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Libertyville Independent, 8 Sep 1927, p. 12

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imn-mmvmcmc'a;: The Hamifiton--Hofman Construction company was awarded the contract for construction of the 7.77 miles of hard road on route 123, section 101, The Tilinoig Rower and Light CO¥ | / _ py 3 ration has filed an application wlth' House bill 528 (Seariel. imsgze muam lmm'ntcttom"mm" W"m" l I,'.'u!letuMfltwm" m '.t Williamszilie, Eig-- { the!* ve =mgan avenpadhiinimaity boid: s tighting o0 hi {act therein named, approved May 2%, Sherman. 1907. Includes in the list of war vet-- .N'mugmndadvuhlmt"'-- org p 2° the dmwhm"wdmm,mdem m'mwwmmnw"" M S octine frst '§ix months of any . year since [ MP"Z p "4, wau pitl & evhatllolt 1924." says the state department o€ U'.'..'m m' f Provides ,.ukmum-o-mrh"fl' uie . James E. McClure of Carlinvilie, T. c oi i " my on of Mmmumimilld" '_,....,'n....: Reckford Ane | actions in the saie or purchase of Harry Jansen mu"" h poultry . Defines the business of--deal-- w; members -'v-"l' ing in live market poultry. Dealers .uumpoud&h-.-huu--.'.,u"m m"' W;yanMMG m-nd';dwumw somhnix Hinton G. Clabaugh 28 | ar, or to transactions in poultry pro-- leader of the house of representativos "For the halt year ended with June diphtheria in Llinols was &thuvhz experienced during the first six months of any year since 1924," m'&QMW' wmumumm sembiy, . With --Hinton G. Clabaugh 38 thairman, they are expected to méet .n-d,@h{_ s Estimated attendance at the Tllinols atata fair exceeded that of 1926 b; day, when the sfternoon program bad to be ealled off on--account of rain. : Three girls received scholarships to the University of lilinois, for domestic science courses. They are Ruth Moye, Omaba, Gallatin county ther Korty, Bluffs, Seott county. Re-- spectively, they--scored 99.5, 99 and 98 pc&t,hmm.tmb mestic sclence training school at the A. meeting of shipping association of ten Hlinois--counties met in Spring-- feld recently. Ray E. Miller, live stock marketing commissioner of the Ulinois Agricultural association, urged farim bureaus and-- co--operative live stock shipping associations. The coun-- ties repregsented at the meeting were: Sangamon, Menard, Macoupin, Mason, months old, the son of Mr. and--Mrs. Wilbert H. Hall, Kincaid, was de clared 'to ba: the most perfect child examined at the twelfth annuali state fair better bables conference. He was given a $20 bank savings account and a gold watch. Elizabeth Jane Holler, two--year--oid daughter of Mr. and Mra,; Lee L Holler, 1516 Dial court, Spring-- Beld, won the $20 sweepstakes award as the highest cligible girl in the_con-- ference. Her rating was 99. R Bide for the construction of thirty-- five miles of hard roads and thirty, three miles of grading were received at. the state department of public works and -- buildings: Auguost 31. The Route 409, Sections 135 and 136. ap-- proximately 16 miles, near. Crescent City ; Route 72, Section 114, 9.84 miles, near Shannon, in ..Carrol--Ogle coun-- ties, Route--110, Sections 115 and 119, in <Macoupin county, five miles, near Bunker HiH and Benld; Route 2, Sec-- near Sublette; Route 13, Section 17, Perry: county, 218 miles,. near Pinck-- Articles of inctorporation. were is-- sued the--Cathoun Bridge company by Secrotary of Ytate Louis L Emmer son for the purpose of constructing automobile toll bridge across the HNIi-- nols river, at the lower end of Cal-- houn county, paar Deer Piain.-- Head-- quarters of the company will be in The St. Louls, Springfield and Chi-- cageo air--mait service is now on a pay-- Donald --Marice -- Hall, --thirty--four "Session of the General As-- " before' the Optimist club re-- Gave Name to Town Christian, Cass, Greene ky\ Henate bill 819 (Barr).. Makes an to the WMinois terminable permit com-- nfim'--unp(non. An act to validate the --organization : of certain township high school districts where defects exist in the procedure incident -c;v- Lc ols wo Cl B -- L +( TK 72 9 s ach oh. heifticcs . aiupbat t ceith Ath c hx tm us Wls -- its of the annexed territory --and com-- pletely Burrounded thereby there les a tract of land of not more than TG acrés which was not annexed and was not considered for the purpose of pe-- tition and vote. duced outside of state. f House bill 837 (Durso). An act hmhmhmlm and -- homestead ---- associations *have failed to file their certifi-- ' of. organization within --the proper time if the filing has since been duucth-htwm-km: oo / ie 4. 