. _ County Resident Dead * _ VOLUME XXXV--NUMBER 51. 322 Center St., Waukegan, at 4 o'clock Saturday morning. Death was due to of isotailo's body was found, stc. These 'flmho?nhontlom martied 'provions to "ticic. marrings, f to marriage, their marriage and this is said to have been a source of conten-- tion between them. . _. On aumerous occasions, according mgglnmhdw to s wife. One of these threats, it is charged, was made April 27 of this year. On September 11, this year, he is alleged to have made an attempt to kill his wifé but she kick-- ed the gun out of his hand. After that they did not live togeth-- er, and on September 22 the wife sued for' daivorce. 'This biMl still is pending in eircuit court. Stole Money, Charge According. to the complaints that Mrs. Isotalo lodged with the police frequently her husbangd was not in-- clined to work and on every occasion possible stole money which she had Whhaunq. The gun that used for the attempted murder and suicide was what the police terim a "suicide" gun. It was a .32 caliber and of extremely w&wunm talo ran the Hat of a neighbor, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schultz. Isotalo tedlowed in an attempt to shoot her again, but was barred by Schultz. The would--be sinyer then-- dashed down the street.-- Police recelved > a <uill at 7:50 p. m.,. Captain Booth and Putrolman Blayleck responded. in the meantime Mre. Isotalo had been removed to the office of Dr. Toomza-- vakrer shot~had been heard a block ug.hfi point in the d' Ad a rear mmmummg sitting on the ground, his back brac ed agauinst a barn. A .32 caliber re volver was gripped in his right hand. Mis posture was so lifelike that the The Isotalos, according to the po-- mzmmt« some time, | Isotalo having filed suit m?umMm the part of her husband to kill her. Several times, At is said, Isotalo went to his wite's home but she re tused to allow him to enter. She con-- sented however, to talk to him on the tront poreh. x AMfimMWt to his wite's aad rapped at the door. 'The moment she opened the deor Isotalo opeaed fire. The first builet missed its mark but the second struck the woman in the chest. proached him from the side and grab-- bed the gun from bis hand. Then he discovered two bullet wounds on the tight side of the victim's head. One Of them had entered through the ear, the wther ebing nearby. Dr. Levin was notified 'and he hurried to the sceme. -- A quick examination. showed -- Meut. Henty: Wallenwein and De-- bullet entered the left side of the trafti MMWW&.M flfl"b&tn--t&cm;m Mhfiuumnm*&., as eritical. ~Barring unforseen com-- TH plications he thinks she will recover. that t As yet ho has not been able to. re-- | . ; ... . mmu.otmnun.,g ter Ave:., Waukegan, is dead from two selft--inflicted wounds, and his wife, ; Mrs. Katherine Isotalo, is in the Vic-- | tory Memorial hispital, suffering from x bullet wound in the chest, inflicted by her bhusband in an effort to kill Isotalo home Monday night shortly before 8 o'clock. n WIFE IN BREAST C h a r| e s Isotalo, Estranged From Wife, Seeks to Carry Out Threat To Kill. -- A few moments after their arrival Dr. H. J. Tommajan of 708 MeAli# Runs to WNeighbor for her h 4 ~ z R * 4 & y ® 2 % Tt EK C# l : ¢3 Jn €1 E. _ > b o f KK :V J"Q, TT' * o * s Birki ati SS ht _ * AN + «NA as i 6 * ~He / o e * P45 .# f it Alliie : & s ht i . / Gg +. mc £ #$ x -- * a ?x F d P 5 id s 5 < A Bs > "" is 4 ; it 3x / wl mag . 4 £4 At b s Whi : ,.x lillog : vj"' t . ud 2x * 3 4 % * s 2 S t "a Jg? L * * \' E+ n 8 33 4 + x :»!\- % + [ t > ;"' &'4 "_'. Cos "i tfl $ » . mE "; * "a¢. ,74 ky q-" "é" f;, ¥ P KBE _ s *.: C ~ ; t C ho 4 °. 