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Libertyville Independent, 1 Sep 1927, p. 8

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| Smiling Servic (Continued from Pg. 10 Second Sec.) Tt west hGundary of "the town of Wau-- kegang thence south to the inter-- «seetion of Washington Street, thence easterly along center line of Wash-- ington Street to the center of Jack-- 11. Beginning at the intersec-- tion of the Ravine at --Clayton Str m"' Mmm"l{.' tthom n westerly . center of: Ra-- vine ~to :la:hm'l' Stnot.s thence southerly ng Jackson Street to Washington Street, thence westerly on Washington Street to Chicago, son Street, northerly along Jackson Street to the center line of Ravine, westerly along center line of Ravine to the center line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & North Shore Rail-- road, northerly along said railroad to the place of beginning. 9. Beginning at the intersection of Julian Street extended easterly on shores of Lake Michigan west along said Julian Street to the center of Hickory Street, southerly along@center 'line..of Hickory Street to the intersection of Ravine and Clayton . Street extended westerly, easterly along center line of Clay-- ton Street-- to shores of Lake Michi-- gan, north to place of beginning. 10. Beginning at the intersection of Clayton Street and Lake Michi-- gan, westerly along Clayton Street to the center of Qavhe, southerly and easterly alongk the center line of Ravine to the shores of Lake Michigan, north along the shores of Lake Michigan to the place of beginning. ¥ 7. Beginning at the intersection of Franklin Street and North Ave-- mue, thence westerly along Franklin Street to Porter, thence northwest-- erly on Porter Street to the center 'of Chicago, Milwaukee and North SBhore Railroad, thence south along saidwrailroad to center of Ravine, thenéce' southeasterly along said Ra-- vine to the center of Hickory Street, thence north on Hickory Street to Julian Street, thence east on Julian Street to North -- Avenue, thence north on cehter line of North Ave-- nue to plate of --beginning. ] 8. Beginning «at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Chicago, Mil-- waukee and North Shore Railroad, northwesterly and westerly along center of Grand--Averue ~to the 5. Beginning at the intersection of Ridgeland Avenue and North Av-- enue, thence west along Ridgeland avenue to the center of the Chicago Milwaukee and North Shore Railroad, thence south along said Railroad to 'Porter 'Street, thence southeasterly along Porter Street to Franklin Streat, thence easterly on Franklin 'Street to the, center of North Ave-- nue, thence north to the place of beginnifng. « 6. Beginning at the intersection of Franklin Street extended to the shores of < --Lake. Michigan, west along Franklin Street to the center line of North Ave®@ue, sgouth along center -- line of North Avenue to center line of --Julian Street, east along center line of Julian Street produced easterly to the shores of Lake Michigan, north to place of beginning. * * & 4. Beginning at the mtomction! of Ridgeland Ave produced nstor-' ly to the shores of Lake Michigan,; thence west along. said Ridgeland Avenue to the center line of North' Avenue, thence south along North | Avenue to the center of Franklin Street, thence east along--Franklin, Street and Franklin Street pro--' ceded easterly~.to the shores of Lake Michigan, thence north to the ; place of beginning. | 3. Beginning at the--intersection of Chicago, North Shore and Mil-- waukee Railroad on the ::h line of said Township, thence . along said north line to the west line of said township, thence south along the west line of said township to the center line of Grand Avenue, thence easterly along Grand Avenue to the center line of Chicago, North Shore -- and Milwaukes Railroad, thence north to the place of be-- ginning:; deliver its full power under all engi You'll neverofknow how mu:l;zlowqyou t of your engine il you put M;'l'-c Gasoline into your tank! # Whether you drive a roadster or a limou-- sine, a four--cylinderor an eight--there's Ti\, Lias because H--gives High Com-- pression performance in new or old en-- gines of any type-- -- This