The LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT is the largest Weekly newspaper in Lake County. It is recognied by advertisers who want to GET RE--! SULTS from their advertising, as be the best medium for reaching the people of ALL of Lake County. Up--to--date--news for $1.50 a year. i Y ou Get REAL NEWS In THE LIBERTYVILLE rorest in a tax INDEPENDENT For Only $1.50 A Year. | ~<hols it's mas Beech -- Nut SPECIAL S Friday and Saturday Beech-- Nut Prepared Spaghetti with Tomato 35c Beef, Lamb or Veal Stew, f 1--b. Can Beech--Nut Coffee and 14 Lb. can EXGG,TOC ...« . '...,...l..._.....,0amn 1 Large Size Beech--Nut Catsup, Beech--Nut Pork and Beans, TRIGGS & JOHNSON Two Billion. Daflar . _ Increase in Natio#tal Bank Deposits \-- Lest Year O matter what kind of:a repair job we are called N ton:o,we'l'nhthecuto:nethfe,d?bmpkhbntm Sometimes old tires are too far gone to stand another major operation, and oftentimes a seemingly wrecked tire can be profitably treated. «4 & mm&ébfitdmmflumfivfio@{ Remember, please, that Lees W full line of -- i rtaepeoraaie o t that & * broke uhiess we rpaired ail other kouds. nola uks -- During 4927 deposit liabilities of National Banks throughout the United States reached $22,860,-- 000,000, gaining two billion over 19261 Here is evidence of growth based on strength, protection and complete capacity to serve. [YVILLE, ILL. _ Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 You're the Judge and Jury COOPER BROS. A HOME--OWNED STORE. Telephones: 24 and 25 F O R (d.® & banquet given by the Alice Chapter 0. E. 8. in Chicago Wednsday night. She is a member of that Chapter. ' Merie's Exide bowling team will go Ik o mcwm-vmtaammg > in a bowling tournament of Exide 50,000.00 tery teams, at Bensinger's alleys. * « A bakery sale will be given by the Women's Guild of St. Lawrence's mammmm.m f iiuatzp.n..uwnrond'om e Cc u:r n.ndul:. Charles Jochheim are ' 4 paren a new daughter, boran NT is the 2s wihy Fepruary 11. -- The little Cl . O# *._ girl bas been given the name Mary Sat We _|Local and Miss Blanche Triggs, who has been confined to her home with pneumonia. is reported as much improved. Nick Keller and Mr. Jacobs, of Wau-- kegan, were here Wednesday evening, | mulmlil-! mmwm'm- ter McLaughiin were th Round Lake Tuesday evening. ol The Little Forte orchestra of Wau-- hcuwulgvoamhthl. E. church evening at 7:30. mpubucu;nvmd. i j y Miss Gladys Swan, who is a student at Béloit (Wis.) College, spent the week end here with her parents, Mr mdln._hfiu;lvu- # NOTICE--I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by anyone oth-- 'her than myself, after this date, Feb-- | ruary 23, 1928. E. G. FRY. 8 it ! --The Women's Guild of St. Law-- rence's church will mett at the home of Mrs. Harry Taylor, 124 Osborn Ar., ist. All mezbers are urged to attend, uoloctwnot-oq"uwnbonsdo at this time. F } There will be a church picnic dinner at the Methodist church Wednesday evening, Feb. 20. at 6:30. All mem-- bers and friends of the church are in-- vited.. There will be a brief program 'as a formal opening of the redecorat-- Word comes from Mundelein that the real estate busines is going good, and that many inquiries are being re-- ecelved daily for investments in land in that thriving village. . -- Dick Earl was in Aurora Monday night to attend--a convention and ban-- quet of Chevrolet dealers Matters of general interest to men engaged in the auto industry were discussed. meet with Mrs. Chas. Kaiser on East Items Of General Interest. To Local People | 'There is a movement on foot for, all the stores in the village that have been open evenings to close at 6 p. m., Mwmmw the grocery stores close at that except on Saturday nights, and it is proposed to extend the rule to other places of business '-- E. A° Appley, one of the few remain-- ludvnwnunmum was taken to the.. ry Memorial hospital Tuesday afternoon, and un derwent an operation for hernia that evening. Mr. Apoly is reported as do-- ing nicely, but he will be required to to remain in the hospital for a period of ten days. ; . 