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Libertyville Independent, 8 Sep 1927, p. 3

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at c . +*, e e s & x t ~ 3 4 ~ \7 her * P 1 e is d y; o o6f . * -- e i. * d K i k -- a : o 5 ts c23 © «ol * x yA M 7 * C hi l t s * o & ¥~~ KRA i ls=> T es s 4 » lak o G" § a> ~M ho % i is ) -- i *# & 0 % n > L 4 t LA . C «s wl rC 7. h t AzA i % rvg M oi % .. t k n * ix e " e S w 4 h # +/ 4 4 . y ¢ 8 P eaing m » i5 -- € A es e o. 5 4 * . Police watched Gonzales'® home all night but he did not~return.( Police Mrs. Watkinsg gavre the police the following -- description of Gontales: inches, weight=---- 165 to 170-- pounds, dark complexion black hair, blue where they found Mrs. Smith slump|been Llear of hostile demonstrations Ivnintlohhtmtflc-mp-i"thmsumlflw moble touring car. They called the Port is made public .and approved. . Wetzel and Peterson ambulance and| 'The poitical clairvoyants" of the the victim was rushed 'to the hospital country wmnmbndmtamhd';:owfl penetrated her neck and had broken Pro boy to the home of Mrs. Watkins, 538 Market street, where hbhe is be-- recovery are entertained. he took them out for an automobile ride. HWis mother and Gonztales drank Frank Gonzales, 35, Mexican, living at 326 Market Waukegan, is 'being Mhn'a:., police on a chars t Obably fatail shot Lella Smith, a colored woman, his common law wife, and with having shot Harrty Smith, aged 7, her son, through theright arm. Ths shoot: Iing occurted in Sand street, north ofr the tannery shortly before 11 o'clock Monday night. when Captain Isaac Lyon encounter-- ed the Smith boy running in Mar-- ket street. The boy reported that his mother had (been shot. It was mmmrmrum shot through -- Tight -- arm. Patrolmen Edwards and> McMana-- man took the boy to the police sta tion -- where he was attended by The 'boy told the story of the at-- fair to the police. _ The lad said that, ho. and _his mo-- considerable, the boy said. and got Mra. -- Smith -- was --rushed to --the Lake County General hospitalin the Wetzel and Peterson ambulance. Dr; The shooting was called to the attention of the police atill1 o'clock a charge of having probably fataily |~ ... " mmm.mm,u'z his common law wite, and with having the 6a shot Harry Smith, aged 1 lcnl.hm through theright arm. Ths shoot-- ing occurted in Sand street, north| uy' wOMAN DYING OF Captain Thomas Booth and Captain Munbmutfitom..mm elections with the itch for him:. At the same time'stock market, or quotations on copper thorough search of Waukegan is |and steel. This lends an air of plaus-- ing 'made. ibility to such political reasoning, but C r--Law Ht . is Sought by Police g € : s mmmmamumur.u-maud-mmsmwu natory: "I have been your Bulletin for three and was so , %hfln -&nh!&u&%lowcfiu w -- We rode and a little We well went nd in a no;'p; were so mflfldn"m: h'fllfia .d coatless. night "| ~There are many diplomatic posts to ','l"mmlflr.wmu c t ro, Ambassador to Cubsa and ;Ommmammb |lnfi. Politicians suggesting their favorite candidates to fill these com-- .mvmmmmm $| These positions have been ' ;jheld by men of anusually keen intel-- 'lect, with wide yvision concerning in-- . |ternational affairs, and it wil, there-- ° |fore, be interesting to learn who will ' |\be selected to "fill their shoes." -- _ Lowdon and Vice--President Dawes. Mr. Hughes and SBpeaker Longworth are 'also being considered, not as ac tive possibilities, but rather as.com promises in the event of a deadlock. The political authorities know -- that they do their best to look wise and brood on things to some. No theotry is too --subtle or far{etched: to get a hearing. --A facorite one is to link up roim'b.mmp.i'mim or President. Many the old--tim-- ers around-- Washington, who: have been forcatsing the outcome of polit-- ical affairs for many years, are of the opinion that the possibilitiese of Mr. ing.. . Bpeculation is now . revolving aroud --SBecretary Hoover, Governor It is reported that one of the first visitors-- to the White House after the President's return will be Miles Poin-- dexter, American Ambassador to Pe tu, who will confer with the President regarding the Tacna -- Africa arbitra tion between 'the Chilean and Peruvi-- an governments.