_ =«~ JB0d. Then Dr. Schireson suggzested to Mum'umumw' 4 Jegs appear straight ~Sho ag--eed to E5e price he fixed and the: operation * * c=prom v:'fl.c I b-:mhnu\n:l, . the _ Jarge bone was éext com-- *~ . /a ctreular' clectric saw. : -- .> "Gur cast wa; put Cu, m&"-' ; x lt*'hagz:: h'h:hflul.»mrnh Eo e Te frund ns iharing Fom ow _ N ATIEMPT TO® <-------- STRAIGHTEN BOW E C. Gurski--& wt to E. Johnson & \_» wE --W.D. $10. Pt W hf sec 17, Lib-- --<_o.< ~E. C. Bergeron & wt to W. Motk : _ der, QCD $1.' Lot 10 blk 36, H. PK. ----.~_¥.oJ. Beckman & wt to Chgo N $ _ --" & Milw RR Co., . W.D/ $500. Pt SW _~_ '@P--NE ar see 24, Libertyville. ; : -c.n'roun&v!uanh-' 3. ME _Qi;h*blfh '_' y r ------ ~PF, H. Bartlett to 8. D. Domenico & _ --~-- wE 10 Lot 5 Bik 71 Bartlietts Second m:"- Wkgns _ 3 $ _' a2e & '¢_ ~= V. L. Jensen & husb, to A, R. Kan-- ___ ney, WD 10 Lot:3 Bik 4: Park Addn s ~tee 6. Wken. ' ¢ _ _--'. Y¥.--L Jeneen & husb to A. R. Ken & _« ney, WD 10 Lot: 36 Webb and Jen-- . , sen's Resubn. -- ~ _ " Y L Jensen & hutbe to A. R. Ken-- _ . --mey, WD 10 Lot 5 Blk 4 Park Addn _--~SW ar See 18, Wken. } w «* Chgo T & Tr Co to 8. D. Roderiberg ;flnnm:m-'mq:m . ©. D. W. Wiliams & wt to H. J. Fast _ _~& wt WD 500 Lot mwnn_t Addn to _ _ '~Wifliams Park Subn" Wauconda. _' 'ww_~ _ _ A. Windette & wf to C F. Larsen, W _ WD 10 Lot 10 Washington | Heights ~*_~-- B. H. Milier & wt to:B. Bayer, WD _ <~ B0 Lot $7 Blk 8 West Shore Park Sec <.*-- : Investigation into--the ownership and _.~ ~of a Peerless sedan in a desolate .. ; woods near Half Day today occupled ='-- the attention of Sheriff Lawrence Do _ _Mtti@--who expressed the opinion that _\ gomeone might have burned the tar . "~-- td Collect insurance after reporting it 2 »»BEsts, Sec 2, Cuba, . .. ... ...» . /=©= C €C. F. Larsen to A. Heln Lot _--~ ~'The sheriff is planning on x Ffl'fln was resorted--to in an. of-- CX 'n: :n ner life. hM "aag " o cle straightening operation was s\ . Rerformed by Dr. Henry 3. Schireson, E 44. of the tragi® operation ramme FFARMEE: Tamee Pn of Th gorer e dftice "Oot John WV. Folimer,--chiet _ Bf registration, and reported as fo} $, f went-- to Dr. Schireson to have «_ C burn on cne of her shoulders treat-- __~_-- C. F..Larsen to A. Hein, WD 10 Lot «* 10 Blk 2 Brady & Hallowell's Subn.-- _ _ 'A. Spjuth & wf to A. L. Hall, QCD i. 30 Lot 131 Cummings & Cos NX Ave <(FOU N D BY A DEPUTY --_¥. H. Bartlett to B. Berkin &¢"wt D 10 Lot 10 Bik 99 Bartietts N $ Ests, ..M.~A. Blum --& hubs, to E: K. Long, WD 10 Lot 3: Whitewood--Sabr NE ar SW ar See 18, Avon. . _' . Union Bk of Chgo to A. H-- Balzs & Q!Du;muaa 15 Tower Lake © Chieago, Feb. 1.--Miss Satie Hol :'.&uha:r'itic:tmmuw amputated above thie knmces. '*Two weeks ago she :'nhum«l to a:"upcn- poisoning deéveloped and 'he© double mm:mmmmg in hopes mgnm't - the numbers that he has been given. as possible, had been stripped from it with the exception ot~-- 2 number, $035§675, under the--dash flm nthonotor.'amgd!ngtotu?m; made to the .sheriff by Deputy.Me-- Laughlin, who found the macHine.~. E. Weltz to A. E. wOOD AT HALFDAY Identification, Being In-- vestigated UVB"S'fi"&if_f of before : ~Superior m*ml Hardy, to answer for:--the . of C. Ivy Thoms, in a drug. store holdup here on Christmas Ere, 1926.= ;<----~ trinl Ne the kituaptiy and slayins of M 8 . Judge Hardy re--set= thetrial of Hickman and Hunt for Feb. 15. 3 L € 0 B witnesses. : Theso will be placed on 'the stind to testify for the defouse, Walsh sgaid. o" ># . New York, Feb. 1.--Acting on in-- mmmg&.«m«d kidraping and. <~murder -- of . Marion Parkertn{t faced another> bar of x tice this morning on a gecond mu der 'charge. i . ol agar, peich «2 cb u:. With 'Welby Hunt, 16 year--old Kan-- sas iCty youth, Hickman.. appeared strung to An orator." .:. . "He tolru'hwhhedhoeollg hhcky:thmmt."!'l'onflh needed | money so : badiy," Hick-- man's teacher related.= x' -- P By ARTHUR L. MAREK _ --~~ 1.--Willlam Edward Hickman was 2 gambler for his life a second time $10,000 worth of drugs seized. Fright floor windows when the--raifers: bat« tered down the doors. *}".%% -- .