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Libertyville Independent, 8 Sep 1927, p. 7

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Ee AItr'YE Art nrti 1i > Meat 1 N Je Je en ~* ~~ QUEEN OFBEAUTY |----------_--_---- f' ' o in bore!-- . es t on t son, . m &9 _' F 4 AT m m u'mm...;_.. -_.:E._Ah____'. e + Paul O'Neil, 16, of 5043 °S. Lawn--| iDeerfeilld: Chapter O. E. 8. < are dale avenue, recently trom | spc «_ card paty Firday after the United States Naval I mmuumm Station at Great Lakes and hMtMt' Simon, 25, a navy enlisted maa, were | to attend. Bridge, 500 and will held by the Chicago police Tuesday, |be Dlayed. -- Prizes and refreshments. charged with possession of "a stolen| Mr. . and Mrs. Floyd Stanger and car" and praticipation in a $30 .flling |children spent days last week station robbery at Kostner and Irvy--|with friends at t Wis. ing Park boulevard. The young people of the Bungalow Two girls with O'Neill and Simon |church enjoyed a picaic at the Giss when they were arrestde: woerse 'Dot | grove last Monday. »® co neqy 0o 00q o m ibe: clib at longhech and bridge lnst .. css a memmer from nere aenald | "Btp 204 es atrutoes and . ine iee 8 w n st ham Bu's formes e w se mas hss moeare pare * astcn i Peni io uie yeae ass a0e | adtiac® Oindert and Mtise Gortrads of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Obenant, who/of Mr. and Mro. Hamy Olondort at mm inss ortntin teaml (he pome oo as ce ns returned home Monday, and is getting | Mr. and Mrs Robert Birmkh and _ aar" Marrk ® son, Jerrty, motored ~to St. Mary's School operied TuésdaY | Bloomington and Peoria orer teh week with a large enrollmwent, end. , Mr, and Mrs. Will Diebold, accom-- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sims of Chi-- West Fremont, apent the latter part of 'fl-l'--'-flag.&-.ht'.', last week in Milwaukee, where they at-- Mr. Leonard of Chicago visited Mrs. tended the Milwaukee fair. Mr. and Minnie Virgin Monday Mis. Howard Converse and Mr. and | Miss Lucia Joliey is soending a 10W Mrs. Sylvester Wagner were also Vvi# |days with her cousins, Mr.--and MrS. Phommdar. the West Side 'hompital in Chicago. . Wil Bhear of Chicago spent the first | Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dieboit of Cul of the week with relatives here. lom, returned to their bhom Monday, Bd Obenaut réturned Sunday @Y€--|arter spending several days with MY. fl.th'Mhm-"uhm"" trip. . _0 00 .00 _ oc co s s1 ) Dsstopt and other southertn states. Mts. Howard Converse and Mr. and Mrs., Sylvester Wagner were also vis itors to the fair from this vicinity on Emmumhm-utmm of the week with relatives here. Ed Obenauft réturned Sunday eve-- along nicely. been visiting friends for the past two m'-l'b. He reports a most delightful George Hertel of Waukegan and Al-- fred Weidner of Chicago called on old friends here Monday. Robert Lucbbe and his men are re modeling the barn on the Wilow farm. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Amann havre returned from a motor trip to Minne A -- ameeting for St. Rose of Lima Young Ladies SBodality was beld at Bt. Mary's hall Tuesday evening, in charge of Father Leukemper: I 1mvien _ mROLLI@UULLY._ MIBS UIFGHAI| Mry Lake (Ruth Meyer) (Miss ' Lake|of th« Villa _(Juanita Nickerson) MIS# pnio w Deerfleld . (Evelyn Pence) Mis :q:hocueuo. (l% Zradick®) | the ~ ages -- Lake Rodgers) and _ Miss Waukegan -- (Lucille| ; picked them up a short time before and that they knew nothing of the They told the police the two sailors Out of a feld of seven bathing Order Your Peony 4 Festiva Maxima (White with dash of red in Third in Annual Show of 'the car nor of the. stickup. 