60 C C _ Q % m M s e * s 34 * 6 3 f , f m es p 2s * o o m C 3@ fee' . & > Fk + ' * * A%: m 3 $ Pss . ) »o ies s x se e $ 4 IDEPENDENT County's Big Weekly f ga L m'- Glen Fry, whoc;lv:,n'zar the Liber-- of the village, had a little pre--Christ mnhbufiudulmfl;:m mint on the golf course. -- What he took for a large dog, proved to be a prairie Wolf Shot Narth of. _ |shorn betore the county board ':s"vfi Town This Afternoon| 8i $ io es y on of the nmmmm, .350 C -i.nrfivod by his years, of 546 Cummings Ave.,; Wauke m.'m it Fe The body of the man lying cold in 'death on the platform of the station was found by the crew of a street ecar, who notified the North Shore ot-- tices at Higzhwood. North Shore rail-- road officials called Waukegan police who in turn got in touch with North Chicago police. ~/ Peterson, a veteran employe of the wire mill, had completed his night of work at the plant and while on his way to the North Shore line station, complained that his heart was both-- him. Bom:«nfununl for three. & E Ca Joe Potocky of North Chi-- The deceas wile and three Stricken while he was standing on the platform of the North Shore rail-- road station at Twelfth street, North WHEREAS: on Sundays during the M&flnt. summer and fall, it has cost Village $56.00 a Sunday' {or *am.;l'mwmummw- , 4¢, | |__WHEREAS: our Marshall has 'been run down and nearly kiled, our mo-- torcycle policeman has been run down [and our watchman at the St. Paul crossing has been run down and near-- provide that Milwaukee avenue is to be used as a connecting link with the Wisconkin state highway system, and that the traffic--will be heavier than ever on this road. * -- If this plan is carried through, and mo ether north and south roads con-- ur-ud'o:d»munctth:homy thousands of automobiles, conges-- tion in the village of Libertyville w#ll bo'r;:nura-fler. 'n_ state officigls expressed a lingness to cooperate with the people of Libertyville in irohing out any dif-- Hiculty that may arise, but asks that [same, and the 'same is & menace to , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYVED, that the State Authorities be request-- ed to narrow the right o(--way of Route 172 to sixty--six (66) feet and to take some measure to grant us relief from the <through traffic and by--pass it from the center of our town, if possible Approved, December 20, 1927. Bigned, RARL H. CORLETT, -- President. tion was given out by the state high-- feet. -- Ail plans for teh paving are hhc_hoil up at present, on account of --the requisite right of way not hay-- ing been procured. r 'The committee, above named, went to Springfield, and endeavored to hare the state accept the road at its pres ent width. 'They were given little en-- each side. The state plans provide for a right of way with a minimum width of 80 {eet Several property ownets DIES SUDDENLY WHILE WAITING M mm::::gwuummh mmsmlls part of this thoroughfare from what i is termed the Prtercs woas . us| UNCOVERED BY CREW :tl:tb'd mvh:tu io be twonly NMet Alti wite and t wentoot stosices «a| QF LOCAL RAIDERS M"dflm.l':'lw:.l A. Treptow and Harry Cater went to Bbpringfield,; to confer with officials of the state highway department, seek-- ing means of relief from the conges-- tion caused by the heavy automobile WHEREAS: on tho"vzo;:nd.flmr Iy killed, and all of these officers have been in the hospital for upwards of four months, as a result of their _ At'a meeting of the yillage board held Tuesday night the following res olution was read and adopted by a unanimous vote, without discussion : WHERRBAS: : Pupifis from. three schools have to cross Milwaukée Ave-- nue