e _ _'Thorson and pupils. * ,'n-uh Brook ae"a---n: home _---- Ridge School--The dwellings of -- ed by Miss Nancy G. Wright and pu-- _ "Lake Zurich School--An 'Amuse-- _ ment park. Prepared by Mrs. Almira Hey Mrs, Ada Jensen and pu-- ~Prep by Mrs. Beatrice Courson Meyer and pupils. -- | ye nres in dress represanting different nat ities and races. ~Prepared by 'I.m Miss Alice War-- -- Beconds. _ School: : Ro Lake--A farm home. Pre-- pared by Mr. Ellis Slickenmeyor and _ _Bean Hill School--Gitchee Gurnee Es L .' _ Bennett School--Selected work. Prepared by Miss Mildred Umbden-- ,»_.__w Grove School. A picture ma-- hine.~© Prepared by Mr. Ralph Cla-- ed by Mr. James Diron and pupils. Wadsworth School--A may of Chi-- cago with typical buildings and in-- en the sweepstakes award. Preopar-- ed by J. L.--Miller and pupiles.-- the projects very carefully. These are the awards as placed. Dweller Village. This was also givr-- sidering the awards. The task was an arduous one and a good deal of eareful scoring. It was their opinion that many of the exhibits deserved a place but as there was a lHmit placed on the number to receive rib judges spent all the morning and a good part of the afterbnoon in com Mr. W. A. Thomas, Highwood, Mrs. Lelia Vaulkner, North Chicago, and The salute to the Flag dramatical-- Iy staged by several pupils of the Winthrop Harbor School. The clear mam'mmm» companying bugle calls made this one of ~the effective and pleasing numbers on the program. Miss Lavu-- ra Hahn had drilled the young peo-- three songs. The young people did Miss Christine Lively with a group oft girls from the Gurnee School sang der the diréction of W. C. Petty and Miss Dorothy Patterson sang a group of songs,. The young gentlemen were snappily dressed for the occa-- sion and pleased the audience as was evidenced by the applause they re-- sang. Miss Bess Underhill, the Amuoum-mfi Bchool gave a drill which was done. Mrs. Esther Gould, the teach-- er had. cHarge. A pantomine depicting the early slave trade in Illinois was given by a group from Bonnie Brook School. The reading of the description was given by one of the pupils and. was founded on Wistorical information gathered from the history of the state. -- Mrs. Mabel Schoonke and Migs Matilda Ottman wer the teach-- joyed by the andience. Gavin Sehool under the direction ot Mr. J. L. --Miller and Miss Lillian u&mqm,mm some ring acts. A band with home made -- instraments _ delightad~ the mmhn,flhthnfla of the troupe of" animails. Kight little girls from the Gage Lake School--garo a folk dance and Zangle staged a clircus parade and | favor some ring acts. A band with home. favor young pepple no. than antics | crease otuwmd'ndm tive F EKight little girls from the GaZe | the pro Lake School--gare a folk dance and |ors th sang. Miss Bess Underhil, the / tem i and teachers ~attended the School |tites act. limiting the expenditures Fair at Libertyville High School last , of candidates for office. He believes Saturday. mmmm!hmmmnmm.m on Friday Afternoon-- and Igutho the people the right to vote on all inspection 'by the visitors.. Every 'administrative and executive, should one wus pleased hy the excellence of _ be appointed. . If this were done, it these displays and surprised by the ; would take many offices the priginality that was shown by the ' ballot. and. shorten it, so -- the mmmflhmmmalmfimm with the school's project. . mmmmm.;uym T?nhounmmn,h m He is in favor of the re ing over the exhibits. -- At 11 0' of the State per-- w these and the | at a time, also in of a re= the : were much on-- / vision of the tar--laws to meet the joyed by the conditions of our modern life. Gavin Sehool under the direction | <-- Mr. Lyons, in his talk, came out of Mr..J. L. Milier