Hus Lumber Co, ~. _:] adoption of the r td k 19 Muesortr ocee 2 100 | 'Wotion Banied® 12 00 t ber.Co. -- > R visor . Dilger, cw'-., u.unJ u?.'...ff:......... 20.00 m lhtfloul :mnlmo l::rluol T'&fie- m mmmnes.., ----~ $19,08)] ing places for the ensuing year of ot CCR . Aestrncctnessseseerereessseess 0, 109. 1 i 4 HUC----w i. . £08 McGucken--Van Der Heydyon Const| John P. Haese. Co. :.) #f ~ WAUKEGAN Lake 8 Sece B5--W--15d t }~a + _Jeoffers Kapsechull--Davis Co. Bridge Sec-- 34B--15d4 4C J k ~«....:.."".s zi.: xa-onn-b-vu"ti& se Bridge Sec 31B--15d EGnrMiUl : =.....0n ic <occhtnermarcnn 14.18' Irving, Mrs. Clara <~Patct * § ww------~------------ 1 --ANTIOCH 1; / Jamet Total ............ .. .....$ 42069.81 | Antioch, HL----J. C. Ja COUNTY AID BRIPGE PUNO :>] Trieger, Frank Hunt. rederick H. Bartiett Realty Co. _ | ANTIOCH '2; Village Constructing ~culvert....$ 99.00 | tioch;, HI.--EF'rank Dunsn rederick H. Bartleit Realty Co. . | Ralph Miller. f Constructing eculvert .... 198.00 | ---- LAKE VILLA: Barast B ec-- 34--W--2--154 -- E& Deerfleld Ave............... 9 33 @#neeemaescesscsencess on *esmmerssseenepe00s +404 \A '~@4 ~WAUKEGAN 5.; A. G. Taylor's Gar-- 2,136.170 | age, 626 Third Street--Dan Short, Ida . { Himmelreich, 'Millie Gallagher. °_ it c:,mww 6; Im"':," Garage, T83.00 Ave near County & --John + ~] Klema, John Loux, Max Klarkowski WAUKEGAN 7; Waukegan Mo-- tor-- Sales Garage, 626 Grand Ave-- 3,.465.17| nue--Wm. Zoehier, W. B. Smith, . -- WAUKEGAN|8; J. E. Johnson's \ «D Garage,> Jofferson Street© and 3,427.39 | nelia Avénue--Ira Holdridge, Charles 3,2%31.36 ) Robert Schwarm, Alex Knox. -- -- ~* B N Rs -; M Street and Oakley: Am'."fl 208.33% 236.04 #51.8% 12.00 210.26 210.68 %4.20 18.50 4.10, as. : 14.15 ~ _| ° Bupervisor Paddock moved that the | Forest _ IIL.--J." J. Speliman, J. E. 242.20 | matter : be refe 'hQ'f-MW-LDJw' 2 4 with.power to act. | . _FREMONT;. Woodman Hail, Ivan-- m' , . '."w F : *g "4..."' e m' m-_'na cQ '- '"0!'. 'l"lk s Bupervisor O'Connér submitted.the | Doiph, A. C.-- Dorfler. e 54.00 | following Reaolution: . _ _ _ ; LIBERTYVILLE ~1; -- Town . Hail, _ . | RESOLUTION: umguu. Ul----W. E. . Miller, T400 | _ WHEREAS: the Lake County Plat | Daisy McRee; Geo. R. Mason, : * > ~] Committee is 'doing a v wnh:: ~LIBERTYVILILLE %; Gottt & Co: 24110 | work in requiring subdividors to Btore," Libertyville----G. M. > Wilcor, vide a minimum street width of 100 j & D. HMubbard, Henary Carroli; ' a8.99 m along all State Sond' and State mnrvnu 3; . Village Hall, 20.00 ;-.pr.nnl.'-,n_ betigve that ius | Ray: Jory Towner . . "." U ". requirement: is serving .most--~admir+] -- WwaUCONDA; _Town-- Hall," Wau €4.00 ". pyrpose--in lnwmfi: conda III.----Ray Peddock, V. D. n'fn--l' 18.00.}-- . BR.IT RESOLYED that all.atrut-- | _~CURBA; Schauble \Garage, Bafl&zi _.~+:| tures erected along such State Bon®| ton. NI--E. J.. Riley, R. P.> Ho ~_ FAId paved routes,. k e ies +4 20.00 m'wgl'-l"h'-':mw this 1100 %': no-'i":"e .-wm"fl: 18.00| _ BE.IT RESOLVED that all atruc: _*+*'/| tnres erected along mh.'&u"!e?- 15.00 l and . State 3 4 . tert 11.35 | 50 '-.'g fre ) _' * "/+ 9 1.00 |-- =. '.nlflo'colmou.. s " A RAY PADDOCK,. 