-- |Auction Sale ¥$ @9 ; _--_--~ "Adequate .)}anes of ~transportation . 'to political centers and the use of the .. _ (woutes after construction will do more ~ +B@ develop the county and the United '"M»}flh&"hm _ =----_ He reached tho#ge interesting atate &-n while discussing ossible-- work . for the spring, summer: and fall of | . 'W. H. BEAK hk w = #4+ . w k & v 4s e ne i. 0 k s s es s d i ce t 0 n wl _m ' _\ ing Home Fartherest From *' Paving But Mile and a Half. IMPROYED ROADS To DOUBLE VALUE * OF LAKE COUNTY <] The farm having been sold, the undersigned ||0 0000000000000 \|J--will sell at public auction, on the Walter [|_ Prank Rosstentcher of Oryetai Lake |J. Beak Farm, 134 miles east of Grayslake, on . JJ «x5 snd Mrz Ilord Pisher and. |] Route 20, and half mile west of Gages Cor-- _ nu__{:.:'mny. Meyer | 'Aers, on road leading south, known as the B-r:'y"u: is spending a fow '| Mason Road, on [ dora Dowellts apondine a ns 'iags | Tuesday, , 21 | xmss ies ves ~-- But ons route is certain for next spring. That is the paving of the Round Lake--Lons Lake strip of a mile: mnd a half at about a cost of $30,000. . . Another development that will even-- tually a new north 3 -umam will be built at points w it ig" considered. best at the time. Part of this route is now paved and the rest would be fill ins for the most part.. This strip: includes the route from the state line connecting with Iy to Wedges corners, Wedges corners thence south--along the> same -- route --\*It my plans. carry there will be & of :-mv:l"mu that will , bhouse a county' * «> a and a halt of an improved _ that will boost valuations ' to what they ~are : now," --R. M. county -- superintendent -- of highways, stated today. -- By this he did not mean pavement over that amount a credit of siz months on good bankable notes. bear-- ing 7% interest, will be given { + TERMS OF SALE--Al sums of $20.00 and under, .cash; 4 Dining Table € Dining Chairs --< . RERMS CASH The following--articles will be offered for sale at public auction, at the home of the late John Couzens, on Appley Avenue, near the old Fair Grounds, on 3 Dozen Kitchen Chairs 1 Cook Stove = John Deere Manure Ipreader #¥bottom Emerson Plow 14inch eotn p'anter & 80 rods of wire Hay Loader tuumum Potato Planter and Pumping Jack; € Osborne Yide Delivery Rake "ktomm _ John Deere Cuiltivator, 6 shovels Jeveral Oil Drums & Janesville Cultivator, ¢ shovels 10 Miik Cans -- 3 ¥section Iron Drag-- . -- 3 Pails and Strainer & commencing at 1 p. m., sharp, the following: HORSES--Black Mare, 20 yrs. old, wt. 1500 Brown Horse, 9 yrs. old, wt. 1350 ; Bay Mare 13 yrs. old, wt. 1500. Tils . HAY AND GRAIN--About 10 tons Mixed Hay; about 100 bu. Marquis Spring Wheat; 400 bu. Oats; 400 bu. Barley; 10 acres of Deering Corn Binder Deering Ideal Mower Hay Loader Checked Corn; 4 acres Drill Corn. Set Double Work Harness make, 1113% inch skein, and 1 _ iauconds.. ; _\ "s -- :. A«. .="c)a Single Work Harness . -- 10x3 inch skein; _ JJ Revorts are going the rounds t McCormick Self Binder, in good Pair Light Bobs, with pane} box, ~[| memepmainnmmmmemmmonin e etines condition 2 seats and pole:; * L. > «<al s Py $ess e o l PUBEIC AVCTION L $ K FARM MACHINERY, TOOLS, ETC. FARM WILL BE FOR: commenefn; at 2 d'd&ic D: KAE (#4a e C Sn C wntp neJ sn #2 ty renews 'its: of $2,500 tor in-- formation leading to the capture and convic¢tion of the --murderer-- or mar» ders of James Sears and, Madalynne Latimer, ~whose> bodies= were found brutally slain in a ditch alongside the Wvis ind o mig un Aeid i a O n ngatly 1 with their importance. posted : on : October ~15,© 1926, lapses and with no sign of any kind of a so-- lutfon of the double murder mystery the reward was ordered renewed for one year beginning today. ~The order was lssued by District Attorney Low-- is W.. Powell after authorization was found in the statutes of the state, What the state does on the $100,-- 000,000 bond issue will havre a lot to first, the road--chief thi C For the -- present "he is concerned where but three days of paving wea-- ther have been available in the dast 14. It is half paved now but cannot be opened by Thagpkesziving as he orig-- route into Half Day which would con-- néct another batch of state roads with this chain. s ) inally planned. Sereral Wash