and Miss Lillian | squarely ftor prohibition. He is in z.,:& staged a clreus parade and | ravor of the prohibition law, and in some ring acts. A band with homeg.) favor of enforcing it as it now VOLUME XXXVI--NUMBER--13. The judges of the exhibits were A group of boys from the 0 PRESENT AT. POPILS® YEARLY SCHOOL EXHIBIT and home. P:'mbylmmn Cedar Lake School. ~Display .of M es araant t -- t pared by Miss Bess Underhill and E. D. for police magistrate. lnmnmb.hmem whether all named would consent 'bmmmm"';w This morning a petition culated by those friendly to the pres-- ent village ~administration, which was made up as follows: For trus tees: R. W. Bulkley, E. F.Swan and John 'Dolienmaier. For clerk, O. J. Boehm. For poli¢e magistrate, Fred H.--Smith. Bulkley and Swan are at present members of the board, hay-- ing served in that capacity for the past two terms. ~Mr. Boehm is the present clerk, and his friends and those not so friendly, agree that he has made the--most efficient officer "au regtiont momt Do mes 4 Al must be filed with thodmwmnmloflu. and W April 4th is the last day for withdrawing. There is a lot of speculation--as to the final out-- come, as some of those named have stated positively that they would not serve if elected. 4 sition in this Senatorial (Gistrict, which should be maintained.| In closing this taik,' Mr. Lyons far as possible for. cities government in matters > 'affect local conditions, but in all requiring uniformity of law through-- ; out the state, the legislature should i"'l;!m : is familia kno':. |-- "Dck," as he amiliarly 'CW"WQW-. Aqmumsn'wm_': had given deep thoight to state mat-- ters. He showed an ability of analy-- sis which will stand him in good !s_teadoathe floor of the House, in and that will come before the nett leg-- islature is reapportionment. Mr. Lwnsuvorsmpmm with such provision as will not Chi-- ono;to"?ntrolgofltmhd;m as he eves best interests® «mamn-,nm:-md: rest with the people ' of Cht cago. In any 3 . Ly-- ons will insist on keeping coun-- ty out of any Chicago or coun ty district. He says Leake county now stands. He mwi'luhvolEu!l- ttvorn':dmt'ht favors for > : s laws mmmu&m;mum. ors the extension of the merit sys-- tem in Civil Service, and favors a law making women eligible for jury service, * 3 _~QOne of the most inyportant siatters Dick Lyons Talks at Kiwanis Club Meeting ob thigrtle viunt in coiniiie hn '-, ~Vx!\~a'v'a\b'~' i« ced .i&\, * PeC E+99 nding influence, and 10-- k,' Mr. Lyons | club. ~ In fact, it 'home rule as )j The decision to. Hlinois cities |E2nize was reach o whiey stieet |score of men mats s 'm an, in all matters htiom.dg: f law through-- |ed to the call for Scouts, Boys' Club and Live Wire Girls' Club of Ivanhoe, A fter a very tender, manly message on "The In-- vestment of Life", many young peo-- ple in a most impressive consecra-- tion service made decisions to begin the Christilan life. 7 the doors with Mundelein officials and Fremont township officers and school board members, teachers, fire men and business people. What Mr. Spdoner; <~called "the "None Such" male quartet--Lyons, Miller, Bpoon-- er and Jevyne--sang songs im-- impromptu, which --won a hearty band from the audience. : s In a clean--cut, convincing address Mr. Spooner showed that while edu-- cation, law and law enforcement and community planning were important, the thing most needed was witizens made effective in character and ser-- rfleobyrdim i Friday a, truck, furnisHed --by-- the i'rrinlAncouuny, earried a load of young --people ~to Ivanhoe tromfl:moldn. M&w with young people of Ivanhoe, made up about onebaif the audi-- ad the Sunday Schools and Dramatic Clubs of both towns; the 8. 0. 