through heavy traffic four times & day during the school year, and State Plans Through omas Peum% Aged -- 53 Y of 548 Cummings w'l've..thfim Route on Milwaukee C 2 3 aged 53 Tfi "ofert Solh OH Libemyvitle $212,, Newport $170, ° Wauconda and West Deerfleld $10%. -- $62, Poor claims for the county for the last quarter reached $12,880.34 it was had passed him so frequently that last night, with Harold Finer, Stried turned ont the lights on his--car and thon"&?mm m."otn, without aware . The truck pulled up to the farm house with the raiders behind it, and the ~Stried declares that they have been hauling alcohol in these big oil trucks POOR CLAIMS HIT Sheriff Doolittle went beck to the scene of the raid again today to fur-- ther investigate. ; s hmfflnonvhichthogcmltotg partly in Lake county and partly Kenosha county. * The big still was found by Consta-- ble George Stried when he became suspicions of the number of big oil trucks passing the road in that vicin-- 1ty; The trucks, marked Sinclair oll, ficials«in Chicago. 'They reported to him and asked the assistance of his sponge squad and sought the aid of the sheriff The local men were dep-- utized by the government and led the employes at work when the five fed-- eral agents, Stried and Doolittle fell on it. ~They all took to the woods scattering as best they could. In hopes of stopping the flight the raiders opened fire shooting over the heads of the men. They were re warded by capturing three of the flee-- ing men. They are» James Wendt, $236 Belmont avy.; Frank Giego, 3342 W.-- Twenty--lirst lst., ' and Albert Keane, 1405 W. Monroe st. The still was located in a barn. According to the local men it was as complete as any distillery of the old day. It was working at fuil blast in the making of Christmas liquor. Stried was the man to locateo the still. He had been suspicious for some time and conducted a thorough investigation. -- Completing that he re-- ported to States Attorney Smith thru: whose office he works. ; -- 1 Shetriff Doolittle was then called in and together Stried and the sherifft re--checked only to find the property --. The property, located 200 feet over the Lake county line at Mud Lake, just morth of Channel Lake and in Kenosha county, was worth $:00,000 federal agents told Sheriff? Lawrence Doolittle, who aided in the raid. It had x capacity of 500 gallons daily. JOoun Heidenreich, n:d 16,".of Mil-- aukes, has filed.suit im court in that ';'._.;_'H."'.s!'ms of his Col. Smith then notified federal of-- QL LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1927 _----_--Our Christmas Wish to You . Bc «;--:1 ¥# bip i ;'-;lh; 4 N e a unanimous motion passed that| Arrangements for ° the annual Billy and Skinny--Newsbays.___ _ Grinnell be awarded the county veter |meeting of the Illinois Farmers in--|__ ----__Lyell Gould and es Gilskey inarian contract providing that he|stitute which will be held in Wau-- Mr. Robinson ..____._...A'lan Andrews W::h was as accredited and |kegan on February 15, 16 and 17 Dorothy Robinson.___Mildred Jarrett ' -- . : o#A ~~ ~]|were furthered in a conferonc:nz- Radio Agent ........_.___._Angelo Calanca % "m w W 'mw m tm mmt"' of the . «. Janie emventatemrnsentarccocccsrccatewFIOICI -- TTCnINCT ::q':ue t the delegation 'that is to :::'0 :;1 Rnnkf'l;. Jo;l::.k secrétary fimmrmmk »........._Lillian Newbore 6 in Springfield today ) tor | AD: nager . o égan and , Merry Makers .....______.__.__....._.. 'a conference 'with Gom in | North Chicago Chamber of 70om- [.._.