Stands Jx15 Congoleum Rug, nearly now KENOSHA RENEWS MURDER REW ARD 6--hole Peninsular Range e Oak Peninsalar Heater * Folding Bed and Bprings % Number of Beds and Springs 8 s ons . . i ~~* nalk agr CLASBIFIED ADSA will} impreas you hm s [ T Offering our entire Federally Acered-- 3 ited herd of purebred Holsteins for sale at. JB auction. Seventy--five head, including sevan%-' NE al ext:revxvnelos;f attractive : outside,. consign«. _ [R ments.. We offer you an opportunity to buy, 'iff foundation cows with A. R..records; heifers. _ blood lines; a wide ehoice of exceptionally Mrse. Richard Dowell spent Wednes-- 'Qgt'&ob&n'c.m R Fisher and son, Lioyd, motored Mrs. Clinton Ravin and son called on ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R Dow-- Mrs. Joseph Passtield called on her parents, Mr. and Mrsa. Harry Passatiolé _ _Mrs. Clinton Ravin and son called ':'u*m'"-!"hlm rlrl-kool. w«noduhr mh.ur.mmm'mm' '.lu'nmn&m-.nn-' spent Thursday with Mrs. E. Carr at Wanconda. a & _ _-- Harry Hironimus is spending a fow . Lloyd Dowel!! is spending a days at the Dowell Bros. home. George Bcobeld,-- Jr., t Waunconda, Wwax a Volo caller Monday. s Mr. and Mrs. (G. A. Vazsoery snent Ily spent Bunddy--with the former's brotHer, Howard Davis; at Wauconda. /: Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Hdady and daugh at the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0o days ago. : They had Kupperman's |*"**€> stolen car in their possesion at the|¢=_ > t o o ioi ie is Poiont (dimg ( n o n 4g0 n oo nins." Waukegan: a few months® ago~ and . Mra: m"':'m"""' afternoon later SWIDQMM"" %M" Stocum ?:'en nmwun. It I: doubtful Take. VaseT ' Mary charge, ~however,; . unless ~ Peterson mm'mu P« uo&!.qghb:vm'wh .»..k Lioyd:Fishér and son were arrested at Geneseo, II1., a few * °C 98 Joseph 'Lenzen 9 When Norman Homuth, 18, and Rob ert Carr, 17, were araigned 4n police court luohm 'afternoon ° on a charge of having stolen am a belonging _ to +D.~ M. xnwm 526 8.--Genesee St.. Waukegan; they learned that: the 'additionar charge of Both lads waired examination and were bound ~to the grand jury in bonds of: $2;000 each. 'Neither was able to obtain them--and they were removed 'to the county Jail. 6 According to the police tboth young-- sters have made signed -- confossions which they adn'lt having stolen Kuap-- perman's car although they at first denied the fact. : They have informed %rouhfn.?:hh to find work : aukegan "."!0!..'!'}'&' Canada in the stolen machine. ¥Amission of Carr that he was the one who stole an automobile 'belong-- ing to M. H. Peterson ot WDeKalb in pocket of the stolen mM'ffi revolver. which the boys: was their property. -- wA t carrying concealed weapons had been mc?utntm In ~aside Cvm Consealed .Weapons | Taesday... _ . ~~ .« _ -- 0. c is to ue of _ .( George Passfield called on her sis g1+¢ <o | abaaks l:..'::u_,,":g.gg..'g_m. aigre-- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and tam-- 40 acres in Ehevl)ee; Cv(:l'mtryi--Bumett Co., Wisconsin, with about 40,000 ft. pine timber. on it; close to Namakagon River; level land, | no swamp; ravine in southwest corner, néar a spring creek. Old road from this land léeads out to main road. ; e : Why not buy this, PUT UP A HUNTING and FISHINGCABQIIMQ?G the Plflil'ES? Spend your vacation there; hunt and i to your heart's content. Clean up .'I?t*ae]and Macm,fimborufln' for only© 551 Milwaukee Ave. WATCH THIS C _ F R. SELLERS _ -- AURORA FAIR --GROUNDS -- THURSDAY, NOVEMEER 3 at Judge P. L. Persons Friday called a meeting: of Judge £C..C; EKAwards and Judge Edward Shurtieff for October 25 for the purpose of naming a enc cessor to the late James T. <Hayes, North > Chicago, (a member of the North Shore Sanitary district. It has teen said that the judges will proba-- bly name a successor from North Ch+-- cago. ~John E. Hayes, North Chicago water commissioner, has been the A warrant was sworn out Tuesday morning at. elight 0 forthe ar-- rest of James ole,: altas: Gun-- dru, colored, on a of 'having criminally <attacked 1b--year--old. Lisztie Christian of©12%16 Indiana--avenue. The girl also is colored. The complaint was signed by her father,> Herbert --Christian. -- The alleged attack occur-- red on May 1. © According: to -- the. father chis --daughter is in a