& a E mm dn " Cy" e The n s T i o l a o hss o g X -";5!. uie i f & 2 C e 4 8 P *_--& % --/ 3 A MARK CITIER -- e "CF-- .;{ L t 1 ' t f f .. e e . .fi t Ae i. *a : l Ax¥ us R ~ £ 4 -- 6 3 * b j own race, that If 1 had gone into the gnzilla country --for the sport of kili-- Ing thera I believe I would have aban-- . _ Megod my expedition then and there." ~\---- 'SNX--FOOT GORILLA roar of a gorilla behind me. I know of nothing more terrifying than the ; roar of a gorilia when heard the first time, --It rivals the roar of a Hon in . Will Mark Name of City. s 0 That Passing Aviators May Know Locations. ---- "What I was after was live, young gorillas," he says. "Our method was to watch for a family of gorillas pass ing through the farest, the old malse leading and the young ones straggling along behind, and to pick up the strag-- gllng infants, * "One day. we caught two young go-- rillas in this way, We thought the tone. It is punctuated, moreover, by the beating of the beast's arms against his chest, producing a booming, echo nolse like a big drum. Miss Congo, a female about sixc years old, has lived and thrived since the fall of 1925 in Florldn, She is the only living gortila today outside of the African forests, *3 Some of the experiences in captur-- ing these remarkable man beasts with the aid of pygmy warriors are related by Mr., Burbridge to Frank 'Parker -afi"m»hhmtlmmfi his Enees. ~I fired once. He was so close that I could not miss He fell UBend, almost at my feet, and the rest Of his family Aed into the forest. "As be lay there I measured him. Bix-- feet tall he had stood in his life, His foot was 12 inches long:; his fist when closed would have filled a gal-- lon measure. 1 estimated his weight at 450 pounds. , His muscles stood out in great knots, indi¢tating his tremen-- lke. some prehistori¢c ancestor of our own race, that Iif 1 had gone into 'the squeal, juet as I was assembling my motion picture ~mera in the hope of getting a sensav .al strip of film. 1 had three natives with me this time. To one, the gun bearer, I turned over the crank of the camera with instruc-- tions to keep turning until I told him to stoy.--Flanked by the other two, each carrying . &quirming gorilla in-- fant, I advanced toward <~the <place After thrilling adventures and hbair breadth escapes in the heart of Afrt-- ca, Ben Burbridge, noted American big game hunter, has furnished to scientists the first real opportunity to study the mentality. of the gorillla= the beast which, both structurailly and in reasoning powers, resembles man most closely,. Mr. Burbridge, in his two latest expeditions to. Africa, not only obtained the only motion pictures of the gorilla ever made in its native haunts, but ¢. tured more live gorll~ las than have ever fallen prey to any other naturalist, eight in all. He sue eeeded in bringing three back to Eu-- rope and America alive, one of which, wnere the shaking of the shrubbery and the roaring of the beasts told me the band was ass< ibled. The racket finally<became so threatening that my two natives --bolted with the captives. And that, it seemed, was what the *old man' gorilia hbad been waiting for. I was alone. ® . "He crashed toward me through the underbrush, a huge, bairy, towering getting: offt their courses due to lack of identification marks, The two Le-- gion leaders called upon Secretary of Commerce Herbert tHoover and later in your department begin the activity of marking the name of every village of marking the name of every village and town in your state so that pass ing aviators may be able to read the name and thus locate themselves: Lives of people will be 'saved be-- ecause it is just as dangerous, ~and even more so, to be lost in the air than <it is in the desert or in < the Zeigler, Il1., Feb. 22%.--The Ameri-- can Legion, th:qm its more than ten thousand posts, will begin at once to identify towns and communities for passing aviators, accéorlling to word reéceived here today by Albert M. Carter, department -- commander, from Edward E. Spaftord, -- nationa} gether with National: Chaplain ~GHI: Robb Wilson, also today: caNedupon' the 'heads of the > aviation* 'depart= ments in Wumlxmlnd'nm'mn-l ise of hearty co--operation'in this task of préventing the large number o(-'ue-' cidents which result -- from aviators Commander Spafford said that all vet-- erans who are interested in the --wel-- fare of the nation in peace were en-- rolling for service in the American Department Commander Carter made public the following letter re-- ceived from the niational commander: "My dear Commander Carter:;> _ "To aid in community | betterment, which is a major activity of the Le-- gion, and to help in the development of aviation, it is urged that the posys Killing by Hunter 'Almost Seemed Murder. ' MAY BE DONE IN ~CITY "It is debirable that the name of National: Commander Spaftord,> to-- I t iA AJ arg@ | necessary, to illuminate the sign ~at NG | Might.. The letters should be printed LIKE HUMAN BE1 """""' 'mm'q. lotters should be M when I heard the way line nearby 'had not made neces-- these mines. As the early processes Of extraction were very imperfect, the walls and foors of these be!ildings were thus full of gold. Things would have continued thus for an Indefnite time, and the inhabitants would have ~~*In order that the information may be made available for compilation and Isguance to all aviators, an early re-- port is desired from you at natlional headquarters indicating the name#sof the towns which have been so named. Please address your report to Rutus R.