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Libertyville Independent, 15 Dec 1927, p. 8

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'Miss Dorothy Holcomb entertained a candy sale at Murrie's store on Sat-- the Misses Bess McBride, Abbie Carr|urday afternoon. * wmuu-um mfi-mmfi"""" , t i windows in keeping with gcmtguunm,comnmmm Suggestions Burdux, R. F. Rouse and J. H. Rouse are given to busy shoppers and people attended a bankers meeting at Liber-- |are all--succeding very well with the twoiltteo an Mandav avening. chrnmumin!'"""'"'"' Burdux, R. F. Rouse and J. H. Rouse attended a bankers mesting at Liber: tyville on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Ost and famiyl of South Dakota, were guests at the home of Mrs. Emma Rouse on Tues-- -- Last Saturday afternoon, at the par-- sonage, Waiter Schuning of Plano, IL., aud Misa Pearl Anderson of Sandwich groom were attended by Miss Jessie ins of the couple. Mr.and Mrs. Schu-- ning will make their home at Plano, business trip to Kokomo, Indiana, one day of last week.. "In spite of the cold weather--last evening, a number of. Mun-- 4 folks attended the bazaar and 'given by the Women of Ivan-- Hoeo. An entertainment was put on in --the by Miss Jeesie Knud-- sen, Mrs. Wi .mnln..l. _of M lein, ~ helped to thei {more of a success. ¥4 Borsg 8. 0. 8. Club had a pro-- CC C T e C CC 0 OO L _ --___ |Mne and the costumes add brigntD°e88 | _agq ate breakfast. Then he started mm"""""""'lwt&m Besides the play, th*\;, gry the dishes for his daughter, a* on Saturday eveninE, ' prHimary Department Will present 8) y--» Witham. j ; 'und ended at the J. H. Rouse ganta will happen in toOWD 8t | monen where he lost consciousness Al-- where the evening was finished tno and of the pro&graM and A0d MUCB | most immediately. Relatives thought ig games and having a £004 t, the enjoyment of the children. _ |;; was merely a fainting spell but 'Onmm.'mhmau.am.wne.ancmt. Restor-- | nnssccmw,mmotmfl." atives were appolied but in vain. It is k home MM'!' &am""'n""l&l':"""n'?' bouovodmtduthoeeurud:;:hha Mrs. Marshall Hutcbings, with special music "..."' tew moments after he was stricken. iy avening. They decided to contin--."Tns Meaning of Christmas." -- _ -- *L uaid Prauhlia Ennaral evening. They decided to contin-- --with their club and possibly will e putting on some plays in the near ~The Epworth League of the Metho-- The Ladies Ail will meet at the res R. J. Lyone and J. H. Rouse made a WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY OF YORK IMPERIAL, JUICY EAT. NIG, BAKING AND COOKING APPLES; GOOD KEEPERS; WHILE THEY LAST, WE ARE OFFERING THEM AT WE ALSO HAVE 30ME JUICY IDAHO ROMAN BEAUTY APPLES were united in marridge, ronmnm If you want the best 100 per cent ripe, 100 cent sound. No black, no wasts wonderful eating and baking potatoss; will keep all winter. A shift in the wind might bring severe cold weather this late in the season, which will mean higher prices, probably chilled or frozen potatoes, so buy now. Cost more now but cheaper in the long run. $3.25 per 2 bushe! sack. 545 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. . The Latest Styles, Stripes and « Prints in Coopers Pajamas: the finest made..$2.00, $2.50, 3.00 \Coopers Flannel Pajamas and _Night Shirts ..........$1.50, $1.75 _Extra Fine Silk and Wool Un-- derwear; all Coopers make; _ priced up from 33.80 -- Wonderful Selection of Men's Thoroughly alive to the fact that gift choosing for men present un-- usual difficulties, we have m'pdrd.&hvmpoflhem?dw- . propriate gifts for men. 