delicate condition. -- Police were informed that Drumgoole is employed at the Nash factory in Kenosha. <«Police> of <the Iatter--city were asked to pick up the fellow and an hour later reported that he is under arrest. x SANITARY MEET _ ~SFET FOR OCT. 25 * 3F. $94 Mre. Lioyd Pisher and' 3 * ' 3 lfll motored to Grayslake Sunday. ~~Thomas Figher called on. his broth er, Eabo Fisher, Friday. h ~'Mre, ~Clinton Ravip 'andson, Rich-- besd mm on. m *m. ay > P us 'Raese Fisher--and son, Lioyd. were hwm it im s hy Richard, spent Supday--at. Wauconda mhmmwu __ H. E. Binks and r ¥ig-- ;a-leumyum&mm _ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield epent Wfltfilr.udln.lu{.- . Thomas, James, Ada and Lioyd Dow-- ell were Wauconda callers Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman and daugh-- ter of Woodstock, were Volo callers Mr. and Mrs. Joe® Wagner motored _ M¥ and Mrs. Aivin Case and family ATTACKED YOUNG HOLSTEIN: DISPERSAL return to her home in iC o the Shi ns 4 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Earl White and daugh-- m%mamm George White of Los Angoles, Calif., sitors at the J. 8. Denman home last NMro. W. B. Stewart and Eugene ' Strang spent Thursday in this vicinity: wndestgememnaniinppnsiares camecnteanenmeermenmeminent n Smith of Sawtelle, Cali., spent a few BANDIN days with Mrs. Margaret Denman. Mre w k sese" * *\ JAKFCOUNTY WAR 'Mr and Mrs. Joe Strobal and Miss w ses ~= 4 --") ---- VETS' COMBINE ¢It.dg&&mmdmdm Chicago spent week end with § m e % the Fullers. -- __ | County American L t o .. Miss Margaret Gilbert of Waukegan Have Band or Big iss Vivian Bonner. Waukegan Convention. ;';'L ¢tman is moving tato| Here they come! grig« distance the Le S# house. ..___ «_ ~~_" ___~ «. j silvrertoned bugles announced the called 4 """ nor famitl Sunday, Llh«oo:w':nd. Sounds like : while en route to her home in Peoria dream, doean't it? But it will soon ¥ » 30 s A B ~ t P 4. .m. . Miss Mary Eichinger .entertained| Realizing the need for an exchyive company Woodstock Sunday. > . | Lake county American Legion band ind Mre. W. A. Bonner and Miss Ethel | can Legion has selected Waukegan as McGait: Wc& 'the H.~E: | the place in which its 1928 convention Denman home in Gurnee. _ _ _ _ _ _ --| will be held and that the honor and __The bor sociat was well attended.| pride of the community depend on it hessive games were played and a |to produce & band of its own, Edward cate: and Mrs. Jasingn entoriained ':&aaum"am:rg. aariatn Lo fr. and Mrs. McNamee of Chicago|gion, has issued a call for all bands wer the w % y~~~--~ . |men to fall in line and make plans w¥! hold the annual bazaar and chick-- | . Surely in a county that has produc-- --_ wm. Finiey Of . ~"t C ml!"& mw wml reek end ca nfi _',:B:\-hdw.,t»,' Biegman, and many others, and with m 'hl'l m. s 3 esige /x Plk:;' W.'Fuller is under the care. of ":fi'&um into 4 Josephine Dodge '6f : Detroit, *um Bonner families Sunday, ycm»htfioh'm for a vacation. Mire. YVene Nell _ _ > = _ ---- .. _ fal hoapital Tuesday. of last week. She 'h&counflum:W' is spending a few weeks with her par-- ~-- Praised by Editors * B« o 0 0 0 00000 00 0 0 o 0o All Legion members should there-- fore throw their shoulders to. the wheel, pay their dues early, and help Minois, --and ; more particularly. Lake o 0000 00 0 000 0 0 o o most eventful in the history of the American Legion 'in Tilnois. fore to roll up early in the year such a substantial increase in membership as will make the rest of the state open its eyes in wonderment at the achievements of Lake county. the .privilege of selecting the best Renaaniat emaaat hath ons * e ,Nm'h&muuuhn. ccestbility. of Wack C he Chr iukegan to CBht-- cago district, will bring to Waukegan as many visitors as the population of the--city itself.. It will act as an im-- petus 40 trade and it is expected that mvvhrmmmmm id war --will ~mobilite its Great Lakes fleet off Waukegan, which will lend color to the convention such as Ni::&&nhmina hh'emtybw The offi-- cers of the various Leglon posts are all working as they.never have be: CC uxt as tedent that the legion of the Sty or the county in which the saw vention is b, held should, as a re-- '!'L'!!:'!.!@'q the ¢onvention, have place in the standing for the state. -- _ To obtain first place carries with it mg""".'