8. Club, the Boy Sconts, the ers of Mundelein: -- and the Boy Reqoeke t w NS The Community Night services at First Church packed the church to _ The Spooner Lenten services last week had--many unique features that i venboe Wednesday, Family Rignt. drew a large audienc~. Fourteen families were present, with all resi-- dent memibers in attendance, and three families had three generations represented.. Mr, mforrtlf"k.h: very appealing message e of parenthood--that springs from de-- votion to the Christian ideails. retary--treasuret?. © Mr. Babcock, : Wmmmm; in the Mfe of the footlights respond. ed o the aall for suen a mm eucday. it was agreed that there is a place for such an organizatfon in this com in i ened ons m mefoen noun Oof or m of 6. oh....a.:': promoting . amateur theatricals :'"m study of stagecraft fiar uenatont choule new thank 1c unnamed--would ; :'&fl"!hl&.ht_m_uhu Dramatic Club for cliud. In fact, it 'lm' r 05--0: The decision to. go lm and or-- score of men and women interested volving each other in the holdup. lice within a few minutes after he m"!l:)lli;tho'fld;Apmw sped through Zion it wase pursued and overtaken, "iney asked that they be © sen-- tenced _right . away© so that they could start serving their sentence," 'nln'-u-nnowufium hold--up. in which they got $5§0, they geny were made against the three Mmmwmum. Mhm-wmmnu- cept the theft of three care in Ohio. Possibility of the government charg "'Mfifimjflmm one state to another, might -- be brought, Brune admitted. -- '_?iW?NDm--na:lha were in a Justice day. ; admitted . holding up the Fossland filling <station 'at Winthrop Harbor Friday night, were held to the grand gullty, according to Chief of Police Conrad A. Brune. o FINE RERSULTS IN IVANHOE Ask to be 'Allowed to --Plead Guilty--and Start Serving Libertyville is to have a dramatic 1y n _ Donds of $6,000 . each 4 1I " u. ". 25 ut , and --Bruce Tague, 24, all m'i The three St. Lumber Company, carried a t young people ~to Ivanhoe :Mldn. They, --together young people of Ivanhoe, up about one baif the aundi-- hat filled the church.. They d the Sunday Schools and tie i# of both towns; the 3. . the Boy Sconts, the HELD TO GRAND JURY BY COURT t ie Sy 3. ul nvi e ait ol en ies pin. e y o s es '"fg'r!?';a'y .. > .o *§' '{ffin.fi.' ""3;"';.:" Sn '%': e ""lg R ;x'-w- mGF ui e ({&'.fi% y ols »'-»'-';,A,;;&._ P fTeRAT s l o n dnb Mhek e e tan hok o m ho e se o e w o. 5o ns on ce ie t inich mt dn M reo h ied s wl rlelk s Ahe esd o To y ! * c n Aaet s C w o To BM ie s aelr Pn d 12 )n m qltan tBd care it vosith o+ e amgne n snn C e s onl uo n t o eenaie » y e ied me n enc ueh o gicf s ols i -- PCM Lom . o 20 ue Nes Cl ud ue "a ced n ty ie y shane, o eaoeys e o hoi e io on on c ch. * 4oh t w hi 'Vé!}: aw y3 TAuE w?@'é fE w9 feuhitt 12 4o $ vis EJ A i 2 eon e aaroa n on $ T se m L xj\hfl c y s " n o t y o es s sies apoaies * 0_ . tds s' Taal on 9 e P lC e . y ev s c e \JT f County's<Big Weekly I ui 4 o o hs " P e MR LNE k / * 9 ee1 ' Entered at the Postaffice--at Libertyvilie, lllinois, as Second Class Matter. . .. men who it ~ PLYMOUTH LARCER P% (Ivanhoe Church and First Church, s «Mundelein) Ks C. --Arthur Jeyne, Minister -- John Wermescher, Social Director. ~Bunday ESchool: --First church at 10 a. m.; Ivanhoe ttlula. m« Paim Sunday, Aoril 1: Services with appropriate music by ehduf' 7 'SOteon subject: "The lutoryiOt EKvening services at 7:30. Junior choir anthem:;~other parts of service by Junior 8. K. m&m 11 good home: "Being Generous." Holy week April 1 to 8,; . Special --services at First church on Wednesday, April 4, at 8 p. m. a mon--subject, "Love Unto the Utter Thursday, April 5, at 8 p. m., com-- "Friendship at It# Best" ----~ | _ The Ladies' Aid Rociety meets dv.lth lrl.u:'ohl H. Rouse for ll'l,fi y meeting on Friday, | th, hchhdyhtobflu't'mtofitho