:33? if, 'ifi5gc'C,h8,:',t1Ci,; , I __ -%mvmumons ind is, these fine' autumn igrttterssrrreiiaaisr,ptrt,)ti,/ tiiiitodtir.iirtwt itwtiiaigtairritkjRyrm SHORE ', ( l' [',i 'lt , "if" mwmntifiegmflb' with mutilate mmw-(1)T0€fi°mfihewden9:cenesfifll the exquisite autumn I , e1ltiiirtt'il'it4.0 ti. heégle 'fiiiiiiWirr.ttth _ttre,/i)tilfirirri'tjiidaii'im so-tha't hear she? ,irtiNl'jliitCii'ill)tsirto'ad intelligently if called on to buy a lot for 'krhr'i.frsuiirishiirhii'tithe, 1etiattaatttthirtiiitirt1ilttiido . '., "1 _ ". ,. . ." . _ . _ I -, Only trJittfeiriei ii, mmfummpjmuuor {many , . V V ' as," sellletssup alt-10% o,mLrmonihi, payments ex- . , talus overdue "It: "rt 1ritiir)rtiiiiltr"1iititiiiiid thew 'li'(,,'ill"fiill'llil, iii titit'ihiittisitti,"t"r)s'1it percent before the lots purchased were paid fer. s-,'. "htul"er.ihsatsed. bummed , "W lit'. Wmawmwm whmwmeaw -,' ' ' 'is':": _' _." C . , wwwmmm tttttt . - a -" . wtthihiehtodifind thoucrodmnnd "itdntaintrqtturtmiisirttsttfttytirtqrppprqt1q1tqrtr, t Thou two places an the no" 'itHtritt.tnratsqiht:_ot., the can: M0313 mom will pot-potato ."aon's A028" when. I"?! 8303! 0mm! in pro- t: needing along that line. was on tMitt1lmltjlMr will be in attenuator untold ~- centuries as a. mum ' In an othqtrq8tirthilt ttttHatutttwit, in the who! . Il1ittttitsam'fttr.ttterc M1Ktrmnt)illemlliti1lt5,nlll1lMr""iiloatsnot""ttmtirihartemi,triumtai1 l spot a new ground, but am and PHtMltthtlltollr P)iMtPelmrAtiltAr. Intelligent I 1etd-mfintt.1ootaNttrtt#hrtaatdttstd appreciate." m. Mn inorderto than in, autumn furnished-b "Maison; men an are wining ( to tempo. 1atrtatt their luxuries. loin anon 'll'llGh"lllA soon willbolons to the in Ft public who~m now Melamine lots thatch. j I Altpiiuimuat uncanny!» aalraateatdatotaVatstNrhrtrt of December next, or Jam 1,1988. We htmrtrtit1sd the hub memes st'itdtttetitrtrtrtarand doubled '; the "2ttitftttasottlir3fhriamagtt. ' . '. _ I I. flmhpmudromlulhowommfuany than ' '-_, "(at su'., JNorth 'mm .of 3"lllrUdttdlrillil'lllqlhitts "sar'e "W .'-1 ' l of 1uttutl,'lgl W'mmmamfig ' _', mam. 1ittME3lretstant'etght Milli-rum». "s lummmuwummgum "_',-" mandala!" ' . j' mmwmw'hcfi ot-tstood/itil)" magnum" 1 ina1t%ttrtai)ttrteiiqrMtqieaiqtari.".rt.nthib . gttt,3ttgrttl1tt _ '. f.jog,a.bo,oimyothctcnotnnnldpoml: 11ltrertMr.:a.ltMttgttcttrqAtt A tho _ ', - was my .tmghliytf3rttr.s:1tt.l..t1q swish: bum-t a that ttttmidi/SPN, by: [me thnWMdthbmflhtyi-thfmfiutb {mmtgmm'inflcuafoa mgwmmgfi i---- 11ttyt?t.It P0000 'ttiftt1,1tr-tt,t- ' Mm!" Mn f '/i'lti'ii'il'iirit'if5? . 1lMerrtmrtion hatrptmmnent4rainrloasted1telowtubttttoan' ofthomvuud 'umtmm'mmnpmaummwmmmm. (iiiieiii'lii"iei5iiiiii'itti. Mfmwxmhua'dmmumthmhnt rtgg,t"fltititt't,,tg?'aru'rt PM!!! oottmtwi'ipmittqrsdarttqtdr, 't'aiiatttsdlatudh1, rt'N,m,frc.Ait.ltttyf1eton.driry?o or (m- Duct-pad tj1ttOrrht.traeimipaiid,dhtr.tirtghttsat9etfyrtuii0tt.' 1taeiotint1_eatt.attrtitMttn hdnwnbnthomoptdmbldpspcinboohboundinthomum,w t m,withthomor'lunon4th¢nmauchmvhoumlnImh 'Ihomuduthandmofmmheonmflngupmmtbbtnfim mm are . mining ,dqraP.rrrdpetut1rr-rttrr_dtMngsttrit-. gran-m ,g1thtiif,'ot",t mmmmonhhmnmdgm immd'mhg'oflforufldmmhmflhmufiw