.l\'th;""". ---.-----wu # as lfl the 'ciltizens --of .'m probably know, was se-- ways Nflmfld cognized and established as a precedent the lozrion of the the best mem ~. As there seems to be a popular mis-- m ithroughout ~Lake 'county relative to the fiscal year of the Amer-- .m: 1925 adopted: the following Tos( , which was. made a part Oll. . the national constitution and . by: . _ "Anoual --dues shall be payatle Oc-- tober '20th . of 'each year beginning with the year 1926." . C This resolution :--was . adopted be-- cauge; of the fact that the national officers %_mt the laenbeuhlz intense 'rivairy "?"W inter ? and s p est, could be finished and results an-- nounted before the beginning of the Sn Sooele CRts t m ve.. n. ~ob tained 'the other major problems of the-- American Legion, such > as "child welfare,--care 'of 'the disabled veter-- ens and constructive legislation. eercns 1He Sonrention city of the American Legion for 1928. It has al-- uueepuon inroughout <Lake county relative to the I?wl.";r of the Amer-- m"m' W .. "Mh, com-- nounced . Mrfi' that the Omaha con-- vention in 1925 adopted the following Mr. and E. W. Guller, Mr. and rs. C. 'uf.;.lltll Mrs. Vene mw.fi.fl §irh n ies e :l~ B L2 t ag oc lt 1"' a 1 * y Shes Are Presented _ ".| _ Jacob Drong, 16th atreet, Nortn Chi-- ¥5, ¥im, record of all the ¥% oC A > mwmflzfiummmwm to tour Kentucky, but did 78 4 '@'»ahMMm marecls o Inw the Insemat . HMiacit, Cines T ns Hirsne ITrines urun Hhhutkrret La_ iA _ service for all of 'the people all of the time had practically brought him over to the ranks of the republican party. _ _Among special guests of the three days' gathering of the members of the lilinoils Press Association at Urbana were: --Senator John 'Dailey of Peoria, candidate. for the republican nomina-- tion for attorney--general; Hal W. . proposed as a candidate for of state; Mrs. Ruth Hanna MeCo and Henry Rathbone, can-- didates for congress at large. Presentation was made by J. M. Sheets, editor of the Oblong Oracle, who stated that in whatever part of the country he traveled he was greet-- ed with the expression, "You come from 'the state of Governor Len of the senate, and E. P. Preston, edi-- tor of the Gillespie News, chairman of the executive committee. trip. 'All points of interest in--the "Blue Grass" region were yisited. Only three days were required for the 7 at w li _ Chicago North Shore and $ Milwaukee Railroad Co. «"nr %, -- but to the PART of anVntL F--Chicago you want to reach! isf Notth Shore Line stops on the North Side at Howard Smm}:&oduynnd%ndm:w Owet Downtown? Stops are made at five stations in the heart of the Loop! .. . South Side? Anmwmmnoo.gfi: Road and many go on through to 63rd and Dorchester. But no matter where:you wish to go--North Side, South "CWQ%--Mmm& North Shore m%fimamm&mam Chicago Rapid Transit Co. operating to all parts of the city! w,mendfimdumflamm vuth, 12 miles east and west: ~When you're going to Chi-- ago, it's not just a matter of reaching the city, it's a case of :flm&emdcmcmwhutmmmbe! You save time and taxi fare by using the North Shore Line --and finding your way in the city is madé easier. Where in Chicago do you wish to go? North Side? The THE INDEPENDENT------ONLY $1.50 YEAR Newest--Finest Train | s LIBERTYVILLE -- TICKET TELEPHONE 74 A. 0. PACKER, Agent. ¢ enough statement, but --one of almost star-- tling importance in its application to the ease of operation of the train and the in-- creased comfort of the passenger. The New Olyrppian is the finest and most comifortable train in America. Every car on The New Olympian is fully equipped with Roller Bearings, a simple and archi ive thi in-- trior both reatful and besuaul, _ . New sleeping cars with larger washrooms | and sanitary porcelain basins, coil spring mattresses in every berth; rooms single or en suite with individual control of heat and ventilation; a new and larger observation car with separate shower baths and lounge rooms for men and women; buflet; barber shop; a spacious observation room, a maid and a valet; a dining car serving ample and satisfying meals; provide a surpassing de-- gree of travel comfort. s 660 Miles of Klectrical Operation The Road of Service latest designs in color, lighting effects ive this new train an in--