| Now It's Home l f "fl Ihg. cm Tlme. * Hew | ho ® £ Telephone 50 PAST performance has proven that: we [ cangive the best in the business, at moder-- ate figures. Comaiin and see us. § mind, You'll get a big "kick" out of seeing YOUR house rising bit by'bit. -- . LET US FURNISH THE MATERIALS SPRING means fine weather and a chance [' #¥ &¥ interest is the announce-- togf;tar}:fid on gxatixthé you have in :%'Ww; ebter 'of mind, You'll get a big "kick'" out ing F n« includeds in the "high C DL | OU | get a big " kick ' out of SCEING [ geats inctuded n the "nigh stand We wish to thank you for your pat-- . ronage in the past and hope for a contin-- [ uance of the same in any new business we [ mayenter.~ . _ _© S f ~ A k. c s You are hereby notified that we have [ |meu sold our Milk Route to Rouse Brothers,-- [ | ' who. will continue our deliveries after [ April 1, 1928, and will render the same _[ || _ ~ efficient service that we have endeay--, [ of ored to give. We trust that you will con--_ I tinue your patronage with them. TPJ_ TO OUR PATrRoNs | THE INDEPENDENT--$1.50 A Year W. --F. FRANZEN, Jr.-- We invite you to open an acc Come in--Let's talk it over. temptation to buy things you really do not need. ~ -- . ; f" < "A * m 3 ' n a 5 ).;T. '1:: 4* n'L V',t':"' e t _ Yours gincerely, [ B #T t #* ) OME --! ~ HOME it thosée who have maintained an aver age of ~"B" or better in all their studies for the term.-- She is a mem-- ber of the sentor class, and prepared fo reollege At Libertyville township compositor, a mistake occurred in a *2:30.. 'The. assisting hostesses are ~Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs. L. H. Akers and ;M:g:-kmr. 35.&% °ia£"zo. 3. :an opera tis went_an operation for appendicitis ness produced merely amusement, but jn many cases, carélessness, or negliest; in little things, often brings i\ Tlle Ladies Aid\ of" the M. E. i%"'"'""'"" Mrs. A. W. Tuesday afternoon April 3. at what annoyed the local medical fra-- It cwas just a 'little mistake-- merely the printing of the letter "r" error made a BIG difference in the thought conveyed. i ~In announcing --the illness of a prominent citizen, -- this >statement was made: "The doctor felt the pa-- tient's purse and deciared there was results as--disastrous as the results were turned over to Miles T. Lamey, of Barrington, by County Treasurer Bunday evening at 7:30, there will be a special candle light service Arthur H. Jones, realtor, reports leasingto James G. Yahnke of the n-nlfloormmum&rw flat building located on east 'Maple Ave., Mundelein,: Mr.©and ~Mrs. Yahnke plan to move the first of % Office to Do _ ' "The Cost of Carelessness the. semester of the acad-- "» Miss Hubbard is among se for conection."It is be-- it <the -- Avon township & also turned to E. Harris wuds.Ovuging me's bmgis f & f . Those : mean : little 'head-- usaly beought about through _ _ [ [J Lt ree an tw io on m x it wonhfleeo [} .;v_!mot:m.,tfu;oft'o tea: Tt establishes your credit, also. _ P "'""m"m m" coid PC REALTOR and INSUROR ¥el fls By L. G. EKE A P I N 0 4 & a rail --~ repairing an arle -- and a Carelessness in little things soon brings carelessness in big things. And. carelessness in business mat-- selves." Someone has said: "Watch the little things in your business and the big: ones won't need watching." This "Take care of the pennles and the [Tm,nnmcm. Gus Krumrey turned in a score :of 649, with--Fred. Wilkening trailing close nedy Bros. are mighty proud Of these seores, as both these men are in the money, bowling against: 125,000 of the best in the United States. 'Tom Buydam, Bill Johnson and O. H. Muhike complete the fiveman team taking part in the national tourna-- ment. They went to Kansas City last rightful owner. . 5 o.' A cigarette 'stub carelessly tossed g&rmuM'm. _ package fails to reach the aside and a building is licked up by the flames. f ; ifeld of thirty, when he tied for the fourth place, when he cleared the bar at 11 feet. «. Fifty4our entries <of. Libertyville bowlers have been made for the Chi-- cago Bvening Post's sweepstakes, to be rolled <the latter part of~ April. The big affair will be staged at th\ Bensinger alleys..Kennedy . Bros. are planning on running two special cars on the North Shore Line to ac commodate the bowlers and their Atthollvebctnfllobonmq Sunday, at St. Lawrence's 'church the beautiful new memorial will be blessed. The preacher at nrid--week service> on Wednesday. of he service is 8 o'clock. gion sweepstakes fill be bowled a wmmm:.u.& H 'flgwn udm.m enry, e , ties®and it uwmm than 400 will take part. m-tmq Wwill last for three days. & f a service of the cross and other s: bols, candle lights, ln:g'il musgic "The Seron Words." All friend §tsho church are invited. The tim O'd'& Mr..and Mrs. C.~L Coonfer an Mr..