3.65 _ PRANK T. STANTON, F Oufimn Opeka, John Loguilis, John Jr: : 4 o. 1+ m4 ~| NWAUKRGAN 21; Lorek Shoe Re-- , | pair Shop, Fifteenth St. & Vistoria II1.--Frank T. Stanton, W. J. Strat-- Bird, Wm. Sutton. A BENTON 4; Branch Tab. 6, Carme! BI & Enoch Avae--L L Brown, Chest-- er, 8. Bagz, Chas. Stickney. : BENTON 5; Tab. 6 Klitabeth Ave., Zlion--C. E. Austin, S$. H. DePew, BENTON 6; Village Hall, Winthrop Harbor, Ill1.--J. A. Fossiand, Eearl Foreman. Robert Anderson. ° _ _' NEWPORT; M. E. Church, Rose-- crans--David ~Yan ° Patten, 'John Irving, Mrs. Clara <Patch., A ANTIOCH-- 1; <James . Building, Antioch, IH1.--J.. C. James, Bessic Trieger, Frank Hunt. 4 ANTIOCH <(2#; Village Hall, An-- tioch, HIL.--Frank Dunn, Eva Kay, Ralph Miller. 4 ~-- LAKE VILLA; Barnastable Hall-- Emaline -- Hall, KEugene Shechan, 4 territory' should . be: ak, least eey: from the center of m&'m Potter, Frank Burke, Frank . of Commerce, addressed in »regard ' Hlinols® State 18; Hayes R. A. n;'w'ufim'cu'u f "'"t M !'V* #% Sheridan Road Garage _/ ' j?m-;"' 3;"!""'---- Wb 6. 6 un Ww B._P. Thacker : *>«<> .fl;umt. Tnenayetnranesnsuiinnpatcenis x * I... I\, Ir s « cflh'.'m '""'""-""i""i;"' -- |Service--Ing ngane t _ _: B. P. Thacker +i e i,m ...._..J.._....«---m B. P. Thacker® vm. c; 'Qm'"--.i-v--'v -"'-'-'-. _ Bervices inquest .......... 0%:; Bairstow F 4 C m oooo..c-x;lo m :'.'...;.'.u.;f......c' m ........'..-.:..'"o.. Dr. Roy A. Crosman ; i.:;'r Fuak. _ -- _ _ w .oo---coooto-i"ooo: E. A. Martin s , KExp to Chgo --re Salvation ;{E'hi""m"'.-";'. 8. K. Simis 6. A. Doolitte : :; .m« ;>: *' <>)< +) :. Fees County Otfcers..... 2,295:.00 M A; Dooliitle -- .. ..:--. . _ ... _ Fees County Offcers...... 177.75 submitted the 'following report: STATE OF IIIJINOIS > . Your committee~on Miscellaneous!han, Mawman, Murphy, ullough, | A: L. Brumund Co. Claims would beg leave to report| Meyer, Naber, O'Conner, Srat--] --MUHK ......__...:::.......___..._: that,they have examined all claims| dock, | Potter, Stanton, | Stratt0D,.| Great Lakes Fruit Co. presented -- before them, and recom--| Short, Vercoe, Van Pattem, WOrACK,|----Potatoes, etc ....2........._... mend the--payment of the following,| Wilcox. 29. Those mfl'. *ANAY" | J.. P. Haese, and: that the Clerk be --dirécted to! none. Absent and not v&aum eats; "utt. ._:................_\ issue orders for the severat amounts| Supervisors Funk, Garnett, Dronen,| Steele--Wedeles Co. _ . to the several claimants, to--wit: ---- | Harbough. 4. itA NefUs, EibG. _ ........--ccoc--cartess Name _ For What . Amt. of Claim| Supervisor Meyer moved.the Coun-- | Yankee Bakery L. O. Brockway =~ . .~> ------ | ty Clerk ha authorized toEnv"v:' Sreat .:::..:.......".......;..c%..... _ _ Pees County Offcers........ .00 |rants on the County Treasury . to the ' > es John R. Bullock . > % 290 sevéral claimants for the seevaral Tuotual:=........._X®..ll. iss uds _ Fees County Officers..::. 