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Libertyville Independent, 10 Nov 1927, p. 6

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_ B 12 Good Cows, 1 Bull, Sold on 60 Dl? Re-- _ _ I test. 4 Good Work Horses. 1 200--1b. Hog, 9 _ [ --Shoats (Duroc).-- 1 Milk Goat, 150 Chickens & I Special Land Sale Extraordinary, In E=1 Burnett County, Wisconsin \~Kh BARGAINS IN THIS DISTRICT _ _ _ Build yourscif a hunting and fishing shack, or take a tent alony and ' _rough it for a fow weeks during your vacation--figsh, hunt, clear a --_ E. fittle land, You know that is what Jack Dempsy did to come back . J »for his tast fipht.with Tunny. He went out and cleared land. _ § .__ 40 Acres tor..._.$ 300 Cash -- 120 Acres for.___.$ 800 Cash Es B0 Acreg for......_} 550 Cash 160 Acres ftor.___._$1000 Cash _ [ _ Nearly 21 high land goo. for farming, when cleared. 'Schoo'i house _ § on land. on main road ¢lose to Yellow River, Big Lakes nearby. --Scat-- ' l Grain Drill ¥ _ Corn Plainter: (with wire) L Tower Cuitivator m [ Abstracts and Warranty Deed Showing Good 'Title, Furnished. * im Lake P €.*2 old On Ef" f as whe . COST $5,000,000 ~Rival to Famous Onwentsis * Club Planned For:Deerpath-- ~~ and Waukegan Roads. e 4 WATCH THIS SPACE EVERY WEEK .A group said to include many prom-- inent north shore residents is negot!i ating for some 400 acres on Wauke gan 'road and Deerpath avenue west ) Forest, as a site for a country ib which its backers plan to maXe ane of the finest in the Chicago--area: ( oft more than $5,000,000 the land, clubhouse and laying out of the golf course and other recrea-- ial facilities is planned. The club have a membership of 1,000.-- _A new da {uxe country club, costing in the of $5,000,000, located at Deerpath and . Waukegan | im Lake Forest and rivaling the | old Onwentsia club, is being as the newest of the many ' country clubs in the Libertyyille cCw es hal t eartinaten > Coupe and wite to Shurtlief! Co. WD $10. ~Blk 11 Melntosh & Cos NVW Hway Add to Barrington. ';.L.Oou-ul-tbw.lflhr $10.© Blk 11 Mcintosh Cos --NW Hway Add to Barrington. . K. J. McKean and wile to J. A. Card and wt WD $10. Lots 81 and 82, CGrand Ave Hlands 8B ar See 1%4, * REAL ESTATE TRANMSFERS * _' A board of directors has been elect-- ad to perfect the preliminary plans of --~erganization but they have sur-- '. their identity with deep se-- érecy. <The club will have two golf gourses, it is said, a polo tield, bridle paths, tennis courts, and stables for wolo ponies--and riding horses. 8 U# # 4# 4 4 4 * 4& 0 44 4 4 & # 6 100 miles Nortbeast of St. Paul and Minneapolis. This is a great hunt: ing and fishilng section. ~About 400 lakes within a radius of 20 miles. Beautitul country; generaly bigh rolling land; plenty, of woods and game, and pbobab'y as gocd fishing as can be found anywhere in the North Woods. There #*o good main highways thru this section, son-- fWhMManmpu"mmwm This district is ftas develop'~g as a summer playground. I AM OFFERING FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY SOME VERY SPECIAL Office Phone 481 551 Milwaukee Ave. Wednesday, Nov. 16, 1927 1 Bet Dump Boards 1 Kon Saw PFPrame 1 Wagon>Boxr Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at Public Auction, on the known as the H. H.+Schroeder farm, on weet edge of Half g--:mmmman N ¢ @~>%.".