extraordinary FIRST ANNIVERSARY Top Speed That Passes Them All! 7 and 8 ws your engine to _ tion: "What gas shall | use to keen the mmpsaounnd knock out ofm:x; cyhn:l':u?? kff'f 3: under -- engine safest, surest, finest gas that your motor-- C . mmoucytoe:;buyandmlkeo. ;'tmmy for foot down on the _ Look for the silver--like H--C pump ar High Compression Anti--Knock fuel for all engines! uarts of Sinclair Ofidiine Mbtor'*:_Oil, T s i(tlli every 5 gallon purchase of gasoline. AUGUST 7 and 8 ter of Fourteenth Street, easterly along center line of Fourteenth Street to Chicago Milwaukee and North _ Shore Railroad, northerly along said ;railroad to the center line of Tenth Street, Tenth Street, westerly along cen-- ter line of Tenth 6treet, to the cen-- ter line of Section 15 or (Rose-- wood 'Avenue), --thence southerly along Rosewood Avenue to the cen-- to center .0f McAlister Avenue thence southerly along . McAlister Avenue to center line of Eighth Street and Eighth Street produced easterly to the shores of Lake mcrl igan, thence northerly along. the shores of Lake Michigan to place of beginning. . * 18. Beginning at the intersec-- tion of McKinley and McAlister] Avenues, thence westerly to the center of the Ravine, thence sou-- therly and <~westerly along center line of Ravine to Dugdale Road, thence southwesterly along Dug-- dale Road to the center line of Eighth Street produced westerly, thence easterly along EHighth Street to the center line of McAlister Av-- enue thence northerly along the center line of McAlister Avenue to the place of 'beginning. * I 19. Beginning at the intersection of Eighth Street produced easterly to the shores of Lake Michigan, westerly along center line of Eighth Street and Bighth Street produced westerly to the center of Dugdale Road, thence southerly along Dug-- dale Road 'to the center line of 17. Beginning at the intersection of South Avenue produced. easterly and the shores of Lake Michigan westerly along said South Avenue 16. Beginning at the intersection of McKinley Avenue and shore of Lake Michigan westerly along Mc-- Kinley Avenue to center of --Mc-- Alister Avenue-- thence southerly along McAlister avenue to South ave-- nue easterly along South Avenue and South Avenue produced east-- erly to shores of Lake. Michigan, thence northerly along said shores of Lake Michigan to place of be-- ginning. | i 15. Beginning at the intersection .of Melrose Avenue d Chicago, Milyaukee, North S Railroad, westerly along Melrose Avéenue and | north'line of Section 30 to westerly limits of saitd ° township, thence soufherly along westerly limits of said township to center line of \Section 31, southerly along center line of Section 31 to the southeast corner thereof, thence north along Rosewood Avenue to the center of 'Boeuon 15, easterly along center line of Section . 15, to -- Dudgale Road, thence northeasterly along the center line of Dugdale Road to Chi-- cago, Milwaukee and North Shore Railroad, northerly along said Rail-- road to place of beginning. l | 14. Beginning at the intersectfon of Washington Street and Chicago Milwaukee Electric Railroad, welt-' 'erly along Washington Street to: \ the westerly limits of . the town | , of Waukegan thence southerly along | said west limits to the north line of Section 30, easterly along said | 'north line of Section 30, and Hel-i | rose Avenue to the center of Chi-- |cago Milwaukee, North Shore Rail-- 'road, north to place.of beginning. ly end southerly along _ center|to the shores 91' 'fii'--'m. line of said Ravine to McKinley| westerly along said 'Tenth Street Areons stt Heriains Phrerenr mt bee " m Miects Cotnt aitiont ey ue f $ fi\'t:::. easterly to the shores of| thence southerly along said railroad Lake Michigan, northerly to the|to the center line of Thirteenth f beginning. Street, easterly along ~ Thirteenth es uiee the intersection | Street with 'Thirteenth Street pro-- ungi Nee Sbore Aciroad! duced ensterly io ghores of, Shke o P ; PCM y along| Michigan, thence northerly along j and Ravine; thence southerly on'!shores of Lake Michigan "to the ! said Railroad to thé ldnter:;c'tilo:,ph" of : beainaing n j ;of 'Dugdale Road ° an herl irve WtE ? Beginning at the