----Group of Tth and 3th Grade Girls an effort to get him (Grinnell) on, the Merce Saturday. | Readings were. rendered between "@&pproved list. ; of -khp-',narntt. of Prairies View, scenes by members of the elocution '_ _ Grinnell has been removed from |OiroCtor in the tenth congressional Class of the school, as follows: : _the approved list by the mu&nn- Cistrict and William Webb of Will'_ '"The Spelling Lesson" 'by Fanny {ment of agriculture. Being off the |COUnty,. director in the gixteenth. Nalley. * i * means that the state ag'Mnd district» for the insti--| "Patch Work Quilt" by Helen Dor-- would not recognize his condemna--|{Ut? Aand H. C. Gilchrist Grays-- | fler. tions made on cattle and that ..:fi lake, :l't?lm for. La¥e eoum.-y,', "Hats" by D:!tger Murphy.. "<H it s w h 45 I mat wi . Fow! : j <fh up. |_ 'I._" es . } )mhtlll'h ~__|_ It--was announced today that the| Yate pubplis of Miss Vivmh. of| -- Bupervisor Ray Paddock, who led nen of the institute wilf gather in Chicago, who has charge of the elogu-- the fight agminst Grinnell, also stated loy° 250 wil) arteng the resoious of| The finals of the c L Be aApproved list by the state :&'pub ment of agriculture. Being the approved list means that the state would not recaognizte his condemna-- tions made on cattle and that refunds made them would probably be held It was evident that the victorious 19 h&:'not centered thot:huu&n the man because as,soon as they had won two of their o':htu\m promptly had T C e TemACC COmHk ; , WOCH _ ; UBO « BEUUEPD, HELE ThQ tr:mph'a'rt;dm't;:e ooui't power. y * ya: a ursday) and it The end came after a day of fight-- vmbema'wthe county tonight superrisor and. farmer lending éaats (bp yoades oo on 8 E00eE Socram will er by _ and 0 to the case and airing personal opin-- patriotic societies. It was evident that the victorious D"'W Pl.' nf. & 19 had not contered their case on the | CAll8h 1 FO!' Thmmonth.otnnungwm.n C. Grinnell, county veterinarian came to an end Thureday before the board of supervisors when that body voted 19 to 13 to invalidate the contract ten-- @ered him 'by the farm institute com-- mittee. & 'He and his backers had charged that the move was political, inspired Nfl'irhl!humfimw-wu not identified with the . group, in CGRAAAMLl\MLILM UV ALLV ® Plans for the planting of a perma-- i _ * & nent Christmas tree in court house 19 TO 13; PLANS ON . | >#A ramranee | Nad: ters of 'The American: Revolution _ _ + , were unfolded at the meeting of the REINSTATEMENT | waxen aoy somcn Pnursasy. .~. The council following : a request im Bretgrenys ; Mn»th:"l:."&%vou to wo;ldo z wiring, and electricians to dec Given 30 Days to f: byi----fgs has been furnished in f * ce wm' sme,mm 'll Order former years by the Public: Service to Post. company but it is stated that Christ: whobinhnerce :u:h.mphnmhmgo&mn Three months of h territory served 1 Corpor-- C-Gflnnoll.oomu.ntymu ation-- that it found it necessary to wumnmhymmmmsw"'m""""m"""'""' of supervisors when that hadv vataa| T1O2 And electricity, each year, GRINNELL OUSTED if performed, would mean more in the direction of local prosperity than all his other boosting efforts put together.. Why boost in one direction while committingy commu nity suicide in alty. A trifling e is sufficient citizen to fo &A ;on-ulo usually more imaginary than real, is sufficient to cause the average citizen to forget his duty to his community and to himself, which buying away from home, which is largely responsible for the failure of many communities to make the The money that ought to be kept at home for the expansion of local m:uhdmhwmam thelndlmtmou?flnn-- of the very persons should set :R'mmammmm- .A trifling saving here and there, with which many otherwise good citizens