'They represent the choicest selections of % Christmas Treasure Chest | . "Silk and Wool Hosiery--all the _ Brother would like a fine Wool «latest plaids and stripes: a fine -- Auto Blanket......$4.95, $6.50 selection at ........50c, 75¢,$1.00 Handkerchiefs--Fine W hite Libertyville Fruit and Vegetable Market _Shirts, all guaranteed to be 'fast colors........._.$1.25 to $3.50 F4 Many Beautiful Four--in--Hand Ties in Silk, Foulliard, Crepe and Knit; stripes and small of Libertyville will hold Open Evenings Till 9:30 P pcl --ul ts #igho, oi h MILLIE WRENCH, w t t it t on tb n The bride and APPLES Broth on un o m m on o e on POTATOES -- $1.95 :$1.00, $1.50 Christmas Spirit, in SspNMo O 00 2°) --wihmon Uiram J. Miller, 73, retired ht 9 > hcfl-rthtnnw-io'mdm oo y in order that he might be buried with his wife, Anna, whose death had oc-- Ivanhoe Church and First Church, f |ar was answered. MDmh& o Mundelein shortly ":rt;?.hto om.:'lflhlhd:::h > C. Arthur Jevyne, Minister occurred me 0 & ter, Mrs. Hiram Witham, 15 North Sunday schbol: First church at 10 ) y, zon «treet, with whom he and his a. m., Ivanhoe at 11:15 @. m. Worship services: Ivanhoe at 10 a. m., First church at 11:15 a.--m. ~-- A Christmas 'message "The Devine Reinforcement." At 7:30 p. m., uxgfl Christmas musical service in the Sunday school, the Sunday school orchestra and special singers will take a part. the Ivanhoe Sunday school Christmas exercises will take place. A beautiful cantata, entitled, "Dreams of Christ mas" will be sung and many beautiful and effective tabeleaux will be shown during the singing of the cantata. At the end of the program, Santa Claus wil} put in his appearance and make the children hapDpy.. _ --_ . --__ __ Un Ssauruay, P C00,u00L #5, wl " s d . pm. the First church Sunday school will present the Christmas play,'"The On Friday, December 23, at 8 p. m., FORMERLY CORY'8 MARKET 2s i a \®@ _ -- K RENT--E6 n house, v C k --< KK 1|§30 per month. Write to R. care In--}, on "The Song of v Goods Store Metal Ash Trays........:::._.$1.25 Gloves--Fine Leather, Suedes, Buck and Horsehide; all sizes; priced up from ......_._......$1.75 Silk -- Mufflers -- Twill Warp, Prints and Plaids; square and oblong shapes........$2.50, $3.50 Wool Mufflers ......$2.00, $3.50 Bradley Sweaters--Coat Style, Pull--Over and V Neck; are priced up from :...............$2.95 Tourist Coats, fine weave, in ' blue, gray, tan and black; fine Handkerchiefs--Fine W h it e Linens, Fancy Colored Striped, Silk Mixed; up from............25¢ Box Handkerchiefs, 3 for $1.00 Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, an acceptable gift ............50c, 75¢ Bill Folds--tan and black leath-- ers, at .....____...............19¢, $1,00 gift for a man.......:$5,00, $7.50 ¥y was due to bheart failure, hastened, is believed, by the death of his | loved helpmate.© _ _ * came 334 Pnyer Answered|. *A in 4 wottnee Marp ohore M nieh ftteunctigs "m"f.' :zu at--certain h:m.m day Hiram J. Miller Dies Suddenly,to remind the people to take a quinine "I wish it could have been me that dledtnltoldofhet-----howlm I could go along with her," he told a member of the family last night be-- fore he retired. A J After he had gone to hiy. bedraom relatives heard him offer up a prayer for death, as he said he had nothing left to lHive for. R When Mrs. Miller died Wednesday night it proved a profound shock to the aged busband wHo had been in failing health for the last year. Rel-- atives expressed fear at the time that he would not survive her very long. Despite this fact however the sud-- came as a severd"»hock to members of his family. When be retired that night