>w| o 1 John Deere Corn Sheller PUBLIC AUCTION Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp;: the following property: z'ml--.:'u.m dz :4- a oredit months : giver '% interest. No goods to be removec F. R. SELLERS q"»"fi ',;-: ?-4'4»,4 " *»-t'?. \' e Feget | as hn *' H. C. Williamson and wt to A. Mic 3 s ;«*u' Au x 4oA . %8:- Rv 8B gr l-e.: *A to H. C. Williamson and t QCD $10: 'NW ar SE qr Sec 29, Fremant. f C ag. + '°C. A. Newcomb to T: 8. Young D $300. Blik 32 S..Wkgn. _ 3: Watry and wt at al to E. D. De-- Kay and wt WBJIO- Lot 5 Washing-- Union Bk of Chgo to S. Mitchell D $10. Lot 101 Oak Terrace SE ar See 36, Fremont. -- _ _ _M. Moldietach and wf to F. Stimac and wt WD $10._:Lot 26 Blk 10--Re-- subn Wken Hlands Sec 33, Wkgn. ---- WXkgn Nat! Bk--to J. Bubak and w D' $1. NW ar Se¢ 30, Antlioch. . --.~ _ . and wt WD $10. . Lot 54 Hyde Park Sec 20, Wikgn. W. A. Swanson to P. Hansen WD $10. SW ar SW ar See 20, Wkgu. P. Hansen and wft to 8. Hotfiander and wft WD $10. W hf NH:qar See 23 K. E. Hobart and wf to J. T. Haw-- ley and wf QCD $10. Blk 5 Branigar Bros Sunset Terrace E hf SHK --qr See Wkgn Nat!l Bk to J. Bubak and wt D $1.. NW ar See 30, Antioch.. j " Wkgn Natl Bk to J. Yopp D $1. Lot *% Nat! Bk to R. G. Seelhoft and 'tnak. wnmquhnm C. A. Johnson and wif to A. Hein ot al WD $10... NE gr SE ar See 20, R. P. Fleckenstein and --wf to A. R. Fleckenstein, WD $1..--Lot 14 Blk 44 ?.smmmn&na- 'H. Lindgren and al to C. R. Epple and wft WJT $1,200.-- NE hf See 32, ~-- A. F. Sullivan and husb to R. H. Olsen and .mother WD $1. Lot 49 Shaws Suba Fox Lake Sec. 10, Grant. Diamond Lake Cemetery Assn. to W. J. Willlams WD $20. Lot 15 8 hf Diamond Lake Cemetery. --== -- ;. ~ A. A. Swanson and wf to H. Porett QCD $10. B hf SW ar NE ar See 20, Wkgn. x e W Schaumaker and wl to A. Coon Bs Arcerta 3 Seta * Harness 1 Good Box 1 Brooder House, $x16 feet * %m_ | ¢ * a : bder Stoves ° ; ; t i x ..'.; ticles too numerous to men-- _ "Hlay and--Girain "4 House . ) ski ot al. _QCD $1. _ Lot 206. Shaws C rores : I|, WB insvoistad and wite to J. Kos rter s ind o. WD 80 Jot 44 + L n " }" w 7" r * ~_I~wW. B. Mfl-m&fl Ef;; S us Randoliph WD $10. ~ Lot 13% Oakmont BR (rchl ar See 25, Deertield.-- . ' -- 4. H. Lanphere and wf to R. G. Eisendrath WD $10. Lot 8 Blk 39, H.. J. H. Taylor and wf to A. Tead WD $10. Lot 4 Dualffys Subn SE ar See "'u.m.uiniov mi and wt QCB §10. uninxu.nm-i Tett's First-- to N 8 Gardeus Sece N. R., v!llli"tonllapdl Stones Ravine View Subn SW qr. Sece ll.%l& f R. L Thorsch and wf to W. G. Ru dolph and wf WD $10. Bik 5 Branigar Bros Sunset-- Terrace ~Subn-- E: Ahf 8E ar Sec--22, Deertield.' x . ":Lmudhfl.MDfl.- Sec 21, Libertyville. 0. 8. Seaver and wt to E. Van Ha gen'WD $10. SE ar Sece 28, Cuba. J. Maenpas to A. Ranta and 'wt WD| 32. Wkgn. $14,500. Lot 9: Blk 6 Cummings and l.%u--, and husb to H. Wink-- Cos Add to Wkgn, Sec 28. ..\ | ler. '$10. -- Blk 3. Lenox Subdn C T & T Co to L. Skuse and wt D| Sec 33, Wken. m 89 $10. SW ar SW ar Sec 35, Ela. ___ | --¥F.--H.) Bartlett to M. M. Cormier, *S8. M. Zinner and wf to F. R. Nor| D. $10:Lot_8, blk> 25,> Bartietts -- N. ton WD $10. _NE qr SE qr SHees 36, u'm.l-. Nee 18. Wikgn.