picnic luncheon. Mrs, Dawson will be assistant hostess. afs--@! entire community has been deeply impressed. + > Both Mr. Spooner and Mr. Jevnae wish to express to the edi of both local papers their st ap preciation for--their generous p-- eration in giving publicity to the es have been greatly blessed by the services and presented Mr. with a fine token of their ts in the form of & substantial fund of 'Pz?d'"mftotfiomm m & resu &8, there will 'be accéessions to the member-- ship of each church. The churches have been greatly inspired and the Haster Sunday, April 8. Mc bevice: <Ivanhoe ~at 10; -- Good Friday, Aprii--6, at 8 p. m., Baker. Mrs. Rudoliph and Miss Car-- oline Baker preceded their mother in death. ~Theré are 31 1 *wmmfi, broth-- ;mu'o'mm::dmm of Biscay, Minn.;. FPahiman, and Herman Pahiman, of Palatine; fJohhhm.dlmmw:,tut Pahiman, of Barrington, Mrs. Emma Kleinschmidt, of Palatine. Mrs: Baker resided in coun-- ty from the time of birth to year 1900, or 54 years. : The last $8 years she had resided--at Palatine, on Ch# cago Ave. Mrs, Baker has lived with her daughter, Mrs. Lydia Born, since 1911, and was one of the most lov-- Her parents were laid to rest on the old Pahiman farm. -- She seemed to be in her usual health up to March 12th, and passed away March 22nd.-- at 6:25 p. m.. She was--laid to rest. h at --11:15, -- Sermon . Living Christ and Our Sepatet -- 3e e i w i'.r'%f:"'fi 7 FOR SALED--Good two--bottom tract: ioh hn t oo phone s wL . _ _ _"_* "-- 128 burning} cigecity 500 ohfons. Tcle phone 295.J. ¢ * 18 2t FOR, amfl-*fl,ownom Tuj * can be seen any timewat 41 FOR SALE--Horses, large or small; | concrete street in Mundelein; mod _ your choice. -- Also a dog, police lem plumbing fixtutes and hot water and coillie, ~Leo Elfering. -- Telit heat.> $50 a month,. Inspection by ne:--607--J--1. 13 2t appointment. Arthur H. Jones, Lib m e 4 ertyville, 761 or Mundelein 239J. Lr€ police dog, one « year jold; well traingd, with new W C dog.: 'Lake Villa 36, or Vern | WANTED -- House cleaning: 500 Nickson, Allendale Farm. 13 It| ber-- hour _ "ITolathanan _T tharte E F CS TCOW Angp eP PEmS NWV EVenny a S EV . An, OZRRes WRR guniy Tuesday and 'Wodne-d-y.' . St. Phone 388W. 11 4 f 8. 'Custom hatching, $4.00 FOR RENT--Store and two flats in per tray. (Pest Poultry Litter, $3.50|-- Libertyville; excellent location and per Cod Liver oil, fl.oowp},mmm;up,:emtedtom Jon. or phone 2%°M, Lake Vil: |kind of business.-- For information, la.--Chesney Farms, Lake Villa, I!1 apoly at Independent office. $ if about the head and face. He re-- ived aid from Dr. Karl Beck at Y Lake County General hospital INJURED, AS CARS ~ COLLIDE SUNDAY e ol t en ns n en en ~aay To c riallte + %'l;w;eomplm new Col-- F4 ed -- brooders: cosl afl. dellvered;. also : A1 | hy hay. ~Bergeron Stock ; miles west of Libertyvilie. / "'e., , THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1928. _ ILLED, SX -- Do# Ordinance to be arn 1¢~ minms. | Enforced After May 1 teBicce 15 mood [db in' . in -,«-,MA 18 1t 9 t | _cago manufacturer has fine high g:" player v!a:' v'h'ich responsi-- ie party can j .completing small monthly g ents still due:on the account. of rolls in-- cluded."For parti address P.0. Box 173, Chicago, 12 3t ~-- work--done at reasonable prices; WA AEI/--JIAKO ~county --now . open for steady hustler to sell Ward's Reliable. Remedies and -- other pro= ducts.-- Experience not necessary. Offers big earnings on small capi-- tal. _ Particulars given on request. Dr. Ward's ledfil Discovery> Com-- pany, Winona, nn.