his condition did not appear to be any more serious than usual. He arose at usual hour Friday morning. Whan, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating. Plans were chan«-- ed hurriedly and there was a double tuneral at the Witham home. Two hearses conveyed the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Milier to th# No--th Shore cemetery,; where they were laid away in a double grave. side by side. For the more than filty years that they had been married they had been inseparable companions. Now, even in death, they will not be separ-- Life Long Resident _ Hiram J. Miller was a life long res Huto!ukccmv.. He was born at Ravinia, II1., on y 14, 1854. La-- ter be removed to Lake Bluff where trade as a contractor during most of his life. A few years ago he retired from active work and accepted a position as caretaker at , the First Methodist church.. Later he filled he resided up to about' sizx or seven years ago, when he and his wife came to Waukegan. *He was engaged in the bui!llding the same position at the First Bap| * tist church. A'lt:on:t'ny:rmwlhg C ca to give the health caused up "o cmmymmmnxm= there in the Miller family but all five had preceded Mr. Miller in death.. He | _ Prayer ANWmdL.:.r::'mmm After Aged Wite. pill to ward off the chills and fever which _ are so prevalent in this sec tion of the country. f . -- Such a town might be a good one in FOR RENT--New T«oom home on |age. Also a 6 r mmmnm;mwnu_m heat. $50 a mouth, Inswpection by |$30,000.00 cash, appointment. -- Arthur H. Jones, Lib |with no prepay which to open a drug store, but who would care to establish a real estate office there.© The belil might ring jJust as you were awbout to close a sale with a visitor to the town, and an ex-- planation of his chiming would prob ably postpone the sale indefinitely. _ I own a lot which I want to syndi cate: and sell shares to W Would that 'be against the It would be a violation of the Blue BSky law to sell beneficial certificates on real estate, but© taking subscrip 'tions to the syndicate before the prop-- erty is purchased is not a violation. --AI wanted to transfer some porperty to my wife, and made the doed to a ----------,------'?--fi'?'--"--"* land and Mrs. Abble Masterson, both of Lake Forest, also the:tftolowing sons and daughters, Edward,, Louis, Roy, Albert --and Percival Miller, Mrs. <~J. A.ltmms.lq.unfilelimy. Mrs. Hiram Witham and Mrs. W. T. FOR SALE--Fire and burglar prodf _ Diebold safe; equipped. withAnaisin ;mmnlmm: and> triple movement : Diebold time lock. Cheap if takenatonce. Also am eight foot bookkeepers desk. Call at Public notice is hereby given that the subscriber, Administrator of the estate of James Triggs, deceased wil} attend the Probate Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the Court House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of February next, 1928, when and where all persons having claims against said A BABY GRAND, a player plano an aupright »iano. Bargains. Some eash required. . Write fo rparticulars. estate are notified and requested to present the same 4 ie e *# D:lda Court for aukegan, | 1 19%7. Lyell H. Morris, mm%. No. 274J, care o 0 o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0o FOR SALE--Large golden oak lbrary table, serviceable electric Washing machine with new motor, 100 ampere horn, Philadelphia radio battery and ¥ardley automatic swith for use with tviatkita charvor Call 378. 