> Déerfleld.. j x base ¥. H. Bartiett to F. J. Costello and P. G. Luber and wf to J. H. Barlow | wife. D ~$10. . Bik. 20. _ Bartlotts and wt &mu.u. d 83| Shore--Crest Bsts,-- »Secse 71 and § o ooo m i w oo c muls s . M. W. G. Voliva. ind ".'g' c mleir See 4 c m' w'b'uo. w"q:'s: 26. Henton. Blk 4--Lake Bec 21, ~ | ~H. 8. Moses and wife to H. T. G. W. Karraker and--wt to ¥. c. Byford and wilfe." ~WD $10. Lot 53, c t M ennee. us af < a H. M. Copprider and. wife to G. --OQ. --8. Seaver and wt 4o G. L. Van| Schoflield and wife.= WD 310.-- E. BL Hagen WD $10. l{'-c.'te&@nh.l'clu'.wul. i dor io NB 9 in oo io: SE oc and. wile. W this AW ar 6 gen * gr gqr s C ' i o / Cubsa. hf NW ar SW ar Sec 29. Deerfield. A. Bodenweiser and wf to M.. Boen-- c.l.'non&ttl.cn-uy. wWD son--and wft WD $10. NE gr NB qr|$10. NE ar N Sec. 3%, Lk. Villa. Sec 20, Wken: c.n.'flur-h&.l.omwo E. Nielsen to. J.--DeBoer WD $10.| $10. NK --qr, NB ar.--8e. $2,--Lk:> Villa. Lot 15, Ladd & George Addn. H.--C. Litchfield --and wito to J. --F. Y B. Burge to <J. Prusila and #f| Wasion and wife. '&2& Lots WD $10. Lot 19 Bik 4 Durst Subn| 78 and 79, W Wken 'See 20, SW qr Sec 28 Wikgn. 1 Whkgn. _ Union Bk of Chgo to M. V. Baran--| L. Jackson and wife to R. Jack-- tik D $10. SE qr See 36. Newport. _| son, ~WD $10:-- Lot 1. bik 5, Wash-- ¥. H. Bartlett to T. --M. Jewell: MMM&# wt D $10, l't-lzflfit'll Oct. 6, é.':"na"'"'n' ,l»';'.w . *h Robert M.. l::lai'vt to E. !. Lmfi ':'"3&.1 'BW cor -.E A 8 :qué?'gmm "CG.. K. lltz't *¥ to A. J "wt WD ""'i,hfg 'With the sting of the armies.of mos quitos frozen into activity' with the tirst chilling blasts oft. fall there--was no incentive for the Lake Forest:--rot-- ers to go to the polis Thursday to 0¥-- press: their opinion of the Mosgnuito Abatement -- district Tor: the city to 1KMETIY, _ FLOUT J 48 -- . HEIAHBOS y MA K KTR * THEL :3 y ford McCullough. *Thoseé ited to |_--O: ¥. <Bergman and .wife to A~J. Ta t Frevarer «ht Sire oMs ....="' Took sw doe 5 We . _ _' t L m & & e C a ' A. Arther, ivghige a G.'T. MeéCullough et al to H. J. Eat-- wE Vz m '~D $10. "Lot 10, Corys add to Mark 'and wft WD §$10. Lots 278, 279)]. T. ww&m 'nc wile et: al to C. 8. and 280 Shaws Third Subn Sec.~10,| Iversen.. .QC g--mkm Grant. --, 4 é -- flomm ar Sec 15, Grant. L. F. Smith and wt to W. J. Parsons | _ M n --to R. Chittusst. WD n hn raoe mm unlin dn . 1 . age §5°8 °F B Bee 16, Wigh ___***-- .'*| 1 Marss and wile to A. ¥. Heat-- In spite of the sleepy election there were 59 of the gentry stung from-- last summer who remembered <and went out and voted for the creation of the district, while ~but 24 registered :A complaint against the <plan-- which would bring a small tax, ~~~> . _-- T. E. Gray and wf to J. O. Due WD | bien.. . WD.$10. . Lots 1' and 2. blk n:;._,mu.;aau.w?n" &fiblfmnflhi' Lot 25 Co Clks Pivna SE qr See .....:"'3:. wn& 'Lots wg Cuba. ' and 24..bik 33%, Washburn Park, Sec Bece 25 and 26, Warrvens, -- > ... |Shaws Third Subn Fox Lake Sec 10, Bik 50 Bertiots %%.::::'&& ':$§'¢ n ie ' %. F. Sullivan and husb to R: Béerndt %hfi*:f" to 3. P. Kane, Cl 5 2e (t thays Thied 'Sabe [ JB V10.% Lot 81 Nippersink: Terrmce Te maad e n 'i""*.h;:-:'..-*.'.-:.'&w husb. Deed $10. Lot 24, blk 10, ' aop #e. ror As woon as .the vote was tabulated the city officers went before Judge P. L. Persons in the county --~ecourt where the matter 'became of record and trustees were named. ~ _ _. Those who will serve until Decem-- ber 1928 are to be William "A. Pull man, Henry. A. :mmn;m ford McCullough. : appointed to imsb. -- Deed $10. (Lot 24, bik 10, Unait hl&muuuu'gta&-: jullivan. QCD $1. -- Lot 296, thawe Jecond: Subdn, Secs $% and 14, An-- C.