intersection southerly, easterly and northerly: to J [ | following the|Of Thirteenth® Street extended east-- ' piace of becinning. erly and the shores of Lake Mich-- center line of center of Raving,. |°"!Y and the shores of Lake Mich-- 12. Beginning at the center of Ravine and Lake Michigan, wester-- Milwaukee and North Shore Rail-- road south along said md to center of the Ravine fol-- low the center of Ravine around to the place of peginning. STA. Eie-: arein 't-he gasoline--not in any added accelerator, instantly your car will leap ahend-cn.lood}ly. easily--going whheyop it to go, traveling as fast as you want it to go. x t H--C Gasoline is all pure gasoline--its High Coml'nennon'Anh-Knock proper-- H'C i?...dje. correct answer to .| ed westerly to the center line of p| Chicago NorthEShou & Milwaukee n| Railroad, southerly along said cen-- g ter line of said railroad to the g--center line of Eighteenth Street q; and, thence easterly along Eight-- . eenth Street and Eighteenth Street _! extended 'easterly to the shores of .| Lake Michigan, northerly along said . shores of Lake Michigan to the i | place sof ~beginning. -- Supervisor --Holdridge -- moved --to adjourn to Tuesday, September 13th A. D..'{DZI at ten o'clock A. M. District No. '2%' Duffy--Stor teenth Street and Greenflield nue. Respectfully submitted. _., g,,, g s ~ 349. CHaArIes ~LCrapo'sistatute in such cases made and Pro-- Garage, Belvidere Street. ----| vided, a contract will be entered .into District No. 16. Dick Perzigian's | with -- said STWBERG-POWELL Hall,: Oak Street. 4. COMPANY, not less than ten days District No. 17. Theodore Meyer's|from the lst day of September, A. D. Green House, South Genesee Street.|1927, for the following described im-- District No. 18. Lahto Garage, provement, towit: -- > Helmholz Avenue and --Cummings That HAWLEY STREET and other Avenue. streets in the Village of Mundelein, District No. 19. Ninth and Lin-- Illinois, be improved by grading and coin. , -- paving, : District No. 21. Lorek Shoe Re-- SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 27, Twelfth Street and Prescott Street.| in the manner shown and set forth District No. 21. Lorek hoe Re-- in an Ordinance passed and approved _"ir Shop, Fifteenth and Victoria|hy tha Prastdant ana Hnsiera 49 uen' District No. 16. Dick Perzigian's Hall,: Oak Street. 4. District No. 17. Theodore Meyer's Green House, South Genesee Street. 14. Cole Ferry's Garage," Catalpa Avenue. 2 t f District ~No. . 15. Charles Crapo's Garage, Belvidere Street. . District No. 13. William J. Mc-- Grain Garage, Belvidere Street. District No. 6. McGuire's Garage, Cory Avenue near County: Street. District No. 7. Waukegan Motor Sales Garage, 626 --Grand Avenue. District No. 8.. 'J. E. Johnson's Ga-- rage, Jefferson Street .and Cornelia Avenue. - s 4 & + District No. 9. Armory, County Street. * Y «* District No. .10: Court House, Utica Street entrance. : District'No. 11. Commercial Print, ers office, 921. West Washington Street. o. ~District No. 12. Jedlicka's Barber Shop, Belvidere Street. District No.: 4; Potter's Green House, Center Street and Oakley Avenue. District No.~ 5. A. G. Taylor's Ga-- rage, 626 Third Street. We further report that ~the voting places .have been fixed as follows: .AE District No. 1. A. C. Berry's Ga-- rage, at corner of North Avenue and Douglas Avenue. -- , District .No. 2. Alden's Piano Shop. 818 Glen Flora Avenue. | District No. 3. E. R. Reid Filling Station, 1404 Grand Avenue. | 22. Beginning at intersection : of Fourteenth Street and Chicago, Milwaukee and North Sh¥ore Rail-- road, westerly > along Fourteenth Street to the west limits of town-- chip of Waukegan, southerly along west <limits of -- said township to Eighteenth Street, easterly along Eighteenth Street to the center of Chicago, North Shore and Milwau-- kee Railroad, northerly along cen-- ter line of said: railroad to the place of beginning. 