'The Libertyville Cordinals and the mnwmwuu_m tonight (Thursday) t is promis-- _ed snappy contests. The first starts at 7:45 and the second at 8:45. The local high school basket ball team will play the Leyden quintet at the L. T. H. 8. gymn Friday night. © avenue road. near the_river bridge, Monday night, and skidked down the 'high embankment. Tracks in the snow indicated the car--remained right side up and was driven back onto the pavement. berg made a business trip to Beloit, the P. T. A. will be held Friday after-- Wis.. Wednesday _ afternoon,. return-- noon. Feb. 24, at the north grage ing by way of Woodstock. They did sthool, commencing at 3 o'clock . At not state the nature of their business. this meeting Founders Day will be ob-- except that they were on the hunt for served with a special program, a birth-- two hoise thieves. | | day e::e:'::'eonw.u::tl!;cm A mony in w women partict-- Mrs. Henry Baker mw'.mm' James Suter will furnish the the Ladies' Bunce Club Monday e¥¢ musical part of the program. An offer-- ning. .~Prizes were awarded to Mr#.) ing will be taken for extension work. Laura Sturm, first; Mrs. Chas. Hal-- Rveryone interested is cordially in-- rington. second, and Mrs. Bock, third, yited to attend. rington. second, and Mrs. Bock, third, while Mrs. Caphries Brown received the consolation. -- Refreghments were through the guard rail on through the guard ralil On D6 FATLR »jjao was manter . C Verin i avenue road. near the_river bridge,. '":"mm,".m Tloe Phomes 'n"""n rwrer Fuain and sxidbed down.the first; Ted Griffs, second, and W. E. indica -t."-.h"lnthnou. Volkman, third. Women--Marths An-- fea the car" right 8108 jarson, first; Mrs. George Burridg®; up and was driven back onto th€ gecond, and Adsh Nicholas, third. In ®* nt 'bnnoothoprhuv'uttoluc.flw The regular services were held on Kkins, first; Mrs. . Bockelman, seo AopiWefratinty wait, Inomaces ooo Mre Wt Reekt ied * * Episcopal: church. o * during Lent there will be a service'_ The McDonald Jewelry and Gift Alice Burkiss, . employed utk'fnmsnop. 'The Bockeiman build-- Langworthy store, was injured W ing will be occupied by a new barber nesday evening, when she slipped and: shop, to be conducted by Fred Bocke}-- fell on the icy sidewalk. Dr. Taylof man, who for a number of years has was called and said the ligaments in peen employed in the Bradford shop. her ankle were torn. 'The young lady Fred was for many years in the same was removed to her home in LAk® pusiness with his father, in the build-- Joe (Bismarck) Manzak was in town Wednesday night, the first time for more than a week. "Biz" has been engaged in agricultural pursuits for the past month or so. spending his efforts on the Miller farm., northeast of town. He says one fine thing about Some one (name not learned) ran special visiting Shop will-- move March 1st from the The preacher for Bockeiman building, where it has been Ignatius' church, located the past two years (since W flmxuuuumvmo) to the Carison -- _ > _ ~\Building, now occupled by the Alkofer * attended »* V e --hs and working on a farm is that noble r& Through the efforts of Capt. Jotin U. Burt,. formerly in charge of 'the Machine Uun company of the Illinois N-nonu(:umbwnnmmfi':: Waukegan will soon be. the only city in the state of illinois outside 'of Chicago with three units,-- . . 'The "buil¥--eye driver," who char-- geos down the country roads with but one light burning on his car, and the one armed expert who handies a ma-- chine--with one nand and pets a girl with another, will 'be among the vic-- tims of Sherifft Lawrence Doolittle's motorcycle squad this spt Settlement of an automo acci-- dent case, that has been on the: circuit court trial nll:;r a year, was --completed® Saturday w Bushnell, who had sued Benjamin H. Orndoft, of --Lake Villa, for-- $10,000 gséttled 'for, $100. ---- Attorney _ Coral Heydecker had represented Bushnel! and Attorney J. A. Miller the defen-- The W. C. T. U. meoting will be held at mom«m'%un 21% Eim Court. on Tuesday, 28, at 2 o'clock. ~A short business meet-- ing precedes the program, which has Park avenues Friday evening. Mgy-- shal Limberry chased him as far as Half Day, «nd brought him back. He promised $oreturn Monday night, to nt::formdw He came on and arranged to pay for the broken light, the bill being $17.50. _ The Kaiser store room, occupied by John Cichy, the tailor is being'remod-- eled,; a modern front being installed, and 'the room divided into two shops. It is reported that one of them will be oceupied by Charley Jordan with a. new shoe store, while Mr. Cichy will continue hisg tailoring buisness in the other. B F. Clybourn, who had