560 1t G. A. R. REELECTS OFFICERS AGAIN o CLASSIFIED o o ADVERTISING o o "Telephone No. 1 o o 0o o0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -Wm_lnthomm and 'retail for $18; will selt for $10. Also an Atwater Kent 6 tube radio, equipped with speaker, B eliminator and trickle charger; | regular price, $179; will take $60 for the outfit. Tel-- hk uky . YERkE Lemsanet NETEL EN N CC tm . t on e is Libe 1 or Waukegan |Douliry souse jarge ESranary, dolbis % rtywille 1 _ _ 5q if|corn crib and large hog house, with NATIONAL MOTOR MARKET real stock farm and owne. by a non-- 622 Grand Ave., Waukgean. resident, and we are authorized to 1927 Nash Advance Six Sedan.... sell same at $100 per hore. $5,000.00 1927 Velle 5--pass, SBedz cash, balance on or before 6 years. _ fimm 4--0400r.......$ nucu«zl:'mm "~ NMATIONAL MOTOR MARKET --« 623 Grand Ave., Waukegan wmudm . toot house, corn crib and granary 12 pBuy, Sell and Exchange. n;m»wamnz%ynuucam:m; FOR SALE--Mammoth Bronze turkey |elosing estate at $100.00 per acre. ~tems and . hens; aiso Toulous®|$3,000 cash balance as rent. 4 ; geese. Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 miles * viniffferme west of Libertyvilie. Phone 678J--2 _ |FOR SALE--Gentieman stock farm or , i €93 48 U | -- institutional grounds, consisting of -- -- « 1411 acres, -- located about 60 miles m from Chicago and on state highway. ; Has a new 12 room modern house, SVR BENT--KFine front room: close lights, bath, hot water heat-- FOR RENT--Fine front room; close|Electric lights, bath, hot water heat-- to business district. 137 School|ing plant and 4 room basement. 'Ce-- + ""m'.u.a"x';'?fi?.%'&a'??fi"& WOR RENT--4 room flat and bath, At|ang fruit trees. 'Two car garage, ---- $80.00 per month. At 808 North Mil |poultry house 15x24, mill house 16x waukee Ave., Libertyville. Inquire of |24, 3 'grilled wells and 2 flowing H. 8. Shrader, 77 W. Washington 8t., Chicago, Room 112%6. Phone Dearborn FOR RENT--Modern 7 room home; ~-- Ray | ' concrele 1100f and {eeding yarua. 1 oul 'liu%mm: mopscasion Jaguary 12t |bouse 24x72.. Farm is tlled, fenced and Most centrally located offices in Lib.|All black 'soil. Has 225 acres: undef ertyville. mm«mmmum?': Inm;sdmvi'mnmfi!:&l: w' hmm'm .tm "'t awa armamn 0 smllan 3'-0;0'01-' Pruiané Ben. V. C.--Michial Hogan. Junior V. C.----Jacob Vanderpool. Chaplin--R. J. Hull Officer of the Day--Jerry Shea. Adjutant--E. C. Nichols. _ Musician--L. Hamilton. e are glad that we have no such hot water heat; 2 car garage. G. ridley. Phones 45 and 157. ~ --_ Pelephone No. 809 . Open Evenings and Sundays We Buy, Sell and Exchange. ADJUDICATION NOTICE T4 (Copyright 1927) i THE QUESTION BOX CONDUCTED BY R. G. KarmG 58--dec 9 16 23 R G.-- K A P TN 0 e 49 4t FOR SALE--120 acre farm on State $ 65 |road 21. Has a 5 room house, good P well and windmill, garage, poultry house, barn 24x35 for 4 horses and 16 cattle, also zstock barn 18x30. silo, 1t unusual. uses for churches in this se tion of the country--a country free from | undesirable climatic. conditions --a country where the health average ine pills may have little to do with real estate and insgurance matters, be-- ing in that line of business we cannot refrain from modestly mentioning that when you are ready to rent, sell «wor buy a house or take out any kind of Insurance we will hope to see your ;m»w athwart our door.. We seil SEBRVICE, and we try to 'mtte it the best. friend. And then he deeded the same to my wife. Now | find that there are Jjudgments : against my friend.. How does that affect the conveyance? > was only for the purpose of reconvey» ing immediately is called a Transitory Title and therefore judgments do not attach to transitory title, because your friend had no interest in the property. Cost $8,000 