4 Rose Pink THEFT OF AUTO)| >zzs:,%s; ist week. w4 (Very fragrant) luncheon Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Iuncheon wag given by Mrs. Emil Dan-- telson in --Chicago. Mr. and Mre,. J. R. mg:'tuk guest Sunday 'Mr. Nots' , Ru-- dalph Nots, of Chicago. Mrs. William Neville of Arilington Heights, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. mm«m Mr. and Mre. Phillip J. Seally, 8r., and two daughters, --Margaret and Tean, spent several days at Excelsior met -- Tuesday --afternoon.-- Mrse. A.C; Johnson had charge of the lesson. Re portyof the convention at Barrington was given by Mrs,.: A. Merneér and Mre. Johnson: Hostesses to the day Schar. *Special music added to the enjoyment of the afternoon. .. Miss Marie Aide who was a guost at the Dr. C..J. Devisa home, returned to hert home at Chillicothe Thursday. terian church will serve of Chicago at luncheon Friday,. _ _ ul'lndlfl. J-R- mm mm.-t'.w-\_., A1M098 A8° "mmurmmmm the Mijwaukee fair Friday. "":'17"""?"11'%":'3': of the week. Mr. Potty is starting Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jubrend attend-- M M oi i. We his third year as principal of the An-- Friday and visited friends there. A cordial welcome is extended to |, L Att Monday, was registration day Miss Jane Perry of Chicago visited | .1 +; worship with as. _ at the Antioch Township High school, her aunt and uncie, Mr. and Mrs. Ed s and on that day, one hundred and for-- Beckman, last week. aaprminmiem . {tygive pupils were enrolled.. There. <-- Mr. and Mrs. Pter Porry are visit-- were ~diftty--six {reshmen, : thirty--seven. ing their daughter, Mrs,. C. E. Ander--|} FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH : |eophomores and. twenty eight. juniors son, at Riverside, Mich. 7 ~~~-- Mark J. Andrews, Minister and twenty four seniore. { Mrs. W.~B Carr and Mrs. Harry | --Church school, graded an--dunder de-- | _ Mr. and Mrs. Merri Sabin, of Spring-- Olendort entertained 12 guests at a Dartments lsupervision ':ugnmnmng:wmmmwm m.u.g?.wm Anummuh_mtmmw Mr.--and | D. B. Sabins _ -- 4 Mr. and Mrs. P. J. in "and | ly to work of the fali and winter. uorrhelun.ku-z:tm@ -a.mn.nmmmuflwgflmm.wm ton, D.C., stopped over for a few days guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Reeds | . Morning eervice at 10:45.. An hour visit with Adtioch rélatives and 1 Bunday and Monday ... |of worship and of inspiration calculat | while on his way to California, _ Mr. and Mrs.. Merikle and son Jesse |¢d to bring --the visions and the re (he will be located in the future. : He trom a motor trip th i Wisconsin ;1 ols h ns *4 ~|has receired a which < will ~ Mr. and Mre. 6. P Hutchison visited 'fl:m "'the | his place of living. ----_ _ -- ~ i. relatives In Ohio and Kentucky dur |fall and winter the aim of the er mnwm { Dfenamr 5 Terta's . Mehets 2t (aiatens enentaalaies e' "atest |cogo font Peeaies at mot . and Mrs. chison : from 7 to 8:30.. New members | at the Downs, 11 # chool, guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and William °C. Kooblin 'attend the --% winl -- meeting . of the mm&mmmwm 'will be held in the tinc fair Monday. " > P e tw"u o'clock p. m., Exmil Glass--and family returned home | Sept. 13, and this will be of Saturday fom a motor trip to Canada. |the «atmost tar = mem-- ~Mrs> Lillian |Price has> returned to,ber-- plan to come. Vigitors~welcome. her home in Kansas City, She was|_ Mr.--and Mrs. C.--H. Hale and sons, visiting her sister, Mrs., Wm. Geary, | Robert, Hensbert: and Albert, sof Chi-- E..K. Fritech of Hollywood called on relatives bere Monday. _ Rev. A. T. Johnson and family vis-- Ited Mr Johnson's parents at Ashton turned from M---mt:nr for home and will. relatives here.| Boy Scouts, Troop 5%,--every Friday | and Mathmatics and aiso act a Mr. and Mrs. n':&_ and their | evening from 7 to 8:30.. New members | at the Downse, Iilinois, --hbigh &mmu'm be welcomed. left for that place the latter' -'"W-" Memibers and friends of this church{last week. -- "hit inienn & 4 ols coned as |tog kgpion ortint in on Aemmmeni (hes feagen yeratotn i tinct the Jacob Wol home in Aptakisic last | 'A of websome to all our sery-- mmmwfi Mr.