__] ~All Our Straws Are Included In This Final --~ o Price Slashing Event s ' l Group No. 1 ?%;" m Alm C m w&n unless :iv \were hss , brought to a sudden trial. . MURDERED MAN | Te S eP en ae ~~ _ IS NFAR DEATH E8e mont are pound ow s me Sitinsisameys has been intimated that Col. A. V. _ 1~----=~--J. B. MORSE & CO. | Out They Go-- > 4 The Season Has Just Started------Get--+YOUR Straw Hat NOW! Fear that the 86 year old father of the murdered William Beck, Mil} enough to testify against the five men held on charges of having tak-- en the life of his son, has been ex-- pressed by the 75 year old mother, according to word received today. The agod father, who was sick in bed at the time that the Indian, Dom-- inick Bresette, led his colored raid-- eta --to the Beck home to pillage and fatal nigh reports, -c»numfi%cm will take his C --~ * While the mother, Mrs. Anna Beck, is in fair health, she has worrled constantly since the murder and is er against the slayers of her son. have it that she is very anx-- that they be given the supreme dition of the senilor Will Beck. She is aging>--rapidly since the death 'of her son and is said to have told rela-- Mother Fears Husband Will Not Live to Testify Against Borden's Eagle Brand Milk 18¢ Marshmallows Budweiser Mait and Hops 53¢ Budweiser Beverages 3 for 29¢ Gold Medal Cake Flour -- 25¢ Meats, Fruits and Vegetables Priced Right ROYAL BLUE STORE SPECIAL S Regular $2.50 Body Hats VERYSPECIAL']OO Priced to sell, only July 20 to 26 Inclusive BEST----,QUALITY------ALWAYS and is worrled over the con-- TRADE HERE AND SAVE #r. 20e H. A. ENGLEBRECHT, PLUS DEPOSIT FOR BOTTLES 14 1+ to act on the case and also on the ease of the alleged confession of John.Coleman of the killing of Tho-- mas Morrison back in 1915, As all Oof the men held in both~cases are said .to be anxious to confess and get it over with, it is believed that with indictments from a special grand jury, all of the cases would be tried by the eourt instead of go-- ing before a jury in the regular eriminal trial call, Charles Kreusler aged 24 years of Salem, Wis., was brought to Victory Memorial hospital Sunday night while suffering with severe burns about the arms and shoul-- ders sustained when a gasoline stove exploded in his home. Kreusler was engaged in light-- ing 'the stove when it exploded. He was hurried to Antioch where he was given attention by a physi-- clan and was then brought to the hospital in the Woetzel and Peter-- son ambulance. He is being treat-- ed at the hospital by Dr. Frederick Besley who reports that his condi-- tion is not serious. PURITAN BRAND 1 POUND Imported Yeddos. $ VALUES UP TO $4.00 "KVERAYTHING FOR MENM®* _ -- j> ) _« . Group No. 2 Values to $5.00. $1.85 Each or 3 for 19¢ the past forty years. one sister, Sadie Doolittle of Grays-- lake, and four brothers, Sidney and yearsa and a resident of Lake county for all of his life, passed away. at his home on Grand avenue in War ren township west of Waukegan, Wednesday, July 1l1th, after a long illness. 'The deceased who was prominent-- ly known in the county has been in poor health for ten years. He has been bedridden for the most of the time since January of this year, hay-- ing been able to be out only for sey-- eral weeks since that time. He was born in Monaville in Avon township on February 7, 1858 and was the son of the late William and Sarah Hook, old settlers of Avon and Warren township. He was married to EKlsie Esty on January 25, 1882 and had lived in his last home for Hook, he leares two sons, Rolland Hook, and Lorell ¥. Hook, and five grandchildren, Mrs. Sylvia Madsen, Teachera® meeting ~Tuesday-- eve ning, July 24, at 8 o'cleck. FAIRFTIRLD Arthur €. Streufert, Pastor Englizsh services at 9:30 a. m standard time. "'He was a. member of the Modern He was a member of the Woodmen of America, camp No. 40 -- Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. The services for Sunday, July 22: Holy Eucharist and sermon at 11. Rev. C. D. Weeden will officiate. -- ~Runeral :) Mrs. George Brainard| will present Warren cenflery 4* **|salient facts about the church's un-- usual history. Several members will > give three minute pictures of out SER opm standirig events in the church's life:; T d The choir led by Frank Doiph will LOCAL CHURCHES |sine some of ther old