that». , owners. NORTH allimmmr 1't'lett'htJ8t'ltti 1argttatttinthits ' epmt_ttrin%tieththeatartttg-trehttrptteed_ttte tdn'Wm-Mdon I mumuaocontspcnmuofootflththomtlotnld. mttits,aAntutaattia1pttrtiqn t'ttf_theorieepaidforeadh goutoalg'trunoommeWmMmotor ,fttirerqBt1tiixsttfthtatmpryCfftttrtr., 'spptiaragrtthett: _--- drqrAdttitarotths' principnl. ITIBAHUBTNNDI 1tmsrrhttiiitmatedati1aortthmtbatirearrtinttse to the lot-owners, except for the special eel-en! graves. . _ . Every burial place not protected " is EDITH tmtm)uplilltplmmr will he oblit- "atedftrtrtttufiimt of-ttttru-tttip/ttdr-tft-tttmis-trt-tttttnas This is new mum of such 'iaastr.hamr..ttetsn destroyed. My burial pieces formerly ,rithinthehtitBtttahir Trttefrityhrttrteta.ytelr1t.Mtqrd;tqttt.rtltr fashioned burying grounds hated "wageddesoi'rrmtyM'ud'B'thM'e Mon tmtqthiitr-u-lhrttt Bttmtgtnded s, ttgtg,,,-?,',",,""),':",',,',',-',",',, V, on, most nimble ground for anrpeseiin Apiialt$,tti-ortri,tain in .. "(molested gen- ttttratttttttntttgr, MI? Ittiae Trinity 01ml! Mamma- itt1ttiT1arts ot 'eMrttr From my l,to tlittttt of. lain: It!" ii, "gamma" 'MMMrWqrMTI' um w - UV"'" '- ""1" 9"". III up 'ke'""'"' m I!" mummnm,moumv.rmmmmmu mmmmwMumgammmmw-'mmm Iot,yta.th.itrjjtt1entf?1i!lt1R iP1.t_ll.re?nrlll81rie. 002.»me Annot';ddhrhubompddfordivldandnon.thoconmonlhuuwhichm mmmmmmmmmmmmmumm :mmmby'mydimforhhm,mthw¢hflnmw thmmmmmm'ummwwommum- adv-mu WWQWN W?!" ttref? he yilttti.deitt1te,.gmrett andntn..teaithsofthoa1artottatir1ttmttsttsrutiaaithtttdtt1tsimr bt . t T I s . , ',,"v- t " ' - C ', E2 I an. % r .. _ _ , V i l ' . _ t 5. M . , , '.' - t' ' f y "I Fe cy, . s' " _ _ _," .. . . . w, _ . Ty" - o. venue" Mutanllat SHOP is maintained "one mu Street, Waa. i', keyinwhen tthit chino!!! mice is rendered at reeeoneble priced. Mr. Pierce 1 is"iiigr'uoi_irrtttstttllorit'taiiira1PtdrPetr friends here. ;% '0, man not: drmimtmr museums are mama to supply the I' Cemetery with ell In", shrub end plate required for the development of new sec- 1 not: end to apply the we'nte of lot-owners and friends., - _ i aRntetiorsttniirqtaqra.ttp,r management ig noktrrsquent1t yi . to the . . mm if tttttttrt' of like county-to PM their tTWAIN, 030%. This ':" {mwduethenieswngnpidmflmmTAfionUMEITm "P: leew'entto'do} "rrrantohttaattty the world in'which ye live. i' -' Li/ii,t)1ctetitt,1, work is cold $1: lot-owners by the ttttpit; We began" ' . L.ttryl, rTtA e-" providing; L "to.ritttrttmatta1mtHottV in R!!! tifti)ftl'rltttttttt?f,lfl'J) $'tltgghf'tif,tg"gitggrgti st2t1t,iu'f'te,', tii"tt'i,is,a'ltstdi'it,1t toproteot muons may from inferior work uri)';;';';' fhtmittiitttt)9qttrajdilttstsnttt19tuir dealers , admitting grew 'oipti.tlirrq atiirattttrtmetrttir secured 1tr1UtAnrpem tram dealers, an " the operation at ' _ it?" my..." I" lt 't' , 'at,V fg1dfttg'l"ttdrtle', ggtl, tt l 'tte,', or 'ttret - .; "'. i _ n to . en ' pe one- or 0 cost price ,tt,it,tritt'tti,gg,tligtf,'t, ntattsrutornritr1rmantship. 