contribute to the tendency <to commit community suicide. -- These citizens will often show One of the strangest phenomena witmessed in most towns and small COMMUMTY SUICIDE soon as they had won | . N ~ 'Rag Doll ... Mm':-fi!v Ml cX State Farm Meet Kutie Kids Qg ""fi P #x will serve throughout the years is bee| _ '"Listening In" was the title of a ing obtained by the chapter for plnt-}chfllm!lflty given by pupils of St. mnmmhmhmmd&ofilwh'clehooutmmm;ud- tree covered with lights should prove itorium last Tuesday night. The house to be an attraction for many during was well filled, and the lHttle folks ac-- the holiday season. f |quitted themselves in splendid shape, neun'wmmmemn;mmemmotmmmm house yard today (anraduy)andttfmthamrtotflmsutmmchm -rmho.m.ugu county tonight gf't:lelchool. The characters in the ut.lly-;pllnlldor.ml"lm ; the son of Joseph Mulidor, a prom-- Anent. farmer in ~that--section -- was found drowned by his mother Thurs-- day morning. : |_ "The youth had gone to the out building after breakiast that morn-- ing and when he failed to return the mother investigated. He had -"-{-'.',"' for years from eptilepsy. body was taken to White ammmm%:nm Thursday afternoon, where an inquest mhoa'fildlyuonm. --Besides his <parents the youth is survived by four --other sisters and in a small --building on the farm two miles west of Round Lake while he was suffering from an eptileptic D. A. R. Will Plant Large Tree While City Will Arrange for -- Raymond Mulidor of N e ar + Round Lake, Found Dead in Outbuilding by Mother. YOUTH DROWNS IN T A N K: SUFFERE Falling into a water tank located IN COURT SQUARE EPILEPTIC FIT D) C PME sls 9 Py S rice Comnar -"'nl--'m.; "Mith, wan gane w is pou| ces momerandiecny 5 e "P.'{ch Work Quilt" by Helen Dor-- m 3;. Ogcmt:i"l md&' c fler. in L lle, but closed it some. s @Hate" by Esther Murph¥. o Bovee Soe one e e af "Mlfi'tloafllmmpg'- fent of 'trig. conmanity. 1 in mathnn ce m t heC menetee y ns it tm g!_cu!_qsm school. -- : ./ «| 'The second story e new ------Group of 7th and 8th Grade Girls Readings were, rendered between scenes by members of the elocution class of the school, as follows: ! --_ Mechanical Doll Mr t Mrd. Santa Claus VIRAUE.......... ) s . 1JQ. Mr, Santa Claus..._._J. Delbert Murphy St. Joseph's School. Gives Christmas Play past Druce and Gages lake, across Belyidere road to connect with route | 21. ©This is a distance of five ..-'lz.u at an estimated cost of $139,-- 6. Beginning at Rockland road, Mundelein, south through Diamond lake, south through Long Grove and 'nufftatn Tirnvs and tx) t¥ha"' anmnbtw route from Lake Zurich running near Fairfield and Gilmer to form & junction with the anticipated 59A route at a cost of $161,000. That body will also learn if Dr. D. C. Grinnell, county --veterinarian, is to be approved by the state. They will offer nothing in his defense. ® > In the event that He is to be md on the approved list the of supervisors on Jan. 18 will offer him a two--year contract ati $4,100 annuvally. * | h u'tlacb:u:omdoum:lt endorse MmJ & a and an approved veterinarian retained. 1V,. Wii8On road, a mile and <a half east of Fox lake on Grand ave-- nue to be extended through Gra-- ham's corners and into route 20,° a distance of four and a half miles at an estimated cost of $140,000. 11. One .fik" Vmflh Illlo' road paralleling 6 and Grant township lines connecting routes 59 ad 21:.at a cost of $32..000.5 _ 8. One and one--eighth mile road circling the west bank of Lake Zur-- ich at an estimated cost of $32,000. 