--and Mrs. Jay Frudy. returne Tuesday from California,; where the; have been sojourning for the pas few months. They were accomps nied by Mrs. May Wheeler--and Ken néeth Wheeler, who will visit her for some time. QQQMMIM\QW' Li w on Ne e al w uhy camminet ol io aue on sill uho ons Two of our bowlers About May 1st the American Le-- the Telephone x Bagl it * ev . g;-t 4 s of insurance as on a larger amount. YOUR FURNITURE AND HOUSE-- HOLD GOODS! We'll give you just as good service on a small amount building site.~ ~Price $2100; cash FOR BALE--Lot 50x141; south side, $9500. Only $1000 cask, balance like s "I ' I KWamedy Un Franw V _ *' ar. "i~'=""a£iclanl o riet Tulle; v' D M | Bobby had a new Indian suit an# Nevillie, Mrs. Ed Kennedy-- s. | was begging to go ask Tom to: come A. F. Fatrr were in Chicago Saturday | Dlay with him. But Bobby's father t"," nday. u:&ahanm- : It was too near bedtime. "I'li 10g PWO0! * 'Chicago Eve». Indian with »you, though," said »amm big:time was at |the father; "Aw,1 can't play Indian Samong ",m'ohm T':'i' with you.' ¥You have been sealped al-- ?mbwwm, With the pig | [P20X." replied disgusted Bobby., ts 2 ~||~-- New Groom modern bungalow, % A # JJ || close to tnup:l::uon: tnull Te o. es o : .. : m payment earey terms. ' ~ One Pound Container _ 1| This is a chance for a 'man of f \ h 3 '\IA romantic drama of a 4 k. | J plot with an erring husban *5 00 _A brought back to his wife. ' s € m' and News Solid pastels are ||Monday, Tuesd: © good, or very small |||April 2 and 3 Epsom' Salt i. -- . M' _ ||A drama with Greta Garbo at dipeire suecrms eration um:-:....*...mmw:.:':,.: "A Good Office to Do Business | l --with Lord Nelson. e with" Comedy, "DUMB DADDIES" J. B. Morse & Co. "Everything For Men" mamfl u"fiafimfiu Hl MAHONEY & HANSE 6. e o 42 ** I1 ~~~~.<Realtor -- _>*~~~ L. C, Christensen and S Sweaters ; crew and V.-- \en P&'&':fi""finday, Friday, |J| _ "THE DIVINE. asmall means to get a home. This offer is worth your serious consideration. ® s A Z2--flat, arranged into 5 rooms and bath each. Modern, except heat. Full cement basement with far };ti of shade; pil:'ee for garage; lots: ; 3: or. Son ums.our, s rewe. nk give terms to sult buyer. THINK OF IT!® You can live in one fiat and ~rent the other.© The rental received will help to pay off the balance." Can you beat it? R This price was for a short time only. YOU HAVE ONE WEEK MORE, after which. the price wiil be advanced. Someone will see the advantage of ownin home. v;al..n'B!YOUr Yes, Old Man Opportunity is call-- Ing on you in person. WILL YOU HEED HIS CALL? o Ndcg CM S [E --~One Mile Southwest of Kenosfi, on ;'?:'gf":"o'g.'?:fi;my ... J MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1928 with Larry: Kent !, Pathe Review and Eesop . Fable {_ A 'heart to heart romance with the screen's bird of paradise, & BILLIE DOVE Saturday, March 31 saved the life of the girl he loved eventhough she had given her heart to his best friend. Melodraim of the seif--sacrifice of a fireman who found M':Mn-l in the Pealization that had A romantic drama of a triangle plot with an erring husband being hwommubmom& -- _ THEATRE Fresh Churned Creamery Butter & Comedy and News MATINEE AT 2:30 "HOOK AND LADDER NO.:9" A Follies Girl"' "SERENADE" -- 1| -- ADOLPHE MENJOU "MICKEY'$ BATTLE" _ ® GRETA GARBO y, Tuesday, e e || ~FRANK H EGER | Am ready to collect 1927 taxes for the Town of Vernon, and will be at the following piaces, on the dates given, during the morning only: Buffalo Grove Store, Fri., Mar. 30. Aptakisic Store, Saturday. March Long Grove : Mon. April 2nd. Wumm'"'fi.c,mn«u Lake €Co. National Bank, Liberty-- vmo.'htuAy.Amu_l. Books returned April 7Tth. *'~---- KMKATUDE A. KNOLL, 12 2t Deputy County Collector. 5 B4+ --SALE TO BE HELD RAIN OR HOUSE ~RAISING WELLS | soreo" ZION INSTITUTIONS AND Mostly heavy young horses, a very chgice lot.-- Ten well matched teams, ggewdd | horses. Must be seen to be appreciated. A saddle horse; 2 spotted ponies. are well broke Iowa and Illinois horses, LARGE AUCT TYERNON TAX NOTICE INDUSTRIES -- -- BUILDING INDUSTRY «_ _HEAD OF *. '"H ORS ES ~~~ Hardware. Your carpenter can tell you that nationally known brands of hinges, locks, screens--even nails, so'd at Frank Eger's, will give you TiA HARDWARE First in Quest of_2"°Z~<.| _ Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 _ LIBERTYVILLE, cILL. -- HHON ILLINOTS reach his goal. Open a savings account in this bank today. "feeds" regularly, making it possible to The knight of old went forth in quest of the Holy Grail.. The knight of today '.'..dnyomgn-:..pgfar&"'ii" quest of home, travel, improvement and other things worth while. His trusty-- There is a world of difference in More Lasting Service 508 'No. Milwaukes Aveéhue Dr. B. T. Lynch, D. C. 406 North Milwaukee Ave. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS berculosis. Take Chiropractic ad-- Jistments, plus Uitra--Vioiet Light and u..hnflddyyu are re-- leived. Don't put it off too long. Telephonse--26 for Appointment 8o much um-umu- son of the year are dangerous. They are sapping your vitality, lowering your resistance and thus making it easy to develope Bron-- * ~3 WcX *T $3