~ The contents of the report, which Ambaszsador Poindexter wmmunmmmz: tic, but it is understood that he that the prestige of the United States Jn all LatinAmerican countries, as ;fwonuhChfl.;n&.Pm.flnio seriously affected final chapter in --America's attempt to deal with the 'l'u:::&riaa;]mm.rm in sur-- ren the United States or a com-- Nme?lhqutthomm The report submitted by General Per-- :mndldorlqutmhnh'n for an indefinite period awaiting approval or disaporoval of the Pres ident and Secretary Kellogg. -- There has --been wide--apread comment -- and some mystery in Latin--American cir Cles over the fact that the United Mitle hr in mhone magmntte t upon it.. Bomor.uhmmdmt the report contains a amount of diplomatic dynamite, at least from ington, after a coparatively quiet and peacful summer in the Black Hills, he will find bimspeX besleged--with politi-- can and economic problems from ev-- ery guarter. : Washington, Sepntember 7--=-- When SWt Ge ~~~~~* ¥Young : People's Night / T Saturday--Quarterly Conference £:00 p.n:i. ' . ¥: Chairr -- L. E. Grimm and family and Mrs. W Habick visited at the parsonage last Aunday. « SERVICES BEGINNING BBPT. 11 Sunday--Sunday school at 10 00 a. . m. Sunday--Morning Worship at 110a. m. Bunday--E. L C. L at 7:00'p. m. ~---- _ Mrs, H. E. Grimm, Leader Bunday--Rvening Worship 7:45 p. m. Wednesday--Prayer Meeting 7:80 p.m. at, pital Thursday evening after a sbort PooooqoquOQo ~--PDon't forget "the Rally At on Sunday September C.u,g' p. m. 35 be .m« ~4 to be held on 1, at 8 p. m.. ev. A. J. Bayes will preside at the conference. -- .. Communion Bervice will be held on SBunday, Beptember 18, at 11 a. m Rev. A. J. Rayas will be the apeaker. Our E. L. C. E. and Missionary Aid© Societies are sending dolls, toys and wearing apparel . turovach......_........_ wearing apparel to our missions in the mountains of southern Keatuoky, . The second Wednesday of -- each month will be known as 'Young: Peo-- ple's Night,' in prayer meeting. Andrew Palm, a resident of High-- wood, died in the--Lake County hos-- mwmlnmm is to 'be cleaned up before: . adjourns, the. latter mpart of May, for the Presidentian nominating conven-- tions, However, Mr. Coolidge has made ano. statement-- regarding his plans tor an early session of Cangress. RIGHWOOD MANAS CLAIMED BY DFEATH 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mh-lz::' urged by a great many of the } of call ing a special session e :Senate, early in October, to clear up the ques-- tions of the eligibility of Mr,. Frank L. Smith, of Iilinois and Mrs. William 8. Vare, of ~Pennsylvania, -- : senatorse-- elect, to occupy seats with that body. Many of Mr. Coolidge's advizors here, are of the opinion that such a sepcial zumgun"wmfi state of trade n« an u.mu.&'.'i'hm. B Y WILLIAN DA L EY N. E. A. Correspondent ~ PRAIRIE VIEW Mr. #4 Mrs. Fred Grabbe, 912 North County California of the sudden --death of . her--father,-- "Dr." --Carver;-- noted plainsman and civil--war veteran and ¥Friday's Chicago papers have this to say of his passing: ; l-e?-m.- Cal., : Sept. 2. --W.<P. ("Dr."). --Carver, 87. noted plainsman Civil War veteran and one of the lact figures of the old -- frontier--dave.> is An--~Independent in politics -- --Mr. Hayes was held in such high esteem that he could have had any elective office in North Chicago. In fact hbhe urged several times: to run for: mayor, being assured he would have' acknowledgement of his many bene-- mmflnubuun Sat-- Rev. J. G. Halleran officiating. Inter-- ment will take place in Calvary ceme tery,-- Chicago. president of the Hardware company a:"'""'_"." nohh::::bbe: B. Sherwin, u:-'u:yu"&gmg is with him by telephone so that he can arrive home in time for the funeral. leaves <the --following relatives: a brother, John E. Hayes, Sr.; a sister, Mra. Mary Lester and the following nephews and nieces,. all of--North Chi-- cago: ~John E. Hayes, Jr., Frank Hayes,.