-- Rafil and wite to T. C. An n and wite. WD $10.. Lot 22%, W L.--P. Poulsen and wife to E. u.,m 49, Chicago Spring P : to 'Deerfleld. u.?a. hs! < ze H. Bartlett to H. Lewis D $10.| A. --¥. Sullivan . and husbh to A. E. 3 Blk 20, Bartlett's Northwoods WD . $1. Lots~203 and 204 25 and 26, Warren: . | Shaws Third Subn Fox Lake Sec 10, H. Bartlett to A. Wandrey D $10. "28y8 d : B0 Bartlietts' N Pptics Sec 13. Lib | C O' Lakes Sportsmans Club to to Wage : # k <of Chicaso to M. Bra &| L W. -- ar 'and wf to D. W. -wmufm'u k. J.| P. Waisenon and wilte to N. J. QCD $1. -- Lot 206, Shaws | Goldschmidt and wife. ~WD $10. SE bdn, Secs 38 and 44, ar _ SBece 17. Wign. : f * _--W.--E.. Webb--and. wife to F. Wobb. IHvan and husb to M San | WD §10. Seca 17 and 20 Whken. e es fom' Anderson ~to -- J. -- Lundguist. 'QCD $1.> Lot 162, Duells Shorewood 'Subdn NW ar Sec 21, Avon: : > Unlon ~Bk. oaf . Chicago -- to J.. M.' Grimm ~and <wife. D $10. . LOt 8. j Northmoore Terrace. Subdn, Sec 3, Deerfleld. s < !-A.lchrm:'uudvfllu';: x:m gmuu SW ar See 21. | W.'8. Christiansen and wife ula.] E. Christiansen: and ~wife. WD $10. Pt SW ar Sec 21. Antioch. ---- ---- ~. } ~L"K. Brown to G:. Garabedian and ; wife. ° WD $10.) W ht SE ar 8W --ar "o wikey 228 vwile ot al o C. 4 lvcmbg Lot 1, Glenarm Second Subdn, ar Sec 15, Grant. . Anderson --to R. Chittusst, WD $1." 'Lot 78, Shaws -- Third . subdn, See 10, Grant. °. . onl I. Marré and wile to A. F; Bear bien,. -- WD $10. Lots 1=--and 2,. blk 6. Sheridan Terrace Subdn, --.. -- > ¥.~--H." Bartliett to M. M. Cormier, D. ©$10:>Lot 8, "bik 25,> Bartietts N. I.llldl.fin'_il.,'hl- ¥. H. Bartliett to F. J. Costello and wile. D --$10. : Bik. 20. Bartlotts Shore-- Crest Bats,-- »Secse 1 and #, C._T. & T. --Co. to H.--R. White and wite: .D $10. Lot 4, Lake Subdn, lots 2#1, 22. 28 and 24. Deere Park SW qr gec 31, 43, 18. # Sig ts G. F. Patten and wife to W. 8. Bald-- win and 'wife.;: WD $10," Lot 8,--bik 71, H Pk~NW qr Sec 26. Deerfield. '_~C; M.>FPempleton: and ~wife ioD. Ressolo and wife. WD$10.. Lot 41. bik 1, Ravinia Hlands NW qr See 36, A. <¥. Bullivan and hush to A.--E. ==wn $1. Lots 203 and 204 '{mn'o'ummmu C,. F. Wismeyer QCD $10. ~Pt SW cor BE --ar See 29, Deerfleld. | . rtlett to H. Schuetse. . D. | gn;, 3. 4 and 9. Benton= ©:~~_}|"~"g bn.w.,'uz.;tin.wn-- S ie N ange 2e 4 oo mages t d uc 2¥ /% E. F. Novotny and wife toJ.Lud-} .lubt.'u QCD $1. --N hf NW--qr Sec "'i oilmmmeo:.m] rk:. QCD $1. --N--hf NW gr Sec 21, von. ® : :.Wuamuo..:mj ::...QCDSL Nu"cr!oe,zl.i 0. E. Nelson and--wife to J. Lond-- M'Q(X)SL-NW'&MSLAVQ, J. Laundguist and to O. Ander-- son. WD.$10. --Lot 141 Duells Shore: ~W. Stukus and wife to I. Friedaman: WD $10.. W hf NE ar See 29, Wikgn: ~¥. H. Bartlett to D. BRankhurst. D $10. Lot 11, bik 13, Bartietts® N. S. Ests Secse 30, 31 and 32%, Wkgn. M.--Tuchy and=: husb to C. Kehoe. QCD $10.-- SE ar SE ar Sec 3, Fre D. Lauckner to A. Schuenemann & wite. . WD $10.« Lot 5, blk 1, Smith and Adams N Addn to Wkgn. . . M. Gordon and wite to A. J.--EBort. WD $10. . Lot $3, 8 T 8 See "16, Wkgn. -- > _ K. Gordon and wife to A. J. Ebert. .?mw&mmm M. Gordon and wite to A. J. Ebert. WD $10. Lot 7, Seidenfeld Subdn. '%A.Ioln:to'!