-- and Mrs.: Robert Birgds and Aofe attended -- a E iv-dzr . M , Nort] bask presente the evening. . Chareh ASchool at 9:156 a. m.; English service ast 10:15 a. m.; German eeny-- :ooun:uqnzmma p m. . _ With the beginning of 'school, the '?n"""'""""v'""'""-fi ;uhmmm&w'o'u bullding the kingdom of God. ments will Se made at a later date. . On Beptember 19, at: 10 to 10:30, messages ~to districts over the radio. Mrs. J M Edmonds, Regional Mrector for our district, says to tune in and lsten for her --messages to us over W. M. A. Q.--at this time. 'A'l} members, who have radio service, to geot busy. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.; morn-- :tvmun;mh'(:gz Jp. _m.; evening service at 8; ~~A cordial we is --extended to all} to worship with as. p to be held on the first Tuesday of the month, wlll be held on the: second Let <your slogan be "back to the church." Let as turn our faces to the abDurch; let us recall its duty in a world marrowed with sin, and then arith oapen ears and responsive bearts eccept the . challonge of your church to unite with the reat of the memberse A Classified "Ad will sell anything on barve to sell, _ +2 NWw h raine t s 3 y EVANG,. BUNGALOW CHURCKH pollic is oriie UPRENED BY NIALIEKMK=--jture, close to the south ide ot the} PLAN--1U UFP | 3};:,.5;' K¥ ¥ YABDT |nected to the illdins v--]|~© ~¥T1EeUT --ALl TA "I "';{'3&%_ 1B B Flered entral »;,'";h»-.!,'_;; "'fi <~ LIUGH Tt 0 '{3; B wz A € U % [Fe | ered ie Sn EC . cesc o Ats + ~ UA UOL 11-- JJVUUL R n e s en o voand" ze. Thomes MoGreal tett| . _ "{" _ _ --""""_ " / 0 " _ bu ui 0 OW errmmr t . .« ( @1 / . sHast week for an ext wip cA .. _E m. s Thirteon Counties Will Be Bone-- |ms® mesh=ss, at Carsr--raase. oer | Construction of Bouider Dar <*'=» Awmrded by State -- * "fi',fi"'"'",;u"'?" CA e y Expense of Nation slsnd m uin * i _of a mmw& With the: object 'of reducing the Springrield, I11., Sept. '---""g "'R.auwmh-am qm,mmmmum the T O es o aken in mhm week in out | joint --committee of National Utility e of Highways for the award-- :mvmmmaummmmwomm- ing of paving, bridge and grading con-- ,.g.m a tions relating to the Swing--Johneon gracts, as # part of the state bigh |~ : supper : given by the Ladies|bill which was defeated: in the: lact way system, totalling approximately | a14 Society last Friday evening, net:|session of congress and is scheduled $2,000,000.: Jted them seventy{ive dollars. 'The|to come up for 'consideration at the < Thirtcen counties of the state ArO|pagery sale held on Saturday was|forthcoming session. One is a book-- benefited by the twepty sections '*Aalso well patronized. -- let : entitled =©"The. --Boulder ~Canyon consideration, : 'These m.'fl' .-"r '"The clock in Antioch went back an|Dam," and is an analysis of the Los Ogle, N&mmm .-.:."m < mw the s-u.':o?.'m Pil 'is knows h everyone on as = ' mm.mmm'u k in California. The Oother entitled teon. _ -- - Mrs, Adah Qverton of Chicago, spent|"Bounlder Dam" is a comprehensive Canvassing Bids .. . _. |the week end at the home of her moth--| compilation of essential data which Rxperts of the Division of Highways | er; Mrs. Lax. * has been &ssembled by governmental are now canvassing the .various <bids | .--Miss Hilma--Rosing and Carl Ander--| and other authoritative agencies. and as soon as it is completedu son were 'choson as winners in the| <In jssuing those publications it is ang as soon 45 this is wompleted, |finales=of the Soxtrot gontest, at the|the announced aim of the: joint com-- awards will. be announpced. Apparent | Antioch Paldce Dance Hall on Thurs--| mittes to place in the hands of the low bids on the sections advertised day: evening, of last weok. --A--ailver|public exact--and authentic informa-- are: h i4 Te * loving cup as the award. ~*~./] on --concerning an issue which has * Bection 72. Route, 2----Pavement. in| ~Mr. Clifford Nelson--and son Grant been clouded by. misconceptions and Lee County; Henry Zoiwper & Sons,| were Antioch callers Monday. "| Imngecuraies, The larger volume con-- Mendota.. --Bid--$11,394.97.