-- Florence Hayes ~and ~the Misses Mary and Elisabeth Lester. . through the death --of Mr. Hayes for he always had been more than chari-- table in his gifts to the poor.: He gave through the pure love of giving no opposition, but -- always<declined with thanks. From time to time business men's associations : have been: formed ids North Chicagod. > Mr. Hayes, because of 'his great interest in civic affaire, always took--a prominent part in the work : of orga rlzation. <-- -- FATHER OF Hardware company was organized is North Chicago. --In 1908 hecmcoved io North Chicago and had <Hved there ever since. * Under the> lats Mayor<John Sher-- win he was secretary of the Nortbh Chicago board of local impravements: neer Chicago settlers. f & --~--The deceased came to Wavkegan six years ~He had = rekigned from active service a short time: ago be-- cause of 'his failing health. Member of the Knights of Columbus lodge for many years. 'Member " of-- the ~North Chicago Ubrary board for three years. Death of City's Most m'nfiu":?";':, | ~ant Citizen is Due to Heart --| Mibttion agents One of the nr=anizera and diréctors of the Lake--County State Bank at North 'Chicago. x Vice--president and director of 'the Sheridan Buillding and Loan associa-- tion of which he had 'heen a member Withont: question Mr.: Hayes was g-oum.hmm')tm Kollowing are some : £ the activities with which he was closcly associated: Vice--president© and ~director" of the Trustes --since 8 --of .the : Holy Familly church=of which he was a devout member. T s Charter member of the i{oly Name Fociety of 'the : same church. : Trustee of the North Shore Yani-- residence, 1548 Park avenue, North &«M The deceased was 64 years M - e For the last few months Mr. Hayes had been confined to his b8d much cf the time,. althangh --he was able, 00-- easionally, ~to walk about the hbouse. After a short wallk Tuesday morning Mr. ~Hayes . complained> of faintness and was assisted back to bod.© He seéemed to realize that death was not tar away for he summoned members of the family to his bedside' shortly before: he sauccumbed. > =. Years -- ago ~Mr.--~Hayes entered the starting: from the bottom of the lad-- der. Gradually he worked upward until 'he had become vice ~president and director of the Chicago Hardware Company at ~North Chicago, a pos!-- tion he had held since 1899-- two years after ~the company --was -- or-- progress, and beloved by all,. Death, uumnmwhcfihhuu of~ which --Mr. Hayes had> been a sufferer for years -- occurred this morning at: 9:45 o'clock at the family --~ _' RAITC etinnram1 Mrs, Irene Schwicht of Chicago were visitors at the home of their parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Chope, late week. The Howards family held a family reunion Sunday at the home of Bert Fdwards. Beventy--.one were present. M ornncerepanted by his mocher, Nire more; @ , Sitta Weinecks, of Belvidere, -- spent wm. his uncle, Scott LeVoy.. Hta Weinecke will remain for two weeks. ¢ '; The Millburn road is about complet: ed. > The big mixer was taken away Monday.-- Out of-- 20 men, only a ftew are left to finish up the job. { I. 8. Bonner motored to -- Three. Oaks, Mich.; and his wife and children: mhmwmh.hmmq a week there.with Mrs. Bonner's mother and sister. E i _Our echool: ovened last: Tuesday,. with Misgs Shecehan as teacher, 1 : 'MWileven high school «echolars {rom this ¥icinity will attend Antioch high Mr. and Mrs. E.A Martin apent a ftew days the past week at Rock Island attending a Masonic convention. . . Mr.'and Mrse. Gordon Bonner --and Frank Lacas family attended the fair at Milwaukee last week. -- : tlass of the Millburn Sunday schooi was entertained Wednesday of this kegan. : The Minto and '*YVhite families held & picnic at the. Harold Minto home Friday.. Relatives from _ Downer's u.-wm.zgrmmmm mmhmnudlrmdun. Lesl1e@ Kamper ehildren of Forest Park spent the --week end with J. 8. Denman and D. ¥. White: Miliburn,. now of Chicago, was a Mill-- butn visitor Tuesday. .. They have a 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o Calls were--sEnt to the Waukegan and Ziou fire departments bit-- as of-- ficials of both did <'not beiieve that their equipments would be of any ad-- vantage in fighting the fliames. they Damage to the hlndtl{s and stock will run ijnto several thousands of dollare, it is believed. s 0 0 0 00 000 000 00 0 0o Fire starting in a straw stack on the farm of Vincent Kasmer, one --mile mnorthwest <~of-- Wadsworth. Monday aiternoon -- spread > another large stack and then to some outbuildings which were destroyed despite the vail-- ent efforts of volunteer firefighters. Farmers within a