four months ago; will take $550 for all or will separate. Beau-- tiful furniture of 4 room apartment; % pe silk mobair parior suite, hand earved frame; 8 pc walnut dining room set: 3 Pr1i% Wilton rugs; 4 pc walnut auminunommmttntntomummmmttemenmmmenteimememememme----o> | 100 acres under plow. -- Considerable WANTED -- Hear from owner good |virgin timber, with a good live creek Farm for sale. Cash price, particu-- |thru same. Has all dark soil. It is bungalow, with extra lot, for a 40-- acre farm. A. B. Meyer, 2664 Burling 8+ Chicago IIl. 50 3t lars. D F Bush, Minneapolis, orty. o furim yoeur hoauit---- | FOR SALE--Ideal modern home on Johnson Ave., Libertyville; 1 block to business center; will consider ne groes: terms. Frank Calzavara, Lib ber litter, 20 pigs; all registered; 8 uper C olo ni al breeding; also one male hog, Stilt's breeding, Farm, Deerfield, I1L 50 2t FOR SALE--Toulouse geese and Rou-- en ducks. Eim Farm, Deerfleld.-- ers with sixty days retest. _ Large selection Mile north of Round Lake. MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con-- siderable amount of epecial funds to loan on improved farm or city prop Office Phone 237 or 288 Res Phone683 226 Washington St. WAUKEGAN FOR SALBE--240 acre stock farm lo-- eated in Lake County, close range of Antioch, Hlinois and Channel Lake. 'n.cmdnna-hwo.uoodwa shade and fruit trees. Large barn, concrete floors and stone walls, with ample room for 40 head of cattle and 6 horses.: New cement silo 14x40. Gar-- spring. -- Brick horse barn 24x72 with concrete floors, 12 single stalls, six double box stalls;: Cow barn 38x154 with a 26 foot lean and ample room for 100 head of cattle, $,000 bu. grain mmma_%'rwo new ce-- ment gilos 14x42. cellar 50x50, platform scales, hog house 27x54 with concrete floor and feeding yard. Tool house 24x72.~ Farm is tiled, fenced and all black 'soil. Has 225 acres under with 14 miles Fox River frontage and over 3 miles of state road front-- age. Also a 6 room tenant house with Extra cholose tresh cows and spring-- Real Estate For Sale Livestock For Sale -- T. J. STAHL & COMPANY I»'Cli,..! es YOUNG COUPLE-- To Loan 48 5t Y he4 "i?@ tal Palace Cash Meat Market Co. SPECIAL SALE ON ALL MEATS FOR THIS WEEK BONELESS ROLLED ROAST BEEF, Ib. -- 30c |. Telephone 180 Palace Cash Meat Market C The Highest Grade Meats at the Lowest Prices i POT ROAST 18c & 22i¢ lb. VEAL ROAST 18iclb. BATHROBES .........$10.00 to $12.50, BELT and BUCKLE SETS..$5.00 . GLOVES .............$2.50 to $6.50 ; . MUFFLERS....$2.50 to $5.00 -- HOSIERY.......:50c to $1.50 * PAJAMAS$1.95 to $3.50 HANDKERCHIEFS..........3 in Box, $1.00 . BILL FOLDS ................$2.50 and $8.50 MARKET Next Door to National 606 No. Milwaukee Avenue KS Santa Claus Has _ Arrived -- Select HIS Gifts From Our Complete Stock -- derful Merchandise for Your Inspection. Select HIS Gift from Our Complete Stock. SHIRTS .......__.._.._.....__..__.__.$2.50 to $9.50 NECKTIES._...___.._..__..._...$1.00 to $2.50 LADIES' HOSE....$1.00, $1.50, $1.95 Ladies' Linen Handkerchie.fs ._...... 50e LUMBER JACKS , LEATHER COATsS, l 10 OVERCOATS, \ SUITS, HATS, CAPS SWEATERS J. B. Morse & Co. Phone 14 CURED BACON CORN BEEF 22:¢c lb. '@ -- aATER 7 &A L V _ TG _ P SZ E 43 m Everything for haen _____ !1 20 acres in virgin timber. 0-1': non--resident and must be sold at e per acre. $3,000.00 cash. balance in -- 5 years with no pw T. J. STAHL 4 AMY =--~~ Office Phone 227 or 238 Res PhoneS88 226 Washington 8t. WAVKEGAN 24x48, cow barn 33x66, 2 silos, 82 black soil, about 100 acres ander plow, #t

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