--Rand, chairman of the aviation committee, 777 North Meridian street, Indianapolis, Ind. "sgk "-- 4 -- "The Legion in performing this service is fullllling its ideals of serv-- loe to country in time of peace and through it will eave hundreds of lires. It is the email communities that need marking so that the aviator may re-- turn to his course if he has wander-- ed from it in fog or rain. sstur + ' "Please havo coples of this letter placed in 'the hands of every post commander. It is our hope, and in it nukmhurtynmflu.tid your state will be com y marked for air trarel withtin thirty days." State Commander Carter declared that the Legion department ot HMlinots bulit near the oldest gold mines in the country, was nriginally construct-- ed of adobes made of the refuse of Once a.year one of the greatest of Parisian dressmakers lets each of the women in his employ choose a gown from his stock, and has it made up ac cording to her directions "In cases where the flying field is located at some distance from 'the city it is well to indicate by the arrow the number of miles to the air port,. . It is also> desirable, --but not absolutely used grapes (fresh), and a Once a man ordered a fresh fruit salad in a Broadway night club, and what the waiter brought, sur-- rounded. by two dollars' worth of ice, did not comprise two canned pears, one canfied peach, two sliices Dressniaker wissoes Employees, * & 4 ® ' h ies ,,4""' ?'_"-- o m #s ® j \ACES UP!--You.see Capt. Dicudonne Costck,. French long dista ® is .. . American transn*!intic hopper, as th: mh French long distance fiyer (left) and Clarence CHFam*rrlin, from Curtiss Figid, L. L., on togr or ; ; 0"Li_, 40004 Chamberlin's new plane,--in which he took off |=: mafties HIaLA .z _4 -- _"VC°+ ** J charled ~abo u6 moqglgo._-:_.l.nh:aum & enthusiastically get behind the BANDIT KILLS SELF TO PREVENT CAPTURE! The alleged "wild and wooly" West has nothing on . the supposedly effete East.. Rather than submit--to capture, a bandit, 'identified as M'Mhfi's biew out his brains when trapped at the top of a subway exit in New York city. ~The bandit had hel{ wp a pooiroom and shot the lessee of the building. TFhete sherms morhid crowds around tihe dead Gold in Agobe Walls, Fairy Story Chamberlin Off on Good Will Flight t 95 2 m : . l P.J.Mbnhllm WD 2000 Lot 2, Blk "K," Barrington, Sec 36, Cuba. ~ G. Dibble & husb, to G. Dibble & husb, WD 10 Lot 34, Thordas Addn to Antioch, o tok F. H. Bartliett to £. Johnson & wt wi--WD 10 Lot 18, Blk 17, Bartlotts Bhore Crest Ksts, -- R. R. Bradiey wft to W. V. Grit: :..l-'quwa.,mnwm g::m:: g:.ututhue- and making mattresses.-- Cat--tails are. not used commercially in this used for upholstering prior to the Cat--tails have a disagreeable odor that is not easily removed and for ,'"P. fapidiy and the seed t pecmignte rapidly an in much less time than usual." By use of intense artificial light that rivals sunshine a biologist of Cat--Tails Not Popular . FEBRUARY 18, 1928 Java. 4&« y -Mu'" The weights of a.--clotk at Windsor eastle bear on them "The Most Hap-- pye," and the clock is further in. scribed with the motto, "Dieu et mon droit," and ~the letters "H. A.." en-- twined in true--lovers' knots. This ex-- quisitely--made clock--only four inches deep and ten inches high--was a gift from Henry VIIl to Anne Boleyn on her wedding day. <It was in the pos-- session of Horace Walpole, and Queen Victoria paid $551 for it when the con-- tents of Strgwbetry Hill were sold in sirands. 'The scrow was a Greek in--/ vention, and grestly used by the Ro-- mans as a means of producing me }1|* tion. Centuries 'passed, however, be-- fore the nut and screw, for fastening, was 'nvented. 'The.common screw |[| came into use less than 200 years ag®-- fl."--lurhhngdu"h Kxodus having been merely a small knife with a pair of tweezers to trim the wicks of --lamps, 'with a .point to '"part the early as s@ven. years of age, says a writer in the Etude in discussing the importance of early training in music for --church purposes. 'They are not Wufithzmfiumb sing, but are given a very thorough drill in solfeggio, and,. when necessary, at the proper time. in harmony and i2 music in general,. : _ Invention af EKiectrie Light --. . The credit for the basic dAiscovery ,=~mmhm~o Humphry Dary, wheo in 1810 ob served the. electric arc and produced Incandescence of a fne platthum wire in connection with his experiments wit* a 2,000--¢ell battery. iIn 1802 an are lamp was installed in the light-- house at Dungeness, in 1879 the HKdizon incandescent lamp was exhibited, and in 1882 the Pearl street Edison station in New York was put in service, _ Teaching Music to the Young. Children are now taking in the mu. Sical work in the Roman choirs as Ruth, aged four, been taught on o '"How old is you, Goldie?""she in-- quired of the little 'girl next door. "I'm twelve," 'was the reply. "My goodness! Isn't that too bad?" ex-- claimed Ruth. ."Next year you'll be one again."