the front part of the store, has moved in to the basement. The second of the American Legion and Ladies'® Auxiliary card parties at the town hall Wednesday night drew ing occupled by the Langworthy gen-- eral merchandise store, The barbershops of Libertyville on Wednesday of this week were union-- ized. all the jburneymen barbers join-- ing the ranks of organized labor 'The matter was taken care of by B. --G. Hunter, secretary of Waukegan Local No. 716. The prices--for shaves will remain at 25 cents, but there will be an increase in the tax for hairouts. The present rate is 50 cents on week days and 65 cents Saturdays. ~Com-- mencing March 1ist, when the--union rules take effect, hair cuts will cost 60 cents on each day except Saturdays when 75 cents will be charged.. Mr. by W. 1Hooper, of Waukegan, who adsisted in the work of organization. Hunter "It is the disease of not listening that I am' troubled withal." . _ . It was thus that lhikupom'l' port-- u mt. m JIII "' x I his real trouble, when mm Chief Justice told him he' was deaf. 'The disease 6f not listening -- the habit of ignoring good advice: -- has & "Remember this," said Ben Franklin "they that will not be counseled can-- not be helped. If you do not listen to Reason, she will rap your knuckles." In spite of this good advice -- of Franklin's--in spite of getting --their knuckles rapped--in spite of costly experiences ---- stubborn, self--opiniat-- ed mortals will not !sten to réason-- will not heed the voice of:experience. To the most sensible and constructive The Disease of Not Listening> By R 0. K aA P i N o <Yan REALTOR and INSUROR mey * i eriimreige y mss T P s ness ._L?:_:.A proc + ? We sa . oo fp hue old( ue No n 2 00 00N RP. 2202 * "Cheer Up" Pleases -- ]Lo T. H. S. Loses= &\l' Large Audiences for |-- Twin Bill to Palatine :. : . t n es' * * * Hnilt(* > > % tR nmw"hb Sbw ] Tha laast' Muh sAhnal Insf +wn "The musical revue, "Cheer| Up," presented at the high school auditor-- um Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights of last week by the Bock Pro-- ducing Company of Chicago, sponsor: ed by the Libertyville Woman's Club, was one of the most successful affairs staged in Libertyville. :+ The cast was composed entirely of talent, and {rom comments heard each did his or her share to "Cheer Up" those fortunate to be present at cither performance. w54 It is impossible to give each taking part special mention. but Dick Lyons as general diasticutis performed nobly. As flappers of the 1892 vintage, Bill mn-hmmnmm were top notch. It remaned for Sayers to set the hearts throbbing with his portrayal -- of the 1928 speci-- men of a chicken. . A silver loving cup was awarded to Jay Cairns--and Bil Larsen, ang they earned it in more ways than one. --One professional tinge was given the show, when Miss Gertrude Fisher consented to help out and put on the act in which she has been appearing in the Orpheum vaudeville _ cirouit. Bert Curtis drove to Chicago Sunday in his new Hupmobile, and returning that night got as far' as ihv'm Farm, sent in the 8. O. 8. call to Libertyville Garage to send help to pull him out of the snow. The high wind had drifted the 'snow acros the road at that point, so that about 20 cars were unable to proceed further. morning it was reported that more than fifty cars were beigg held up by reason of a large truck getting cross-- ways on the pavement, having skidded through the snow drift. ; years regarded as Best, SaIcsi, SUETEEOUE sOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS n=* EVERYWHERE Fors advice they turn a deaf ear. In real-- estate and insurance mat-- ters the disease of not listening--the tendency to ignore the reasonable ad-- vice of the experienced--is risky and sometimes. disastrous. Should you have any or insurance matters about which you are doubtful or uncertain, why not talk them over with us? Perhaps our exverience will help to save you an-- noyance. time, money: 4 It costs nothing to find out how we are helping others get the right an-- 8o. when any mwatter in our line comes up, please femember 'that we are waiting to bhear from you. -- Why take this risk? CARA NOME FACE POWDER T7 Decker & Neville es ~A0 to their real estate and insur One of the several tints of Cara Nome Face Powder will blend with And the powder will stay on until you want Fragrant with the en-- trancing ;Cara Nome $2.00 PAAAE * . The local high -- school lost two nmmmwmuwmuum Saturday evening in the -- Arlington Heights gymnasium. 