21. Beginning at the intersection of Thirteenth® Street extended east-- erly and the shores of Lake Mich-- igan, westerly along said Thirteenth Street and Thirteenth Street extend-- Motion carried 20. Beginning at the intersection of -- Tenth --Street <produced easterly to the shores of Lake Michigan, westerly ~along said Tenth Streoet the center line of Tenth Street and Tenth Street produced easterly to the shores of Lake Michigan, thence northerly-- along ~shores of Lake Michigan to the place of: beginning. HAROLD POTTER your ques-- Duffy +Store, Fit-- @ccordance with the terms of said Ordinance and with the plans and tions therefor on file in the 1 of said Board of Local Im-- provements at the Village Hall in said V.!nllage. Contractors are lt:m:: l-u 'mw which draw interest at the rate of }bySgIed "'ng"" will be received e Board Local Imw»rovements of the Village of Mundelein, Hlinois, until. 7:30 o'clock: p. m., standard time on the 12th day of September, A. D. 1927, at the Villege Hall of Mundelein, I!linois, for the construc tion as a whole of an improvement ---- Of Mundelein, Lake County, B. H. MILLEER, Attorney. NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT provement, or their agents, elect to take said work and enter into a written contract within ten days from first publication of this notice, to do sald work and make said improve-- ment at ten per cent less than Twen-- ty--one thousand Three Hundred Eigh-- tyfour and nao/100 Dollars ($21,384.00) the price at which the same has been awarded to said STERNBERG-- lllinois, be improved by grading and paving 4 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 27. in the manner shown and set forth in an Ordinance passed and approved by the President and Board of Trus-- tees of said Village of Mundelein, on the 4th day: of April, A.> D" 1927, unless the owners of a majority . of the frontage of the lots and lands NOTICE OF AWARD Public notice is hereby given that an award of the contract for the con-- construction-- of the-- improvement hereinafter desoribed has been made to S'I'ERNBm-POWmL COM¥M-- B, H. MILLER, Attorney Dated this 1st day of September, *. D. 4927. i Rabacae' . R. F. ROUSE, GOoRDoN RaAY, provement, orttheir agents, elect to take said work and enter into a written contract within ten days from first publication of this notice, to do said work and make .said improve-- ment at ten per cent less than Forty-- one Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-- irom the 1st day of September, A. D. 1927, for the following described im-- provement, towit: That SEYMOUR -- AVENUE,. CHI-- CAGO AVENUB, PARK STREET, with intersections, in the Village of Mundelein, Illinois, be improved by grading and paving" SPECIAL ASSPSSMENT NO. 28, in the manner shown and set forth in an Ordinance passed and approved by the President and Board of Trus-- tees of said Village of Mundelein, on the 4th day of April, A. D. 1927, unless the owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands COMPANY, not less than ten from the 1st day of September, NOTICE OF AWARD Public notice is hereby given that an award of the contract for the con-- construction of the improvement hereinafter described has been made to STERNBERG--POWELL -- COM-- PANY, and* that pursuant to the #u'm in such cases made and pro-- ded, a contract will be entered into Pus e NV 2 oDi 220C 7 CCC unt L uVC DVurd I, Lew A. Hendee, County' Clerk|of Local Immrovements of said Vil-- in 'and for said County, in the State|lage of Mundelein, which bond must aforesaid, and keeper of the records|be filed with said Board when con-- and seal thereof, 'do hereby certify|tract. for the construction of said the foregoing to be a true, perfect/improvement is entered into. Said and complete 'copy of the proceed--|bond shall provide that said con-- ings of the Board of Supervisors of|tractor shall well and faithfully mer-- said County at their Special April\ form and execute said .work in..all and Regular June A. D, 1927 Ses--| respects apcording to the complete sion. -- 'und detailed specifications, and full . IN . TESTIMONY WHEREOF,'and complete drawings, profiles and I 4have hereunto set m¥ RAnd madaly 5y _ 2. _ ""'N68, pToHIHi°s an STATE OF Members of the Board of Local Improvements of the Vélage WILLIAM ZERSEN, - Membezs of the Board of Local Improvements -- of the Village / of Mundelein, Lake County, Hlinois. f * K Ir ,'y f & P wioaiinar 'and detailed specifications, and full IN . TESTIMONY WHEREOF. and complete drawings, profiles and I have hereunto set my hand: models therefor; and according. to and affixed. the seal "of said the time and terms and conditions County, at my office in Wau-- of the contract and also that such kegan, in said County, this bidder and contractor shall 4th day of Aug, A. D. 1927. promptly pay all debts incurred by .