--Youth's Companion, Scrow is Motiern invention. Shears were invented in 400 B. C., Start Again "&'3 h ds wrakg 'l'ho pn;dnctl you see consistenly advertised in renpan( _ [ -- : * "mhs paper se worthy of your contidice: * .. ts cuall P .' ~" It takes two things to make a consistent ad-- -- . --_o[f| J TT -- vertiser.. One is a strong conviction that he has a . :&u;: [ -- Wx lat fim_hqm its place in publq favor de-- of, Agures. Py x m n. The other is actual-- proof of nest dooe. |[| ~ || ~~ "** that . .. . . the increasing popularity of his ' VEGETABLES . ARE ulacturing hard, durable t is hab-- it. Life in the sunshine open air probably has nearly as much to do with body buillding as .. The sun's rays carry litegiving that work best when<the body is exposed directly to them. Thus it is impor-- m"'?fim-" o spend'| as Tach time as possible, without exce ex posure, in the sunshine and open air. kinds of food that every school child ing Hte. the baby teoth fall out. ~Thus the kin dof food seaten by youngsters un-- der six determines to a large degree the sort of.teeth they will have dur-- and. oyo lashes, noerve tissues and blood vessels, teelith and muscles are obviously made of radicaly different material it is plain that the food esup-- ply amust be varied in order to turnish which to make these and other parts of the body in a healthy substantial >owyz.qlufiouhnum deat to do with the kind of teoth of diet usually determine the charac-- ter of teoth seven though neither par-- ents nor children ever suspect it. Baby--teoth are largely formed before birth. Thus the kind oft food that a Iargely the character ° of deciduous téoth in the child. y s 'fom,mt-_ummo'p not made from the" right kind sStuff. If pou ut chalk Into the--mixer pou can't expect a hard Portiand cement sidewalk -- from -- the material you e#pread. By the sae token it you eat mnothing but potatoes and meat -- you can't expect the body to extract lime and phosphorus with which to buird teeth and bones. -- * ¥Food that goes into the mouth is Growing> hard, durable teeth went out of fashion some.rumber of cen-- turies ago and its place grown up the lental profession that. costs Hilinois about thirty million | dollars annually to maintain. . dentists themseres, desairing of ever catch-- ing up with filling sud replacing all the decayed teeth, have started .a movement' to poularize the |cultivs: tlionof teeth that won't rot. Type of Food and Exercise D¢-- termines Whether Teeth Will Last or Not. JE ??P.r'r';' w50 ' 1 > . ,'f':., f VV --2 vircaif --a uk. »itss & i in t t 1 t3 wl t ~ & .TL 1 1!A A P «§ .. _ If his product will not stand the test of com-- parison he would simply be throwing his advertis-- _ Ang investment away. If the buying public rejects his product after it has been offered in advertising ~~ he has thrown his advertising investment away. That's why the manufacturer who advertises his : nT:hmdho tonsistently is very sure of his quality ~<. . . . and why you may be sure of it, to0, ---- GOOD Read the advertising here in your -- newspaper . . . it will guide you to the buying of worthy mercalindise. > Love Tokens, When a New Guinea woman falls in love with a man she sends a piece of wtring to his sister, or, if he has no sister, to his mother. Then the lady wored man the particular woman is in Sove with him. ing forward." should eat in order to supply the body with a sufficient amount of all |the different building materials necessary to good health. Of course children don't need to eat al fifty every day, but in the course of a month the meals should include most of them. . A bit of grit, a good epade and . a few equare feet of backyard will pro-- vide vegetables enough this spring to supply a good deal of the annual bod-- liy needs of the average youngster rattles off the miles and drains the pocketbook, but stepping on the spade puts pep insjo your muscles and mon-- e7 into your purse. Being told to write a brief essay on about adurtising B4 $#3 °c Reigning Ruler of Dogdom 4 .. th publis hr Can't Be Hid. Impatience is the only thing in the weorld that esnnot be concealed. vs goined by Capt. John Smith of Poca-- hnmh-qmofmtm&n_ot the Virginia colony. In 1614 he ex« plored and mapped the northern coast, then called North Virginia, and re-- named it New England. The charter granted the Mayflower Pligrims adopt« ed the name used in Smith's map sev-- _ Fashion Traced to Moreau,. 'The nick in a cgat has been a puz zler to many. It is said to date back to the time of Napoleon. A general named Moreau had many followers, but they were afraid to openiy express sympathy with him. It was therefore agreed to put a nick on their conts as a --secret sign. 'The letter M can be seen in the lapel representing the ini« tial letter of the general's name. » tal years before, nickel plate articles of sinc. It is --ailse possible to plate these with sllver after the nicke! plating. The word "usury" always leaves an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and it used to be applied generaliy to all lending of money at interest. Under the laws of ancient Greeks and Romans, borrowers became vir-- tually the slaves of lenders, and, as a result, any form of interest charg-- ing came to be regarded as awcrime John Smith Named New To Nickel Plate Zine ahs hi uie