time tavorite T * g:pqnoehll;:mben.ndm 9T. JOSHPHS OAMA A message on "Ninety Years and Rev. M. J. Nealis, Pastor then What" will close the service. First Mass at 6:30 a. m.; > Second | It is expécted that a number of old Mass at 8 a. m.; Third Mass at 9 |time members and former pastors x m; Fourth Mase at 10 a. m. will be present. (Come and enjoy wnnenenmmeninememennnnnnmenmncnmimmmmmmmmes the service. ; . BT. LA WRENCE'S HPISCOPAL On Wednesday, at 19 a. m., day-- Rev. H. B. Gwyn, Pastor. light saving time, the Junior Sunday The services for Sunday, July 22: |Evening Club will hold a picnic at * W. H. Lehmann, Pastor There. will be no churth services nor Sunday Schbool Sunday, July 22. Spent All of His 70 Years of Life in Lake County; Born in Avon Twp. bix s1 0 ¢ * s o ssmc THE INDEPENDENT $4.50 AND $5.0% HATs 'L'!_'B-m'!_!-;';: u':'; While They Last, $9p4 NowPrieednonlyS" Aunditorium 'Theatre. Bunday School at 9:80 a. m. Church Services at 10:46 a. m. Bubject for the week, "Truth." Arthur €. Streufert, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Philip ",g" SBun-- English services at 9:30 a. m.|day evening and atended the ball andard time. game Monday at Cubs park. F o ol Fred Pepper enjoyed a vacation FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAD |last week. John E. Delong, Pastor Monday Mrs. Weaver and daugh The Church That OvercoMmes {ter and Mrs. Rose Goodluck were in Evil With Good Waukegan, and Miss Charlotte Wea-- "Jesus As a Moral Teacher" is the | yer returned with them, after a visit hirmninliin ons en in frmmaiiionant ie aridhaninrramreniiirani n en enc it d_a'oek with her aunt, lr{.m Group No. 3 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE « * M| Liberty Loan Bonds ||| 10 held on the evening of August 7th. A picnic supper will be served {for all members of the church Import-- ant business of the year will be transacted, and new officers will be elected. done in the other months of the year. the Epworth League is at 7:30. The young people will give their experi-- ences at the Geneva Institute. We would. be greatly pleased to see~" a large number of the older people at-- tend this service. Bunday --«=chool at 9:45 a. m. Our Fourth Quarterly Conference and Annual Church Meeting will be hoe at 11 a. m, standard time. MWorship service. First Church, 10 a. m., Daylight saving time. . An them . by--the Junior Choir. _ Sermon awubject, "Income And Outgo." Ivan-- hoe Church 10 a. m., standard time. The nintieth anniversary of the church will be celebrated at this 9 a. m. daylight saving time; ltvan service. Mrs. PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH (Ivanboe Church and First Church, Mundelein) C. Arthur 'Jerne, Minister Bunday School. First Church at gamx with her aunt, Mrs. Brown. ' Young and E. D. Branding and son, Harry, enjoyed an auto trip to Alabama last week. -- It is rumored that the Lakeside and Maple Leaf hotels have changed huinds during the past few days. --The Baptist Sunday school enjoy-- bd.mhm'nvoodlhl& Thursday. A picnic lunch and con-- tests and raoes were among the at-- _ Mrs. Albert Heybeck was a wisitor in Wheeling Thursday afternoon. Helen Gahagan has abandoned dra-- ma for grand opera. She has taken a cottage for the summef in High-- land Park so that she may attend the nightly performanc t the Ra-- '&mmwhl:fihln- doer a Chicago teacher of voice. + Gage's Lake, Fred Grimm and daughter, Mrs. Reese, left this week for a visit with relatives in Ohilo. Charles Rudinski is enjoying a va-- cation with the family, and-- epent several days in Wi#consin. _ '\ Miss Phylis Soderbersg is visiting the George Hans family in Barring-- 0 0o 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ton this week. «® 0 o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o DOOR NO--> DELIVERY OCHARGB A: W. MELLON, O:t'yryd'tfi'l&g&y. Waskington, July 5, 1928. GENERAL TINSURANCE, sURETY BONDS, SERVICE, 86E RENTING, -- _ , REAL EsSTATE, MORTGAGE LOoANS, s' [ --=nnlnnnnnnn__________ _ nniiokic. . '..%';-&'j a'?::' | " ' SUGAR CURED BACON 0",'{",?