9. Slocum lake road beginning in Wauconda and running westerly and southwesterly at an estimated cost of 338._000. The distance would be Buffalo Grove and to the county line. This is a distance of four and a quarter miles, estimated at $272,000. -- 7. State aid route 9, beginning at Ivanhoe, and extending southeasterly for a distance of a half mile at an anticipated cost of $14,000. the state line at an estimated cost of $63,000. P s 1 Continuation of Deerfield ave-- nue west to route 21, a distance of two miles, at an estimated cost of $89,000. § 2. Bukley road between Green Bay road and Telegraph road, a distance of a mile and a half, at $45,000. 8. Twenty--second street road, at its intersection with Green Bay, one half mile to the North Chicago lim-- its at an anticipated cost of $14,-- ROAD BOND ISSUE TAKEN UP IN THE: STATE CAPITOL " Te X~at @® C L ~#04,,900.5 = 12. Five and three--quarter mile 10 4. Continuation of Milburn road oat INne SCRUVOL, § ine second story of the new build-- | , TRTUTT A TTALr rale of thp/evenl&'.ontebmxwmmnmomauum.' OUR!NVITAIION was a beautiful tableau, yl«_flwlfi_floag for space in both floors o PRESENYF THIG aP PL®E azyme. Mildred Vanderwerff ._.Ruth Newbore JPrimary Group Fileen Murphy George Kelroy O-- " 666 avenue by the Public Service|was towed to the Ubertyvfllec-:n" m Northern Illinois. The and while the R®@chine was damaged new . will be two stories high,|>adly the occupants escaped without ernmrmmummmwm.mmmmawm post four --business rooms. marfivedtrom&lugo.hm«rm Service Company will occupy heing hauled up a runway in the ga-- }' atthmoms,'and'umamlmthhvminmom(nw Pplete stock of electrical goods. 'l'h.cruh.'?.snuihndm a dou-- at one time operated a stote bie dogr at the rear entrance. The wwmwnmmrmwnh-g'mtn or seven years ago. The rapid devel-- \the garage door by paying Ail these rumors were set at rest this week wihen it was authoritatively w""mhfln'm to be rected on the lot at the south-- east corfer of Church street and Mil-- waukee avenue by the Public Service Rumors have tot'ru, several weeks that a l2 was to be erected in Liber early date, and that the tbe operated by a' Chicago ure company. ---- .. 23 All these rumors werse atorial campaign of 192%6. A few months ago Insull wrote the com-- mittee saying he was ready to give the desired--information. * _ The committee also invited Sen-- ator--Elect Frank L. Smith (republi-- ::n)tot mlnqh to lmr the same y for & h'fln' on fl'lt to a seat in the senate. the senate last spring for contemp after they had refused to revea what contributions they made t localcandidates in the Illinois sen Eiven an opportunity to purge them-- selves of the contempt charge. In-- sull and his attorney were cited by An inquest was held at the Prior funeral home Thursday morning by Dr. J. L. Taylor, county coroner. The omerngymmdanfllctnn'- ing that sWe--came to her death from bher home that night, washing the din-- ner dishes as she conversed with her hMmhhr she dried her work hands and stepped out on the back porch closing the door behind her. When she returned through the_door a moment later she held an empty bottle which had contained lysol, a strong antiseptic. 