# * ords for his senior .year at high school showed that his grades had lowered after he lost the contest..__ . ~.;~. _"I will: say 1 think he is fnsane,"~ «S ohool Mate s * cesmmc © 0 )C zh o e CALL <--STATE-- WITNESSES a ~Gecree nisi-- at| the divorce court T * P igate * -- 4o o nffrods Un 6 D1 hests pnt e e ty kortimat® stacd o. oo WITH MURDER IN:) PA E--WHEN JAl l"l"fig [ 'm "Q';. s ,""" p. l -- WMH * _ | *« MB TUEL . ' position Former _| -- in _ Holdina _ Thirtv--five Within. fifty feet of .the cou . ACTRESS WINS DECREE. °_ RAID ORUG BROTHEL gle handed 'held them ",,';,',{;{'m t w bureau lQM ¥3 .\ MeNeil's life was sared by the fact that he -- used -- Parker as a x:al& ficer, Stokes selzed Parker's gun an 'besan firing.> kq&wfi y died in his--arms, McNeil _ fised--tie ;ptm"s body. ms a shield.:«. --" . ¥€-- i ~the: bureau. siuad :arriyed .& Aaning Sioken: finterocol ripng urell j the .w:.. "Siokte plaked : the -- gul' to his head and fxed, dying instantly.: ~ . Panic reigned in wm e 'other prisoners as a result of the tear "bomib--whicit ';xnbh'd. h"'h:h'r;r;!l""i r*Tw "~escape® e) {hl(;h:g'nm tt;l':::lto #&> ; rage | It wms noiswnB the: was aired out that order. Was"restored."" _ USEDEAD MAN FOR SHIELD _ _Barne¥ . McNeil,--police -- officer in ~toRes Aecidentally shot and killed his pal, Parker, as the latter grappled with 'the -- Officer. 'mm' :/ himself trapped, Stokes then fired & Wullet in-- to his own brain. «. \ A 'The bullet that killed Parker also struck | Officer MeNeif,. inflicting a '«A third prisoner,--a--pal of| Stokes and-- Parker,> was <soverpowered -- and 'placed: in solitary--confinement. Thir-- 'up ready: to: follow: the desper-- adoes to freedom; None of them es leave his cell to go to the vnltm one.: Him to the . and seizing his re-- 1de h w;"'"" ie 66 3? *h"' h ., "fl'flg'o North _ f':'.'"":".'i:""& ol eamnaihemne nnies" To ind ism ns malany ho a [ trpitemaiest on aean ns reyn Rriin i tk m" vv-, a xt :',}'..>'- %mm& to the Fik teenth street lockup, where the trlb of allesedrobbers had-- 'been, lodge@ Tolowing their arfrést last ffight. They were to have been arrdaigned today.. | it is eaid, after nmumh*& / Chicago, Feb. 1.--A--darins= jail charges of robbery, today"resulted in their death and 'the wounding of a volver. 'Aitér 'freeing his the men 'W:: mwm% x e mem#? '% Joilk suppms in ront." thieh "Viek ..3 ob g&- M'i'm?fivfi' Ates 6F eB c iwen The viclims were: _ _ .. * ALND-- rrired &' a bullpen Tug upoi; the gun nstantly. the tear ir, midgt. 1e ® % L pited jau was i ored." -- en 5 Te s wfl' uy '3' & # _ s %% 3 n o se h *#8, "rz .,;v,n--'.. F 49. ,,»,_.:'.,. i .......5 A * i""'w'"&': $ 299. 6+ s t "§ove d c 4o Tw 2 oys B w\ fl."v KA# C 2 *~Soud.. ol " _ C NV mmmisees -- < _ --= * "| Ostend; Belgium, club, both of whom More-- than 300 --members of Rotary | are memberg of the International Ro-- <lib% &%%m tary beard and in this country to at-- ston; and Winnotka --gathered at the| tend a conference of that body. ,/«!,4'_ ""-7,_' t v¥ on "w".{' vig 2 t lete lare . | 3 53 s > m,' ' .b /.. Wik s '- t :"------'& D"_!. w.' C Soenl L t ~Sapit i 355 gr";{fi 2 t QLi-ln-'-'xhl'l}. dnh."h-:i"m m'g Price ie he _ * * Complete______ :_ :_ _ #4Qdescrined '.;.'__ '_."._&.c__' m ~_-_A_.'y'4 pilit cnngharnto > > ut ' (U** 4 . 4 ut Interested In_Four motey saring mis ant desire Full. Informs/lon as [.] PMumbing and Menling 4 J CEL this ar--«> fact tne it cor" Supplies _ _ 6 "-i'-'."'-...urum.".in:'u.a ached to Northwestern --university. itinguished . gueste --~were -- Marcel ink, of the Paris, France, club, and BCR _ /--_«--cle.___«c«s..--. Kils, Tees, Street Ells B. Dennis, | $0¢ ane of the of «experts to ea's * +--r home. N s obligatien 1 «~Clevelamt, Feb.. 1.1--Harry, Broo . f ig the Ford --fliy@ks plane. .« which he was forced duUwn sevsal days ago near AShzzille, N. C., w»il> attemp¥ag a non--stop flight from De troit to Miami, took off from Prea'% field bere toda yat \1:37 a. m. on >« last lap of his return flight to De-- troit. The term "Queen "of Ferns" plied to theelady fern. Head of Fern Family HOPS in FLIVVER sl 4