__ LEW A. HENDEE, --|such bidder or contractor in the (SEAL) Clerk. prosecution . of: such work, includ-- iez acer ytrsk mss ing--thoge for labor and materials NOTICE OF AWARD furnished. blic notice is hereby given that All bids or proposals shall contain ward of the contract for the con--|an offer to furnish such bond upon Tuction of _ the lmomvemem'the acceptance of such bid or naftar 'Aasrethad hnos hnam susis J * & this 1st. day of September, R, J. LYONS, STEBRNBERG--POWELL assessment bonds pursuant to the . RODER ENT. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1927 ns nd 85 1t SAald |the time ar Wau--|of the cont th;' bidder an gl"k such +bidde erk. | prosecution ing-- thoge f furnished. ) Con--| an offer tota ment ) the accep made | proposal. COM--| Dated this 1t 1w5 uraw JnDVOLrOst alt The rate Of|~3, Py . ' * auper'?:t'»:orannmnmwlom-' j & se + ; : nually : vouchers. ~ Proposals | s « # nished at the office 'of. the Village i ~ : --@. A. p.jggg -- "** 44 of Sertemtben} $/-- «i# / ®@ NDER all is the land. Upon its wise utilization and widely ;- s obon ks |T allocated ownership depends the survival and growth of O _ ~_~ RDWWN E. RoDER, i -- LJ free institutions and of our civilization. The Realtor is ' S u. sLonk, °/ --___ ~ ~__ the instrumentality through which the»land resource of .. Ainieaaee aenses. 3 . the nation reaches its highest use and through which land owner-- Provemenia of me vimac orya| & Sship attains its widest distribution-- The Realtor is a creator of . deleim Lake County,, lilinois. 4 -- homes, a builder of cities, a developer of industries and productive l e s css 14-- farms. 1 ' The successful bidder for the con-- 'str,ucuon of said improvement wil} be required to enter into a bond in a sum equal to one--third of the amount of such bid, with sureties to be ap proved by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of said Vii-- lage of Mundeléin, which bond must be filed with said Board when con-- tract: for the construction of said improvement is entered into. Said bond shall provide that.said con-- tractor shall well and faithfully per-- form and execute said work in all respects according fto the complete and detailed specifications, and full and-- complete drawings, profiles and models, therefor, and according to the time and terms and conditions of the contract and also that such furnished. . All 'bide or pr an offer to furt the: acceptance proposal. . > Dated this 1% A. D. 1927. such bidder or contractor in the prosecution of such work, includ-- ing 'those for labor and materials The Board of Local improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids, as the Board may elect.. proposal, -- Bidse will be opened by the Board of Local Improvements in open session at '7:30 o'clock p;--. m.; standard ~time, on the 12th day, of September, A. D. 1927, in said Village Hall in said Village of Mundelein. ecash or check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Lo-- cal Improvements, certified by a re-- sponsible bankfor . an amount not less than ten per cent of the aggregate must be made upon blanks fur-- nished at the office o' the Village Clerk of the Village of Maundelein, Illinois, and must be accompanied by Provements at the Village Hall in said Village. Contractors are to be | paid in special> 'assessment bonds which draw interest at the rate of. six »er cent per annum ,payable an-- nually _auc? in vouchers. Probosails | Ordinance gnd with the plans and specifications therefor on file in the office of: gaid Board <f Local Im-- 'hoe s All 'bide or proposals shall contaln i offer to furnish such bond upon e acceptance of such bid. or Dated this l}t day of September, . D. 1927. 