| ; }m. s the Outlook, "he charges f ' ,mu'a-am_m.w J --W. F. FRANZEN, Jn |&xasss=as E' . * * 7 $ * _case over again. When a carpenter lSatur'd"ay, Macth 241| ..' --|_ Now It's Home f Building Time _ [ _ PARK PLAN DANCING . |||*5@ + e 1 flce lt ... || _ ___ Fhe ""Rights" you have rfeceived are _ [ : DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT t _: Valuable to You. # 1 _ Admission 25¢ l DO NOT DESTROY THEM ---- w --=-- --1 || _ .. die them For Sale or Subscription. & |_ We offer this Service for Your--Conven-- : slffe® ~_ ience and Protection. . + hw--nmut&mu% > C (Copyright: 1988) j --A. f€ ' ~€ T BJ = "A Good 2150 MAAAE . 1. o lags, _ ip K. J _ ® x * : # MEQ'# Ki . * K 4s M in TL 9 SE e mCs Seattle Night Hawks Telephone 50 PAST..performance has proven that we. cangive the%est in--the business, at moder-- ate figures. Come in and see us. LET US FURNISH THE MATERIALS I "os iMoverage Wl'l'HWH!CH'l'OBU!LDrr I | pept s _ zion muimmors SPRING means fine weather and a chance 'E tog;.t ;tartfid on g:t home,you~;xnve'i:x";, p mind. You'll get a big "kick" out of seeing [ |-- YOUR house rising bitby bit. 4 #€ ¥e 4+ ~Ce we--always be, shackled to the wiflmlhmfinincinnyi-d-m:dufi Lake County Nahonl&nk _ will again appear at the -- m C a' 7'? &';""""'I L C th I. "." Fhakk *~ . -- Capital and Surplus $180,000,00 || as the Man 32 If it were possible to get the ex-- of time and money lost through the 1| WELLs{ S Joseph Haas, 71, county recorder| "Il| im Cook county for years, who diéd 'l'n:g.f:vw_mdanm } March 14th, was considered a promit. | dents do W nent resident in the Fox Lake dis-- CAUSed. 'The practice . of $ trict. © He owned property there and | First 'mmzm Come «==»| was a member of the country club.!to the Parent meeting at Residents otfithat dhu"'ict sorrow in m:":"':r fi"'"fo ; March 30. the loss of their frien hear & O( sense '_'Auvmtwummmmumxmmm Aid 'Ball' on 1 & s t-- Saturday after | Treatment may be termed : noon, presided over by Justice of the |Second." This is an interesting sub-- \Peace. LyellH. Morris. J. T. Ayers | Jject and wil} be ' ) and dem-- vbdsumnnupnmmmmm formed and .A ing to Frank Calzavara. Theoutcome | equipped Aid team from the W 'of the case was that the attachment | North Shore Line. 'There will be S was dismissed and judgement rea-- | musi¢g, furnished by the high school *dered for the defendant. orchestra. !xmcmmmum mmwm <«Brewer of Libertyville,. were united | ation of Ciubs of the h 1 $ evening, 'Ceremony -- taking | Woednesday, March 28. a [ e e on ie fa ie | HOUSE MOVING ||10 ay the aistrict meeting. _ 3 RAISING || Tenth District, will presi will ha e . YEA respond to the gre of Mrs. Wm. To correct mistakes is important, but to.prevent them is a much great-- for it. When a lawyor makes a mis take. it is just what be wanted, be-- 'cause he has a chance to try the case over again.. When a carpenter makes a mistake, it is-- just what he sexpected. When a doctor makes a mistake he buties it. When a judge makes a mistake it becomes the law 'of the land. But when the editor \makes a mistake--good night!" _ -- sifrating! @3# day evening, the ceremony -- t «qzmmamanemannnnennanimnnavennneennennncnemaems | HOUSE RAISING Knight, Waukegan, charge of cruel-- ty; and Fred vs. Sadie Boehm, Wau-- kegan, desertion. _to Mr. and Mre. John Karch :."2".,..:4 ¥r. and Mrs. Keancth Mr..and lm....m' knm and family, of Waukegan, last Sunday. _ _The preacher at the midwoek ser vice Wednesday, March 28th, at 8t. Lawrence's Episcopal church is the Rev. Dr. C. H. Carleton, rector of 8t. Augustine's --church, Wilmette.. The hour is 8 a'clock. Divorces granted Thursday in cir-- cuit court: included :the -- following: William vs. Jennie Matthews, High-- 0 ~K4 ~~REALTOR and INSUROR To Holders of ; Helen vs. Harlan Bf R.~G. KEA P I N 0 Leaving to others ":nuf""i""'" should ml M ® 0. mt We can learn as much from our mistakes as from otrnean:.. Therefore, when an error occurs should make a note of it. Otherwise-- we may fall into the most--grievous llhtlhotnll---thtot-flnth' same mistai:e twite. ances instead of by facts; Laszsiness: Twentyfive per cent of all acct dents don't just happen--they -- are caused. 