1,255:40 Bupervisor: Mawman moved: that the list of ~Judges of Election and Polling Places be approved. Motion carried. --. Bupervisor Austin moved that the rules governing the Board of Super-- ¥isors. be amended by striking from Rule No. 19 on page 13, the words *"'and subpplies." ~Aye and Nay vote being had Supervisor Austin's mo-- % was: carried by-- the following vote: 4 Those voting "Aye" were Super-- visots < A us tin,-- Brown, Burke, m Cory, Dilger, Dronen, Ficke, 3 e, Hoban, Howland, Hersch-- the Mis Ringdahl, James E. Allen, Nick Wink. .. DEERFIELD 5; W. J. Faust Resid-- ence, Highland Park--Carl Grant, 8. BOARD. OF SUPERVISORS June Session ; _June 16, A. D. 1927 Mr. Chairman and Gentliemen of the Board 'of Supervisors: . .. Your committee on Miscellaneous Store, Green Bay R&. H. P.--Sol. St Peter, Frank Parker,: A. B. Hill. & DEERFIELD 7; Brand Bros. Store, 53% Central Ave., H.--P.--Jas. Bowden W.--J. Obee, Thos. A. Dooley. --. DEERFIELD 8#; Edw. Hithes Lbr. office;, Highland Park--G L Vetter, Frank Warren, D M Blaiser f 3 ~6; Winte b, Lake lbm. J. Bpeliman, J. E. Fitzgerald, A. D. Jackman. > .. FREMONT;. Woodman Hail, Ivan-- LAL ~HY ___I -- 4C U © Mawan. . Ned nTe ' ' f;n C -,rh'- * _.' f" ARCE :"."', -c'- 3. id 8 5; Young: Men's Recre:|;,. > 4 »u ; m .oono.a«:s." +8 170.'.' f 'n m' _ ** .¥ f * M'M Om"l'l a e# > * m-" Fees County Officers ;.... --910.00 ¥k + vivw'r raa ns + +s »»» ++ ) $1,000.15 MISCELLANEOUS _ _' _ werseés * hass % 6 4 % #ou4 6 4# W es s w# 420 4 °B se # .6 # @ ;« Joun L _ Muzik's Claims: committee, ; .. 100000 105.00 243.00 #41.00 1000 | M.-- D. of ~the city of z:m 1000 Cout: Oof Lake and State bf Illinois, » Secon m; s K l4 ~| ~ wiTNRSSETH THAT® wHERERAs C :::unngu ot »5'3' ot & & 4 unty 'of --~1.10 | Lake in . state . of TIilinols, : regulas-- 1y : convened: <duly held, ; the. said 1.00 | Board --of ~Supervisors of. the -- said 177.57 560.00 24.55 15.00 that| -- Helper .:..._.........__......... 400.00)|be affixred, . an and | G.. L Grinneli & second 'part h: "Helper ............._..._2....,... 200.00|seal to -- these A. T. Hayer * and year first ~the| Veterinarian ,...........*.,-- 13000| THI3 INSTE per--| G. L. Grinnell s' _ _Jeuted as afore E $ w ----.--o.o.-.%oo--'ooo "-" _ THE COUN ords | Sam Miller _ -- ho ? THE STA m. n.'"t ..-¢5noco~-§-ooo-'oog 'm B': B. C. mo--| C. €. Heworth $ (~. _x /' lman: of the 1 m 3 v&m ooa.-..'é--.-',coo m-" u "'d COIII!] a Joe Englar & | 2 By: LEW <A per« | © l'lm "o--.co..-.ouo'%oooi'u. x "o" c'.rk of said irke, | G. L. Grinnell KARL M. B ['k.. W ..--o_o:o'oo,o-nbpno.og m." Endm and sch--| C. T. Hayes ~" _ \. _ /A _ _ lLew A. Hendec. nan, Bervices of car 'obt.-oogo'o €64.00] -- M' r" 'oqo-...-oo-o---.o'oo.'pn".'"." C ) wbm tter,| -- Grand 'Total Miscellanedus --__--= |A Doolittle Ke« the Wilcox. 29. Those voting .'NAY |J. P. Haese, none. Absent and not :&tlllm Steats, "att. __._......_..__.. ) §B.:% Supervisors Funk, Garnett, Dronen,| Steele--Wedeles Co. _ . Harbough. 4. {:0 Segns, tic. ..............__.o. -- BBAT Supervisor Meyer moved.the Coun-- | Yankee Bakery § ty Clerk ha authorized to draw WAr~1 ° Bread ..__...... .._._.__.___. 79.25 rants on the County Treasury to the| _ _ . o Smd sevéral -- claimants for eeveral Total:: .........=.:........:..--..