3 C M obtich s hh " snn l Ahrc ht -- EKTE done or is: done within six months ; and also purports to validate amend-- ments to the charter or by--laws--where the © eertificate certifying the --amend-- that whenever a first--class case has been improperiy brought as a fourth-- dn-u-e.cvleo-nnn.gm may transfer such cause to the fourth -@hmhflc. npkfl"-hlm in which case said fourth--class ctase thereafter: sball be considered of the same day and which amends the same section of the same act without set-- ting out the new matter contained in thig bill, -- See also H. B. 421. Adds certain sections to KLH enc . brctradh ce sfi muicteyriglartts mey> o © i s f House bill 323 (Sullivan): Amends section 115 of the school act by chang-- ing the number of clause *seven-- teenth" to "eighteenth" and by add-- in@ a new clause "seventeenth" 'Au-- Mentists and 'to prescribe their duties. Dentists shall examine teeth of pupiiz free of charge and perform necessary work. Parents or guardians shall first of "an act to providé for the incorpo-- fidonddflnW"w April 10, 14872. that appeals shall He~to and writs of error from of any County court or any Circuit eourt, entered in any proceeding pur suant to section 42 or section 49 of Article--XIII of said act"~ Yalidates anyappeal taken under either of said sections if in --compliance with section the Appellate court to review final or-- 122 of the--County court act, subject to the provisions of the practice act of June 3, 1907. :A Mouse ~bill 340 -- (Johngon, --G. J.). Regulates the real estate holdings of fraternal 'beneficiary societies. Pro-- vides that property conveyed to 'It in satisfaction of debts and property pur-- chased on sales, judgments, decrees or under mortgage shall be sold five years title to the.sgame or fire years after the same shall have ceased to be nec-- essary for the accommodation of its property no longer unless it obtains a certificate from the department of 'tmlp:ml«-.-ulr'amutn}u.di Infetest wili materially suffer by the . #orced' sale, in which event the time . may be extended by the department.~> House bill 336 (Durso).: ~Validates the issue of stock in excess of author= Ized capital, by mutual buitding, 4oan: and homestead associations now doing business under the lawsa Of the state. Procedure therein is detined. . . _ ~House bill $48~(Wilson)}. ds '_m_c-cum---g b ~ment "is ie in instalilments, tw-xuufimufim, tmuuhmgfi'ne'u.c annugm, 'The present provision is that such installments shall bear interest at 8 per'cent per annum. A Great Painter's Sad Fate to . C M.)J. yaug se * stt af & * N Feltes 3. off P92 F4 NE EC Seeut # o P99 i S gk n o Bd To eCs t.r .4 KOPS OFF TODAY AT NARBOR GRACE St. (Jobhns, N. F., s.pc._,.w-'nnl 'Traus--Atiantic--plane, Sir John o ling, hopped '"oft ast Harbor Grace at 1: 25 -- Rastern ~ Standard time .this morning for London. ts is Bound for tondon; Another sea the weatber was clear and visi-- N"t' M~ \A ". The Sir John Carling, in charge of aviators Captain Terry Tully and Lieut. . James . Metcalt -- arrived --at Harbor Grace late--Monday. after-- ~. Phe aky was overcast when the 8ir:-- John Carling took off with the wind Bblowing to northwest. -- Out at NEWS --OF <OTHER ~PLANES mnoon from Cuaribou, Me.. and was !lvn a--thorough overhauling yes-- erday : preparatory ~for the hop--off on the Trans--Oceanleg of the Lon-- don--to--London --Flight. } A near--disaster, shortly after the plane reached Harbor Grace, threat-- ened for 'sevoral minutes --to bring an 'end / to : the : America--to--Europe Flight.: . A gasoline. explosion. occur-- red in close proximity to--the plane when it was being. refueled. --A ker-- osene lantern being used <-- by the workers in ~the darkness> set some of the spilled gasoline aftre and two. barrela immedtately. figred -- up.-- -- 'n:z.m Metcalf, wosking atop tha €, mgvm to the ground and,~ with .the ~@id of upec-- tators, pushed the craft out of the danger ~z0ne. ... . Windsor Hops Off uk «"Olid Orchard, Maine, Sept: 7--~§; Canadian pane Royal .Windsor, loted by C: A. "Duke" Schiller : and Phil Wood, hopped _ off from _ here today ~{or Harbor Grace.=Newfound* land. From Harbor Grace the fliers will take off for Windsor, Eng: ~ * Wood and Schiller took oft as word df Oid Glory's 8. 0.' 8. signals were ratelved.. ~The Windsor pilots . were unaware of Old CGlory's plight, how-- "'n'.mllbyfl Wh:a!cor was mvhm w soup. .an m' d -- carried 250 galions ct'n:g': ; Leaving Windsor. Ont., ~the plane was forced down by a flaming wing at she went south t&--Portland but --was | B forced~down at Scarboro.