'B . #0088, ; d s C DER, R. J. LYONS, _ A&. D. 1921 sum equal to one--third of the amount of such bid, with--sureties to be ap-- proved by the President of the Board ._R. F. ROUSE, ; GORDON RaAY, > i EDWIN E. RODER, R. J. LYONS.. ' * ' E. H. BLUHM, ; J. C. DORFLER, } WILLIAM ZERSEN, _ Members of the Board of Local Im-- | provements of the Village of Mun--. delein, Lake County, Hlinois. l _ H. Miller, Attorney. ' Ist day of September, the terms of said ;uld Village. Contractors are to be 'paid in special assessment bonds ; which draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable annou-- |ally. and in vouchers. Proposals must }be made upon blanks furnished at the office of the Village Clerk of the Vil--| lage of Mundelein, Illinois, and must . be 'accompanied -- by cash or check | payable to the order of the President | !of. the Board of Local.Improvements, | certified by a responsible bank, for an amount not less than 10 per cent : of the aggregate proposal. Bids will' Ibe opened by the Board of Locai Improvements in open session at I'I:!o o'clock p. m., standard time, on the 12th day of September, A. ; . 1927, in said Vallage Hall in said , of 'Mundelein. The Board of Local Improvements reserves the | of: such bid, with sureties to be ap proved by-- the President of the Board of Local --Improvements of saig6 V.:l lage of Mundelein, which bond must be filed with said Board when con-- traet for the construction uf said im-- Pprovement is entered into. Said boad shall provide that -- said contractor shall well and faithfully perform and execute said work in all respects the Board may elect. The 'successfu! bidder for the con-- struction of.said improvement will be required to enter into a bond in a sum equal to one--third of the amouni tees of said village of Mundelein on the 2nd day of May, AD. 1927, \Said improvement shall be construct. Im%;m accordance with the terms of t Ordinance and with the plans and specifications thérefor on _ file 'in 'the office of said Board of Local ilngpr,p'!ex_nents at the Village Hall in ber, A. D.1927, at the Village Hall of Mundelein, IHlinois, for the construc-- tion --as a whole of an . improvement consisting of : _~Water service pipes and con-- nections in Holcomb Drive and other 'St:;aeu nin t}xe-}_mMe 'of Mundelein, NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRACT . _ FOR. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT Sealed proposails will be received by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mundelein, Illinois, until seven--thirty o'clock, p. m., stan-- gardtln'l'e on the 12th day of Septem-- o | _ R.J. LYONS, | *4 ed ;:. H. BLUHM, | - ._C. DORFLER, ' d WILLIAM ZERSEN, | Members of the Board of Local Im-- provements of the Village of Mun-- delein, Lake: m Ilinois. i B. H. Miller, At . > i A. D. 1927. Ail bids or proposals shall contain an offer to furnish such bond upon the mcceptance of such bid or prom?tly pay all debts incurred by such | bidder or contractor in the prosecution of such work, includ-- ing those for labor and . materials respercrts according to the complete and deétailed specifications, and full and complete drawings, profiles and models 'therefor, and according to the time and terms and conditions of the contract and also that such biddey and contractor shall of Local Improvements of said Vii-- lage of Mundelein, which bond must be filed with said Board when con-- tract for the construction of said improvement is entered into. -- Said bond shall provide that said con-- tractor shall well and talthfnlgnw- form and execute said work all proved by the President of the Board The successful bidder for the con-- struction of said improvement will be required to enter into a bond in a sum equal to onethird of the amount Hall in said Village of Mundelein. The Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and ul__blds. as the Board may elect. standard time, on the 12th day of September, A. D. 1927, in said Village Z2nd day of May, AD. 1927, provement shall be construct-- ccordance with the terms of dinance and with the plans cifications therefor on -- file ffice of said Board of Local ments at the Village Hall in lage. Contractors are to be cu' n'ed_--" NOTICE OF LETTING CONTRAcT ::', 'g' dce(::lt:ra:or in ut:: FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT of -- such work, inclua-- . Sealed proposals will be 'received for labor and materials bY the Board of Local Improvements * , of the Village of Mundelein, Illinois, roposals ¥ until seven--thirty o'clock, p. m., stan-- nll'ul;ul:fh mch.b;gnmt;;z dard time, on the 12th day of Septem-- ance of such bid or PC". A. D. 1927, at the Village Hall of Mundelein, Illinois, for the construc-- s 1st day of September, tiOn as a ;Vflrole of an improvement R. F. ROUSE, !