--. $20070 amounts of all bills allowed at this]:' 0. K. hy Committee: Seal: Frank meeting. _ & 6 .. -- | Burke, Chairman, Seal: James Kel-- 'Aye and Nay vote N",P:'d S4P--|ty: and that the expense for em ervisor Meyer's motion was. Carti@4| pioyees, authorized by the County by the following Yote: > . . .--_> > ~.|Board to be employed to prepare Those 'voting "Aye" were SUPET®| and serye the food for the prison-- visors .-- Austin, _ Brown, . BUIK®| ors confined in said jail for the Bletsch, Cory, Dilger, Drogen, Ficke, ?oath "ending the 5th day-- of Holdridge,. Hoban, Howlind, Het--| apyjj a D. 1927, are as follows, schberger, .'K'ehm A","" to--wit: man, 'Murphy,. McCullough, Meyer,| __ plo: P | Amount Naber, " O'Cannor, Obee,.y Paddock,| MNR!OYye®.--.. . Days, .. | A Potter," 8 Vercoe, VA 30. Those sent : and :vbom Fun rae following is thét;'catnct en--]| . O.--K. By Committee: Seal: P tered-- into between : County| Burke, Chairman: Seal: June-'w and: Dr. 'Karl M. Beck, Superin--| and also attached are all" the 'bille, tendent of the Lake County Gen--) yrouchers and other evidence and pur-- Potter," Stanton, : Stratton, . Short, YVercoe, VanPatten, Wn-1_k. Wilcox. 30; ' Those voting ¢<'Nay" 'none. Ab-- sent' and not voting .wagre Super-- visors Funk and Garnett, Harbaugh ___«~ DaAVID VAN PATTEN. Supervisor Brown mo that the report be accepted and ted. Ayo and 'Nay vote being had Buperyvisor wry' Wl', '?Cl', 4AV EB3 ud M atvs incbsiitnat Howland, Herschberger,-- , Mona~ han, Mawman, Murphy, V Meyer, Naber, O'Conner, Obee, *Pad-- dock, |-- Potter, Stanton, | Stratton, Brown's motion was carried by the following vote: es P Those voting "Aye" were Supervis-- Guy L.--Grinnell Lin: 1fi aine iliironth i4 amine uc onllar aiiieet 5 i; 1 § PeZes JCeUQUnpss Ji JBanase I0CGLCG Al 'Committee Work ,....:*..... .71.20] Lake: Bluff, Illinois. ( . -- s Frank T. Stanton .;-- --«~=-- --.~ ; "i "SEVEN HUNDRED ($700.00), Doi-- mxfl?....fl... 136,60| lars' for the treatment of venereal B. , K sr ' -- _ Joases as is required by the laws of ~'Committeoe Work-- ... .. ;.... -- 112:20 | the. State of Illinois. v David ~YanPatten,:=:: s<_y --*s; ~ : ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) for ser-- 4 w ie We mt 9 P -- 7 E* 22 a n"",""'" ":; M T ;;.m" 'W*v m'- 'm i iemmrArnvitrorinnerqentonssans ". c T2 w mmdnags* [ gma e¥ > .0 'in consideration of which| _ Meats, etc. ....._._._._.__. 57.5T . Committe® -- work ............ ;:37.30|he shall respond to en calls for at--| Steele--Wedeles Co. 5i / Chas. I Harbaugh -- * <' ~< °_ ___ |tendaoce and attend upon the County | -- Beans, etc. .._......_..__.__. s5.04 _ " emmiten Work : ... ... MA [goor of wald County_or Loh en |Orgat Lakes Fruit Co. T. N. e . § 9T. 5:. ever necéssary or requested Potatoes, etc. ._......._....___--27. 'Commit ,._w"j"_.."' «3+ ... $1.2%0 'Bupekvisors of any town in said coun-- | A. L. Brumund Co. ** s K.. C. w.l!' . -I . --. _4 . |ty or by.the county Board of Buper"| _ Milk ~.......________________ $.90 _' dn ee Work ,...... c..16 --19.50 visors in said County. . * ~O. K. by Committee: Seal: Frank -- °. E. M. Mawman ----/ _ __ | 1e 39 'l'flm HUNDRED..FIFTY ($350.) | Burke, Chairman; James Kelly and } ~Compiittee W ....;.5.,':..' 