'The Libertyville boys were nublotoget;olng:'? the heavyweight fray in the first and their last minute scramble in the last sessiod was one point too short.. The sycore at the half was 9 to 2, in favor to score a basket, but counted: their two markers on free throws. The game ended with Palatine on the long end of a 21 'to 20 score. Litchfield and Bpeliman led in scoring for the losers, | with 6 and 4 points respectively.; Smith and Grandy to0k top honors for | Palatine, with 10 and 6 points, re--| ~ 'The lightweight game was easy for : Palatine. They jumped into the lead i at the start of the game and were| never headed. Following is the lineup : in the heavy game: Libertyville--20 B FT A PFTF | Speliman, rf .._._._..____2 0 0 1 0| Litchfield, If ......__._._._._.__.2} 2 3 2 0| Mess, Ig . Helgeson» rf Talk About a Home; --~'---- Here is a Home to Talk About A Z2flat, arranged into 5 rooms and bath each. Modern, except heat. Full cement basement, with soft water cistern builtin, 2car grarage; lots of. shade; place for garden. I offer this place for a short time only at $6,500, Will give terms to suit buyer ©--THINK OF IT! You can lHve in one flat and rext the otheéer. The rental receivy-- ed will help to pay off the balance. Can you beat it? . New 6room modern bungalow, close to transvortation; small down payment and easy terms. -- This is a chance for a man of small means & Matinee at 2:80 RIN TIN--TIN, in "A DOG OF TH "RECGIMENT" RICHARD BARTHELMESS, in Thursday, Friday, February 23 and 24 : .DOROTHY GULLIVER This Story is based on Rin Tin --_*_ Tin's own Also a special Ac Saturday, Feb. 25 Wilonday, iucsdGay, February 27 and 24 Sunday, Feb. 26 "Honeymgon Hate" is a romantic comedy, 'with a mad courtship and a suprise climax Scenio, "THE AR!(ANSAC Totals THE LION HUNT | FRED H. SMITH Realtor J Race Course Aesop Fable. Pathe Review Wednesday, Feb. 29 "LADIES MUST DRESS" The battle cry of women who "have nothing to ~wear," with & VIRGINIA VALLI Thursday, Friday, March 1 and 2 Coming-- with TOM GALLERY and 604 No. Milwaukee Avenue $29407, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS "HONEYMOON -- HATE" "THE NOOSE" with ALICE JOYCE and -- MONTAGU LOVE T HE A TR E HELENE COSTELLO, in FLORENCE VIDOR, in kenyUexy outhern y elodrama of CCC a% Also A Comedy xE O D se 72 s -- Suile L hean Joreeigits ies No uen od stt 2o i n te+ 4 s ons ht d snn uin * t i in s 32 ie 5 rAl g,w@x;"s-»»', s 0 ooA ormaae thald ~eroike o wl ooo . on uP aos. 9 araie'. »yan e L ce '. * > , The Rinky Dinks, in INNING WINNIE®" RICHARD OIX TRAVELER®" RRO in : "The '_ and LILLIAN THE INDEPENDENT----ONLY $1.50 THE LOWEST RATES CONSISTENT. WITH @000 Telephone No. 8 Or 628--M.--1 «= = FRANK H. EGER Our store is being remodel: and we are pretty well walled at the front, but the business being carried on, and we still ready and willing to set you in anything found in a fi class hardware and paint sto Business as Usu Phone 17 FIRST NATIONAL:B Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 _ LUBERTYVILLE, ILL. C loak | ~The Magic Carpet . PEOPLE tell us that baviit"a'm ing account in this bank. is like a money they save. -- Some pay insur-- ance and taxes. -- Others use it as a "nest egg". So you can see why they compare it with a magic carpet. -- It puuthc:flabovednmtofdn'wo'dd. HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE IN8URED iN stcd Touch' 91 endaring beauty desired touch of character to the homeoffered by _ 'Therefore, it is imperative that, you choose wisely the kind you need and seek the advice of the dedler .who is only intimately acquainted with with a particular type of architecture but who also knows just what goes into the materials used. s 4 Millwork is a specialty with us We know what is best suited for individual requirements and can fll any bill to the compleéte. satisfaction of the builder at prices which are always nominal. All of our millwork is made of the best lumber procurable, dry--kilned and built to give generations of service. Our line of modern built--in conveni« 508 No,. Mitwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVYILLE LUMBER CoO. m'""m_ economy of space and saving of steps and time. We have them for every room tems uy ~a w t E KA