'The practice . of "Safety ;lr:th:wmm:m o.': Berrty, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Porteons, Mr. ond Mrs.C. L. Coonfer, Mr. and dn on i e e sn and Miss Miller, mmma umudlnmoulutm at Brookside Park March 10th, at 'Hchth.fm'u'n.m and Grace Whecier, Dr. & Mrs. Cas-- tats hing.: when he was given a ripes s lflnctwbvm;mw the costs of the case. * | Those who have visited in Los An-- geles, Ca know of the many [ s P fls #duw0 i2825 '-w Cafe Wednesday night, m " # Marshal Limberry was called and es corted Mr.:'Torbet to the village cal mmiaes memaderis en too o it -- more a year, hoids the position of teachor in; the &'Cmmmmm two or three years ago. Nx wgs we's Te e ho e oi t c P y 4 To Sofen n Ts Buffalo Grove Store, Fri.,. Mar. 80. Am ready to collect 1927 taxes for the Town of Vernon, and will be at the 'tmt:.' oot!n'duu atren. dering t mornine entys * 14 2t : Deputy County Collector, I will be at the State bank of Mun-- Geléin March 24, $7, 29, 31, April 6 and 5, and at the Ivanhoe store on March 26, 28, 30, April 2 and 4 for the purpose of collecting taxes for . Rev. Brown's father. mother and nephew accompanied him from Chi-- cago-- last Sunday and . enjoyed the day visiting --St.. Mary: of the. Lake scenery. attended church ser-- mn_q'-alh the evening. Rev. Mr. Brown preach his farewel} ser-- mon Sunday evening,. March--25, at 7:380. ----Every seat in the church 11ie0.. _ Every seat in the church should be occupled at this serviee have you c about the that you We are You are jus for & chan ter the dufl 0 0000 00 0 0 0o 0o 0o 0o 0 $ 'l' and Mrs. <John B¥ Rarraott anas * Objects of Girl Scouts The Girl Scouts, a national associa tion, is non--sectarian and non--partd san.~ The objéct of the organizatior is to give girls, through natural, whole some pleasures, those habits of min: and body which will make them useful responsible women, ready and willin; to take a . definite part in the homie W Bank,' Wed., April 4th. .. 40 .plans: are to complete . of the county and tourists E A P & ag 20 mm the :mornaing" at cly; lt- is boli'o"nd to bo tul?.y located considering the communities 'a:z'&umum-mnh . that Frank T. Sheets, dis-- trict engineer located at EKigin, will Bote o : 1 u0 . IA8L-- DUDIC -- nearing on the $100,000,000 'road bond routes: for Lake county 'has been set by the TAX COLLRCTORS NOTICB to be Held. ie o C oF 's4t" 3 || ) is the same. But the as-- RAOArl -- sortments vary. You are ,}Zé S ---- eure to find your favorite +DA¥ 1| M +Maybe it's "BY STX bank of M o rinen aJ > MB -- _: :o C TT T oo--w--canes s fersiegaaas R 10 hg taxes for || Y¥es, Old Man--Opportunity is call-- . .. T 21 Ts * o Inz--on von in narann -- TWIT T. VATT M : a --« * c omm er This is a chance for a man of small mesiis to get a hoile. ¥es, Old Man --Opportunity is call-- ing on you in person. -- WILL YOU HEED HIS CAMA,! : Thisoffer is worth your serious consideration. . A Zfiat, arranged into 5 rooms and bath each.. Modern, except heat. Full cement basement with soft water cistern buillt in, Z--car in ie 1 porier this mave Tor C loncnmmhrt give terms to suit buyer. OF IT! -- You can live in one received will help to pay off the balance. © Can you beat it? This price was for a short time only... YOU HAYE ONE WEEK home. WHL IT BE YOUT-- ! 'with LOUISE FAZENDA, ANN " ~RORK and DOUGLAS FAIR-- :> BANKS, Jr. * Now you can enjoy a whole eve-- ning of fun with the world's--great est Fumorist--the Jariat throwing the man who 'gets more publicity than the President. and Wednesday, -- March 26, 27 and 28 "A TEXAS STEER" Liloyd -- Hughes <and in a picture Screeniand Land Magazine calls Mary -- Astor "the Most Beautiful Picture Girl." Here she is with COMEDY and LLOYD HUGHES in Warner Fabian's Story of Fiappor Wives--and= Dapper Daddies. Sunday, March 25 | FRED H. SMITH Z is Saturday, March 24 604 No, Milwaukee Avenue IBERTYYILLE:; ILLINOIS A typical Zane Grey Western® Also Our Gang Comedy, -- "HEEBEE JEEBIES" o td MATINEE AT 2:30 Zane Grey's "OPEN RANGE" Sweet Pickin's »nx.uooua}mémfi --There is a world of difference in :',me" a whoih toa Mm Yo-reumenulyn C wl sB wtart d s pe tjerpes. +3 i4 ib that nationally known brands of hinges, mmm_..'?.: I-- --. lotks, screens--oven nails, so'd at Frank T HE A TR E. LIBEARTYYILLE, JLLINOIS Telephone 94 NEWS ATTORNEYV--ATLAW LVUCE BUILDING Res. Phone 97 Office Phone 18 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!S YHE LOWEST RATES CONSISTENT wiTH AOOD immsuranos 'Telophone No. 8 Or CZB--M.1 Lake County Insurance Agency ---- First National Bank Phone 17 A checking account at the First National adds prestige to your financial transactions. _ At'is just like a magic purse--making cash avail-- -adhvenotfimebgobojourb-nkfae-b--tbnil Ee wbe:youmldappmd.uadueckingmnnt. *--. wl Jt is just like a magic HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBHLE INSURED im THE s, will give you" ~ 808 No. Milwaukes Avenue > LUBERTYVILLE, L o. .0 C Welevvrice, i. Office in First National Bank Bidg. Hours: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. DR. J. L. TAYLOR e