{'5 Lo , 28c TO HOLDERS OF on time, and our most MANAGEMENT, FOR SALE--Dump truck, four wheel drive, in first class condition; hard rubber tires. Phone Wankeun"'n:. t BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will take $550 for all or will separate. Beautiful furinture of 4--roo0m apart ment. $--pc¢. silk mohair parior suite, hand carved frame; -- 8#--pc. wailnut dining room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4pc. walnut bedroom set, eomplete with spring and matrtess; a library table; 5--pc. breakfast set; lamps; chest of silverware. Must be geen to be appreciated. Will arrange for delivery. 8382 Leland Ave., near Sher Security Title & Trust Company Business -- of the recorder's <office for the week ending July 14, 1928 : Number of conveyances filed, 279. ".Nnbor of chattel mortgages filed Number of truut deeds and mort-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o o CLASSIFIED ADS o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 o FOR SALE--Five Holstein. cows; 2 fresh dnd rest will freshen wihtin Corresponding period week ending July 16, 1927: Total amount of loans, $460.844. ges filed .75, Total number of instruments filed, Total amount of loans, $347,971.93. seaistint Gearelary ot LITTLE PIG HAMS Friday and Saturday, July 20, and 21 SUGAR CURED HAMS ;"HX, iss & HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS AT SHORT LEG OF 48¢ lIb. 34c lb. L ROAST 32¢ lb. -- BONELES8 $ LIBERTYVILLE'S LEADING QUALITY MARKET Nielsen Farm. FOR SALE--Choice residence lots, ~ 'Numbers 109, 133, 135 and 137, lo-- cated in Copeland Manor North. Write William Montgomery, 806 Rob-- erts SAtreet, S8t. Pau!, Minn 23 i epriners; large selection. Mile north of Round Lake. Gilskey Bros. 46tf ,_-m w"! -- ao !n' " m m m -- ness; also two cultivators.= $50. Telephone 623--J]--1. -- :" 209 3t FOR SALE--Holstein and Guernsey springers and Guerasey 'helfers. H. G. Hillman, Lake Zurich, IILIL. 2t FOR SALD~--Barn. Call the Meajow-- wood Farm. Telephone Lake For-- est 1740. 26 4t * T esF buimming in Lebertinite. well ness building in' § . well located and in first class condition. A real deal for quick action. Write 442 Care of Independent 19 t FOR SALE -- Registered Liewellin Better pups, six months old. Sire and dam both wonderful hunters. R. L Haeger, Algonquin, I!l. 26 4t FOR SALE--Pure bred Scotch Col lie pupples, 8 weeks old. Berger-- on Stock Farms, Lake St. Road, 2 FOR SALE--5 room bungalow, with summer kitchen; pantry, bath, a large attic, full basement; furnace heat, gas, water and electrieity; # car garage; all kinds of fruit; size of lot 60x250. Also have 1 15 acres of 'black soll suitable for truck gar-- dening. -- Just the place for someone who wishes to retire from farming and live in town and still have some-- thing to do. . All in the village of Round Lake. ~For particulars see Peter J. Petersen, w-wz.'u'l.t phone 678--J-- 606 MILWAUKEE AVE. e Semnt d Offers the following: for _-- LEG--LAMB LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS a reputation of dependability as to Highest Quality, Good Service and Fair Prices, * with absolute confidence at the Palace Cash Markets. Years of conscientious dealing with the public, have given "The Palace" Thousands of housewives shop Come to the PALACE Reputation BONELESS ROLLED FOR RENT--2 onecar garages At 116 E. Cook Ave. See John Cole, at harness «hop. . ~ 19 -v---wwr butfices_A Pihortrestrenim Siratcmesiti ".---_a wm-&mmwumlnm' station, 3 blocks to business district. |Close. . Nati Rent $50. Inquire of R. G. Kaping, {iGrand Ave., opposite electric station." Telephone |Phone 809. office 469; restience 260. . 209 t! | mm FOR RRNT--New store and fiat, on Gartield Avemue near North Shore track. . Reasonable rent. Will be ready August l1st. W. ¥. Gerber, Tel-- ephone 149M 27 3t J. E. LEONARD, Mor. Mundelein, III. Countryside Motors 1923 Ford Coupe ......._..._._..... 1926 Ford Sedan ............_.___. 1926 Chevrolet Coach ........... 1924 Buick Sedan ................... 1927 Chrysler 70 Brougham... 1928 Chrysler 62 Sedan ......... CASH--TRADE----TER: USED CAR BULLETIN Chrysler Dealers k BONELESS ROLLED PURE LARD R.ib Roast agll-;:p 38c lb. FRONT QUARTER 2 LB8 FOR MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con-- siderable amount of special funds to loan on improved farm or city property. We invite your inquiry. First National Bank, Libertyvilie, II1-- PRIME HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS 18c lb. AT Phone 103 .$ 65.00 .$ 265.00 .$ 265.00 .$ 285.00 .$ 950.00 :$1150.00