'The expression on her face alarmed her husband, and he snatched the bottle fro mher. "Never mind, you are too late. I have taken it," she told him calmily. After drinking a quantity of poison and calmly informing her husband of heru:ta!tu:lo u'cloc:ku Wednesday Dec. 14, Mrs. Philip Muelier, aged 50 years, of 619 Skokie avenue, Highland Park, and a well known resident of that community, died one hour later. Mrs. Mueller resisted efforts of an was her desire to die. Continued i1 health is believed to have been the wOMAN DIES AFTER Mrs. Phillip Muelier of High landParkCommitsSulel?e Chas. Greenwood Says: The woman was in the kitchen of slic Service Co. to Erect New Build: betpinfipeptitadindhatririnds t nace it bar > e | oueHt 10 reel dogrry FOR: "H' GUY, BUT PaAfSY HIM! 1 ALWAYVS PEEL mig URGE To PART His @aoar Tals Wim oue or My NUMBER TwEeluve ILL HEALTH CAUSE ELL, 6iR, WHEX 1 gEE oug Qamemu:mso : AMBLEBY, WIm A FACE LONG HE CouLp EAr oats. _our oOF A CHury, MAvec in home ring for contempt c""' refused to reveal x ie Termoinrnegef old n sen-- llot ;926. A few CA' 1 wrote the com-- was ready to give P o & ) ~Six young people had a close escape °'h~omdu&atnihi¢ht Friday night when an automobile in which they were riding crashed into a telephone ._ _ |post one and a half miles north of Libertyville. The car, a Marmon se-- I8 |dan, owned by Eddie Duersr, owner for | of the E:'en inn at Bchllcmg driven his son contained n.:othcrmths.uln!mm ujgq|occupants of the machine had attend-- o PRESENT THIS AT THEATRE o proceeded straight shead, smashing down the telephone post and running into the yard of Ted Curtis The car ed a basketball m:ifi. and were returning home 'Ahe. acci dent happened. At the turn of state route 21, the car, instead of turning, when an automobile in which they were riding crashed into a--telephone post one and a half miles north of Libertyville. -- The car, a Marmon se-- dan, owned by Eddie Duersr, owner ' of the Eden inn at Schiller park, and | m# ln m m?l--h-!-..'l ,';-_fl .;.hg CAR HITS POLFE; 6 HAYVE CLOSE CALL 10Iman _ RDOX, M to h' dmhummub est--Petition for appointment of con servator filed and--set for hear'ng wee 22, 1927, at 2 p.omm.~= <~< . : Frank Decko, Zion --Supplemental proof of heirship taken. o. Charles Allen Walsh, Waukegan --' Final report approved. Estate closed. _ PM _ _ CEC*, TFREuEbERE--L1GEE* ing on final report continued to Dec. Administratrix authorized to compro-- mise claim against C. N. S. & M. R. R. for $1,000. ar Hearing on final report continued to hfllhawmmmm.h thouuuo(lmmnq. ell, Waukegan, killed by a train, was settled for $1,000 Monday in the pro-- bate court by Judge Martin C. Decker who heard the following cases: Ambrose Cramer, Lake Forest--Ex-- ecutrix authoried to sell ..:g-.. distribution continued to Dec. 22. car A Willys--Knight, was found o abandoned in Highland 'Park Friday. :;3 Allthm.u..z' Antact, * The car was damaged, the rear axle f being sprung. It was returned to Lib ertyville, but no trace of the thief was. s obtained. A : AJordnudubelon'ingtoo.org.' car was recovered Friday morning by Zion police Aivin Faddoock of salem Mills, Wis., called at the Wuhtn police sta-- tion Thursday night at 10:30 o'clock and reported that his Oakland sedan Sheriff W. J. Huber u(Am Bheriff W. J. Huber of Antioch. George Winter of Gurnee reported to the Waukegen police that his Chev-- rolet landau had been stolen from County and Madison Sts. between 4 and 6 p. m. Thursday afternoon. The his enesee sts., between 9:80 and 10:15 p. m.. The police notified the sheriff active in Waukegan and Lake coun-- ty Thursday night according to re-- ports obtained by the police. Marshal Dnnh&.hny of Liber-- tyville, neported an umwm.mma been.%tm in front of the Ken-- night between 9:30 and 11 o'siock. In DEATH CLAIM IS SETTLED FOR AN OFFER OF $1,000 Estate of Matt Leander Hong-- ell, Waukegan, Concluded teh car at thetime mwere three kh'- I'I""'.".------m uservatorshi Wbmb inglki. nou?xmq_ $ P03 Two of the Machines Were Stolen in Waukegan; Two AUTO THIEVES ARE _ ACTIVE: FOUR CARS Alvin Paddock of Salem Automobile thieves Cars Are Recovered. $1.50 A YEAR It 4 % >