radius of --many miles around and residents of Wads-- worth gathered at the scene of the fire in . hundreds. and . fought the flames by carrying water. ; A larg cow barn, too! shed and sev-- eral smaller 'Dbuildings on the farm destroyed before the fire was gotten under .ontrol The amateur fire fight-- ersfought the flames we!l into: the night before they were able to rest. FLAMES DAMAGE -- ~FARM BUILDINGS NEAR WADSWORTH Large Straw Stacks Burn and Fire Spreads to Several nd two grandchildren, formerly® of mibtion agente the" inied) in | Ino T2 'resorin in . whioh ~"'""..,a...1» Negor Hquor were alleged to have -- been ' and in which 15 were arrested. * & fltz' ges raided. were lisited «by. the. two 'mw: crews.(* In seven of the raid-- ed: yesterday liquor was confiscated. The m:lflad were:> Oak l'lf lake, Mbm ov lndn:i M 'ox er , : Mée 'mr!. Ayiward's inn, <«Woodstock; White: House,-- Johnsburg, Columbia hotel, Johnsburg; ~F~ld. Knob tun, Pistakee bay, West Side Service sta-- tio, McHenry: Orchard inn, Fox lake} the Shoreland<Inn, Pistakee bay, and | the ~Viking> Tnn, Johnsburg. The 'dry--afents --arsosted <Wiltiam Mertes, Nick Eichwen, . Albert Green, Johg ~Alyward, Michae}© Worts, Ed-- ward" Froelich, Fred -- L. Buender,: Claus Anders--.and <four. others. -- > With the relégase of Postmaster N --F. Stellen of McHenry yesterday es <goP Noted men particularly believe the people want to hear them for an hour or two.. Really, the people only want to see them.and hear them say a few words.--E. W. Howe's Monthly. TAE t ced ; 1 good team--of Work Horses, ho eroaozi------------sllf + Eied imatdhes school, and five will go to Gurnee ' ":'mm all sizes school. | $ | Mr. and Mre. Crock and children of |[{ ! Thuck Wagons . Chicago spent Friday ~with Mr. and .'mm ;lr.glu.'..n.mumrél | .E"Rm from C] 'Ohio, this week. . & |Mcm« «Miwlflvim««w'zm' g;}iokq-duwu-m' '~*Weinschenker . whom 1 consider oné. of the small fry in the beer run ping tacket,. delivered about --$2,000 all . "to me. °I gave all but about $200. . ¢f this money to Pouse. The last money Weinschenker gave me was 'April, "when he delivered $157.50 'which 4. kept for myself. "'Ih: was my only© connection with> beer running . activities but' there must have been plenty more gobhig on, as 1 know. others Tthan Wi were busy in McHenry e ap . 5 * s } ; i He asked me to see 'if I could ifinence ~Pouse to show him the same|favor. he was giving to Others. | Agrees to Hiileit.Dealt =* : "'mxhcw Pouse ~was: simpl¢," as he had had me appointed postmaster mufiym..m. Pouse finally agree to let' Weinschecker run beer in Mc-- Henry county, but demanded that he Common Mistake One of the terrible burdens of the ¥F. O. B. Pontinac, * Model T50 _ +2050 _even. in heqviest traffic _G» WENBAN & &0 N | ""' en t t y fe se xccgt > . ns I { lege 6t. | Phone 22 _ _ _ ~--| Laké Eorést, 101 Deerpath Ave. Phone 728 mryd;'dfi-rw + .' «. > $1095 w»T-OO(.T"M,_'. * e % m Power and endurance in abundance! And yet, this modern six cylinder motor truck is aoe;filvhmdlfildflt traffic congestion is no impediment , A modern truck for modern uses! See, today, this wonderful expres-- GENERAL MOTORS HEAVY DUTY 234 to 15 Ton Capacities »asy --. to handle You Get REAL NEWS In THE, LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT For Only $1.50 A Year. Chassis F. O. B. Pontiac, Michigan RUCKS AUG FROELICH, Auctioneer. Havirig sold my farm, I will offer for sale at Public Auction, on the epremises known as the Hoeft.Farm, on the Rand Road, 3 miles southeast of Lake Zurich, 3 miles north of Palatine, on , Wednesday, Sept. 14 commencing at 1:30 p. ni., the following: 150 -- 156 80. Genesee Street Telephone 5100 WAUKEGAN, Public Auction| £" James Morrow & Son A USED CAR 15 ONLY ASs DEPENDABLE AS ~"THE DEALER WHO 46euLs IT shop--if it's running on the road. . The safest way to get to the running kind of Used Car, is to buy where that's the only kind they sell. A car on the road is worth two in the USUAL TERMS 6 Tons Baled Straw 250 bushels Seed Oats, 200 bushels Seed Barjey 50 bushels Seed Wheat & All free from foul s@®d. Hay Fork and Pulleys Set Double--Harness P Other Farming Tools 80 Tons Baled Hay, mostly C us * *"ZX, #°% * se 44 ~<

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