~: ~Established 1856. -- { ; 18 4t-- FOR RENT--New T--roo0m home on WANTED--Lake be a busy man. The dead line is May 1st. With mad dog scares in Barrington, Highland Park, Wauke gan and other parts of Lake county, folks will be pleased to know that our dog ordinance is to be enforced. Telephone $88W. "The village «council© met in' ad-- Journed nmoth'l'neuay":gn,flg mmhdfi%mm &FM'Mfluchunu.mmnhag necessary preliminary wo ( not been--completed, the meeting was adjourned -- until tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. «» : -- At the meeting of the board of e Miscellaneous ».' T'l'r _ 49 8t 11 4t pyside 6190. -- Ccash prices for dead animals. Tel-- ephone Merrick's, Dundee $10J1. Te "ree the »harges. Frompt--n0gr. Tifet Nationar Suel o hok Saiet | apeane siderable amount of special tunds to : loan on' improved farm--or» city property. We. invite your inquiry. L1 C100 3 C . o) -- GEGCRIELCIPL . Oteles . AOAEIG , . ::s:: of d!vexz:n Must be n': * appreciated. ~Will arrange delivery. 832 Leland Avenu, near MONEY TO LOAN--MWe have a con-- ing rm. set;. 2 O9x12% Wilton rugs; 4 po. waluut bedroom set. complete At the same time Tiffany started looking for his man. He found him sleeping comfortably in a mud hole a mile or so out of the village. Police Magistrate Overholzer took care of the rest of the proceeding by hand-- ing out a $100 fine. i The--result was a badly damaged car and a generous flow of water. Some quick thinking citizen im-- mediately recognized the danger of the big water tank being emptied so steps were taken to repair the dam-- l Pmd --.v-- TS CCCC _ VOe Wb If there had been one there might :l:;:u.aotm'mh"thm mt' water parts for .Ca-l H&d,dlmhoe.m to Chief Clayton Tiffany, took a few too many drinks and ended his eve-- ning by crashing into a fire hv-- BROKEN RAIL IM-- ON CRACK FLYER Rail Torn Loose by Passing of Train; Discovered in Nick 1 Charley Dyer Says ® aae L1; CREDTT 1O THE MAH \ad KEEPS HMIS MOUTH :a?rmm AROUND HiM 16 BUSY MALKING AML MUSICeHE surce gnes W&mmm DIGAGREEAGLE REMARKS . WITH "I ALWAYS SGAY YMAT § "THINIK t 9# ~ a aoat al of Time. I6 steps have been taken. Lega!l Progress Made ; "Court proceedings are now. in widening wtord -- av. Thirty--ninth --st. mmm st.tol&tootndfiormfl. avenue between Forty--third and Sev-- let contracts for the substructure of P a ©$2,000,000 bridge over the " s age canal at Crawford av. in Evan-- 3 ston provision has been made for _ $ or's highway from Kankakee at Mat-- m IlL., near m_;tm County N&fiwutltvmm'lm ed Crawtord ay. through Markham. The NHighway will be 100 foet wide, with 52 feet as the minimum width of concrete pavement. It will be 41 miles long. M The road, which fits in snugly with Governor Small's master romd--build-- it Pine was ce it @ ing from the Will--Cook county line &mncamumnnuwb consin state were completed Suhday, 'Martin K. Northam, presi-- Mfi,t_loAWAyo--.h- R 100 Feet Wide and oé%avimyfi.:mm of $90,000 personal property given to wife, Helen Cowles Fitch. Proof rop Harbor. Will admitted to pro-- bate. : Estate of $1200 personal and $5000 real estate life use given to tor. Entate consists only of claim or right of action against Jack Rey-- Letters of Administration de bounis non with Will annexed issued to Francis J. Shea. Bond of $8,000, Ida C. Switzer, insans, Lake For-- eést. Final report of GHles--S. Farm-- er, Conservator approved. Eva Isatelo, minor, North Chica go. Letters of Guardianship issued to Cecil Hale. Bond of $1,000. _ cated value of estate $8,000 person-- al and $2,000 real. Minnie Brandt, Zion. Petition for sale of real estate filed, -- Letters of Administration issued to Mortimer Kapple, Wl!hfl:.'z tlot mocopey, Noi an outate reaand it was shown mm-au. c ornnes called wore us dofionces o Cases called were as *4 Plans for a super--highway, extend-- HIGHWAY PLANS -- _ Elizabeth Good, Lake Bluff. Pett-- im for probate of will Tiled and C J e ®a e * S p "C3. Falh 3 44 *4