&:m&mt mmufimmmo" L. Breune and hush to J. A. Melloy WD $10. _ NW ar Sec 17, Libertyvilie. ~' N. Kidder to J. W.-- Cooper. WD To iopivrighits C.~ H. Hollister and wife to L E. Brewer. QCD $1. NW frel S6e 10, "':,l;'mm.vuctcklm mi. WD $10. > SW ar Sec 25, Deer-- 'Cield: < NW qar Sec 36, Deerfleld. . ~M. 'J. Engbers and wife to A. Me: moni. : WD $10. ~NW ar Sec 36, Deer-- molsstate :champlonship --in --egg pro-- in wote un m w ie en the State Departnmient of Agriculture operates at Quincy, Kankakee, 'dnd Murphysboro, the .chief . poultryman, 4. D. Smith, reports. a * _«Other pens, all breeds competing, finished as follows: White Leghorns, B. L Brown, Colchester, 1127 esge, econd; White.Leghorns, J. Earl Auld, 1110, third; Rhouhl#d Whites, E. W. ~Mahood, : We Grove, Mo., 1096, fourth, and Leghorns, E. T. Hir-- Competing 'asindividual producers, Jfour Leghoras--owned: <by Auld, of 'The one producing 321 set 4 new 'high m"bn&' Towas ftour, a bird of the of Shirpiyhbore, recordeg 416.; _ _ . -- n:ym'rwumw u:e W . e P Grove, Mo., placed first. with Rhode Island. Reds, recording 1096 eggs. Rhode Island: Whites entered by. Ber-- ; Barred outh: Rocks,.owned by Gw.a'm West Frank-- fort, were third with 973.' Buff Rocks from: Owensvilie,-- Ind., laying <942, "Rh' with a yield of 932, plac-- ';;"'-T',Aa,. 3 The three egg--laying contests, all filled to capacity, are in = operation, ords in production, --he states, repre-- the central--states, with some entries from as tar east as New York and trom the Pacific coast. 6 --~W. Schumaker and wt to J. Lackner and wt WD $10. Lots 65 and 66 First "-K?"'lbf"m Pk _E ht SB ar es .. Cole and wf to 'A. Westgard WX & tarant pt oA werain -- State Bk of Chgo to G. 8. Montfort, D $9.750. : Lots 138, 184, 135, 186 and ~O. Ottens anc -t»uN%eqmuc t QOCBD $10.© Pt_ ar' Sece ©13; Sec d %n&vu. eP yc ho z".-]' n to A. M. Green QCD wt to L. _F.;:Alwardt Aat 17 Dora Moran ~From ig Lay= = 10, 1927. READ THE WANT ADS IN THE INDEPENDENT ... Wipal homy needs _ _ * * ¥ mm yn'lt ddh. e. Besides, you have no auk&'pdlu- when you use the g =§. s sain on Chicagols population during the past seven years! That is the e' afifiau get there with speed, comiort and convenience, it's far more satisfac Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. FASTEST ad! & ,m: f Ora® . w n' P ' _ t m' : k u H e se oo o || ~ "'e'_"'b'?u Notth Shore Live, said; "The endeavor of transportation men today is to give their cus sothers the utmost in speed and comfort co with safety in operation. That is "At no time under the present ement, however, have we subordinated the question Ocebet in Cievelend, Ohin "Oficisl secords show that the Hovch Shore Line opermed b*mtgm"""*dcflm%'nfllfibfluu LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE PHONE 74 Mus P ie nniat 115 Om LC t C e 2 SE C TE PAE : We prontr y he fe n on t 4. " es ut Speed With SAFETY ne@ $1 9 50 The Road of Service Daylight your Kitc fully served.This set, 'a apecial '16!0 'The finishing touch to a per-- Percolators *| of the home" bright and attractive with this Day-- light Kitchen Unit. Price with switch, drop cord no-- extra outlet, $3.75; with no drop cord or extra outlet, $3.00. 1% > i8

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