=>, % Mts. L.--B. Grice and Mre,. Margaret | tains > five . government: charts -- illu-- «Bection 17, Route 13%--Pavement in|were Chicago passengers on Friday.?strating how it is proposed to con-- Perry County; Hamilton--Hotfman Con--| ~Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richards--are|struct a dam 550 feet high in Bould-- Struotion ---- Co.,-- Carbondale, < Bid--|entertaining their sister and family |er=Canyon on "the Colorado =river $36,026.98. trom Mundelein. &.> with the ostensible main-- object of Bection 1A, Project 7--LaSalle county | Mr. and Mre. I. W.. Boylan spenticontrolling the floods of the Colo-- Duncan -- Construction Co., Ottawa. |Sunday with home folks. i rado and irrigating Imperial Valley. Jmnanly . A/GDCEIDGE . RAZERmEE DCOCLANZEE . "7imke | EOS GAZRInE 300 AnoB AnRR C OME . MR iep . CC Bloux City. BA--$15,744.40. _ _| Friday. & Bection 114, Route 72--CarrollOgle| Mrs. Della Bell and two Daughters counties, William O'Neill Sons Co..|the Misses Eunice and Rose Bell and Fairbeult, Minn. u%mwwam Bection 114, W. Route were woeek end guests at the home Ogie Countiles, E. M. RochJ, Freport.|of Murry Horton. Bid--$2347. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stevens en-- Section 111, Route 91--Peoria count-- | tertained several relatives from Wau-- ty, L. B. Dyer Construction Co., Hoopes | kegan on Sunday. * j ton.. _ Bid--$52,194.08. Mrs; Della Bell and Daughter Miss Bection 119 Qw--m ll-o.otcuum.mdhurna:z ough county, H. C. Ho Malcomb.| at Mrs. Andrew Harr:sons home n'.ml- ~* 3 ---' Bection 106A, Route 59----Lake coun-- <t1, 8: J. Groves Bons Co. Minneapolis. Ayeal --~p A h EO »AB & es "youl + yiel? .9 m"m".w."r..MM"m. ilzm&hn been were. Antioch catiers 'Wednes-- mwm\mmu&m day. on some sections. ~These are being| Mr. Earl Red and two sons are checked and teh _ contract will be|leaving today for their hew home in wghwmm Nevraska. Mrs. Reed will follow in '_ will be received <by 'the 4i |about a month, vision 'of highways on September 14 Mr, and Mrs. Chris Christensen en-- ties and grading in three counties. |bére who attended the State Con-- ~ Hard road contracts to be let are in |Yention at Joliet, IlL., were Dr. Geo, Cook, Dupage, Whiteside, Piatt, Moul. | Jensen, Geo. Garlana, | Lee Waters, trid, Clinton, Marion, Fayette and Pe--| Rey Woebb, Otto Klass, Arthur Maple-- oria counties; thorge, Paul OUhase, Adoith . Potii tor work in Cook Whiteside, Piatt,| Al report a wonderful time. gqmmmnhm s ; Marsbhall, Fayette and Chay coum-- | aAgrintmn n i 7V Mrsa,. A. B. Johnson 'has returned to ber home after having apent the week at Nerwood Park.---- 'Mr. and Mrs, Robert Trieger, of Norwood Park, apent last --Friday in Antioch. Cesy Mr. --and Mrs. Bushman bhave returD ed home after several weeks trip thru mw&"&uh' mmnand-bru abcess on her collar % Mr. and Mrs.. John Moore and son, have been spending the weok at Ke spent their summer vacation with rel-- atives in the central part of the state, returned to their home here, the First of the week. Mr.. Potty is starting his third year as principal--of the An-- Last Monday, was registration at the Antioch Township High school, & O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 0 0 0 0O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , who have "Mr. and Mrs. Ear} Skiff are enter-- taining their sister in saw, Mre. Mary :?ntumh'muuMAu- Maline to her bhome in Oklama Mre. Emma Nizon and Arthur Mco-- Kavit motored to Chicago Wednesday. Mre. Hanke 'and 'daughter Lillan Myrs. Verrien and Bertha were Burl-- hg:vflhum. f Lncille Webb of Waukegan and where Sheriff Lawrence Doolittle has been for two weeks trying to bring the man back. Deputies in his of-- fice learned he expected to be homd mxtm.y Mrs. Nancy Nc?: husband. LET US SERVE YOU Lumber and you'll get only the 'g'ood,'g:manent. well seasoned sort that builds for permanency that accrue when build gone over when the stru Save Next Year's Carpentry Costs NA fa s e > KK 18 {y eleige '. * i Fe bers.