_Grading and paving HOLCOMB GOlii)ON RAY, _QDRJVE and other Streets in the Vil-- EDWIN E. RODER, | ilx'fi'e of Mundelein, Lake County, T. 3. l dn | SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 38, J C DORFLER, lin the manner shown and set forth WILLIAM ZERSEN in an Ordinance passed and approved f the Board of Loefl lm"b' the President and Bonm':'m s of the Village of Mun-- °°& ¥ said Village of lein any and all bids, as sureties to be ap-- ed in accordance with the terms of !u!d Ordinance and with the plans and specifications therefor on -- flie !in the office of said Board of Local Improvements at the Village Hall in eaid Village. Contractors are io be 'paid in special assessment bonds which draw interest at the rate of six !per cent per annum, payable angu-- ally, and in vouchers. Proposals mast tailed specifications, and full and complete drawings, profiles and uP Paarrliiiet--26 2002006 dnc Ainnactens, D Miicamicsitahs h t ind 4 Said improvement shall be construct-- modéls --therefor, and accordiug to bemdenponbhnhrummdug. the time and terms and conditions office of the Village Clerk of the Vil-- of the contract, and also, that such lage of Mundelein, !llinois} and must bidder and contractor shall prompliy be Accompanied by cash or check pay all debts incurred by such bidder mubleeot.heorderottherM or contractor in the proseculizn of of the Board of Local Improvements, such work, including those for iabir certified by a responsible bank, for and materials furnished. . &n amount not less than 10 per cent All bids or proposals shall contain of the aggregate proposal. Bids will an offer to furnish such bond upon be opened by the Board of Local the acceptance of such bid or Improvements in -- open session at proposal. |7:zo o'clock p. m., standard time, Nated this Ist Aav af Gantambme _2 inz sall o w un A. D. 1927. models therefor, and H. MILLER, Attorney September 3--4--5 DIETZ'S REST HAV -- STABLES -- Da ncing Members of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village g_t_._ l!u.ndelein, Iake County, Saturday, Sunday and Monday Nites R. F. ROUSE, GORDON RAY, EDWIN RODER, R. J. LYONS, Ist day of September, 2 miles west of Mundelein 35 1t B. H. MILLER, Attorney ILLINOIS Dated this 1st day of September A. D. 1927. Al: bids or proposals shall ccntain an offer to furnish such bond upon the acceptance of such bid or proposal. Sul LQ any and all bids, as w elect. The gucéessful bidder for the con-- struction of said improvement will be required to enter into a bond in & sum equal to one--third of the amount of such bid, with sureties to be Aap proved by the President of the Board of 'Local Improvements of said Vil-- lage of Mundelein, which bond must be filed with said Board when con-- tract for the construction of sard im-- Provement is entered into. Said boud shall provide that said contracto: shall well and faithfully perform and execute said work in all respects according to the complete ani , aoe tailed specifications, and full and complete ~drawings, profiles and models therefor, and according io the time and terms and conditioas of the contract, and ailso, that such bidder and contractor shall promptly pay all debts ircurred by such bidder or contractor in the Srosecution of such work, including those for iabo! and materials furnished. the e@digges toF, ** 5 t any ~all e Boa 7 mieor and all C 4 lt tnt on 4d Mess e on the 12th day of Septmr, A. D. 1927, in said Vallage H said Village of Mundelein The Board of Local Improvements reserves the WILLIAM -- ZERSEN, Members of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mundelein, Lake County, R. F. ROVSE, GORDON 'RAY, EDWIN_RODER, R. J. LYONS, * ul: § T It

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