2%40 2,;::. for the Care and supervisors that l.llu'the expenses for employ-- 'fl Geo.. MeCullough: ------ <! . ; _' |of the contragious hospital. : _ _ |ees authorized . by the County' °_ C ome -- Work ..... ...« : 4950 ~FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY--FIVE Board to be employed to n'z f 'cw J. 'Obeé .. . K.scu~ <.__~] (525.00) Doliara"tor the care and sup| and serve the food for the prisoners _ Com . Work ... . 's=ve 68,50 ervisors of mm ward--and|.confined in saidq Jail | for ~the s fares 4 mor--.,s=--, c--~ s >.. <~{apséfal work on tubercuiar patients. |month ending the 5th day of May _ Committes Work ..... A.»¢ -- $4,00] THBEE HUNDiucb (#00000) doi-- | A. D. 1957 orc os Tollcan, to waT Nay Paddoek: ----. ) '___ ; "".>___-- |fare for medics] snd surgical attend-- | Name of employe p ~ S ' .,wm;oocnfu'boto ¥ "'" u"".--('d "h?'~ d',m- !. » Dfl'l Employed d g,';'_:' m ess1( r se charge 'of 'the County as now are or | -- Amount Paid "3 %wflfi'" ++ y=«» >,10.00 | hereafter may be inmates of the Meth-- Mrs. L, A. Dooliftle 35 gays $100,00 1 0. H.--Btrattomn--:. --@'_-->~/~ > --.--' --|od@ist Deaconess Orphanage located At | Minaie Belemsiy _ z_ 2o' mA M 00 Claims ..'...n..'.:_.._..'.:nmu' Total Allowed .... ... 1. $12.782.5% Helper .......... PoWeted and diregted_ by 'the County Board; Lake County, liilinois: ird of Supervisors to entered |-- 'I. L. A. Doolittle, Keeper. of the ,;g&g&w c ga inture for| jail ' of the County aforesaid, in ebalf of md%m ty of | pursuante of the duty imposed 'up-- pae t Nce lon me by law, do hereby report THEREF and in consid--| that' 'the bills for food. and .provi-- of the terms, covenants and, :ou. Tor the feeding . of the pri-- na her mflu hnereto conlfined in said jail for the mselves as hy * month ending the 5th day of May 'ond ~part: --sball teceive'as| A. ~D.~1927, _ are -- as follows, = to-- his compensation for his ser--pwit : s Frals ) 1 «_ * _jman of the -- I é.-_n-io-o m"lu!"' c""' y «. * WX Y . 4 » . $2,100.00 i umad 17,101.. Payments of the above specified | gTATE OF ILLD | ./. ~.~ Jaums and amounts shall be made to --A« :: T.40}second party in four equal install--|COUNTY OF LA [+ ... | ments on the dates as follows, Octob--| 1, L. A. Doolit «.. ~ 2$2.20 / er 1, :1927, Jvnry 1, 1928, April 1,| Jail for the Count f":> .. §1928 and Ju'y 1, 1928. ¢ maunly swear that ;--.. 104:001 ..Second-- party shall have the puse|visions reported . j : --._]Jof the. residence on said General| purchased and u --»», _ §%.80] Hospital Grounds formerly furnished| prisoners in eaid ___ c > . | to the County Physicians with main--| accounts for emj A... $4.00] tenance, heat, light, etc. -- employees authog c --*./1_1|~ Second party shall have the nec--| Board, all amount! i.... _ 48 20| essary. equipment including the | of $431.25 which . [ _« _ | present facilities for attendance up--| unpaid after allow ».... 50.80| on the patients not confined in the L. A. DOOL '~--_ _ sors and the County Clerck of the $4.00|said County of Lake and State of ts Illinois, and the corporate seal to 400.00|be affixed,. and said party of the second 'part has set his hand and 200.00|seal ~to --these presents© the 'day I.oo)mtlu'eure and treatment of such 15 00| persons as may be in the Detention 17.10 * _ | ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) for ser-- 12%.20] vices to and attendance upon prison-- *.