--_' l\ a% Sn > Lined up with the California dele-- gation behind the bill in congress are the advocates of government owner-- ship and operation of public utilises. In the measure they see an opening wedge with which to force the gor-- ernment into industry in competition with capital,and eventually the elim-- ination of <«private intiative. These opposed to the bll believe that were the project a feasible enterprise and eould be made a commercial success ample private capital would be avail-- able to build-- and-- operate it.. _ -- _ may run well above that of the Pana-- Great Lakes Aviators Pulled -- From Lake by . Chicago ¢ Y;uhtmnflewStafign 'Ensign Joseph*Leagher of Chicago, reserve officer--attached to the -- Great Lakes Naval Training station, and a mechanic. were rescued by members of a Chicago yatching party when the mhvmmmnunm into Lake Michigan two miles off the naval training station, it was YACHTING PARTY RESCUES FLYERS . The gm--w'w about fifty feet tr;l:.' vacht Seahawk, owned by Construction of Boulder Dam]e-a---' Would Aid-- California at |[| 10. UL 1 hss ES | l 3. ciots 22. _Af" Teams for k L ~"J. CICHY, Prop. "'Teams for N MEETS FIARST TUESDAY OF EACcH MONTH AT THE TOWN HALL C. C. HOSKINS, Commander Telephone 345--J + Meets First and Third l Friday Nights of Each C Far!. ® Month In Gridiey Hall, First National Bank Buliding. Visiting Neighbors Welcome. W,. NAGEL, _ _A. 8, DOVGHERTY Visiting Companions Cordilally Invited J. A. TREPTOW. H. P. Mests First and Third Monday Nights of Each month at Masonic Hall. Real Estate and Insurance s Office Phone 1766 -- Res: Phone 2899 SPECIAL AT 1 . Room 203, 1704 Sheridan Road NORTH CHICAGO, IJLLINO!IS & 51 w f FRED ~GR A BB E 'DR. J. L'TAYLOR / Office in First National Bank Building Moure: "1 to 8730 and 7 to 8 p. m. T A TL O RING . 410. N. Milwaukes Aveénue _ Telephone 551. _ _ LIBERTYYVILLE Farm and Stock Sales A ggvgmg cw ON .u.mln Day Phone $5; Night Phone 487 f ~* 7.' ORMLLE .' LIBERTYVILLE, | ILLINGI8 _ ? "e W j ® 'Telophone 329' Unm Cichy's Tailoring Shop 410 N. Milwaukese Avenue Telephone 881 . LIBERTYY! ATTORNEY--AT--LAW .. .. .; Res. Phone 97. Office Phone 18 ts Our Speciaity." We Have a Large Wd;rtifirvnu » © *Seleot From. in and see Us. Office at Home on W. Cook Avenue LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!8 Libertyville Post 329 Office 539 No. Milwaukee Avenue, CATILE TESTED FREE OF CHARGE LIST YOUR FARMS FOR SALE or TRADE SBuite 203, 1704 Sheridan Roa Phones 1766, 2899 and 2574 NORTH --CHiICAGO, 1LLINOIS No. 272 R. A. M. \ Office With Farm Bureau * JUSTICE OF THE PEACE +~--~ R Kills the Germs. JOSEPH A. JADRICH E. W. COLBY 912 > N. County -- Street J. B. WETMORE, Secretary CREDIT RATOR _ Acme Camp * No. 176 oin Ave., LIBERTYVILLE Telephone 383 ',:'5,3,1] M. W. of A. SNOW'S {ROOFING PHONE 306 WAUKEGAN, HLL "The Quality Stors" [ _ Smith's Taxi| . AT LOW COST Estimates Furnished Free TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFINQG-- READY ROOFING OVER OLBD SHINGLES , FLAT ROOF§ RE . COVERED WITH TAR AND PITCH _ complete, for a set figure, will know just what the c be, before stacting. P. Q. Box 843 LIBERTYYILLE Libertyville Roofing R. L. GONSAL Telephone 568, LIBERT) Day and Night Service We Do All Kinds Of Roofing ARLING r61 + HOTEL w# | Work Guaranteed R. B. GODFREY with fancy belts [ WASH i1 AGES 2 TO 6 YEARS BY HOUR OR JOB West Lake Street * *4 . SMITH, Prop. Write to

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