'We-ere madrto show any person-the ., nttftrrsenth-trtrmotitiptyuCgreitein..thoeie1rrrttstayr,ty "T and .irirrghttrttiijtttttotnd and" inthe' 'tuqttiiti1t' 35"! my" M95399; "tgf,-,',,','),',?',,",':,','."";,',',',', granite in the memorials ne'er being pieced. mer'eoneend. Mi1'liuttti, , {anomalyarsinmdeterminsfiontomskenonrn . omen: something eren, tom common, cheep "gramed," we concluded "Nels uo'other we! ttr,a.fltord protection to both the ','rtrtgigtht,' 'thelotmthsntoghsuthemensgementrornishenmemorisiwork. y "lichen when: stdtdirNrthitrurtdemrtandtnlt, andthetietthatottr sdesthis your hen/doubled at previous records is conclusive proofthstthissndallother rules use epprdred by our ihteh,trt of thoughtful lot-owners. C , from signs of e disreputeble ll,',",,',,'),':,',,):',',')', (1) A frame consisting of two thicknesses of 'nsrrowhosrds ahthttthme-f inoiaiteurtqndintttaountktuedgrt ' gg'2rgl', holdincthe 1rueil' of 'mtigrrsttn.tttmttltts which inter-lace across the grove 'like '. ammo! one's hands pieced together in-alternating position. this screen t1,it2liti(,t,f,i'f)lf9lrlllt..lll$lt "ttidiirtu-ttoftoanoftNrgerfhm_oiery. Ihettoitinis . finder the Mgdevicejnst shove the screen of evergreenhoughs. When it is (ru,trmsit it simply head! '..evegreens until ftgoasttqrtnt) them in the depths of the rtti'lr,'ir,t!tiMi,"fi,ltt'l,', tqrrhttttttukirttoptritiorr Inthitomrtotisqta- tti Wet-Adam grew in hidden from the View of the friends and mourners. No.. yshouldbodeceheiilponeeeingthisdevice. It is an" the sure sign of oust A alive. Think of» the t,t,f,i.'tt2gt buying a nice satin-lined casket in which to place i -1 Mandaloflfiflodoneo Ito hovethose remsimnst in thatjrttteptadht for s _ fathom end _ do 1iaiittuidatiUt endthe body inelated,in a flimsy wooden box ".tPjr.rttii"tmrintttiaPirillri.sttsr! Jo device has ever:been used to prevent funeral W- or visitors from (',rt'tgtl,lit,'tt of graves in NQBTH SHOE! CEME- i . 13) '!thir.tbxt_rait.'mstrti) H ground worthy of the ntihttttttattt of the present ego is thesnnouucement preceding the ftmira1,---"Btiritt1 Private." This sim- ity,yeitti that thelivingdonot core to have the ftittttdtt ortU deceased see the kind ot heeinvhichxthe wins ore-to he'deposited, often times a. combination of the mph. when of tttoarxrrgtttmrastd unkempt conditions on the sauce of the ground. t,t'tllt, the 1 2tgr,'2,fg "h'iii'j'tii'liiiti,i 91%;: mm: 'l," 4. "tmt phenomenal: for the mot noun anon alllmmil)lt3rand Mint-once -anttyttthtedo This feature is being Mud by appreciative people for may." want - _ . r . . "21:193'1'183033 c ,ettfti aistitta,iitisd .1010 db, , we, all; mutual-.1110] mm", This We. 1:1 75:1):ng PM f""'" 1 mm: 8. ,'l',gir,'hgii2ht" i, t ' St " in!" use of use! Many will ruin and an: ran all GRAVES arfrrit..o 1ilgtit2','fgef, blanket effects during the _' AaM tin use , of ova-greens during the winter t7i'i'tfriiiii'aii 'flee,, 'ttttgtg? gt', love the mem- ere , V tt service. t cannot be done 1ttgte1',tt'lu1 ,'"y'rr tl atimiotm-th-ofandtsupphusahigh-atas V "ttiii-tsaith. Gnvueontalningmchvmlumor ,,rmtuitrrrriMbitedbtreaatsstheirtuenirither durable nor may] we 'tithilitg $123,843.50 'Ithmpla'uuro otMistritm from two to tht, in! km 3.3:" may " cloud out at}! and; 'iiiiiiii itrdii1iimii, I'f?/'qft in 1mm 3; ahtlllltel)ltmr: J. . . it . _ . A») T . A a)" "a"; ' . ', ' ' n l" - Ill .3 Q "..' , 5;, t i M, _ ' ' . Ii ' I . ' l - -' ('I Cr JV a. "K it