~ *. | ers confined in the County Jail. 10.40| ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.-- 1 .« _JtTY or by . the --19.50 | visors in said ~.~ '! ~THREE H 22%.40 | Dollats for 4850| "'FIVE HU ~~/--~1 (525.00) Do 58,50 | errisors of 1 99,001 THREE H coUuNnTY OF LAKE .. J TO; LEW A. HENDEE, Clerk of the County Board, Lake County, Iilinois: I, L. A. Doolittle, Keeper of the Jail of the County aforesaid, in pursuance of the duty imposed upon me by law do hereby report that the bills for food and provisions, for the feeding of the prisoners confined in said jail for the month ending the 5th day of April, A; D. 1927, are as follows, to-- ployees, authorized by the County Board to be employed to prepare and serve the food for the prison-- ere confined in said jail for the Tnth _ending the 5th day-- of pril, A. D. 1927, are as follows, to--wit: _ tn@ following reports of Lawrence A. Doolittle Keeper of the Jail, were presented and read: STATE OF ILLINOIS L. CcOUNTY OF LAKE -- | Mra. Lawrence A. Doolittle Miss Minuiec Belenski Name _For What Amt. A. L. Brumund Co. and year first above written. THIS INSTRUMENT being exe-- cuted as aforesaid, in duplicate. . THE COUNTY OF LAKE IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS ~:By: B. C. THOMPSON, Chair-- clans, etc.. when in his opinion an occasion <arises for their employ-- ment, payment to be made by the Endorsed and filed June 13, 1927 § MMBPB :~»«--»,--<<=++~«~s».«se=.oce .AE ark _of ~said ~Lake County. KARL M. BECK, M. D; Beécond party shall select his own gor ies ced a h c 29 ts d 2 C We o e aatiecl ns(E OOE Ves lc the -- Board of Supervisors . ste® ... 2 swens es me in cnee-- ce uns #n0s +s dewne .. HENDEE, Clerk of the --NINE HUNDRED --($2 (A. HENDEE, County z. 80.00 pecunied | STATE OF ILLINOIS made to L- «[ install-- J COUNTY OF LAKE , | s . Octob--|. I, L. --A. Doolittie, Keeper of the April 1,| Jail for the County aforesaid, do sole-- & mnly swear that the food and pro-- -- the psejvisions reported as purchased, were General! purchased and used solely for the '-- ;_rakh_odmltinuldml.ndthath. $52.00 24.50 4.94 Trallroad to its intersect! land Avenue, tlca £ land Avenue to cé North Avenue, thence North : Avenue and Nort duced 'to the place of b 1.Beginning at --~the Ifntersection ol s the north line of the township of Wau-- kegan and Lake Michigan, L. ® ; West along said North line to the -- center line of Section 4, 10e south . . along the center line of | 4 See-- . =-- tion 9 Section 16 to the intersection . of North and Ridgerand Avenues, _ --~-- thence Hast on Ridgeland Avenue to | the Shores of Laké Michigan. -- * e 2. Beginning at the intersection-- «. of the center line of Bection 4 on the _ north line of sald 'Township, thence * West to the center iine of the Milwaukee and North Shore. Ki rallroad. -- thence south -- oepney-- . -- Mr. Chairman and Gentliemen of the Board of Supervicors. ; h * Your Committee to