--Maine, by [ * .""qu of Other Flights ~ Rangoon,. -- India, Sept... 7.----The American --Round--the--world ) -- xym ot Detroit, arrived here. at 2:30 | B . o'clock this afternoon from Calcutta | [ / after .passing -- safely through territiec} . monsoon storms. i * e * _ London. Sept. ;r--lzh 'round--the world monoplane . of Detroit, pi« lotod, -- tw RWdward-- 4.; Hohl»a» an4 Wg: Piane, the Windsor, Hops : for Windsor, Eng. "material adorn the dress. while a WALTER SHEAN, the young man who turned on his besom friend. Gerald Chapman,--will in all probability be libersted by the state of Connecticut from state prison Harttor4 in about a weoek. 'lh""_,"fim'Wfl"_q&'fl_hGHhM,m*;_?'&r wondcring whether I:..:I be the in about a wook. m"'w-_'_m--\"--pv_-------"-u----;--------------- victim of gangster vengeance. !h_ «0 I makes a few suggestions for disguise for Shean to escape such an attemot in the underworld. ; Gmter Values Are Bringing People Upstairs | -- | -- Have You Given Thought to a Fall Coat: | |I .100 Sample Coat Sale In: Cloth And Fur \J ~--Creations For Miss And Madam Which i -- _ Are Stunning In Design And Style. Ham 8. "Brock, arrived at Rangoon, ....'....'_-Vfi_v'c.h. M ing to a Central News dispatch. | Detroit, Mich. Sept. 7.--Instrument tests will delay until dawn tomorrow thM%dll. mb-dc --and ns.muiuu! on a projected flight to Europe. e Coruna, Spain. Sept-- 7.--Untavyor-- able winds and fog today threatened -- "mMToM' bars interrapted fiekt Trom Bostand ta America in bis Dornier--Napler fly-- -- AIl.Prices are lower now than when the domand is greater. ' > & Re UV New styles in furs include Pony, Hudson Seal, Northern :-_'--_----_ ' Seal, Mink, Sealine, Jap Wessel and Calfskin. -------- S C :' Oloth --Coats are wonderously made and trimmed i Fox, k. _ --Wolf, Badger, Beaverette and Mandel furs." The very best s 45.(" f ~ of materials in Buedine, Black, Venice, Doventine and Suede / -- [ (B, -- B=---- => & ~ Velour. GColors: Crackle, Rust, Tan, Black and Dect. < . _ d RUW -- Thaons --The this itless." The Second--The chic . -- The wmu---ru modish Eton girdle and vest of bieo sable scarf 'and an > off--the-- Misses. and . Womens new Fall--Cloth Dresses in a charming varicty of : styles and colors in dark stripes and checks b""-"" A16 é--t-- '.._5!?»'«"! Te ts > oob > Af Chapman's Betrayer Free Soon forced down here in a storm. Dublin, Sept. 7..--Fogey weather| the brightness or IGOLGINSIC DpFiINGDEC 7 j Sit"""* and unfa¥drable winds today threat--| various sources of light: Sun, 800,000 | average ened further postponement of the| candles: ber square inch;-- modern | lighten flight to Philadelphia of Captain R.| searchlight, 400,000; open electric are, | good t! H. Macintosh in the monoplane | 89,000--110/000; oxy--hydrogen limelight, | of all." "Princess Xenia." 5,000; moon, 2; blue sky, 2. _ was forced to 'abandon 'his intention of learing today because of unfavor-- able weather. T. Aulage London, Sept.:7..--Charles D. L46-- vine, who is planning to fly back to America in the monoplane Columbig. fer street wear. Worth is respon-- "kw-u---d&h type in nlrs!h blouse of white crepe chine is embroidered in biue and red; col-- : ~ Just received 100 No ts Felt and Velvet Hats --/ bOQ : Large & Small Headsis shown wearing a severely tailo suit relieved nq'u--l-- touches in the form of a delicate A writer in the Illuminating Engl-- neer gives the following table showing the brightness or intrinsic brilliance of varlous sources of light: Sun, 800,000 candles:; ber square inch; modern 5,000; moon, 2; blue sky, 2. ; : Rvery trua American loves a maniy, outspoken chap unless be is on the other side.--Nashville Tennesseean. .Varying Power of Light Then He is C | '52' . :i- -- § . < M L w ¥ $3.95 .'. mm' Mw-fidu 44 u'flvfidiflh'} tiny butions arranged to B Rhodian law is an early system of -- marine law, the only rule of which that -- x survives being the principle of general average: "If a cargo be jettisoned to lighten the ship, all contribute to make good the loss incurred for the beneft If all the mortgages in the country were placed end to end it would seem gasoline 'n the world to run them.---- Womens & Misses rifice Prices -- Only Rack left for only-- All ~Dresses ' and> Coats Final Cleargnce at Sac-- Ancient Marine Rule ~ 1 * Mortgage Mileage up io s Ta

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