whom was re-- ferred the matter of making new election districts in and for the town of Waukegan, County of Lake State of ITilinois, herewith submit the--fol-- lowing report. * Waukegan Township shall be div 'Bupervisor Burke moved the reports -- g Of L. A. Doolittle, Keeper of the jall _ ---- be accepted and adopted. l Motoin carried. . Supervisor Dilger, Chairman of the / Elections Committee submitted the -- _ follom report: # BO oF sUPERVI8SORS JUNEB _ _ SESSION A. D. 1927 2l STATE OF ILLINOIS \} m purchased and used solely for the prisoners in said jail, and that the ac-- counts for employment are for em-- ployes authorized by the County Board all© amounting to the. total sum of $382.42, which amount is due and un-- paid after allowing all Just credits. L. A. DOOLUTTLE Keeper of the Jail. + Subscribed and eworn to befors me this 8th day of June A. D. 1927. _ _ Total .........________._.______$383.4% 0. K. By <-- Committee: Seal: l-'r'nk Burke, Chairman; Seal: Jas. Kelly, . 'and also + attahed are all the bills, vouchers and other evidences jof purchase of food"~ and provisions, together with a statement of ' the help employed, which amounts to the total> sum of --$383.12. .. All of which is respectfully sub-- mitted:> e L.« A. DOOLITTLE, Keeper of the Jail. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) I, L. A, DOOLITTLE, Keeper of the Jail, for the County aforesaid do sol-- emnty swear that the food and pro-- Beans etc. ...._.._.___._._.._._____._._... 65.58 0. K. by Committee: Seal; Frank Burke, Chairiman; Seal: Jas Kelly. and that all the expense for em« w authorized by the County to be employed to prepare and serve the food for the priswon-- ers confined in said jail for the month ending the 5th C¢«y of June A. D; 1927 are as follows, to--wit: Name Days Employed 'Amount Mr¥. Lawrence A. Doolittle a 2%§ "CAYB ..........»~........--soo--s----«GOOOP Minnie Belensky 28 days ... T200 Steel--Wedeles Co. of $431.25 which amount is due and unpaid after allowing all jast credits. L. A. DOOLITTLE, Keeper of the Jail. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of May A. D. 1927, _ JEANX M..PILLIFANT, . . the County Board, Lake County, Ul-- accounts for employment 'are -- for employees authogized by the County Board, all amounting to the total sum STATE OF ILLINOIS .0. K. By Committee; Seal: Frank Burke, Seal: Seal; Jas. Kelly. + and also attached are all the bills, vouchers and other evidences of pur-- chase of food and previsions Atogether 'lthaluumento(mwe-m ed, which amounts to the total sum of $431.25. All of which is respectfully eub-- mitted. L A. DOOLITTLE, Keeper of the Jail, STATE OF ILLINOIS }-- (Continued page 8, Section One) _ Beans, etc. ....._.____. $5.04 _ Great Lakes Fruit Co. «h9 ©'-- Potatoes, etc. aren--rivernercogscce>>"" & 1 QY@ * A. L. Brumund Co. »' ~O. K. by Committee: Seal: Frank -- J Burke, Chairman; James Kelly and _ that all the expenses for employ-- _ ime -->-- ~~ For \ Yankee Bakery JEAN K. PILLIFANT, ® Amount Paid ~35 gays $100,00 35 days 90.00 ttee; Seal: Frank Jas. Kelly. + are all the bills, 61.156 Bge o#

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